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The Blue & White Annual


1924 Hollidaysburg Blue and White Yearbook


Senior Class Annual of the

Hollidaysburg High School



A Project of Blair County PA USGenWeb Archives

Copyright April 2002.  Contributed by Judy Banja


Part 2 - Underclassmen







Juniors 1923-1924


Margaret Buoymaster Cloyd Bashaw
Jessie Claar Harold Bagshaw
Helen Carl Blanch Brua
Gladys Corbin Naomi Brua
William Davis Elmer Delozier
Janet Dibert Harry Dubbs
James Everhart Margaret Dively
Ethel Fleisher John Drass
Dorthy Hawn Jeanette Gable
Donald Heller Leroy Hartsock
Thelma Hyle Margaret Johnson
Ruth Kelley Ellsworth McGill
Lillian Lasser Agnes McCue
Sheldon Lear Eleanor McIntosh
Samuel Langham Gladys Martin
Margaret Leonard Henry Locker
Alvin McCall Mable Oakes
J. Reilley Malone Earl Oler
Frank Moore Donald Pringle
Effie Newman Emily Patton
Sherman Reffner Marie Piper
Wilhemina Relfsteck Ellwood Richardson
Maybell Saylor Blanche Rhodes
Helen Simms Marie Rodkey
Earl Slippy John Robeson
Alton Smith Mildred Sellers
Elizabeth Snyder Pearl Stine
Helen Spangler Edward Soyster
Tresa Stoner Russel Strayer
Melvin Suckling Rollin Shaw
Sara Webster Mary Sherlock
Grace Wolf George Treese
Edith Wertz Lee Van Scoyoc
Ethel Wertz Katherine Turnbaugh
Jean Walters Richard Walsh
Catherine Zaweija Howard White
Grace Allison


History of the Junior Class


The Fall of 1921 marked an important epoch in the History of the Hollidaysburg High School, because at that time the members of the Class of 1925, one hundred twelve strong, made their official bow as Freshmen.


With such a wealth of good material, it was not difficult to find an acceptable speaker for Senior Dismissal Day, John Robeson, who, by his oratory, brought the class prominently before the public eye.


The swift passage of time brought these youthful Freshmen to the glory of Sophomore Distinction. During this period the class became more socially inclined as two "Weiner Roasts" were planned and successfully carried out. As to the School activities, few football, few basketball, and few baseball games took place without a delegation of enthusiastic rooters. The speaker for this year was Janet M. Dibert.


Now that we have become Juniors, although but eighty in number, we have broadened and strengthened in class spirit to a marked degree. As a result of this spirit, many activities are being planned which are efficiently carried on by our class chairman, Harry Dubbs, and Secretary-Treasurer, Ethel Fleisher.


It is safe to predict that when we have attained the dignity of Seniors, we will hold and cherish the principles of loyalty and friendship which have held us so firmly together through our school life. - Janet M. Dibet






Sophomores 1923-1924


Thelma Fouse Elmer Ake
Bennett Johnston Robert Akers
Cornelius Lusardi Raphael Aken
Pauline Blake Violet Baker
Russell Claar Venable Banholzer
Almeda Delozier Aliean Bell
Worth Dodson Eugene Beegle
Elizabeth Delozier Mary Bancroft
Fred Foor Martha Cadman
Burnett Gonsman Martin Christy
Alice Heininger Margaret Cross
Gertrude Helsel Catharine Deem
Joseph Justice Marie Delozier
William Kantner Loretta Dickson
Helen Klepser Merle Dodson
James Liebegott Irene Duffy
Clara Lingelfelter William Echard
Joan Locher Vivian Engle
Charles Miller Blanche Frederick
Esther Miller Charles Hammaker
Guernon Moore Myrton Hawn
Mildred Piper Cecil Helsel
Oliver Rothert Marian Hicks
Florence Robeson Nancy Hunter
Marian Robeson Marie Hanley
Kathryn Snowberger Catharine Jones
Donald Stine Leona Krelitz
Arthur Stiffler Esther Kelly
Harrison Snyder William Lasser
Rebecca Shope Stella Lynch
Wayne Weaver Emaline McClellan
Percy Wilt Margie Mentzer
Alma Wilt Calvin Onkst
Margurite Wertz Samuel Pope
Lee  Walker Fannie Robeson
Mildred Weir James Reiser
Peter Yingling Hazel Smith
Grace Zimberlin Earl Shoemaker
Paulline Renner Donald Smith
Edward Sandrus Clyde Stewart
John C. Gildea Ethel Treese
Thelma Hamilton Leona Treese
Erma Quarry Thelma Fouse


History of the Class of '26


In the fall of 1922 one hundred and twenty-five pupils entered our school as Freshmen.  This was the largest and, at least in our opinion, the finest class ever to enter.  The first we may have been a little timid or fearful but this gradually wore off and now we have developed a feeling of mutual friendship between teachers and students.

Almost before we knew it the first year had become a part of the past.  Then a year later we were again summoned into this school, but we had developed into Sophomores with all the ambitions and dignity which usually accompany the second year.  This year we are in every project whether it is sports, music or whatever.


The orchestra has benefited by us.  Seven of our number now play in the "music making" department.  Sports also have claimed some.  Two are now basketball "subs" and one played football.  It is hoped that more will come to the front during the next two years.  We also aid the players by lending our voices and support at the games.


Every once in a while something out of the ordinary takes place and the Sophomores are always ready and willing to help.  Indeed, our class is the backbone of this school.


The idea of speaking before the school has brought us to the attention of the other classes.  By the looks of things, Webster would have to take a back seat, and Bryan would be in it.


After working in harmony for two years it is with eager expectation that we look forward to our Junior year.  We will be a rapid action class next year.






Freshmen 1923-1924


Mabel Anderson Dessa Brenner Lloyd Zimmerman
Sarah Barnes Mary Burket Charles Beswick
Priscilla Betchel Florence Black Kelley Brown
Maurice Chamberlain William Caswell Grace Buoymaster
Baker Diehl Alverda Croyle Audrey Bowman
Paul Drass Millard Corbin Orvil Bush
Catherine Eicher Helen Cross Dean Boop
Merle Ernest Carrie Cartwright Clarence Deem
Paul Frank Mary Dietrick Samuel Garnet
Martha Garland Mildred Eckard Cameron Griffith
Aldine Holland Leroy Glunt Ruth Hess
Helen Hite Elton Geesy Hazel Heinbaugh
Aletta Liebegott Dorthea Hainley George Herbert
Minnie Lingenfelter Edgar Helsel Evangeline Hileman
Robert McGraw Catherine Hinish Lloyd Hughes
Mildred Magill James Justice Martha Kennedy
Melvin Moore Harry King Dorothy Kirkham
Robert Neely Paul Ludwick Frances Lowery
Dorothy Nokes Dorthea Lamison Jesse May
Alice Prough Zelma Lear Marjorie May
Ivan Pringle Eldred McCall Dorothy Moore
Harvey Piper Mary Mingle Irene Moore
Lloyd Rennow Anna Mobley Evelyn Myers
Leroy Rettburg Harold Meyers Lucile Park
Josephine Smith Marshall Nelson Arthur Querry
Preston Spidell Charles Pfalzgraff Ernest Reid
William Sherlock Hale Proctor Robert Rothert
Evelyn Irene Sleek Twuliah Patterson Hazel Rooney
Howard Trees Thomas Ross Anna Schmidt
Dorothy Turnbaugh Fay Ringler Elizabeth Shagger
Virginia Van Allman Jeanette Sleek Helen Shade
Eugene Wolfe Jesse Shaffer Roy Shultz
Guy Wilt Carl Smith Merrill Shoemaker
Paul Webb Earl Smith Clifton Shumaker
Martha Wogan Mable Treese Gertrude Stickler
Harold Youghkin Violet White Thomas Suckling
Dorothy Biddle Ethelene Wertz Eleanor White
Sarah Bender Marian Zawieja Henrietta White
  Crim Strickler  


Freshmen Class History, '27


Well here we are! The youngest but not the freshest class that ever entered High School. A large number of our brilliant freshmen hail from Duncansville, nearby vicinities and the Beaver Dams.


Less than a year has passed since we began our career as the Class of '27.


We passed hastily over the first few days here. We considered ourselves lucky to be in the Class of '27, because, starting last year, initiation by upper classmen was prohibited.


As a pastime we have occupied our attention with Science, Mathematics, the intricacies of Latin, English "As she is taught."


Mrs. Barrett could give us 150% on the Algebra we know, but our deficiencies in Arithmetic prevent high grades.

It is not so bad for we Freshies to be called "Children," for Mr. Wade also calls the "Dignified Seniors," "Children."

One thing we can boast of is that we furnish several "subs" for the Basket Ball Team, and the Orchestra will be dependent upon our eight Freshmen players three years from now. - D. M.


1924 Blue & White Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4


County File Manager - Gary L. Caldwell


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