
Allegheny County
Diamond Jubilee
1863 - 1938
Saint Augustine Church
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Transcribed and contributed by
Nan Smith
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St. Augustine Church Diamond Jubilee
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Chapter 14
Notable Parishioners
We append short biographical notes of some
parishioners who have a particular claim to special mention. We would have
gladly extended the list to greater length but we did not get a response
from the children and grandchildren of those worthies; in some cases
cooperation was rudely denied. Therefore, we are constrained to limit our
survey to rather limited groups of parishioners.
First in time come the three organizers of St.
Augustine's congregation Augustus Hoeveler, Louis Unverzagt and Alexander
Wirth. Augustus Hoeveler born in 1820 at Ankumm Hannover, Germany,
immigrated in 1837, located in Lawrenceville about 1855. As related in the
general history of the parish he with the Messrs. Unverzagt and Wirth bought
the present church property in 1860. From 1860 to 1865 he served on every
committee appointed to promote the interests of the church and school.
Reading the dry minutes of the different meetings of the committees you gain
the impression that he was always taking the part of the priest and smoothed
any friction over with consummate tact. To keep those sturdy Germans with
their excessive spirit of independence within proper bounds required more
than ordinary skill. That Fr. Kircher succeeded with such marvelous skill in
organizing the German parish in Lawrenceville is mostly the result of the
refining influence of the genial Mr. August Hoeveler. He served also on the
council of the Borough of Lawrenceville, and after the borough was annexed
to the city of Pittsburgh (January 11, 1867) he was elected to the city
council but his death occurred (December 20, 1868) before he could take his
seat. His project of opening more convenient approaches to the Arsenal Park
died with him: none of the long line of succeeding councilmen entered into
the plans of this Catholic public-spirited man.
Louis Unverzagt was likewise a native of Germany; he
was born February 18, 1821, at Biedenkopf in Hesse-Nassau, Germany, located
at Pittsburgh in 1846, married about 1855 a Catholic lady, Hyacinth Trapp,
and became a convert to the Catholic Faith. He was baptized and taken up
into the Church at Old St. Philomena's Church by Fr. F. C. Stiessberger,
C.SS.R. on April 16, 1859 receiving the name George Louis Alphonsus. He kept
the Faith and his descendants still worship in the Catholic Church. From
1860 to 1864 he served likewise on every committee displaying great zeal in
behalf of the struggling congregation. In 1864 he moved to Allegheny and
died on December 18, 1895; his remains were interred in Most Holy Name
Cemetery. His son William attended St. Augustine's school in 1862. Four of
his grand-daughters are still living, Mrs. Stella L. Loch, Mrs. Elsie Storer,
and Mrs. William Weir of Pittsburgh, and Mrs. Th. McCaig of Chicago.
Alexander Wirth was a native of Bavaria who had settled
in Pittsburgh about 1856. He was sponsor to Louis Unverzagt, when the latter
was baptized at Old St. Philomena's on April 16, 1859. He served on all
church committees from 1860 to 1867. He died on October 11, 1874. He left
five daughters who were educated in St. Augustine's school.
The parishioners of St. Augustine's who became
internationally known are only the two Kloman Brothers. The elder Andrew
Kloman was one of the greatest metallurgists of his age. He laid the
foundations of the gigantic Carnegie Steel Trust and died December 19, 1880
at the age of 53 or 55 years in the present Stephen C. Foster Home at 3600
Penn Ave. and was buried from St. Augustine's Church in St. Mary's Cemetery.
The younger of the two brothers, Anthony, died February 13, 1897 at the age
of 70 years and was likewise buried from St. Augustine's. Anthony's daughter
Mary Kloman Schmidt (died October 11, 1937), was the last of the Klomans to
keep up the relations with St. Augustine's. After the death of her husband,
Henry Schmidt (died March 22, 1885) she moved out of the parish but she
continued to remain a member of the purgatorial society till her death. She
is still remembered by old parishioners on account of the extravagantly
costly wedding
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festivities arranged by her family, when on February 7,
1878, she married Henry Schmidt.
The greatest benefactors of the St. Augustine's parish
were undoubtedly the members of the FRAUENHEIM FAMILY. The founder of that
family, Mr. Edward Frauenheim, Sr. located in Lawrenceville about the year
1865. He served on the church committee 'from 1868 till 1873 and again from
1879 till 1882. On June 16, 1891, he died. The business he had established
prospered greatly under the management of his son Aloysius, so that his wife
and his children were fortunate to make royal gifts to the church they loved
so much. When Mrs. Edward Frauenheim died on November 22, 1904, she had
established the reputation of being one of the leaders in philanthropic
works in the city of Pittsburgh. Mr. Aloysius Frauenheim succeeded his
father on the church committee in 1882 and was continued in that office from
1882 till 1886 and from 1890 till his death in 1900. His services and
benefactions to St. Augustine's have been related in detail in the history.
Miss Rose Frauenheim surpassed even her brother
Aloysius and her mother Mary Regina in her benefactions to St. Augustine's
Church. She enjoys the unique distinction of being the most liberal
benefactor to St. Augustine's Church and the future apparently will not rob
her of this distinction. Miss Rose Frauenheim was born in Pittsburgh on
October 2, 1859 and attended St. Augustine's school in 1867 and 1868 and
maybe even later. She contributed $40,000 to the $100,000 gift of the
Frauenheim Family and besides several thousand dollars to the church for the
purchase of pulpit and other furniture, (for Communion Railing and
Candelabra $5,160, for pulpit $1,500 etc., etc.) When she later had moved
out of parish limits, she did not fail to contribute to St. Augustine's
Church in various ways. Up to 1912 she sent her monthly contributions and
even after these collections were discontinued, she made liberal donations
to the church. In her old age she still has the welfare of St. Augustine's
Church at heart.
Mrs. Clementine Frauenheim Epping, the youngest sister
of Miss Rose Frauenheim, was likewise distinguished by her liberal donations
to St. Augustine's Church. To the original $100,000 Frauenheim Family
donation she did not contribute anything but she donated $5,000 in 1899 and
$300 for a window and gave liberally to furnish the church with sacred
vessels, vestments and statues. Moreover, she rendered personal services in
behalf of the church even as a girl by taking part in raising funds by
numerous dramatic plays staged in the hall for the purpose of obtaining some
money for church or school. She became known for her artistic singing in
which she excelled in more than an ordinary degree. She took part also in
some dramatic plays. For twenty years she was singing in the church choir,
where she was one of the leading soprano voices. In the Grand Sacred Concert
given in the new St. Augustine's Church on April 14, 1901, she took part as
one of the eight soprano singers. Her musical activity came to an end, when
on Sunday, March 5, 1905 the mixed choir was allowed to sing in St.
Augustine's Church for the last time. Later she moved out of the parish
joining the English Sacred Heart parish. Mrs. Clementine Frauenheim Epping
was born in St. Augustine's parish on January 9, 1871, was baptized and
married in St. Augustine's Church and died on November 16, 1934 being buried
from Sacred Heart Church. Miss Clementine Frauenheim was married in St.
Augustine's Church to Mr. William Epping, a successful businessman,
President of the Epping Carpenter Company. Mr. Epping was born December 29,
1868, graduated from St. Augustine's School, received his First Holy
Communion likewise in St. Augustine's and had his five children baptized in
St. Augustine's, viz., Mary Regina, Nov. 8, 1897, Inez Eliz, October 8,
1899, Will. Edw., July 20, 1902, Clementine Eliz., July 7, 1907, Vallette
Josephine, March 26, 1911 (married to John Edw. McGrath on June 26, 1935).
Mr. Will. Epping died February 15, 1912, and was buried from Sacred Heart
Church by Fr. Joseph Anth. Ziegelmayer, O.M.Cap.
Mrs. Claire Josephine Frauenheim O'Reilly, another
sister of Miss Rose, was born November 12, 1860, graduated from St.
Augustine's School, received her First Holy Communion in St. Augustine's
Church, was married September 28, 1882 in St. Augustine's to John F.
O'Reilly. She did not contribute to the $100,000 Frauenheim Family
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donation, but gave an extraordinary donation of $1,000 in
1899 and $300 for a window in 1900. On the windows donated by the three
sisters Rose, Clementine and Claire Josephine the names were inscribed and
may be seen to this day. Besides Mrs. O'Reilly has made many donations to
the chuch of St. Augustine's and still takes interest in the affairs of that
church congregation. For many years she had been singing in St. Augustine's
church choir, till the latter was disbanded. In her girlhood days she took
also active part in the dramatic plays and concerts given in St. Augustine's
hall for the benefit of the church and school.
Mrs. Mary Frauenheim Heyl, older sister of the
foregoing, was married in St. Augustine's Church on February 5, 1878, to
Will. Alex. Heyl. She likewise did not contribute to the $100,000 Frauenheim
Family donation, but on March 1, 1899, gave to St. Augustine's Church as an
extraordinary gift $2,000 and in 1900 she added $300. At other times she had
been also a liberal benefactor to St. Augustine's Church. William Alex. Heyl
was like his wife, a graduate from St. Augustine's school and received his
First Holy Communion in that church. He was a successful businessman. Later
he moved out of the parish and died on July 8, 1916; he was buried from
Sacred Heart Church. Mrs. Mary Frauenheim Heyl died November 16, 1927. Will.
Alex. Heyl had the following children baptized at St. Augustine's: Anne
Regina, December 13, 1878, Elizabeth Flor., November 28, 1880, Edw. Martin,
December 31, 1882, Alex. Theodore, August 24, 1884, Mary Josepha, June 27,
1886 (married to Albert Jos. Loeffler on November 25, 1914, in Sacred Heart
Church), Will. John, January 27, 1889, and Clementine Margaret, February 1,
1891 (married to Will. Bernard McKenna on January 21, 1915, in Sacred Heart
Edward Frauenheim, Jr., son of Edw. Frauenheim. Sr. and
brother of the fore-mentioned Frauenheims, was born in Pittsburgh on
February 13, 1865 and received his early education in St. Augustine's school
and First Holy Communion in the church. On October 2, 1888, he was married
to Antonetta Vilsack in St. Augustine's Church. Although he did not
contribute to the $100,000 Frauenheim Family donation, he was alwavs a
liberal benefactor of St. Augustine's and had, as his consort expressed it,
"Always the interests of St. Augustine's at heart." Mr. Edward Frauenheim
died June 28, 1905. He was largely interested in seven manufacturing and
financial institutions and held the office of city treasurer for nine years.
Since he settled from the very start of life outside the parish limits of
St. Augustine's, none of his seven children was baptized in St. Augustine's.
His estate was estimated to be worth eight millions of dollars.
Mrs. Antonetta Vilsack Frauenheim, the relict of the
foregoing, is the oldest daughter of the late Leopold Vilsack, Sr. and was
born June 21, 1868. She received her early education in St. Augustine's
school and First Holy Communion in church. In the numerous dramatic plays
staged by the pupils of St. Augustine's School she took always leading parts
both in the German and English performances with Bertha and Susie Fuhrer and
Mary Kloman. Naturally she took interest in the church, where her father had
served for so many years on the church committee and where she was united
with her most beloved husband. The lady is still interested in St.
Augustine's and supplied some valuable information to the historian of that
Mr. August A. Frauenheim, brother of Edw. Frauenheim,
Jr. and the above mentioned Frauenheim Sisters, was born November 10, 1866,
in Pittsburgh, was educated in St. Augustine's school, received his First
Holy Communion in St. Augustine's Church and on September 11, 1890, was
married there to Mary Margaret Dietrich. He likewise did not contribute to
the $100,000 Frauenheim Family donation, although he gave liberal donations
to St. Augustine's Church at other occasions. He also settled outside of the
parish limits and died August 13, 1921. For many years he had been treasurer
of the Epping Carpenter Company.
Mrs. Catherine Heyl Frauenheim, wife of Aloysius
Frauenheim and sister of Will. Alex. Heyl, was born in Pittsburgh in 1854,
received her early education in St. Augustine's school and First Communion
in St. Augustine's Church. On November 25, 1874, she was married in St;
Augustine's Church to Aloysius Frauenheim who died January 18, 1900. Mrs.
Catherine Frauen-
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heim followed in the footsteps of her late husband and
proved a great benefactor to St. Augustine's Church. Her seven children were
baptized in St. Augustine's Church. The oldest son, Joseph Frauenheim, was
born August 31, 1875, married to Mary Kerner on October 26, 1898, and died
February 11, 1925. He is the only Frauenheim who was baptized and married in
St. Augustine's and was also buried from that church. The youngest child of
Mrs. Catherine Heyl Frauenheim was Anna Catherine, born June 6, 1898,
married to John J. Moore, Jr. on April 14, 1920 and died September 26, 1938.
The second oldest child, Amanda Camilla is married to Mr. Eugene S. Reilly
and a younger child, Mary Forentina, is married to Mr. J. S. Miller. Three
sons are still living also, Harry and Aloysius of Pittsburgh and Edward of
Buffalo, N. Y. Mrs. Catherine Heyl Frauenheim died May 31, 1925; she is the
last of the Frauenheims who was buried from St. Augustine's Church.
Mr. Leopold Vilsack, who moved into St. Augustine's
parish some time after 1866 and laid there the foundation of his great
wealth, proved also a benefactor of St. Augustine's Church. He served on the
church committee from 1876 to 1878 and 1882 to 1885. Shortly after he moved
out of the limits of St. Augustine's parish but even then he continued to
contribute liberal donations to that church. In 1899 he donated $1,000 to
the new church and on January 31, 1901, he added $2,000. Two of his
daughters and five of his sons received their early education in St.
Augustine's school and their First Holy Communion in St. Augustine's Church.
All these sons became leading businessmen and the girls, leaders in society;
none of them however, settled in St. Augustine's parish or proved great
benefactors like their father to the school and church of St. Augustine's.
Leopold Vilsack died December 26, 1907.
Martin Heyl was a prominent member of St. Augustine's
Church and served in 1865 on the church committee. He was born in 1826 and
died on October 11, 1886; he was buried from St. Augustine's three days
later. His wife Anna Barbara, nee Schlosser, followed him in death on May
10, 1899, aged 67 years. They left eight children who had been educated in
the parish school or baptized and educated in the parish church and school.
The two oldest, Will. Alex, and Catherine Heyl Frauenheim, have been
mentioned above. The son Theodore H. Heyl was born on April 18, 1856, and
attended St. Augustine's school from 1863 to 1867. He became one of the
leading young men in the St. George's Literary Association and for many
years he was active in raising funds for the church and school by staging
plays; his name appears on many programs from 1869 till 1876 (often as stage
manager). In February, 1882, he married Mary Bentheim and settled outside of
the parish limits. He became a sucessful businessman and established the
firm Heyl & Patterson which is still flourishing. Mr. Theodore H. Heyl died
November 15, 1930. Lawrence Heyl, born December 12, 1863, was married in St.
Augustine's on January 23, 1889 to Flora Helbling and had two children
baptized there: Hilda on May 18, 1890, and Clara Juanita on March 20, 1892;
the latter died on February 23, 1893, and was buried from St. Augustine's
Church. Mr. Lawrence Heyl became a businessman of note and died December 12,
1921. Mary Elizabeth, born August 30, 1860, was married on October 14, 1885,
to Henry Averman in St. Augustine's Church; she died on January 5, 1938.
Anne was married to Mr. Lanahan and died October 6, 1936. The two youngest
sons were baptized and married in St. Augustine's. Edmund Wendelin, born
July 30, 1865, was married on June 23, 1891 to Josephine O'Hanlon and Martin
Jr., born on June 30, 1872, was married on April 26, 1898 to Stella Berger.
Two other children, Camillus and Charles Jerome, were baptized in St.
Augustine's, on July 7, 1868 and October 11, 1869, but both died in their
infancy. After the death of the parents the Heyls moved out of the parish
limits and lost interest in St. Augustine's.
Titus Berger is one of the few parishioners of St.
Augustine's who became nationally known. He was born at Risstissen near
Ehingen in Wuerrtemberg, Germany, in 1843 and was educated by the Rev. Adolf
Pfister, one of the foremost educators of Catholic Germany (see about him in
the Catholic Encyclopedia vol. XI, p. 786.) With a solid education along
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literary and artistic lines young Berger emigrated to
America and settled in Lawrenceville. In 1865 he married Mary Philomena
Helbling. Mr. Berger served on the church committee for eighteen years
(1873-1878, 1882-1885, 1890-1891, 1893-1898) and proved a most serviceable
man to the various pastors. In 1876 he was commissioned to buy the property
for the present Sisters' House and Casino. He acted also as teacher of
English to Fr. Hyacinth Epp, O.M.Cap. and was his safe mentor on all
business affairs. He possessed an extraordinary talent for organization of
all parish affairs, may they have been a picnic or dramatic performance. The
advertising business of parish activities could not' be dispatched by any
man better than by Mr. Titus Berger. He was greeted with delight by the
children on their picnic ground, because they knew no one would serve them
as well as the genial Friend of the Little Ones, Mr. Titus Berger. The
reports he wrote for the press show much tenderness as is rarely found among
men of his age. Mr. Berger was a member of the literary and artistic clubs
of Pittsburgh, the Pittsburgh Art Association and Pittsburger Lese-Verein.
Yet more than by these rather local activities Mr. Titus Berger gained
acclaim by the part he played in founding the First Catholic Historical
Society of America on February 1, 1884. This society was constituted under
the name of Ohio Valley Catholic Historical Society with Rev. Andrew Arnold
Lambing, President; Charles F. McKenna, First Vice-President; Dr. George H.
Keyser, Second Vice-President; John F. Molamphy, Third Vice-President; Prof.
J. B. Sullivan, Recording Secretary, and Titus Berger, Secretary. As early
as 1879, Rev. A. A. Lambing had tried unsuccessfully to found that Catholic
historical society. The society existed for a little over two years and then
disbanded. Regarding the failure of this first Catholic historical society
Msgr. Peter Guilday wrote in January 1916: "The number of wealthy and
influential Catholics who could have supported the society were too much
engrossed in the industrial progress of Pittsburgh to take a very deep
interest in historical studies. The clergy and the diocesan authorities were
equally uninterested." (Catholic Historical Review, vol. I, p. 438). Mr.
Titus Berger lent his support to the society to the last. Among others he
interested also the Capuchins of St. Augustine's in the welfare of the
society and it is due to his influence that the Capuchin monastery library
of that place is the possessor of the otherwise rare collection of
publications of that society. Msgr. Guilday deplores the fact that "this
worthy attempt at organizing the forces of the Catholic Church of that date
for the purpose of conserving the history of the Faith in Western
Pennsylvania came to such a poor end". At any rate Titus Berger proved
himself by the part taken in founding the historical society more
enlightened and progressive than the captains of industry and the rank and
file of the clergy who greeted this noble work with chilling apathy. Through
the association with the founders of the historical society the name of Mr.
Titus Berger will live forever in the annals of American Catholic historical
scholarship. Mr. Titus Berger died March 11, 1909 and was buried from St.
Augustine's Church. Mrs. Mary Philomena Helbling Berger was born in 1856 in
the house no. 250 on Thirty-eighth Street, Pittsburgh, and died on October
29, 1924; she was the last charter member of Old St. Augustine's living in
the district all her lifetime. The couple had issue leaving eight children
who all received a good education. The Berger children took part in ever so
many plays staged in St. Augustine's hall for the benefit of the church and
school. There is hardly a program to be found on which the names of Berger
children were missing. William, Edward, Stella and Philomena enjoyed the
audiences time and again by their musical renditions. Besides the Berger
children were first class timber in the church choir. Philomena sang in the
church choir from 1883 to 1905, when the mixed choir was discontinued.
Besides she played the organ in church during devotions for many years.
William is one of the three server boys who served at Mass in the seventies
and are still living. Mary Cecilia was married on April 28, 1909 to Mr.
Thomas Francis Findlan in St. Augustine's Church. At any rate the Berger
family were always loyal members of St. Augustine's parish.
Mr. Peter Kerner was a most prominent member of St.
Augustine's and deserves more than honorable mention in the history
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of the parish. He was born in 1846 and married about 1868. For over
twenty years (January, 1889-January, 1909) he served on the church committee
and by his tact and zeal gained the hearts of the parishioners to such an
extent that he was re-elected on fourteen successive elections to the
honorable office of trust of committeeman. Naturally his name looms large on
the old church records and the particular stamp which he impressed on the
church, school buildings and congregation will not be effaced, as long as
St. Augustine's parish will live as a unit. He had nine children baptized in
St. Augustine's and two married. His oldest daughter Catherine, born
February 4, 1870, was married to the late Joseph Frauenheim, son of
Aloysius, on October 26, 1898.
Mr. Anthony Leckner was another prominent man on the
church committee. He was born in 1848 and married about 1871. In 1891 he was
elected for the office of committeeman of St. Augustine's Church and
continued in office in eighteen succeeding elections up to January, 1927, so
that he held that office of trust for thirty-six consecutive years. In
January, 1827, he begged to be relieved of this burden and his resignation
was accepted with great regret. On January 9, 1916, the Twenty-fifth Jubilee
of his tenure of the office of committeeman was celebrated in the
congregation with great joy and solemnity. The pastor, Fr. Agatho Rolf,
wrote in the St. Augustinus that "the celebration took the character of a
joyful, friendly and hearty demonstration of feelings of respect and
gratitude towards tihe Jubilarian". The congregation kept up these kind
feelings for many years after, re-electing him to the office of trust. Mr.
Anthony Leckner died June 3, 1937 at the ripe old age of 89 years. He had
eight children baptized in St. Augustine's and one child married there.
Mr. John Fink served likewise on the church committee
for many years. He was first elected in January, 1894 and re-elected in
thirteen succeeding elections up to his death (Dec. 9, 1921), so that he
filled that office for twenty-seven years and eleven months. Mr. Fink was
born in 1851 in Miffiin Township, Allegheny County, Pa., and on July 10,
1876, he was united in marriage to Mary Reinert in St. Augustine's Church.
He was a successful businessman, founded a financial corporation and
transacted several larger deals of real estate. Besides he was active in the
interest of the Order of Knights of St. George. Death prevented him from
publishing a valuable history of Branch 5 of that society. Mr. Fink had six
children baptized in St. Augustine's Church, and was buried from that
Mr. John Noullet is another committeeman of long
standing; he served on the church committee for eighteen years from January,
1903 till December 26, 1920, when he resigned on account of protracted
illness. Mr. Noullet laid St. Augustine's parish under a heavy debt of
gratitude having served her so well, especially during a trying period.
Although he was a "late caller" having moved with his family into the parish
from Herman, Pa., he, nevertheless, promoted the welfare of the congregation
with as much zeal and devotion as any of the members who were baptized in
the church of St. Augustine's. His children were baptized in the church at
Herman, Pa. and for this reason their name is not on the records of St.
Augustine's Church. The two daughters Mathilda and Martha entered the
Community of Sisters of Divine Providence; the one receiving the name of
Sister M. Vincent and the other the name of Sister M. Julitta. Mr. Noullet
was just as much conspicuous for his piety as for his business ability. Mr.
John J. Noullet was born in 1848 and died at the age of seventy-five years
on March 19, 1923.
Mr. Robert Fey cannot be overlooked in a history of St.
Augustine's Church, on account of his great services to that church. He
served on the church committee well nigh twenty-four years (1893-1916)
having been elected in fourteen succeeding elections to that office. He was
born in Pittsburgh in 1842 and was married in St. Augustine's Church on
April 30, 1874. In the course of time he established a solid business which
placed him into rather prosperous circumstances and enabled him to be a
dispenser of charity on no common scale. His business is carried on by his
children with the same sterling honesty which had gained so many customers
to their father. Mr. Robert Fey had eight children baptized in St.
Augustine's. His son Lawrence J. Fey is serving on the church committee
since 1921 and a daughter Claire joined the Sisterhood of the
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Sisters of St. Francis at Millvale, Pa. Mr. Robert Fey died on April
18, 1916 at the age of 74 years and was buried from St. Augustine's Church.
Mr. Francis Schneiderloechner or Schneiderlechner
deserves some mention. He was elected to the office of committeeman for the
first time in 1890 and continued in office at the elections of 1891 and
1892. In the latter year he moved out of the parish. The minutes of the
meetings of the church committees detail at large his activity, whilst he
served on the committee. Mr. Schneiderloechner was born in Pittsburgh on
January 16, 1865, received his early education in St. Augustine's school,
received his First Holy Communion in St. Augustine's Church. Later he worked
in the Carnegie mill of the district and in 1891 was active in quelling the
strike in the Frick mills at Homestead. The company rewarded him for his
efforts in their behalf by giving him lucrative positions, so that he was
fortunate to become quite wealthy. He settled later in Crafton Heights, Pa.,
where he became again a very serviceable committeeman of St. Philip's
Church. He died at Crafton on April 21, 1922, and was buried by Fr. John M.,
O.M.Cap. in St. Augustine's Cemetery. Mr. Schneiderloechner abbreviated his
long name to Schneider and his six children go by that name. One of his
children, the Rev. Edwin J. Schneider, S.S., refused to give any information
to the historian about his father and his family.
Mr. Joseph Vogel, Sr. was a prominent member of St.
Augustine's congregation in the early days. He was born March, 1819, settled
in Lawrenceville, where he became a rather opulent businessman. He served on
the church committee for eleven years (1875-1886) having been elected in
eleven successive elections. His younger children attended St. Augustine's
school. Mr. Joseph Vogel, Sr. died at the ripe old age of 81 years and 7
months on October 11, 1900. The popularity of the departed parishioner was
demonstrated by the large concourse of people at the funeral services held
in St. Augustine's Church on October 15. The Fathers Hyacinth Epp, O.M.Cap.,
Joseph Suehr, Herman Joseph Gosbel, and William Vogt were present in the
sanctuary to pay a debt of gratitude to their departed friend. We mention of
the children left by Mr. Joseph Vogel, Sr., his son, Joseph Vogel, Jr., who
for many years was organist at Old St. Philomena's Church, and his daughter
Mathilda who was united in marriage in St. Augustine's Church, on October
20, 1885, to Xaver 0. Werder who became a famous physician in Pittsburgh.
Doctor Xaver O. Werder died November 21, 1919 leaving eleven children (6
boys and 5 girls.) Mrs. Mathilda Vogel Werder, was born March 6, 1863,
attended St. Augustine's school from 1870 till 1874, received later a higher
education in Germany and imparted not a small part of her superior education
to her children. She died May 14, 1937 and was buried from St. Scholastica
Church, Aspinwall, Pa.
Mr. Peter Halli has served the congregation so well
that a history of the parish without mention of his great services would be
a flagrant injustice done to him. He was born January 30, 1856, at Kirchzell
in Bavaria and on August 28, 1879, was married in SS. Peter & Paul's Church,
East Liberty, to Margaret Ritter. He served on the church committee for
thirty-five years (1892-December 26, 1926) having been elected in eighteen
succeeding elections. On account of old age he declined re-election on
December 26, 1926. His twenty-fifth jubilee as committeeman was celebrated
with great solemnity on January 7, 1917. The jubilarian was escorted to
church in procession, where a solemn high mass was chanted by the pastor,
Fr. Agatho Rolf, in presence of a large crowd of parishioners who had
gathered to pay their respects to the jubilarian. Fr. Agatho Rolf, who was
noted for his oratorial powers far and wide, delivered one of his best
orations expressing in chosen and forceful words the sentiments of joy and
gratitude of the parishioners in regard to the veteran trustee of their
church. The church choir had prepared a special musical program which was
rendered with the perfect accuracy of masterful renditions. Mr. Halli had
seven children baptized in St. Augustine's Church. He is still hale and
hardy and has the interests of St. Augustine's as much at heart as in the
days of his early manhood. May God grant him many more years of useful life.
Mr. Simon Wald is a type of the hardworking pious
parishioners who never gain much of the goods of this world but the more of
the supercelestial treasures in Heav-
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en. He was born in 1826 at Weiperz in Diocese Fulda in Hessia, Germany.
This village is entirely Catholic to this day and has a population of 400
souls. Mr. Simon Wald was married in St. Mary's Church, Allegheny some time
in 1858 and had four Children baptized in St. Augustine's and two in St.
Mary's, Allegheny. Mrs. Simon Wald was Elizabeth Roth, a native of
Strassbessenbach, a village of 710 souls in the diocese of Wuerzzburg in
Bavaria. Mr. Simon Wald died at the age of 80 years on December 27, 1906,
and Mrs. Elizabeth Wald died at the age of 80 years on May 13, 1915. Their
oldest daughter Elizabeth Wald born November 23, 1859, attended St.
Augustine's school from 1866 to 1871, received her First Communion in 1871,
joined in 1875 the Sodality of the Blessed Virgin and is at present together
with Miss Rose Frauenheim the oldest member of St. Augustine's Sodality. For
well nigh forty years Miss Elizabeth Wald had been zealous in having the
linens of the church cleaned. Mr. Simon Wald, although not blessed with
riches, did always find means to pay his regular dues to the church and,
moreover, to make some liberal donations to the church from time to time. In
1864 he donated $10.00 to the church and the Mrs. Simon Wald furnished an
altar cloth valued $10.00. Many more men like Simon Wald had been living in
St. Augustine's and had even been more liberal donors than Mr. Simon Wald;
yet their descendants have been so indolent that they did not supply proper
material to the historian and for this reason their deeds could not be
written up for this history.
Mr. Nicholas Schneider had been in his days a prominent
member of St. Augustine's Church. He was born in February, 1818, and settled
in the parish some time before 1862. In the latter year he built the house
on Penn Ave. (3521) which is still inhabited by his descendants. Mr.
Schneider had eleven children but none of them baptized in St. Augustine's.
He was elected twice to the office of trustee of St. Augustine's Church,
namely in 1865 and 1871. He established a lucrative business as boiler
maker, when Pittsburgh was emerging as the city of "iron and steel". Mr.
Schneider died on June 19, 1893 at the age of 75 years and 4 months. Of his
numerous children one is still living, Mrs. Cecelia Schneider Mattox, (born
January 12, 1864) who in her younger days had been an efficient teacher in
the German Catholic parochial schools, till she was supplanted by the
Sisters. The greatgrandchildren of Mr. Nicholas Schneider, (Steinkirchner),
are still occupying his house and still retaining the Faith, things which
are rather remarkable in this country.
Miss Bertha Fuhrer deserves a well merited place in the
history of St. Augustine's Church. She was baptized in that church on
October 11, 1868, attended the parish school for six years, received her
First Holy Communion also in St. Augustine's. As a pupil of the school she
showed already a great dramatic talent and naturally she was selected for
every play the pupils of St. Augustine's staged for the benefit of the
school and church. Both her parents, Anthony Fuhrer and Theresa Schmidt,
were born in this country and this explains the fact that Miss Bertha
mastered also the English language to such a perfection as was uncommon
among the pupils of German parentage. She was selected for both German and
English plays and her names figures prominently on the printed programs
which came down to us. Miss Bertha Fuhrer on graduating from St. Augustine's
school pursued higher academic studies with special attention to languages
and voice culture. Several tours to Europe broadened her culture. She joined
the faculty of the Byron WT. King School of Oratory in Pittsburgh and is now
Principal of that school. Besides she has been giving courses in voice
culture in many Catholic schools and has been directing dramatic plays of
pupils of many parochial schools, academies, Religious Communities and
Catholic Dramatic Clubs. A future historian of the cultural life of the
Catholics of this diocese must assign to her a prominent place among the
educators of esthetic culture. Although Miss Fuhrer does not live anymore
within the parish limit's, she still takes interest in the parish affairs
and belongs to some parish societies. Time and again she thrilled the
parishioners by her recitations in St. Augustine's parish hall. Miss Fuhrer
is a cousin of Henry Kloman Schmidt, organist and choir master at the Holy
Rosary Church, Pittsburgh. The latter is the son of Henry Schmidt and Mary
Kloman and was born April 18, 1881, 4016 Butler Street and baptized in St.
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on April 24, 1881. The musical talent which he inherited
from his mother was perfected by seven years of studies at the
conservatories at Leipsic, Munich and Berlin. At Leipsic Mr. Schmidt was a
pupil of Martin Krause. On his return to Pittsburgh Mr. Schmidt taught for
many years at the Carnegie Institute of Technology; he still holds this
position together with that of organist and choirmaster at the Holy Rosary
Church. Mr. Schmidt was united in marriage to Mabel M. Grine at Beaver, Pa.,
on June 30, 1910. His father was a wel-to-do druggist on Butler Street and
was mentioned above as President of St. George's Literary Association of
Mr. Joseph Reiman, Past President of the Order of
Catholic Knights of St. George, is nationally the best known member of St.
Augustine's Church, in our days. He was born in Pittsburgh in 1869, was
educated in St. Philomena's parochial school and in St. Vincent's College.
With his father he came up to settle in St. Augustine's parish. Mr. Reiman
assisted at first his father in his business on Penn Ave. and later took
over the business. He was present, when the Order of Knights of St. George's
was founded in January, 1881, and as a boy took interest in that
organization which his genius was to tide over many a crisis and finally to
establish upon such a solid foundation that it will outrun many a storm in
times to come. The history of the mighty organization of the Knight's of St.
George's is the history of the genius and masterful guidance of Mr. Joseph
Reiman. His greatness is not yet grasped by the present generation of
Knights but surely future generations will put it into proper milieu, and
the historian of the American church cannot overlook him. Mr. Reiman is an
orator of note in both German and English. Many of his speeches are printed
in the official publication: Knights of St. George, and a collection of them
would fill a large book full of sound Catholic philosophy and happy
inspiration. The Past President of the national organization did always take
a keen interest also in the affairs of St. Augustine's parish. Mr. Joseph
Reiman serves on the church committee since 1906 and he proved too great an
asset that his repeated resignation was set aside and that he was re-elected
against his wish and will. The father, Andrew Leodekar Reiman, died January
20, 1901; he had been a great benefactor of St. Augustine's Church and in
his will left a considerable sum to the church and the poor of the
congregation. His younger brother, John Reiman, born November 15, 1879 and
died April 15, 1936, was for many years a star on the theatre of St.
Augustine's Church and besides he directed a score and more plays in the
course of his career as an amateur player at St. Augustine's. His sister,
Catherine, departed this life on December 29, 1936; she was afflicted with
an incurable disease which she bore with Christian resignation. Mr. Joseph
Reiman was never married, setting domestic and altruistic virtues above
personal feelings. At present he is brother, friend, protector and business
agent to his aged sister Mary. May he live long among us!
Mr. Joseph George Steedle, Past Representative of the
Twelfth District of Pennsylvania in the House at Harrisburg, Pa., was a
pupil of St. Augustine's School from 1886 till 1892. He was born March 10,
1880, the son of Charles Steedle and Elizabeth Kirch, and lived in the
neighborhood of St. Augustine's Church between 36th and 37th and Butler
Street. On July 3, 1892, he received his First Holy Communion in St.
Augustine's Church together with 37 boys and 72 girls. Later he received an
academic education at Curry's College, Pittsburgh, entered the medical
department of the Western University of Pennsylvania in 1898, from which he
graduated in 1902, served in 1902 as interne in the Western Pennsylvania
Hospital, Pittsburgh, and also in the City Hospital at Marshalsea, Pa. In
1904 he began the general practice of medicine at McKees Rocks and soon
after he became surgeon at the Ohio Valley General Hospital at McKees Rocks.
The medical and surgical practice could not fill his whole life; he entered
politics and from 1909 till 1914 he served as Burgess of McKees Rocks and
was elected to the House of Representatives from the Twelfth District of
Pennsylvania in 1912 and re-elected in 1914, 1916, 1918, 1920, 1922, 1926,
1928, 1930, and 1932. Naturally he belonged to the Republican Party and in
1934 he was removed from this field of activity by the oncoming Democratic
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slide". Since that time he devotes more attention to his
medical practice in McKees Rocks.
Lack of material prevents the historian extending this list of prominent
parishioners of St. Augustine's. Much of the foregoing chapter could not
have been written without the collaboration of the old parishioners Philip
Zeus, Philomena Berger(1) and a few others. Unfortunately, however, the
greatest number of parishioners did not supply the least information and for
this reason their parents and grand-parents could not have '"honorable"
mention on these pages.
The server-boys are indispensable persons at every Catholic Church. Too
often, however, these ministering "angels" are overlooked in parish
histories. Fortunately a list of those boys who served from 1870 till 1874
has been preserved which we shall reprint here:
This list of sixty names includes also the choir-boys and is to all
appearances incomplete. (This list is reprinted from the St. Augustinus,
October, 1922, p. 6).
Atzihger, Hermann
Dietz, Jacob
Engel, George
Elsesser, Conrad
Frauenheim, Florence
Fuehrer, Joseph
Fuehrer, William
Gloeckler, Bernard
Gloeckler, Francis
Gschwender, George
Grabbe, John
Grabbe, William
Haas, Anton
Haas, August
Haas, Boniface
Happe, Anton
Heil, Otto
Helbling, Bernard
Heuring, William
Heyd, William
Kalchthaler, Albert
Kalchthaler, Louis
Knapp, Henry
Koebert, John
Kwoczaila, Louis
Lamkemeyer, Frank
Leimbach, George
Leimbach, Jacob
Limpert, Cornelius
Limpert, Henry
Maidhof, Jacob
Radel, Robert
Riot, Andrew
Riot, August
Schaefer, George
Schiffhauer, August
Schmitt, Theodore
Schoepf, John
Schrankel, John
Schuermann, Henry
Seifried, Albert
Thomas, Leopold
Urban, August
Voelker, August
Voelker, Christian
Voelker, Frederick
Voelker, Nicholas
Vogel, Michael
Winterhalter, Albert
Wurzel, George
Mr. Philip J. Zeus continues the list by submitting the following names:
Wich, Joseph (now Benedict Wich, O.M.Cap.) ...... 1877
Berger, William ...................................................... 1878
Zeus, Philip J. .........................................................
Berger, Edmund (died) ........................................... 1879
Land, Philip ............................................................
Limpert, Benjamin (died) ........................................ 1879
Limpert, Sylvester .................................................. 1880
Hoffmann, Joseph .................................................. 1880
Land, Vincent ........................................................ 1880
Mary Driesch, baptized February 15, 1863. First baptism in the Old Church.
Eliz. Cath. Helbling, baptized November 2, 1873. First baptism by the
Capuchin Fathers (Fr. Hyacinth Epp).
Rosa Mary Frauenheim, baptized May 12, 1901. First baptism in the New
John Schmidt and Catherine Burghardt, married April 6, 1864. First wedding
in the Old Church.
Victor Halter and Paulina Lerch, married January 7, 1874. First wedding by
the Capuchin Fathers, (Fr. Matthew Hau).
Michael Grimm and Mathilda Bienemann, married May 14, 1901. First wedding in
the New Church.
Susanna Kraus (nee Klein) buried January 8, 1864. First funeral in the Old
Aloysius Henlein, buried January 11, 1874. First funeral by the Capuchin
Fathers, (Fr. Matthew Hau).
Regina Kress, buried May 27, 1901. First funeral in the New Church.
Frater Conrad (John Raffel) entered August 23, 1934.
Frater Aidan (Raphael Lucko) entered August 23,. 1934.
Frater Ervanus (George Charles Maisel) entered July 13, 1936.
(1) Miss Philomena Berger kindly lent to the historian valuable documents
left by her father and otherwise supplied desired information. The rare
volume of publications of the defunct historical society which her father
left to the family, she gratiously donated to the Capuchin Fathers who
treasure it now in their study house in Washington, D.C.
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Adrian, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Alexander, Peter
Alic, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Altenbaugh, Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Ammerle, Catherine
Andres, Mrs. Anna
Andres, Leo
Andres, Marie
Andresco, Mr. & Mrs. George
Andrewski, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Angel, A'lr. & Mrs. John
Angel, Mr. & Mrs. Peter
Antonio, Mr. & Mrs. William
Apel, Mrs. Elizabeth
Arasin, Joseph
Arbanas, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew
Arbanas, Mrs. Rose
Arbanas, Margaret
Archer, Mrs. Alice
Arnold, Mrs. Margaret
Aschenbrenner, Mrs. Catherine
Aschenbrenner, Mary
Aschenbrenner, Francis
Ashton, Mrs. Wm. & Family
Astrauskas, Mrs. Louise
Auth, Catherine
Bader, Mr. & Mrs. Leo
Baj, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Baker, Mrs. Mary Ann
Baker, Loretta
Baker, Francis
Balaska, Mrs. Cecilia
Balaska, Pearl
Balaska, Nellie
Balzer, Mrs. Anna
Balzer, Mr. & Mrs. Henry
Banker, Mr. & Mrs. Walter
Barbati, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew
Barbour, Mrs. Earl
Barkovich, Mrs. Mary
Barone, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Barone, Angeline
Barowick, Mrs. Mary & Family
Barrett, Mrs. James
Barroskey, Mr. & Mrs. Gustav
Bartolick, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Bartolick, Joseph
Bauer, Anna
Baumgartner, Mrs. Caroline
Baumstimler, Mrs. Mary
Baur, Mrs. Emma
Baur, Elmer
Becker, Anna & Irene
Becker, Mr. Bernard & Family
Bednarik, Sophie
Begenwald, Mr. Joseph
Begenwald, William
Begenwald, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony
Belanski, Albert
Belanski, Louise Ann
Belausky, Mr. & Mrs. Albert, Sr.
Benz, Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Benz, George
Benz, Ladislaus
Benz, Paul
Benz, Mrs. Helen
Berger, Minnie
Bernhard, Margaret
Bernot, Mrs. Agnes
Berry, Mr. & Mrs. J. C.
Besavitch, Mrs. Sophia
Besavitch, Frank
Besselman, Minnie
Bevilacqua, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph
Bevilacqua, Ruth
Bich, Mr. & Mrs. George
Bieneman, Mr. John & Family
Bieneman, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence
Bigley, Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Billisits, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew
Binder, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Blacksmith, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Blaize, Mr. & Mrs. Alexander
Blaskiewicz, William
Bleichner, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Bleichner, Cecilia
Bliss, William
Block, Mr. & Mrs. Edward
Boebinger, Mrs. Julia
Bogacz, Mr. & Mrs. John
Bogaski, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Borecki, Anselm
Borecki, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas
Bork, Mrs. Mary & Family
Bosacki, Mr. & Mrs. Harry
Bosacki, Mrs. Victoria
Bracht, Catherine & Emma
Brajdic, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony
Brajdic, Helen
Brandner, Catherine
Brandner, Joseph W.
Brandner, Mrs. Theresa
Brei, Mr. & Mrs. Jacob & Family
Brenenborg, Aloysius
Brenenborg, Mr. & Mrs. Henry & Family
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Brenenborg, Peter
Brosky, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley
Brosky, Genevieve
Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Charles, Jr.
Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Charles, Sr.
Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Paul
Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Ray
Bruckner, Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Fam.
Brueckner, Mr. & Mrs. Frank, Sr. & Fam.
Brueckner, Louis
Bruene, Mrs. Eleanor
Brunasky, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew
Brunick, Mrs. & Mrs. J. H.
Brunner, Mr. Frank, Sr.
Bruno, Mrs. Mary
Bruno, Mr. & Mrs. Peter
Bucholtz, Mrs. Amel
Buckley, Mrs. Johanna
Buechel, Mrs. Catherine
Buechel, Sophia
Bulger, Mrs. Nora
Bulger, William
Burger, Herman
Burke, Edward
Burkhart, Mr. & Mrs. A.
Burkhart, Mr. & Mrs. Harold
Burkhart, Mrs. Mary
Burlett, Mr. & Mrs. John Sr. & Family
Burlett, Mr. & Mrs. C. R.
Burlett, Rose Marie
Bursits, Mr. & Mrs. Paul
Busch, Mr. & Mrs. George, Sr.
Busch, George, Jr.
Bush, Mrs. Theresa
Buster, August
Buster, Charles
Buster, George
Butler, Mr. & Mrs. J.
Butz, Stanley
Byers, Mr. & Mrs. David
Bzdziak, Mr. & Mrs. John
Bzdziak, Edmund
Cadonic, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Campbell, Mrs. Anna & Family
Campbell, Mrs. Irene
Cardwell, Isabelle
Carle, Mr. & Mrs. Albert
Carle, Joseph, Jr.
Carle, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph, Sr.
Carr, Mr. & Mrs. John
Carr, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Carter, John
Cassidy, Mrs. Wm.
Celender, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph
Centner, Mark
Ceponis, Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Family
Charniecki, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley
Chelkowski, Mr. & Mrs. C. & Family
Chenot, Joseph, Jr.
Chenot, Mr. & Mrs. Jos., Sr.
Cherry, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Chester, Mary
Chorherr, Emma
Chrzanowski, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Chuderwicz, Anna
Chuderwicz, Bernard
Church, Catherine
Church, Mrs. Elizabeth
Churjak, Joseph
Closs, Frank, Sr.
Closs, Mary
Collins, Mr. & Mrs. Timothy
Conley, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence
Connell, Mrs. Anna
Conrad, Mrs. Catherine & Family
Cook, Mrs. Dorothy
Cooper, Mrs. Mary
Corinski, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew
Craven, Mr. & Mrs. John
Cserer, Mr. & Mrs. Victor
Cupp, Catherine & Dolores
Cwiklinski, Mr. & Mrs. Walter
Czachowski, Mr. & Mrs. Julius
Czachowski, Florence
Czachowski, Mr. & Mrs. Walter
Czachowski, Frank
Czachowski, Genevieve
Dadowski, Cecilia M.
Dadowski, Mr. & Mrs. Louis, Jr.
Dadowski, Louis, Sr.
Dadowski, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph
Dampf, Mrs.
Damratoski, Mr. & Mrs. Jos.
Damski, Mr. & Mrs. Theo. & Family
Davidson, Gertrude
Davidson, Mrs. Robert
Davis, Mrs. George
Dawson, Mrs. Susan
Dedig, Mr. & Mrs. George
Dedig, Vincent
DeHaan, Mrs. Rose
Delaney, Mr. & Mrs. T.
Delong, Mrs. Mary & Family
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Delost, Jennie
Delost, Julia
Derda, Mrs. Marie
Deutschbauer, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Dietz, E. E.
Dischner, Mrs. Dorothy
Dischner, Mr. & Mrs. John
Dixon, Mrs. Florentine
Dmitrzak, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Dobrowolski, S. F.
Doemling, Geo. & Family
Doemling, Mr. & Mrs. Jos.
Doering, Mr. & Mrs. A.
Dombroski, Mr. Andrew
Dombroski, Wanda
Domyslowski, Mr. & Mrs. B. & Family
Domyslowski, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Donafris, Mrs. Virginia
Dongweck, Mrs. Catherine
Dongweck, Frances
Dongweck, Leonard
Donia, Mr. & Mrs. Dominic
Donnellan, John
Donnelly, Mrs. Josie
Donnermeyer, Mrs. Eva
Donnermeyer, Frank
Donnermeyer, Joseph
Dorn, Mrs. Gertrude
Doyle, Mrs. Helen
Draskovich, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Draskovich, Anna
Draskovich, Matthew
Drnich, Anna
Drobish, Mr. & Mrs. Adolph
Drost, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Drost. Mr. & Mrs. Stanley
Dubas, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Dudas, Mr. & Mrs. Michael
Dufner. Mr. & Mrs. Frank, Sr.
Dufner, Frank, Jr.
Dufner, Mr. & Mrs. Peter
Dunbar, Mr. & Mrs. John
Durler. Mary
Durler, Rose
Durler, William
Durno, Mrs. George
Dzialski. Mr. & Mrs. Matthew
Dzierski, Mr. & Mrs.
Eberlein, Margaret
Eckert. Miss Anna
Eichenlaub, Edward
Eiseman, Margaret
Eiseman, William
Ekrut, Mr. & Mrs. Edward
Eldridge, Bernadette
Eldridge, Mrs. Clara
Elsesser, Bertha
Elsesser, Cecilia
Elsesser, Mr. & Mrs. Jos., Jr.
Elsesser, Joseph, Sr.
Elsesser, William
Elsner, Joseph
Elsner, Mary
Engel, Charles J.
Engel, Elizabeth
Engel, Mr. & Mrs. Harry & Family
Engel, Mr. & Mrs. Peter & Family
English, Mr. & Mrs. James
Erben, Anna
Erben, Helen
Erra, Mr. & Mrs, Frank
Erra, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel
Evankovich, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew
Evankovich, Mr. & Mrs. John
Evankovich, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Evankovich, Katherine,
Evanoski, Felix
Evans, Frank
Ewing, Mrs. Wm.
Faas, Mrs. Josephine
Faas, Mrs. Madelene
Faas, Madelene
Fabic, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony
Falvo Family
Fanning, Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Farrell, Edward
Fasel, Anna May
Fehl, Mrs. Hattie
Fehl, William
Feinaugle, Mrs. Caroline
Felich, Mrs. Frances
Felich, Lorain
Felitsky, Mrs. Marie
Fellinger, Bernard
Fellinger, Mr. & Mrs. John
Feret, Anna
Feret, Frank
Feret, Stanley
Ferguson, Clyde
Ferguson, Mrs. Mary
Fey, Catherine
Fey, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene
Fey, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence
Fey, Mary
Fey, Mary Mathilda
Fischer, Charles
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Fischer, Mrs. Mary & Family
Fischer, Mr. & Mrs. William
Fitzgerald, Mr. & Mrs. Frank & Family
Fitzpatrick, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas
Flaherty, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh
Flaherty, Mrs. Mary
Fleitz, Etta
Fleitz, Hilda
Fleitz, Mrs. Olive
Fleming, Mrs. Mercedes
Fliegel, Mr. & Mrs. Jos.
Fliegel, Mildred
Flowers, Mr. & Mrs. Regis
Flynn, Mrs. Rose
Ford, Mrs. Lucy
Forquer, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Fowler, Mrs. Charles
Francis, Mr. & Mrs. John
Franklin, Catherine
Franklin, Elizabeth
Franklin, Mrs. Mary
Frankulewski, Mr. & Mrs. Victor & Fam
Frauenheim, Mrs. August A.
Fraunholz, Miss Mary
Freker, Mr. & Mrs. Cyril
Friedman, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Fritsch, Clara
Fritsch, Mr. & Mrs. Jas.
Fritz, Mr. & Mrs. Herman
Fritzges, Mrs. Marie
Frlan, Mr. & Mrs. Frank, Sr.
Froetschel, Mrs. Barbara
Frueh, Mrs. Agnes
Frueh, Mr. & Mrs. Frank & Family
Fuchs, Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Fuchs, Mr. & Mrs. Edward
Fuchs, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Fuchs, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Fuchs, Mr. & Mrs. Louis
Fuhrer, Anthony
Fuhrer, Cecilia
Fulton, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Fulton, Mrs. William J.
Funovits, Mr. & Mrs. Frank, Jr.
Funovits, Mr. & Mrs. Frank, Sr.
Funovits, Mr. & Mrs. Frank & Family
Funovits, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Funovits, Joseph
Funovits, Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Family
Funovits, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen
Gable, Mrs. Mary & Family
Gabler, Joseph & Family
Gades, Mr. & Mrs. Leo
Galinowski, Mrs. Louise
Galliot, Mr. & Mrs. H. J.
Ganster, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Gapsky, Mrs. Frances & Family
Gapsky, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph
Garlach, Mrs. Elizabeth
Gaus, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence
Gaus, Joseph
Gauschemann, Anna
Gauschemann, Clara
Gauschemann, Elizabeth
Gauschemann, Mr. & Mrs. Frank, Jr.
Gauschemann, Mr. & Mrs. Frank, Sr.
Gavlick, Alfred
Gavlick, Irene
Gavlick, Mrs. Mary
Gawron, Stephanie
Geis, Mr. & Mrs. Edward
Geis, Marie
Genco, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick
Gerasinski, Mr. & Mrs. Alex.
Gerasinski, Walter
Gerda, Mr. Martin
Gidas, Mary
Gieder, Mr. & Mrs. John, Sr.
Gieder, John, Jr.
Gimber, Harry
Gimber, Jacob
Gizicki, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen
Glasner, Harry
Gloekler, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence
Goetz, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Goetz, Edward
Goetz, George
Goetz, Mr. & Mrs. O. J.
Goetz, Philomena
Golacinski, Anthony
Golatz, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Gold, Mr. & Mrs. I.
Golebeski, Air. & Mrs. Joseph
Golembeski, Mrs. Bernice & Family
Golobic, John
Golvich, Anna
Goralski, Genevieve
Goralski, Mr. & Mrs. John
Gorseck, Mrs. Johanna
Gorseck, Stephania
Gorsky, Mr. & Mrs. Z. & Family
Gottschalk, Gregory
Gottschalk, Mrs. H. B.
Gottschalk, Mr. & Mrs. Jos. & Family
Gottschalk, John
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Grebiner, Mr. & Mrs. Jos. & Family
Greegus, Mrs. Anna & Family
Greenewald, Mrs. Anna
Greenewald, Marie
Gregonis, Mrs. Amelia & Family
Gresky, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony
Gretok, Albert
Gretok, Marie
Gribas, John, Jr.
Gribas, Mr. & Mrs. John, Sr.
Griffin, Lawrence
Grill, Mrs. Anna
Grimm, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Grimm, Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Family
Grimm, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen
Gronau, Frank
Gross, Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Grubbs, Mr. & Mrs. Harry
Gulawjski, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore
Gurneck, Joseph
Gurneck, Julia
Gutendorf, Catherine
Gutendorf, Joseph
Gutt, Mr. & Mrs. John
Haas, Anna
Haas, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony
Haas, Mrs. Frances
Haas, Mrs. J.
Haas, Mr. & Mrs. Jos. A.
Haas, Mr. & Mrs. Jos. M. & Family
Haas, Margaret
Haas, Stella
Haas, William
Haber, Anthony, Jr.
Haber, George
Haber, Ralph, Jr.
Haber, Ralph, Sr.
Habovsek, Angeline
Habovsek, Mrs. Mary
Habovsek, Peter
Haecker, Anna
Haft, Mr. & Mrs. August
Haley, Mr. & Mrs. John, Sr. & Family
Halli, Peter
Hanna, Mr. & Mrs. William
Harenski, Mr. & Mrs. John
Haeckler, Anna
Harkavy, Mrs. Anna
Hart, Ms. Barbara
Hartle, M. A.
Hartung, Clara
Hartung, Mr. & Mrs. William, Jr.
Hartung, Mr. & Mrs. William, Sr.
Hartz, Mr. & Mrs. Peter
Hauser, Mr. & Mrs. George
Heidecamp, Mr. & Mrs. August
Heil, Mr. & Mrs. Sylvester
Helbling, Joseph
Hendler, Mrs. Cornelia
Hengelsberg, Mr. & Mrs. Mathias
Henigan, Mr. & Mrs. William
Henle, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Henning, Albert
Henning, Mr. & Mrs. John
Henninger, Mr. & Mrs. Albert
Henninger, Charles
Henninger, Mr. & Mrs. Otto
Herbert, Mr. & Mrs. Herman
Hershell, M. M.
Hess, Agatha
Hess, Philomena
Heumiller, Christ
Heumiller, John
Higby, Mrs. Angelina
Hinchcliff, Mrs. Mary & Family
Hodos, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Hoellerman, Mr. & Mrs. Edward
Hoellerman, Mrs. Margaret
Hofferbart, Mrs. William
Hoffman, M. M.
Hofscher, Gertrude
Hogg, Clara
Hogg, William
Hohman, Anthony & Family
Holiday, Mrs. Helen
Holler, Anna
Holler, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence
Holler, Mrs. Margaret
Holler, Peter J.
Holzapfel, Mrs. Sophie
Hook, Mr. & Mrs. C.
Hornickle, Louisa
Howley, Bettie
Hripko, Mrs. Amelia
Huber, Mrs. Lena & Alice
Hubstenberger, Mr. & Mrs. Benedict
Huemmerich, Mrs. Fred.
Huether, Mrs. Mary
Huether, Mathilda
Huff, Mrs. Hilda
Hughes, Esther
Hughes, Mr. & Mrs. John
Hulfeld, Rupert
Hungerman, Mr. & Mrs. Henry
Hungerman, Mr. & Mrs. Jos., Sr. & Fam.
St. Augustine Church Diamond Jubilee
Page 206
Hupfer, Anna
Hupfer, Frank
Hupfer, Marie
Ignatius, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley
Ignosh, Mr. & Mrs. John
Irlbacher, Mr. & Mrs. Jos. & Family
Jackson, Mr. & Mrs. George
Jacobs, August
Jalovecky, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph & Family
Janasura, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Janc, Mary
Janc, Mr. & Mrs. Stanislaus
Janekowski, Mrs. Helen & Family
Jankowski, Julius
Jankowski, Mr. & Mrs. Walter
Jans, Mr. & Mrs. Adolph
Jantz, Mr. & Mrs. Martin
Janusz, Mrs. Theodore
Januszewski, Frank
Januszewski, Mrs. Honurata
Januszkiewicz, Mrs. Johanna
Javens, Mrs. Nellie
Jaworski, Mr. & Mrs. T.
Jastrzebowski, Rose
Jastrzebowski, Mr. & Mrs. Walter
Jesiolowski, Joseph
Jesiolowski, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen
Jesko, Wanda
Joganic, Mr. & Mrs. John
Johnbreir, Mrs. Mary Ann
Johnston, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Jones, Mr. & Mrs. Barton
Joos, Mrs. Bertha
Jordan, Irene
Jordan, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Jordan, Mr. & Mrs. Louis & Family
Joyce, Howard
Kaczmarek, Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Kaduck, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen & Family
Kaduck, Mr. & Mrs. William
Kalchthaler Bertha
Kalchthaler, Mrs. Frank
Kalchthaler, Herman
Kalchthaler, Mrs. Mathilda
Kalchthaler, William
Kalinowski, Constance
Kalinowski, Mr. & Mrs. John
Kaminski, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew
Kaminski, Mrs. C.
Karauski, Anna
Karauski, Josephine
Karauski, Peter
Karauski, Wallace
Karlovits, Mr. & Mrs. Frank, Jr.
Karlovits, Mr. & Mrs. John
Karlovits, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Karoleski, Edward
Karoleski, Francis
Karoleski, Mrs. Victoria
Kasiulin, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Kassalen, Mrs. Caroline
Kassalen, Joseph
Kassalen, Mary
Kawalski, Anna
Keane, John
Keane, Mrs. Frances
Kearns, Mrs. E.
Keksz, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Keksz, Mr. & Mrs. Paul & Family
Kelecic, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Keller, Mr. & Mrs. John & Family
Kelly, Mrs. Agnes
Kelly, Mrs. Josephine
Kelsch, Mr. & Mrs. John
Keri, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Kern, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Kern, William
Kerner, A. A.
Kerner, Harry
Kerner, Peter, Jr.
Kerstien, Mr. & Mrs. Albert
Kerstien, Mr. & Mrs. Edward & Family
Kerstien, Mr. & Mrs. George
Kerstien, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence & Fam.
Kerstien, Mrs. Mary
Killian, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard
Kime, Mr. & Mrs. James
Kims, Stanley
King, Mrs. Anna
King, Sara
King, Mr. & Mrs. William
Kins, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony
Kins, Henry
Klaas, Anna
Klatman, Mrs. S. J.
Klavon, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony
Klayner, Mrs. Pauline & Family
Kleiber, Mrs. Magdalen
Kleiber, Mr. & Mrs. S.
Klein, Mr. & Mrs. A.
Klingaman, Mrs. Charles
Klipp, Mr. & Mrs. Paul
Klonowski, Mary
St. Augustine Church Diamond Jubilee
Page 207
Klonowski, Mrs. P.
Klozek, Mrs. Nellie
Kluczkowski, Mr. & Mrs. S.
Kobe, Mr. & Mrs. S.
Kober, Joseph
Kobser, George
Kobser, Mr. & Mrs. Michael
Kobus, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley
Koerner, Mrs. Emma
Koerner, Hedwig
Kohler, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Kohler, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Kohler, Mary
Kohler, Mildred
Kolek, Mr. & Mrs. John
Kolesar, Mr. & Mrs. George
Kolesar, Susan
Kolling, Anna May
Kolling, Christ
Kolling, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph
Koncic, Genevieve
Kopp, Mr. & Mrs. Benedict
Koprowski, Mr. & Mrs. S.
Korff, Mr. & Mrs. C.
Korzywski, Mr. & Mrs. Walter
Kosakowsky, Mrs. Emily
Kosakowsky, Sabina
Kosogovits, Mr. & Mrs. J.
Koss, Joseph
Kowalewski, Beatrice
Kowalewski, Mr. & Mrs. M.
Kowalski, Anna
Kowalski, Mrs. G.
Kotz, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Kovalick, Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Kowalska, Mrs. Helen
Kowalski, Stanley
Kowalski, Mr. & Mrs. Z.
Kozicziemski, Mr. & Mrs. Jos.
Koziemski, Stanley
Kozub, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas
Krakovsky, Mrs. Anna
Krakovsky, Stephen
Krakowsky, Mr. & Mrs. John & Family
Kramer, Albert
Kramer, Anna
Kramer, Bertha
Kramer, Mrs. Marie
Kramm, Mr. & Mrs. Herman
Kramm, Mathilda
Kramm. Philip & Family
Kramm. Rose
Krebs, Mr. & Mrs. H.
Kreckler, Antonia
Kress, Bertha
Kress, Mrs. Elizabeth
Kress, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Kress, Marie
Kress, Martha
Kress, Mathilda
Kress, Peter
Kress, William
Krupa, Charles
Krupa, Mr. & Mrs. John
Krupski, Mr. & Mrs. Leo, Sr.
Krupski, Leo, Jr.
Krusas, Jessie
Ktuszewska, Stella
Ktuszewska, Mrs. \Vm.
Kuban, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Kuban, Mary
Kubicsek, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Kuzmic, Mr. & Mrs. John
Kukieza, Mrs. Anna
Kulbacka, Mary
Kulikowski, Mr. & Mrs. John
Kulinski, Mr. & Mrs. Jos.
Kunkel, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Kunkel. Martha
Kuntz, Mr. & Mrs. Jos.
Kuntz, Mrs. Frances
Kutosken, Edward
Kuzmic, John
Kuzmic, Mary
Kuzmicki, Mr. & Mrs. Leo
Kwech, Mrs. Marie
Kwias, Mr. & Mrs. Walter
Kwiatek, Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Kwiatek, Mr. & Mrs. Walter & Family
Kwiatkowski, Mrs. Catherine
Kwiatkowski, Theodore
Kwiecinski, Mrs. C.
Labbe, Mr. & Mrs. Edward
Lach, Mr. & Mrs. A. & Family
Lackner, Margaret
Lake, Dorothy
Lake, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Lakits, Mr. & Mrs. Paul & Family
Lakits, Theresa
Lako, Mr. & Mrs. George
Lampert, Mr. & Mrs. Edward
Lang, Mrs. Mary
Lankemeyer, Mr. & Mrs. Leo
Lankemeyer, Robert
Lankiewicz, Mrs. Anna
St. Augustine Church Diamond Jubilee
Page 208
Larkin, David
Laskowski, Mr. & Mrs. Jos.
Lasky, Mr. & Mrs. John
Lasky, Robert
Lauber, Kate
Law, Mr. & Mrs. John
Leas, Mr. & Mrs. Paul
Leber, C. C.
Leber, Marcella
Legath, Mary
Leheny, Mrs. Mary
Leisman, Clara
Leisman, George
Lelia, Mrs. Alexander
Lelia, Eleanor
Leonard, Mr. & Mrs. R.
Leonarski, Mrs. Victoria
Lewandowski, Mr. & Mrs. C.
Lewicki, Helen
Lewicki, Mrs. Mary
Lienemann, Mrs. Mary
Likavec, Mr. & Mrs. John & Family
Limpert, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Limpert, Mr. & Mrs. Philip
Lindenfelser, Joseph
Lipinski, Sylvester
Lipinski, Mr. & Mrs. V.
Lippert, Mr. & Mrs. Carl
Lison, Mr. & Mrs. Jos., Jr.
Lison, Joseph, Sr.
Lisivick, Edward
Liverspire. Mr. & Mrs. W.
Loebig, Mrs. Gertrude
Lopinto, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Lopinto, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Lopinto, Mrs. Josephine
Lopinto, Rose Marie
Los, Mr. & Mrs. John
Lott, Mr. & Mrs. Chester
Loucks, Mr. & Mrs. Harry
Lowrie, Mr. & Mrs. W.
Lucas, Catherine
Lucas, James, Mr. & Mrs., Sr.
Lucas, Virginia
Lucko, Alma
Lucko, Mr. & Mrs. John
Luczak, Casimir
Lutkowski, Anthony
Lutkowski, Edmund
Lutkowski, Mrs. Frances
Lutz, Mr. & Mrs. Adolph, Jr.
Lutz, Mr. & Mrs. Adolph, Sr.
Lutz, Florian
Lutz, Joseph
Lutz, Ms. Magdalene
Lydon, Paul
Lyman, Mr. & Mrs. John & Family
Lynch, William
Lynd, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Lynd, Rita
Lysakowski, Mr. & Mrs. A.
McAleer, Mr. & Mrs. T.
McCormick, Jos.
McGinnis, Mr. & Mrs. John, Sr.
McGinnis, John, Jr.
McGinnis, Mr. & Mrs. Regis
McGregor, James
McGregor, Mrs. Pearl
McGregor, William P.
McKelvey, Joseph
McKelvey, Laura
McKelvey, Mrs. Sophia
McKenzie, Mr. & Mrs. George
McLaughlin, Mr. & Mrs. F.
McLean, Mr. & Mrs. F.
McNeill, S.
McNulty, Mrs. Geo.
McShane, Agnes
Mack, Mrs. Dora
Mackiewicz, Mr. & Mrs. A.
Mackinowski, Florence
Mackinowski, H.
Mackowski, Mr. & Mrs. A.
Madden, W.
Madjerac, Mr. & Mrs. Jos.
Maglich, Mrs. Anna
Maglich, Eleanor
Maglich, Ferdinand
Maglich, Lillian
Maguire, Mrs. Mary
Maier, Mr. & Mrs. V.
Maier, Grace
Maisel, Mr. & Mrs. George & Family
Makary, John, Jr.
Makary, Mr. & Mrs. John, Sr.
Makary, Patricia
Manchester, Mr. & Mrs. B.
Mangis, Mrs. Amelia
Manski, Harry
Manski, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Manuel, Mr. & Mrs. A.
Maranowski, Mrs. Bernard
Marchitella, Mr. & Mrs. A.
Marchitella, Angelina
Marchitella, Peter
St. Augustine Church Diamond Jubilee
Page 209
Marchlewitz, Mr. & Mrs. H.
Marchlewitz, Clara
Marchlewitz, Helen
Marchlewitz, Mrs. Mary
Marinach, Mr. & Mrs. A.
Marinack, Mr. & Mrs. John
Marinick, Mr. & Mrs. Martin
Markowski, Mr. & Mrs. E.
Markowski, Leo
Markowski, Mrs. Mary
Markowski, Mildred
Marlovits, Mr. & Mrs. Chas.
Marlovits, Marie
Marshelivits, Geo.
Martin, Mrs. Eleanor
Masterson, Mrs. Frank
Masterson, Frank, Jr.
Mattox, Mrs. Mary
Matz, Mrs. Carl
Mauro, Mr. & Mrs. Louis
May, Mr. & Mrs. John & Family
Meade, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Meade, Paul
Meiss, Margaret
Meiss, Mrs. Mary
Meixner, Cecilia
Melchert, August
Melchior, Mrs. Margaret & Family
Messner, John
Messner, Mr. & Mrs. Jos.
Meyers, Mrs. Chas.
Meyers, Michael
Miczak, Mr. & Mrs. Jos.
Mikolajczyk, Mr. & Mrs. F.
Miksic, Charles
Miksic, Margaret
Mikszan, Mr. & Mrs. A.
Mikszan, Mrs. Helen
Mikszan, Mr. & Mrs. Jos.
Mikulan, Mr. & Mrs. George & Family
Milewski, Mr. & Mrs. A.
Milewski, Frank J.
Milewski, Mrs. Helen
Milewski, Mrs. Pauline
Milheizler, Joseph
Miller, Anna
Miller, Mr. & Mrs. B.
Miller, Mr. & Mrs. C.
Miller, Constance
Miller, Mr. & Mrs. Harry
Miller, Mrs. Magdelene
Miller, Mary
Miller, Mr. & Mrs. Peter
Miller, Ralph
Miller, Mrs. Rose
Miller, Mr. & Mrs. Wm.
Milly, Mr. & Mrs. Paul
Minahan, Mr. & Mrs. T.
Misavage, Anna
Missey, Joseph
Mistorz, Mr. & Mrs. Walter & Family
Mittereder, Regina
Mizgorski, Mr. & Mrs. S. & Family
Mocarski, Mr. & Mrs. V.
Modzelewski, Mrs. R.
Moffat, Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Moffat, Florence
Moffat, George
Moffat, Grace
Moffat, Mr. & Mrs. Jos., Jr.
Moffat, Mrs. Jos., Sr.
Moffat, Rose
Moloney, Mrs. Anna
Monroe, Mrs. Anna
Moore, Mr. & Mrs. E.
Moran, Mr. & Mrs. M.
Morch, Albert
Morch, Mary
Morin, Mr. & Mrs. H.
Morris, Peter
Morth, Theresa
Mosakowski, Mr. & Mrs. R.
Motichak, Margaret
Mudge, Mrs. T.
Muesser, August, Jr.
Muesser, August, Sr.
Muesser, Mr. & Mrs. Harry
Mulholland, Mrs. Bertha
Murowski, Mr. & Mrs. S.
Muszynski, Mr. & Mrs. J.
Napierkowski, Frank
Navolinski, Alphonse
Navolinski, Mr. & Mrs. Jos.
Naylor, Grace
Needham, Mr. & Mrs. T. E.
Nehring, Bernard
Nehring, Paul
Neinhouser, Mrs. Mary
Neinhouser, Philomena
Neinhouser, Wilfrid
Nemth, Philomena
Nemth, Mrs. Theresa
Neppack, Mrs. Wm.
Neske, Mr. & Mrs. Fred
Neske, John
St. Augustine Church Diamond Jubilee
Page 210
Neubert, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Neumeister, Mrs. Elizabeth
Neumeister, Rosella
Nevergold, Frank
Nichols, Mrs. Marie
Nichols, Ruth
Nickel, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony
Nickel, Mr. & Mrs. John
Nickel, Mary Cecilia
Nickel, Monica
Nickel, Rose Marie
Nieman, Mrs. Elizabeth & Family
Nieman, Mr. & Mrs. J.
Noble, Mr. & Mrs. William
Noullet, Mrs. E.
Noullet, Mrs. J.
Noullett, Mr. & Mrs. Oscar
Novak, Mr. & Mrs. John
Novak, Mary
Novara, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony
Nowicki, John
Nowicki, Mrs. Joseph
Nye, Mr. & Mrs. F.
Oberly, Mrs. May
Oberz, Mr. & Mrs. John
Ochsenhirt, Mrs. Mary
Odowski, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Odowski, Herman
Odowski, Mr. & Mrs. William
Oft, Anthony
O'Leary, Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Olsen, Mrs. E.
Olsen, Mary
Olszewski, Mr. & Mrs. S.
Olszewski, Mr. & Mrs. John
Olszewski, Mr. & Mrs. Jos.
Olzewski, Mrs. Frances
Omasits, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Omasits, Mr. & Mrs. J.
Omasits, Stephen
O'Neil, Mrs. John
O'Neil, Gertrude
Orban, Mr. & Mrs. John
Ordakowski, Mr. & Mrs. Frank & Fam.
Orga, Mr. & Mrs. A.
Orga, Mr. & Mrs. James & Family
Osmanski, Mrs. Laura
Osmanski, Sarah
Ostrowski, Mr. & Mrs. J.
Ostrowski, Josephine
Ostrowski, Mary
Ostrowski, Mr. & Mrs. Walter
Overington, Alice
Pachuca, Mr. & Mrs. Peter
Pahucas, Mn & Mrs. T.
Pahucas, Albina
Pakowski, Mr. & Mrs. John
Palmer, Mr. & Mrs. S.
Papciak, Mr. & Mrs. Henry
Papciak, Mrs. Mary
Papciak, Raymond
Paprocki, Mr. & Mrs. S.
Parolski, Mr. & Mrs. Chas.
Paul, Mrs. Robert
Paulick, Mrs. Stephen
Paulovkin, Mr. & Mrs. John
Pavlkovic, Anna
Pavlkovic, Rose
Pawlak, Mr. & Mrs. Harry
Pawlak, Mr. & Mrs. Walter
Pazder, Madeline
Pazder, Peter
Pearman, Mr. & Mrs. Louis
Pecuikas, Mr. & Mrs. John & Family
Pelkofer, Mr. & Mrs. Fred
Pelusi, Clare
Penar, Mr. & Mrs. John
Peoples, Mr. & Mrs. James
Peoples, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Perkoski, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen
Perzy, Frank
Petrinec, Mrs. Anna
Petrokovich, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Petrokovich, Mr. & Mrs. Stephan
Petti, Mr. & Mrs. John & Family
Petti, Mr. & Mrs. Stephan & Family
Pfeil, Jos., Sr.
Pfohl, Harry
Pfohl, Mr. & Mrs. Leo
Piantkowski, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Piantkowski, Joseph
Piantkowski, Wanda
Piasecki, Mr. & Mrs. D.
Pilgrim, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence
Pilin, Mr. & Mrs. Alex. W.
Piotrowski, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore
Piotrowski, Frances
Pischke, Jos. T.
Plank, Mrs. Caroline & Family
Platz, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Platz, Mr. & Mrs. George
Podorski, Mrs. Anna
Polk, Mr. & Mrs. Philip
Pongrac, Mr. & Mrs. George & Family
St. Augustine Church Diamond Jubilee
Page 211
Popinski, Mr. & Mrs. John
Popovitz, Mr. & Mrs. Frank, Jr.
Popovitz, Mr. & Mrs. Frank, Sr.
Popp, Mrs. Anna Mary
Pottmeyer, Mrs. Ida & Family
Pozeg, Stephen
Prascovitz, Mr. & Mrs. S.
Prascovitz, Anna
Praxmaier, Mrs. Ida
Predis, Stanley
Pricer, Mrs. Mary
Prikryl, Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Probul, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Pruszynski, Mr. & Mrs. Walter
Prymas, Mrs. Frances
Przybysz, Albert
Puchka, Mrs. Veronica
Puchka, Bernard
Puchka, Lottie
Puder, Mr. & Mrs. John & Family
Puhl, Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Purnell, Mr. & Mrs. Albert
Pusateri, Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Quering, Mr. & Mrs. Frank J.
Rabel, Mr. & Mrs. Emil
Radzawitz, Mrs. Cath. & Family
Radziminska, Catherine
Raffel, Mary
Raible, Albert
Raible, Elizabeth
Raible, Leo
Rakiecz, Anna
Rakow, Mr. & Mrs. Albert
Rakow, Fred
Rakow, Paul
Randol, Mr. & Mrs. Albert, Jr.
Randol, Mr. & Mrs. Albert, Sr. & Fam.
Rattay, Mr. & Mrs. John & Family
Rau, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph & Family
Reckhouse, Mrs. Mary & Family
Redeker, Mrs. Philomena
Redshaw, Mrs. Augusta
Redshaw, William
Regan, Mrs. Mary
Reger, Mrs. Frances
Reger, Mary
Reiman, Joseph
Reiman, Mary
Reith, Mr. & Mrs. Herman
Reith. Mr. & Mrs. Louis
Reith, Mr. & Mrs. Paul
Reitz, Mrs. Anna
Remke, Mr. & Mrs. Jos.
Repa, John
Repas, Mrs. Victoria
Reynolds, Frank
Rhein, Mr. & Mrs. Aloysius
Rhein, Anthony J.
Rhein, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph & Family
Rhein, Mrs. Louise
Rhodes, Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Rickets, Mr. & Mrs. Edward
Ricketts, Mrs. Mary & Family
Riedel, Mr. & Mrs. A. & Family
Riegler, Mr. & Mrs. C.
Rimkevic, Mr. & Mrs. P.
Riott, Mr. & Mrs. Harry
Riott, Frank
Rixner, Mr. & Mrs. Jacob
Rixner, Mr. & Mrs. Jos.
Rixner, Mr. & Mrs. Michael
Robic, Mrs. Barbara & Family
Robinson, Mrs. Grace
Rodgers, George & Family
Romer, Mr. & Mrs. John
Romer, Mr. & Mrs. M.
Romer, Nellie
Rose, Daniel
Rose, Catherine
Rose, Mr. & Mrs. Philip
Rosek, Mrs. Mary & Family
Ross, Mrs. James & Family
Ross, Mr. & Mrs. John
Roth, Catherine
Roth, Mrs. Catherine
Roth, Louis
Rozniata, Mr. & Mrs. Chester
Rozycki, Mr. & Mrs. Walter
Rudzke, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard & Family
Russell, Edward
Russell, Mrs. Gertrude
Rutondo, Joseph
Rygielski, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Saar, Albert
Saar, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence
Sakach, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Salac, Herbert
Salac, Mr. & Mrs. M.
Sasse, Mr. & Mrs. John
Sasse, Valentine
Sauer, Caroline
Sauer, John
Saxon, Mr. & Mrs. Paul
St. Augustine Church Diamond Jubilee
Page 212
Scarola, Mrs. Anna
Schackmar, Mr. & Mrs. Leo
Schaefers, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. & Family
Schaffer, Mr. & Mrs. F.
Schaffer, S. L.
Schaffer, Mrs. Mary
Schano, Chas.
Scheeser, Mrs. Henrietta
Scheeser, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert
Scheeser, Mr. & Mrs. Michael
Scheid, Mr. & Mrs. William
Schelich, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony
Scherm, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew, Jr.
Scherm, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew, Sr.
Schiegg, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard
Schiller, Helen
Schiller, Henry
Schiller, William
Schiller, Mary
Schiller, Mr. & Mrs. Paul
Schilling, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Schilling, Mr. & Mrs. Jos. A.
Schillo, Amelia
Schillo, Mrs. Mary
Schimph, Mrs. John, Sr.
Schimph, John, Jr.
Schivins, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Schlotthauer, Mrs. Anna
Schmeck, Mr. & Mrs. George
Schmer, John
Schmid, Frank
Schmid, Minnie
Schmidt, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Schmidt, Mr. & Mrs. Paul, Jr.
Schmidt, Mr. & Mrs. Paul, Sr. & Family
Schmieder, Mrs. Augustine
Schmolder, Mrs. Pauline & Family
Schmolder, Marie
Schneider, Frank
Schneider, Mr. & Mrs. William
Scholl, Clementine
Scholl, Olivia
Scholl, Mary
Scholl, Rose
Schott, Clara
Schramm, Mrs. Angeline
Schranner, Mr. & Mrs. A.
Schreiber, Theresa
Schreider, Mr. & Mrs. Leo
Schrode, Mr. & Mrs. R.
Schultz, Mr. & Mrs. A. J.
Schultz, Agnes
Schultz, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony
Schultz, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph, Sr.
Schultz, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen & Family
Schumacher, Mary
Schumaker, Dorothy
Schwartz, Mrs. Peter
Schwer, Mr. & Mrs. Walter, Sr. & Fam.
Scott, Mrs. Margaret
Scott, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph
Seemiller, Mr. Louis
Seger, Charles
Seger, Mr. & Mrs. John
Seger, Mr. & Mrs. John L.
Segreti, Magdaline
Segriff, Mr. & Mrs. Francis
Seifried, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence
Seiler, Mr. & Mrs. Valentine
Senge, Edward
Senge, Mrs. Elizabeth
Senge, Theresa
Sengs, Mr. & Mrs. Michael
Sepanski, Mr. & Mrs. C.
Sestrich, Mr. & Mrs. T.
Shafer, Mrs. Rosina
Shalamunec, Mr. & Mrs. George
Shannon, Mr. & Mrs. Oliver
Shaul, Mrs. H.
Siegel, Mr. & Mrs. Elmer
Sieminski, Agnes
Sieminski, John
Sienko, Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Silicki, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Simons, Helen
Simons, Mrs. Marie
Singer, Mr. & Mrs. John
Sladic, Mr. N.
Slazenski, Mr. & Mrs. B.
Slazenski, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen & Fam.
Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Smith, Margaret
Slean, Mr. & Mrs. J. A.
Slinis, Ursula
Smithhammer, Mr. & Mrs. George
Smithhammer, K.
Smolder, Mrs. Catherine & Family
Snyder, Mrs. Barbara & Family
Socks, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen
Sollinger, Mr. & Mrs. M. & Family
Somerfeld. Mrs. Lena
Sonick, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph & Family
Sonnefeld, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Sonnefeld, Rose
Soska, Amelia
Soska, John
St. Augustine Church Diamond Jubilee
Page 213
Speth, Mr. & Mrs. William & Family
Spilecki, Mrs. Clara
Splane, Mrs. Mary
Stack, Mr. & Mrs. Edward
Stadelman, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard & Fam.
Stadelman, Robert
Stadelman, Rose
Stagner, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew
Stagner, Anna
Stagner, Edward
Stajduhar, Mrs. A.
Stajminger, Frances
Stajminger, Thomas
Stanick, Joseph
Stanick, Mrs. Stephania
Stanzck, Mrs. Agnes
Stanzck, Paul
Stapf, Adelaide
Stapf, Mr. & Mrs. William
Stapf, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph
Stapushatis, Mr. & Mrs. A.
Starczewski, Mr. & Mrs. W.
Starr, Mr. & Mrs. Henry
Starr, Mrs. Anna
Starr, Bernard
Starr, Mr. & Mrs. Leo
Starr, Esther
Starr, Herman
Starr, Mr. & Mrs.
Starr, Agnes
Starr, George
Starr, Lawrence
Starr, Leonard
Starr, John
Starr, Raymond
Stasiak, Mr. & Mrs. Paul & Family
Staudt, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. & Family
Steffel, Mr. & Mrs. Charles, Jr.
Steffel, Charles, Sr.
Stehle, Mr. & Mrs. F. & Family
Steigerwald, Mr. & Mrs. John
Steigner, Mrs. Fred
Stein, Mr. & Mrs. Jacob
Steinkirchner, Mr. & Mrs. Jos. & Fam.
Steinkirchner, Edward
Steinkirchner, Mrs. T. & Fam.
Sterzinger, Mr. & Mrs. Fred
Stierer, Mr. & Mrs. George
Stiglich, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony
Stiglich, Mr. & Mrs. Jacob & Family
Stoltz, Mrs. Margaret
Straka, Mr. & Mrs. G. A.
Strathmann, Mr. & Mrs. Wm.
Straznick, Mr. & Mrs. Jos.
Stroebel, Mrs. Caroline
Stroebel, Frances
Strom, Mrs. Walter
Stuparits, Mr. & Mrs. Alex. & Family
Stutzmann, Mrs. Julia & Family
Sudaz, Mrs. Marie
Sudetic, Mr. & Mrs. John
Sudetich, Mr. & Mrs. George
Suewer, Elizabeth
Sufak, Mr. & Mrs, Jos., Jr.
Sufak, Mr. & Mrs. Jos., Sr.
Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. B.
Suppert, Mrs. Anna
Swaney, Mr. & Mrs. George & Family
Swaney, Mrs. Magdalin
Swarts, Mrs. Marie
Sweeney, Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Sweeny, Mrs. Margaret
Szafran, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Szarmach, Mr. & Mrs. Walter
Szazynski, Mrs. T.
Szczepanski, Alice
Szczepanski, Mr. & Mrs. M.
Szily, Mr. & Mrs. A. J.
Szolis, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Szpita, Catherine
Tamulinas, Mr. Frank
Targacz, Mr. & Mrs. Peter
Tedesco, Mrs. Anthony
Tedesco, Charles
Teese, Mr. & Mrs. Harry
Temple, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene
Tenure, Mrs. Elmer
Tercsak, Mary
Terczak, Mr. & Mrs. Jos.
Terczak, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen
Thiery, Mr. & Mrs. John
Thompson, Mrs. Philomena & Family
Tkac, Mrs. Mary
Trabert, August
Trabert, Joseph
Trabert, Russell
Trabert, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Trakofler, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Trakofler, Frank
Trakofler, Gregory
Trakofler, Mrs. Marie
Traum, Mr. & Mrs. Frank, Sr.
Trojanowski, Mrs. Helen
Troy, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Truszkowski, Mr. & Mrs. F.
St. Augustine Church Diamond Jubilee
Page 214
Truxel, Mrs. Irene
Tuke, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred
Tumelty, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Tysarczyk, Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Uhrin, Mr. & Mrs. John, Jr.
Uhrin, Mr. & Mrs. John, Sr.
Uhrin, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph, Jr.
Uhrin, Michael
Uhrin, Stephen
Ulewicz, Mr. & Mrs. Peter & Family
Urban, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony, Sr.
Urbaniak, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent
Vajdetic, Mr. & Mrs. Mark
Valentine, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas
Vallo, Mr. & Mrs. Peter
Vaniels, Mr. & Mrs. W.
Varasse, Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Veiders, Mrs. Sophia
Veiders, Gertrude
Vilsack, Mrs. Louisa
Voelker, Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin
Voelker, Joseph
Voelker, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Vogel, Mr. & Mrs. F. A. & Family
Vogel, Bertha
Vogel, Edward J.
Vogel, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald
Vogel, Helen
Vogel, Michael
Vogel, Valentine
Vonderhoe, Anna
Vukelja, Mr. & Mrs. W.
Vukmanic, Anna
Vukmanic, Joseph
Vukmanic, Jennie
Vukmanic, Frank, Jr.
Vukmanic, Peter
Wahl, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew & Family
Waibel, Mrs. Mary
Walch, Mrs. Marie
Wald, Anna
Wald, Elizabeth
Walter, Airs. Margaret
Walters, Mrs. Edward
Walters, Mrs. Wm.
Walz, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Warick, Mrs. Helen & Family
Wassell, Mr. & Mrs. John
Weber, Albert
Wegert, John
Wegert, Lawrence, Sr.
Wegznek, Mr. & Mrs. S.
Wegznek, Nellie
Weisner, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard
Weisner, Agnes
Weissner, Mr. & Mrs. Leo
Weissner, Ruth
Weleditch, Mr. & Mrs. Peter
Welsch, Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Wendolowski, Mr. & Mrs. A.
Wenger, Theresa
Werries, Mr. & Mrs. Matthew N. & Fam.
Wertz, Philomena
Wesneski, Joseph
West, Mrs. Margaret
West, E. A.
Westerman, Cecilia
Wheatley, Mrs. Mary
Wieczorek, Mr. & Mrs. Bruno
Wieczorek, Rita
Wierzbicka, Nellie
Wietrzykowski, Mr. & Mrs. Al.
Wiggert, Mrs.
William, Ethel
Wilson, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Wirkowski, Mr. & Mrs. A.
Wingert, Daniel
Wirth, Mr. & Mrs. Edward, Jr.
Wirth, Mr. & Mrs. Edward, Sr.
Wiskowski, Mrs. Mary
Wisnierski, Mrs. Joseph
Wisnierski, Margaret
Wisniewski, Mrs. Nellie
Wisniewski, Mr. & Mrs. Steve
Witanski, Mr. & Mrs. Albert & Family
Witkowski, Mr. Theodore
Wittig, Catherine
Wittig, Mrs. Elizabeth
Wittig, Louis
Wojdyla, Mrs. Anna
Wojdyla, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen
Wojlowski, Mr. & Mrs. John
Wolfersberger, Mrs. Eva
Wolff, Geraldine
Wolff, Mrs. Mary
Wollowicz, Mrs. Frances
Wollowicz, Mr. & Mrs. John
Wolowic, Francis, Jr.
Wright, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph & Family
Wroblewski, Mr. & Mrs. John
Wukitch, Mr. & Mrs. Frank, Sr. & Fam.
Wyborski, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley
Wyzkowski, Mr. & Mrs. Charles
St. Augustine Church Diamond Jubilee
Page 215
Yackovich, Mr. & Mrs. E. & Family
Yaman, Mrs. Leslie
Yeschke, Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph
Yoos, Mrs. Regina
Yost, Florentine
Yost, Julius
Zalagens, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Zaleski, Mr. & Mrs. Edward
Zalewski, Mr. & Mrs. W. & Family
Zapalauski, Mr. & Mrs. J.
Zaremba, Helen
Zawart, John
Zawart, John, Jr.
Zawart, John, Sr.
Zbikowski, Mrs. Mary
Zelenzjak, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley & Family
Zemaitis, Mr. & Mrs. George
Zenk, Bertha
Zerr, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Zeus, Barbara
Zeus, Philip
Zevinski, Jane
Zgeb, Frank
Ziecina, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley
Ziecina, Mr. & Mrs. George, Jr.
Ziecina, Mr. & Mrs. George, Sr. & Family
Ziegler, Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Zielinski, Mr. & Mrs. Jos., Sr.
Zimmer, Frances M.
Zimmerman, Mr. & Mrs. John
Zinsser, Mr. & Mrs. Edward
Zinsser, Charles
Zinsser, Mrs. Tillie
Zinsmeister, Helen
Zinsmeister, Ida
Zinsmeister, Louis
Zinsmeister, Mary
Ziolkowska, Rose
Zmuda, Mr. & Mrs. John
Zvaleny, Mrs. John
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