
Allegheny County
Diamond Jubilee
1863 - 1938
Saint Augustine Church
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Transcribed and contributed by
Nan Smith
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St. Augustine Church Diamond Jubilee
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Chapter 13
Saint Augustine's Parochial School
(Continued from page 125)
From the opening of the house in 1876 until the present
year, the following Sisters held the office of Superior and were principal of
the school:
1876-1879 Sister M. Agnes Rose
1879-1882 Sister M. Dolores Lennon Died Oct. 23. 1920
1882-1884 Sister M. Paschala Kiefer Died July 31. 1888
1884-1886 Sister M. Juliana Rose
1886-1892 Sister M. Cleopha Etzel Died April 10, 1914
1892-1895 Sister M. Juliana Rose Died Nov. 10, 1930
1895-1901 Sister M. Liguori Lawton
1901-1904 Sister M. Ambrosia Hottowitz Died Sept. 11, 1907
1904-1907 Sister M. Anthony Kiefer Died March 10, 1917
1907-1910 Sister M. Gertrude Peitz
1910-1912 Sister M. Teresita Friedel
1912-1913 Sister M. Celestine Ziefel
1913-1915 Mother M. Agnes Rose
1915-1916 Sister M. Liguori Died Jan. 16. 1916
1916-1918 Sister M. Aurelia Arenth
1918-1924 Sister M. Callista Steggert Died Feb. 27. 1930
1924-1930 Sister M. Gertrude Peitz
1930-1935 Sister M. Antoinette Ruffenach
1935- Sister M. Victorine Jacobs
1911-1922 Sister M. Clarissa Popp
1922-1934 Sister M. Gonzaga Niederberger Sister M. Marcelline Laaks, Assistant
1927-1931 Sister M. Aloysia Bauman, Assistant
1932-1934 1934-1937 Sister M. Aloysia Bauman Sister M. Hildegarde Laaks,
1937- Sister M. Lucina Appel, Sister M. Hildegarde Laaks, Assistant
In regard to the total number of Sisters who have
taught at St. Augustine's School from November 9, 1871, to September, 1938, no
exact figures can be given. Yet a very conservative estimate places the total
number at six hundred forty-three (643). This high number evinces a great change
in the teaching staff year by year, so that the average term of a Franciscan
Sister at St. Augustine's School was from nine to ten years.
The best known Sister among the present generation of
men of St. Augustine's parish undoubtedly SISTER M. AMBROSIA HOTTOWITZ. She was
born in Prussia of Lutheran parents March 18, 1850. With her family she
emigrated to the United States in her youth and settled at Pittsburgh. When she
became acquainted with the Catholic Faith, she resolved to join the Church. As
soon as she reached the legal age, she carried out her resolve sacrificing the
love of home and relatives. On March 19, 1875, she entered the Community,
received the habit September 2, 1875, taking the name of Sister M. Ambrosia. Two
years later, on September 30, 1877, she pronounced her temporal vows and on
October 3, 1879, she was admitted to perpetual vows.
As a Religious, she spent her time in the class room
until she became incapacitated in 1904 and retired to the Motherhouse in
Millvale, where she died September 11, 1907. Sister Ambrosia taught at St.
Augustine's for twenty years from 1884 till 1904, and during that time she
taught the boys in the upper grades. When she left St. Augustine's in 1904, she
could say of almost every young man of the parish: "He is one of my boys." (St.
Augustinus, September, 1904, p. 6.)
Sister M. BONAVENTURA SPINNEWEBER was very well liked
by the girls at St. Augustine's. When she celebrated on December, 1903, her
Silver Jubilee, the girls of Grade IX. and of the Academy gave her a reception
and made appropriate presents to her. Such academic acts remained rather rare at
St. Augustine's up to our times. (St. Augustinus, December 25, 1903, p. 6.)
Sister M. LIGUORI LAWTON, Superioress of St. Anthony's
Convent on Thirty-seventh Street, and teacher of the Senior Commercial at St.
Augustine's School, is the only Sister Superioress who died in office at St.
Anthony's Convent. Death claimed her on January 16, 1916, cutting short a long
and useful career. She was born in Pittsburgh, May 1, 1862, entered the
Franciscan Community March 19, 1882, received the habit August 14, 1882,
pronounced her final vows Septem-
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ber 23, 1886. Her Religious life was spent in a successful career as teacher
in many schools, where thousands of Catholic children have learned to love
her and to profit of her salutary counsels. (St. Augustinus, January, 1916,
p. 10.)
Public examinations were introduced into St.
Augustine's School in 1876 and on June 25, 1876, the parents of the pupils
were invited by public announcement in church to attend these examinations
on Friday, June 30th, 1876. A similar announcement was made on June 23,
1878. How long these public examinations were continued, cannot be
ascertained. On June, 1909, an exhibit of the school work of St. Augustine's
School was opened in the school hall for public inspection: drawings,
paintings, and compositions made by the pupils were to be seen. At the same
time the pupils gave musical recitals to exhibit their mastery in vocal
culture. This exhibit proved a great attraction not only to the parishioners
but also to outsiders. Sisters of various parochial schools led their pupils
to this exhibit; teachers of the public schools came with their pupils to
inspect the work done at St. Augustine's; some of them were amazed at the
skillful work done and expressed their sentiments candidly that they never
would have thought Catholic children capable of such achievements. The Rev.
Father Superintendent of the Diocesan parochial schools and a superintendent
of a neighboring public school and some pastors were also numbered among the
visitors on the day of opening. Similar crowds of teachers and pupils of the
public and parochial schools were to be seen at the exhibit during the
following days, and they were no less lavish in their praise of the work
which was exhibited. Overjoyed the pastor wrote in the St. Augustinus: "Our
children have worked hard during the past year and as a reward have shed
lustre on the parish and the school."(12)
St. Augustine's School took part in the Diocesan
Spelling Contest instituted in May, 1928, by various parochial schools of
the diocese of Pittsburgh. One hundred and twenty schools had registered for
the opening test with 240 contestants. After hours of spelling the majority
stood yet in a solid phalanx. To eliminate the greater number of
contestants, district contests were arranged. This reduced the number to 65
contestants. On May 4, 1928, the final test was made and 54 children stood
the test. One of these lucky 54 winners was Ralph Lucko of St. Augustine's
School (eighth grade). The other contestant, Barbara Grimm, also of the
eighth grade of St. Augustine's School, stood her ground in the first
general contest, but failed later in the district contest. The pupils and
teachers of St. Augustine's School felt highly elated over this success. In
the national contest which followed immediately after the final Diocesan
Contest, Ralph Lusko stumbled over the word "cauliflower" and Barbara Grimm
over the word "tyrant." The three months of preparation for the final
contest were certainly days of excitement and spelling had been in style all
the while.(13)
Extra-curricular exercises were also the regularly
recurring dramatic plays staged by the pupils of St. Augustine's School. One
of the means of raising funds for the school. church and other charitable
purposes was the staging of plays by the pupils. On December 26, 1867, a
Christmas Festival was held for the benefit of the school and the church
which netted $176. The pupils of St. Augustine's School undoubtedly had a
part in the program. Another venture into theatricals took place on July 1,
1868, when a play was staged for the benefit of the school under the
direction of teacher Stephen Schmidt. It was repeated the following day but
proved a financial failure owing to the unreasonable demands of the director
Schmidt. On July 1, 1878, the pupils of St. Augustine's School staged six
short plays, four German and two English, with musical interludes. Among the
girls who took part in the first English play, entitled The Rainbow, we find
Miss Bertha Fuehrer who found her vocation in these theatrical attempts and
today is still teaching vocal culture with youthful zeal. Another star
player who took part in this dramatic practice was Miss Netty Vilsack, now
Mrs. Edward Frauenheim of 5881 Marlborough Avenue. These girls were to
appear on the stage at St. Augustine's for many years later
(12) St. Augustinus, June, 1909, p. 9, and August, 1923, p. 123, December,
1923, p. 197.
(13) St. Augustinus, May, 1928, p. 95.
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during their girlhood and
maidenhood days. The second English play was staged by the boys Elmer
McCaffrey, W. McGrady and Dav. Fuhrer, and the girl Bertha Fuhrer. Elmer
McCaffrey became later a successful businessman and died lately, on May 19,
1938. In the Dramatic Entertainment given by the pupils of St. Augustine's
School on June 26, 1879, we find again the Misses Bertha Fuhrer and Netty
Vilsack acting in a German play entitled: Die Arme Maien Koenigin. Miss
Bertha Fuhrer's sister Susie played a role in an English play entitled: The
Winds. The following year on June 30, 1880, the pupils of St. Augustine's
School gave a dramatic entertainment. Again Miss Bertha Fuhrer and Netty
Vilsack played leading roles in a German play, entitled: Der Schutzgeist and
Miss Clementine Frauenheim, the late Mrs. Will. Epping, played a duet with
E. Washington. In the plays staged on February 17, 1881, by the pupils of
St. Augustine's School recited the prologue and sang a song. In the
entertainment given later by the same pupils on June 30, 1881, Miss Bertha
Fuhrer recited the prologue in German and played a part in the German play:
Das Maifest. New names appear of boys who to-day are leading gentlemen as
Will. Berger, Philip Zeus, K. Liebler, others disappeared, like S.
Fitzsimons. The program of the entertainment given by the pupils of St.
Augustine's School on June 28, 1883, carries the names of Clementine
Frauenheim, Leopold Vilsack, Jr., S. Limpert, A. Schohn and others who in
later life became prominent in various walks of life. Thus year after year
the pupils staged Dramatic Plays in St. Augustine's Hall. Sons and daughters
of the earlier players appeared upon the stage in amateurish roles. German
plays became gradually rarer till they disappeared completely. On the
average two plays were staged by the pupils of St. Augustine's; of late two
long and three or four short ones are staged annually. From 1867 till 1938
at least 130 dramatic plays were staged by the pupils of St. Augustine's
School and $13,000 were netted by those dramatic performances. Certainly
these estimates are very low and 200 plays and $20,000 proceeds are perhaps
nearer the truth.(14)
A Dramatic Play at St. Augustine's School was a great
social affair in pre-movie times and caused no little flutter of excitement
in the homes of the boys and girls who were to take part in it. Sister Mary
Hieronyma, the former Catherine Estella McCaffrey, describes her joyful
experiences of those days well. She writes:
"I began to attend St. Augustine's School in September,
1886. I have recollections of having been a fairy dancer in a play, donned
up in pink tarlatan all spangled with stars, pink stockings and gold
slippers; a tinsel wreath crowned my head of curly hair. My mother was so
careful to her fairy actress child that I walked on a sheet while getting
dressed for the play, and I was wrapped in a sheet and sat on a sheet in the
barouche which my father drove from our home 3509 Butler Street to the
Exhibition Hall (the present Casino). A frame building (the old school) was
on the site of the present Convent garden. And in my memory I see my good
father and mother seated in the audience looking up at me trip the legs
fantastic. Bessie Heyl. now Mrs. Frank McKenna, was a classmate: she taught
me the German A B C."(15)
The pupils of the upper grades had some of their
compositions printed in the parish bulletin, called St. Augustinus, since
November, 1901. Yet this venture into literature remained always a sporadic
effort at fitful moments, so that years passed by without any of their
numerous compositions having been put into print. Yet a more auspicious
venture was the foundation of the class magazine of the Senior Commercial,
called Senco (abbreviation of Senior Commercial), which appeared first in
December, 1925 and then monthly from February to June, 1926 and from
September, 1926 to March, 1927 and the last number in June, 1927. In 1935 a
class publication was begun by the pupils of St. Augustine's School bearing
the illuminating title of Torch. Up to September, 1938, ten numbers were
issued besides an Extra-Number and a Year Book for 1935. The happy spirit of
youthful nonchalance is best typified by the fact that the numbers are
undated, so that the shrewdest bibliographer with all the apparaus of modern
science is a a loss to give an accurate date of their appearance before the
public. The
(14) St. Augustinus, July, 1922, p. 1, 1923, pp. 14, 39, 74, 127, 193-194.
(15) Letter dated September 1, 1938.
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St. Augustine Casino
Building Erected in 1879; used as Parish Hall, School Room and Sisters' Convent
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Senior Class of 1936 ventured into the field of literature
with a publication carrying the defiant title of Target. Two numbers
appeared in print in December, 1935 and June, 1936 (wrongly dated 1935) and
the combative power of the Target was spent.(16)
An annual picnic has been the greatest attraction for
the pupils of St. Augustine's School since 1895. The parish picnics of
former days were abolished and the one annual picnic is a picnic for the
children; the parish defrays the expenses and repeatedly it was announced
that provisions for over one thousand children were consumed, although the
school counted hardly seven hundred pupils. Now the pupils get a number of
tickets free and can get what they want this way. Since June, 1896, the
Sisters go to the picnic to keep order among the lively crowds. Fr. Charles
Speckert introduced the Christmas Treat for the children in December, 1901,
and it became a standing affair in St. Augustine's School. In the course of
time some of the societies would give an extra Christmas Treat to the
The terms of the school year were extended to a longer
span of time formerly than nowadays. In 1873 and in 1874 School was begun on
August 18, in 1875 it was begun on August 9, in 1876 on August 16. The
school closed generally from 14th to 21st of June, so that the vacation
lasted exactly two months. By 1895 the school was closed on July 2, and
re-opened on September 2. In 1904 the vacation lasted already nine weeks,
closing on June 20 and reopening on August 29. These dates were kept with
great variations till about 1916 the vacation days were lengthened to ten
weeks, from about June 24 to September 6. This remained m general the rule
up to the present time.(18)
St. Augustine's School is a free institution since
August, 1906. From the very beginning the pupils of St. Augustine's School
were charged fifty cents a month for tuition. This money was collected by
the teachers and placed into a separate fund from which the expenses for the
maintenance of the school were defrayed and the salary of the teachers was
paid. We still have the records from 1862 to 1868; they show that a great
number of children did not pay anything for years; their parents were mostly
poor people. In case three children of the same family attended school, only
one dollar a month was charged for the three. Naturally the four children of
teacher John Kraus were exempt from all contributions. Besides a number of
children paid only part of their tuition. In case of prolonged sickness
payment of the school money was suspended for the time of absence from
school. The school money was collected by the teachers and to this
arrangement we owe the preservation of the earliest school records kept by
the secular teachers. The Sisters continued to collect the school money but
the records they kept have not come down to us.
From the money paid by the children and collected by
the teachers the salary of the teachers was paid and the expenses of the
school were defrayed. Since many children whose parents were able to pay did
neglect to bring in any contribution, the school was not always
self-supporting and the church had to come to its aid. On May 21, 1876, it
was announced in church that
"there are at present 400 children in school and the income should be $200
monthly, yet actually not even $83 are received monthly to pay the salary of
the Sisters."
On December 5, 1886, it was announced in church that
the school money is not properly paid and that last year the church had to
pay over into the school fund more than $300 owing to the delinquency of
many parents.
However, on April 1, 1889, a new arrangement was
introduced in regard to the collection of the school money. On March 24,
1889, the announcement in church said "that the children moved into the new
school during the past week. The building is excellent and spacious. But
since the tax collectors ap-
(16) St. Augustinus, November, 1901, pp. 5-6, etc., May, 1917, pp. 9-10,
etc., etc.
(17) St. Augustinus, December, 1901, p. 1, January, 1902. p. 4, July, 1904,
p. 4, May, 1905, p. 5, June, 1905. p. 1, July, 1905. p. 10, May. 1906, p. 5.
etc. December, 1922, p. 8, March, 1923, p. 34, June, 1923 pp. 88, 108,
October, 1927, p. 207, etc.
(18) St. Augustinus, August, 1900, p. 4. September, 1901, p. 4, September,
1903, p. 1, September, 1904, p. 5, etc., June, 1911, p. 8, May, 1916, p. 8,
etc., etc.
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praised the building at a value of $50,000, we would have to find means
and ways to pay annually from $600 to $700 in taxes. The only way to escape
taxation according to the judgment of several lawyers is to make the school
a free institution by not collecting any school money. A number of plans had
been under consideration, to find ways to make up for the loss of the school
money; finally the following plan was adopted: The 9 o'clock Mass on Sundays
is reserved exclusively for the school children. The latter shall pay then a
monthly pew-rent of fifty cents beginning with April 1st. Parents will not
be burdened more than before by this arrangement, because no school money
will be charged nor even accepted, if offered voluntarily. Details of this
method will be imparted to the pupils. Parents who still owe some school
money, may send back payments to the Sisters' house and not to the school."
With this new arrangement the separate school fund was
abolished and the teachers were freed from the burden of collecting the
school money; the men serving on the church committee had to look after this
affair. On September 8, 1889, the following regulations were announced in
"In order to maintain our school properly, every child
who attends our school is expected to pay a monthly pew-rent of fifty cents.
In case that three or more children of the same family attend our school,
every third child is free of pew-rent or school money. Children of the
poorer class who were exempted last year from paying pew-rent, are no longer
exempt till the parents report their inability of paying such pew-rent or
school money. We have all possible indulgence with families who are really
poor. But there are too many parents who try to escape this burden of paying
their dues. There are still $343.75 overdue from the old school and $173.25
from the new school, i.e. a total of $517."
The number of poor children who were exempt from paying
school money were always considerable and such poor children received also
the school-books gratis.
The new method of collecting school money from the
pupils was as ineffective as the old one. On January 5, 1896, the pastor
announced in church that only 380 out of the 630 to 640 pupils pay their
pew-rent or school money. To make up the deficits of the school money the
pastors resorted to various methods of rousing the interest of parishioners
who had no children at school in the noble work of supporting the parochial
school. In the St. Augustinus of March, 1906, the pastor, Joseph Anthony
Ziegelmayer, wrote these words:
"The late Mrs. Catherine Happ (died February 11, 1900)
willed two hundred dollars to use the interest for buying books for the poor
school children. The St. Augustine's Casino pays every month the school
money for ten poor children. Since January 1, 1906, a parishioner, father of
a family, pays every month the school money for a poor child This man is the
only person who knows his duty to contribute towards the maintenance of the
parochial school. If every other family would contribute only fifty cents
every month towards that purpose, our parochial school could be made a free
institution and could, moreover, supply poor children with the necessary
books. At least the ball is rolling and the free parochial school will soon
be a reality. With this number the St. Augustinus will begin to have a list
of all donations to the school printed every month. May this list grow with
every month, then 'good-bye' monthly collection and three cheers on the Free
Parochial School."
The first list of contributions lists only $5.50. In
April the contributions increased to $9.00 and in May decreased to $6.00; in
June the collection amounted to $18.50, and in July and August to $5.50.
Finally the incoming pastor, Agatho Rolfe, announced on August 26, 1906, in
church that St. Augustine's School shall be in future a free school for all
children of the parish. And in the St. Augustinus of September, 1906, Fr.
Agatho wrote (p. 1-2):
"The St. Augustinus since its existence has never
carried a more pleasing message than the news of the Free School. The burden
which the father of a large family had to shoulder up to now singly will be
placed in future upon the shoulders of all parishioners. Every Catholic, he
may have children or no children, he may be married or single, is obliged to
contribute to the support of the Catholic school just as much as to the
support of the church. The monthly collection in future will be taken up for
the support of the school; if this collection should not cover expenses, the
church must supply the deficit from her funds. With this new arrangement our
parish is raised into the category of a First-Class Parish which supplies
gratis everything which is necessary for the spiritual welfare of the
parishioners. Just as everyone, he may be rich or poor, has free access to
the church, in no other way the children of our parish shall have free
access to the school, and every parishioner shall consider it an honor to
contribute towards the maintenance of the school by liberal donation to the
monthly collection. We need four hundred dollars every month to maintain the
school. This is surely a small sum for such a large congregation. Almost all
Catholic English schools are free institutions and some smaller and poorer
German congregations like the parishes of Herman, Pa., Dover, Ohio,
Charleston, W. Va.. and others conduct free Catholic schools. If these
smaller and poorer congregations were able for the past years to keep free
schools de-
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spite heavy debts, the St. Augustine's parish can surely do likewise.
We have to remove the pretext used by lukewarm and negligent parents to
palliate sending their children to the public schools. 'I am not able to pay
school money,' is one of the pretexts advanced oftenest and many times
without reason. To avoid misunderstandings we remark here that the pupils of
the academy have to pay in future just as well as in the past, that children
of other parishes who want to attend our school have to pay school money,
and that no free text-books can be introduced for the present."
The monthly church collection for the support of the
school never came up to the expectation of the pastors. Month after month
the St. Augustinus carried the relatively few names of the donors. Finally
on July 5, 1912, this collection was abolished, because the church was freed
from all debts at that date. The pastor, Fr. Ignatius Weisbruch, wrote in
the July number of the St. Augustinus of 1912 (p. 8) the following words to
explain the reasonable step:
"Since many parishioners did not contribute to the
monthly collection, the burden lay upon the shoulders of a small number of
parishioners and this inequality increased with the years, although by
rights the parishioners should be more equally taxed. The fact that St.
Augustine's Church is now free of all debts, does not free the parishioners
from their obligation to contribute to the support of church and school, on
Sundays by throwing a mite into the Sunday collection and otherwise by
paying their pew-rent."(14)
The pupils of the Academy and the Commercial Classes
were never exempted from paying tuition. At first such pupils were charged
one dollar a month. In July, 1922, the fees were raised so that children of
pew-holders in St. Augustine's Church were charged $1.50 a month and
children of others were charged $3.00 a month. However, the following year
tuition for outsiders was raised to $4.00 a month. In the January number of
the St. Augustinus of 1924 the Rev. Pastor Fr. Philip Knupfer wrote:
"We have a Free School i.e. the children of pewholders
are exempt from paying tuition; yet the revenue cleared from the school last
year was $1,859.55, or more than half the salary paid to the twelve Sisters
who teach in our school. This balance is obtained principally from the
tuition fee paid by the large number of pupils of the Commercial School who
come from other parishes and pay four dollars a month."
Yet many of the applicants from other parishes had to
be refused. In the September number of the St. Augustinus of 1923 the Rev.
Pastor Philip Knupfer writes:
"Our school is filled to its utmost seating capacity. A
number of families of this district have affiliated with our parish
principally for the purpose of sending their children to our school. We have
repeatedly stated that our school is second to none in this territory and we
have no reasons for changing our mind. This high rating is naturally due to
the teaching Sisters who have charge of the school. By September 13 (1923)
as many as 665 pupils were enrolled. We had to refuse 43 applicants for our
Commercial Class due to a lack of accommodations."
In the September number of the St. Augustinus of 1924
the Rev. Pastor Philip Knupfer published the following note:
"On September 5th (1924) 635 pupils were enrolled in
our school. Last year we employed three teachers and kept three rooms for
the Commercial Classes, and nine Sisters and nine rooms for the grades. This
year, however, we employ ten Sisters for ten rooms of the grades and only
two for two rooms of the Commercial Department. We made this change, because
the rooms of the grades were overcrowded. Many children from other parishes
applied for admission to our Commercial Department and we admitted as many
as we conveniently could accommodate. We feel sorry that we are constrained
to refuse so many applicants; yet we cannot inconvenience the children of
St. Augustine's Parish, in order to serve outsiders. Our motto is: St.
Augustine's first and last."
In September, 1926, the incoming pastor, Fr. Gilbert
Stickelmeier, opened again three rooms of the Commercial Classes to provide
"ample room for all"; he kept them open during the 1927-1928 terms. Yet in
September, 1928, the two Commercial Classes were re-established and a
"number of applicants were turned away for lack of rooms and teachers." This
arrangement was kept up during the two following years. When in 1931 the Rt.
Rev. Bishop Hugh Boyle commanded that the High School boys attending the
Commercial Classes must in future attend the Central Catholic High School
conducted by the Christian Brothers, St. Augustine's Commercial School had
to be closed.
(14) St. Augustinus, March, 1906, p. 8, April, 1906, p. 8, May, 1906, p. 16,
June, 1906, p. 16, July, 1906, p. 16, August, 1906 p. 16, September, 1906.
pp. 1-2. 8, October, 1906, pp. 5. 12, November, 1908, p. 8, July, 1912, p.
8, 1923, pp. 123, 129, 1925, pp. 34, 66, 172, 175, 1926, p. 73, 1927, p.
224. See: February, 1922, p. 11, March, 1922, p. 10, 1925, pp. 130-131.
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Yet on June 20, 1931, the Rt. Rev. Bishop granted permission to open a
regular Four Years' High School Course for the girls. This course is still
kept up (1938).(15)
The principal teacher of St. Augustine's School
received $30 monthly as salary from 1862 to 1868 and later. Besides he
received a salary as organist and sexton. In 1860 the teacher received free
lodgings and part of his board was paid by the Congregation. The monthly
salary of the organist was fixed at $13 monthly in 1862 but was raised
gradually to $16.16 monthly, $21 monthly and finally to $25 monthly. In
January, 1864, the annual salary of the teacher was fixed at $40 per annum.
Apparently some of the teachers had besides also free rent.
The principal teachers who received the salary of $30
monthly besides the salary of organist and sexton were John Kraus, Joseph
Nigel and Karl Spiro. The next teacher, Joseph Zimmerman, drew a monthly
salary of $33.66 as teacher-principal teacher in 1865. In 1864 the first
assistant teachers were engaged: Mr. Joseph Nigel and Miss Elizabeth
Fillinger, the first with a monthly salary of $21.67 and the latter with a
monthly salary of $16.66. When Mr. Kraus left in October, 1864, Mr. Joseph
Nigel succeeded him with the monthly salary of $30.00. In February, 1865,
the assistant teacher, Leopold Nigel, was engaged with a monthly salary of
$25, and in May following the salary of the assistant teacher, Miss
Elizabeth Fillinger, was raised to $17.00 monthly and in August of the same
year to $20 monthly. In April, 1866, the salary of the assistant teacher,
Miss Fillinger, was again raised to $22.00 monthly and in August of the same
year to $25 monthly. She was placed on equal footing with the principal
teacher, Leopold Nigel, who never received more than $25 as principal
teacher in 1866 and up to June of 1867. In April, 1867, Miss Fillinger
became the principal with a salary of $30.00; her two assistant teachers,
Mr. Leopold Nigel and Mr. J. Boegle, received a monthly salary of $25.00. In
October, 1867, teacher Stephen Schmidt was hired with a salary of $28
monthly. His successor teacher, John Trimberger, received a salary of $25 as
principal from 1871 to 1874. The first three Franciscan Sisters received in
1874 a monthly salary of $50.00, i.e. $16.66 each.(16)
The revenues of the school were slender during the
first years. The collection of the monthly fifty cents of school money
amounted from January 1, 1863 till January 1, 1864 (not including that of
October, 1863) to the sum of $480.59; the expenses amounted to the sum of
$478.09. Besides a few small items as coal, etc., the by far largest expense
item was the salary of the teacher.
The pupils contributed also voluntary offerings to the
school fund besides their tuition, from November, 1862, till September,
1863, these voluntary contributions amounted to $28.17, i.e. on average,
$2.56 a month. These small offerings were entered separately; usually these
contributions consisted of one or two cents. This custom was apparently
introduced for the purpose to teach the children from their very youth the
obligation of supporting the church and school. In January, 1864, Mr.
Nicholas Winter made a donation of five dollars to the school fund. Yet the
most liberal donor has always been the church. On January 29, 1864, the
church paid into the school fund $8.33, in March, 1864, again $66.66, and in
May, 1864, again $3.33. In 1874 the church paid $20.00 into the school fund.
These are only a few stray items which are recorded in the first school
record; complete financial records have not come down to us.(17)
The school records from 1869 to 1889 have not come down
to us. The five and six dollars annual school money collected from the
pupils paid the salary of the teachers and incidental expenses in 1878-1881,
1883-1885, 1887 and 1888, so that sometimes a notable balance was left over.
From 1874 till 1888 the church paid into the school fund $801.40, and
received from the school, $1,424.31. Certainly the expenses for purchase of
property, building and repairs of
(15) St. Augustinus, July, 1922, p. 8, 1923, p. 145, 1924, pp. 9, 196-197,
1926. p. 1S2, 1927, p. 176, 1928, p. 168, 1929, p. 168, 1930, p. 165. 1931,
p. 107.
(16) St. Augustinus, June, 1922, p. 4, July, 1922, p. 3, August, 1922, p. 3,
September, 1922, p. 3, November, 1922, p. 2, April, 1923 p. 50.
(17) St. Augustinus, March, 1922, p. 10, May, 1923, p. 65. First School
Record, 1862-1868. MS.
St. Augustine Church Diamond Jubilee
Page 185
the school building and Sisters' residence or convent are
not counted in those figures. The children's pew rent introduced on April 1,
1889, paid the salary of the teachers. From April 1, 1899, to December 31,
1899, the children's pew rent amounted to $1,157, falling to $183 short of
the actual amount of the teachers' salary for that period. With the year
1890 the children's pew rent began to exceed the teachers' salary somewhat.
The children's pew rent in 1890 amounted to $2,058 and the salary to $2,000.
In 1905 the children's pew rent amounted to $2,471, an excess of $71 over
the salary paid to the teaching Sisters. In 1906 the children's pew rent up
to August 26th, when it was abolished, amounted to $1,804, i.e. $596 less
than the full salary of the teaching Sisters ($2,400).(18) Up to the year
1888 the financial reports of the church exclude the revenues of the school
and the expenses for the maintenance of the school. The teachers' salary is
mentioned only three times when the church paid part of it from the church
funds (in 1822, $136.50; in 1886, $235; in 1887, $345). Accordingly we have
to add to the sum total of church revenues also at least $35,000 revenues
from the school fund from 1862 to 1888.
St. Augustine's school has kept it's high level of
efficiency in the past and it is grounded hope that this standard will not
be lowered in the future. The rooms have been filled to their utmost
capacity and we may presuppose that similar crowds will succeed them in
years to come. We append the list of the pupils who had been enrolled into
St. Augustine's School in September, 1938.
SCHOOL IN 1938 - 1939
Adrian, Caroline
Adrian, Helen
Altenbaugh, Corinne
Altenbaugh, Dorothy
Andrzywski, Donald
Andrzywski, Joseph
Angel, Joseph
Arasin, Bernice
Arasin, Joan
Arasin, John
Arbanas, Marcelline
Aschenbrenner, Joseph
Aschenbrenner, Mary
Ashton, Ida
Ashton, William
Bach, Dorothy
Baj, John
Baj, Joseph
Baj, Pearl
Balaski, Clara
Balaski Robert
Barbati Frances
Barbour Earl
Barbour Thomas
Barkovich Frances
Bartolick, Helen
Bartolick, Margaret
Besal, Josephine
Bevilacqua, Helen
Bevilacqua, Ralph
Bevilacqua, Richard
Bich, George
Bich, Mary
Bich, Robert
Billisits, Andrew
Blacksmith, Shirley
Blaszkiewicz, Dolores
Blaszkiewicz, Stella
Blaszkiewicz, William
Bobel, Cecelia
Bobitsky, Leonard
Borczyk, Leon
Brosky, Eleanor
Brosky, Mary Ann
Brown, Bernice
Brown, Florence
Brown, Joan
Brown, Josephine
Brown, Lillian
Brown, Ralph
Bruckner, Joseph
Brunasky, Richard
Brune, Helen
Bruno, Bruno
Bruno, Dominic
Buechel, Lois
Burkhart, William
Burlett, Eileen
Burns, Rosemary
Bushee, Ramon
Buskia, Betty
Butler. Betty
Byers, Joan
Byers, Mary
Bdziak, Anthony
Campbell, John
Campbell, Irene
Campbell, Marion
Cappellano. Virginia
Carle, Thelma
Carr, James
Carr, Joseph
Carr, Patricia
Cassidy, Dorothy
Cassidy, Mary Elizabeth
Catanzaro, Ninfa
Catanzaro, Philip
Celender, Dolores
Celender, Lawrence
Celender, Robert
Charneicki, Helen
Charzanowski, Rose
Chepponis, Peter
Chess, Joseph
Chuderewicz, Esther
(18) St. Augustinus, 1923, pp. 83, 107, 118, 153-154, 194; 1924, pp. 15, 49,
80, 127, 152, 153, 195, 242-243; 1925, p. 46, 65, 146, 192, 213; 1926, p.
47, 1906, January, p. 1, 1907, January, p. 1.
St. Augustine Church Diamond Jubilee
Page 186
Clark, Walter
Coghe, Helen
Conway, Bernadette
Cserer, Mary
Cwiklinski, Anna
Cwiklinski, Rita
Cwiklinski, Walter
Czachowski, Dolores
Czachowski, Vincent
Dalak, Fred
Dalak, Marie
Dedig, Alberta
Dedig, Marie
Dedig, Robert
Dedig, William
Dedig. Dolores
Delaney, Ellen
Delaney, Richard
Dempsey, Catherine
Dischner, Ellen
Dixon, Dolores
Dixon, Robert
Dobrowolski, Norbert
Doemling, Joseph
Dombroski, Rose
Domyslowski, Edward
Doran, Paul
Doran, Rosemary
Draskovich, Frances
Draskovich, Mildred
Drobish, Dorothy
Drost, Dolores
Drost, Joseph
Drzmiecki, Florence
Dubas, Edward
Dubas, Mary Ann
Dubas, Richard
Dufner, Donald
Dufner, Regina
Dunay, Evelyn
Eckel, Mary
Edge, Dolores
Edge, Laverne
Ekrut, Josephine
Elsesser, Mary
Engel, Grace
Erra, Henrietta
Erra, Loretta
Erra, Marian
Erra, Samuel
Felich, Robert
Fellinger, Dolores
Fellinger, Lillian
Fey, Betty
Fey, Eugene
Fidell, Margaret
Fischer, George
Fitzpatrick, Dolores
Fitzpatrick, Edward
Fitzpatrick, La Verne
Fitzpatrick, Shirley
Flaherty, John
Flajnik Anna
Fleming Mercedes
Forquer, Joanne
Fowler, Gertrude
Fowler, Rita
Francis, Irene
Fritzges, Irene
Frueh, Agnes
Frueh, Joseph
Fuchs, Edward
Fulton, Irene
Fulton, Raymond
Fulton, Viola
Funovits, Helen
Funovits, Irma
Funovits, Margaret
Gapsky, Joan
Gapsky, Mary
Gapsky, Regis
Geigus, Joseph
Gerlock. Victoria
Goetz, Dolores
Goetz, Herbert
Goetz, Paul
Golebeski, Phyllis
Goralski, Stanley
Goralski, Thelma
Gorse, Evelyn
Gottschalk, Robert
Grebiner, Catherine
Grebiner, Dorothy
Grebiner, Margaret
Grebiner, Thomas
Greegis, Catherine
Gresky, Edwin
Gresky, Helen
Gresky, Natalie
Gribas, Anna
Gribas, Helen
Gribben, John
Gribben, Richard
Grubbs, John
Grubbs, Richard
Gruber, Dorothy
Gulanda, Anna
Gulanda, Helen
Gulaski, Jean
Gusdonevich, John
Haas, William
Habajec, Mary
Haber, James
Haber, John
Haber, Magdalena
Haber, Teresa
Hanley, Marie
Hanna, Bernadette
Hanna, John
Hanna, Mary
Hanna, William
Heastings, James
Heidkamp, August
Heinricher, Agnes
Hendler, Ruth
Hensch, John
Herbert, Lois
Herbert, Robert
Herbert, Rose Marie
Herbert. Dolores
Hirshell, Elizabeth
Holliday, Helen
Holliday, James
Holliday, Roberta
Hook, Bruce
Hripko, Anna
Hue, Mathilda
Hulse, Marie
Hulse, Michael
Ignosh, John Paul
Ignost, Raymond
Irlbacher, Richard
Ivaneck, Stella
Janc, Edith
Jankowski, Frances
Jankowski, Henry
Jankowski, Jane
Jankowski, Lillian
Jankowski, Margaret
Jankowski, Robert
Jankowski, Walter
Jans, Francis
Janusz, Theodore
Jesiolowski, Helen
Jesiolowski, Norbert
Jesiolowski, Norma
Jesiolowski, Regina
Jones, Dorothea
Jordan, Lorraine
Jordan, Margaret
Jorganic, Dorothy
Kaduck, Dolores
Kaduck, Jeanne
Kaduck, Veronica
Kaminski, Eleanor
Kaminski, Katherine
Kaminski, Martha
Karoleski, Loretta
Kassalen, Francis
Kennedy, Joyce
Kerstein, Helen
Killian, Bernard
Killian, Rose M.
Killinger, Samuel
King, Dorothy
King, William
Kleiber, Sylvia
Klein, Elizabeth
Kluckowski, Frances
Kober, Thelma
Kohler, Frank
Kohler, Geraldine
Kolesar, Margaret
Kolling, Ralph
Korzypska. Anna May
Kosinski, Camilla
Kosinski, Raymond
St. Augustine Church Diamond Jubilee
Page 187
Kosuda, Helen
Kosuda, Catherine
Kotz, Frank
Kowalewski, Florence
Kowalewski, Michael
Kowalski, Eleanor
Kowalski, Elizabeth
Kowalski, Walter
Kowalski, Genevieve
Kozlowski Regina
Kozlowski, Elizabeth
Kozlowski, Ruth
Kozlowski, Loretta
Kozlowski, Irene
Kozub, John
Krakovsky, Robert
Krakovsky, Edward
Krakovsky, Stephen
Krakovsky, Joseph
Krakovsky, Irene
Krebs, La Verne
Krebs, Audrey
Krebs, Gerard
Krupa, John
Krupa, Teresa
Krzeminski, Richard
Kuban, Olga
Kuban, Betty
Kuban, Joseph
Kuban. Margaret
Kubicsek, Mary
Kukieza, Louis
Kulinski, Henry
Kuntz, Donald
Kuras, Gertrude
Kutscher, Catherine
Kuzmic, Robert
Kuzmic, Margaret
Kwiatek, Stella
Kwiecinski, Dolores
Lako, Margaret
Lankemeyer, Inez
Laskowski, Joseph
Law, Charles
Law, Eileen
Law, Geraldine
Leonarski, Edwin
Livenspire, Richard
Likavec, Magdalen
Lipinski, Donald
Lipinski, Edward
Lipinski, Eugenia
Lipinski, Richard
Lomanzo, Elizabeth
Lucas, Arthur
Lupenach, Gloria
Lyman, Lorraine
Lyons, Thomas
Lysakowski, Irene
Mackowski, Audrey
Mackowski, Florence
Madjerac, Anna
Madjarec, Joseph
Maier, John
Maier, Patricia
Maiscl, Barbara
Maloney, Mary Jane
Manske, Evelyn
Maranowski, Bernardine
Maranowski, Virginia
Marchitello, Isabel
Marinack, Martin
Marinack, Norbert
Marino, Nicholas
Marino, Richard
Marino, William
Markowski, Henry
Masiak, Lillian
McAleer, Margaret
McAleer, Robert
McAleer, Thomas
McAleer, Mary
McDonough, Margaret
McGregor, Virginia
McGregor, William
Mielcuszny, Hedwig
Miksic, Markus
Mikszan, Anna Mae
Mikszan, Donald
Mikszan, Helen
Mikszan, Richard
Mikszan, Russell
Milankovic, Margaret
Milewski, Edward
Milewski, Raymond
Miller, Bertha
Miller, Charles
Miller, Harold
Miller, Mary
Miller, Robert
Miller, Rose Marie
Miller, Thomas
Milly, Lawrence
Milly, Michael
Milly, Raymond
Milkowski, Richard
Mizgorski, Bernard
Moffat, Grace
Monroe, Dolores
Moran, Robert
Morch, William
Morth, Mary
Mosakowski, Josephine
Mosakowski, Raymond
Mull, Dorothy Mae
Mull, Roy
Mulholland, Charles
Mulholland, Henry
Naylor, Joseph
Neske, Dolores
Neske, Rose
Neski, Joseph
Newport, Loretta
Nieman, Richard
Ninehouser, John
Ninehouser, Joseph
Novosel, Katherine
Oberc, Eileen
Olszewski, Joan
Olszewski, Emeline
Olszewski, Stanley
O'Malley, Anne
Omasits, George
O'Neil, Elmer
Orban, John
Orban, Joseph
Orga, Jeanne
Orga, Julianne
Ostrowski, Leonard
Ostrowski, Raymond
Palermo, Anna
Parolski, Lorraine
Paul, Christ
Paulokin, Clara
Pawlak, Dolores
Pawlak, Walter
Pelusic, Samuel
Penkowski, Frank
Penkowski, Johanna
Peoples, Barbara
Peoples, Mary
Perello, Frank
Perello, Irene
Petrakovits, John
Petrakovits, Frank
Petrich, Grace
Petrich, Irene
Petti, Helen
Petti, John
Piotrowski, Frances
Platz, George
Podoski, Raymond
Pottmeyer, William
Prascovits, Stephen
Pricer Robert
Pruszynski, Irene
Pruszynski, Jean
Pruszynski, Stefana
Prymas, Helen
Pupinski, Chester
Purnell, Hazel
Quering, Leonard
Radecki, Jeanne
Randol, Dorothy
Randol, Elizabeth
Randolph, James
Rattay, Joseph
Reeves, Elizabeth
Regan, Iris
Reith, Robert
Reitz, Dolores
Remke, Joseph
Repas, Dorothy
Rinscheid. Regina
Rinscheid, Richard
Rinschied, Joseph
Riott, Margaret
Rotella, Michael
Rotella, William
St. Augustine Church Diamond Jubilee
Page 188
Rotella, Rose Marie
Rudzke, Elmer
Rudzke, Ralph
Runco, Dorothy
Rygielski, Elizabeth
Rygielski, Mary
Santella. Anna
Santor, Genevieve
Sasse, Aurelia
Sasse, Catherine
Sasse, Regis
Sauer, John
Sauer. Patricia
Scarola, Rose M.
Scarola, Thelma
Schackmar, Margaret
Schackmar, Betty
Schackmar, Norbert
Scheeser, Dolores
Scheeser, Mary
Schiller, Anthony
Schiller, Francis
Schivins, Joseph
Schmeck, Anthony
Schmidt. Rose M.
Schneider, Bernard
Schneider, John
Schneider, William
Schoenberger, Anna
Schultz, Betty Jane
Schultz, Charles
Sciullo, Anna
Seger. Frederick
Segriff, Francis
Senge, Edward
Senge, Joseph
Shannon, Thomas
Sholes, Barbara
Sholes, Dorothy
Sholes, Genevieve
Siegle, Donald
Siegle, Elmer
Slazenski, Florence
Slozak, Helen
Smith, Dorothy
Smithhammer, Catherine
Smithhammer, Virginia
Smithhammer. Mary
Smithhammer. Richard
Smolinski, Edward
Sonick, Gilbert
Sonick, Hubert
Sonick, Joseph
Spilecki. Bernard
Spotti, Jean
Spotti, Margaret
Stachowicz, Frances
Stadelman, Mary L.
Stadelman, Roland
Stajduhar, Antoinette
Stajduhar, Marie
Stajduhar, Peter
Stanick, Irene
Stanick, Joseph
Staresmic, Caroline
Staudt, Gerard
Staudt, Rita
Staudt, Rose M.
Stehle, Earl
Stehle, George
Steigerwald, Bernadette
Steigerwald, John
Stein, Joseph
Steinkirchner, Lorraine
Stierer, Josephine
Stierer, Mary R.
Stiglich, Antoinette
Stivers, Philip
Straznick, Anna
Straznick, Frances
Straznick, John
Stuparits, Catherine
Styles, Cecilia
Styles, Rose
Sufak, Agnes
Sufak, George
Sufak, Louis
Sufak, William
Susa, Richard
Swift, Robert
Szily, Margaret
Tambellini, Natalina
Target, Eleanor
Tedesco, Joseph
Tedesco. Antoinette
Tenure, Elmer
Tersak, Joseph
Tersak, Mary
Tkac, Elizabeth
Tkac, Mary Anna
Treu, Dorothy
Treu, Henry
Trojanowski, Howard
Trojanowski. Frank
Truxell, Leroy
Truxell, Lorraine
Uhrin, Dolores
Uranker, Edward
Uranker, Louise
Uranker, Peter
Urbanic, Rita
Vallo, John
Varas. Mary
Varasse, Charles
Varasse, La Verne
Voge, Gilbert
Vukmanic, Walter
Vuljanic, Frank
Vuljanic, Joseph
Vuljanic, Peter
Walters, Mary
Walters, Helen
Walters, William
Wasielewski, Dorothy
Wasielewski, Regina
Weber, Lois
Weisner, irielen
Wietrzykowski, Florence
Wietrzykowski, Leonard
Wilson, Esther
Wilson, Jane
Wilson, Joseph
Wilson, Shirley
Winterhalter, Arthur
Winterhalter. Clarence
Wirth, Marie
Witkowski, Norman
Witkowski. Edward
Wizykowski, Robert
Wojdyla, Henry
Wolff , William
Wyzkowski, Dolores
Wyzkowski, Ruth
Yagatich, Louise
Yaman Lois
Yaman, Joan
Yeschke Eleanor
Yeschke, Corinne
Yeschke, Rudolph
Zaborowski, Agnes
Zaborowski, Henry
Zaborowski, Thomas
Zaborowski, William
Zalagens, Edward
Zalewski, Dolores
Zalewski, Walter
Zeske, Richard
Zeske. Rosemary
Zgeb, Dolores
Zgeb, Irene
Zgeb, Martha
Ziecina, Theresa
Ziecina. Marion
Zielinski, Floyd
Zielinski, Bernice
Zielinski, Thomas
Zinsser, Ruth
Zukowski, William
Zurawski, Frank
St. Augustine Church Diamond Jubilee
Page 189
Sister M. Paul (Miss Catherine Becker) entered March 25, 1884, died December
13, 1904.
Sister M. Georgiana (Miss Rose Raab) entered March 19, 1890.
Sister M. Mathilda (Miss Cunigunda Zeus) entered October 4, 1890.
Sister M. Gonzaga (Miss Frances Young) entered November 1, 1891, died
November 26, 1902.
(Miss Elizabeth Becker) entered October 4, 1892, died as Postulant March 9,
Sister M. Euphrosina (Miss Margaret Hufnagel) entered October 4, 1893.
Sister M. Pauline (Miss Josephine Hufnagel) entered October 4, 1893, died
May 22, 1907.
Sister M. Rosine (Miss Catherine Glauber) entered January 6, 1895, died
December 5, 1903.
Sister M. Ernestine (Miss Sophia Luebbe) entered March 19, 1895, died March
21, 1903.
Sister M. Clotilda (Miss Anna Fischer) entered December 8, 1896.
Sister M. Beata (Miss Mary Kempen) entered January 6, 1898.
Sister M. Aurelia (Miss Magdalen Arenth) entered September 8, 1898.
Sister M. Mildred (Miss Anna Helbling) entered October 4, 1898.
Sister M. Inez (Miss Amelia Orth) entered October 4, 1898, died as Novice
August 8, 1900.
Sister M. Domitilla (Miss Louise Schwartz) entered December 8, 1900 (a
Sister M. De Lelis (Miss Margaret Litz) entered December 8, 1902.
Sister M. Seraphica (Miss Elizabeth Hess) entered December 8, 1903.
Sister M. Clement (Miss Alary Schmitt) entered January 1, 1908, died
September 10, 1912.
Sister M. Aquin (Miss Clementine Steinkirchner) entered August 15, 1909.
Sister M. Clement (Miss Clara Fey) entered March 25, 1912.
Sister M. Demetria (Miss Frances Leufoel) entered December 8, 1912.
Sister M. Irma (Miss Margaret Koeber) entered June 7, 1918.
Sister M. Cecilia Agnes (Miss Hilda Koebert) entered January 9. 1920.
Sister M. Bertram (Miss Hilda Freund) entered September 8, 1921.
Sister Rose Mary (Miss Bertha Pensaleck) entered January 20, 1922.
Sister M. Neri (Miss Helen Andresco) entered December 8, 1922, died January
8, 1931.
Sister M. Ernestine (Miss Theresa Nemeth) entered December 8, 1922.
Sister M. Salesia (Miss Ludmilla Jalovecky) entered July 2, 1924.
Sister M. Floretta (Miss Frances Fuchs) entered August 15, 1924.
Sister M. Claudia (Miss Mercedes Freund) entered September 8, 1924.
Sister M. Elfreda (Miss Sabina Jalovecky) entered January 6, 1926.
Sister M. Gilbert (Miss Frances Stagner) entered July 16, 1926.
Sister M. Annetta (Miss Edna Brown) entered July 16, 1926.
Sister M. Lorraine (Miss Phyllis Jalovecky) entered September 7, 1930.
Sister M. Howard (Miss Edna F. Kalchthaler) entered September 7, 1930.
Sister Barbara Mary (Miss Catherine Habovsek) entered September 8, 1931.
Sister M. Vincent (Miss Mathilda Noullet) entered September 8, 1893.
Sister M. Julitta (Miss Martha Noullet) entered July 2, 1900.
Sister M. Hedwig (Miss Agnes Hausschmidt) entered October 15, 1901.
St. Augustine Church Diamond Jubilee
Page 190
Sister M. Melania (Miss Minnie Heil) entered March 19, 1904.
Sister M. Hildegard (Miss Clementine Eichenlaub) entered January 1, 1903.
Sister Marie Baptista (Miss Olive Vandergrift) entered March 25, 1917.
Sister M. Teresita (Miss Irene Coleman) entered December 8, 1918.
Sister M. Evangelists Meyer, entered July 6, 1860, elected Mother September
8, 1898, died August 13, 1909. She did not belong to St. Augustine's Parish
but her father Joseph Meyer lived in St. Augustine's Parish from about 1868
to his death on November 4, 1881, and her sister Mrs. Edward Frauenheim
lived in St. Augustine's Parish from about 1868 till her death on November
22, 1904.
Sister M. Leonardine (Miss Bertha Saenge) entered August 21, 1888 and died
April 8, 1925.
Sister M. Theodolinda (Miss Theresa Greenewald) entered May 16, 1912.
Sister M. Boniface (Aliss Theresa Hufnagel) entered May 6, 1916.
Sister M. Benecita (Miss Amanda Fasel) entered September 29, 1917.
Sister M. Narcissa (Miss Caroline Evrard) entered September 29, 1917, died
December 21, 1918.
Sister M. Raymond (Miss Stella Helbling) probably of St. Augustine's.
Sister M. Ernesta (Miss Alma S. Meridan) probably of St. Augustine's.
Sister M. Arimathea (Miss Philomena Klein) entered May 6, 1878, died March
1, 1928.
Sister M. Gaudentia (Miss Barbara Vogel) entered August 29, 1879, died
August 2, 1931.
Sister M. Ivo (Miss Margaret Dietrich) entered November 12, 1880, died April
20, 1886.
Sister M. Dosithea (Miss Magdalen Klein) entered October 28, 1881, died
April 10, 1919.
Sister M. Generosa (Miss Mary Vogel) entered May 11, 1881.
Sister Juliana (Miss Marcella Vogel) entered February 3, 1920.
Sister M. Hieronyma (Miss Catherine Estella McCaffrey) entered December 8,
Sister M. Zacharia (Miss Margaret Dietz) now stationed at Towson, Md.
Sister M. Claretta (Miss Bertha Christ) now stationed at 1850 North Croskey
St., Philadelphia.
URSULINE SISTERS (at Winebiddle Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa.) FROM ST. AUGUSTINE'S
Sister M. Catherine (Miss Helen Vulmanic) entered August 15, 1935.
Miss Rose Jacobs who taught in 1863-1864 two full terms
in St. Augustine's school joined the Charity Sisters in Cincinnati receiving
the name of Sister M. Augustine. No particulars could be had about her.
On July 10, 1877 a Requiem High Mass was celebrated in
St. Augustine's Church for the repose of Sister M. Aloysia Winter who
apparently was also a child of St. Augustine's parish.
On December 11, 1878, a Requiem High Mass was chanted
in St. Augustine's Church for the repose of Sister Mary Stanislaus, formerly
Miss Catherine Kloetzle, who shortly before had died in St. Louis, Mo.
Apparently this Sister was also at one time a parishioner of St. Augustine's
but unfortunately no particulars could be obtained about her.
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