Ely Cemetery
White Pine
County, Nevada
photographs donated by Gerry Perry of Henderson,
Nevada (2009 Copyright) unless indicated otherwise |
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Vet's Section |
B | |||
BAATOUEIAE, Etabpoe | 1872 | 4/29/1940 | Born Argos, Greece |
BACH, Phillip | 1876 | 1917 | |
BAGBY, Charles | (Military) 65 Ill. Inf. | ||
BAIN | |||
A. Family Plot BAIRD, Alex. BAIRD, Robert Kent ASH, Mary Elizaeth |
1874 11/24/1899 11/1/1901 |
1938 3/2/1982 4/7/1996 |
Son of Alex and Rowe Baird Wife of Robert |
BAIRD, Arthur P. | 1886 | 1937 | B.P.O.E |
BAIRD, Ella Rowe | 5/4/1900 | Aged 23 Years, 5 Mos, 21 Days | |
BAIRD, George W. | 6/17/1889 | 8/16/1954 | (Military) Nevada Sfc Geo Aero Sq. WWI |
BAIRD, Isabel S. | 9/20/1852 | 2/7/1922 | Mother |
BAIRD, James Wendell | 1933 | 1948 | |
BAIRD, Margaret A. | 3/20/1940 | 4/28/1940 | Baby |
BAIRD, Orval R. | 1884 | 1948 | |
BAIRD, Robert A. | 1875 | 1938 | |
BAIRD, William L. | 1882 | 1953 | |
8/8/1900 6/1/1873 |
5/29/1976 12/19/1961 |
Mother & Daughter |
BAKARIC, Stjepan | 1918 | 1922 | |
BAKER, Donald D. | 1933 | 1933 | |
Family Plot BAKER, Eliza H. BAKER, John R. R. |
1867 1872 |
1939 1937 |
BAKER, James J. | 8/22/1896 | 6/29/1957 | (Military) Utah Pvt Btry D 47 Field Artillery, WWI |
BAKER, Mother (Mrs.) | |||
BAKER, Thomas, Jr. | 8/23/1924 | 9/10/1924 | |
10/3/1941 2/25/1911 5/10/1917 |
9/22/1978 4/5/1991 4/12/1982 |
Mother |
BALLE, Dee J. | 11/12/1930 | 1/12/2005 | (Military) US Navy Korea |
BALLE, Ruby Dell | 7/21/1932 | 3/12/1969 | Beloved |
BARBER, Robert John | Military | ||
BARNARD, Huntington | 6/23/1916 | 9/6/1971 | (Military) Nevada, Captain 12 Air Force, WWII |
BARNES, Alexander | 1869 | 1939 | Uncle |
BARRETT, Lawrence Alton | 8/3/1886 | 11/19/1960 | Military |
BARROW, Isaac Monroe | 7/30/1860 | 11/18/1916 | |
BARTOLOMEO, Giuseppe Carlo Pedote Closeup |
1890 | 2/22/1912 | |
BARTON,Lawrence C. | 1904 | 1907 | Brother |
BARTON, Leone | 1908 | 1909 | Sister |
BASCOM, Mary Lucille | 1909 | 1912 | |
BASTA, Janko Closeup |
8/22/1921 | 7/21/1923 | |
BASTA, Marko J. Closeup |
1883 | 1924 | |
BASTA, Nikola Closeup |
1924 | 1925 | Baby |
BASTA, Richard | 11/7/1926 | 7/20/1936 | |
Family Plot BATE, Joseph H. BATE, Mary Elizabeth BATE, Percy V. BATE, Richard E. |
1881 2/25/1880 11/7/1914 3/10/1880 |
1951 12/14/1960 12/7/1950 12/30/1954 |
BATE, Norman L. | 1919 | 1932 | Our Loving Son |
BATH, Marjorie Fay | 1/22/1913 | 6/3/1923 | |
BATH, Tessie G. | 11/29/1884 | 11/3/1965 | |
BATH, Thomas A. | 8/17/1870 | 6/22/1929 | |
BAUGHMAN, Roy M. | 10/16/1893 | 1/26/1956 | |
BEACH, Harold A. | 1885 | 1918 | |
BEACH, James | 1851 | 1930 | My Day's Work is Done |
BEASLEY, Ralph | 1/9/1905 | 5/18/1965 | |
BEHRMAN, Earl | 1/1/1897 | 7/26/1964 | Military |
BELLANDER, Elizina R. BELLANDER, O. Alfred |
1887 1867 |
1954 no date |
Wife Husband |
BELLINGER, Unknown | 1858 | 1896 | |
BELLINGER, Albert B. | 11/24/1932 | Military | |
BELLINO, Paul Frank | 9/15/1939 | 1/25/1940 | Our Baby |
BENARTENE, Mary | 11/9/1918 | Age 29 Yrs. Born France | |
BENNETT, A. B. Kime | 1867 | 193_ | |
BENNETT, George E. | 1870 | 1939 | |
BENNETT, Hugh Thomas | 9/16/1924 | ||
BENNETT, Nell E. BENNETT, Thomas L. |
1905 1901 |
1947 1946 |
BENSON, Aletha R. | 10/5/1903 | 7/17/1985 | |
BENSON, Emelia | 1872 | 1929 | |
BENSON, James Adamson | 11/13/1907 | 2/23/1963 | (Military) Nevada Pvt US Army, WWII |
BENSON, Matthew | 9/13/1896 | 7/29/1983 | (Military) Sgt US Army WWI |
BENSON, M. Laura | 8/10/1908 | 3/16/1974 | |
BENSON, Nels Edward | 1871 | 1951 | |
BENSON, Walter | 1/10/1911 | 4/8/1967 | (Military) Nevada Pfc US Army WWII |
BERG, Ed | BPOE | ||
BERGERI, Antonio Gioanni Tonnelli A. | 6/15/1865 | 5/2/1915 | b. Briaglio, Italy |
BERND, Francis L. | 10/27/1921 | 10/12/1975 | (Military) Tec 5 US Army WWII |
BERNHARDT, Vivian A. | 1897 | 1976 | |
BERRY, John | (Military) U.S. Marine Corps. | ||
BERRYMAN, Elenora BERRYMAN, James A. |
1869 1866 |
1939 1925 |
Family Plot BEVER, John Alonzo BEVER, Nellie |
7/14/1901 1/25/1902 |
7/29/1965 12/16/1970 |
Des Moines, Iowa Kansas City, Mo. |
BIALE, Fred V. Closeup Closeup |
11/11/1914 | 2/10/1955 | Our Darling Husband, Father |
BIALE, Giovani B. | 12/3/1879 | 8/2/1962 | |
BIALE, Theresa M. | 1/18/1891 | 3/28/1969 | |
BIENAS, Joe | 3/12/1904 | 7/18/1955 | |
BIGGANE, Margaret L. | 1911 | 1912 | |
BIGGS, David | 8/23/1892 | ||
BIGGS, Leah F. | 10/16/1838 | 10/8/1898 | Wife of David Biggs |
BILLY, Web | 1890 | 1958 | |
BIRKEMEYER, Baby | 2/9/1942 | ||
BIRMINGHAM, Raymont T. Closeup 2nd Stone |
9/27/1923 | 5/29/1969 | Married 5/19/1944 |
BIRNIE, Robert | 6/8/1887 | 6/6/1953 | (Military) Utah Pvt Co. C 346 MG BN WWI |
BISKA, John | 12/25/1890 | 2/21/1966 | (Military) Wyoming Pvt 37 Co. Trans Corps WWI |
BLACK, Ralph C. | 12/17/1896 | 8/19/1974 | (Military) US Army |
BLACKBURN, Holly Ann | 2/12/1956 | 5/14/1956 | |
BLACKHAM, Virgil | 6/15/1903 | 11/18/1961 | |
BLAIR, William M. | 1849 | 1925 | |
BLANCHARD, Daniel Noel | 11/1858 | 2/11/1930 | |
BLATNICK, Joseph | 2/17/1889 | 4/9/1969 | |
BLATNICK, Rose | 8/6/1910 | 7/30/1985 | |
BOBO, Richard Allen | 11/2/1943 | 11/2/1943 | Our Son |
BOGICH, Della | 9/4/1929 | 9/4/1929 | |
Family Plot BOLANDER, Elmore A. BOLANDER, Marcile E. |
11/15/1912 6/1/1910 |
5/8/1962 9/20/1971 |
BOOKER, Anna Mae | 2/2/1898 | 7/1/1968 | Mother |
BOOKER, William Edward | 12/9/1935 | 2/16/1955 | Son |
BORCHERT, Josephine B. | 8/15/1885 | 3/7/1971 | Mother |
BORICH, Stipe | 1858 | 1918 | |
BOULWARE, Aubrey Frank Closeup BOULWARE, Inez Hill |
7/10/1870 7/29/1891 |
8/20/1954 6/26/1982 |
"Fred" |
BOURGEOIS, Joseph A. | 1/28/1925 | 9/12/2005 | (Military) Pfc US Army WWII |
BOWEN Family Plot BOWEN, Anne Closeup BOWEN, Casey Byron Closeup |
8/17/1917 7/24/1916 |
9/4/1996 8/31/1950 |
BOWMAN, Hugh | 1846 | 1916 | |
BOWMAN, Milvia | 1859 | 1941 | |
BOYLE, Charles | 5/7/1852 | 7/10/1916 | |
BRADLEY, Amy Powdrill | 1916 | 1949 | |
BRADLEY, Harriet A. | 1871 | 1950 | |
BRADLEY, Jimmy F. | 7/20/1946 | 11/17/2008 | Age 62 Yrs |
BRADLEY, Jimmie Michel | 4/1/1961 | 4/1/1961 | God bless our baby boy |
BRADLEY, Opal M. | 7/27/1921 | 7/3/1996 | |
BRADLEY, R. O. | 6/29/1922 | 5/21/2004 | Military; Bud |
BRADSHAW-FORMAN BRADSHAW, Marcia Closeup FORMAN, Brett Dylan FORMAN, Richard Wallace 2nd Stone |
10/10/1948 7/11/1973 3/28/1944 |
3/24/2005 7/23/1973 7/10/2005 |
Loving Mother Precious Baby Loving Father |
BRADY, Mary Louise | 8/7/1918 | 2/22/1920 | Daughter of William and Louise Brady |
BRADY, William Robert | 11/27/1919 | 2/18/1920 | Son of William and Louise Brady |
BRAGG, Charles Frederick | 8/12/1926 | 12/30/1965 | Father |
BRANDT, Mary E. | 1876 | 1902 | |
BRANTZEG, Clara M. | 3/30/1895 | 7/20/1949 | Beloved Wife and Mother |
BRANTZEG, Harry S. | 4/18/1891 | 5/2/1969 | (Military Utah AGR Btry C 346 Fld Art WWI |
BREEN, Micheal H. | 1868 | 1952 | |
BRIGGS, Robert Yates | 12/7/1877 | 7/29/1885 | |
BRINGHURST, Leonard | 10/10/1915 | 7/8/1974 | (Military) Tec 5 US Army |
BROCKINGTON, James W. | 1900 | 1977 | Military |
BROOKS, Emma Frances | 7/15/1914 | 7/9/1916 | Dau. of George & Lillian Brooks |
BROWN, Albert H. | 1889 | 1926 | BPOE 1463 |
BROWN, Cassie Hill | 1872 | 1930 | |
BROWN, Edyth Ione | 1891 | 1934 | |
BROWN, Herbert C. F | 1875 | 1955 | |
BROWN, Howard L. | 1928 | 1977 | (Military) PFC US Army Korea |
James M. Family Plot BROWN, James M. BROWN, Unknown (Mother) |
1870 | 1962 | |
BROWN, Lucia Adair | 1885 | 1931 | |
Ralph Family Plot BROWN, Ralph W. BROWN, Vera M. MUDD, Bessie L. |
10/15/1902 10/15/1906 5/23/1931 |
6/19/1982 7/12/1993 7/7/1981 |
Husband & Father |
BROWN, Reva BROWN, Shirley F. |
12/3/1909 12/9/1907 |
1/25/1989 9/12/1979 |
BROWN, Walter Harold | 4/3/1908 | 12/17/1951 | |
Family Plot BROWN, Ralph J. COBB, Alveretta COBB, Ivan B. COBB, Jack Lamarr |
6/26/1925 4/22/1898 1/31/1900 |
2/27/1975 6/10/1976 7/3/1974 3/1/1953 |
BUCCAMBUSO, Steven C. | 4/13/1956 | 4/14/1956 | |
BUCKMASTER, George H. | 3/19/1922 | 4/21/1948 | (Military) Nevada 2 Lt. US Marine Corps WWII |
BUCKMASTER, Marv E. | 1900 | 1936 | |
BUNTIN, Alice Carothers | 1870 | 1917 | |
BUNTIN, Peter Joseph | |||
BUNTIN, Walter David | 1869 | 1935 | |
BURDICK, Clinton M. BURDICK, Florence A. |
8/15/1900 10/29/1899 |
4/20/1984 2/18/1957 |
Father Mother |
BURDICK, Diantha A. | 3/29/1915 | 3/27/1995 | |
BURK, Charles | 7/11/1867 | 6/18/1923 | |
Plot BURKE, Emmett F. WILSON, Nellie Annie UNKNOWN |
4/1895 11/14/1886 |
4/1925 10/8/1912 |
Wife of Charles Wilson |
BURNS, John Closeup |
4/27/1908 | Aged 48 Years | |
BUSTOS, Stefan Si | 1/1/1944 | 1/27/1944 | Infant Son |
BUTCHER, Norven M. | 2/11/1920 | 3/31/1976 | (Military) PFC US Army, WWII |
BUTORAC, Paul Closeup |
1883 | 1926 | Krmpote, Croatia |
BUZZETTI Family Plot | |||
BUZZETTI, Benjamin Franklin | 10/29/1906 | 8/9/1966 | Son |
BUZZETTI, Donna Jorgensen | 10/31/1917 | 5/9/2006 | Wife and Mother |
BUZZETTI, Effie L. | 11/2/1888 | 3/5/1966 | She was the sunshine of our home |
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Nevada Cemeteries, burials and/or this project, or about
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was updated on 9/3/2012 Copyright © Tombstone Project 2009 |
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