New Mexico Death Index Project (1899-1949)

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The entries are roughly sorted by name in these text files. We do not guarantee that records are complete nor 100% accurate, they are transcriptions of transcriptions. The age at death column is supposed to be YYM (566 = 56 years, 6 months). However, some ages are only two numbers. We do not know if that means YY or YM or even MD (months/days). The files contain the surnames beginning with:
| aal-aki | ala-amb | ame-ape | apo-aqu | ara-arb | arc-arp | arq-azc | bab-bah | bai-baq | bar-beb | bec-beq | ber-ble | bli-boz | bra-brn | bro-buo | bur-bza | cab-can | cap-car | cas-cev | cha | cha | cha | chd-cok | col-coq | cor-coz | cra-cze | dab-dek | del-doc | dod-dum | dun-dzu | ead-erw | esc-eze | fab-fim | fin-for | fos-fyf | gaa-gaj | gal | gal | gam-gao | gar | gar | gas-giv | gla-gom | gon | gon | goo-gre | gri-guf | gui-gus | gut-gyc | haa-hap | har-haz | hea-hep | her | her | hes-hok | hol-hub | huc-hys | iac-iya | jaa-jar | jas-joh | joi-jus | kaa-kim | kin-kys | laa-law | lax-lew | ley-loo | lop-lou | lov-lub | luc | luc | lud-lyt | maa-mad | mae-mal | man-map | mar | mar | mar | mar | mas-mcb | mcc-mck | mcl-mem | men-mim | min-mom | mon | mon | moo-mor | mos-myt | nab-nev | new-nyt | oak-oro | orq-ort | orv-ozu | paa-pac | pad-pak | pal-pek | pel-pes | pet-pom | pon-pys | qua-qya | raa-rea | reb-rih | ril-rob | roc-rol | rom | rom | ron-ruh | rui-ryt | saa-sak | sal | sam | san | san | san | sap-sec | sed-seq | ser-sid | sie-sku | sla-sor | sos-str | stu-szy | taa-tei | tej-tin | tip-tra | trc-tro | tru | tru | try-tzu | ube-uzu | vaa-vak | val | val | vam-var | vas-vie | vig-vik | vil-vuy | wac-way | wea-wif | wig-wok | wol-wys | xan-xav | yab-yva | zab-zyc | user contributed death records |


Names beginning with
| abe - age | app - bab | bab - bea | bea - bob | bon - bus | bus - cas | cas - che | che - cor | cor - del | del - dur | dur - fer | fer - gal | gal - gar | gar - gon | gon - gro | gro - has | has - hof | hof - jar | jar - kel | kel - led | led - lop | lop - mac | mac - mar | mar - mas | mas - men | men - mon | mon - mye | mye - ort | ort - par | par - poi | poi - ree | ree - rog | rog - rut | rut - san | san - sen | sen - smi | smi - swe | swe - tor | tor - unt | upc - vig | vig - wes | wes - yaz | yaz - zup |
More information about obtaining Death Records/Certificates of New Mexico.

More information on the original projects.