United States Digital Map

Submission Information

The following information is for those who are concerned about the nature of the copyright of maps placed in the USGenWeb® Archives.

We claim no copyright of scans of original pre-1922 maps which are in the public domain. We require that all contributions be offered to us on a permanent basis. Please note, permanent basis does not mean exclusive basis. Additionally, we are not able to accept actual assignment of copyright. The copyright holders should remain free to use the map anywhere that they deemed proper. We do not want to limit the submitters' ability to publish and/or sell their own work; we simply offer an organized, permanent place to make the work available to Internet researchers - and with free access to the files. We want to offer people an opportunity to share their work with others, in a central location on the Internet to provide that permanency.

The Archives are intended for information that is in the Public Domain, i.e. that which is uncopyrightable, or the copyright has expired. The Digital Map Library will not knowingly place any file online that is under copyright, without permission of the copyright owner. In placing maps in the Archives, the following general guidelines have been used:

  1. ALL items with an ORIGINAL publishing or copyright date prior to 1923 are public domain. Anyone, including the United States Digital Map Library, may use them and distribute them freely.

  2. For items between 1923 and 1950, in order to still be copyrighted, the copyright holder must have renewed the copyright before the date it originally expired (a term of 28 years). However, because of the difficulty in determining the renewal of copyright for most documents of this period (as well as 1950 to present), it is required of the submitter to provide assurance of non-copyright for other than 'public domain' materials.

If you wish to reproduce any map archived here at the United States Digital Map Library:

U.S. Copyright Law allows for 'fair use' of copyrighted material; fair use being reproduction of small portions for research. Reproduction of larger portions of copyrighted work will require the permission of the copyright owner. Commercial use of the maps here at the Digital Map Library is prohibited.

Any of the above is not to be construed as legal advice.

For additional copyright information:

The above copyright information was excerpted and used with permission
from the Copyright Page at the OHGenWeb Archives.


USGenWeb® Archives

Joy Fisher

Rebecca Maloney
Special Projects Representative

USGenWeb Archives The USGenWeb