TABLE Data Display

Displaying your data in your table

Row 1 duck Cell 3 duck Cell 5
Row 2 duck Cell 4
Row 3
spacer 2

TABLE Data Display - Using Attributes

I have given some examples of displaying data in your tables in the previous pages of this tutorial.  These pages will have some redundant information on color, but also provides additional information on displaying your data.

There are many table attributes that can change the look of your table and the data that it displays.  I am not going to cover all of them, but will try to explain the more commonly used attributes for our tables.  The use of "background" (background image), "bgcolor" (background color), "cellpadding", "cellspacing", "dir" (reading direction), "height", "width" and "title" will be discussed in these examples.  We have already discussed "class" in the use of a CSS file and "align" for tables and data in some of the previous examples.

The following pages of examples will demonstrate how the above attributes work so that you can decide how your table display should look. I will also comment on my preferences for each of the attributes, but they should not be considered requirements for your tables.

CLICK FOR PAGE 2 on Background Image Examples

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