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Lenoir County, North Carolina
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Total Records: 69
1Benton, William Charles Byrd V. 1828 Martha M. Marble The Registry
2Blount, Nathan G. - Act For Spiral Wheel, 1829 Guy Potts The Registry
3Broadway, E. S. Vs. W.B. Ferrel and Wife Et Al. 1883 Sloan S. Mason The Registry
4Broadway, E. S. Vs. W.B. Ferrel and Wife Et Al. 1883 Sloan S. Mason The Registry
5Broadway, Jesse W. V. Mary Hargett 1873 Guy Potts The Registry
6Broadway, Jesse W. V. State & Mary Hargett 1873 Martha M. Marble The Registry
7Bruton, Simon & William Easterling Petition 1813 Martha M. Marble The Registry
8Cambridge Academy, Act to Establish 1826 Guy Potts The Registry
9Caswell, Richard Heirs Vs. Smith1792 Martha M. Marble
10Caswell, Richard Jr. 1785 Connie Ardrey
11Chesnut, Susan & Joel Fore V. State 1841 Connie Ardrey
12Cobb, Richard V. William Loftin 1854 Martha M. Marble The Registry
13Coward, Witherington Case Dismissed 1816 Martha M. Marble The Registry
14Croom, Herring Et Al 1826 Deb Haines The Registry
15Crumpler, John &; Mary V. Isaac Coleman 1830 Martha M. Marble
16Crumpler, John V. Lewis Whitfield 1825 Martha M. Marble The Registry
17Cummings, Et Al V. Blackwell 1873 Peggy Payne
18Davis, Unknown 1836 Martha M. Marble The Registry
19Dunn, John Q. 1842 Guy Potts The Registry
20Dunn, Walter 1841 Guy Potts The Registry
21Election, Congressional District 1821 Sloan S. Mason The Registry
22Faulkner, Leander 1889 Sloan S. Mason The Registry
23Fell, Charlotte Name Changed to Burns 1826 Guy Potts The Registry
24Field, William Et Al Vs. John Coward 1859 Martha M. Marble The Registry
25Fordham, V. Miller's Administrators 1825 Deb Haines The Registry
26General Assembly, Misc. 1800 Martha M. Marble The Registry
27George City, and Tower Hill 1758 Jo Huettl
28Grady, Whitfield 1856 Martha M. Marble The Registry
29Grady, Whitfield 1856 Martha M. Marble The Registry
30Grady, Whitfield 1880 Martha M. Marble The Registry
31Grady, Whitfield To Ivy Becton Indenture 1849 Martha M. Marble The Registry
32Griffin, Vs Bryan 1818 Martha M. Marble The Registry
33Grimes, Sidney V. State 1906 Connie Ardrey
34Hartsfield, Samuel April 1818 Eric Hartsfield
35Herring, J. J. Vs. Gregory, Galloway Co. 1875 Peggy Payne
36Holliday, William V. Caleb Houton 1808 Martha M. Marble The Registry
37Hollowell, Vs. Pope 1811-18 Deb Haines The Registry
38Houton, Vs. Holliday 1811-18 Deb Haines The Registry
39Huggins, Vs. Loftin 1828 Martha M. Marble The Registry
40Jackson, Jesse V. William Lovick 1856 Martha M. Marble
41Jarman, Sarah V. William T. Wooten 1858 Martha M. Marble The Registry
42Jones, Frederick - Act to Erect Bridge 1827 Guy Potts The Registry
43Kenady, Henry 1829 Mark Valsame
44Kinston, Academy - Act to Establish 1813 Guy Potts The Registry
45Kinston, Town - Act to Appoint Commissioners, 1826 Guy Potts The Registry
46Kornegay, Kitty Et Al Vs George Smith 1857 Sloan S. Mason The Registry
47Land, Account Of Sale Of 1837 Martha M. Marble The Registry
48Loftin, Elizabeth October 1840 Martha M. Marble The Registry
49Loftin, Joel V. Richard Jones 1822 Martha M. Marble The Registry
50Loftin, S. H. Et Al, M. A. C. O. Vs. Johnson Et Al 1892 Connie Ardrey
51Loftin, Simmons V. 1855 Martha M. Marble The Registry
52Loftin, William Vs. State 1836 Martha M. Marble The Registry
53Mosely Hall, Academy - Act to Establish 1828 Guy Potts The Registry
54Murchir, William B. - Act to Restore Credit 1829 Guy Potts The Registry
55Phillips, James Petition for Name Change 1797 Martha M. Marble The Registry
56Pope, William J. Vs. John Tull 1873 Martha M. Marble The Registry
57Potts, Francis & Drury Ann Many Guy Potts The Registry
58Rhem, Melcher Jesse W. Broadway V. 1874 Martha M. Marble The Registry
59Rhodes, Blanch Vs. State 1921 Connie Ardrey
60Rouse, Simon Murder Martha M. Marble The Registry
61Smith, Charity 1856 Martha M. Marble The Registry
62State, V. Justices Of Lenoir County 1826 Deb Haines The Registry
63Stephens, John Deed of Trust to Bright; Wilcox and Metts 1838 Martha M. Marble The Registry
64Taylor, Daniel G. V. State 1899 Connie Ardrey
65Wadsworth, Barney Vs. Charles Fuller 1837 Martha M. Marble The Registry
66Wallers, To The Whitfield Grady Estate 1856 Martha M. Marble The Registry
67Waters, Joel Jr. Et Al V. Joel Waters Sr. 185- Martha M. Marble The Registry
68Williams, James Vs. William Jenkins 1869 Sloan S. Mason The Registry
69Wood, Franklin & Donnie Vs Joseph & Barbara E. Tilghman 1893 Sloan S. Mason The Registry

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