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Shawano County, Wisconsin

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Newspaper Obituaries
Transcribed and contributed by volunteer Cathe Ziereis
(unless otherwise credited)
Thursday, June 22, 1944 


Earl Cole, 69, passed away in this city Sunday morning following an illness of three months. He was a well known resident of Navarino and a former member of the Shawano County Board of Supervisors. 

Funeral services were conducted Tuesday at the Ev. Church at Navarino with the Rev. Davidson of Clintonville officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery at Navarino. Karth's funeral home was in charge of arrangements. 

Mr. Cole was born August 29, 1889 in Lessor. He was married to Maude Pues on May 18.1912 at Shiocton and most of his life was spent on his farm in Navarino. He was a member of the Town and school board for over twenty years. and served for one year on the county board. 

Survivors are his daughter Phillis, Mrs. Melvin Krull. Navarino, two sons, Arthur, on home farm and William, U.S. Service, Harlingen Gunnery School in Texas. Also one granddaughter. Marilyn Kilzman who lived with the Cole’s; one sister, Wilma. Mrs. Harold Johnson. Fond du Lac and three brothers. Wallace and Ray, state of Washington and Guy of Green Bay

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