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Newspaper Obituaries
Transcribed and contributed by volunteer Cathe Ziereis
(unless otherwise credited)
Tuesday, Dec. 14, 1926 (LEOPOLIS) 

Mrs. Rudolph Kucksdorf was at the bedside of her father, WM. BUCHOLTZ at 
Roosevelt , who was sick just a few days on Friday, passed away. Mr. Bucholtz was a well known farmer in the town of Herman and had many friends who paid tribute to him on Monday when the remains were buried at the Brick church in the town of Herman. He leaves to survive five children. Mrs. Rudolph Kucksdorf of Leopolis; Edward of Milwaukee; Elsie, Frank and William have the homestead farm. 

Thursday Dec. 28,1926 
Ed. Bucholtz, who was working at Milwaukee, came home to attend his father's funeral. The 4th day after the funeral, when he was getting ready to go home, he died instantly from heart failure. He was buried on Dec. 19th. Mr. Bucholtz was born Oct. 27,1889. He was 37 years, 1 month and 16 days old at the time of his death. 

Friday May 14, 1926 


Mrs. Hulda Brehmer, wife of William Brehmer, old time resident of this city for the past 38 years, passed away at her home, 1129 Seventh Ave. Sunday evening at 10:30 due to heart failure. 

Mrs. Hulda Schilling Brehmer was born in the town of Grant. Shawano county, on Jan. 1.1866. The Schilling family later moved to the town of Pella, and Mrs. Brehmer resided there until 1888, the year in which she was married to William Brehmer. The wedding took place on Oct. 4. Nine children were born to this union, of whom six with the husband, constitute the immediate survivors. 

There are two daughters, Mrs. Edward Brasch and Lillian Brehmer, and four sons, William, Jr., Clarence, Edwin and Melvin. 

Funeral services were held from the residence Wednesday afternoon at 2:30. Interment was at Antigo cemetery.

Friday, Aug. 6, 1926 


Albert Boettcher, a resident of Langlade County for 45 years, passed away as the result of heart trouble at his home in the town of Antigo, Monday morning shortly before 7:00. Mr. Boettcher had been failing in health for a year and was inactive for the last 2 months. He was confined to his bed for 3 days. 

Albert Boettcher was born in Germany July 28, 1852, and came to the United States settling in Appleton in 1872. While at Appleton Mr. Boettcher helped to lay the first Lake Shore track in that vicinity .He was married to Amelia Hoppe in the town of Pella, Shawano County, Nov. 23, 1880. Mr. & Mrs. Boettcher came to Langlade county about a year after their marriage. Seven children two of whom died in infancy, were born to them. Mrs. Boettcher passed away Feb. 9 of this year. 

Surviving Mr. Boettcher are one daughter, Mrs. Emma Gast, Bowler, Wis.  and four sons, Frank, Gustave, and Charles of Antigo and William of Iron Mountain. The Rev Carl Nagel conducted funeral services at the Boettcher farm in the town of Antigo Wednesday afternoon at 2:30. Interment took place in the Elmwood cemetery. 


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