Rock County |
 Main Street, Afton [1910] |
 Highland St., Clinton |
 Public Library, Edgerton |
 High School, Edgerton [1907] |
Milton |
 High School, Milton Junction |
 High School Building, Milton |
 Railroad Yards, Milton |
 Whitford Hall, Milton [1924] |
 Congregational Church and Parsonage, Milton [1906] |
Janesville |
 Washington Street, Looking North, Janesville |
 Bird's-eye View from Court House, Janesville |
 Airview of Riverside Park and Municipal Golf Course, Janesville |
 Rock County Insane Asylum, Janesville |
 State School for the Blind, Janesville |
 State Institute for Blind, Janesville [pre-1907] |
 Post Office, Janesville [pre-1907] |
 Post Office, Janesville |
 Jackson Street Bridge, Janesville |
 Monument, Court House Park, Janesville |
 View from Monterey Bridge, Janesville |
 Cascade in Riverside Park, Janesville |
 Oak Hill Cemetery Chapel, Janesville [1916] |
 Rock River Woolen Mills, Janesville [1916] |
 Washington Street, Looking North, Janesville |
 Shuffle Board Courts in Riverside Park, Janesville |
 Mercy Hospital, Janesville |
 Mercy Hospital, Janesville |
 Hospital, Janesville |
 High School, Janesville |
 Beet Sugar Factory, Janesville |
 Sugar Beet Factory, Janesville |
 Big Rock "Monterey", Janesville |
 Big Rock "Monterey" on Rock River, Janesville |
 Rock River, showing Dam and Wagon Bridge at Monterey, Janesville |
 Rock River, showing Wagon Bridge and Dam at Monteray, Janesville [pre-1907] |
 Airview of Chevrolet Motor Co., Janesville |
 Chevrolet Motor Company, Janesville |
 Veterans of Foreign Wars Club House, Janesville |
 Womens Club, Janesville |
 Pinehurst Sanatorium, Janesville |
 C. & N. W. Passenger Station, Janesville |
 The Armory, Janesville |
 West Milwaukee Street, Janesville [1909] |
 West Side Fire Station, Janesville |
 Hough Shade Company Plant, Janesville |
Beloit |
 Portland Avenue and Fairbanks-Morse Factory, Beloit |
 Y. M. C. A., Beloit |
 First Congregational Church, Beloit |
 Beloit College Gym, Beloit |
 East Grand Ave. and State Street, Beloit |
 Science Hall, Beloit College, Beloit |
 Spanish Tavern, 410 North State Street, Beloit |
 Academy, Beloit |
 C. & N. W. Depot, Beloit [1911] |
 Beloit Produce Co., Beloit |
 Catholic Church and Parsonage, Beloit |
 "Hotel Hilton", Beloit |
Evansville |
 Tornado Damage, sent from Evansville, WI [1911] |
 Baker Manufacturing Co., Evansville [1909] |
 Main St. west from Library, Evansville [1918] |
 The Evansville Seminary |