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WIGenWeb Archives Project
Portage County |
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[Church Records]
Town Township |
Description | File Name | File Size | Submitter |
Alban Township | Alban Cemetery | almondv.txt | 2 kb | Sandy Russell |
Almond Township | Almond Village Cemetery | almondv.txt | 2 kb | Sandy Russell |
Stockton Township | Arnott Cemetery | arnott.txt | 2 kb | Location only |
Pine Grove | Beggs/Pratt Cemetery | beggs.txt | 2 kb | Sandy Russell |
Eau Pliene Township | Beulow Cemetery | beulow.txt | 2 kb | Sandy Russell |
Linwood | Blood or Linwood Cemetery | blood.txt | 2 kb | Sandy Russell |
Alban Township | Concordia Cemetery | concord.txt | 2 kb | Location only |
Meehan | De Pines Cemetery | depines.txt | 2 kb | Sandy Russell |
Blaine | Elmwood Cemetery | elmwood.txt | 2 kb | Sandy Russell |
Roscholt | Faith Lutheran Cemetery | fluth.txt | 2 kb | Location only |
Whiting | Forest Cemetery | forest.txt | 2 kb | Location only |
Amherst Township | Greenwood Cemetery | greenw.txt | 2 kb | Location only |
Belmont Township | Kent Cemetery | kent.txt | 2 kb | Location only |
Meehan | Liberty Corners Cemetery | liberty.txt | 2 kb | Sandy Russell |
Linwood | Linwood Union Cemetery | linwood.txt | 2 kb | Sandy Russell |
Almond Township | Lone Pine Cemetery | lonepine.txt | 2 kb | Sandy Russell |
Almond Township | Martin Cemetery | martin.txt | 2 kb | Sandy Russell |
Stevens Point | McDill Cemetery | mcdill.txt | 2 kb | Location only |
Plover | Meehan Cemetery | meehan.txt | 2 kb | Sandy Russell |
New Hope Township | North New Hope Cemetery | nnewhope.txt | 2 kb | Location only |
Pine Grove | Pine Cemetery on the Bluff |
pine.txt | 2 kb | Betty Steveson |
Whiting Township | Plover Cemetery | plover.txt | 2 kb | Sandy Russell |
New Hope Township | Sacred Heart Catholic Cemetery | sacheart.txt | 2 kb | Location only |
Roscholt | St Adalbert's Catholic Cemetery | stadal.txt | 2 kb | Location only |
Plover | St Bronislavia Catholic Cemetery | stbron.txt | 2 kb | Sandy Russell |
Hull Township | St Casmir Cemetery | stcasmir.txt | 2 kb | Location only |
Amherst Township | St James Cemetery | stjames.txt | 2 kb | Location only |
Custer | St Mary's Cemetery - Custer | stmaryc.txt | 2 kb | Location only |
Fancher | St Mary's Cemetery - Fancher | stmaryf.txt | 2 kb | Location only |
Fancher | St Mary's Cemetery - Fancher | stmaryf-transciption.txt | 2 kb | Sheila Schmutz |
Lanark Township | St Patrick's Catholic Cemetery St Pat's Dig next door |
stpat.txt stpatdig.txt |
2 kb | Sandy Russell John Michael HOPKINS CROCKETT |
Portage Co | St Paul's Cemetery | stpaul.txt | 2 kb | Sandy Russell |
Hull Township | St Peter's Cemetery | stpeter.txt | 2 kb | Sandy Russell |
Stevens Point | St Peter's Cemetery (old) | stpetero.txt | 2 kb | Sandy Russell |
Stevens Point | St Stevens Cemetery 1413 Minnesota Ave |
ststeven.txt | 2 kb | Sandy Russell |
New Hope Township | South New Hope Cemetery | snewhope.txt | 2 kb | Location only |
Almond | Spiritland Cemetery | spirit.txt | 2 kb | Sandy Russell | Stockton | Stockton Cemetery | stock.txt | 2 kb | Location only | Dewey | Torun Cemetery | torun.txt | 2 kb | Location only |
Stevens Point | Union Cemetery | union.txt | 2 kb | Sandy Russell |
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[Church Records]
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Background designed by Karen Isaacson and used with her permission.