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WIGenWeb Archives ProjectMonroe County, WisconsinMaintained by MAK |
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Monroe County Wisconsin Archive Pages are part of WIGenWeb USGenWeb Project. WIGenWeb maintains all their Wisconsin county data in the WIGebWeb Archives Project. A big thank you to all the individuals who have contributed files. Without them, this information would not be available on line for FREE. Be sure to send them a thank you, especially if you find your family. Please remember, our contributors are not required to do lookups - Contributors who are willing to do lookups will have a statement on their file stating what they are willing to volunteer to do for FREE. |
Monroe County Wisconsin Archive Pages are part of WIGenWeb USGenWeb Project. WIGenWeb maintains all their Wisconsin county data in the WIGebWeb Archives Project. A big thank you to all the individuals who have contributed files. Without them, this information would not be available on line for FREE. Be sure to send them a thank you, especially if you find your family. Please remember, our contributors are not required to do lookups - Contributors who are willing to do lookups will have a statement on their file stating what they are willing to volunteer to do for FREE. |
Name of Cemetery | Area | File Name | File Size | Submitter |
Aney Cemetery | Centerville
Monroe County |
Aney-cem.txt | 17 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Angelo Cemetery | Angelo Township
Monroe County |
Angelo-cem.txt | 17 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Big Creek Cemetery | Northwest of Sparta, Monroe County | BigCreek-cem.txt | 17 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Boynton Family Cemetery | Monroe County | Boynton-cem.txt | 17 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Calvin Day Family Cemetery | Monroe County | Calvin-Day-cem.txt | 15 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Camp McCoy Cemetery | LaFayette Township, Section 27, Monroe County | campmccoy-cem.txt | 1 kb | Brenda K Wolfgram Moore |
Cannon Family Cemetery | Cannon Valley, Leon Township, Monroe County | Cannon-cem.txt | 1 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Carr Family Cemetery | South of Cataract, Monroe County | Carr-cem.txt | 1 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Cataract Cemetery | Cataract Village, Monroe County | Cataract-cem.txt | 12 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Clifton Township | Clifton Township, Monroe County | Clifton-cem.txt | 7 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Cornish Mills Cemetery | Camp Douglas, Monroe County | cornishmills-cem.txt | 2 kb | Beth Herman-Uksick |
Danavang, Ebenezer Danish Cemetery | Lincoln Township, Section 26, Monroe County | danavang-cem.txt | 2 kb | Brenda K Wolfgram Moore |
Dorest Ridge Immanuel German | Dorset Ridge, >Monroe County | Dorset-ImG-cem.txt | 13 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Dorset Ridge Methodist Cemetery | Monroe County | Dorset-cem.txt | 10 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Farmers Valley Cemetery | Monroe County | Farmers-cem.txt | 10 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Fish Creek Norwegian Lutheran Church Cemetery | Monroe County | FishCreek-cem.txt | 10 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Glendale Cemetery | Village of Kendall, Glendale Township, Monroe County | Glendale-cem.txt | 27 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Greenfield Cemetery | Tunnel City, Monroe County | Greenfield-cem.txt | 15 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Greenfield Catholic Cemetery | Tunnel City, Monroe County | Greenfield-cath-cem.txt | 3 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Greeno Cemetery | Little Falls Township, Section 4, Monroe County | greeno-cem.txt | 2 kb | Brenda K Wolfgram Moore |
Home (Rumpee) | East of Cashton, Monroe County | Home-cem.txt | 13 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
James Congdon Gordon Private Cemetery | Wellington Township, Monroe County | jcongdongordon-cem.txt | 1 kb | James D. Thalacker |
Jefferson Township Cemetery | Jefferson Township, Monroe County | Jefferson-twshp.txt | 13 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
LaGrange Cemetery | LaGrange Township, Monroe County | LaGrange-cem.txt | 13 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Portland (Cannon Valley) Lutheran Cemetery | Cannon Valley, Monroe County | LarsonPioneer-cem.txt | 13 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Leon Cemetery | Leon Township, Monroe County | Leon-cem.txt | 20 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Lincoln Peterson Kirby Cemetery | Monroe County | Lincoln-cem.txt | 2 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Lincoln Township Cemetery | Lincoln Township, Monroe County | lincoln-cem.txt | 3 kb | Brenda K Wolfgram Moore |
Mather Cemetery or Pine Grove Cemetery | North of Mather, Scott Township, Monroe County Used by Kingston Township, JuneauCoWI |
Pine-Mather-cem.txt | 17 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Meissner Family Cemetery | Monroe County, WI | Meissner-cem.txt | 17 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Moen Immanuel Lutheran | Moen, Monroe County | Moen-ImL-cem.txt | 13 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Mound Prairie Cemetery | East of Sparta, Monroe County | Mound-cem.txt | 59 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Mount Hope Cemetery | Monroe Co | MtHope-cem.txt | 59 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Mount Vernon - Jacksonville Cemetery | Monroe Co | MtVernon-cem.txt | 59 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Norwalk Catholic Cemetery | Norwalk, Monroe County | Norwalk-C-cem.txt | 15 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Noth Family Cemetery | Monroe County | Noth-cem.txt | 15 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Oakdale Township Cemetery | South of Oakdale Village
Monroe County |
Oakdale-cem.txt | 15 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Oakgrove Cemetery | Tomah, Monroe County | Oakgrove-cem.txt | 137 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Old Pioneer Cemetery | Rest Haven, Monroe County | Old-pioneer-cem.txt | 13 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Olson Pioneer Cemetery | Leon, Monroe County | Olson-cem.txt | 12 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Peace Lutheran Church Cemetery | Monroe County | Peace-luth-cem.txt | 10 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Pilgrim Home Cemetery | Northeast of Norwalk, Ridgeville Township
Monroe County |
Pilgrim-cem.txt | 14 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Pilgrim's Rest | Clifton Township, Monroe County | Clifton-pil-cem.txt | 7 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Pine Grove Cemetery or Mather Cemetery | North of Mather, Scott Township, Monroe County Used by Kingston Township, JuneauCoWI |
Pine-Mather-cem.txt | 17 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Pine Hollow Catholic Cemetery | Monroe County | Pine-Hollow-cath-cem.txt | 10 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Poor Farm Cemetery | Monroe County | Poor-farm-cem.txt | 17 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Portland First German Lutheran Cemetery | Portland, Monroe County | Portland-fg-cem.txt | 17 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Portland Norwegian Lutheran Church Cemetery | Portand, Monroe County | PortlandL-cem.txt | 14 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Rathburn Cemetery | Jefferson, Monroe County | Rathburn-cem.txt | 12 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Ridgeville Methodist Cemetery | Ridgeville, Monroe County | Ridgeville-meth-cem.txt | 14 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Sparta Children Cemetery | Sparta, Monroe County | sparta-child-cem.txt | 14 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Sacred Heart Catholic Cemetery | Cashton, Monroe County | SacredHeart-cem.txt | 12 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
St Josephs Catholic Cemetery | Kendall, Monroe County | Kendall-stjoe-cem.txt | 18 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
St Joseph Cemetery | Norwalk, Monroe County | StJacob-norwalk-cem.txt | 18 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
St John Baptist Catholic Cemetery | Ridgeville, Monroe County | StJohnBap-ridge-cem.txt | 9 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
St John's Catholic Cemetery | Wilton, Monroe County | StJohnC-wilton-cem.txt | 2 kb | MAK |
St Johns Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery | Sparta, Monroe County | StJohnE-sparta-cem.txt | 18 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
St John's Lutheran Cemetery | Cutler Township. Juneau County | stjohns-cutler-cem.txt | 2 kb | MAK |
St Johns German Lutheran Church Cemetery | Ridgeville, Monroe County | StJohns-ridge-cem.txt | 10 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
St Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church Cemetery | Monroe County | StLukeEvan-cem.txt | 10 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
St Matthews Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery | Wellington Township, Monroe County | stmat-cem.txt | 10 kb | Brenda K Wolfgram Moore |
St Mary Catholic Cemetery | Tomah, Monroe County | StMary-tomah-cem.txt | 39 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
St Marys Ridge Catholic Cemetery | Monroe County | /StMary-ridge-cem.txt | 39 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
St Michael's Catholic Cemetery | Oakdale, Monroe County | StMichael-ridge-cem.txt | 39 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
St Michael's Catholic Cemetery | Ridgeville, Monroe County | StMichael-oakdale-cem.txt | 39 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
St Patrick's Catholic Cemetery | South of Sparta, Monroe County | StPat-sparta-cem.txt | 29 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
St Paul German Lutheran Cemetery | Wilton, Monroe County | StPaulG-wilton-cem.txt | 18 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
St Peters German Lutheran Cemetery | Indian Creek, Monroe County | StPeter-gl-indian-cem.txt | 18 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
St Peters Lutheran Cemetery | Shennington, Monroe County | StPeter-luth-shen-cem.txt | 18 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Sheldon Township Cemetery | Sheldon Township, Monroe County | sheldon-cem.txt | 9 kb | Brenda K Wolfgram Moore |
Skogdalen Lutheran Cemetery | Portland Township, Monroe County | Skogdalen-cem.txt | 7 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Steenberg Pioneer Cemetery | Agnes Steenberg farm, Cashton, Monroe County |
Steenberg-cem.txt | 7 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Union Church Cemetery | Melvina, Jefferson Township, Monroe County | Union-cem.txt | 7 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Wanderer's Rest Cemetery | W of Norwalk, Monroe County | Wanderer-cem.txt | 15 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Warren Mills Cemetery | Warrens, Lincoln Township, Monroe County | Warren-cem.txt | 26 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Wilton Hillside Cemetery | NE Wilton Village, Monroe County | Wilton-cem.txt | 11 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Winnebago Indian Cemetery | Monroe County | Winnebago-cem.txt | 13 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Wood Cemetery | Monroe County | Wood-cem.txt | 13 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Woodlawn Cemetery | Monroe County | Woodlawn-cem.txt | 111 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
Worden & Burrough Family Cemetery | Wilton, Monroe County | Worden-cem.txt | 24 kb | James Wallace |
Wyeville City Cemetery | Monroe County | Wyeville-cem.txt | 111 kb | Ralph Hendersin |
In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or for other presentation.
There are two ways to contribute to these pages. Use the forms to automatically create and send your ancestors photo or text documents to the Wisconsin USGenWeb Archives formatted for acceptance in the USGenWeb Archives Project, or you can send your file by email to the county archives manager.
For more information on the types of files that we're looking for, see the
USGenWeb Archives Project Guidelines.
If your contribution doesn't fit one of the categories above, please email the Archives County Coordinator:
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Background designed by Karen Isaacson and used with her permission.