Kenosha County |
 Silver Lake Resort, F. H. Schenning, Prop., Silver Lake |
 Shagbark Cherokee Hall, Salvation Army Camp Wonderland, Camp Lake |
City of Kenosha |
 Main Street, Looking South, Kenosha |
 Sixth Street, Looking North, Kenosha |
 The Nash Motors Company, Kenosha |
 Harbor Scene Looking South, Kenosha |
 Methodist Church, Kenosha |
 Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee Ry Station, Kenosha |
 Kemper Hall, Kenosha |
 Post Office and Court House, Kenosha [1917] |
 The Simmons Factory, Kenosha |
 Elks Club, Kenosha |
 City Hospital, Kenosha |
 Kenosha County Court House, Kenosha |
 McKinley Junior Hish School, Kenosha |
 Washington Junior High School, Kenosha |
 New High School, Kenosha |
 Moonlight on Lake Michigan from Eichelman Park, Kenosha |
 Eichelman Park, Kenosha |
 Lagoon and Wooded Path in Lincoln Park, Kenosha |
 Sunken Gardens in Lincoln Park, Kenosha |
 Scenes in Library Park, Kenosha |
 Hotel Dayton, Kenosha |
 Hotel Dayton, Kenosha |
 Pennoyer Sanitarium, Kenosha [pre-1907] |
 Y. M. C. A. and Park Avenue, Kenosha |
 River View, Kenosha |