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Saint Croix County
(Glenwood City)
St. John The Baptist Cemetery
Tombstone Photos

These photos were generously taken and contributed to these pages by Cindy!   Please take a moment to thank them for this terrific resource!  Use your back browser button to return to this page. Please note that these generous contributions do not necessarily depict all tombstone photographs for a given cemetery.

, Mary E
Aebly, Alice
Aebly, Alice And Mike
Aebly, Alice P And Mike W
Aebly, Amelia And Julius
Aebly, Antoinette And Joseph
Aebly, Dorothy
Aebly, Eloise
Aebly, Emil
Aebly, Frank John
Aebly, Hazel C
Aebly, Helen F
Aebly, Mary
Aebly, Theresa
Aebly, Theresa
Andraschko, Maria
Andraschko, Max J And Leona M
Andraschko, Mother
Andrews, Bessie
Berends, Barbara And Duane
Berends, Cecilia And Henry
Berends, George
Berends, Henry
Berends, Jessie
Berends, John
Berends, Kathleen
Berends, Mary
Berends, Peter
Berends, William
Berends, William And Mary
Berken, Lenard
Besaw, Ruth
Best, James And Gladys
Bischel, Beverly
Bischel, Bridget
Bischel, Isabella J And Louis
Bischel, Nancy And John
Bittle, Frances
Bittle, Joseph
Bittle, Joseph [Father]
Bittle, Katherine
Bittle, Kathryn
Blaser, Michael
Bogut, Frances
Bonte, Donald And Mary
Bosruth, Herbert
Bossharteliz, Walter
Bowlin, Harry
Brengman, John A And Catherine M
Buckner, George
Caress And James
Carruth And Mary
Casselious Theresa, Caroline And John
Cassellius, Carl
Cassellius, Cicilia
Cassellius, Clarence
Cassellius, Frank
Cassellius, Gregory
Cassellius, Harriet And Lawrence
Cassellius, Herman And Lena
Cassellius, Katherine
Chicilo, Joseph
Chicilo, Joseph And Panilla
Chicilo, Joseph J
Christenson, Evelyn And John
Chuchwar, Irene Goede
Cormicon, Lucil
Cornelissen, Anna Maria
Cornelissen, George And Anna
Cornelissen, Martin And Mary
Cress, Adelbert
Cress, Anna
Cress, Clarence
Cress, Frank
Cress, Frank And Anna
Cress, Gerald Francis
Cress, Joseph
Cress, Katherine
Cress, Marjorie
Curry, Elizabeth
Curtis, Donald
Curtis, Doris And Donald
Curtis, Hulda And John
Danovsky, Zuzana
Decleen, Peter
Degross, Michelleben
Delage, Amable J
Delage, John J Jr
Delage, John Joseph
Delage, Margaret B
Desmith, Anna And Edward
Desmith, Chris
Desmith, Constance
Desmith, Constancia
Desmith, Elizabeth And John
Desmith, Frances And Clarence
Desmith, George
Desmith, Leo
Desmith, Leona
Desmith, Louise
Desmith, Maea
Desmith, Peter
Desmith, Randolph
Desmith, Viola And August
Desmith, Wayne
Diffendorfer, Laverne
Dikeman, Mary Lou And Merwin
Donovan, Dolores
Donovan, John
Donovan, John [Military]
Dowlin, Antonia
Draxler, Anna
Draxler, Charles
Draxler, Edward
Draxler, Eleanor
Draxler, Frank
Draxler, Frank [Father]
Draxler, Jennie And Louis
Draxler, Louis
Draxler, Mary
Draxler, Theresa
Draxler, William
Draxler, William A
Emerson, Leona And Samuel
Enderlin, John B
Fewker, Mariem
Fletch, Catherine
Florance, Virginia
Flottum, Elling
Flottum, Mary
Foreman, Leol
Forrest, Benjamin And Minnie
Forrest, Casey
Forrest, William
Franklin, Cassellius And Kathryn
Frick, Lucille
Gabler, Ezidor
Gallagher Sara Nora
Garske, Agnes And Lorain
Gehrig, Herman
Gehrig, Joseph
Gehrig, Katherine
Geotkin, Lillian
Geotkin, Louie
Gillis, [Father]
Gillis, [Mother]
Gillis, Caroline And Frank
Gillis, John
Gillis, John
Goede, Johnw
Goetken, Alois
Goetkin, Annac
Goetkin, Herman
Goetkin, Lillian
Goetkin, Louie
Goetzinger, Marie And Malcolm
Goosen, [Father]
Goosen, Angeline
Goosen, Francis A
Goosen, Frank
Goosen, Louis
Goosen, Mother
Goossen, Sarlene And John
Goverinski, Joseph And Mary
Goverinski, Joseph Anthony
Goveronski, John And Mary
Grafton, Wanda
Gray, Alice
Hall, Frances
Hamerlindl, Grandma
Hammergren, Catheryn
Handrahan, Joseph
Hansen, Lester
Heibel, Frank And Dorothy
Heinl, Margaretta
Heiss, Frank
Heiss, Grace And Harry
Heiss, John
Heiss, John
Heiss, Mary
Heiss, Mike
Heiss, Myrtle
Heiss, Robert
Hellmer, Louise And Joseph
Hentz, Ada
Hentz, Nicholis
Heutmaker, Philomena And Gerhard
Hill, Anna Mary
Hill, Edward Henry
Hillebrand, Hugh Nelson
Hirsch, Frances
Hirsch, Henry
Hirsch, Mathilda
Hirsch, Rudolph
Hohl, Ellis
Hohl, Frances
Hohl, Fredrick
Holman, Sc And Mary E
Hooser, Florence And Louis
Humpal, Lillian And Joseph
Hutchinson, Ladonna And Dwaine
Jackelen, Bernard J
Jackelen, Betty J
Jackelen, Caroline And George
Jackelen, Elizabeth
Jackelen, Elizabeth And Michael
Jackelen, Ethel L And James J
Jackelen, Francis
Jackelen, Frank And Mary R
Jackelen, Genevieve A
Jackelen, Gerald K
Jackelen, Henry
Jackelen, Henry J
Jackelen, Herman
Jackelen, Josie
Jackelen, Margaret
Jackelen, Myron
Jackelen, Peter And Cora
Jackelen, Walter
Jackelen, William
Jaeger, Jerry
Johnson, Mary Jo
Jones, Hazel
Jorgenson, Ida
Jorgenson, Ole
Jourdeans, Fred
Jourdeans, Johanna
Kadinger, Nicholas And Veronica
Kahler, Andrew
Kahler, Evawalter
Kahler, Gloria And James
Karas, Isabel And Joseph
Kassella, William
Kay, Frank
Kennedy, Edward John
Kerschbaum, Henry
Kerschbaum, John
Kerschbaum, L
Kerschbaum, Mabel
Kerschbaum, Michael
Kingman, George And Coleta
Klammer, Sebastian
Kleigel, Joseph
Kliegle, Frances
Klingelhoets, Bartholomew
Klingelhoets, Carolina
Klingelhoets, George H
Klingelhoets, Josephine And Guido
Klingelhoets, Mary J
Klinger, Alfred And Mary
Klinger, Annie
Klinger, Edgar
Klinger, Effie And Leo
Klinger, George And Georgina
Klinger, James
Klinger, Katherine And Ernest
Klinger, Lawrence
Klinger, Peter
Klinger, Ronald
Klinger, Rose
Klinger, William
Kloecknew, Rose And Hubert
Kluser, John
Kluser, William
Knops, Catherine
Knops, Cornelius
Knops, Elizabeth
Knops, Frank
Knops, Henry
Knops, John
Knops, John And Madonna
Knops, Peter
Kobeska, Anna And Frank
Kobeska, John
Kobeska, Leona
Kobeska, Theodore
Kobestka, Raymond
Kolashinski, Andrew
Kolashinski, Dennis
Kolashinski, Stanley F
Kolasinski, Andrew
Kolasinski, John And Susie
Kolasinski, Veronica And Frank
Konder, Connie Karen
Konder, Frank And Regina
Kozlowski - Koloshinske
Kremer, Marya
Kroll, Fw
Kroll, Joseph
Kroll, Walter
Krosnoski, Jeanna
Krueger, Edna
Larson, Linda And Edward
Larson, Ralph
Lauber, Harris
Lauber, Henry
Lauber, Henry And Marjorie
Lauber, Jane
Lechner, Anthony
Lechner, Dolores And Harold
Lechner, Leonard
Lechner, Marcella And Clarence
Lechner, Mary
Lenzen, Florence And Frank
Leonard, Emily
Leonheard, Elizabeth
Leonheard, Franz
Logge, Camiel
Logge, Ruth And Arthur
Logghe, Frank J
Logghe, Katherine
Logghe, Leona D And Lawrence G
Logghe, Richard
Logghe, Sidonie
Logghe, Ted L
Logghe, Timothy
Logghe, Virginia
Lord, Cecelia L
Lord, Earl E
Lord, Edward R
Lord, Kathryn
Lord, Lyle T
Luta, Doris
Luta, Victor
Luty, Charles
Luty, Dominika
Lyons, Irene M Joseph S
Mabie, Lucy
Maes, August
Maes, Babydaniel
Maes, Cornelia
Maes, David
Maes, Frank
Maes, Josephine And Albert
Maes, Mary
Maes, Romanie And Edward
Magda, Lena
Mahoney, Cecelia
Mahoney, John And Mary
Mahoney, Rosella
Mahoney, Thomas
Mahoney, William
Mansberger, Lois
Markow, John J
Mccusker, Margaret E
Mcdonald, Eugene A
Mclaughlin, Margaret
Mclaughlin, Thomas
Mcphail, Alexander
Mcphail, James
Mcphail, Jane
Mehleis, Harry
Mehleis, Julia
Mehleis, Nicholas
Mehleis, William C
Mehlers, Gertrude M
Meulemans, Alphonse A
Meulemans, Anne And Theodore
Meulemans, Mary
Meulemans, Mary J
Meulemans, Michael
Meulemans, Philip And Frances
Mikala, John
Mikla, Jenny
Mikla, John
Milune, Howard And Catherine
Mitch, Anna And Ferdinand
Mitch, Baby Girl
Mitch, Frank
Mitch, Gerald And Dorothy
Mooney, Edward
Mooney, Fern
Morgan, Danielle
Mortel, Betty J And Bernard J
Mortel, Bronislaus And Wanda
Mortel, Cheryl R
Mortel, Rose
Mortel, Vincent
Mundt, Leon A And Rose
Myers, Isaac
Myers, John
Myers, Maryann
Myers, Ruth
Nehlen, Allen And Marge
Nelson, Darlene And Louis
Nordell, Betty And John
Nygaard, Denise
Nygaard, Reuben
Obermueller, Bernadin
Obermueller, Delia And Frank
Obermueller, Edward And Hattie
Obermueller, Ellen V And Charles J
Obermueller, Eva M
Obermueller, Frank J
Obermueller, Jerome
Obermueller, Joseph
Obermueller, Joseph
Obermueller, Joseph M
Obermueller, Lucille And Bernard
Olechboles, Anna
Olson, Angeline And Melvin
Omeara, Bernard
Palewicz And Felicia
Palewicz, Emma And Victor
Palewicz, Helen
Palewicz, James
Palewicz, John
Palewicz, Martha
Palewicz, Paul
Palewicz, Robert And Mary
Palewicz, Victoria
Parent, Gordon
Paulus, Catherine
Paulus, Charles
Paulus, Edward
Paulus, Frances
Paulus, Frank
Paulus, Johneleanor
Peterson, Arlene And Walter
Peterson, June And Edward
Peterson, Marienels
Peterson, Peter T And Agnes J
Pohl, Anthony And Stella
Powers, Ann
Powers, John
Powers, Kathleen
Powers, Myrtle
Powers, Thomas
Powers, Thomas [Father]
Praschak, Anna M
Praschak, Felix And Anna
Praschak, Kaspar And Maria
Praschak, Nellie And John
Praschak, Peter
Praschak, Robert
Praschak, Robert
Praschak, Wilfred
Preeshl, David
Rice, Inez And Richard
Riedl, Albert
Riedl, Elizabeth And Lauren Z
Riedl, Joseph And Jean
Rivard, Richard And Mary
Rousar, Dustin
Rousar, Mildred And Alois
Rugo, Michael And Elizabeth
Ryder, Charles
Ryder, Elizabeth
Sand, Susan
Schlough, Lyle And Ethel
Schmidt, Frieda
Schmidt, Vincent
Schneider, Ernest And Rose
Schramske, Bernard
Schramske, Kathryn
Schramske, Victor
Schriber, Joseph
Schriber, Peter
Schriber, Rosella
Schug, Cecelia
Schug, Edward
Schug, Frank
Schug, John
Schug, Joseph And Josephine
Schug, Joseph Jr
Schug, Violet
Schuster, John
Schuster, John
Schuster, Mary
Sempf, Eileen And Arthur
Sempf, Katherine
Sempf, Theodore
Sempf, Thomas And Eileen
Shepard, Agnes
Shepard, Edward
Shepard, Gregory
Shepard, James
Shepard, James J
Shepard, John
Shepard, Julia
Shepard, Mary
Shepard, Robert
Shepard, Ronald
Smith, Anna And Thomas
Spaeth, Baby Son
Spaeth, Clara
Spaeth, Elisabeth And Harris
Spaeth, George
Spaeth, Jeanne M And Lyle Paul
Spaeth, John J
Spaeth, Laurence
Spaeth, Laurence J
Spaeth, Lillian
Spaeth, Lillian E
Spaeth, Paul And Rose M
Stack, Bobby
Stack, Clarence
Stack, Edward And Anna
Stack, Harris
Stack, Housekeeper
Stack, Howard And Cecilia
Stack, Mary
Standaert, Charles
Standaert, Christine And Edward
Standaert, Frank
Standaert, Harry And Theresa
Standaert, Isabelle And Louie
Standaert, Lawrence And Marjorie
Standaert, Leo And Marie
Standaert, Marjorie
Standaert, Marjorie And Lawrence
Standaert, Robert And Margaret
Steffen, George
Steffen, Monica
Stehly, Emma
Stlouis, Clara Belle
Stlouis, P Dewayn
Stlouis, Peter H
Stohr, James And Barbara
Stone, Genevieve And Charles
Stuart, Vicki
Sumner, Jean
Sutliff, Bertha B
Swaenepoel, Camilla M
Swaenepoel, Leon R
Swanepoel, Avis And William
Swanepoel, Frank And Betty
Sylla, Leonaclarence
Teigen, James
Teigen, James Vernon
Thompson, James
Thompson, James R
Thompson, June
Thompson, Larry
Tiberg, Emily And Reuben
Tittle, Crescence
Tuttle, Family
Tuttle, George
Tuttle, John
Tuttle, Leonard
Tuttle, Mary And George
Tuttle, Peter
Ullom, Traci
Utecht, Betty
Vanranst, Adolf
Vanranst, Alphonse And Bertha
Vanranst, Anna
Vanranst, Dan
Vanranst, Edward
Vanranst, Edwin
Vanranst, Florent
Vanranst, Julia
Vanranst, Kevin
Vanranst, Louis
Vanreuten, Madeline And John
Vonrueden, Wilhelm
Walz, Lavina And Leander
Warmuth, Arliss And Fred
Whistler, Charles And Ottilia
Whistler, Edward
Whistler, Edwin
Wienke, Karen And Donald
Wilk, Michael
Wilk, Mihalina
Williams, Marcus
Williams, Marie
Williams, William
Williams, William And Marie
Williams, William And Marie G
Wink, David
Wink, John
Wink, Josephine
Wink, Lucille E And Merril J
Wink, Sharon A And Robert J
Withuske, Mary M
Withuske, Stanley
Wold, Cynthia
Wold, Douglas
Wood, Richard And Katherine
Yacks, Harold
Yelle, Albert
Yelle, Harriet
Zacharias, Agnes
Zurn, Elizabeth And Henry

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WISCONSIN MUNICIPALITIES: Cities Towns, and Villages, often referred to as 'municipalities' in Wisconsin law, are the governmental units that relate most directly to citizens' everyday lives.

TOWNS, like counties, were created by the state to provide basic municipal services. Rooted in New England and New York tradition, town government came to Wisconsin with the settlers, but Wisconsin towns were not like their Eastern counterparts that reflected the existing patterns of local settlement. In Wisconsin, towns are geographical subdivisions of counties. Towns originally served (and for the most part they continue to serve) rural areas. Towns govern those areas of Wisconsin not included in the corporate boundaries of cities and villages.

The difference between "township" and "town" often confuses the public. In Wisconsin, "township' refers to the surveyor's township which was laid out to identify land parcels within a county. Theoretically. a township is a square tract of land, measuring six miles on a side for a total of 36 square miles in the unit. Each township is divided into 36 sections. "Town", as the word is used in Wisconsin, denotes a specific unit of government. It's boundaries may coincide with the surveyor's township or it may look quite different. A Town may include one, parts of or several townships.

CITIES and VILLAGES, often referred to as "incorportated areas", govern territory where population is more concentrated. In general, minimum population for incorporation as a village is 150 residents for an isolated village and 2,500 for a metropolitan village located in a more densely settled area. For cities, the minimums are 1,000 and 5,000 respectively. As cities and villages are incorporated, they are carved out of the town territory and become independent units no longer subject to the town's control. The remainder of the town may take on a 'Swiss cheese" configuration as its area is reduced.

[Information above taken from "State of Wisconsin Blue Book 1997-1998"]

ProjectCopyright Notice: These generous contributions do not necessarily depict all tombstone photographs for a given cemetery. The source for many of the cemetery names and placenames on these pages come from Cemetery Locations in Wisconsin, 3rd edition, compiled by Linda M. Herrick and Wendy K. Uncapher. The book is published by Origins at 4327 Milton Ave. Janesville, WI 53546. All files on this site are copyrighted by their creator and/or contributor. They may be linked to but may not be reproduced on another site without specific permission from Tina Vickery [] and/or their contributor. Although public information is not in and of itself copyrightable, the format in which they are presented, the notes and comments, etc., are. It is however, quite permissable to print or save the files to a personal computer for personal use ONLY.

This page was last updated 11 July 2010