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Milwaukee County
Holy Cross Cemetery
Tombstone Photos

Surnames beginning Se - Sp

These photos were generously taken and contributed to these pages by Larry & Linda Kopet, Lenora Mulock and Robert 'Red' Mulvanny !   Please take a moment to thank them for this terrific resource!  Use your back browser button to return to this page. Please note that these generous contributions do not necessarily depict all tombstone photographs for a given cemetery.

Seaman, Charles and Martha
Seaman, Mary
Sears, Harry A
Sears, Harry A
Sears, Lucy H
Sears, Lucy H
Searth, John and family
Sebanc, Anton and family
Sebetich, Peter and Julia
Seda, Fr. and family
Sedar, Mike
Seebauer, John A. and Mary
Seeholzer, Georg
Seeholzer, Georg
Seeholzer, Magdalena Adams
Seeholzer, Magdalena Adams
Seelman, Alvin G
Seelman, Elizabeth
Seelman, Elizabeth (2)
Seelman, Elsie M
Seelman, Ernest
Seelman, George
Seelman, John A
Seelman, John J
Seelman, Marguerite
Seelman, Mary
Seelman, Mary M
Seemann, Benedict
Seemann, Benedict
Seggelink, Eva and Jane Rouse
Seibert, John and Eva
Seibert, Martin
Seibert, Thomas F.
Seidel, Bertha E.
Seidita, Louis B. and Ethel N
Seidita, Pietrino
Seidl, Anton T
Seidl, George
Seidl, Joseph S
Seidler, Frank C. and Amelia
Seidler, Martha
Seifert, Frances B
Seifert, Frank A. and Alma
Seifert, Henrietta M
Seifert, Matthias W. and Julia
Seiffert, Henrietta M.
Seignemartin, Theresa
Seigner, Infant
Seiler, Anna
Seiser, Charles and Catherine
Seiske, Mary
Seitz, Anton
Seitz, Florence M. and Francis A
Seitz, Frank
Seitz, Frank
Seitz, Frank and Anna
Seitz, John
Seitz, Joseph and Eva
Seitz, Joseph and family
Sekita, Edmund J. and Kathryn J
Sekula, Louis and Josephine
Selich, Frances
Selich, Louis
Sell, Charles F. and Ida A
Selner, James
Selthofner, Rosemary
Semons, Yvonne M
Semrad, Antony
Semrad, Edward F. and Martha A.
Semrau, Roza
Senekovich, L
Sengbusch, Jeffery
Senich, Marya
Sentz, Helen
Sentz, John and Eleanora
Sentz, Nikolaus and Rosalia
Seny, Mary
Serbed, Frank
Serdahely, Geraldine K
Sergeant, Michael Phillip
Sericati, infant
Serio, Calogero
Serio, Giovanni and family
Serio, Rosalia
Serio, Rosario and family
Serio, Salvatore
Serio, Salvatore
Serio, Salvatore
Serio, Salvatore and Provideza Maglio
Serio, Sebastian and Josephine
Serio, Sebastian Ganny and Maria
Seroczynski, Genevieve
Serrano, Orlando Morales
Sertich, Catherine
Sertich, Steve and Family
Seruga, Anton and Louise
Service, Alfons
Service, John W. and Agnes M
Service, Warren J. and Mary Rogaczewski
Sessody, Julia and Mary Cser
Settele, Lisa M
Severson, Mark D
Seymour, Chloa
Seymour, Clarence Leo
Seymour, Jill
Sgarlata, infant male
Shaad, Arthur and Agnes
Shanke, Albert and Louise
Shannon, Edward J
Shannon, Erbie
Shannon, Infant Male
Shantek, Joseph & Mary
Shantoshee, Helen
Shantoshee, Helen
Sharabok, Maria
Sharp, Elizabeth
Sharp, Kenneth E
Shaughnessy, John G. and Family
Shaw, Agnes
Shaw, Brenton
Shea, Brian A
Shea, Daniel G. and Marjorie M
Shea, John F. and Emma B
Shea, Kate
Shea, Lawrence
Shea, Maurice
Shea, Michael and Anna
Shearer, Catherine
Shearer, Catherine
Shebel, Herbert V.
Shebel, Jacob D.
Shebel, Mary F.
Shecterle, Rose
Sheehan, Daniel J. and Catherine A
Sheehan, Richard and Alice
Sheehan, William C.
Sheerin, John and family
Sheerin, Raymond and Della
Sheerin, Raymond and Della
Shekleton, Ambrose
Shemunatz, Edward
Shenners, William H. Jr
Shepard, Arlington N. and Lyman G
Shepard, Kirke G. and Kathryn
Shepherd, Margaret
Sherbrook, Frank H. and Elizabeth
Sheridan, Carleton
Sheridan, James
Sheridan, Marybelle
Sherlock, Richard F
Sherman, Judith Ann
Sherman, Judith Ann
Sherman, Margaret
Sherwin, Emil Charles
Sherwin, Gloria V
Shields, Cornelia C
Shimeck, Gerald
Shimi, Julianne
Shimunek, Linda Lee
Shimunek, Sharon Lynn
Shine, Julia
Shinners, James M
Shinners, John E
Shipman, Arthur and family
Shoemaker, Frances and Mabel
Shong, William
Shork, Elias and Elizabeth
Shortle, Edward H
Shulfer, Johnny
Shult, Sam and Mary
Shuman and Thode family
Shurod, Louisiana
Shurpit, Anna
Shurr, Abbie
Shurr, Anna
Shurr, Charles J
Shurr, Paul
Shviger, Mary
Sibrigondio, Giovanni
Sicilia, Elizabeth Ann
Siderits, Adolph and Adela
Sieben, John
Siebenlist, Alfred L. & Emma H
Sieber, Doloris
Sieber, Joseph and Margaret
Sieczkowski, Rose
Sieczkowski, Walter and Mary
Siegrist, Edward and Clara
Siehr, Ethel and infant
Siehr, Herman Joseph
Siehr, Jeanette
Siehr, Mary
Siekierski, Michal and Pelagia
Sielski, John
Sielski, Mary
Sienkowski, Leonard
Siepman, Edwin V
Siepmann, Peter A
Sieracki, Joseph J.
Sieracki, Mary
Siesco, Diane Lynn
Siettmann, Ernst and Cecelia
Siever, Andrew
Sigg, Adalbert and Frances
Signorile, Cecilia
Sigurnjak, Katie
Sigwart, Michael and Josephine
Sikac, Martin
Silady, Philip C
Silko, Bernice
Silko, Unclear
Silva, Maria
Silva, Rosella B. and Helene R
Silva, Salvatore and family
Silvia, Arthur A. Jr
Simek, Tom
Simerl, John A
Simon, George K
Simon, Joseph and Emily
Simon, William J. and family
Simonich, Father and family
Simonich, Joseph and John
Simonis, Alice V
Simonis, Willard and Ruth H
Simons, John L
Simons, William H. and Mary A
Simpson, Hazel
Simpson, Steven Joseph
Sims, Granville
Sinagra, Carl B. and Hattie M. Leitner
Sinder, Mike and Julia
Sindic, Sharon
Sindoni, Tom
Sindoni, Tom
Sindorf, Louise
Sindorf, Valentine
Singer, Anna
Singer, Clarence F
Singer, Diane Mary
Singer, John
Singer, Wolfgang
Singler, Ella B
Sinkovits, Conrad & Flora
Sinnott, Raymond J
Sipos, Alojzija M
Sipos, Alouzija M
Sippel, Adam and Mary
Sirajic, Nikola
Sirni, Michele
Sirni, Natala
Sirni, Natala
Sisson, Margaret Louise
Sitter, Michael
Siudzinski, John R
Sivak, Mary
Siwicka, Katarzyna
Siwicka, Katarzyna Kunda
Skalitz, Herman
Skalitz, Herman
Skalla, Fred J.
Skalla, Fred J.
Skalla, Robert J.
Skalla, Robert J.
Skay, Joseph
Skay, Nick
Skiba, Baby
Skiba, Gerald
Skiba, Infant
Skiba, infant
Skiba, Martin and Norbert
Skiba, Patricia
Skiba, Paul and Lena
Skiba, Stanley and family
Skiba, Veronica
Skidmore, Karen L
Skidmore, William Dale
Skipchak, Michael and Tillie
Sklepich, Anton
Skobis, Catherine
Skobis, Catherine
Skobis, Catherine B
Skobis, Frank
Skobis, Joseph C
Skobis, Joseph F
Skobis, Josephine
Skocir, Elizabeth
Skocir, Elsie
Skocir, Jacob and Katharina
Skok, Anna
Skok, Anna
Skopek, Joseph
Skorcz, Anthony
Skorcz, Antonina
Skorcz, Antonina
Skorcz, Jadwiga
Skorcz, Jadwiga
Skorcz, Jozefa
Skorcz, Stanislawa
Skorcz, Stanislawa
Skorcz, Victoria R
Skorcz, Walter E
Skotzke, Mary
Skowronski, Bruce D
Skrlac, Mandalena
Skruby, Peter and Caroline
Skrzynska, Franciszka
Skrzynski, Michael
Skrzynski, Michael
Skumatz, Virgil and Agnes
Skutle, Winifred and Ella Heipp
Skwierawski, Agatha
Skwierawski, Agatha
Skwierawski, Blanche
Skwierawski, Edward
Skwierawski, Virginia
Sladkovic, Dragica
Slagowski, Sophie
Slajkovic, John
Slamka, Joseph E
Slapnek, Anton
Slatinshek, Frank and Angeline
Slattery, Daniel A. and Maude R
Slattery, Dr. John J. and Leone M
Slattery, John E. and Elizabeth M
Slattery, Thomas J
Slaughter, Julia
Slaughter, Julia
Slavic, Ferdinand
Slawny, Wawrzyniec and Maryanna
Slesarik, Juras
Slesarik, Stefan
Sleske, John
Slezak, Joseph and Annie
Slezak, Joseph and Annie
Slezak, Joseph Nieman
Slezak, Joseph Nieman
Slezak, Marja
Slezak, Thomas
Slivinski, James and Dorothy
Slivinski, James and Dorothy
Sloan, Robert B
Sloboda, John
Sloboda, John
Slominski, Mary
Slosar, Frank
Slosarczyk, Vincent and Mary
Sluss, infant
Smaglik, Joseph and family
Smallisg, Cathrine L
Smallish, Edward Jr.
Smarelli, Joanne Mary
Smasal, Fred S
Smetana, Michael and Magdalene
Smith, Daniel and Dennis
Smith, Francis and Catherine
Smith, John and Family
Smith, John K. and Helen C
Smith, Josephine
Smith, Josephine
Smith, Katherine G
Smith, Oscar
Smith, Robert V
Smolarek, Joseph
Smolarek, Joseph
Smole, Agnes
Smolinski, Antoni
Smolinski, Jozef
Smolinski, Julith Ann
Smudde, John G. and Apolonia
Smudde, John G. and Apolonia
Smukowski, Edwin III
Smyth, Alex Cady
Snyder, Diane
Snyder, George and Lucinda
Snyder, Jane
Snyder, Joseph
Soba, Lukas
Soba, Mary
Sobczak, Jacob
Sobieski, Caroline M
Sobieski, Edward
Sobieski, John
Sobieski, Joseph S
Sochurek, Anna
Sohner, Kathleen
Sohr, Theresia Egle
Sojka, Mary
Sojko, Milan
Sokac, Blos
Sokol, John J. and Jeanette
Sokol, Stephen
Sokolowski, Frank
Sokolowski, Stella
Solak, Frank
Solak, Frank
Sollentin, Henry
Soltis, John and Mary V
Sommer, Frank and Mary
Sommer, Joseph and Bertha
Sommers, Albert
Sommers, Albert
Sommers, Eileen
Sommers, Eileen
Sommers, Joseph and Bertha
Sonnen, Edward and Katherine
Sonnen, Mary E
Sonnenberg, Frank
Sonnenberg, Frank
Sonnenberg, Frank S. and Polly
Sonnenberg, Mary E
Soper, Harry and Susan
Sorano, Gloria
Sorano, Mary
Sorano, Pauline
Sorano, Vincenza
Sorbas, Joz
Sorce, Dora
Sorce, Giuseppe and Pasqua
Sorce, Nancy Rigordo and Maria Frittitto
Sorce, Nunzio and Nancy
Sorrenti, Frank A
Sorsak, Stefan
Sosnowski, Marcin and Bogumila
Sosnowski, Wladyslaw and Franciszka
Sossong, Bernard and Madelen
Sossong, C
Sossong, Edward Arthur Jr
Sossong, Lawrence and Edward
Sostarich, George and family
Soto, Manuel Jr
Sougstad, Amun and Therese
Southwick, Oscar E. and Isabelle E
Sova, Eldridge
Sovdat, Frank and Josephine
Sozesni, Mathias
Spacek, Anton
Spaeth, Infant
Spagnola, Mark A
Spagnolo, Domenica
Spagnolo, Gaetanc
Spagnolo, Philip
Spalda, Steve and Anna
Spangler, Robert L. and Linda
Spanheimer, Sophie
Spankowski, Harry & Roman Bednarski
Spankowski, Victor and Frances
Spano, Frank and family
Spano, Frank and Febronia
Spano, Frank T. and Josephine S. Cicirello
Spanske, Joseph and Marie
Spantikow, Arthur
Sparacino, Domenica (Mamie)
Sparacino, Maria and Jack
Sparacino, Nunzio and family
Sparacino, Stephen
Sparacino, Stephen and family
Sparacio, Salvaio
Sparagino, Rosmond L. and Irene
Sparagio, John
Spath, Joseph and Theresa
Speener, Lisa A
Spellman, Patrick and family
Spende, Franciska
Spera, Felicia
Sperry, David John
Spettel, George
Spetz, Christina
Spetz, John
Spicciati, Joseph C. and Irene M
Spicciati, Michael
Spiegelberg, Charles Fredrich
Spiel, Eva
Spik, Marya
Spinato, Frank
Spinato, Frank
Spinato, Frank (2)
Spinella, Carmelo
Spinella, Robert Alan
Spinella, Sarafina
Spingola, Rosa
Spingola, Rosa
Spinnato, Angeline
Spinnato, Antonino
Spitza, Tommy
Spitzer, John and Mathilda
Spitzer, Marie Foley
Spitzer, Michael
Splude, Mary Louise
Splude, Mary Louise
Spoerl, Joseph Sr
Spoerl, Joseph Sr
Spolarig, Nik
Spotts, Molly
Sprachmann, John
Sprager, Mary
Spraitz, Fric
Spraitz, Frida
Spraitz, Joseph
Spraitz, Josephina
Sprangers, Mathias and Charlotte
Sprenz, Joseph
Sprenz, Marie
Sprenz, Matthew
Springman, Gary R. and Andrew M
Springob, Benno J. and Carita
Springob, Norbert and Claris
Springob, Norbert and G
Sprout, Janice C
Sprtel, Joseph E. and Josephine H

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WISCONSIN MUNICIPALITIES: Cities Towns, and Villages, often referred to as 'municipalities' in Wisconsin law, are the governmental units that relate most directly to citizens' everyday lives.

TOWNS, like counties, were created by the state to provide basic municipal services. Rooted in New England and New York tradition, town government came to Wisconsin with the settlers, but Wisconsin towns were not like their Eastern counterparts that reflected the existing patterns of local settlement. In Wisconsin, towns are geographical subdivisions of counties. Towns originally served (and for the most part they continue to serve) rural areas. Towns govern those areas of Wisconsin not included in the corporate boundaries of cities and villages.

The difference between "township" and "town" often confuses the public. In Wisconsin, "township' refers to the surveyor's township which was laid out to identify land parcels within a county. Theoretically. a township is a square tract of land, measuring six miles on a side for a total of 36 square miles in the unit. Each township is divided into 36 sections. "Town", as the word is used in Wisconsin, denotes a specific unit of government. It's boundaries may coincide with the surveyor's township or it may look quite different. A Town may include one, parts of or several townships.

CITIES and VILLAGES, often referred to as "incorportated areas", govern territory where population is more concentrated. In general, minimum population for incorporation as a village is 150 residents for an isolated village and 2,500 for a metropolitan village located in a more densely settled area. For cities, the minimums are 1,000 and 5,000 respectively. As cities and villages are incorporated, they are carved out of the town territory and become independent units no longer subject to the town's control. The remainder of the town may take on a 'Swiss cheese" configuration as its area is reduced.

[Information above taken from "State of Wisconsin Blue Book 1997-1998"]

ProjectCopyright Notice: These generous contributions do not necessarily depict all tombstone photographs for a given cemetery. The source for many of the cemetery names and placenames on these pages come from Cemetery Locations in Wisconsin, 3rd edition, compiled by Linda M. Herrick and Wendy K. Uncapher. The book is published by Origins at 4327 Milton Ave. Janesville, WI 53546. All files on this site are copyrighted by their creator and/or contributor. They may be linked to but may not be reproduced on another site without specific permission from Tina Vickery [] and/or their contributor. Although public information is not in and of itself copyrightable, the format in which they are presented, the notes and comments, etc., are. It is however, quite permissable to print or save the files to a personal computer for personal use ONLY.

This page was last updated 20 November 2012