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Milwaukee County
Holy Cross Cemetery
Tombstone Photos

Surnames beginning S - Sc

These photos were generously taken and contributed to these pages by Larry & Linda Kopet, Lenora Mulock and Robert 'Red' Mulvanny !   Please take a moment to thank them for this terrific resource!  Use your back browser button to return to this page. Please note that these generous contributions do not necessarily depict all tombstone photographs for a given cemetery.

S.Maglio, Santo and family
Saalfrank, Isadore
Sabadi, Ceza
Sabady, John & Mary
Sabaric, Marko and Mary
Sabatinelli, infant
Sabo, Elizabeth
Sabo, Joseph and Susanna
Sabo, Marjory
Sabo, Robert
Sabo, Theresa
Sabo, Theresa
Saboeren, Peter and Josephine
Saboeren, Peter and Josephine
Sabolic, George
Saccio, Michele
Sachse, Elizabeth
Sachse, Elizabeth
Saddy, Shahen S
Sadowski, August
Sadowski, Edward P
Sadowski, Elizabeth
Sadowski, Elizabeth
Sadowski, Sandra A
Sadowski, Unclear
Sagadin, Frank Sr. and family
Saiitner, Gertrude
Sajdik, Adam
Sakobowski, John
Salamone, Kim and Pamela
Salamone, Mary
Salamone, Mary
Salatnik, Anton
Salentine, Jerome
Salerno, Carmelo
Salfer, Katherine Osusky
Salfer, Wilhelmine
Salinas, Maria Isabel
Salopek, Frank and Anna
Salvermoser, Joseph and Frances
Salvermoser, Joseph and Frances
Samen, Peter A
Sammarco, Giovanni and Family
Sammarco, James and Family
Sampl, Mary
San Agustin, Julie Lee
San Souci, Ovid G
Sanchez, Maria de Jesus
Sander, William F. and Theresa A
Sanders, Patrick L
Sandner, Vincent and Bertha
Sanfelippo, Consiglia
Sanfelippo, Consiglia
Sanfelippo, Domenic & Anna
Sanfelippo, Domenico
Sanfelippo, Pietra
Sanfelippo, Rose
Sanfelippo, Santo
Sanfilipp, Russell
Sanfilippo, Alfred
Sanfilippo, Anna
Sanfilippo, Concetta
Sanfilippo, Dominic T
Sanfilippo, Fred
Sanfilippo, James J
Sanfilippo, Mary A
Sanfilippo, Micheli
Sanfilippo, Salvatore and family
Sanfilippo. Vivian
Sanheitl, Franziska
Sanheitl, Franziska
Sanhuber, Anthony F
Sanhuber, Conrad F
Sanhuber, Florence C
Sanhuber, James J
Sankoff, Peter
Sansone, Antonino (picture on stone)
Sansone, Antonino and Maria
Sansone, Gaetano and Prudence
Sansone, Giuseppina Anna
Sansone, Maria (picture on stone)
Sansone, Michele and Rosa
Sansone, Regina
Sansone, Rocco, Scarpace Rosolia
Sansone, Rosa Farina
Sansouci, Ovid G.
Sant, Peter
Sant, Peter
Santaella, Alexis M
Santalucia, Antonio
Santek, Stuepan
Santek, Stuepan
Santiaco, Jose Antonio
Santner, Andrew
Santner, Martin
Santner, Mary M
Santner, Rose
Santo, James and Mary
Santoro, Ben Nick
Santoro, Salvatore
Sanyika, Condi
Sapner, Albert A.
Sapner, James
Sapner, Rudolph J.
Sapner, William
Saputo, Alexander
Saputo, Antoinette
Saputo, Grazia
Saputo, Rosa
Saputo, Rosa
Saputo, Vito
Sarabok, Stjepan and Family
Sardina, Adam Phillip
Sardina, Anthony
Sardina, Frank Peter
Sartich, Catherine
Sass, Joseph and Seba
Satina, Amelia
Satina, Frank
Satina, Stephen F
Satorius, John and Family
Satorius, Nick
Sauer, Frederick Nicholas
Saunders, Jack A. and Meta E
Saunders, Joseph H
Saunders, Marion
Saunders, Mary Ann
Sauschlager, Frank and Angeline
Sauter, Bernhard
Savage, John C
Savignag, Norman J. and Frieda
Savor, Mike
Sawatzke, May L. and family
Saworski, Emily
Saxe, Frank
Sayas, Francisco A
Saye, Anton and Josephine
Sayers, Michael and family
Sayers, Michael and family
Sayers, Michael J
Sayers, Micheal J. and Helen
Sberna, Biagio and Anna
Scaffidi, Joseph and Anthony
Scalici, Filippo
Scalici, Maria
Scalici, Michael N. and Rosaria
Scalish, Phillip and Anna
Scanlan, Isabelle V
Scanlan, Thomas I. and Mary A
Scarpace, Paul D
Scarpace, Vincent and Maria
Scarpace, Vincent and Maria
Scarpaci, Josephine and family
Scarpaci, Nicole Agnes
Scarpuzzi, Joseph
Scarvace, Salvatore and Concetta
Scarvaci, Joseph
Scarvaci, Nick and Mary
Scarvaci, Nick and Mary
Scarvaci, Salvatore and Concetta
Scasny, Joseph and Johanna
Scatamacchia, John G. and Lorraine M
Scatamacchia, Patricia
Scatamacchia, Steven
Scepanski, Allison Kathrine
Schachner, Hans
Schack, Lisa Dee
Schaech, Infant Female
Schaefer, Anna
Schaefer, Anton
Schaefer, Anton and family
Schaefer, Barbara
Schaefer, Charles
Schaefer, Charles J
Schaefer, Edward A
Schaefer, Florian and Bibiana
Schaefer, George A
Schaefer, Helen M
Schaefer, Irma M.
Schaefer, Jacob J. and Lydia
Schaefer, Kenneth Ira Steven
Schaefer, Mary
Schaefer, Oscar G. and Anna C
Schaefer, Patricia Carol
Schaefer, Theresa
Schaefer, Walter and Gertrude
Schaeffer, Conrad and Amelia
Schael, Louis Sr. and Rose
Schaenzer, Elizabeth
Schaf, Nicolaus
Schaff, John and family
Schaff, Paul and family
Schaff, Stefan
Schaffer, Robert A. and Shirley R
Schaffner, John
Schaffner, John
Schaffner, Mary
Schall, Irvin and family
Schaller, Johann
Schaller, Leander
Schampers, Henry J. and Mary A
Schampers, Marion V
Schanowska, Anna
Schanowski, Jerome
Schanowski, Michael
Schantz, Bobby
Schantz, Jacob
Schaper, Nicholas R
Schappek, Simon and Marie
Scharabok, Grace
Scharaesa, Grice
Schardt, Peter G. and family
Scharer, Andrew and Barbara
Scharer, John
Scharer, John and Bertha
Scharhag, William and Family
Scharkowski, John and Anna
Scharmach, August and family
Scharmach, Mary
Scharner, Josef
Scharner, Vera
Scharp, Herman and family
Schattanik, Alphonse and Anna C
Schauer, Josephine
Schauker, Michael and Theresa
Schcoeder, Arthur
Schedler, George
Schedler, Helen
Schedler, Louis F
Schedler, Otto
Scheftner, Joseph and Emma
Scheible, Barbara
Scheible, Peter F and Lillian K.
Scheid, Adolph J. and Catherine
Scheidecker, Ernst
Scheidecker, Ernst
Scheidecker, Joseph E
Scheidecker, Joseph E
Scheidecker, Lyn H
Scheidecker, Lyn H
Scheidecker, Marie
Scheidecker, Marie
Schell, Anna
Schepp, Dave M
Scherbert, Frank and Family
Scherbert, Frank and family
Scherbert, Ralph
Scherr, Frank
Scherr, Jacob and Harriet
Scherr, Mary
Scherrer, Francis J.
Scherrer, Jeannette M.
Scherrer, Raymond
Schettle, Eugene Leo and Hickling, Margaret Agnus Alyce
Schettle, Eugene Leo and Margaret Hickling
Scheu, Oscar and Ida
Scheuring, Fritz
Schick, Anton and Mary
Schicke, A. and Maria
Schicker, Edward J
Schieffer, Ann
Schier, Robert J
Schiesl, Michael and Margaret
Schiessl, Alois
Schiessl, Jacob John
Schiessl, Rose
Schifano, Basilia
Schifano, Basilia
Schift, Robert
Schift, Robert
Schilhansl, Wenzel
Schilhardt, Katie
Schill, Mary Beth
Schill, Peter W. and Anna
Schiller, Aloysius
Schiller, George and Caroline
Schiller, Joseph P
Schiller, Joseph P
Schiller, Ronald
Schiller, Rudolph and Doris Mae
Schilsky, Max and Mary
Schilz, Nicklas
Schimeon, Albert and Augusta
Schimeon, Albert and Augusta
Schimmel, Rudolf J
Schimmel, Thekla C
Schinko, Imro
Schinko, Imro
Schinko, Imro (picture on stone)
Schipper, Margareth
Schipper, Margareth
Schirm, Father and Mother
Schittone, John
Schlamberger, Marie
Schlesak, Mark Otto
Schlessinger, James Allen
Schlicht, Carrie
Schliegleder, Anna
Schliegleder, George
Schlieman, Pamela Jeanne
Schlitt, Jacob and Anna
Schlitt, Kath
Schloegl, Joseph and Maria
Schloer, Ruth
Schloeter, Edmund R. and Mary Ann
Schlosser, James R
Schlosser, Olga M
Schlosser, Robert S
Schlotz, Oscar and Clara
Schluga, Emma
Schmall, Joseph and Pauline
Schmalz, Julia
Schmatz, Joseph and Anna
Schmeling, Marvin M
Schmeling, William and Mamie
Schmelitsch, John T
Schmelitsch, Peter
Schmelter, Bernard
Schmelter, Jozef
Schmelter, Michal and Maryanna
Schmid, Anna M
Schmid, Anton and Family
Schmid, Carl A. and Margaret
Schmid, Carolina
Schmid, Elizabeth R
Schmid, family
Schmid, Joseph
Schmid, Joseph C
Schmid, Louis and Veronica
Schmid, Norman and Joseph
Schmid, Pearl Wilmot
Schmid, Philip J
Schmid, Ralph E
Schmid, Simon and Anna
Schmid, William F
Schmid, Wolf and Brown, infants
Schmidkonz, Anna
Schmidt, Alexander and Barbara
Schmidt, Alexius F. and May M
Schmidt, Catherine
Schmidt, Edward
Schmidt, Edward J.
Schmidt, Edwin X
Schmidt, Female Infant
Schmidt, Frances
Schmidt, Franciszek and Anna
Schmidt, Gerald
Schmidt, H
Schmidt, Henry
Schmidt, Infant
Schmidt, Jerome B. and Dolores A
Schmidt, John and Gertrude
Schmidt, Joseph
Schmidt, Joseph and Anna
Schmidt, Kevin Lee
Schmidt, Lorenz and family
Schmidt, Marian C. and Donald F.
Schmidt, Mary
Schmidt, Mary
Schmidt, Mike T
Schmidt, Paul and Helen E.
Schmidt, R
Schmidt, Robert and Lorraine
Schmidt, Rose
Schmidt, Stephan and E. Angeline
Schmidt, Stephanie
Schmit, Nicolas and Anna
Schmitt, Adam & Rose
Schmitt, Anna M.
Schmitt, Beatrice
Schmitt, Bertha
Schmitt, Chriesant and Marie
Schmitt, Conrad, Elizabeth and Anna
Schmitt, Conrad, Mary, Edward and Marguerite
Schmitt, Edward
Schmitt, Eugene H. and Dorothy S.
Schmitt, Frank J.
Schmitt, Fred and family
Schmitt, John
Schmitt, John
Schmitt, John G
Schmitt, Katharine W.
Schmitt, Marguerite
Schmitt, Michael and Anna
Schmitt, Michael and Anna
Schmitt, Philip
Schmitt, Robert T
Schmitt, Rupert and Elizabeth
Schmitt, Serene
Schmitt, Theodore and Anna
Schmitt, Theodore and Lauretta
Schmitt, Theodore B. and Anna
Schmitt, William J. and Barbara
Schmittinger, Gary Martin
Schmittner, Maria
Schmitz, Duane M
Schmitz, Helen G
Schmitz, John
Schmitz, Lawrence and Maggie
Schmitz, William J. and Josephine
Schmohel, Frank and Eva
Schnabl, Valentin and Rose
Schneider, Anna
Schneider, Charlie
Schneider, Duane J
Schneider, Erwin A
Schneider, Fred and Genevieve Mcgrath
Schneider, Infant
Schneider, James
Schneider, Johann
Schneider, John
Schneider, John A
Schneider, Joyce
Schneider, Leon
Schneider, Marguerite H
Schneider, Marie
Schneider, Marie
Schneider, Mary and Josephine Volkman
Schneider, Peter J
Schneider, Peter J
Schneider. John
Schneller, Joseph and Sophia
Schoba, Martina
Schoba, Martina
Schober, Joseph and family
Schoch, Eliz
Schockmel, Frank & Alena M
Schoebel, August and Mary
Schoemperlen, Patricia Louise
Schoemperlen, Patricia Louise
Schoen, Dr. Charles M
Schoenbaum, Cecilia Konzal
Schoenberger, Anton Sr
Schoeneck, Elroy and Ann
Schoenecker, Elizabeth
Schoenecker, Frances
Schoenecker, John M
Schoenecker, Joseph J
Schoenecker, Viola
Schoenfeld, Anna
Schoenfeld, Clara
Schoenfeld, Herbert H
Schoenfeldt, Carl R.
Schoknecht, Albert and Helen
Scholl, William F. and Frances B.
Scholler, Michael and Helen
Scholz, Marie Nancy
Schommer, Peter Fraser
Schoonover, Sally Ann
Schoster, Toni
Schott, Charles A. and family
Schott, Dr. Andrew F. and Family
Schott, George and Elizabeth
Schottler, Balthasar and Lillian
Schottler, Dr. J.G. and Frances
Schoula, Frank
Schouten, Isabelle
Schrader, Patricia A
Schramka, John and Marcianna
Schramka, Leon
Schramke, Infant
Schraml, Kath
Schraufnage, Charles and Clara
Schraufnage, Charles and Clara
Schreck, female infant
Schreiber, Charles and Olive
Schreiber, Theresa
Schremser, Charles E. and Margaret L
Schroeder, Adolph
Schroeder, Anna
Schroeder, Annie
Schroeder, Barbara (child)
Schroeder, Cecila
Schroeder, Christina
Schroeder, George
Schroeder, Hattie
Schroeder, Helen
Schroeder, Herman and Kathryn
Schroeder, John
Schroeder, John A. and Gertrude
Schroeder, John and Katharine
Schroeder, Joseph G.
Schroeder, Julia M.
Schroeder, Julius L.
Schroeder, Magdalein
Schroeder, Robert W. and Marie R
Schroeder, Walter
Schroetter, Mary
Schroll, John
Schroll, Katharina
Schubert, Keith A
Schuda, Anna V. Thompson
Schudiske, Frank and Josephine
Schue, Norbert and Elnora
Schueler, Mary Bronk
Schueneman, Joan Marie
Schueppert, Frank S. and Annie E
Schugeld, Ernst
Schuh and Slowik family
Schuh, Anton
Schuh, Anton
Schuh, Anton J. and Gertrude E
Schuh, Charles and Theresa
Schuh, Charles J. and Eleanor
Schuh, Gordon J
Schuldes, Katherine
Schuldes, Wenzel
Schuler, Heinrich
Schulist, Dennis
Schulist, Frances
Schulkewitz, Frank and Anna Gastel
Schulte, Victor and family
Schulteis, Mary Anne
Schultek, Leo & Anna
Schulteti, George J
Schultz, Albert and Anna and Grzecza, Anna
Schultz, Florence T
Schultz, George
Schultz, Marcin and Katarzina
Schultz, Mary
Schultz, Mauriece A
Schultz, William H. and Margaret
Schultza, Felix J. & Tekla
Schulz, Mary A
Schulz, Walter J. and Ann J
Schulz, Walter J. and Ann J
Schulze, Elmer and Isabelle
Schumacher, Bernhard and Mary
Schumacher, Mayhew and Ella
Schumacher, Peter
Schume, Harold
Schume, Irena
Schume, Irena
Schume, Ludwig and Frances
Schumi, Maria
Schumi, Ulrich
Schurmann, Sally Ann
Schuster, Charles A
Schuster, Henry and Elizabeth
Schuster, Henry and Elizabeth
Schuster, Louis H
Schuster, Matt and Emma
Schutkowski, Frank P
Schutte, Mary
Schutz, Alexander W. and family
Schutz, Alois G. and family
Schutz, Stoddard J
Schwab, Adam
Schwab, Marian
Schwab, Valentine
Schwabach, Joseph and family
Schwabenlander, Andrew and Anna
Schwabinlander, Carl
Schwai, John and Mary
Schwalbach, Louis C
Schwalbach, Lucas Theodore
Schwalbach, William and Family
Schwalm, August and family
Schwalm, Emma Polcza
Schwan, Herman
Schwan, Margaret
Schwan, Margaret
Schwantes, Sylvia M.
Schwartz, Francis M
Schwarzinger, Joseph and Theresa
Schwarzrock, Frederick
Schwehr, Eulocius
Schwehr, Mary
Schweiger, Henry and Elisabeth
Schweiger, Henry and Elisabeth
Schweiger, Hermine
Schweitzer, Leonard J
Schweitzer, Michael and Catherine
Schwister, Anton and Mary
Schwister, George and Emma
Schwister, Henry, Winifred and Colloton C.
Schwister, Jacob J. and Marie O
Schwister, John
Schwister, Nickolas
Schwister, Peter and Elizabeth
Schwister, Peter and Elizabeth
Schwitchenberg, Joseph R
Sciano, Antonio
Sciano, Antonio
Sciano, Calogero and Carmela
Sciano, Jennie
Sciano, Joseph S. Ii
Sciano, Joseph S. Jr. I
Sciano, Joseph S. Jr. Ii
Sciano, Mariuzza
Sciano, Philip Serio and family
Sciano, Salvatore
Sciano, Steven
Sciano, Thomas
Sciano, unclear
Scifo, Josephine
Scifo, Josephine
Scifo, Salvatore
Scifo, Salvatore
Sciortino, Salvatore
Sciurba, Georgie
Sciurba, Georgie
Scott, Agnes
Scott, Bertram C
Scott, Ruth L
Scott, Walter Jr
Scozzafave, Wendy Rae
Scully, Daniel J. and Annie
Scully, Daniel J. and Annie
Scweitzer, Genevieve Lauer

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WISCONSIN MUNICIPALITIES: Cities Towns, and Villages, often referred to as 'municipalities' in Wisconsin law, are the governmental units that relate most directly to citizens' everyday lives.

TOWNS, like counties, were created by the state to provide basic municipal services. Rooted in New England and New York tradition, town government came to Wisconsin with the settlers, but Wisconsin towns were not like their Eastern counterparts that reflected the existing patterns of local settlement. In Wisconsin, towns are geographical subdivisions of counties. Towns originally served (and for the most part they continue to serve) rural areas. Towns govern those areas of Wisconsin not included in the corporate boundaries of cities and villages.

The difference between "township" and "town" often confuses the public. In Wisconsin, "township' refers to the surveyor's township which was laid out to identify land parcels within a county. Theoretically. a township is a square tract of land, measuring six miles on a side for a total of 36 square miles in the unit. Each township is divided into 36 sections. "Town", as the word is used in Wisconsin, denotes a specific unit of government. It's boundaries may coincide with the surveyor's township or it may look quite different. A Town may include one, parts of or several townships.

CITIES and VILLAGES, often referred to as "incorportated areas", govern territory where population is more concentrated. In general, minimum population for incorporation as a village is 150 residents for an isolated village and 2,500 for a metropolitan village located in a more densely settled area. For cities, the minimums are 1,000 and 5,000 respectively. As cities and villages are incorporated, they are carved out of the town territory and become independent units no longer subject to the town's control. The remainder of the town may take on a 'Swiss cheese" configuration as its area is reduced.

[Information above taken from "State of Wisconsin Blue Book 1997-1998"]

ProjectCopyright Notice: These generous contributions do not necessarily depict all tombstone photographs for a given cemetery. The source for many of the cemetery names and placenames on these pages come from Cemetery Locations in Wisconsin, 3rd edition, compiled by Linda M. Herrick and Wendy K. Uncapher. The book is published by Origins at 4327 Milton Ave. Janesville, WI 53546. All files on this site are copyrighted by their creator and/or contributor. They may be linked to but may not be reproduced on another site without specific permission from Tina Vickery [] and/or their contributor. Although public information is not in and of itself copyrightable, the format in which they are presented, the notes and comments, etc., are. It is however, quite permissable to print or save the files to a personal computer for personal use ONLY.

This page was last updated 20 November 2012