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Jefferson County
These photos were generously taken and contributed to these pages by Larry & Linda Kopet! Please take a moment to thank them for this terrific resource! Use your back browser button to return to this page. Please note that these generous contributions do not necessarily depict all tombstone photographs for a given cemetery. |
Maas, Reinhart W. and Dorothea L. |
Maas, Sharon A. |
Maasch, Ella A. |
Maasch, Theodore F. |
Maass, Carl E. |
Maass, Esther L. |
Maass, Franklin E. and Marilyn D. |
Maass, LeRoy and Leona H. |
MacDonald, Chester E. and Dorothy L. |
Mainz, Wilbur and LaVerne |
Malewicz, Stella T. |
Malewtz, Guenther A. and Anneliese |
Mallow, Emil and Minna |
Mallow, Merlin A. and Joyce A. |
Mallow, Rueben C. and Ruth M. |
Manke, Alvin A. and Melissa A. |
Manke, Milton O. and Alma E. |
Manke, Ronald L. |
Mann, Marlyn K. |
Maphis, Brianna Kay |
Marcks, Roy F. |
Marks, Joseph H. and Lowell A. |
Maron, August E. and Frieda A. |
Maron, Clarence and Evelyn M. |
Maron, Walter W. and unclear |
Marshall, Beulard O. |
Marshall, Pearl M. |
Martens, Jerome P. and Audrey A. |
Martens, Matthew A. |
Mattson, Sever and Helen F. |
McAleavey, Michael W. and Anna D. |
McCoy, Ned D. and Melba J. |
McKowen, Joseph H. and Florence M. |
McLaughlin, Charles W. |
McLaughlin, Vernon A. and Marie A. |
McMahon, Charles E. and Charlotte A. |
McMahon, Wayne and Caroline |
McMickle, Thomas C. |
Meeker, Gertrude Caroline Roerber |
Meier, Clara C. |
Meier, Herman L. Jr. |
Mekelburg, Ralph O. and Esther |
Melcher, Armund E. and Luise M. |
Menke, Lloyd and Elizabeth |
Mertins, Marvin L. |
Mertins, William A. and Kathryn M. |
Mertz, Helen A. Clark |
Meschke, Harry H. and Rosella H. |
Meschke, Robert E. and Alice C. |
Meske, Donald L. |
Metzdorf, Edgar H. and Eda L. |
Meyer, Albert C. and Vevabelle K. |
Meyer, August and Bernice |
Meyer, David L. Sr. and Viola |
Milam, Madge M. |
Miller, Clara A. |
Miller, Donald J. and Patricia A. |
Miller, Edith Mae |
Miller, Eugene B. and Gail M. |
Miller, Gary A. |
Miller, James Monroe |
Miller, Robert B. |
Miller, Yancie and Belle S. |
Mindemann, Robert S. and Amy L. |
Moke, Clayton E. |
Montgomery, Mary E. |
Montgomery, Ralph P. |
Moore, Morry and Esther T. |
Mount, Harry A. III |
Mueller, Arnold W. and Gladiola E. |
Mueller, Harry H. |
Multhaur, Carol L. |
Mundy, Chuck |
Mutter, Irma B. |
Nass, Maxine B. |
Nebel, Rudolf A. |
Neff, Donald E. and Lorraine |
Nehls, Beatrice M. |
Neitzel, Leonard and Hertha |
Neitzel, Louis and unclear |
Nelsen, Richard A. and Betty L. |
Nelson, Richard E. |
Nelson, Stanley W. and Lola A. |
Nesta, Don and Gladys A. |
Neu, Harold W. and Mildred E. |
Neumann, Harold E. |
Neumann, Henry E. and Frieda A. |
Nevins, Hanna L. Bennin |
Newmann, Charles W. and Sadie A. |
Nichols, Lyle A. and Margaret G. |
Niehoff, Marvin O. and Bernice D. |
Nielsen, Elmer and Ellen C. |
Nielsen, Niels C. Jr. and Joyce A. |
Nielsen, Niels C. Sr. and unclear |
Nielsen, Sadie W. |
Nienow, Frederick and Margaret |
Nienow, Gary and Sharon A. |
Nienow, Jason R. |
Nienow, Roy and Yvonne L. |
Nimm, Gerald L. and Barbara A. |
Ninmann, Paul C. and Mary C. |
North, Asser K. and Irma A. |
Nufer, Donald G. and Marjorie A. |
Nufer, George A. and Florence R. |
Nufer, Sean Michael |
Nuland, Dorothy B. |
Nuland, Fredrick |
O'Brien, Patricia |
Oestreich, Elvira D. |
Oestreich, Foster I. |
Oestreich, John E. |
Oestreich, William A. and Grace M. |
Oestreicher, Donald F. |
Oiler, Ronald E. |
Oldenhoff, Arthur E.C. and Violet A.E. |
Oldfield, Eugene T. and Lois M. |
Oleson, George C. and Violet A. |
Olsatd, Mervin and Laura S. |
Olson, Lorraine I. |
Olson, Patsy A. |
O'Morrow, Kaylen M. |
Orbeck, Donald L. |
Oschmann, Arthur H. and Anna E. |
Otto, Harry R. |
Owen, Gerald F. and Evelyn M. |
Pagel, Fredrick W. |
Pagel, Lavern W. |
Pagenkopf, Henry H. and Gertrude E. |
Pagenkopf, Leonhard |
Pagenkopf, Louis and Ida |
Palmer, Ryan S. |
Palosaari, John V. and Sara H. |
Panfil, Lucille |
Pankow, Oscar F. and Florentine M. |
Pape, Carl F. and Marie E. |
Parish, Timothy Jon |
Parker, Kenneth R. and Yvonne W. |
Pattengale, Dale |
Pattengale, Patricia A. |
Pauli, Margaret E. Caughlin |
Pauli, Raymond P. |
Pauloski, Patrick A. and Helen F. |
Paulsberg, Gary A. |
Paulsberg, Lynn A. and Georgine H. |
Peebles, Grace E. |
Peebles, John |
Peebles, Robert and Frances |
Peirick, Raymond H. and Lorraine C. |
Peirick, Stephen and Jeanne |
Pernat, Margaret A. |
Pernat, unclear and Joyce M. |
Perschke, Ed C. and Annie M. |
Peterson, Chester W. |
Peterson, Harry A. and Viola H. |
Peterson, Verena A. |
Pfeiffer, Walter E.K. and Lillian E.A. |
Picha, Charles A. and Gertrude P. |
Pieper, Edgar C. |
Pieper, Raymond and Emma |
Pieper, unclear H. and Marcella A. |
Pingel, Harold and Inez |
Piper, Carl and Eleonora A. |
Piper, Dennis R. |
Pirola, Frank and Louise L. |
Platz, Kenneth M. and Shirley M. |
Polensky, Edward F. and Alice E. |
Polensky, Russell E. and Mildred L. |
Polinsky, Vernon A. |
Polinsky, Wallace O. and unclear |
Poole, Leith and Lillian |
Post, Nancy A. |
Post, Willie O. and Helen |
Potratz, Arthur W. and family |
Potratz, Henry F. and Isabel M. |
Pouchert, Scott Richard |
Powers, Robert P. |
Pratt, Clyde A. and Sarah E. |
Pratt, Howie R. |
Pratt, Melinda B. |
Preuss, Max and Lucille |
Prochnow, Gladys C.A. |
Prochnow, Herman A. |
Propp, John W. |
Quam, Mary Ellen |
Quam, Sylvester L. and Judith A. |
Quandt, Rev. August J. and Verna E. |
Quay, Malcolm E. and Madge K. |
Quint, David and Julia M. |
Raasch, Anna M. |
Raasch, Daniel J. |
Rabbach, Henry C. and Delores B. |
Rabenhorst, Raymond F. and Esther A. |
Radke, Christine |
Radke, Harold E. and Addaline |
Radke, Richard Allen |
Radtke, Clarence E. and Doris A. |
Radtke, Danielle M. |
Radtke, Edward R. and Malinda |
Radtke, Raymond |
Radtke, Thomas F. |
Raedel, Oscar H. and Betty A. |
Raiser, Oria W. and CeCelia A. |
Ramlow, Bruce G. |
Randolph, Harold L. and Martha S. |
Ransom, Rex S. and Helen M. |
Rasmussen, Sidney and Mae |
Rastede, John H. and Dorothy A. |
Rather, Lawrence F. and Irene A. |
Rausch, Robert C. |
Rayner, William Z. and Alma S. |
Redfield, Harold C. and Esther |
Reed, Jasper E. Sr. and Nora A. |
Reed, John H. (Jack) and Betty M. |
Reese, Howard and Doris V. |
Reich, Milton F. and Lillian C. |
Reich, Walter W. and Vera M. |
Reimer, Bruce . |
Reimer, Cheri R. |
Reimer, Delbert E. and Bernice A. |
Reimer, Earl A. and Evelyn I. |
Reimer, Earl W. Jr. and Beverly M. |
Reimer, Harvey O. |
Reimer, Merlyn H. and Florence C. |
Reimer, Norma E. |
Reith, Howard L. and Pauline E. |
Reitz, Ella A. |
Reitz, Henry William |
Renk, Stephen M. |
Rennhack, Duane W. I and Luanda C. |
Renz, Cyril R. and Agnes M. |
Renz, George W. Sr. and Geraldine E. |
Reuter, Bernard C. and Jeannette C. |
Rex, Kurt and Blanche A. |
Reynolds, James F. and Marie |
Rhadans, Harold and Vilas Mae |
Rice, Paul W. and Joan M. |
Richardson, Dean O. and Janice E. |
Richardson, Dean O. and Ruth A. |
Richart, John and Ruth |
Richart, Raymond W. and Gertrude |
Richart, Richard and Patricia L. |
Riddle, Jerry L. and Ada L. |
Ridgewell, Patrick J. and Ursula M. |
Ridgewell, Roger D. |
Ridgewell, Russell A. |
Rieck, Roy C. and Marialyce L. |
Rist, Bruce A. |
Rist, Neal R. and Edna E. |
Rither, Allan Michael |
Roberts, Gary Lee and Andrew Michael |
Roberts, Joseph A. |
Roberts, Ramona J. |
Roberts, Teresa Kay |
Roberts, Walter C. and Carol M. |
Roberts, Walter V. and Minnie M. |
Rockelwald, unclear and Elaine |
Rockwell, Virginia Howie |
Rode, Benjamin R. and Ellen B. |
Roden, Lyoyd A. and Bertha O. |
Roehl, Jamie Lynn |
Rohloff, Wilmer A. and Pearl E. |
Rollefson, John Robert and Irene G. |
Rollert, Joanne E. |
Rollert, Lester R. and Donna J. |
Rosenow, Ervin H. and Evelyn M. |
Rosine, Nicholas Alan |
Ross, Betty J. |
Rossa, Jolyse Nicole (granddaughter of Roger and Lucille Athas) |
Rossa, Joseph Alois |
Roy, Gary L. and Sandra A. |
Ruehlow, Donald W. and Judith C. |
Ruehlow, Gerald C. and Kathleen M. |
Runingen, Alma M. |
Rupnow, Arthur E. and Eileen C. |
Rupnow, Caroline |
Rupnow, Franklin L. |
Rupnow, Russell L. |
Rupprecht, Melvin A. |
Rusch, James D. and Carol Lynn R. |
Ryan, Barbara L. |
Saeger, Leona M. |
Saeger, male infant |
Saeger, Waldemar (Wally) J. and Delores F. |
Salzer, John E. and Anna E. |
Sandvig, Joseph H. and Lois A. Gould |
Sauer, Earl and Gladys O. |
Saver, Louise |
Saxby, Norbert J. and Carol A. |
Sayler, Marie R. |
Scaff, Dennis D. and Sally D. |
Schaefer, Merville J. and Anna B. |
Schaller, Rev. Gilbert and Ruth P. |
Schatschneider, Harold W. |
Scheele, David Anthony |
Scheele, Dennis A. |
Scheele, Harold T. |
Scheiber, Sylvester J. and Elda L. |
Schelly, Palmer H. and family |
Scherer, John E. |
Schiesel, Richard M. |
Schilberg, Leo F. and Irene A. |
Schilberg, Rudolph F. and Clara M. |
Schlesner, Max H. and Elsie |
Schlise, Irene |
Schlueter, Bruce J. |
Schmidt, Adelbert C. and Margaret |
Schmidt, Anne Marie D. |
Schmidt, Arnold T. |
Schmidt, Barbara M. |
Schmied, Rudolph G. and Elizabeth M. |
Schmitt, Lisa Ann |
Schmitt, Mathew J. and Dorothy H. |
Schmitt, Raymond M. |
Schmitz, Alice E. |
Schmitz, David W. and Herndon, Virginia G. |
Schmitz, Gerhart and Mona P. |
Schmitz, Harris G. and Karen M. |
Schmitz, Ralph J. |
Schmutzler, David C. |
Schmutzler, Edwin A. and Clara M. |
Schmutzler, Leslie and Lucille B. |
Schneider, Jacob |
Schrader, Donald A. and Jeannette L. |
Schroeder, Brittany Marie |
Schroeder, Chester A. and Marion D. |
Schroeder, Donald Arthur and Gladys Ann |
Schroeder, Douglas J. and Patricia A. |
Schroeder, Elmer C. and Cora R. |
Schroeder, Ernest C. and Audrey E. |
Schroeder, Raymond and Theresa L. |
Schuelke, George B. and Eleanor A. |
Schuelke, Raymond L. |
Schuenemann, Mark W. |
Schuenemann, Paul E. and Gertrude L. |
Schuett, Gilmer C. and unclear |
Schuett, John Michael |
Schuett, Martin L. and Viola E. |
Schuett, Wilbert and Audrey |
Schuhmacher, Carl R. and Rose Ann |
Schultz, Adam Richard |
Schultz, Harold F. |
Schultz, Herbert N. |
Schultz, Isabel E. |
Schultz, Martin A. and Gertrude J. |
Schultz, Marvin L. and Lucinda A. |
Schultz, Norbert C. and Dorothy R. |
Schultz, unclear and Judith Ann |
Schultz, Vernon E. and Rosemary |
Schumacher, Arnold F. and Myrtle P. |
Schumacher, Robert A. and Bob A. |
Schwartz, Merlin M. and Betty A. |
Schwartz, Michelle Lynn |
Schwarz, Frederick A. |
Schweitzer, Christian Lee |
Scribner, Paul J. and Ethel M. |
Seavert, Frederick and Donna M. |
Sebranek, Robert J. |
Secor, Ellsworth F. |
Secretarski, Linda J. |
Seeber, Lawrence C. and Shirley M. |
Seefeldt, Donald F. |
Seefeldt, Edwin H. and Dorothy |
Seefeldt, Grace C. |
Seelman, Emanuel J. and Rose Marie R. |
Sekel, Allan R. Sr. and Roberta F. |
Sell, Earl F. and Marion L. |
Sellman, Elderine F. |
Sellman, James H. |
Sellnow, Bernhardt E. and Dorathy A. |
Semon, William F. and Dorothy M. |
Sette, Lloyd R. and Hannah D. |
Setum, Roy N. Sr. |
Shackleton, Ben A. and Jan C. |
Sharp, Robert K. and Mabel |
Shaw, Edwin and Jeraldine |
Shepherd, Donald and Irene H. |
Shepherd, Ronald |
Sherman, Bernard F. and Sione M. |
Shultz, Gerhardt F. and Josie E. |
Sickels, Kenneth G. and Annabelle M. |
Siegmann, Leland L. and Audrey E. |
Siegmann, Linda A. |
Siegmann, Roland H. |
Sielaff, DeWayne |
Sielaff, Russell A. and June E. |
Sievert, Raymond E. and Elda L. |
Silkey, Donald W. and Phyllis M. |
Silkey, Jesse R. and Edna R. |
Simons, Everett A. and Catherine |
Simons, Peter R. |
Sitko, Jerry Bruno |
Sjoberg, Arvin M. and Bertha E. |
Sjoberg, Bernes A. |
Sjoberg, Jerald M. and Karen A. |
Sjoberg, Marvin Leonard |
Sjoberg, Steven and Catherine Lynne |
Smedley, Erna A. |
Smedley, Paul P. |
Smith, Elmer J. and Florence A. |
Smith, Patricia A. |
Smith, Shirley T. |
Snyder, Clarence D. and Marie R. |
Snyder, John W. |
Snyder, Lincoln and Ella D. |
Snyder, Merwin B. and Maude L. |
Sommerfeldt, Ervin A. |
Sommerfeldt, Roy A. and Leona M. |
Sorensen, Eva M. Fanzelter |
Sorensen, Neil P.C. |
Spoke, Matthew John (Matty) |
Sprengeler, Arthur J. and Gladys A. |
Squire, Gene K. and Eleanor L. |
Stai, Floyd E. |
Stair, Nicholas C. |
Stangler, Jim J. |
Stark, Carl and Grace M. |
Stark, John B. and Irene E. |
Starke, Victor E. and Harriet E. |
Statter, Dale H. and Diane V. |
Staude, Walter F. and Edna J. |
Steele, George G. |
Steele, Lorraine D. |
Steele, William C. and Harriet B. |
Stefan, Curtis W. and Nancy L. |
Steffen, Glenn W. and Anne |
Stendel, unclear |
Stephenson, Kenneth and Doris M. |
Stern, James G. |
Stern, Kenneth Lloyd |
Stevens, Angelia G. |
Stevens, John L. and Emmalean |
Stiemke, Marvin E. and Daisy A.B. |
Stoltenburg, Albert E. and Betty C. |
Stoltenburg, Bernard and Lorraine M. |
Stoltenburg, Jennifer L. |
Stoltz, Georgia J. |
Stoltz, Kenneth A. |
Strandberg, Alvin E. and Marion F. |
Strauss, Floyd C. and Anita H. |
Strege, Arnold E. and Julia E. |
Strege, Lester C. and Edith H. |
Strege, Richard H. and Rebecca E. |
Strege, unclear and Leona M. |
Streich, Ray S. (Uncle Jack) |
Strohbusch, Hugo A. and Leona |
Stroub, George C. and Minnie E. |
Stueber, Harvey O. and Gertrude A. |
Sukow, Cheryl Sayler |
Sukow, Larry J. |
Sullivan, Elizabeth |
Sutton, Glenn E. and Joyce K. |
Swanton, Harvey T. and Hazel C. |
Swenson, Kenneth L. and Verna |
Swenson, Roger E. |
Swicord, James Lamar and Odelia Zielinski |
Sydow, Fred W. and Ida L. |
Sydow, Gilbert A. and Lauretta |
Syvertson, Jack R. |
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WISCONSIN MUNICIPALITIES: Cities Towns, and Villages, often
referred to as 'municipalities' in Wisconsin law, are the
governmental units that relate most directly to citizens'
everyday lives.
TOWNS, like counties, were created by the state to provide
basic municipal services. Rooted in New England and New York
tradition, town government came to Wisconsin with the
settlers, but Wisconsin towns were not like their Eastern
counterparts that reflected the existing patterns of local
settlement. In Wisconsin, towns are geographical subdivisions
of counties. Towns originally served (and for the most part
they continue to serve) rural areas. Towns govern those areas
of Wisconsin not included in the corporate boundaries of
cities and villages.
The difference between "township" and "town" often confuses
the public. In Wisconsin, "township' refers to the surveyor's
township which was laid out to identify land parcels within a
county. Theoretically. a township is a square tract of land,
measuring six miles on a side for a total of 36 square miles
in the unit. Each township is divided into 36 sections.
"Town", as the word is used in Wisconsin, denotes a specific
unit of government. It's boundaries may coincide with the
surveyor's township or it may look quite different. A Town may
include one, parts of or several townships.
CITIES and VILLAGES, often referred to as "incorportated
areas", govern territory where population is more
concentrated. In general, minimum population for incorporation
as a village is 150 residents for an isolated village and
2,500 for a metropolitan village located in a more densely
settled area. For cities, the minimums are 1,000 and 5,000
respectively. As cities and villages are incorporated, they
are carved out of the town territory and become independent
units no longer subject to the town's control. The remainder
of the town may take on a 'Swiss cheese" configuration as its
area is reduced. [Information above taken from "State of Wisconsin Blue Book 1997-1998"] |
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