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Fond du Lac County
These photos were generously taken and contributed to these pages by Larry & Linda Kopet! Please take a moment to thank them for this terrific resource! Use your back browser button to return to this page. Please note that these generous contributions do not necessarily depict all tombstone photographs for a given cemetery. |
Aalsma, Frank and Lucy |
Alto Community Cemetery Sign,  : |
Baker, Franklin (Bud) and Katherine |
Beeuwkes, Teunes |
Beyers, Sue V. |
Boom, Anthony and Wilhelmina Heusinkveld |
Boom, children |
Boom, Christiaan |
Boom, Henry C |
Boom, John C. and Minnie |
Boom, Marvin C. |
Boom, William J. and Johannah Heideman |
Boon, John P. and Hanna Schippers |
Boon, Mary Meenk |
Bos, Anthony Jr. |
Bos, Donna Jean |
Bos, Martin and Myra |
Bossenbroek, Christian and Lena |
Bossenbroek, John |
Bossenbroek, Kate Van Loo |
Bossenbroek, William and Hannah M. |
Broadway, Steven and Meta |
Bronkhorst, John Allen |
Bruin, Henrietta |
Bruins, Andrew |
Bruins, Cynthia H. |
Bruins, Derk |
Bruins, Elizabeth A. |
Bruins, Ellen |
Bruins, Geertje |
Bruins, Janna C. |
Bruins, John |
Buteyn, Adrian |
Buteyn, Alice Mae |
Buteyn, Cornelia |
Buteyn, John |
Buteyn, Perry J. and Mae C. |
Buwalda, Isaac and Mamie |
Buwalda, John L. and Joyce E. Clewen |
Carsten, Johnny H. |
Daane, Donald O. and Doris A. |
De Boer, John and Eleanor Mae |
De Groot, John F. |
De Groot, William and Hattie |
De Jager, Fred and Jennie Terestra |
De Jager, John and Arlene D. Vande Zande |
De Vries, Bert and Willemina |
Dee, Hattie |
Dee, Jesse |
Degenaar, Evert |
Degenaar, Hendrieka, Theodora, Berendiena |
DeGroot, Henry and Mary C. |
DeMotts, Dorothy M. |
DeMotts, Henry and Gertrude |
DeMotts, Thomas and Henrietta |
Duitman, Gerrit |
Duitman, Hubert and Alice |
Duitman, Johanna W. |
Duitman, Luther |
Duitman, Ralph and Hattie |
Duitman, Thedora |
Dunahay, Charles M. and Evelyn M. |
Duven, Alyda Straks |
Duven, Jannetje |
Duven, Johannah |
Duven, M |
Duven, Willem and Alyda Kleinhesselink |
Dykstra, George G. and Anna M. |
Ebert, James |
Ebert, Willie and Dena |
Frens, Dies and Ella |
Glewen, Marvin |
Gliwen, Jennie |
Gliwen, unclear |
Gorter, Maynard |
Greenfield, Anthony and Allie Tobak |
Gushers, Albert |
Gysbers, Derk |
Gysbers, James M. and Mary |
Harmsen, Lester |
Harmsen, Paul Dennis |
Harmsen, Walter W. |
Hartgerink, Anna |
Hendriks, John and Vrouw |
Hinkamp, Fred J. |
Hinkamp, Henrietta |
Hinkamp, Herman J. and Anna O. |
Hinkamp, William J. and Johanna |
Hoekstra, Alex |
Hoekstra, Bessie |
Hoekstra, Gertrude Dallman |
Hoekstra, John and Henrietta |
Hoekstra, John F. and Renska |
Hopp, Donald |
Hopp, Henry and Jane |
Hopp, Herbert E. and Jane L. |
Huizenga, female infant |
Huizenga, Stewart Lee |
Hull, Henry H. and Minnie C. |
Hull, Jack A. |
Hull, Kenneth M. |
Hull, Myiola |
Kamphuis, Jake and Minnie |
Kamphuis, Lena and family |
Kappers, H.R. |
Karfgerink, Alfred and Jessie Schonlen |
Kastein, Dorothy G. |
Kastein, G J and Johanna |
Kastein, John |
Kastein, male infants |
Kastein, Roelf and Te Beest, Elizabeth |
Kastein, Russell |
Kastein, Ruth H. |
Kastein, twin infants |
Kastein, unclear |
Kemink, Harold K. and Therassa H. Vande Zande |
Kloosterboer, Bernard H. and Louise A. |
Kloosterboer, Milton John and Joyce Redeker |
Kloosterboer, sarah Louise |
Kloostra, Leonard and Marie B. Loomans |
Klumpers, Abram and Janna |
Klumpers, Gerrit W. and Anna |
Klumpers, William |
Koekoek, Berend and Hattie |
Kok, Theodore T. and Jean H. |
Kolste, Janna W. |
Konings, Annie |
Konings, C.W. |
Konings, Sidney and Beatrice |
Konings, William and Grace |
Konings, William |
Kregel, Rev. John H. and Magdalene |
Kwakkel, Albert and Grace |
Kwakkel, Albert and Henrietta |
Lammers, John and Mary |
Landaal, Altcen |
Landaal, Bennie |
Landaal, Bert and Alice S. |
Landaal, Clarence and Margaret M. |
Landaal, Cornelius |
Landaal, H.B. |
Landaal, Hattie |
Landaal, J. |
Landaal, Mary E. |
Landaal, Mary |
Landal, Cornelius Jr. |
Leisten, Alfred and Janet |
Lemenes, A. Glenn |
Lemmenes, Earl M. |
Lemmenes, Engel Bertus |
Lockhorst, John |
Lokhorst, Jan |
Lont, Bert and Jennie |
Loomans, Aaron and Bessie |
Loomans, Anthony and Berendina |
Loomans, C.H. and Susanna |
Loomans, Johannes and Anna |
Loomans, M. |
Loomans, Priscilla A. |
Meenk, John D. and Ceshia |
Meenk, unclear male |
Meenk, William and Johanna |
Miedema, Garret H. and Alice M. |
Mulder, Daniel |
Mulder, William and Minnie |
Navis, Andrew and Hilda Kastein |
Neevel, Cornelius |
Neevel, Frank and Gerret C. |
Neevel, unclear and Petronella |
Nummerdor, Ralph and Frances |
Oosterwyk, Alydia |
Oosterwyk, Garret |
Oosterwyk, John |
Oosterwyr, Maria |
Osinga, Arthur and Alina |
Osinga, Gerry A. |
Osinga, Laura |
Peters, John William |
Pluim, Arthur G. |
Pluim, Kay Marie |
Pluim, Maggie |
Prange, Christian and Sarah |
Redeken, Delores Marie |
Redeker, Jetjen |
Redeker, L. |
Redeker, Lewis L. and Jennie |
Redeker, Otto R. and Jeene D. DeGrool |
Rennebrink, C.W. |
Respalje, Derk Wm. and Anna |
Rexwinkel, Gerrit and Annie |
Rexwinkel, Harriet |
Rockefeller, Cassandra |
Rutgers, Dina B. |
Rutgers, Willie |
Schippers, Jacob and Johanna G |
Schouten, Dena |
Schouten, Dick and Ida |
Schouten, Gladys R. |
Schouten, James A. |
Searvogel, James A. and Helen J. |
Searvogel, Joshua James |
Sleyster, Coba R. |
Sleyster, Johanna |
Sleyster, Roelof |
Smits, W. and unclear |
Stelsel, Jacob W. and Jennie A. |
Straks, Franklin and Mary |
Straks, John and Johanna |
Straks, Rev. Henry and Priscilla N. |
Suven, unclear male |
Tavs, children |
Tavs, Howard W.B. |
TeBeest, James H. and Jeannette Davis |
TeBeest, John and family |
Ten Hulzen, Willemiena |
TenHoope, Jan and Wilhemina |
Ter Beest, B. |
Ter Beest, Catharina |
Ter Beest, children |
Ter Hurst, Johanna |
TerBeest, Edward J. and Christena Mulder |
Terbeest, Henry and Hattie |
TerBeest, James and Maggie |
Terbeest, John and Jennie |
Tjepkema, C. |
Tjepkema, John A. and family |
Tjepkema, Susan |
Van Buren, Agnette |
Van Buren, Alvena D. |
Van Buren, Arnold P. |
Van Buren, Arthur and Jennie |
Van Buren, Arthur E. and Pearl Vande Velde |
Van Buren, children |
Van Buren, Evert and Wilhelmina |
Van Buren, Gladys H. |
Van Buren, Henry and Jeanie |
Van Buren, John |
Van de Berg, Dirk and Clara |
Van De Berg, John and Bessie |
Van De Kamp, Evert and Teenie Van De Zande |
Van De Streek, Aart |
Van Den Berg, Cornelius and Hattie |
Van Den Berg, Gerrit and Johanna |
Van Galen, Aleida |
Van Galen, Alyda |
Van Galen, Gerrit |
Van Galen, Hattie |
Van Galen, Hendrika |
Van Galen, Hentje |
Van Galen, Herman |
Van Galen, William and unclear |
Van Loo, Benjamin |
Van Loo, Garret and Jennie |
Van Loo, Peyer and Alyda |
Van Loo, Peyer |
Van Loo, Raymond and Cornelia |
Van Ruiswyk, Henry J. |
Van Ruiswyk, William and Henrietta |
Van Soeren Smit, Annetje |
Van Veen, Annie |
Van Veen, Arthur |
VanBeek, A. and Mary |
Vande Berg, Berend |
Vande Slunt, Jonas and Henrietta |
Vande Streek, Bert A. |
Vande Streek, Gerett |
Vande Zande, Christina |
Vande Zande, Garret J. and Deanie |
Vande Zande, Jeanette K. Hartgerink |
Vande Zande, John T. |
Vande Zande, Tunis and Alyda |
VandeBerg, Christian and Wilhelmina |
Vander Bosch, Lester and Kathryn Stelsel |
Vander Bosch, Wilbert |
Vander Velde, Jacob |
Vander Velde, Jannett |
Vanderschaaf, father and mother |
VanHouten, Annie |
VanHuis, Elizabeth |
Vant Hof, Jacob and Betsey |
Vant Hoff, Albert W. and Sadie |
Vant Hoff, Charles J. and Frances |
Vant Hoff, Edwin and Mary |
Vant Hoff, Eleanor |
Vant Hoff, Marvin G. |
Veehendaal, Jackobus |
Veenendaal, Fred and Hattie |
Veenendaal, Maria |
Veenendaal, Marvin H. |
Veenhuis, D.J. |
Veenhuis, Garret J. and Geertruida |
VeenHuis, Hattie |
VeenHuis, John and Jennie |
Veenhuis, unclear |
Veleke, Gerrit M. and family |
Veleke, Marvin W. and Cora |
Veltkamp, Eunice |
Ver Hage, Cornelius and Leona Bossenbroek |
Ver Hage, Laurence and Henrietta Bossenbroek |
Vis, Albertha |
Vis, Minnie Vande Zande |
Vossekuil, Ardis J. |
Vossekuil, infants |
Vossekuil, Tyler Steven |
Wessels, William J. and family |
Westels, Janna Konings |
Westerveld, S.J. |
Westerveld, Theodora |
Westhuis, Alton C. |
Westhuis, Jennie Nummerdor |
Westhuis, Marilyn Joy |
Wickerink, John and Annie |
Wickerink, Josina |
Wierenga, James and Mildred A. Hopp |
Wierenga, Mark A. |
Young, Minnie Hinkamp |
Zoellner, George and Margaret |
Visit the Fond du Lac County, WIGenWeb Project Pages! |
Visit the![]() Map Project Wisconsin |
Visit the![]() Tombstone Project Wisconsin |
Visit the![]() Census Project Wisconsin |
WISCONSIN MUNICIPALITIES: Cities Towns, and Villages, often
referred to as 'municipalities' in Wisconsin law, are the
governmental units that relate most directly to citizens'
everyday lives.
TOWNS, like counties, were created by the state to provide
basic municipal services. Rooted in New England and New York
tradition, town government came to Wisconsin with the
settlers, but Wisconsin towns were not like their Eastern
counterparts that reflected the existing patterns of local
settlement. In Wisconsin, towns are geographical subdivisions
of counties. Towns originally served (and for the most part
they continue to serve) rural areas. Towns govern those areas
of Wisconsin not included in the corporate boundaries of
cities and villages.
The difference between "township" and "town" often confuses
the public. In Wisconsin, "township' refers to the surveyor's
township which was laid out to identify land parcels within a
county. Theoretically. a township is a square tract of land,
measuring six miles on a side for a total of 36 square miles
in the unit. Each township is divided into 36 sections.
"Town", as the word is used in Wisconsin, denotes a specific
unit of government. It's boundaries may coincide with the
surveyor's township or it may look quite different. A Town may
include one, parts of or several townships.
CITIES and VILLAGES, often referred to as "incorportated
areas", govern territory where population is more
concentrated. In general, minimum population for incorporation
as a village is 150 residents for an isolated village and
2,500 for a metropolitan village located in a more densely
settled area. For cities, the minimums are 1,000 and 5,000
respectively. As cities and villages are incorporated, they
are carved out of the town territory and become independent
units no longer subject to the town's control. The remainder
of the town may take on a 'Swiss cheese" configuration as its
area is reduced. [Information above taken from "State of Wisconsin Blue Book 1997-1998"] |
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