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Ashland County
Morse Township (Mellen)
Mellen Union Cemetery
Tombstone Photos

These photos were generously taken and contributed to these pages by Larry & Linda Kopet!   Please take a moment to thank them for this terrific resource!  Use your back browser button to return to this page. Please note that these generous contributions do not necessarily depict all tombstone photographs for a given cemetery.

Adamczyk, Joseph and Maria
Aldrich, Robert E. and Elizabeth R.
Anderson, Joseph
Barabe, Anthony and Family
Barabe, Nelson and Ida
Baumbach, Charles
Baumbach, Clarence
Baumbach, Henry W.
Baumbach, Mary
Becker, Eugene M. and Elizabeth
Bellino, Madaline
Bemis, Ida E.
Bemis, Sam
Best, Walter and Geraldine
Bidgood, Edward
Bidgood, Kate
Bjork, Johan Harold
Bjork, Karl
Blise, Ann Kloster
Bock, Thomas
Boettcher, James C. and Helen B. Hersh
Boisoneau, Eugene
Boisoneau, Izelda
Boisoneau, Phillip
Bonavero, John and Mary
Bonney, Mary Antonette
Borello, Joseph and Anne
Bowers, Gill and Lottie
Brecke, Marvin G. and Pauline A.
Broon, Thelma
Brown, Francis Paul
Bruno, Emil
Bushaw, Ruth Ann
Bushong, Gordon and Geraldine
Bushong, Jayne Dee
Butler, Thomas E.
Butler, Thomas O.
Callahan, John
Callahan, Susan
Cannon, Mathilda
Carlson, Florence
Carlson, Theodore
Carroll, Margret
Case, Grace M.
Cerutti, Frank and Louis
Chapman, Ella
Christie, Alvin B.
Colbath, Ben
Cramer, Antoine A. and family
Cramer, Frank and Mary
Crosetto, John
Delegan, George J.
Derdowski, Anna
Derdowski, Julius
Derdowski, Tegfil
Dise, John R. and Ruth M.
Donahue, Michael James
Downie, George
Dreier, Martha
Duane, Mark I.
Ellias, George
Englerth, George
Eubanks, Jay H. and Mabel E.
Falewitch, Alfred G.
Felshow, Gilbert C. and Cornelia E.
Ferkovich, Joe
Ferkovich, Luci
Ferrando, Francis M. and Ruth V.
Ferrando, Maude A.
Fischbach, Catherine
Fischbach, Katherine
Fischbach, Peter
Flesia, Fred
Flesia, Lawrence
Flesia, Mary
Flesia, Olympia
Foeller, George R.
Franke, Marie
French, Mary
Frkovich, Abe G.
Gadenski, Felix
Gerovac, Emil M. and Anna M.
Gerovac, Mary
Gilbert, Ivy
Gleason, Andrew
Gleason, James
Golomb, John
Golomb, Theresia and John
Haderly, Anna
Haderly, Robert and Teresa
Hamelink, William P. and Anna May
Haugen, Erick and Martina
Haugen, Thomas
Hawkinson, Ellen L.
Henke, Gustave and Emilie
Henri, Jeff A. and family
Hershberger, Beatrice
Hershberger, W.
Hicky, William and Patrick
Holz, Alvine
Hook, unclear and Mary
Hyvonen, Howard W. and Elma F.
Iasilli, Giuseppe and family
Jenkins, Lawrence
Johnsen, Christ
Johnson, Albert
Johnson, Gustav S.
Johnson, Oline
Jolma, Frans F. and Marva J.
Jordan, Joseph and Helen
Kapusta, Anna
Kaseno, Andrew and Sophie
Kasino, Mary and Anna
Kelly, John F.
Kelly, Margaret
Kretzschmar, Herman Jr.
Kretzschmar, Herman
Kretzshmar, Lina
Kritz, Mary
Kritz, Raymond
Kritz, Rudolph
Kron, John and Carrie
Landry, Jasper and Mercedes
Langlois, Cyril
Lawver, Marshall L.
Layman, Emma
Layman, W. and E. (infants)
Layman, Wm.
Lazorik, George and Anna
Lighter, Alton L. and Charlotte S.
Lighter, Alton L.
Lindahl, Loyd
Lutz, Trish
Maberto, Lusa
MacDonald, Alex A.
MacDonald, Margaret
Mackross, Robert H. and Mildred C.
Manning, Albert and Anna
Mannong, Leola E.
Markee, Keith and Lois
Martino, Antonio and Margaret
Marzo, Albina and Amelia
Mataija, Filip
Mataija, Josip Juraj
Mataija, Jvan
Mataya, Fred and Caroline
Matusiewicz, Virgil F.
McGarsh, Clarence James
McGorons, Lillian Mary Fochs
Meinen, Joseph
Meinen, Mary
Meiner, Sue H.
Mellen Union Cemetery Sign,
Meredith, A. Ella
Meredith, Joseph H.
Meredith, Moses G.
Meredith, Susan S.
Mesko, John
Mesko, Mitchell
Minton, William W.
Moe, George
Moe, Josephine
Moos, Henry and Bertha
Moshagen, Dagny
Moshagen, Nils
Neibauer, Justina
Newton, Evelyn G.
Norah, Ellen
Nordby, Marshall B.
Notbohm, Otto O.
Nyberg, Leon
O'Donahue, Agnes
O'Dovero, Otto and Angeline
Orr, James B.
Padjen, Frank
Pajkovich, Jure
Parks, Archie
Parks, L.A.
Pawlowski, Casimer
Peck, Casper P.
Pemper, Ella
Pemper, Veronika M.
Penick, Ruth Mary Bowers
Peterson, Hans P.
Peterson, James
Petras, Angeline
Petras, John
Pietro, Coppo
Pietrowski, Sylvester (Baldy)
Polencheck, Alvina
Polencheck, Joseph and Pauline
Polencheck, Joseph
Polencheck, Mandy Rachelle
Popovich, John F. and Pauline M.
Poundstone, George S.
Poundstone, James P.
Poundstone, Jerome P.
Pregent, Moses
Protokowicz, Antone J. and Nina T.
Quimette, male infant
Rabbideau, Edgar
Rabbideau, Oliver
Rebella, Leo J.
Rebella, Margaret
Ree, Anna M.
Ree, Catherine
Ree, Joe and Madalena
Rodgerson, James S.
Rogers, Edward F.
Roloff, August
Saeburey, Walter
Sayles, Sanford
Scharp, Albertina L.
Scharp, Gotthel F.
Scharp, Henry and unclear
Schwartz, Max W.H.
Schwartz, Max
Seaburey, George R.
Seipel, Magdalena
Sertich, Anna
Sertich, Jacob
Shanks, Burr D.
Shanks, Leonard Jr. and Margaret E.
Sieraski, John and Catherine
Simmonds, Frank P.
Slovlyanin, John
Smith, Frank
Smoger, Walter A. and Elsie
Sonnberg, Erick and Caroline
Sorel, Ray and Albina
Stam, Helen Kretzschmar Ross
Stankovich, Michael Jr.
Stilin, Mata
Stilin, Nicholas and Mary
Stricker, Fred
Strom, Carl
Tafelski, David Henry
Tafelski, John
Tart, Judith M.
Thomson, Gladys G.
Thomson, Jay F.
Tobin, John H. and Margarate
Tobin, Lowel
Tobisch, Frank J. Jr.
Turonie, Andrew and Anna
Tyler, Chas W.
Utegaard, Thomas F. and LaVern M.
Valeske, Alvin and Mabel
Vanderwall, Hildegard
Vanderwall, Ralph J.
Vernoski, John W.
Vernoski, Michael
Wakkinen, Edmund
Wakkinen, Norman
Wang, Mary Ann
Wasieleski, John G. and Clara F.
Wasieleski, John
Wasieleski, Minnie
Waters, Alice M.
Watson, Deanna
Watson, Gwen Marie and Faye Donna
Watson, Montgomery Allen
Weiner, Rudolph and Mary
Whitney, Amanda
Wiechering, Friedrich W.
Wiener, Carl
Wiener, Katharina W.
Wiener, Louis
Wiener, Rose A.
Wilkouski, Elizabeth A. Ree
Will, Andrew and Margaret
Will, Andrew M. and Staphanna
Williamson, Edward J.
Wilson, Mary Jane
Wilson, Peter
Wohlgemuth, David E.
Wolanek, Jennie Z.
Yanko, Edward
Yanko, Florian and Frieda
Yanko, Rudolph J.
York, Max F. and Ruth L.
Zimpel, female infants

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