
as reported in the


Richmond, Virginia.

Transcription by Donna Bluemink

Note: Correspondence usually dates from the previous day(s) so there may be repetition between news and correspondence of various dates.

September 26 to 29 and October 1 to 5, 1855

Sept. 26 ** 27 ** 28 ** 29 **

October 1 ** 2 ** 3 ** 4 ** 5.

Donations from Richmond
Physician List
Prisoner List

Memorial 1 and 2 at Princess Ann Rd. & Hampton Blvd.
Photo by Donna Bluemink

September 26, 1855.


THE FEVER.—In the Petersburg Intelligencer of yesterday, we find the following information:

There were 22 colored patients discharged from the Hospital in Norfolk on Saturday, leaving only three in the Institution. There was only one death in the Hospital that day—a child named Lucretia Hill.

The same correspondent, writing on Sunday, says:

The number of interments yesterday was 35, a little more than the average number during the preceding six days. A census has been taken by the Relief Committee, in two of the Wards of the city: 1st and 3d—which presents the following statistics: In the first ward—whites 640; colored 349; total 989. In the third ward—whites 638; colored 558; total 1196. Fever cases in the third ward—whites 579; colored 213. Deaths—whites 159; colored 13; total cases 792; deaths 127. Per centage of deaths among the whites, 27; do. among the colored 6. Total per centage 21—being one per cent above the average of plagues upon record.—These two wards contain more than half the number of the city population in ordinary times; and it thus appears that the present population falls short of four thousand—or at most does not exceed that number.

"Dr. Capri, whose death was mentioned in my last, was a Hungarian, and physically one of the handsomest specimens of the genus homo that has ever been exhibited. He came over to this country in the suite of Gov. Kossuth, and followed that adventurer in his tour of the United States. When he reported himself to Judge Olin at the Howard Office, that gentleman strongly advised him to leave the place immediately, assuring him that he would most certainly fall a victim to the disease; that there were already physicians enough here who were acclimated or came from a Southern climate, to attend to the sick, and that it was needless for him to peril his life without need. Indeed, so far from doing any good himself he would only be in the way of others, as by getting sick he must require attendance and nursing. But to this his response was, "I shall not leave. I am resolved to stay." He then appealed to some of the prominent physicians, who all gave him the same advice and whom he made the same response as to Judge Olin. He had only been here four days when he took the fever, and although he received every aid from the best physicians and nurses, in four days more he was under the sod. His death has excited much sympathy."

The deaths in the Norfolk Hospital, Saturday, were John Decker, H. Brookmeyer, Charles Shiele, and Edward Murphy. Among the new deaths in Norfolk are Fred Taylor, James Strass, Mrs. Eliza Ann Consolvo, corner of Church and Bute streets; Mr. Buskey, James street; Master Fiveash, a daughter of Mr. Arthur W. Balsom.

From the Petersburg Express we learn that Geo. Loyall, formerly a representative in Congress from the Norfolk district, and the present Navy Agent, is very low.

Miss Cowdery, daughter of the late Dr. Jno. Cowdery, U. S. N., has been taken sick in York, P., whence she fled from Norfolk, but under the treatment of Dr. Thos. Williamson, formerly of the Naval Hospital, Portsmouth, is recovering.

The Express acknowledges the receipt of $50 from Huntsville, Texas, for the sufferers in Portsmouth.


We present this morning pretty full details from Norfolk and Portsmouth. It will be seen that there has been a considerable abatement in Portsmouth. Though there has been a falling off in Norfolk, it is not so decided as that in Portsmouth. In the latter city the deaths Monday amounted to seven, in the former fourteen. We refer the reader to our letters. We are gratified to see that Dr. Rizer, of Philadelphia, who was reported as dead, is alive and getting better. Dr. Richard Tunstall, of the firm of Ludlow & Tunstall, Druggists, and John D. Gordon, the Banker, are among the dead in Norfolk of Monday. In Portsmouth, Mr. J. G. Holladay, a very important citizen, is still very ill.


An intelligent gentleman, in conversation on the subject of the terrible pestilence at Norfolk and Portsmouth, remarked that he had never read of a plague, in the ancient or modern times, which had proved as destructive as has the Norfolk pestilence, in proportion to the population.

It is indeed a tremendous visitation, sparing neither age, sex nor color, and including nearly the whole population. A scene of such colossal woe stuns the human mind.—The vastness of the misery benumbs and paralyzes us. We cannot conceive of such "a sea of troubles," even though we daily read and hear of it. The late Rev. Mr. Chisholm, of Portsmouth, a man of great evenness and moderation of temper and spirit, and the farthest man in the world from a habit of exaggeration, remarked in a letter, written shortly before his death: "As to the details of woe presented by our present condition, I do believe that it is utterly incompetent to any descriptive power to convey a picture of them. Never, since the continent of America has been settled, (I speak calmly, and with reference to what I have read or heard of,) never has so terrible a calamity overspread the same amount of population."

It is impossible to realize that within so short a distance of us, our fellow-beings and our fellow-citizens are staggering under such a load of woe. And the huge volume of their sorrows is not yet closed. Until frost comes, there can be no final cessation of the disease, and it may be many days, possibly a month, before frost. In that period, a thousand more souls may be called from earth, and thousands of poor orphans cast upon the cold charities of the world. There seems to be no means of rescue. Human science and skill are baffled. The brave physicians fall themselves before the destroyer. The sympathizing of other communities can only give their alms and prayers, but have no more power to save their suffering fellow-men who remain in the infected cities, than they have to control the action of the elements.

But though nothing can be done to arrest the march of the pestilence in Norfolk and Portsmouth, is it impossible to prevent it from attacking other cities, and producing still greater ravages? If the theory of Dr. Nott be correct—that this deadly scourge is traveling northward, and that next summer it will continue the terrible march, which has left in Savannah and Norfolk such fearful evidences of its power—is there no means of saving the great lives of humanity upon the Northern seaboard, from the impending doom? Certainly, every precautionary measure, which experience and skill have suggested, should be employed; the most perfect cleanliness in habitations, lots, streets, and alleys, should be at an early period of the season, and throughout the summer months, rigidly enforced; quarantine regulations should be strictly applied to all vessels coming from yellow fever districts—yet all these means may fail. There is but one certain mode of relieving a town or city from yellow fever, after the disease has exhibited itself in any locality whatever of the place, and that is a removal of the entire community to a healthful district.

Doubtless this is impracticable with large communities, like the great cities of the North; but there can be no doubt of its feasibility in the case of smaller towns. All such communities menaced with a visitation of this plaque next summer, should take into serious consideration the practicability of a plan, which those acquainted with the history of yellow fever declare, is the only sure means of saving a population where it shows itself—the temporary exodus of the people.

THE RELIEF COMMITTEE acknowledge the following contributions for the benefit of the Portsmouth orphans:

14 pairs stockings, from Miss Ellen Anderson.

12 girls' garments, 12 pairs stockings and 4 pieces of cotton, from Mrs. James Scott.

There was an error in acknowledging 1 box from United Presbyterian Church—should have been two boxes from ladies of United Presbyterian and Mr. Hoge's churches.

5 girls' garments, from Mrs. Maynard.

4 pairs boys' pants and 4 girls' dresses, from Mrs. Alex. Parker.

From Norfolk and Portsmouth.

Below we give our Portsmouth correspondence for three days, the letters being behind hand in consequence of mail failures. They bring the intelligence from Portsmouth up to yesterday morning 5 A. M. Our correspondent announces that frost fell there yesterday morning, and it is fervently hoped that the report is correct. Dr. Rizer, of Philadelphia, is not dead, and the Crow reported dead yesterday is not Dr. Crow of Richmond:

Correspondence of the Dispatch.
Portsmouth, Sept. 22d, 10 P. M.

Dr. Webster, of Philadelphia, arrived here today, looking very well indeed.

Dr. Flournoy of Arkansas, Aspril and Kennedy of Philadelphia, left in the 3 o'clock train of cars, for their respective homes, much fatigued, and looking badly.

Dr. Walters, of Baltimore, died about 6 o'clock A. M. today. Dr. Hatton still improves. Dr. Rizer still very low.

The line of travel of the disease, in Portsmouth, is westward; that portion of the town bordering on the river, is now free from contamination. Below are the deaths from half past 5 to this hour:

J. Whitmore; Jos. Haydon; Merrit Parsons; Jesse Anderton; David Overby; Mrs. Godfrey; son of Jas. Brownley, and four at the Hospital.

Yours, &c. V.

Portsmouth, Sept. 23, 10 P. M.

The rays of this Sunday's sun seemed to have a gloomy aspect and shone faintly upon our plague stricken city; no children were seen today plodding their Sunday school way; but few are seen at all, and most of them rush by with pallid faces, and on their way to the charity store there to get necessaries for dying parents or food for needy relatives.

There were admitted to the Naval Hospital from Aug. 28th to Sept. 14th, about 115 patients. Deaths up to this hour 90. Mrs. Webster, mother of N. B. Webster, whose father was reported dead in my last; Miss Mary Riley; Michael Rigney; Mrs. Highter; Mary Gulish; Geo. C. Godwin, Chief Clerk in Naval Store; child of D. Brown; Mrs. Moses Taylor; Eliz Knice.

None at Hospital.

Yours, V.

Portsmouth, Sept. 24—10 P. M.

Up to 12 M. today the wind blew strong and cold from the north, and had every symptom of a September gale. It is now quite cool, but the wind moderated very much.—Such changes are not beneficial to the sick, and I fear will cause many deaths which otherwise would not take place. I've heard of but five new cases today, and the deaths of the last three or four days show a small decrease. It is thought by many, that two weeks from this date no traces of the disease (except the hundreds of new-made mounds in our graveyards,) will be seen. Mr. J. G. Holladay is now at the Hospital; H. Stoke has recovered; Dr. Rizer improving today; D. Hatton convalescent; Miss Patterson of Philadelphia, well; W. R. Singleton, convalescing; Mr. Fiske intends to give us an edition of the Transcript, on the last of the month. He has but one compositor, his son Charley; with him alone he makes up the sheet.

Deaths up to this hour, 10:—Charles Harvey, William Proctor, Mrs. John Measley, Tho. Godfrey, David Calpper, Son of W. Diggs, Benj. Newton, Child of Wm. Button, Negro boy of Dr. Peete.

September 25—6 A. M.—I could hear of no deaths of last night. We had a frost last night. V.

Mr. J. M. Jacobs, of Richmond, came up from Norfolk yesterday afternoon. He reports 217 burials in Norfolk last week. On Sunday there were 30 cases in the Hospital and three deaths. There were 11 burials in Norfolk Monday. He estimates the population there at 4000 persons.

The wife of Rev. Mr. Armstrong ill.

Rev. Aristides Smith is down with the fever.

Mrs. Robinson, of Norfolk, died a few days since of fever at Macon Depot, Warren co., N. C. The person who nursed her is also down with the fever.

Norfolk, Sept. 24—5 P. M.

The hope expressed in my former letters that the fever would materially abate in its violence before this time, was vain. I am pained to state that some of our best men are still dying. The cool weather seems to increase the violence of the disease, and it runs its fearful course in a few days in spite of the most skillful medical attendance and careful treatment. The physicians are discouraged, and say they have never witnessed so unmanageable a malady. The patient often, after a lapse of four or five days from the commencement of the attack, seems to be in a fair way to recover, and the physician pronounces him convalescent and out of danger. But suddenly the black vomit or another unfavorable symptom is developed. In a few hours the sufferer breathes his last, and is ready for his shroud and his coffin.

Chas. H. Beale, formerly editor of the Daily News, an able writer, and holding the office of Inspector General of Lumber, died today. He leaves a large family and is the last of 4 sons of the late Jno. E. Beale. He had the fever two or three weeks ago; suffered a relapse, and the black vomit commencing yesterday, he fell a victim to the scourge.

Caleb Bonsal, of the firm of Bonsal & Bro., of the flouring mills, a young man possessing many fine qualities, is also dead.

Miss Annie Henderson, daughter of Lieut. H. of the Navy, is dead.

Jas. Burden, book-keeper in the Exchange Bank, is reported dead today.

Thos. Lowry, a child of W. H. Lockwood, a child of Wm. F. Leng, Wm. Needham, wife of F. A. Johnson, Wm. Sikes, Mrs. Jane Jennings, a child of Mrs. Etherage, child of Mrs. Edwards, Tho. Roberts, Mrs. Ann Whitehurst, Fre'k Taylor, Mrs. Fred'k Johnson, Mary Gray, servant of N. Jones, Mary Whitehurst, Jas. Buskey, Miss Hettie Parker, at Rev. Dr. Armstrong's; Sally Simson, (col'd,) Jno Jones, Mrs. Gray, Martin Godfrey, a young lady at Dr. Tunstall's, Chas. Harvey, and others, are dead, with three at the Hospital since yesterday.

Dr. Tunstall is dead, leaving aged parents and a young wife and two children; had the black vomit.

Dulton Wheeler having had a relapse, is beyond hopes of recovery.

Geo. Loyall, jr., is recovering.

Mrs. Ferguson, lady of the late President of the Howard Association, is said to be hopelessly ill today.

Two of F. H. Delk's children are very sick of the fever.

Ezra Summers, it is said today, is in great danger—his recovery very doubtful.

There are many new cases among the colored as well as the white population, but I cannot furnish names.

The disease is lurking about the suburbs, entering the habitations of the poor and the destitute, and striking down the strong as well as the weak, indiscriminate in its attacks, however, the rich as well as the poor and the lowly, are attacked, are speedily crushed by its irresistible power, and are soon the tenants of the graveyard, as the least regarded mendicant. It is a mysterious, terrible agent of destruction—a scourge, a fearful plague that appals the people, and causes the hardest hearts to feel—the most powerful to tremble. F.

City Hospital.
Norfolk, September 24, 1855.

Having a few leisure moments from my daily duties, I will write these few lines to you, hoping they will contain some information to the public at large. The weather here is much colder, there having been a very sudden change, which, if it continues, will prove fatal to all lingering cases; but in the end, it will be a check upon the new cases. Up to the present date we have had 178 admissions and 91 deaths, with 52 discharged, and 25 remaining. In the white portion of the community, we find that the disease has been very severe, whilst amongst the colored people the mortality is very small, there being 67 admissions and but 7 deaths. This shows a vast difference in the mortality. Mr. Wm. B. Ferguson, our President of the Howard Association, died on the 22d. His loss is much felt by us, and out of respect to his name, the members of the Association will wear mourning for 30 days.—I have not much news to communicate, and will close by saying this: I think, from present appearances, our Hospital bids fair to be vacated soon. The disease, however, seems to have infected the upper part of the city, which has hitherto been less scourged. H. M.

P. S.—8 P. M.—Since the above was written, there have been several admissions, making 8 for the 24 hours ending at this time.

Charles Harvey and Mrs. Taylor have died. There were 12 burials by the Howard Association—they were principally persons of humble station. H. M.


Petersburg, Sept. 25.—One account received here says that there were 3 deaths yesterday in the Norfolk Hospital and 11 in private practice. Another account says 18. Among the deaths are Mrs. Fred'k D. Johnson and Mrs. Frank Tyler. The deaths in Portsmouth amount to seven.

Among the contributions to Norfolk and Portsmouth are: Newark, N. J., $1000; Essex, Va., $127.87; Young Men's Christian Association, Alexandria, $50, and same amount from an unknown gentleman in that city; Culpeper $300.

Richmond News.

The death of W. B. Ferguson, President of the Norfolk Howard Association, has caused a deep and sorrowful sensation in our city. A number of Norfolk refugees, now here, met at Barnum's today and passed resolutions of condolence in commemoration of his memory.

Our city is peculiarly healthy. Not a solitary case of yellow fever, except a few persons who came from Norfolk. OBSERVER.

Correspondence of the Dispatch.
Amelia Springs, Sept. 24.

Among the means sought out for the relief of our suffering Norfolk and Portsmouth friends, that softener of all hearts, music, has been put in requisition at Amelia Springs.

The company here were, a few days since, gratified by the arrival of a select and competent band of amateurs from the surrounding country, who volunteered their services to get up a concert, the proceeds of which would, they hoped add to the fund already appropriated for the before-mentioned purpose. It came off on Thursday, and though we regret to state that, in consequence of unpropitious weather, it was not so well attended as both the beautiful music and the untiring energy of the performers deserved, there were those present who could appreciate both. The music was indeed beautiful, and its sounds and the kind hearts which prompted them will ever remain a pleasant spot on memory's waste. AMICA.

September 27, 1855.


GEORGE W. MUNFORD, Treasurer of the Relief Committee of Richmond, acknowledges the receipt of the following sums, contributed for the suffering communities of Norfolk and Portsmouth:

Richmond: From the Duval Street Chapel 15.50
African Church, Rev. Robert Ryland, 18.26
Methodist Episcopal Church (Trinity) 219.53
German Lutheran Church 10.05
Jewish Synagogue (Mayo Street) 65.97
Jewish Synagogue 11th Street 101.75
First Baptist Church 340.90
Second Baptist Church 106.51
Presbyterian Church, Rev. Moses D. Hoge 385.67
Methodist Episcopal Church, Oregon Hill 6.00
Union Station Church, Rev. J. F. Boggs 42.00
Wesley Chapel Church, Mr. Reid 8.80
Leigh Street Baptist Church 43.70
Methodist Episcopal Church, Manchester 35.36
Sycamore Church 65.00
Lutheran Church, Rev. Ernest Lubkert 10.00
St. Mary's Catholic German Church 110.12

Trinity Church, St. Martin's Parish, Hanover Co., Rev. Mr. Stringfellow 80.00
Citizens of Louisa Co., by James L. Gordon 216.40
Citizens of Botetourt Co. 72.00
Liberty Neck Agricultural Club of Amelia 95.00
Citizens of Caroline, by Pichigru Woolfolk 250.30
Citizens of Buckingham by Cas Yancey 590.50
Falling Spring Presby. Ch., Rockbridge Co., by Rev. Wm. F. Junkin 55.50
From Tazewell Co., by Jas. C. Spotts 115.00
Citizens of Caroline, at Ruther Glenn, by Levi Stern 33.00
Parish of Hanover, Rev. Mr. Stringfellow 45.50
Salem Church, Ches'fild, by Wm. Ambers 37.00
Church at Painesville, Amelia, by J. F. Wiley 116.00
From Grace Church, Powhatan, by Dr. Harvie 131.00
From the neighborhood of St. Peters, Hanover, by N. C. Crenshaw 100.22
From the citizens around Black Walnut & Bold Spring in Halifax Co., through
     Messrs. Williams & Carrington 203.87
From Staunton, collected by L. Waddel 23.00
From Meadesville, Hallifax Co. 106.30
Concord Baptist Church, Caroline Co., by Rev. A. B. Smith 25.00
From Lynchburg, by J. F. Baugh 5.00
Additional amount from Charlotts Co., by M. Ballard 20.00
From Tazewell Co., through George W. G. Browne 43.00
From Painesville, in Amelia Co., by J. F. Wiley 22.00
From Concert given at Ameila Springs, by F. R. Farrar and others 192.00
From citizens of Wellsburg, by O. W. Langfitt 65.60
From the congregation at Creekwood, in Franklin Co. 52.60
From Jurors and others attending United States District Court at Charleston,
     Kanawha, by Jefferson T. Martin 55.50
From Jurors and others attending in like manner at Wytheville, Wythe Co. 10.00
From Grubb Hill Episcopal Church, Rev. P. F. Berkely, of Amelia Co., by Lewis E.
     Harvie 76.36
From Ladies of Rev. J. F. Grasty's Presby. Congregation, at Yanceyville, N.C.
From children at Huguenot Springs 15.50
Dan River Baptist Church & Congregation, Halifax Co., Rev. A. M. Poindexter
From Governor Johnson 20.00
From sundry persons, by Richard O. Haskins 35.00
James C. Crane 50.00
Wm. Barrett 50.00
Mrs. John S. Hardaway, Amelia 50.00
Wade Hampton, of S. Carolina 50.00
Hill Carter, Chas. City Co. 100.00
Sundry person, by Gustavus A. Myers 40.00
Col. M. M. Payne 20.00
Messrs. Stearns & Brummel 100.00
Joseph C. Cabell 50.00
Sundry persons, by J. W. Randolph 54.90
Dr. John B. Harvie, of Powhatan 25.00
Capt. Sam'l S. Weisiger, of Amelia 21.00
Mrs. S. C. Jones, of Nottoway 50.00
Nicholas Mills 20.00
Messrs. Powers & Duke, Daguerreotypists 22.00
Dr. Joynes 10.00
Gen'l Oden G. Clay 10.00
Thos. H. Ellis 10.00
J. B. Anderson, of Amelia 10.00
Jefferson T. Martin, of Marshall 10.00
Geo. Stillman, of Fluvanna 30.00
From sundry person in sums under 10.00, many of whom do not desire their
     names to be given, and some of whom are unknown 130.45

The Relief Committee of the City of Richmond, have daily sessions, and are forwarding supplies to the distressed communities of Norfolk and Portsmouth. Whatever of provisions, provender or other articles are supposed to be wanting or deemed necessary for their comfort and sustenance, are promptly furnished. The authorities of each place have been requested to make continual requisitions for whatever they deem necessary, and their wants are immediately complied with. The drafts of the Committee upon the Treasurer are daily honored.

Correspondence of the Dispatch
New York, Sept. 25, 1855.

The pestilence in Norfolk and Portsmouth makes many mourners here. Black dresses were plenty in the churches Sunday, and today they cast a cold shadow over the brilliant throng that promenade the shilling side of Broadway. The fashionable stores up town, which deal exclusively in crapes, and other "weeds of woe," it is said have done a large business the few weeks past.


We have very decided evidences at last of the abatement of the yellow fever in Norfolk and Portsmouth. In Norfolk, for the 24 hours ending on Tuesday evening, there were only twelve deaths, and in Portsmouth, for the same period, eight. There was not a new case admitted in the Woodis Hospital, and only one death for the same time. Our correspondent, who writes from that establishment, informs us that it has been determined to close it on the 1st of October. We learn that while the number of deaths are much diminished, there is a still greater falling off in the number of new cases.—This is indeed glad news. We felt that the clear sky and cool atmosphere which have prevailed since Sunday must exert a beneficial influence on Norfolk and Portsmouth; but we were afraid almost to hope—previous indications of a decline in the virulence of the disease having proved delusive. We trust that the improvement which now appears is permanent, and that we may soon be permitted to announce that the black night of the pestilence has been entirely dispelled from our sister cities by a bright day of freedom from sickness and death.

MORE AID.—We have received from the hands of the Rev. Dr. Nolley, Fifteen Dollars, collected chiefly among the children at Slash Cottage, by his little son, Richmond E. Nolley, which we are requested to appropriate for the benefit of the orphans from Portsmouth. It shall promptly have the estimation indicated by the kind-hearted and youthful contributors.

From Norfolk and Portsmouth.

The BILISOLY FAMILY.—There have been some mistakes made by the letter-writers relative to the Portsmouth family, which has been indeed severely afflicted, but not so severely as the reports have represented. The death of "A. Bilisoly," has been twice announced. There are three A. Bilisoly's, each of who has had the fever. They are: Antonio L., Augustus and Adolphus Bilisoly. The two former are in Hampton, entirely recovered; the last named is in Portsmouth, and having passed the fiery ordeal is now going about. The only persons of the Bilisoly family who are dead are: Miss Clarine E., Charles and his wife and their two sons, Joseph (an Engineer lately appointed in the Navy) and Emile.

EX-MAYOR STOAKES OF PORTSMOUTH.—This gentleman, who had the fever very badly, and it was feared would die, is now convalescent.

Some of the new contributions for the Norfolk fund are: Presbyterian Church, Staunton, $98, Odd Fellows of Washington county, $50; churches in Jersey City, $150; churches in Brooklyn, N. Y., $57.25 for the orphans.

A friend relates to us a singular case of mortality which occurred in Portsmouth. Mr. Green, Master Blacksmith in the Navy Yard, died of the fever, whereupon Mr. Totterdale was appointed in his place, served one day and died; then Mr. Ballentine, who served one day and died; and then Mr. Snead, who served the same length of time and met with the same fate.

By way of Petersburg, we learn of the deaths of Miss Lizzie Addington, a daughter of Joseph C. Addington, and niece of Mrs. Leroy Lee. She was but 17 years of age.

Robert Dalrymple, stone mason, and Dr. Wm. Moore, successor to Dr. Upshur, are down with the fever.

Among the deaths are a child of Mrs. Keys, and Mrs. W. F. Tyler.

The fever is rapidly disappearing, and the weather very cold.

A letter from the Mayor of Norfolk, dated the 18th, says that the money received there from abroad, amounts to $100,000, and that the expenses of the Howard Association averages $2,500 or $3,000 daily. He says:

"The need of the association has not ceased, and cannot till the disease ceases. We had hoped that the fever for the last few days was on the decrease, but our hopes are gone. The disease is raging with equal violence as heretofore; not at the hospitals, for no one will go there, unless some stranger, who has no home. But the suffering and misery in private houses is beyond description.

"The Association is looking into this condition of things, and will see every family and supply their wants and relieve their sufferings as far as possible. Between now and frost, a space of 60 days at least, unless a kind Providence should interpose and arrest the disease, I fear that the greater part of the remaining population, about 5,000, will be swept off.

"Norfolk is the most complete wreck you ever saw, or could imagine. 2,000 or 2,500 of the people have been swept off; and whilst the obscene and profligate that filled our lanes and alleys have been removed like autumn leaves, the very stamina and base of our society, the mechanics, merchants, physicians, lawyers, ministers, are all gone. And still they fall."

Correspondence of the Dispatch.
Howard Hospital, Norfolk, Sept. 25—10 P. M.

Since our last we have had no admittance in the Hospital—only one death, a young girl from the Orphan Asylum: Mary Ann P. Addison. There were two discharged. Total number of deaths in the 24 hours ending up to this time, in Norfolk 12, Portsmouth 8.

The new cases are very few both here and in Portsmouth. There is a talk of breaking up the Hospital in a few days. How far the story is true we cannot tell, but it is certain that the fever will not last longer than ten or fifteen days more. We may have a few new cases after that, but not enough to keep open the establishment for. There has been a meeting today to appoint a new President. At the moment of writing, we do not know who it is. Just arrived from Charleston ten nurses and one apothecary. In our humble opinion, they ought to be sent back. Tomorrow we intend to dismiss a part of the Charleston nurses, who have been with us, having no further use for their services here. The weather continues cold—the wind to the North.

P. S.—Since writing the above there has been a meeting tonight, and the different physicians of the several States, comprising both North and South, have come to the conclusions that if the present weather continues, our cases will be few, and that we will close our Hospital on the 1st of October. The greater part of them will pass through Richmond on their route home; among them are Judge Olin of Augusta, Ga., and the Charleston delegation, with a part of the Georgia delegation also. H. M.

Portsmouth, Sept. 25—10 A. M.

In the opinion of physicians, both resident and transient, the air of our city is no longer pestilential. We have had but four deaths today, and all of them old cases. Such intelligence to our away citizens, will no doubt accelerate the blood through their veins, and cause many a downcast eye and troubled brow to be raised with pleasure. It may send many a happy thought of "home again" fleeting through their minds, and place old Portsmouth in a different aspect in their imagination. I would, however, advise all to beware of coming back too early.

Today the clothing store of Mr. R. Porter had to be opened, to supply the demand for ready-made winter wearing apparel. One hour after opening, it was thronged with doctors and nurses, shivering with cold, who eagerly searched the well-stocked room, for the thickest and warmest. Not expecting cold weather, they had brought but little clothing with them.

The four deaths of this day, I may as well name: Child of Richard Eastwood; Negro woman, Bowser, (free); Wife of Charles Evins, Child of J. Wilmore.

J. G. Holladay [Holliday] and Dr. Rizer are improving. Ex-Mayor Stoakes, Miss Patterson [nurse] and W. R. Singleton are up and at their duty.—Rev. Mr. Devlin will soon be out.

Yours, &c., V.

September 26—6 A. M.—Died last night: Wm. Jones, Esq., Joseph Forbes' child, Miss M. Parsons, Child of Samuel Richardson.—All old cases. The weather is very cold. V.

Hampton, Sept. 25, 1855.

The tidings from Norfolk continue gloomy, and death has become more trite than terrible to hundreds. When the end will be, who can tell? We meet at the wharf in crowds every morning, to procure the lists of the dead in Norfolk and Portsmouth; and as the boat appears in sight, and her shrill whistle is heard, she seems to be some monster of desolation, shrieking in wild and fearful delight over the ruin—the tidings of which she is the daily bearer.

Miss Sarah Heath, I am sorry to say, is worse today, but not from the fever altogether. She has been suffering from a chronic affliction for several months past, and passing through those terrible scenes of death in her brother-in-law's household, it is no wonder that tired nature is at last giving way. Miss Josephine Briggs is, I think, much better today, and although I have not seen her physician sufficiently long to converse with him in reference to her condition, I may venture to hope she is convalescing. I have seen both those ladies today, and therefore report from observation. Yesterday Dr. Henry Selden (who has lost his oldest child with the fever) and his interesting family, came to Hampton, and took lodging at the Afton House. Mr. Aylwin, purser's clerk aboard the St. Lawrence, who, poor fellow, lost his wife by the fever in Portsmouth a few days since, is also here with his children. The hotels continue full, and I presume will, until we have a heavy frost.

The sojourners at the Kichotan [modern spelling is Kecoughtan] House, (which was the Indian name of this village, originally) kept by Mr. James Burcher, speak in the highest terms both of the personal kindness of the host and hostess, during the period when the fever was in two of the chambers; and also of the superior fare, the nice white table and bed linen, and all that this estimable gentleman and lady have done to make the time of their guests as agreeable as the melancholy state of things would admit. There is no cases of fever at the Kichotan now, and Heaven grant there may not be again!

* * * * Our village continues as healthy as usual, and as no case of fever has yet appeared among the residents, it is reasonable to infer, [with deep thankfulness to God] that as the cool season is approaching, we will not be visited by this terrible scourge.

Very truly yours, OATS.

P. S.—I must not omit to make honorable mention of the noble little Protestant Episcopal church in the town of Parkersburg, on the Ohio river.—The Rev'd Mr. Chraik of Louisville, Kentucky, preached there on Sunday, the 16th instant, and took up a collection in behalf of the sufferers, and remitted through the brother of the Chairman of the Hampton Relief Committee to that gentleman the sum of Seventy-two dollars to be applied at his discretion.

LETTER WRITTEN BY REV. VERNON ESKRIDGE JUST BEFORE HIS DEATH.—From the Christian Advocate we take the following letter written by Rev. Vernon Eskridge, U. S. N., just before his death. It was addressed to the Rev. G. M. Bain, of Portsmouth, at present staying in this city:

Portsmouth, Sept. 7th, 1855.
Dear Brother Bain.—By the hands of my daughter I send a few lines, which may inform you of the melancholy state of things here. The fever is still in our midst, unmitigated both in malignity and number of cases, in every part of the country within three miles around will escape it. It has, as you know before this time, entered into my dear family; my wife and son, Sister Martha Peters, one servant and myself are its victims; as yet, all seem to be doing well; the time has not arrived to determine the result. In view of the shattered state of my health, I sometimes fear I shall not be able to stand so violent an attack. I have committed myself and my all into the hands of the Lord, to be disposed of according to the dictates of His wisdom and goodness. If I live, I feel I shall be more zealous and useful in His cause than I ever have been. If I die, the will of the Lord be done. All that I have done is nothing, less than nothing. I shall renounce dependence upon all outward things, and, as a helpless sinner, hang my only hope upon the consecrated cross of Jesus.

My faith shall lay her hand
On that dear head of Christ,
While, like a penitent I stand,
And there my sins confess.

And now, Brother Bain, you have always been my friend. When I committed my dearest earthly interests to your care, and spent more than three years away from them, upon the thoughtless ocean, you did not disappoint me in one iota; all was done that I could have desired. I am willing, my dear brother, to trust you still, and therefore commit them to your prayers, sympathy and instructions, to guide them aright. Pray for me, and ask my brethren in the ministry and in the church to pray for us. Indeed, we need your sympathy and prayers. It is a day of trouble, such a one I have never seen before. My love to all your dear family and friends. Adieu, dear brother. V. ESKRIDGE.

September 28, 1855.

Norfolk and Portsmouth.

This morning we have not a line of news from Norfolk and Portsmouth. The Coffee failed to connect with the Augusta yesterday, and the train on the Seaboard and Roanoke Road at present only running three days a week, yesterday there was no communication by railroad. We publish a letter from our Norfolk correspondent which was due Wednesday night, but which by some misadventure failed to come to hand till yesterday morning. It contains no news.

From Norfolk and Portsmouth.
Norfolk, Sept. 25, 1855.

I am highly gratified to inform you that the cool weather seems to have caused a rapid abatement of the fever. Our remaining citizens are at last cheered by the prospect of returning health.—There were forty deaths on Saturday, twenty-five or thirty on Sunday, and only about fifteen today! Among which are:

Mrs. F. H. Tyler, lady of Wm. F. Tyler, who has been an exceedingly efficient officer of the Howard Association.

Miss Frederica Fentress, sister of the late Thos. L. Fentress, Mrs. Mary Frank, Mr. Gray, Miss Virginia Addington, and a son of Mr. Dray, are also among those who have died since my last letter was mailed.

Dr. W. J. Moore, Miss Ann Herron, Mrs. Dr. Armstrong, Mrs. Raincock, Mrs. Frank Taylor and Miss Eliz. Jennings, are among those who are reported as exceedingly ill today. But there are still many other cases.

Passing through the hospital a few days ago, I saw in one of the rooms, a young man whose face I thought it barely possible I had seen before. He was certainly one of the most sad, emaciated, and forlorn looking beings I ever looked upon. He called my name, and I recognized him. He is the son of a Minister of the Gospel of good standing and character. Having been attacked with the fever here, he was taken to the hospital and attended to. I knew him well; but really, the fearful disease had so changed and disfigured him that he did not seem the same individual. He was a complete wreck. His sunken and yellow cheeks, and melancholy countenance excited the sympathy of those who saw him. But his eyes gave him the most singular and unnatural appearance—one being perfectly yellow, and the other as red as blood could make it. He was a frightful as well as a pathetic object to behold; and yet I have seen still more effects of this awful scourge among the sick and the dying; and fortunate and blessed indeed are they who have escaped with their lives, while so many have died and gone to their long homes.

In great haste, F.

Washington, Sept. 26, 1855.

In accordance with a recommendation of the Mayor, this day has been observed in Washington as a day of fasting, humiliation and prayer to Almighty God for mercy on the poor sufferers in Norfolk and Portsmouth; and for the deliverance of our own people from the dreadful plague. The stores and places of public business have been generally closed, and the churches of all denominations opened and filled with devout and reverential worshipers. Solemn prayers have been offered up, and pointed and affecting sermons preached. The various departments of the government have been closed today, in consequence of an order approved by the Executive, to enable all who chose to join in the solemn services of the day.

If it be true that the same causes which engender fever and ague have something to do with the production of yellow fever, Washington should set its house in order against next summer. The Western portion of the city is at present greatly annoyed with this disease. The apothecary shops are all busy, and if you go into any of them, you will find them putting up preparations of quinine. The disease is not dangerous, but decidedly troublesome. It is principally the West end of the city which is subject to it. The marshes of the Potomac engender the disease. The National Observatory, lying near the river, is so much exposed to it that Lieut. Maury is obliged to leave with his family during the summer months.

There was an immense congregation, (between two and three thousand,) at St. Matthews Church last night. The STABAT MATER of Rossini was executed by the choir in most magnificent style. The rapt countenances of the vast audience spoke their keen appreciation of the sublime and exquisite music. A most solemn and appropriate prayer, in English, was then offered by the excellent pastor of the church, the Rev. John P. Donelan, in which he invoked the throne of grace most fervently for the poor, distressed sufferers in Norfolk and Portsmouth. Mr. Donelan then proceeded to deliver an address in behalf of aid to the poor orphans in Norfolk and Portsmouth, replete with genuine eloquence, and Christian charity. "In this terrible affliction," said Mr. Donelan, "Catholics and Protestant have labored side by side, and the Catholic priest and the Protestant clergyman have shed their tears together over a misery which they were unable to remove. Oh! my brethren, let us all, Catholics and Protestants, bury all ill will in the grave." And again: "Such as you are, surrounded by your happy children, such were the parents of the poor orphans, a few weeks ago; and as they are, you may be, and those children now around you, helpless orphans. For the pestilence will come here. [The solemn tone in which this was said, I cannot describe.]—Do then to these orphans, as you would have others do for your children, when deprived of you." Both the Protestant as well as Catholic portion of the congregation were greatly pleased and impressed with this solemn and affecting discourse. At the conclusion a collection was taken up for the orphans, which amounted to the handsome sum of five hundred and ten dollars. In the same congregation, three hundred dollars were raised last Sunday for the Norfolk and Portsmouth sufferers. It is pleasing to record such instances of noble Christian liberality. W.

New York, Sept. 26, 1855.

The workmen at the Brooklyn Navy Yard have made a second contribution for the relief of the yellow fever sufferers, amounting to $700. It has been only three weeks since they gave the handsome sum of $1,000. Such liberality is noble indeed.—The amount received in this city by the General Committee, Wm. A. Macy, Treasurer, for the relief of the Norfolk and Portsmouth sufferers, is $33,120.

September 29, 1855.

Aid For Norfolk and Portsmouth.

Deputations of the Relief Committee of our citizens have been using their exertions to keep not only their funds replenished, but to send on regularly provisions to the suffering citizens of Norfolk and Portsmouth. Notwithstanding the abatement of the fever the wants and necessities of the people continue, and the committee will fill an order from Portsmouth by the boat of Monday morning, amounting to $1,000.

As an additional means of aiding the committee in fulfilling the object of their appointment, the pastors of the different churches are requested by the committee to take up a collection tomorrow for the aid of our suffering fellow-citizens, and we trust that all the church-going people will go to church prepared to make some contribution to the noble cause.

Norfolk and Portsmouth.

This morning we have the most joyful news from the cities of Norfolk and Portsmouth. On Thursday there were only FIVE deaths in the former and ONE in the latter city, and hardly a new case in either. We hope and trust that the plague which has afflicted those cities in a manner that never were cities afflicted before in this country, is now about finally to cease. We think there is good reason to believe this. We cannot think that the fever can last long under the prevailing temperature, which must be below the fever point.

Correspondence of the Dispatch.
Howard Hospital Norfolk, September 27, 2855.

Since our last, we have little to say. Last night the heads of the different delegations held a meeting at the National Hotel, and it was unanimously resolved that as the disease had so far abated, the services of the young students and apothecaries could be dispensed with; and that on Monday, those who were ready, were at liberty to leave Norfolk. We understand most of the young men are going. Norfolk will be quite dismal without them.

We regret to report the death of Dr. Olbury Muller, of Augusta.

Total number of deaths in Norfolk 4, in Portsmouth 3; ten new cases in the latter place—twelve in our city.

The Howard Association of Norfolk have had a meeting, and the following are the new officers who have been appointed: Augustus Cook, President; Thos. Corprew, Vice President; R. M. Balls, 2d Vice President; Solomon Chery, Corresponding Secretary; Wm. Rennolds, Ass't do; Capt. Borden, Treasurer; ___ Taylor, Ass't do. H. M.

Sept. 28—6 A. M.

We have to announce the death of our beloved young friend, George Reid, who, after laboring with us, as book-keeper in the Hospital, last night breathed his last in the arms of his friends, who surrounded his death bed.

The Charleston, S. C., and Savannah, Ga., delegations will pass through Richmond on Tuesday, en route for home. H. M.

Portsmouth, Sept. 26, 10 P. M.

Uncle Bob Butt, the noted grave digger was up to the city yesterday. The sight of that personage in town is considered a good omen, as he has been seldom seen since the epidemic commenced. He alone has had nine or ten men employed, night and day, burying the dead outside of the city. He is a slave, and deserves great credit for his attention to this important part of the debt due the dead.

Mr. Butler, an apothecary of Philadelphia, was taken sick last night, and is now at the Crawford House very low.

J. G. Holladay, Esq., still very ill. His physicians cannot pass an opinion of his case, (or will not.)

Dr. Rizer is improving rapidly, and great hopes are entertained of his recovery. His physician, Dr. Webster, is all attention, and if he dies, it will not be from want of good medical aid.

Dr. Hatton is well, and will leave the Naval Hospital tomorrow.

All of Mr. Caleb Herbert's family are down—wife and six children.

Deaths from 6 A. M. yesterday to the present time number 8—Samuel Richardson, Boden Melson and wife, child of Smith Parker, Mrs. John F. Ashburn, Mathew Ayburn, Jr., son of the Purser's clerk of ship Pennsylvania, John Currin, and child at the Academy.

Norfolk, Thursday Night, Sept. 27.

The number of deaths today was 15; yesterday, as before stated, not over 10. Among those who have died today are the following:

Miss Ann Herron, a very wealthy and benevolent lady, and daughter of the late Walter Herron; Mrs. Armstrong, lady of Rev. Dr. A. of the Presbyterian church; Mrs. Odend'hal, wife of Mr. O., French teacher at the Academy; Lizzie Ohland; Mrs. Spangler, Sr.; child of Mrs. Farlees; David Somes; Mrs. Fiveash, wife of the late Capt. F.; a son of the late Andrew Scott; child of Jos. Wilkerson; child of T. Spratt; child of Mrs. Rudder; John, eldest son of Mr. Wm. Hawkins; Miss Evans, daughter of Capt. E.; Mr. Dray.

George Reid, jr., eldest son of the late Wm. Reid, was dying this afternoon.

Wm. T. Nimmo, an active member of the Howard Association, who had nearly recovered, has a relapse.

Dr. Moore was improving rapidly at the last accounts.

Twenty-one physicians have died of the fever here, and four have died elsewhere, having taken it here. This is an extraordinary mortality, surely, among the medical faculty.

Dr. H. M. Nash, I learn, is again very ill. Having nearly recovered from an attack some four weeks ago, he, too, is suffering from a relapse.

At a meeting of the physicians, it has been recommended that the stores, cellars, &c., be opened and aired about the 10th of next month; and that the inhabitants return about the 15th, provided there should be frost before that time. F.

Portsmouth, Sept. 27—10 P. M.

I have heard of but few new cases and 8 deaths. Dr. Schoolfield, the acting Chairman of the Sanitary Committee, has given the majority of nurses notice that their services are required no longer, and that they can obtain an honorable discharge by calling at the Sanitary Committee office. Many of them leave in tomorrow's train. Below are the deaths up to this hour:

Child of John Foreman, Miss Gray, Master Solomon Wilkins, Child of John T. Hobday, Negro Boy of H. P. Edwards, Negro man (free,) and 2 at Hospital.

Sept. 28, 5:30 o'clock A. M.—Only one death last night, Mrs. Connely, and that in the portion of town called "Newtown."

Norfolk, Sept. 26 —P. M.

I have the inexpressible happiness to inform you that the pestilence seems at last to have materially abated in its appalling ravages in our city and in Portsmouth.

There were not over a dozen burials yesterday.—Among the deaths since my last are the following: Rich'd Foster of Ferry Point, Dr. O. F. Miller, Mrs. Moore, lady of Henry Moore, Mrs. Whitehurst of Ferry Point, &c.

I regret to announce the death of Benj. Charles, of the Argus office, who stood by the lamented Mr. Finch, when all others connected with the office but them had been struck down by the fever or had fled from the city.

There are but few new cases; and it is believed the cool, dry weather now prevailing will tend to arrest the progress of the epidemic.

The following is an extract from a private letter dated Portsmouth, Sept. 27:

"The fever has abated in one way only. Do not believe the reports you see in the papers. I heard a doctor say today the fever was just as bad as ever, and he writes to his friends as follows: 'Do not believe what you see in the newspapers about the decrease of the fever. In my opinion the later cases prove more fatal, and in less time. All it wants is something to work upon. Let those persons who have gone return, and you will see whether the disease has disappeared or not.' I have heard of very few cases and deaths this week. Mr. J. G. Holladay is thought to be better; but he is still very low. Dr. James L. Hatton, I am glad to inform you, was discharged from the Hospital today. Mr. J. A. Bilisoly left a few days since for Hampton, with his family. You have no idea of the distress prevailing here. Persons who in ordinary times can purchase provisions, now have to ask for an order to get them at the charity store. What will they do when the winter comes on? J. W. A."

MAYOR FISKE, of Portsmouth, has gone to Baltimore, also D. J. Ricardo, of the New Orleans Howard Association, the latter being on his way home.

J. G. Holladay and Dr. Rizer were improving.

Mrs. Wm. B. Furguson, wife of the late President of the Howard Association, was convalescing. Dr. O. F. Muller and Mrs. Whitehurst, and Mrs. Henry Moore are dead; also Benj. Charles, a printer in the Argus office.

Rev. Dr. Jackson, of the Episcopal Church, was attacked on Monday. Mrs. Wm. S. Camp and Mrs. Wm. D. Delaney are improving.

Rev. Louis Walke, Rev. Aristedas Smith, Dr. Robt. Tunstall, Mr. Fentress, Wm. [D.] Seymour, Dr. Thomas Handy, James Wilkinson, E. P. Summers, (chairman of the ferry committee,) Aug. Winslow, and Mr. Collins, of the steamer Princess Ann, are convalescent.

October 1, 1855.

The Orphans.

In acknowledgment of the amount raised at the children's fair in this city, for the poor children who have been made orphans by the pestilence, we have received the following touching letter from the gentleman who has charge of the treasure for the relief of the people of Portsmouth, and who, we may add, administers his office with a zeal, energy and impartiality, which excite universal admiration.

Portsmouth, Va., Sept. 22d.
My Dear Sir.—The cultivated farmer—the enlightened merchant—the cunning artisan—and the sturdy yeoman and laborer—have all vied in the noble emulation of who best could work, "in alleviating the pressure of that afflictive might, which like the wrath of the Omnipotent, has literally abided on us. And now, it becomes my grateful duty to acknowledge an offering consecrated by the pure hands and innocent hearts of very babes—illustrating the beauty of that fireside education which has taught them to remember the poor and needy. You must go to these children of your generous city, and carry along with you for them the precious blessing of the widow and the fatherless. I am respectfully, your friend and servant.

Holt Wilson,
Treas. of Relief Fund of Portsmouth.

Contributions for the Afflicted.

It being understood that the means in possession of the Relief Committee needed replenishing, two or three members of that body took a turn in the streets on Saturday, and with very little effort raised a considerable addition to the relief fund. The following letter affords an example of the readiness and liberality of our merchants in responding to the appeal of humanity:

Richmond, Sept. 29th, 1855.
My Dear Sir.—I send you as per list below, four hundred and fifty dollars, contributed by the firms named, for the benefit of the Norfolk and Portsmouth sufferers, and I am authorized to say that if for your purposes now or hereafter, you need more money it will be cheerfully contributed.

Your obedient servant,
D. H. London.
Geo. W. Mundord, Treasurer.

Dunlop, Moncure & Co. $100
Kent, Paine & Co. $50
Willingham, Ellett & Co. $100
Brooks, Bell & Co. $100
Wadsworth, Turner & Co. $100.
Total $450

We add that the above sum was made $500 by the writer of the letter.

The contributions of this city in provisions and money, &c., together with sums from a few of the counties, sent to the Treasurer of the Relief Committee, amount to upwards of $16,000. Supplies have been from time to time forwarded to both the cities, and this morning provisions of various kinds were sent to Portsmouth, in value about $1000; and our committee is ready to forward to both Norfolk and Portsmouth anything their people may need. They would be glad if the authorities there would let them know what they need. If they do not, however, they will continue to send whatever they deem may be acceptable to the suffering people.

FOR THE ORPHANS.—We have received through the Post Office, in a letter without signature, $10 for the Portsmouth orphans which will be appropriated as desired by the donor.

We also acknowledge from Mr. Alexander Hill, a box of children's shoes for the orphans, for which he has the thanks of the committee.

Effects of the Plague on Norfolk.

The following is an extract of a letter received in this city on Saturday last, from a very venerable and worth citizen of Norfolk, dated the 27th inst.

"The devastation and desolation of this scourge cannot begin to be estimated, setting aside the melancholy part of it, in which hundreds of families have been dismembered, and some of them swept totally from existence, the pecuniary ruin and distress is incalculable. The loss of such men as Wm. D. Roberts, Tunis, Upshur, Wells, and many other worthy and estimable citizens, will create a vacuum which it will take long years to fill. Then look at the hundreds of substantial, industrious, enterprising, tax-paying individuals, who made but little noise in the community, but were its bone and sinew—all swept away. How is Norfolk to survive the blow? How escape the gulf of bankruptcy and utter annihilation? We shall perhaps see when the fugitives have returned and the wreck is gathered together for a renewal of the voyage. My anticipations are dreary—they are heart-sickening.

"The fever is abating in consequence of the cool weather we have had, though there are a number of cases on hand that are considered mortal. We may expect more hot days yet, and probably more new cases, so that it will not be safe for the refugees to return for at least ten days to come."


A friend in Hampton writes us under date of 27th ult., that no case of yellow fever has occurred among the citizens of that town or surrounding county, whilst the lateness of the season, combined with the general salubrity of the place, precludes the probability of such an occurrence. The town is unusually healthy.

The ancient town of Williamsburg has been also blessed with great healthfulness throughout the whole summer. There has been no approximation to yellow fever, though upwards of a hundred of the citizens of Norfolk have found refuge there.

From Norfolk and Portsmouth.

In consequence of the failure of the mail by way of Weldon, N. C., we are without our regular Norfolk and Portsmouth correspondence. The fever has manifested itself in a cotton factory in the vicinity of the former city, and seventeen persons there are down with it. Drs. Webster and Hungerford, of Baltimore, are recovering.

There are about 150 person now sick in Portsmouth.

Drs. Wheeler and Moore, Mr. Dutton, and the Rev. Aristedes Smith are recovering.

Dr. J. T. Hargrove of Richmond, we are sorry to say from undoubted information, is down with the fever in Norfolk, and quite ill.

The disease in both cities is believed to be of a most malignant type, and the decreased mortality is attributed mainly to the decrease in the number of subjects who have not had it.

Correspondence of the Dispatch.
Hampton, Sept. 28, 1855.

It will be gratifying doubtless to friends far and near, to learn that the fever is abating both in Norfolk and Portsmouth; while it will occasion deep regret to hear that the wife of the Rev. Dr. Armstrong, the faithful and devoted pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Norfolk, is no more. One by one he has buried his treasures in the dust, and one by one their pure spirits have ascended to the bosom of their Father and their God. The wife, the wife's sister, and the daughter of this esteemed divine and faithful pastor, have in a few short days been torn from the family circle, and he now stands almost solitary and alone in the deserted chambers of his home. Three of the esteemed clergymen of Norfolk have lost their wives—the Rev. Aristides Smith, Rev. Lewis Walke and the Rev. George D. Armstrong, D. D. Two of God's faithful ones, the Rev. Messrs. Dibrell and Jones, of the M. E. Church, have fallen with their harness on, and dying, sword in hand, have won an eternity of glory, compared with which their toils and sorrows here were but "light afflictions."

Miss Ann Heron, a distinguished member of the R. C. Church, a public benefactress, a lady who distributed her charities to the poor with no unstinting hand, irrespective of their religious peculiarities. One who abounded in good works, has also fallen a victim to the unseen foe, who has alike smitten and stricken the tenants of the house, and the owners of proud mansions. She was a lady of great wealth, and let us trust, as we believe, that "her prayers and her alms have gone up for a memorial before God." Dr. Wm. J. Moore, the estimable, and laborious, and talented physician who succeeds Dr. Geo. L. Upshur at the Marine Hospital, and who has so signally distinguished himself during the fever in Norfolk, until he has been prostrated by its attack upon himself, is, I rejoice to learn, doing well this morning and the probability is he will recover.

Miss Josephine Briggs is, I am happy to say, convalescing; Miss Heath, her aunt, is still weak, though I hope improving. I paid those ladies a friendly visit on yesterday, and as before, report from personal observation.

It will grieve the many friends of that distinguished physician, Dr. Henry Selden, who came over here on Tuesday, and took lodgings at the Afton House, (after committing his beloved child to the grave,) to learn that he and two more of his children were taken with the fever last night, and are today quite sick. A sloop was dispatched this morning to Norfolk for his friend, Dr. Ravenel, of Charleston, S. C., who will be with him this afternoon. The little child of Mr. James B. Pollard, (who was reported sick at Capt. Massenburg's in this place,) died day before yesterday; the mother still lies upon her bed of suffering in Norfolk. I learn that the Rev. Lewis Walke, the assistant rector of Christ Church, Norfolk, who was so faithfully discharging the duties of a "good minister of Christ Jesus," when his holy and gentle wife fell a victim, and himself was thrown upon a bed of intense suffering, is convalescing, and will soon be upon his mission of love and of mercy again, among the sick and suffering in lanes and alleys, in hovels and in halls. The Rev. Wm. M. Jackson, the faithful minister of St. Paul's Church, though indefatigable in his labors, night and day, has so far resisted (under the Divine protection) the fever. May he long be spared. When tears will fall at the mention of the names of Jones and Dibrell, those holy men who now swell "the noble army of martyrs," God's blessings will be invoked upon those living men, George D. Armstrong, Lewis Walke, Wm. M. Jackson, David P. Wills, and Father O'Keefe, who have passed through the terrible ordeal "sans peur, et sans reproche."

"There are deeds which should not pass away,
And names that must not wither."

And there are the men, who, shrinking from a parade of their good DEEDS, have linked their NAMES with holy, and with lofty memories. In looking over the contributions from various portions of the country, I find that our little town Hampton, "has done what she could." The contributions of our citizens, forwarded through Messrs. Massenburg & Cary, of this place, amounted to the sum of $255, and the "COFFIN" fund, (a gloomy title for a benevolent appropriation,) to $260.44, making a total of $515.44.

I paid a visit on yesterday to "Camp Falls." The families are now in good health, and grateful in the extreme to the kind-hearted people of Baltimore, and other places, for the great service that has been rendered them. These families have gone from the tents since the cool spell, and dividing the long bowling saloon, which was kindly tendered by Mr. Muzzy, into compartments, have made themselves comfortable, and all seem happy. Among them is a boy, a son of Mr. Walton, one of the "refugees," about fourteen years old, who without any tuition manifests a strong inclination to be an artist. His idea of perspective is capital. He draws with a great accuracy, and in the delineations of the "human face divine," has made some capital sketches. Like many who have been in "the pursuit of knowledge under difficulties," he has much to embarrass him, and charcoal and chalk have to contrive more than "a double debt to pay" in the humble studio (one corner of the bowling saloon) of this untutored genius.

Will the people of Norfolk allow one who feels a deep interest in all that pertains to that once happy, but now afflicted community, to make a suggestion, not for immediate action on their return, but for their calm deliberation when health and prosperity, (which God grant may soon be their's) shall again shed their benign influences over their city? It is this: Some of her most distinguished citizens have fallen, nobly fallen in the unequal strife with the fever. They fell in the lofty discharge of an awfully solemn duty, and fame will not, cannot, MUST NOT forget to do honor to their memory. The friends of each will no doubt place a shaft, a tablet, a monument—some memorial above their graves. But self-sacrificing physicians FROM ABROAD fell among the sons and brothers of the surviving ones who will return,—shall these strangers sleep in the soil of Norfolk, and no column rise to tell their worth? Let Norfolk rear one COMMON MONUMENT to those.

"Whom fate made brothers in the tomb."

Let their names be carved in marble—let the shaft arise in some public place, either the lawn in front of the City Hall, or on the market space, where the eye may rest upon the catalogue of those who "fell devoted but undying."

A monument similar to that which commemorates the names of those who fell at North Point, and which stands near to Barrum's in Baltimore, would be a fitting memorial to such men as Woodis, Upshur, Dibrell, Jones, Higgins, Galt, Tunis, Ferguson, (the Howard of his day), Constable Tunstall, and others of Norfolk and to those gallant strangers who came among them to heal and to help, and who died far away from their homes in the God-like effort to aid their fellow-men.

I am sure that contributions would flow in liberally to such an undertaking; and I am equally sure that such a shaft, rising in their midst, bearing the names and commemorating the worth and labors of such, would serve as a stimulus to the rising generation, to emulate the deeds and the fame of those martyrs.

Will the Norfolk people, when they return, think of this? I am sure they will. Portsmouth too,—she has a duty to perform to her honored dead. And if she is the Portsmouth the writer knew in former years, and he believes she is, she will do it. Such names as Trugien, Collins, Chisholm, Eskridge, and others, must have their memorial column, and they shall, if Portsmouth says so; for in the days before the darkness fell upon her, to will and to do, were synonymous terms. She will be herself again! OATS.

Steamer Augusta, Sept. 29.
P. S. —With the view of taking a day or so's recreation, I have embarked on the good steamer Augusta, Capt. W. C. Smith, to make a little trip to Surry. From passengers this morning from Norfolk, I learn that there were but seven deaths there on yesterday. Dr. Moore is much better and the Rev. Dr. Armstrong is again up, and also the Rev. Lewis Walke. I regret to add that the Rev. Wm. M. Jackson is down and last night was quite ill. I was at the "Afton House" last night and saw Miss Heath and Miss Briggs—both are much improved, and will no doubt be out in a few days. Dr. Henry Selden was doing well, and his two little children were up and improving. There was a slight frost in Hampton yesterday morning, and now that the autumnal season has commenced with us, we may reasonably hope the improvement in the health of Norfolk and Portsmouth will continue until the disease will in a few days have entirely departed.—Heaven speed such a consummation! Mr. Aylwin, Purser's clerk abroad the St. Lawrance, and sojourning at the "Afton," went to the boat yesterday morning, to meet his oldest son, for whom he had written to Portsmouth—but the news met him, poor man, that his child was dead! God sustain him in his repeated losses. OATES.

October 2, 1855.


MEETING OF PHYSICIANS IN NORFOLK—LETTER FROM THE MAYOR.—The following is an account of a meeting of medical men held in Norfolk Tuesday, prepared by a gentleman present for the Dispatch. It was delayed a day in consequence of no Sunday mail over the Petersburg road:

Dr. Williman, from Charleston, S. C., was called to the chair, and Dr. West, from New York appointed Secretary.

The object of the meeting was stated by the Chairman to be for the purpose of fixing upon a day when the delegations of stranger medical men might with propriety be enabled to leave Norfolk and return to their respective homes.

During a few days past, a cool and delightful change has come over the pestilential atmosphere of the city, and a current report prevailed that many physicians and nurses were becoming idle. The experience of the Chairman, added to that of other Southern medical gentlemen, gives reason to believe in a rapid and approaching decline in the epidemic disease which has now desolated this population.

It has always been remarked that towards the first of October, in Southern cities, a manifest abatement in the number of sick is observable.—Already the prevalence of this epidemic is of long continuance. This circumstance, together with the fact of an atmosphere now much purified, and the more important consideration that most of the inhabitants have suffered illness, favors the supposition of early restoration to health.

Upon such views it might be predicted that foreign medical aid would not long be a necessity, and that such members of the profession as desired to leave the scene of their recent labors could now quit them with satisfaction.

On motion of Dr. Read, from Savannah, it was

Resolved, That a committee be appointed to wait upon the Mayor, and inform him that Oct. 1st be the day when stranger medical gentlemen who have been on duty in Norfolk propose to leave this city.

On motion of Dr. Freeman, from Philadelphia, it was

Resolved, That all absentees be notified through the Howard Association to remain away from Norfolk until physicians resident here shall give them information that it is safe to return. Also that the city authorities of Norfolk be entreated to give a thorough and systematic ventilation to all residences and shops which have been closed during a month or two past; and that such ventilation be not commenced sooner than the 10th day of October next.

Upon inquiry by the chairman it was ascertained that only [16] sixteen new cases of fever had been developed during the past day in the practice of [9] nine physicians, who were present.

On motion of Dr. Read, it was

Resolved, That the secretary be requested to write out the minutes of the meeting in due form, and that the Chairman embody the same in a letter, and forward the same to the Mayor of Norfolk.

On motion of Dr. Read, it was

Resolved, That such States or cities, as had sent delegates to Norfolk at any time during the course of the epidemic, should receive honorable mention.

Norfolk, Sept. 27th, 1855.
Dr. A. B. Williman, Chairman, &c.,
Dear Sir:—I have received from you the minutes of a meeting, on Tuesday evening, of the physicians from abroad who have ministered to the sufferings of our afflicted people during this season of pestilence, notifying me, as the acting Mayor of the city, of their belief in a rapid and approaching decline in the epidemic disease which has devastated our population, and of their appointment of the first of October next as the day when they might with propriety, leave Norfolk for their respective homes.

The proposed departure of yourself and your gallant associates from the field, where you have battled so bravely against the monster death in its most hideous forms, is indeed "confirmation strong" that the unwonted energies of the dreadful enemy are fast failing. The spirit that promoted you to your work of martyrdom would retain you at your posts so long as there might be aught to be accomplished.

It is, indeed, a matter for rejoicing that the plague is at length in a degree stayed. Though disease has entered every abode in our afflicted city, though 'the pestilence' has walked 'in the day time,' though the arrows of death have chosen the proudest and the dearest among us for victims, though many have felt, for the time, in their bereavements, that all of earth's blessings were lost to them—yet, for the sake of the remaining few of our scanty population—for the sake of the infant, the orphan, the needy and those who have a new weight of duty imposed upon them—for the sake of thousands who are exiled from their still dear and once happy homes, and I may add, for the sake of YOU, who have been contending, with daily diminishing numbers, against the death-thrusts of the foe, away from your families and fire-sides, your pleasures and your interests cheered on solely by the consciousness of doing good, on behalf of the helpless and the stranger, it is a matter of congratulation to each other, and of thankfulness to Almighty God, that the rage of the epidemic has almost ceased within our limits.

The annals of our civilization furnish no authentic record of a visitation of disease as awfully severe as that which we have just encountered. Out of an average population of some six thousand souls (much the larger portion of whom were negroes—a class less liable than the whites to the fever in its more fatal forms) about two thousand have fallen—a proportion of nearly one to three—and but few have escaped an attack of the disease. We are now a community of convalescents.

Had we not received material aid from abroad—had not the different portions of our country sent their heroic delegations of physicians, nurses and stalwart co-laborers—had not noble spirits volunteered to the rescue, (to die, if need be, like Curtius, for Rome) our people must have sunk beneath the burden of their agony. There was a period about the first of September, when the evil seemed greater than we could bear. Corpses lay unburied—the sick unvisited—the dying unaneled [un-annaled]. Our surviving physicians were either sickening or becoming exhausted; our remaining population was panic-struck at the night of accumulating horrors and duties. You, who visited us for our relief, were astounded at the unrealized state of things which you found here—at evils the like of which you had never before witnessed. But nerving yourselves to the task, and telegraphing for reserves, you went resolutely forward with your science and its accompaniments, carrying aid where it was most needed, and infusing vigor into many hearts that would otherwise soon have ceased their painful throbbings.

Your noble bands, too, have experienced a worse than decimation, though many of you were acclimated to the disease in other latitudes before coming hither. A list, which has been carefully prepared from the original entries, and handed to me by Franklin H. Clack, Esq., of New Orleans, (our efficient temporary Chief of Police) shows that, out of eighty-seven physicians and assistants who visited us during the space of thirty-three days preceding the 19th inst. twenty physicians are number with the dead! This is exclusive of the mortality among our resident physicians, more than half of those abiding here having died! No better evidence of the pure self-devotion, of the martyr-like spirit, which has actuated your Samaritan associations in hastening to our relief, can be furnished.

The recommendations of your meeting, concerning a thorough and seasonable ventilation of the dwellings and stores which have been so long closed among us, and other matters requisite to prevent the continuance or recurrence of the dreadful pestilence, will be scrupulously and thankfully carried out by the authorities; and, should you see fit here, after to recommend any special system of quarantine, your suggestions would be most gladly received.

In conclusion, allow me to express my regret that the assiduous devotion of yourself and co-laborers to the solemn duties which you assumed, the early day which you have fixed upon for departing, and the forlorn condition to which our remaining families are reduced, prevent the majority of our citizens from making more than slight individual manifestations of the profound gratitude which they cannot fail always to cherish; and from giving such united expressions to their feelings as would be agreeable to them and, I trust, not unacceptable to yourselves.

Be pleased to accept, sir, for yourself and the bands of heroes whom you represent, the assurances of my warmest gratitude and high personal esteem.

Yours, very respectfully,
N. C. Whitehead, J. P.
Acting Mayor of Norfolk.

On motion of the chairman, it was

Resolved, That the thanks of this meeting be returned to the Howard Association of Norfolk for the facilities which have been extended by them to us in the conduct of our medical practice.

On motion of Dr. Read, the meeting then adjourned.

A. B. Williman, Chairman.
Dr. West. Secretary.
Norfolk, Sept. 25th, 1855.

*The motion was suggested because it was discovered that several physicians from other places had died in Norfolk; and also that a few had already been obliged to leave in order to a restoration of health after the fever.

The following is the list [partial list, see index for complete list] of the volunteer physicians who went to Norfolk and Portsmouth, and the date of their arrival there:

Dr. W. Stone, New Orleans, August 16, 1855.
Dr. Thomas Fenniston, New Orleans, August 17.
Dr. Wm. H. Freeman, Philadelphia, August.
Rev. T. G. Keen, Petersburg, August 20.
Dr. De Castro, Cuba, August 21.
Dr. Leon Gelbardt, dead, Richmond, August 22.
Dr. P. C. Gooch, dead, Richmond, August 22.
Dr. Walter, dead, Baltimore, August 23.
Dr. Robert Thompson, dead, Baltimore, August 24.
Dr. John Morris, Baltimore, August 24.
Dr. T. H. Craycroft, dead, Philadelphia, August 24.
Capt. Nathan Thompson, Philadelphia, August 24.
Dr. Fliess, dead, Baltimore, August 24.
Dr. A. A. Zeiglefuss, Philadelphia, August 25.
Dr. Jas. McFadden, Philadelphia, August 25.
Dr. T. Booth, dead, Baltimore, August 25.
Dr. Randall, Philadelphia, August 25.
Dr. Howe, dead, Baltimore, August 25.
Dr. Howle, dead, Richmond, August 25.
Dr. McDowell, Richmond, August 25.
Dr. J. T. Hargrove, Richmond, August 25.
Dr. E. D. Fenner, New Orleans, August 25.
Dr. C. Beard, New Orleans, August 25.
Dr. E. T. Worl, Philadelphia, August 26.
Dr. T. Meirson, dead, Philadelphia, August 26.
Dr. St. J. Ravenel, S. C., August 27.
Dr. N. J. Crow, Richmond, August 28.
Dr. A. B. Williams, S. C., August 28.
Dr. Convert, S. C., August 28.
Dr. Rich, S. C., August 28.
Dr. Rich'd Blow, dead, Sussex, Va., August 28.
Dr. Thos. W. Handy, dead, Philadelphia, August 29.
Dr. Hitt, Georgia, August 29.
Dr. W. H. Huger, S. C., August 29.
Dr. T. O. Skrine, S. C., August 29.
Dr. F. M. Garrett, N. C., August 29.
A. M. Loryear [Lowry], Charleston, S. C., August 29.
A. R. Taber, Charleston, S. C., August 29.
Dr. [A. F.] Bignon, Augusta, Georgia, August 29.
Dr. Donaldson, Georgia, August 29.
A. J. Gibbs, Philadelphia, August 30.
Dr. Marsh, Philadelphia, August 30.
Dr. A. C. Smith, dead, Pa., Aug. 30.
Dr. E. C. Steele, S. C., August 30.
W. Porcher Miles, S. C., August 30.
Dr. Campbell, New Orleans, August 30.
Dr. (D. J.) Ricardo, New Orleans, August 30.
Dr. J. B. Read, Georgia, August 30.
Dr. (J. E.) Godfrey, Savannah, Georgia, August 30.
Dr. (E. W.) Skinner, Savannah, Georgia, August 30.
Dr. (F. J.) Charlton, Savannah, Georgia, August 30.
Dr. (J. F.) McFarland, Savannah, Georgia, August 30.
Dr. Nunn, Georgia, August 30.
Capt. Thos. J. Ivy, New Orleans, August 30.
E. E. Jackson, Charleston, S. C., August 30.
Dr. Williams, D. C., August 31.
Dr. Jackson, dead, D. C., August 31.
Dr. DeBersue, dead, D. C., August 31.
Dr. Schell, dead, New York, August 31.
Dr. G. S. West, New York, August 31.
Dr. J. B. Holmes, S. C., August 31.
Judge Olin, Georgia, September 1.
John [W.] Taliaferro, Augusta, Georgia, September 1.
Dr. Preer, New York, September 1.
Franklin H. Clack, New Orleans, September 3.
Dr. Robinson, New York, Sept. 3.
Dr. R. M. Miller, Mobile, Sept. 3.
Wm. Ballantine, Mobile, Sept. 3.
Dr. Obermuller, dead, Ga., Sept. 5.
Dr. W. D. Thompson, Georgia, September 6.
Dr. Baker, Key West, September 7.
Wm. T. Walthall, Mobile, September 7.
Dr. R. B. Berry, dead, Tennessee, September 8.
Dr. Flournoy, Arkansas, September 8.
Dr. R. R. McKay, Georgia, September 9.
Dr. A. B. Campbell, Philadelphia, September 9.
Dr. Wison, Cuba, September 11.
Wm. C. Miller, Mobile, September 12.
Wm. N. Ghiselin, New Orleans, September 12.
Dr. (Jas. A.) Dillard, dead, Montgomery, Ala., September 13.
Mr. Rucker, Montgomery, Ala., September 13. .
Mr. Clowes, Montgomery, Ala., September 13.
Dr. Fredericks, New York, September 14.
Dr. Capry, dead, New York, September 14.
Dr. John Vaughan, London, September 17.
Dr. McFarlane, New Orleans, September 18.
A. H. Jennett, Mobile, September 18.

[Parts of the above names found in parentheses are gleaned from other Dispatch newspaper articles and also from author William S. Forrest's book The Great Pestilence in Virginia; being an Historical Account of the Origin, General Character, and Ravages of the Yellow Fever in Norfolk and Portsmouth in 1855, J. B. Lippincott & Co., New York, 1856.]

From a correspondent of the Express we learn that the dry goods stores of Chas. A. Smith, Jas. A. Smith and "Berkleys" in Norfolk, have all been opened, also the store of Borum & McLean.—There were seven new cases in Norfolk on Friday, among them Mr. O'Brien, the undertaker, who had suffered a relapse, and Mr. Hosier and two children. Among the dead are Miss Evans, child of Mrs. Rudder, Mrs. Speatman, son of Mr. Green. In Matthews county, Jno. Wilkins, Jos. W. Pointer and a child of Joseph Wyatt's, all from Norfolk, have died of fever.


ARRIVALS FROM NORFOLK.—Doctors J. E. Godfrey, F. J. Charlton, E. W. Skinner and J. F. McFarland, a portion of the Savannah delegation, and Dr. A. R. Taber of Charleston, arrived in this city yesterday afternoon from Norfolk, where they have been arduously engaged for some weeks in attending yellow fever patients, and took the evening train of cars for the North, where they expect to spend a few days in recuperating their exhausted strength.

Dr. E. Jackson, of Charleston, and Drs. A. F. Bignon and J. W. Taliaferro, of Augusta, have also arrived in our city from Norfolk, and are now stopping at the St. Charles Hotel, where they design remaining a short time.

MORE AID FOR THE AFFLICTED.—The Presbyterian church of Orange and Madison has forwarded to the Relief Committee of this city, per Rev. D. B. Ewing, $72 for the benefit of the Norfolk and Portsmouth sufferers.

We acknowledge $18 from Miss Mary Jane Overton, of Hanover, also for the sufferers, which has been placed in the hands of the Treasurer of the Relief Committee.


On the outside of our paper this morning are the proceedings of the volunteer physicians in Norfolk, previously alluded in our paper, together with a most feeling and grateful letter from Dr. Whitehead, acting Mayor of the city. In this letter the Doctor states that twenty of the physicians had died.—This is a mistake as in the list published with his letter he puts down Drs. Howe, Howle and McDowell of Richmond, all dead. There was no Dr. Howe from Richmond and Dr. McDowell is not dead, but is still at his post in Portsmouth, rendering good service. Dr. Gelbardt, on the other hand is not reported as dead in the list aforesaid.—The list as published by us is corrected.—We make it that of eighty-two physicians who went to succor the people of Norfolk and Portsmouth, nineteen have died: nearly one fourth!

Of the six physicians who went from Richmond, three are dead, and Dr. Hargrove was at last accounts sick.

From Norfolk and Portsmouth.
Correspondence of the Dispatch, October 1, 1855.
Steamer Curtis Peck.

The venerated and estimable wife of Chief Justice Taney, breathed her last on Saturday, at Old Point. This esteemed and beloved lady has been in feeble health for some days past, and though her disease had none of the marks of yellow fever, soon after her decease the skin bore unmistakable evidence, by its hue, that the insidious destroyer had been lurking in the system. Would that I could pause here in my record of the sorrows of her distinguished husband; but alas! the same pen that traces the sad story of this bereavement, must also convey the melancholy intelligence that in a few brief hours after the spirit of the mother passed away, the eyes of her eldest [youngest] single daughter, Miss [Alice] Taney, were also closed in death. Her's was a decided case of yellow fever, and on yesterday, mother and daughter were committed to the same dark grave, to the solemn measure of the dirging waves. The eulogy of Mrs. Taney must be written by those who knew her amid the sanctities of her home; and the gentle memories of the daughter must be treasured by the circle in which she moved respected and beloved.—Mrs. Taney was a sister of the late Francis S. Key, the immortal author of "The Star Spangled Banner."

It is also reported that another single daughter of the venerable Chief Justice is quite ill at Old Point. The judge has been occupying for some two or three summers, the cottage at Old Point, opposite the former residence of Colonel De Russy, and himself and his whole family had won upon all who were brought into social contact with them. The light of that little cottage is darkened, but let us trust that those whose presence served to illumine its fireside have gone to that land

Where the forehead is starred
With the beauty that dwelt in the soul,
Where the light of their loveliness cannot be marred,
Nor the spirit flung back from its goal."

Dr. Henry Selden is still at the Afton House with the fever. I learn that the Rev. Wm. M. Jackson has had the black vomit, though hopes are entertained of his recovery. God grant it may be so, for he has nobly done his duty to his fellow-citizens of Norfolk during the fiery ordeal of the fever. Mrs. Ferguson, the amiable wife of Wm. B. Ferguson, dec'd, the late President of the Howard Association, died on yesterday, and was to be buried this morning at 10 o'clock.

There were nine burials in Norfolk on yesterday, and it is said thirteen in Portsmouth. The disease is very fatal in all new cases, scarcely a patient recovering. It is however, decreasing rapidly, and we may hope soon to cease tolling the daily requiem which for nearly three months past has been sounding on and on to the four winds of Heaven. Since the commencement of the pestilence in Norfolk and Portsmouth, thirty physicians have died; how many nurses I cannot at this time say. The physicians and nurses are leaving for their homes, the number of new cases not being more than the resident physicians can attend to; and I am sure these good Samaritans will carry with them to their distant places of residence, the blessings of millions in our land. God bless them—preserve and defend them, and when the hand of sickness shall rest heavily upon them; may kind hands minister to their necessities—may those who have closed so many eyes, so gently and so sadly, fall asleep in the arms of a merciful God, and wake up in His likeness among the blessed ones in Heaven.

Among those who are returning, several go up this evening by the Baltimore boat, and several by the Curtis Peck today.

The names of the gentlemen who are aboard the Peck, are Drs. J. F. McFarland, T. J. Charlton, J. V. Godfrey, and K. W. Skinner, all of Savannah, Georgia; Doctors A. Taber and E. E. Jackson, of Charleston, S. C.; and Dr. A. F. Bignon, of Augusta, Ga.; and last, but NOT LEAST, Henry Myers, of Richmond, goes home today, after having done his duty like a man.

The office of President of the Howard Association, vacated by the death of the lamented Ferguson, is filled by the appointment of Augustus Cooke, Esq. A better appointment could not have been made.

Cooke has worked like a hero. He has been here and there—everywhere where he could be of service, and Norfolk owes him a debt of gratitude which she can never repay. Judge Olin, of Augusta, Georgia, is the assistant treasurer of the Howard Association.

Here, my dear Dispatch, I was about to make my adieux, when my attention was called once more to HENRY MYERS, who has closed his duties in Norfolk and goes home with the smiles of an approving conscience and the thanks of a whole community.

The physicians say that no language can do justice, full justice to Henry Myers. His devotion to the sick, his patient night watches by the couches of the dying, his untiring, unflagging efforts to do good to those who were suffering, are remembered, and eulogized by those around me today, in terms the most eloquent and earnest.

But I must close. I spend two days up the river, and return to Hampton on Thursday.

Very truly yours, OATS.

P. S. Drs. Taber, Taliaferro and Jackson will remain in Richmond until Friday. Judge Olin will leave Norfolk the same day. Dr. Moore, of Norfolk, is doing well. Dr. Hargrove, of Richmond, is still quite sick. I regret to add that Mr. Slassington [probably incorrect spelling], apothecary, from Charleston, S. C., is very ill, and it is thought must die. The physicians are unanimously of opinion that it will be highly imprudent for any absentees to return to Norfolk until after a very decided freeze. OATS.

Norfolk, Sept. 29, 1855.

I am very glad to inform you that the yellow fever is rapidly disappearing from our city. There were only four burials yesterday. If the cool weather continues, we shall soon be entirely free from this devastating scourge. We are looking for frost, and in a week or two at most, we hope to see the thousands of our scattered citizens returning to their homes.

A time of awful calamity seems to be passing by at last; and although many of our best men and women have left us, a thousand bright hopes are blasted, and hundreds of families are left comfortless and sad, we may still look forward to years of health, happiness and prosperity, sincerely trusting that so terrific a destroyer of human life and happiness, so fearful a visitation, may never be known again, either here or elsewhere.

R. Dalrymple, stone mason, and lady are very ill of the fever, and there are still some severe cases; but it is hoped but few more, if any, will prove fatal, and that the reign of the fell-destroyer is about to close here forever.

Rev. Wm. Jackson, of St. Paul's, who has been faithful in the discharge of his duties to the sick and the suffering, in every part of the city, and who is dear to the hearts of our people, is dangerously ill. I hear he has the black vomit, and will probably die; if so, a sad loss, indeed. F.

Portsmouth, Sept. 30—11 P. M.

It is now near midnight and the rain is falling in torrents. Yesterday, I strolled to Portlock's burying ground. There I saw Bob, the grave digger; he pointed out to me 550 new-made graves; he said they contained one, two and four occupants, but few contained as many as four. I asked him if he could tell a person where a friend was buried, if he wished to know, and he replied that he could tell the names of the inmates of some of the graves; but others he could not. Many were brought to the cemetery in the night, without the knowledge of himself or his men. He knew not who they were or where they came from. One morning he found as many as six, lying on the ground; he buried them to get rid of the smell.

An incident of delirium occurred today which is worth relating: A man, residing at the foot of Gosport Bridge, became delirious with the fever and an extra nurse was placed to watch him. The nurse succeeded in quieting him and then left for a few moments. The patient, as soon as the nurse left him, had another attack, sprang from his bed, into the street, and ran on to the marsh, which he reached, and after traveling about a quarter of a mile through it fell from fatigue.—He was rescued, however, washed and put to bed. He is now doing well.

Dr. Hunter of New York, died today. He was very successful in his mode of treatment; having a good many and not losing a single patient. He carried his medicine always in his pocket, and would let no one examine it.

Dr. Cole of Philadelphia, also died about 6 o'clock today. He was taken on yesterday—(that is he took his bed at that time)—but had been complaining for several days.

Mr. J. H. [J. G.] Holladay still continues to improve.—Dr. Rizer is well and at his post. Dr. McDowell, of Richmond, is the only physician, north or west of this place, that has not had the fever. He is still up and doing his duty.

The deaths of the 29th are thirteen, viz: Mr. McConnelly, son of A. Brews, negro woman of R. Barnes, child of R. Lilliston, Mr. R. Turner, Mrs. W. Daloslotan, Jordan Curlin, negro boy employed by Mr. Whitehead, negro boy belonging to Dr. Cocke, Mrs. Thomas Emmerson, David S. Brown, Eliz. Williams, child of W. R. Singleton.

Deaths on the 30th, up to 11 o'clock, P. M., viz: E. O. Conner, John McCrea, Mrs. Larden, Drs. Hunter and Cole.

October 1, 6 A. M.—Deaths last night: Geo. Barber and two others. Weather cold and very foggy. V.

Portsmouth, Sept. 28th, 10 P. M.

Again I note a decrease in both the number of new cases and deaths; since half past 5 A. M., up to this hour, four of the former and three of the latter.

J. D. Bryant, M. D., of Philadelphia, in company with Mr. Stryker, of N. J., left for their homes this evening, bearing with them the heart-felt thanks of an afflicted community. Dr. Bryant has proven himself worthy of his profession. Too much praise cannot be awarded those persons, who, when hearing the cry of suffering humanity from a region of deathly infection, regardless of personal danger, rush boldly to the relief of the afflicted. God only knows what would have been our fate had it not been for such noble ones as they; and many others equally as worthy, who, when our town physicians were stricken down, and unable to render any assistance, took their places and revived the flagging hopes of many a suffering one who had thought there was no hope, and that his lot was cast to die.

Dr. Hunter, of New York, is still very ill. Today he proved himself to be a man of remarkable nerve. After having three attacks of the black vomit, he called on his nurse for pen and paper, and wrote, in a bold hand, his own prescriptions. Such a case has rarely if ever occurred, as fever patients are most always exceedingly feeble and nervous.

Dr. Thomas, of Cincinnati, Ohio, was taken with the fever this morning.

Mr. Butler, the apothecary, of Philadelphia, convalescent. Mr. J. G. Holliday a good deal better.

The three deaths I will name: Mrs. Jesse N. Veale, Mrs. Clougherty, Mary Biggins. V.

October 3, 1855.


RESCINDED.—The city council of Petersburg has rescinded the quarantine regulations against Norfolk.

Death of Mrs. and Miss Taney.

Our Hampton correspondent, in yesterday's Dispatch, announced the death, at Old Point, of Mrs. Taney, wife of Chief Justice Taney, and also the death of his eldest [youngest] daughter.—In this deep affliction to the venerable Chief Justice, all hearts will sympathize. In the case of the mother, there was reason to believe, according to our correspondent, that yellow fever had been lurking in the system, whilst that of the daughter was a decided case of this terrible disease. Old Point was a favorite summer resort of Chief Justice Taney, and he had a cottage there, in which his family was residing at the time the sad bereavement occurred.

CONTRIBUTIONS FOR THE SUFFERERS.—We have received through the hands of Mr. John H. Claiborne, a handsome donation of children's clothing, for the Norfolk and Portsmouth sufferers, from Mrs. Dr. Gaines, of Henrico. They are in the hands of the Relief Committee, and will be disposed of as desired by the benevolent donor.

WE HAD THE PLEASURE yesterday of shaking by the hand Dr. Jackson, of Charleston, S. C., and Dr. Bignon and Mr. Taliaferro, of Augusta, Ga., who have been in Norfolk attending the sick and aiding the afflicted. They are all three very young men. Drs. Jackson and Bignon were actively engaged in treating the sick, and Mr. Taliaferro was assistant treasurer to Judge Olin, of the Howard Association. In saluting these very young men, who went at the peril of their lives to aid their fellow beings who were calling out for help, it seemed that we were speaking to persons who had just come from the fire and flame and had miraculously escaped with their lives. They were part of that gallant band more than ONE-FOURTH of whom have fallen martyrs. TWENTY-ONE OF EIGHTY-TWO physicians who volunteered to go to the rescue of the plague-smitten cities have died. We wish for these noble young men a safe journey to their homes and the bosoms of their friends, who have felt so much anxiety for their fates.


HENRY MYERS.—This gentleman has won for himself the respect and gratitude not only of the people of Norfolk, but of this city, by his intrepid zeal in aiding and assisting the people of our sister cities in their day of affliction. We have seen a large number of letters given him on his departure on Monday last from the scene of his labors. They are from physicians, officers of the Howard Association and Capt. Clack, all bearing testimony, (in the language of Dr. Skrine, of South Carolina) to his care and attention to those placed under his charge and his steady and unremitting devotion to the various duties connected with his avocation of superintendent of the Woodis Hospital. The officers of the Howard Association in an official letter declare that he "has been a most valuable assistant in the management of the Howard Infirmary, and by his devoted attention to the sick and suffering, has won for himself the gratitude and thanks of their citizens." Without means as Henry Myers is he will yet prize more than gold such a reward for his humane zeal in periling his own life to serve his fellow creatures.

From Norfolk and Portsmouth.

The fever is still gradually but rapidly dying out in the infected cities. Monday there were but eight deaths in Portsmouth, and six in Norfolk.

The friends of Dr. Hargrove will be pleased to learn that he has fully recovered, having been confined to his room only by a bilious attack.

Drs. E. C. Steele, and A. M. Lowry, from Charleston, S. C., arrived in Richmond yesterday afternoon, on their way home from Norfolk.

It will be seen that one of our correspondents from Portsmouth reminds the charitable that no winter clothing has been sent to that city, and that the people are much in want of such apparel.

Dr. Henry Selden died at Hampton Monday evening. He breathed his last at the Afton House, where he had been confined since his attack.

Dr. Moore, of Norfolk, is better.

The morning papers of Norfolk will be issued on the 15th inst., and the News (afternoon,) was to have been issued Monday.

Mr. J. G. Holladay [Holliday], of Portsmouth, was about returning to his post, having almost fully recovered.

A correspondence has passed between the Mayor—Dr. Whitehead—and Francis H. Clack, of New Orleans, in which the latter resigns the position of Chief of Police, in consequence of urgent calls to his home, and gives a report of the police branch of municipal affairs during his administration.—From the report we learn that James Euster is now acting as Chief Jailor, and Captain Childs assistant do. Wm. Gosline, in jail for the murder of Murphy, died Sept. 4th; Jos. Courtney, for larceny, died Sept. 12th. Ten mutineers were discharged. J. D. Marks, of New Orleans, for robbing the dead, was committed on the 5th and discharged on the 6th of September. All others on serious charges are still in confinement.

Twelve men were sworn in on the 18th Sept. as night watch, with Mr. Dyer as Lieutenant. These men receive 75 cts. per night from the Howard Association in addition to the pay they get from the city.

The Mayor answers Mr. Clack's letter of resignation in an eloquent and grateful letter.

Correspondence of the Dispatch.
Portsmouth, Oct. 1, 10:30 P. M.

The following gentlemen left the city today, for the North: Rizer and Briggs, physicians of Philadelphia; Riside and Butler, apothecaries of Baltimore; Kelly of Savannah, and Geo. Flood of New York, nurses.—They departed in fine spirits, and are, ere this, snugly "tucked in," and sleeping soundly on board the Baltimore boat.

I could hear of no new cases of fever today; but is there any one now in town that has not had it? Except the Southerners, we answer, that we have heard of but very few. It therefore follows, that to have the disease rage with violence, we need only have more unacclimated persons; we must, then, as a matter of course, keep our citizens away until we have a good "black frost," as that is the only purifier of impure atmosphere.—About the first of November, I think, the inhabitants can return with safety.

The Commandant of the Navy Yard has again opened the regular front gate of the yard, to give those that can a chance to work.

The deaths of this day, from 6 A. M., number 8: Negro of J. M. Collins, Simon Whittum, Master F. Wade, Patrick McDonough, Jas. Parsons, Harrison Holland, and two at Hospital.

October 2d, 6 A. M.—Not a single death last night, and no new cases.

Mr. Holladay will soon be again on duty.

Yours, J. V.

Portsmouth, Oct. 1st, 1855.

Dear Dispatch.—I avail myself a few moments, previous to the departure of the cars, to write you a few lines.

This first day of the month dawns upon us with prospects somewhat brightened, yet under circumstances not altogether as auspicious as we had hoped for. On Saturday and yesterday there were more deaths than had occurred for the same period during several preceding days. On the former day, there were thirteen deaths; on yesterday, I learn there were eight. Among these, there were several children—some with other diseases than the prevailing fever.

Mrs. Thomas Emmerson, Jordan Curling and David Brown were some of those who died Saturday.

Dr. Hunter, of Brooklyn, N. Y., died yesterday. He arrived here about eight days since. The Sanitary Committee and several physicians urged him not to remain, as his coming from the North, and his delicate appearance, too surely indicated that he would become an early victim. He rather strangely resisted their entreaties and remained. During all his brief illness he was confident he would recover. But, alas! the disease pressed on to its fatal consummation. His funeral services took place in the large parlor of the house in which he died, and were conducted by the Rev. Thomas Hume, of the Baptist Church. It was to me very affecting to witness his brother physicians standing around his remains and participating in the solemn services.

Most of them were like him, from distant places, and had come here at the call of their suffering fellows, on their errand of mercy. Some of them had passed the ordeal, having recovered from the fever, but others of them had yet to expect the trial not knowing but that like him they should be laid low in death and be buried among strangers. I understand Dr. Hunter has left a family, perhaps only a wife, to whom it is said he was married but a few months.

Dr. Carlton Cole, of Philadelphia, died last evening at 6 o'clock. His illness was only for two days. This instance justifies the remark of a physician to me, that some of the recent cases were more malignant than any previously known. Dr. C.'s remains were decently interred this morning at a very early hour.

Beside the usual service at the Catholic Church, there was also service at one of the Baptist churches on yesterday. All the rest of the churches are closed, as their ministers are absent, enjoying themselves (?) amid scenes which they give proof are preferable to them. The Catholic pastor has been overcome by his fatiguing labors, and has been quite sick for several weeks. I am happy to say to the numerous friends of the Rev. Mr. Hume, that he continue in the enjoyment of excellent health, having entirely escaped the fever.

He has frequently been so worn down by the extraordinary labors he has performed, that I have feared it was inevitable he would be the subject of the fever.

This is a damp, chilly morning, and I fear the effect of it. I am reminded that the benevolence of our kind-hearted friends has failed, somewhat, in the fact that most of the clothing sent us has been only suited for the warm weather. There is really suffering, great suffering, even now, for the want of clothing suited to this damp, cool season.

In haste, your, *

Norfolk, Oct. 1, 1855.

I am sorry to say that there have been more deaths by the fever, and some new cases since my last.

Mrs. Ferguson, lady of the lamented President of the Howard Association, died last night, and was buried today.

Miss Catharine Redman, the excellent Superintendent of the Norfolk Female Orphan Asylum, was buried yesterday. A severe loss.

Miss [misprint, it is Mrs.] H. B. Bagnall, Miss ___ Delacy, Mrs. Dubbs, Mr. Talford, N. Hosier, three persons at the City Alms House; four or five colored persons, and others, have died since my last report, and there are new cases in the suburbs and also down on some of the principal streets.

Mr. and Mrs. Dalrymple are still quite ill.

Rev. Wm. Jackson, of St. Paul's, is quite sick.

It is earnestly hoped that we shall soon be cheered by the appearance of a good frost, so that the disease may be arrested in its progress, and our people may safely return to their city and their homes. F.

October 4, 1855.


NORFOLK AFFAIRS.—The following is a correspondence between Mayor Whitehead of Norfolk, and F. H. Clack, Chief of Police, and the report of the latter for the time that he has occupied the position which he now resigns:

Norfolk, Va., Sept. 27.
To the Hon. N. C. Whitehead, Acting Mayor of the City of Norfolk.
Sir.—By your appointment of the 4th inst. I was placed at the head of the police of this city, with full authority to direct and govern all police matters within the corporation limits. In entering upon the discharge of these important duties, I felt all the responsibility entailed upon me by such a position, and I trust I have properly fulfilled its duties.

The exigency which required, in your opinion, such an appointment, has now passed; and I beg leave to resign into your hand, the authority and office received from you. I am induced to take this step by the belief that there is no longer occasion for the exercise of such extraordinary authority, as the violence of the epidemic has abated, and affairs here are beginning to take their usual regular course.

I have realized, sir, from the beginning, the delicacy of my position, and determined, as soon as I could do so with prudence and safety, to resign my office.

And yet, sir, I did not feel as a stranger would, in acting in the capacity I have filled. In visiting those scenes where I has passed my days of childhood, I felt that Norfolk had a right to claim from all her children every aid they were able to give. In this spirit I have acted, and striven to do my best.

Permit me to return, through you, my thanks to your fellow citizens for the cordial assistance they have rendered me in the performance of my duties.

To the Howard Association, and particularly to its late lamented president, Wm. B. Ferguson, Esq., I have been especially indebted for their hearty cooperation in the preservation of good order in our midst.

Those who have been necessarily placed in office under me, I trust, will receive an adequate compensation from the city authorities. I have endeavored to be as economical as possible.

Allow me to draw your attention to the accompanying police report.

In conclusion, I may add that my private affairs imperiously demand my presence in New Orleans.

Permit me to return my thanks to you, sir, for your kind personal attention, and believe me,

Respectfully, your obedient servant,
Franklin H. Clack.

Norfolk, Va., Sept. 28, 1855.
Franklin H. Clack, Esq.
Chief of Police of Norfolk:
Dear Sir:—I have received your letter of yesterday, (accompanying a Report of the Police Department since it has been under your charge,) in which you state that the exigency which led to your special appointment has now passed, and tender to me the resignation of your authority and office.

My own recovery from disease, and the convalescence of the ordinary heads of the police and watch, (coupled with the desire not to trespass too long upon the self-sacrificing devotion of yourself and the noble delegation from New Orleans, of which you are a member,) enable me to relieve you from the onerous duties accepted by you at a time when disorganization (produced by the untempered fury of pestilence and death among us) called for the exercise of extraordinary powers, and of marked judgment and decision in the administration of the department which I placed under your control.

That you, though young in years, have more than fulfilled the expectations of myself, and a community to which you are, in a great degree, affidated, is proved by the universal testimony of those who have experienced protection from your vigilance; by the efficiency, peace and good order which have prevailed under your management; and by the regret which we personally feel, that your resignation is prefatory to your departure from among us in common with other gallant associates who have also officially notified me of their purpose to leave.

Long will you be remembered by a grateful people. We will bear you towards Heaven in our prayers. And should desolation ever again visit our borders (which I fervently pray God will avert) may an afflicted community find such friends as you have proved to us in the past season of calamity.

Your, very respectfully,
N. C. Whitehead, Acting Mayor of Norfolk.

POLICE REPORT.—On taking possession of the jail under the orders from the Acting Mayor, Hon. N. C. Whitehead, I found that the jailor, Mr. W. K. Stores, had died a few days previously; and I therefore, on the 4th of September, appointed Jas. Eustis as chief jailor, and Capt. John Hicks, as deputy jailor. Mr. Eustis is still acting. On the 11th Capt. Hicks was taken sick; and I appointed in his place Capt. Childs, who is still acting.

The following will show the prisoners in jail at the time of my taking possession, and my disposition of them:

Wm. Gosline, sick with fever. Charge, murder; died 4th Sept.

Hugh McLellan, Thomas Crossgrove, Edward Gakin, John Willis, Charles Reynolds, Isaac Winter, Robert Simpson, William Ashton, James Sullivan, Abel Myers, John Francis and James Ward—charge, mutiny.

Sullivan, Ashton and Francis were taken with the fever on the 4th, and conveyed to the Howard Infirmary. Myers and Ward were taken there also to nurse them. Under the advice of the acting Mayor, from the fear that the fever might spread among them, I discharged the remaining seven—a course which entirely met my own approval, as there was actual danger of the fever spreading.

John O'Hara—charge, larceny; still in jail.

George Cunningham—under sentence for felony; for one year from the 2nd of June, 1855. Still in jail.

Wm. Carrington—under sentence for swindling; for three months from 26th of July, 1855. Still in jail.

Joseph Courtney—under sentence for larceny, —taken with the fever 5th Sept., and conveyed to the Hospital. Died there 12th Sept.

Elizabeth Coffee (f. w. c. )—charge, breach of peace; discharged 6th September, she having a family of children requiring her care.

Mary Burton (f. w. c. )—charge, larceny; committed 23d May, 1855. Taken with fever 6th Sept., and conveyed to the Hospital—returned convalescent 12th Sept.

Peter Smith (slave of Mr. Smith)—runaway; taken with the fever 6th Sept., and conveyed to the Hospital—returned convalescent 12th Sept.

Isaac (slave of Eber Shaw)—safe keeping, at request of owner. Taken with the fever 14th Sept., and conveyed to the Hospital—returned convalescent 22d Sept.

Slave of Wm. Hall—safe keeping. Taken out by his owner 7th Sept.

COMMITMENTS BY MYSELF.—J. D. Marks—larceny; committed 5th Sept., discharged 6th Sept.

Georgiana Johnson (f. w. c.,) Hannah Ellett (f. w. c.,) Isaiah Ricks (f. m. c.) and a slave of Capt. Ryan, found in a disorderly brothel, engaged in riot—committed 10th Sept., discharged 11th Sept.

Ben Butt (slave of Francis Butt)—charge, assault with dangerous weapon on free man of color; committed 15th September, tried before Mr. Whitehead 26th September, and sentenced to 89 stripes.

Tom (slave of Mr. Smith, baker)—Drunk in the streets and out after bell-ring; committed 15th Sept., discharged on 18th Sept., on representation of Mr. Edw'd Hardy.

Hannah Ellet (f. w. c.)—vagrant and disorderly.

Leslie Gillespie—found lying drunk on Main street near Commerce: committed 18th Sept., discharged 20th Sept.

Jonas Myers—found lying drunk on Union street; committed 19th September, discharged 20th September.

Nancy (slave of Mrs. Crosby's estate)—safe keeping, by Mr. James Cahill; committed 22d September, discharged 25th Sept.

Alexander Forgid—charge, assault and battery; committed 24th Sept., tried before Mr. Whitehead 25th September, and bound over in $100 penalty to keep the peace for six months. These are the principal items. On the 18th September I swore in a night watch of 12 men, under the Lieutenant, Mr. Dyer, who keeps their time.—They have been on regular duty since that day.—The Howard Association pays them each seventy-five cents per night, and to Mr. Dyer one dollar per night in addition to the pay allowed by the city.

All which is respectfully submitted.

Norfolk, Sept. 27, 1855.

The correspondent of the Petersburg Intelligencer from Norfolk, notes the death of H. W. Skinner, formerly measurer of grain, Miss Margaret Kennedy, daughter of the late Commodore Kennedy, Miss Ann Colley, sister of the late Col. John G. Colley.

The Howard Association have determined to wear crape thirty days through respect to the memory of the wife of the William B. Ferguson, deceased.

A little girl, daughter of a Mr. Clagg, one of a family of "refugees" who returned too early, died Sunday. Among the new cases are Franklin Moore, of the Custom House, and a son of Dr. Alex Galt, dec'd.


We still have the gratifying report that the fever is steadily abating in Norfolk and Portsmouth. We are glad to see that Mr. J. G. Holladay [Holliday], a most useful citizen of Portsmouth, who had been untiring in his efforts to alleviate the distresses of his fellow citizens to the time he was taken with the fever, is rapidly recovering. We regret to learn that the Rev. Mr. Jackson, of Norfolk, is worse, and his condition considered almost hopeless.

We learn that the daughter of Judge Tanney, who died, was Alice, his youngest, and not his eldest daughter, as stated by our esteemed correspondent "Oats." She is said to have been a most interesting and lovely being.


Some idea of the destructiveness of the pestilence in Norfolk, may be formed from comparing it with the great Plague in London. In that plague, one in seventeen died; in Norfolk ONE IN THREE. In fact, we know of no pestilence which has ever visited any part of the world, equal in destructiveness to that which has desolated the city of Norfolk.

The N. Y. Herald computes that if the city of New York should be visited by a plague as fatal, the deaths would be twenty-five thousand a week, or a hundred thousand a month, during the period of its continuance.

INTERESTING INCIDENT.—The Afton House, near Hampton, in which the lamented Dr. Selden lately died, was formerly the residence of his grandfather. His father was born in that house, but Dr. Selden, we learn, had never entered it, till he was taken there in his last illness.

THE SOUTHERN ARGUS.—The publication of this spirited Norfolk journal will be resumed on the 15th inst. Mr. Leonard, its able and energetic editor, labored long to avoid the necessity of a suspension; but like all his Norfolk contemporaries, he was at last forced to submit to a visitation which brought business of all kinds to a stand.—We are glad to see that he is again about to give his pennant to the breeze, and trust that under the brighter skies which will soon light up the Norfolk horizon, he may be wafted on a calm and prosperous voyage.

From Norfolk and Portsmouth.
Correspondence of the Dispatch.
Norfolk, Sept. 2, [October 2] 1855.

The weather continues damp and warm, and the fever still lingers in our city, attacking the few who have thus far escaped, and who vainly hoped to be among the favored ones who will be allowed to pass uninjured by this fierce destroyer of health and life.

Mrs. H. B. Bagnall, was buried yesterday. She was the wife of the late H. Boswell Bagnall, formerly one of the proprietors of the American Beacon.

Dr. Henry Selden, of this city, died today at Hampton, making the 26th physician who has died of the fever. His death is greatly lamented.

T. White, constable, died today; also Christine, a Sister of Charity; Mrs. Fentress, Mrs. E. Dusch, Miss Dellacy [Delacy], John Richardson, and D. Johnson.

Richard Cross, Edmond Ford, and Mary Boush, all three colored persons, are dead. Rev. W. Jackson is said to be worse today. Dr. Wane is also reported worse.

Four colored persons have died today and two or three are said to be dying.

Some families, learning that there had been frost here, have ventured to return, and I hear that several have already died and that several others are ill. It will be hazardous to come to the city before one or two good frosts—some say a good FREEZE and ICE.

The buildings—stores, dwellings and warehouses—from cellar to attic, should be opened and well aired. Clothing, bedding, carpets, &c., should be exposed to the rays of the sun, and the cool dry winds from the north and west; and suitable efforts should be made to get rid entirely of the cause of the hateful disease, before the return of our people to their homes.

This fever is a most mysterious and invidious, as well as rapid and fatal malady; and after the return of the thirteen thousand of our people from the healthful mountain regions and the salubrious cities of the north and east, a few warm days in November might cause it to break out afresh, and fearful havoc might be made again. It will be wise, therefore, for those who are absent to be patient and wait until physicians say that it is prudent to return.

Hastily, F.

Portsmouth, Oct. 2d, 10 P. M.

The deaths of today, up to this hour, number 4, viz: Mrs. James Emmerson, Richard Steven's negro man, John Nash, and 1 at the Hospital. There were no new cases whatever, as far as I can learn; and those reported dead all resided in the suburbs.

The disease still continues to rage among the poor refugees, in the woods back of the plantation of J. C. P. Edwards, Esq. They live in very miserable straw-covered cabins, thrown—as it were—together for the occasion, and not affording any protection against inclement weather; if they are sick they must die, and if well cannot continue so; they have not a cent of money to buy food, and are supplied from the charity store.

Out of Maj. Eldin's detachment of seventy-five men, on this station, 22 have died up to this date, and since the commencement of the epidemic.

It is reported in Portsmouth that Captain R. W. Bough and Mr. Fisher Mathews, both of this town, are very ill with the yellow fever, at Deep Crek. I think the report is correct.

Our sheriff, J. M. Drewry, is not expected to live. He is at Ferry Point, and has the yellow fever.

Dr. Thomas, of Cincinnati, is doing very well. No other physician is at present sick, and we hope they may continue in good health.

Mr. J. G. Holladay [Holliday], I am happy to inform you, has very nearly recovered, and will soon be on duty.

The wind is blowing freely from the NW, with every symptom of a strong gale. The sudden change will not prove very beneficial to the sick, but I hope it may be the death knell of "Yellow Jack."

October 3, 6 A. M.

No new cases last night; neither were there any deaths. Wind blowing very cold from the NW. Yours, &c. V.

October 5, 1855.

From Norfolk and Portsmouth.

We are happy to state that the Fever has almost entirely disappeared from Norfolk and Portsmouth. There was not a single death in the later day during the twenty-four hours ending with sunset Wednesday. There are several old cases which may terminate fatally, but the disease has ceased to exist as an epidemic. There were only five deaths in Norfolk for the 24 hours ending Wednesday evening. Among them were Miss Susan, daughter of the late Wright Southgate, and Robert Dalrymple. Dr. Friedman was much worse. The stores on Market Square were open, and the town had begun to assume a cheerful appearance.

From private sources we learn that Mr. Dubbs, the master grave digger, is dead; and that Mr. Cully, engineer, at the Cotton Factory, is dying.

Norfolk, 3d Oct.

It is painful to announce that deaths are still occurring, and valuable citizens are being added to the long catalogue of the dead. There is another favorable change in the weather, however, and if this should continue, the disease will no doubt entirely subside in a few days. It is now cool enough in the mornings and evenings for fires, overcoats and blankets, and we shall be blessed with frost and ice it is hoped, in a very short time.

Dr. Henry Selden died on Thursday at Hampton. He was attacked here, and before he recovered, he went to the above place, and the disease rapidly increasing in violence, he soon sank and yielded to the horrors, notwithstanding the most experienced and skillful physicians went down to his aid from this city. He was the son of the late eminent and venerable Wm. Selden, and was greatly esteemed here as a gentleman of fine qualities of mind and heart, and as a skillful practitioner.

Robert Dalrymple, stone mason, and one of our most useful and enterprising men, died yesterday. His wife lies exceedingly ill.

Mrs. E. Dusch, Mrs. Fentress, Mrs. Phoebe Berry, Miss Susan Southgate, another interesting daughter of the late Wright S., formerly cashier of the Exchange Bank, Miss Delacy, Christine, a Sister of Charity, John Richardson, D. Johnson, Thomas White, constable, and some half a dozen colored person have died since my last.

The disease has appeared in the estimable family of Lieut. C. Poindexter, U. S. N., about three miles from the city. His lady and a daughter are down with the fever. They have not been to the city for several months.

A Mr. Ewell, in the village of Kempsville, 10 miles to the East of Norfolk, has the fever. He no doubt took it here, as he has been to town recently.

Physicians say it will be very hazardous to return until frost; some say until the formation of ice. One or two families have ventured home and several have sickened and died already since they came.

Those who are away should remain at least two weeks longer, and as patiently submit to privations and anxiety as possible. The fever that has raged here and left our city so deeply afflicted and enshrouded it in gloom, is fearfully malignant and swift in its character—frequently entirely unmanageable by the best medical skill. Attacking the strong as well as the weak, it often runs its rapid course in two or three days, and the body, a mere wreck of what it was, falls, a loathsome, bleeding. putrifying corpse, that must be hastily consigned to the earth.

It is a disease that should be dreaded and avoided if possible. It has crushed, and is still oppressing, so many families and filling so many hearts with sorrow and gloom, that its final departure from us is most earnestly to be desired, and those who are now beyond the reach of its terrible grasp should remain till advised by experienced physicians to return.

I regret to add that Rev. Wm. Jackson, the able, devoted and esteemed pastor of St. Paul's, is dying. His loss will be severely felt, and he will be greatly lamented. He was unwearied in his attentions to the sick and the suffering, and his reward will be great. Alas! how sad the announcement to many who have heard his faithful appeals from the pulpit and who know of his faithful ministrations in the home circle, as well as on the sacred desk of the sanctuary of the living God.

* * * * * *
Table of Contents.
Index: A - R
Index: S - Z & specialized indexes.