as reported in the
Richmond, Virginia.
Transcription by Donna Bluemink
Note: Correspondence usually dates from the previous day(s) so there may be repetition between news and correspondence of various dates.
September 18 to 22, 24 and 25, 1855.
Street-East from Commerce Street.
Facts and Figures About Norfolk. "Norfolk As A Business Center:
Its Principal Industries and Trade."
by Cary W. Jones, Virginian Presses, 1881, page 19.
The correspondent of the Petersburg Express gives that paper the names of some of the dead in Norfolk not before published. There are: Mrs. Smith, Lambert's Point; B. F. Riddick, Mrs. Lindsey's child, Julius Schisano, son of M. Schisano, the French consul, Fletcher Shutler, Mrs. Wm. T. Harrison.
Jos. C. Addington and C. F. Harwood are among the new cases.
Thos. A. Hardy, Father O'Keefe, Jas. G. White, Thos. Thinsley, W. W. Wing and J. Holmes, are among the convalescent; also Mr. Ethan Allen. F. A. Perrin is down with the fever.
Mrs. Savage, of Church street; a child of Wm. Ballance, and Richard B. Greenald, both grandchildren of old Mr. Ballance, are dead. The Ballance family in Norfolk, twelve in number, are now all dead but one.
Wm. Hall, corner of Fenchurch and Mariner streets, is dead.
Dr. Robert Gordon, Health officer for the port of Norfolk, was dying Friday night.
In Portsmouth, among the dead are Thomas H. Totterdell and Robert Totterdell, brothers, who died at the Naval Hospital, and Miss Totterdell, their sister, who died in town, Barney Clarity, Miss Virginia Edwards.
Among those ill are, Mrs. Wm. R. Singleton and Whit Ashton, Deputy Postmaster, who has what is termed "Parotid Abscess;" Miss Patterson, a nurse, from Philadelphia, was dying at the Crawford House on Friday.
From the Southside Democrat we learn that one hundred barrels of tar and several casks of rice [are] now on the way to Norfolk and Portsmouth, as part of the contribution from Wilmington, N. C.
The Norfolk correspondent of the Petersburg Intelligencer states that Mrs. Eyre Summers and Mr. Henry H. Newman have been taken down. Rev. Mr. Armstrong and Miss Currier who were rapidly improving, suffered a relapse, and on Friday were sick. Miss Josephine Smith, a daughter of Rev. A. Smith, is dead.
TRIBUTE TO HUNTER WOODIS.—At a meeting of the citizens of Elizabeth City county, and town of Hampton, held at the Court House, in the town of Hampton on Saturday, Sept. 1st, Charles K. Mallory, Esq., was called to the chair, and the Rev. John C. McCabe appointed secretary.
The chairman having stated the object of the meeting, which was to pass resolutions expressive of our sympathy with our Norfolk brethren in the great loss which their community has sustained in the death of our highly esteemed friend and the irreparable calamity which has fallen upon their city in the mournful disease of the Chief Magistrate Hunter Woodis—a committee consisting of the following gentlemen were appointed to draft resolutions expressive of our views and feelings and this said visitation of Providence-viz:
James Barron Hope, Wm. K. Jennings, William R. Willis, Cary S. Jones, George S. May, Robert H. Vaughan, John B. Cary, Sam'l S. Howard, Charles L. Collier, George Booker, Dr. G. Wm. Semple, Wm. Causey, Samuel L. Latimer, Wm. R. Larus, John Jones, of Pembroke, Fayette Jones and Joseph Segar, Esqs.
The committee reported through their chairman, James Barron Hope, Esq., the following preamble and resolutions; when, upon their being submitted to the meeting, the Rev. Jno. C. McCabe delivered a few remarks, inspired by the occasion, as a tribute to one whom he called his old and personal friend.
The resolutions were then put and unanimously adopted:
Whereas, it has pleased Almighty God, in the dispensation of His wise Providence, to terminate the earthly career of our distinguished fellow-citizen, Hunter Woodis, late Mayor of Norfolk: Therefore be it—
Resolved, That while humbly acknowledging the goodness and wisdom of the Almighty, that we still earnestly deplore the untimely fate of our late friend, cut down in the maturity of a life, which gave glorious promise of continued usefulness to the community which it adorned with its manliness and virtue.
2d. Resolved, That our sorrowful emotions are blent with feelings of mournful pride, at the reflection that he fell in the noble discharge of arduous duties (to a great extent self-imposed) which reflect imperishable honor upon his memory.
3d. Resolved, That in him we lament, not only the personal friend by the Christian Magistrate, who exemplified in his life and death the beautiful and catholic maxim of CHARITY, which is indeed the only fruit whereby we recognize the tree.
4th, Resolved, That whether we scrutinize his character in private or official relations, that it still exhibits the same noble attributes which have ever been associated with the name of Woodis.
5th, Resolved, That with sad hearts we offer earnest and prayerful sympathy to our fellow-citizens of Norfolk and Portsmouth, at the great calamity which has fallen upon their cities, especially in the loss which the former has sustained in the person of their noble and accomplished Chief Magistrate.
6th, Resolved, That we tenderly express the hope that his immediate family may have the bitterness of their grief assuaged by the proud reflection that he died in the unflinching discharge of duties, which in their simple and unostentatious heroism, find few parallels in any history; duties which were in themselves the most beautiful expositions of Christian philanthropy and manly courage.
7th, Resolved, That when a shaft is erected to commemorate his name that we will feel proud to contribute to a perpetuation of such fame as his.
8th, Resolved, That these proceedings be forwarded for publication to the public journals, and that all papers sympathizing with the object of this meeting be requested to copy.
The meeting then adjourned.
CHAS. K. MALLORY, Chairman.
Jno. C. McCabe, Secretary.THE FEVER.
The accounts are still encouraging from Norfolk and Portsmouth —notwithstanding a change in the weather had set things back a little.
Our Norfolk correspondence failed to reach us, except one from the Woodis Hospital, which shows a gratifying state of things; not a single death having occurred there on Sunday. There were 15 deaths in Norfolk Sunday, according to our account via Weldon. In Portsmouth, the number was only five—new cases very few.
Among the dead we are sorry to see the name of the Rev. Mr. Chisholm, who has been struck down while faithfully discharging his duty.
Another son of the French Consul, Mr. Schisano, is dead in Norfolk, and we are pained to see also among the dead in that city, Mrs. Bernard and child. Mrs. B. was the relict of the late Robt. S. Bernard, the apothecary, who died of the fever very recently. She was the daughter of T. G. Broughton, the venerable editor of the Herald.
There are some valuable citizens sick, and it is distressing to think how many estimable people are yet to fall in the (we hope) brief time the fever is to prevail.
MORE AID.—Amelia county has subscribed upwards to $600 to aid the people of Norfolk and Portsmouth. A part of this sum has been forwarded to those cities. The remainder has been sent to Col. Munford, Treasurer of the Relief Fund in this city.—At this point, provisions such as are wanted can be most easily obtained and shipped; and provisions of the right sort are more important to the people of the two cities than money. We are constantly sending off the things they need.
We should add about Amelia that collections are still going on, and the sum is still to be considerably increased.
From Norfolk and Portsmouth.
Portsmouth, Sunday, Sept. 16, 1855.I take up my pen to record the death of a priest of the living God, and in my feeble way, to commemorate the virtue of his life. This was a devotion, actual and practical to the solemn obligations of his vocation, laid down and spent literally in usefulness to his fellow man amid the most solemn reality of human existence. His memory will ever be fraught with an interest the most melancholy to his friends and our whole community—especially that portion of it remaining at home during the prevalence of the pestilence. It is an easy matter—one which can be compassed by the most selfish or the most careful—to walk to the church on the weekly Sunday, and in white bands and black gown, hold forth upon the fleeting character of the enjoyments of this life, upon their uncertainty, and the unsatisfactory feeling which remains even after tasting of what are deemed its most desirable enjoyments.
It is easy, in times of comparative healthfulness, when danger is afar off, to speak of life as a shadow—as a vapor; that this is not man's continuing place; that the affections are to be set on things above; that we are to be in constant preparation to leave; that we cannot serve God and Mammon. All this is very easy, and can be accomplished by any one in order. But the opposite is not so easy, as is proved by the fact that not all, but the few, are willing to essay what they deem a difficult task—a hard thing. When danger arises; when pestilence makes its appearance; when life changes its character, and instead of being viewed as a shadow and a vapor, it becomes a reality and a substance; when duties to families override the solemn and voluntarily assumed obligations of the priesthood; when to lay down one's life for the sheep becomes impracticable; when the solemn Episcopal monitive—"have printed in your remembrance how great a treasure is committed to your charge" —has become effaced by perilous circumstances,—then comes the rub, and the professions of a lifetime are viewed by the world in accordance with such action.
The Rev. James Chisholm, has not only exemplified the reality of his professions by a firm and unswerving adherence to the duties of his holy vocation in ordinary times, but he has actually laid down his life in a time unexampled for its desolation, in proof of his conviction of the solemn relations he has professed. The obligations to God and man which he assumed and acknowledged, he has discharged as a Christian priest.—His church has been opened every Sunday morning, up to the period of his attack by the pestilence. Though the number there was small, and was gradually diminished Sunday after Sunday, by deaths and sickness, he always gave an appropriate lecture. Upon the last occasion (2d instant) that he officiated there, he delivered a solemn and impressive lecture upon the appropriate subject of eternity. His remarks were based upon the 196th hymn, in the book of Common Prayer, commencing—"Oh, where shall rest be found?" &c. His congregation, that morning, was composed of about six or eight.
He was taken sick on the following Friday, 7th instant, conveyed to the Hospital, where he expired on the night of the 15th inst. Such was his life!—such was his death! All deeply lament that he is now no more. So meek—so unpretending—so humble, yet so firm; so resolute, so adherent to duty. The funeral service was read in a solemn manner by the Rev. Thomas Hume, the services of an Episcopal clergyman being unattainable.
The disease is said to be abating. Yesterday the number of deaths was eight, and only two during the night. We have been unable to ascertain the number today. Dr. Rizer, of Philadelphia, who was here some time ago, and had the fever, got well, left, and then returned to spend himself in our service, is again down—but I trust it will not go hard with him. Dr. Bryant has left the Hospital, and is in town again—and Dr. Webster has recovered and designs leaving for Baltimore tomorrow. H. W.
Portsmouth, Sept. 16, 1855.
You will doubtless have other correspondence here which will inform you more particularly and at length of the state of things here. I am so fatigued that I must content myself with a brief statement.
Twelve deaths are reported as having taken place yesterday. Since, up to 5 P. M., this present writing, there are only eight ascertained.
Among the deaths of last night, I grieve that I have to record the Rev. James Chisholm's. Medical skill assiduously bestowed, friendly attentions which were unremitting, prayerful desires from many hearts for his restoration—none, none, could avail. He was the Rector of St. John's Episcopal Church in this place. For his piety, his active devotion, his illustration, in a word, of every excellence—he was admired and beloved by the entire community. We bore his remains from the Hospital and placed then beside his loved wife, who preceded him a few months since. The funeral services were performed by the Rev. Thomas Hume, of the Baptist Church, who is the only one of our pastors now left. The tremulous, (though distinct) manner in which he read the service indicated the almost overwhelming emotion he must, under the circumstances, have been the subject of.
Excuse this brevity. GRAPHO.
NORFOLK, Sept. 15, 1855.
I am glad to inform you that our steward, Mr. Henry Myers, has perfectly recovered from the attack of the yellow fever. We are very glad his attack was so slight—we have missed his valuable services very much. One of our apothecaries, Mr. Judson Gibbs, of Philadelphia, I am sorry to say, is very ill today, his third day. He is the last of the Philadelphia delegation that remain with us, save Dr. Freeman, who has endeared himself to all by his kind and skillful treatment. Dr. E. D. Fenner, of Charity Hospital, New Orleans, who has charge of one of the wards of the Howard Hospital, left us today. He is a courteous gentleman and skillful physician. He intends visiting your city for a little recreation from the very arduous duties he has performed here.
I send you a statement of the deaths, discharges and admissions of our Hospital, the physicians here say it will compare most favorable with any yellow fever Hospital in the country. Dr. Fenner says the average mortality at the Charity Hospital, New Orleans, averaged 75 per day, last season.—The Howard Hospital average is 35.75 per day. This is not a great show for a "Slaughter House." Today, admitted 4 whites and one black; deaths none; discharged 4. G. R.
From Its Commencement,
August 29th To Sept. 19th, 1855.Number of Patients: Whites, 143; Colored, 50; Total 198.
Number of Deaths: Whites, 66; Colored, 3; Total 69.
Number discharged—Convalescent, 73; Remaining in Hospital: Whites, 31; Colored, 15; Total, 46.
Mortality, 35.75 per cent.
Norfolk, Sept. 19, 1855. G. R.PORTSMOUTH, VA., Sept. 16th.
Good news from our town today. The fever is abating very fast—there are very few deaths; and all we meet on the streets have a cheerful look to what they had a week ago.
The weather is clear and very warm.
I see someone has reported that persons were returning to Portsmouth again. Such is not the case, and I would advise them not to return for at least a month to come, for it would be a very dangerous experiment.
There was service in the Baptist church this morning,—preaching by the Rev. Thos. Hume.
The Rev. Mr. Chisholm, who has been reported before as being dead, died this morning at the Hospital. This is certainly so.
Names of the dead for today, up to 6 o'clock, are: Mrs. Wm. Reed, Child of Joseph Ricketts, Negro woman of Mr. Brown, George Barber, Wm. Cook, Sr., Mrs. Wm. Singleton.
Correspondence of the Dispatch.
Portsmouth, Sept. 15, 1855.Today the weather is very bad—the wind blowing from the northeast, with heavy showers of rain, which is said to be unfavorable to the sick. The fever is abating; business is getting dull with the undertakers. Today I saw two hearses standing in the street without any horses before them for about one hour. There are very few new cases.
Deaths up to 6 o'clock today: Samuel Herrald, Darby Clarkby, John Sanford, son of John Rosier, child of Mr. Millerson, child of Joseph Thomas, child of Joseph Arquimbo, two infants.
This must be glorious news for our friends abroad, in comparison to the report of the week past. FRIENDSHIP.
Among the contributions for the relief of Norfolk and Portsmouth are: Prince George county, public meeting, presided over by Edmund Ruffin, $272.50; Warwick church, $114; City Point, $60; New Orleans, $3,800; Methodist church in Lynchburg, $276; Salem, Va., $255.
Last week the Can't Get Away club, of Mobile, sent five more nurses to Norfolk. They were Mesdames Coran, Steele, Gaston, McLaughlin, and Miss Kalle [or Kaile]. They went under the superintendence of A. H. Jewett, a member of the club. The number of nurses sent from New Orleans reaches forty-five. Dr. J. S. McFarlane, of New Orleans, left for Norfolk, Wednesday.
PETERSBURG, Sept. 17.—The reports from Norfolk today represent fifteen deaths there yesterday. Another son of Mr. Schisano, the French Consul, is dead. Mrs. John D. Gordon, Mrs. R. S. Bernard and child, are among the dead; also, Jno. W. Webb, James Martin, Mrs. S. W. Dameson, Miss Hicks, daughter of Capt. John Hicks, Mrs. Bishow, Geo. Henderson.
Thomas A. Hardy is very low.
Drs. Upshur and Gordon are very low.
The new cases are not so numerous.
YELLOW FEVER.—The celebrated Dr. Mott, of New York, has the following in relation to the yellow fever:
"Few men in the United States have seen more of yellow fever than I have, and I have no hesitation in saying that this is substantially the same disease as the yellow fever which occurred in Philadelphia in 1793 and which has appeared from time to time since. It is the fact with the typhoid fever, cholera, plague, scarlet fever, small pox, and all epidemic diseases, that they appear in different grades of violence at the different times, and occasionally have a greater tendency to travel over a large extent of county. This has been the case with the yellow fever in question; but its modes of attack, its course of symptoms, including yellow skin and black vomit, its average duration, &c., are the same as other yellow fevers, and, though it may have been somewhat more virulent, it is still the same disease.
Philadelphia, Sept. 16, 1855.
The workmen in the marble and mahogany establishment on Ridge avenue and 11th st., have contributed $120, and Walter Cresson's workmen $50, to the Norfolk and Portsmouth sufferers. The attaches of the Arch street Theatre gave $200.
NORFOLK AND PORTSMOUTH.—The correspondents of the Southside Democrat furnished that paper with the following information from Norfolk and Portsmouth:
Dr. Upshur is believed to be out of danger. Miss Henrietta Harding, daughter of Captain Harding, who had the black vomit, is recovering; Dr. Webster, of Baltimore, has left for the Magnolia Springs, eight miles from Portsmouth, to recruit. Drs. Hammel and Briggs, of Philadelphia, are both doing well; Dr. Peete is out attending to his duties; Whit Ashston, deputy postmaster, was to have been discharged from the hospital Monday; Dr. Aspill, of Philadelphia, is doing well; and Dr. Kennedy, USN, who suffered a relapse, is also recovering.
At the Naval Hospital, Portsmouth, 140 patients have died, of whom seventy were in a moribund state when admitted.
Simeon Ghio, of Portsmouth, died at Hampton Saturday night, and was buried by lantern light Sunday morning at 1 o'clock. He was but twenty-one years of age, and had, while in Portsmouth, dug graves for two sisters, while his brother Enoch was shrouding them. Enoch, also at Hampton, is recovering. Miss Mary Jones, sister of Midshipman Walter Jones, dec'd, is recovering.
Among the new deaths reported in Norfolk are Mrs. Cephas; two sons of John C. Saunders, of the Farmers' Bank; Mrs. Dotten; a child of Mrs. Delk; Job Burton; child of R. Frost; Mrs. Quinner; Miss Hicks; Robert Saunders; George Henderson; a child of L. Parsons; Mrs. Watts and Mrs. Harris.
Among those down with the fever are John Tunis, member of Board of Health; Dr. Blow; two sons of W. B. Sorey; Miss McHenry, at the Rev. Aristides Smith's.
The correspondent of the Petersburg Express from Norfolk notes the following names among the dead; a child of Wm. Ballance, a child of D. Soames, Jno. M. Webb, child of L. Parsons, Miss Hicks, daughter of Capt. John Hicks, Wm. H. Tebs, son of Mr. Tebs of Farmers' Bank.
Among the convalescent are Miss Virginia Chandler, Mr. George M. Chandler and Mrs. Hill.
Dr. Robt. B. Tunstall has again resumed his professional duties. Josiah Wills, of the Farmers' Bank, and Rev. Mr. Wills, are both well. Dr. E. O. Balfour reported dead is alive and well at the Old Sweet Springs.
In Portsmouth, Dr. D. M. Wright, formerly of Edenton, N. C., has recovered. Rev. Mr. Armstrong of Norfolk is doing well; Mrs. Jno. D. Gordon, wife of the well-known broker, is dead.
Mr. W. R. Singleton of Portsmouth is very low, his wife as before announced is dead.
Among the convalescent are Mrs. R. T. Scott, Miss R. Jarvis, Mrs. Jas R. Parrish.
One hundred and thirty families were supplied from the provision stores in Portsmouth Monday.
The correspondent of the Intelligencer says that the fever is undoubtedly abating and very few new cases occur. Among the new deaths is that of Mrs. Mears.
There have been 17 deaths on James st., in the last ten days.
A daughter of Rev. Stephen W. Jones, pastor of the Bute street (colored) Methodist Church, is said to be dying. Wm. D. Delaney, ex-Mayor, and his wife, are both down with the fever. Also Mr. Jas. Cherry and Thomas White, two of the city constables.
The wife of Dr. Robt. Gordon is also down. Miss Evelina Moore is dangerously ill, also Mrs. Henry Moore.
Among the new deaths are Mr. Reed, Bermuda street; Mrs. Quick, wife of Benj. Quick, of the firm of O'Brien & Quick.
The correspondent says that he is assured by a resident physician that there are several cases of small pox in Norfolk.
In the Blacksmith's Department of the Gosport Navy Yard, 12 men had died and the 75 employed there—about one man out of every six.
Mrs. Ezra S. Summers is better today. She is the ninth one of that family that has been down, and only one has died, and that one was the first that was taken. The rest have all been treated by Mr. Summers himself, and all are in a fair way of recovery. He has been very successful in his treatment. He has not only attended his own family but has prescribed for a large number of others.
We scarcely know what conclusion to come to about the condition of the plague-smitten cities. One day we think the fever is declining, and then comes news of deaths and new cases, which, with the diminished populations, exhibits still a frightful state of things. If the fever is abating, it is abating indeed very slowly. We know one thing, however, that supplies are still wanted, and let us not relax in our efforts to succor and sustain our afflicted fellow citizens. Then send on the supplies—let every community be able to say if our friends and brethren must die, that they have done their duty.
AID FOR THE ORPHANS.—Some very small girls, bless their little hearts, have been holding a fair "for the benefit of the orphans of Norfolk and Portsmouth," in a room on Governor street. Monday night they closed their miniature fair and ascertained that they had made the very respectable sum of $57. They have sent this sum to us with a very pretty note penned by one of their own little hands, in which we are requested to forward the money. They conclude by expressing their sorrow that "the sum is so small." The names of these dear little creatures are Martha L. Meyer, Kate C. Simons, Rosa Belvin, Sallie C. Belvin, and V. Wendlinger. They have heard the cries of their little brothers and sisters in Norfolk and Portsmouth, and have held forth their tiny hands to help them. For their act they will get credit in the books above, with a long time to run at interest before they appear for settlement, and if they will half shut their eyes after going to bed o' nights, they may see pretty faces and bright eyes hovering above them to bless them for their kindness to the bereaved little ones, who survive the plague.
[THE FOLLOWING INTERESTING LETTER from Rev. Mr. Hume, addressed to Mr. Dodamead, chairman of the Committee on Supplies, came by last night's mail.]
Portsmouth, Sept. 17, 1855.
Dear Sir:—Your's came to hand this morning. As I am under the necessity of going up the country, (per railroad,) I have confided the receipt of the articles, mentioned by you, to my friend Holt Wilson, who will make you a due acknowledgment. I must tender to you and your kind-hearted fellow citizens, my unfeigned and fervent thanks for this renewed token of your benevolence towards us.—The sufferings of our people are greatly relieved by the gifts thus generously bestowed upon us, while the tender interest in our behalf which they revive, cheers us amid the gloom which gathers around us.What an affecting sight is presented during the whole day at the office of the Relief Committee? There a crowd is almost constantly gathered, seeking supplies for their destitute families. The press has been so great today, that we have been compelled to close the office door and require them to wait without at the window. If we could raise the requisite force, we would open another office, and another store, but we are unable to do so.
One of our most valuable assistants, Mr. D. P. Daughtery, died today. Thus again, and again, and yet again, our small body of working men is diminished, while in many respects the demands are multiplied from day to day.
Last night and today the proportion of deaths and new cases (compared with the 3 or 4 previous days) among us has been sadly increased. This is, I learn, the fact also in Norfolk. I was over there today and had the pleasure of greeting my excellent friend, Dr. N. C. Whitehead (the acting Mayor) in his office (at his residence). His noble form bears sad evidence of the terrible power of the disease he has been the subject of, and the tracings of affliction in his hitherto placid countenance, remind you of his sore bereavement in the death of his interesting daughter.
The Norfolk friends decline sending their orphan children away—of which I will endeavor to write Mr. Ellyson more particularly, per next mail.
I hope to return here by Friday or Saturday, and early in the next week, may bring up more of our orphans to your city. I must abruptly close.
Yours very respectfully,
T. HUME.To Mr. Tho's Dodamead, chairman, &c., Richmond.
From Norfolk and Portsmouth.
Special Correspondence of the Dispatch.
Norfolk, Monday, Sept. 17—8 P. M.This was one of the most delightful autumn days that ever dawned in loveliness upon our beautiful world. Just without the limits of the city the air seemed as balmy and invigorating as that of the mountain regions. I stood off this morning half a mile distant to the southeastward, and looked over the splendid and capacious sun-lit river that rolls along in its strength and beauty upon poor Norfolk, one of the two intensely afflicted towns, and no human being appeared upon its wharves, but recently the place of life, business and activity. Near a hundred vessels, and a number of steamers, only a short time ago, were moored at the piers and in the docks; now a single, solitary ship, and the ferry steamers only, are to be seen upon the waters of our wide and deep harbor. The spacious warehouses are closed, the streets are silent, the busy people that were there are either dead or absent! The cupolas, turrets and spires are seen distinctly towering above the numerous surrounding buildings, but the cheerful sound of the "belfry bells" is not heard. True, a few loud notes of the sonorous old bell of one of the churches broke in upon the stillness yesterday, but soon silence returned its solemn reign. No sermon was preached, no prayer was offered, no exercises were held in any house of worship here, excepting, perhaps, St. Patrick's.
The excellent minister of Christ Church, lay sick of the fever; the familiar voices of the pastor of two of the Methodist churches are hushed in death—their remains sleep, profoundly beside those of beloved children as the cold silent tomb. "There is rest for the weary in the grave." They spoke words of peace and comfort, and consolation to the dying members of their flocks and to others who preceded them in the dark valley, and their spirits too, are now, in vast eternity—gone to their reward—away from these scenes of death and woe, and tears. "And I heard a voice from Heaven, saying unto me, write," &c. Another minister, after battling with the fierce fury of the destroyer, and yielding to its power, had gone, disabled from the scene, like a brave, but wounded warrior from the battle's rage; while other faithful divine, valiant soldiers of the Cross, were in the chambers at the bedsides of those who had been struck down by the terrible destroyer.
A Sabbath without preaching and religious service; but every day is like a Sabbath.—No, alas, for this silence of the bells; these vacant, grass-grown streets; these untrodden sidewalks, with no happy Sunday school children; present not the appearance of the blessed, hallowed Sabbath. And how many of those who went to the sanctuary, and sad to say, those who went not to hear the word of life, will no more be seen on earth! The voices of many a pious one, in prayer and praise, will no more be heard below the skies. Verily it is a time of mourning, and sadness, and tears here; but perchance of glory and goodness and joyful greetings in the spirit land.
But enough of these gloomy reflections for the present; and I proceed to give the death list:
Miss McHenry, of Monroe, La., at Rev. A. S. Smith's; lady of John D. Gordan, the banker; Wm. Peed, brick mason; Mrs. John W. Belote; John Green, Rev. Mr. Bagnall, son of Mr. Bagnall of the Va. Bank; Mrs. Hammer's child; Mr. Casey; Rev. Mr. Chisholm, Episcopal Minister of Portsmouth; a sailor at Marine Hospital; M. Glennan, grocer; Jas. Cherry; Mr. Watt, of Farant & Co.; Alexana Canningham; Ed Watson; F. Dally's child; youth at Rev. Mr. O'Keefe's; Peter Geay, teacher of French; Mrs. F. A Perreer; Mrs. Jane Drewrey, aged 72 years; Mrs. Sarah Burges, (her husband died a day or two since); Mrs. B. White, a daughter of Mrs. Godfrey, a daughter of L. K. Gibson, dec'd; Miss Evelina Moore; Rev. Mr. Jones, the excellent pastor of the African M E Church, and his daughter; Mrs. T. Gilbert; Mrs. Green, Mrs. Gilbert's mother-in-law; Mrs. Quick; child of Wm. Collins; Henry Wattington, brick mason; Capt. Matthews' child, a nurse from Charleston; Mr. Sikes and his son, Charlotte street; two children at Mr. Skinner's; and several others, with a number of colored persons.
About twenty-five were buried here yesterday, and thirty today.
Dr. Upshur is much worse this evening—the black vomit has commenced, and I regret to add, but a shadow of hope remains of his recovery.
Dr. Tunstall was attacked today, and is exceedingly ill tonight.
Dr. Gordon, I am sorry to state, continues in a very dangerous and critical condition—recovery very doubtful.
Wm. D. Delany, Esq., formerly Mayor, is struggling severely with the fatal malady which seems fiercely contending for the mastery over his powerful constitution and vigorous, active frame. I hear all hope is abandoned.
Mrs. Delany, the venerable and pious mother of W. D. D., is also down with the fever.
Two more children (making four) of the late W. B. Sorey, son-in-law of Mrs. Delany, are very sick; also, Mr. Hathaway, silversmith, and four members of his family, and others on Charlotte, Queen and Bute streets, &c. John Tunis is quite ill, but not considered in great danger.
E. Allen, at the head of the blacksmith's department in the Navy Yard, has nearly recovered.
Wm. Winslow is out, and gives good evidence of a fierce conflict with the fever.
William H. Lewelling, inspector of provisions, is nearly well, but four of his family are down.
J. C. Addington is out; and a daughter who has been very attentive to the sick, dangerously ill.
Dalton Wheeler, reported dead, is out again.
Thomas A. Hardy, of Hardy & Brothers, and an extensive and skillful farmer, seems slowly recovering; a severe case.
Dr. Hardy is convalescent and will soon be on duty again. J. A. Kirkpatrick, who is contractor for the masonry of the Custom House, and who has been exceedingly active in his efforts in the cause of suffering humanity, is out—one of the severest attacks that has occurred in town. His weakness and debility only prevent him from going diligently to work again.
Only three admissions to the hospital today—two deaths.
W. W. Wing, reported dead, has recovered, and has resumed his place in one of the dispensaries.
This letter is now long enough, and the lateness of the hour admonishes me of the necessity of bringing it to a close.
Yours, in haste, F.
P. S.—As my letter was prevented from going yesterday, (by sickness) I add for Saturday: Dr. Blow and others, down with the fever, Rob't Saunders, Esq., dead; also, 2 sons of John C. Saunders; Mrs. Cephas, Mrs. R. S. Bernard, daughter of T. G. Broughton, Sr., of the Herald; and an infant of Mrs. Martin, eldest son of Thos. Martin; Mrs. Dothen, child of Mr. Delk, Job Burton, Mrs. J. W. Dawson, R. Frost's child, Mrs. B. Quick, Miss Hicks, W. H. Tebo, Mrs. Bishaw [Bishow], Geo. Henderson, infant of L. Parsons, Mrs. Watts, Lucien Schisano, Mrs. Harris, and many others, including a number of children and colored persons.
Special Correspondence of the Dispatch.
Portsmouth, Sept. 17, 1855.No news today. The weather is clear and very warm. The fever is abating very fast. Deaths for today up to 6 o'clock: Mr. Sweny, D. P. Daughtry, Mrs. Geo. Guy, Mrs. Thos. Stewart, Mrs. Lingo, Harriet Moore, negro woman of G. Marshall, child of W. B. Pebworth, Mrs. Edward Morris, John Fry, son of S(evern J.) Tyler. FRIENDSHIP.
Portsmouth, Sept. 17—10 P. M.
Whit Ashton, deputy Postmaster, is now doing quite well and will be up in the city in a few days. The fever has nearly disappeared from the heart of the city, but still rages fearfully on the suburbs. Among the deaths up to this hour are: Harriet, daughter of Mrs. Reed; Mr. S(evern J.) Tyler and son, and B. Brady. Mr. Singleton will not live the night out. I've heard of but six new cases today, they in the outskirts of the town. J. V.
Dr. Upshur died yesterday morning with black vomit.
Dr. Gordon was very ill, and not expected to recover.
There were twelve deaths in Portsmouth Monday.
A letter from a well-known gentleman in Portsmouth says that the fever there and in Norfolk is worse than it has been for a day or two past; though not alarming in comparison with the terrible mortality with which the two cities have been visited.
Correspondence of the Dispatch.
New York, Sept. 17, 1855.The contributions for Norfolk and Portsmouth still come in freely. The pastors of the different churches yesterday made another appeal to the congregations. Saturday, an unknown Spanish gentleman handed in a contribution of $200.
NORFOLK AND PORTSMOUTH.—The correspondent of the Petersburg Express from Portsmouth adds the following names to the list of dead:
Jas. Dresser, Robert Murder [Munden], Mr. Alex Saunders, Levi Lane, Jos. Manning.
There are now about 250 men at work in the Navy Yard, the number of the roll is 1,650. The destitution in the town is very great and wagon loads of provisions have to be sent from the store there, into the country, where citizens have camped out. The oystermen, whose trade is stopped, suffer severely.
The Norfolk correspondent of the Intelligencer records among the dead the names of Tho. Gilbert, Mrs. Jno. D. Gordon, Mrs. Francis A. Perrier, Mr. Stykes, Alexander Watt, Fannie C. Jones, daughter of Rev. Mr. Jones, S. W. Oatten, Washington street, Mrs. Jane Drewry, Mr. L. R. Gibson's daughter, Mr. Jas. Wells; Carter Terrant died near Norfolk, Jno. Green of the Navy Yard, Michael Glennan, two children of Mr. Lockwood, Ed Watson, Shoemaker, Mr. Times, Charlotte street, Franklin Dalby, Proby's Lane, Mrs. Cuthrell, Bank street, Miss Mackinder, Robert Sander of Richmond.
Drs. Gordon (health officer) and Tunstall were dying at last accounts. Frederick Clarke has recovered. The interments on the 17th reached 30.
In the hospital there were admitted for 24 hours up to 10 o'clock on Saturday, 4; same period to Sunday, 17; same period to Monday, 3. Only 2 deaths from the 14th at 10, A. M., to the 17th at the same hour.
Interments in protestant burial grounds on Saturday, 28; on Sunday, 22.
The subscriptions from Odd Fellows up to this time are—
Virginia Lodge, No. 1, $20; Jefferson Lodge, No. 4, $10; Madison Lodge, No. 6, $30; Friendship Lodge, No. 10, $228; Monroe Lodge, No. 8, $100; Franklin Lodge, No. 13, $50; Appomattox Lodge, No. 16, $100; Lynchburg Lodge, No. 17, $155; Smithfield Lodge, No. 20, $20; Caledonia, No. 23, $30; Gratitude, No. 24, $20; Winchester Lodge, No. 25, $50; Loudoun Lodge, No. 26, $25; Charity Lodge, No. 27, $88; Highland Lodge, No. 31, $20; William Tell Lodge, No. 33, $25; Parkersburg Lodge, No. 37, $10; Orphans' Friend Lodge, No. 43, $10; Adelphia Lodge, No. 47, $20; Central Lodge, No. 54, $15; Eureka Lodge, No. 55, $100; McCabe Lodge, No. 65, $25; Rockbridge Lodge, No. 58, $85; Wheeling Lodge, No. 59, $30; Snickersville Lodge, No. 61, $20; Marion Lodge, No. 64, $20; Independence Lodge, No. 68, $10; Ridgeway Lodge, No. 70, $10; Bowling Green Lodge, No. 72, $41; Kanawha Lodge, No. 73, $30; Covenant Lodge, No. 77, $50; Panola Lodge, No. 82, $27; Clover Hill Lodge, No. 85, $20; Allegheny Lodge, No. 95, $25; Columbia Lodge, No. 98, $15; Wicomico Lodge, No. 99, $50; Ida Lodge, No. 101, $10; Henderson Lodge, No. 105, $100; Equality Lodge, No. 108, $20; Rockingham Lodge, No. 111, $10; Aurora Lodge, No. 116, $162.50.
THE HOWARD ASSOCIATION FUND.—The press of New Orleans is advocating the forwarding of the entire fund of the Howard Association there—except that portion subscribed in that city to Norfolk. They say the fund was subscribed by the whole Union to relieve their suffering in 1853 and the suffering now experienced in Norfolk and Portsmouth makes it their property. The Delta says:
"The duty of the Howards, as high-minded and conscientious men (which they are,) is clearly to sell out their mortgages at once, and realize in every available shape every dollar which remains to the Association, deducting the amount subscribed by the city of New Orleans itself. The remainder should be dispatched without reserve to the sufferers of Norfolk, who were amongst the original subscribers, to enable them to provide physicians, nurses and all possible alleviations of their bitter misfortune. This, in our opinion, is the true and righteous course which would be most conducive to the good reputation of New Orleans, and most worthy of the stainless character of the Howard Association."
Our correspondence is quite brief this morning. Our Norfolk correspondent, who has had the fever, has suffered a relapse, and is unable to write. We have only a letter from the Woodis Hospital. There is a great falling off in cases and deaths there; though it would appear that the poorer class of the community on the suburbs, who are now attacked, are prejudiced against the Hospital and unwilling to go into it. We have not a doubt they would be better nursed there than they are at home.
Among the deaths in Norfolk, are the late Mayor, Wm. Delaney, John Tunis, and Leonidas Smith, Professor of Mathematics in the Norfolk Female Seminary. The deaths in Norfolk Tuesday were 40—in Portsmouth 25, and 40 new cases in the latter city. So great a mortality with their diminished population is indeed awful.
WE REGRET TO SEE by our letter from the Woodis Hospital that James McCormick, of this city, died there on Tuesday. He was a very generous-hearted Irishman. He went down to nurse the sick. He had had the fever in Mexico, during the Mexican war—and from his knowledge of the disease, thought he would be a useful nurse. He was attacked soon after he arrived in Norfolk. His case was a bad one from the beginning, and terminated fatally Tuesday. He was a gallant soldier, and fought with Scott's line to the King's Mill, where he was wounded.
THE ORPHANS.—It having been determined by the committee who have the orphans of Portsmouth in charge to supply them with books, one of their members applied to Mr. J. W. Randolph to purchase them, when that gentleman kindly gave a considerable number for the purpose indicated. It is designed to give the orphans instruction a few hours in the day. They will thus be improved, while they will have greater variety to their amusement.
MORE AID FOR THE SUFFERERS.—We understand from Mr. James Ellett, Clerk of Henrico County Court, that a portion of the committee appointed by a meeting of the citizens to solicit aid for the Norfolk and Portsmouth sufferers, have collected and paid over to him the sum of $300. This amount will do very well for Henrico, when the fact is considered that a large number of her citizens, and especially those residing on the suburbs of Richmond, had contributed liberally to list opened in the city, before any action had been taken in the county.
Special Correspondence of the Dispatch.
Norfolk Hospital, September 18—10 P. M.Editor of the Dispatch—Sir: The mortality is on the decrease. We have this day two—James McCormick and one Keally, a German—in the Hospital. Our bookkeeper, Geo. Read, one of our best friends, was taken this day, but his case is of a mild character. We hope soon to see him resume his place among us. No other admittance this day.—It appears the fever is ravaging the poorer class of people who reside on the outskirts of the town. They positively refuse to come to the Hospital, from what cause we cannot tell. The total amount of deaths in the town yesterday was thirty, and today it appears to have augmented.
Mr. Henry Myers, of your city, returned amongst us today, resuming his arduous labors as Steward of our Hospital.
We have had ten of our patients dismissed during the forty-eight hours. C. R.
Portsmouth, Sept. 19, 5 A. M.
The fever still rages with unabated fury on the suburbs of the city. The deaths of yesterday were 25, and are Mr. Jas. Dresser, Mary Magistrate, Mr. Brady, Mr. Sanders, R. Munden, James Snider, L. Lane, Mrs. Boush, child of Mr. Emmerson, J. Manning, Jesse Perish, R. Keeling, George Pendleton, Sara Creig, Henry Brinsor, N. Mathews, Mrs. C. Howard, negro woman of Wm. Collin's, do. of Thomas Dean's, and six at the Hospital; also there were 40 new cases yesterday.
Yours, J. V.
PETERSBURG, Sept. 19.—The deaths in Norfolk yesterday were forty —among them were John Tunis, representative in Norfolk in the convention which adopted the new Constitution; Mr. Josiah Wills, both of the Misses Mackender, Leonidas Smith, Professor of Mathematics in the Norfolk Female Seminary; James M. Wyatt, William V. Robertson, Mrs. Francis Green, Charles Shuster.
The fever is on the increase in Portsmouth.
There are no signs of fever at City Point.
Rev. Mr. Jones of the Norfolk African Methodist Church is dead, and Mrs. Drewry, aged 72, a well-known lady. Four of Mr. W. H. Lewellen's family are down.
Among the contributions to Norfolk and Portsmouth are Alexandria $2000.
The sons and daughters of the Jewish citizens of Charleston, S. C., have commenced making up clothing for the orphans of Norfolk and Portsmouth.
Correspondence of the Dispatch.
Philadelphia, Sept. 18.Hundreds of dollars continue to pour in for the Norfolk Relief Fund. The total amount collected so far is $32,000. The Philadelphians who have died thus far, are Dr. Craycroft, Singleton Mercer, R. H. Graham, T. W. Handy, Miss Patterson, (reported) and Edmund Barrett. If it had been necessary, at least sixty more physicians and nurses could have been sent forward, as applications to that extent have been declined within the last few days.
PROGRESS OF THE FEVER.—The Petersburg Intelligencer has two letters dated from Norfolk 18th, one of which announces the fever on the decrease, and the other states that a number of new cases have occurred.
Among the new deaths are Mr. Francis Green, John R. Wyatt—for 20 years wood measurer of Norfolk; a child of J. W. Hopkins, Mrs. Catharine Crosby, a child of Mr. Luten, Miss Matchiever, Mrs. B. White, a child of Mr. Godfrey, Miss Susan Selden, daughter of the late Dr. Selden, James McCormick, a nurse from Richmond.
Mrs. Edward, aged 50 at the cotton factory, Mrs. Lovett, Church street, Mrs. Aleda Sayferville, a New Orleans nurse, Wm. Judge, Dr. Galt, the Postmaster, father of Galt, the sculptor, is down with the fever, Dr. Briggs is certainly dead.
From the correspondence of the Petersburg Express we learn that—
Capt. George Guy, chief of police, has suffered a relapse; L. Stosser, a confectioner, has died in Baltimore, where he had fled to escape the scourge.
Among the new deaths are Jesse N. Veale; wife of J. Britton, and Robert A. Graves.
The following is a list of those who died in the Naval Hospital, Portsmouth, from the 1st to the 31st of August inclusive:
Boyd Flaherty, Hugh O'Rourke, Catharine Cooke, Patrick Lyla, Mrs. O'Shaughnesay, Patrick Galilee, Joshua Grimes, child of Mr. Duigan, Mary Herald, Sarah Flaherty, James Fortune, Michael Duigan, Mrs. Sullivan, Mrs. Alex Saunders, Robert Ash, Ann O'Rourke, Jno. B. Denson, Mrs. Eliza Godwin, Ann O'Neil, Ann Donohoe, James Garrison, Timothy Sullivan, Mrs. Howell, Patrick O'Donnell, Lewis Tarous, Patrick Majority, Nathaniel Dorrity, Mary Ross, Catharine O'Donald, Miss McManns, Caroline Herald, Wm. Middleton, Hannah, (black), James Mays, Mr. Curran, Mr. Reed, John Flaherty, Daniel Collins, Mrs. Garrison, Bilo, (black), Charles Peterson, (boy), James Webster, M. Milligan, Wm. Holden, Mr. Waters, Bridget Mayhew, Francis Lewis, Edward Hurst, Mr. Long, Henry Greenfield, Wilson Dobie, Thomas James, Ferdinand Hoffman, James Foley, Mr. Maher, Mary Hoffman, Robert Nelome, Thomas Bourke, John N. Ashton, Sr., Charity Forehand, Henry Lewis, (boy), Mrs. Purcell, Mrs. Gray, Bridget O'Donnell, Geo. W. Woodward, Patrick Maher, P. G. LeBreton, Mr. Parker, Miles Cake, Mrs. Smyth, J. W. Hopkins, John Lees, Hardy Forehand, Mr. Naylor, Mr. Lester, Thomas Lewis, John W. Forrest, Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Bright, John Kelly, Wm. Echard, Child of Mr. Bright, John Donovan, Thomas Smyth, Mrs. Covert, Sr., James C. Dowling, Mrs. Darden, Edward Wilson, George Miller, John Kennedy, Mr. L. R. Woodson, Mrs. Frances [Francis] Lewis, John Moore, Dr. J. W. H. Trugien, Mrs. Ansel.
From the 1st to the 31st August two hundred and seventy-one persons were admitted from Portsmouth, of which ninety-five have died.
Of those who died, fifty were admitted in a hopeless condition, and sixteen of them were either unconscious on admission or within a few hours after, and one of them died at the door of the Hospital.
The following, which we find in the Baltimore American, is a list of deaths, embracing the names of 322 of the white adults known to have died of yellow fever in Portsmouth since its appearance in that town. The total mortality is known to have certainly reached 678, and the number is probably larger.—The number of white children and colored persons who have died is not given:
Deaths Among White Adults.
[Bracketed names are suggested corrections which correlate with Samuel S. Cobb's Index and the transcriber's General Index compiled from the Richmond Dispatch]Mr. Long; Mr. Martin; Mrs. Capps; Miss King; Mr. Davidson; Tar Grant; Mr. Harriett; Peter O'Donald; Mr. Swiler; Mr. Floud; Mrs. L. Cock; Dr. C. Heintish; Martha Livesay; Mrs. George Butt; Mr. Marshall, USN; Mr. Bowen; Mrs. Youngman; Mr. Belchum; Miss Brown; Mrs. Aclove; Wm. P. Brittenham; Mr. Rech; Geo. Brent; Jas. Powers; Mrs. Sarah Potts; Miss Lattimore; Peter Gallee; Mrs. Geo. Dill; Mr. Geo Dill; Mr. Baker; Mr. Files; Mr. Allen; Mrs. O'Brien; P. McGuire; Dr. Parker; D. Godwin; Mr. Godfrey; Mr. Chilton; Mr. Camp; J. E. Wilson; Jane Bracy; Mrs. Whitney; Miss Wilson; Mrs. Alman; Jas. Foster; J. B. Davis; J. Hancock; M. Lynch; C. Happer; Miss M. Woodhouse; Mrs. Dunivan; N. Manning; Mr. Snead; Mr. Sheppard; Miss M. Dues; P. Churchwill; Mrs. H. Perks; Mrs. M. Williams; Michael Hutley; J. Whitehurst; Miss Ghio; William Jones; Willery Belzon; Mrs. Simmons; B. F. Burtes; Wm. Handy; Mrs. Robinson; Miss O'Brien; Miss C. Stascy; Miss Ross; Mrs. Martin; S. Jones, Mrs. Corfitt; J. Snian; Miss Ross; J. Mahoney; Mr. Brent; Mr. Hardley; P. Williams; Mr. Ashton; Miss Mary Nevill; Wm. Woodley; Captain G. Chambers; W. Wallax; Mr. Cary; James Williams, jr.; Mr. Harrison; Mr. King; Mrs. E. Pritchett; Mrs. Toland; Mrs. Randolph; Mr. Roades; Mr. Pratt; Mr. John Gallalee; Mr. Richerson [Richardson]; Peter Gallalee; Mr. Graves; Miss M. A. Beasley; Miss Eliza Jarvis; Joseph Dunton; J. Lavering; Mr. Moore; Miss Moore; Dr. Lovett; Mrs. F. Herbert; Miss Emma Boutwill; James Anderson; Miss Lucress Ross; Mrs. Rundley; Mrs. Avery Williams; Dr. Wilson; Mrs. Hutchinson; Mrs. Gates; Mrs. Matrop; Miss C. Baker; Miss Hentley; Wilson Williams; Mrs. Smith; Betsey Herbert; Mr. Gwynn; H. Gwynn; Mrs. C. Myers; John Myers; Mrs. Falcon; Moses Williams; W. Carey; J. Wille; Richard Goddin; Moring Lacnance [Lawrence]; Francis Fowler; Mrs. Atkinson; Mrs. Spratt; Miss J. J. [M. J.] Nosay; Luther Barrott [Luther R. Barrett]; Wm. Collins; G. Bowers; J. Mosley; Mrs. Davis; Mrs. Foster; Ann Black; W. T. Owens; Mrs. Buchanan; Miss Dunhan; Mr. Rosier; Mr. Johnson; Mr. Harryham; Mrs. Burham; Mr. Rand; Miss Sophrany [Sophronia] Gwynn; Miss Margaret Manning; Mr. Cook; Miss Mitcham; Jesse Oakrey [Oakley]; Patrick O'Donald; Mrs. Kelly; Mrs. Macklin; Mrs. Lister; N. Cocke; Mrs. Talin; James Williams; Mrs. Cherry; Mrs. Davidson; Miss Caroline Williams; Wm. Ford; Mrs. E. Cherry; Margaret Robbins; John Earl; Mrs. Cockerin; William Weston; Miss Ghio; Capt. C. Cassell; Mrs. C. Billisolly; Mrs. John Lash; Mrs. Bullock; Michael Sullivan; Mrs. J. D. Cohen; Robert Cooke; Mr. Bullock; Mrs. F. Williams; Mrs. Reed; Thomas Green; Joseph Billisolly; George Taylor; Mrs. Thomas White; Robert Buckson; Samuel Richardson; John Land; Michael Burke; Mrs. Coleman; M. Godfre; John McGuire; G. W. George; Mr. Heatley; John Davis; Mr. Chitty; Richard Williams; M. Lynch; Dr. Nicholas; Mr. Fisher; Mrs. Pulling; Mrs. Dunston; Miss G. Buckner; R. Churchell; G. Wells; Thomas Pearce; Luke Perks; Mrs. Kilton; James Totterdell; John Whitehurst; Capt. Taylor; Mrs. Buchanan; Jacob Miller; Mr. Holland; Miss Vermillion; Mrs. James Williams, Jr.; Miss Webb; Miss Simmons; Joseph George; W. B. Collins; G. Chambers; John Nash; J. W. Collins; Miss Eliza Rand; Mrs. Bryant; Mrs. Totterdell; Mr. Bullock; Mrs. P. C. Thomas; Mrs. G. Toppin, Mrs. C. Myers; Mrs. Porch; William Creekmore; Mrs. Brannamon; Lenman Dean; Jno. Denison; Joshua Grimes; Mrs. Hudson; Mrs. Cushing; Mrs. J. B. Davis; Mr. McPhadden; Capt. Samuel Forbes; Mrs. Susan Gwynn; Miss Billisolly; W. Pebworth; M. Bryant; Miss Morressitt; Molice Williams; J. D. Cooper; Thomas Rudd; John Woodly; Mr. Mattross; Mr. Levant; F. Land; Geo. Hope; William Fay; Mrs. Peterson; Miss J. Bingley; Robert McDonald; Richard Eskridge; Mrs. Carl Reynolds; Mrs. Brickley; Mrs. Brittenham; Mrs. S. Brewer; Mrs. S. A. W. P. Allen; Mrs. Boutwell; Mrs. Cor. Coleman; Mrs. Lane Jordan; Mrs. Sarah White; Samuel Parker; John Vermillion; Robert Balentine; Miss Martha Peters; Wells Cowper; Mrs. John Accinelly; Miss Etherage; Mrs. E. F. Brown; Mrs. Gamble; Mrs. Porch; Mrs. Wm. Richardson; Samuel Creekmore; John Hodges; Joshua Balentine; William Brockell; Mrs. Wm. Ross; Mrs. J. H. Hodges; William Kelly; Lawrence Kearnes; Miss Rebecca Robinson; Mrs. Fisher; Dr. Marshall; Dr. Smith; Rev. Vernon Eskridge; Rev. Mr. Chisholm; D. P. Daughtery; William Cook, sr.; George Barber; William Singleton; William Reed; Mrs. Penn; John Lanfort; Darby Clark; Samuel Harrald; Mrs. B. Cherry; Susan Johnson; Miss L. Edwards; Charles Billisolly [Bilisoly]; J. T. Powell; Mrs. M. Sullivan; William Burton; Mr. Cherry; Mrs. John Cherry; Mrs. James Avery; John Nelson; Samuel Harwood; Mrs. E. Cherry; Mrs. Millteau; Levy C. Witty; Joshua Morrisett; M. L. Bohonnon [Bohannon]; Mrs. Yeates [Yeats]; Miss Bevlin; Mrs. D. P. Daughtery.
ODD FELLOWS' CONTRIBUTION.—The Odd Fellows of Staunton have contributed over one hundred dollars, for the relief of members of that fraternity in Norfolk and Portsmouth.
We are again deprived of full and satisfactory news from Norfolk and Portsmouth.—The number of deaths in Norfolk 30, in Portsmouth 15. It is said that there was an increased number of new cases in Norfolk, and this is attributed to the North Easterly storm which prevailed there on Wednesday. The Boston Times states that such a storm terminated the fever in that city in 1793.—God send it may terminate the fever in Norfolk, though the increase of cases hardly leaves room to hope for such a result.
A private letter received yesterday evening by a gentleman in this city, which was dated Wednesday evening, stated that Dr. Tunstall was living, but very ill.
We believe the reports about the fever being in Richmond, as an epidemic, have nearly all died out and nothing would have been said further on the subject, but for the statement that the Roanoke, "a Richmond vessel," was quarantined for having yellow fever aboard. The only passenger on the Roanoke who had died, was from Norfolk and taken on board at Old Point. We do not know that he had yellow fever; but he died and that was quite sufficient to make a case out of.
There have been fifteen cases of yellow fever in the hospital of this city, every one of which was imported from the infected cities. They were attended by our physicians and nursed by our nurses, not one of whom has taken the disease. There have been some three cases within the city, likewise imported, and in not a single case has the fever been communicated to any one. This is sufficient to prove that the disease is utterly innocuous in our atmosphere.
But these imported cases have occurred in Petersburg, in Baltimore, in Philadelphia, and we doubt not in New York itself, not withstanding its vigilance in quarantining the disease away. In Baltimore there have been ten times the number of cases that have been here, because the number of refugees there greatly exceed the number here. A friend just returned from that city says that while there two deaths from the fever occurred in the house next to that in which he sojourned. The disease has not been communicated to others in Baltimore—nor has it been in Philadelphia or Petersburg—thus furnishing in those cities as well as this, positive proof against the contagiousness of the fever.
Supplies for Norfolk and Portsmouth.
Our committee continues to forward supplies of bread, porter, lemons, groceries, &c., to both Norfolk and Portsmouth. Almost every morning lots, embracing a considerable variety, are sent off.
MR. DODAMEAD, chairman of the Committee on Supplies, has received from Mr. Robert Martin, of Walnut Grove, Prince Edward, thirty chickens, with the request that they be sent to Norfolk and Portsmouth, which request is this morning complied with.
This vessel, on her last trip to New York, was stopped at the quarantine ground, for having lost a passenger of yellow fever on her voyage. She was detained however only twelve hours. It appears that she took on board at Old Point a steerage passenger, who was from Norfolk, and that he was taken sick and died before the Roanoke reached New York.
This event has been reported with some exaggeration, and flaming captions about a "Richmond vessel quarantined with yellow fever on board," &c. One would think from some of these announcements that the yellow fever was desolating Richmond, while the simple and true story disconnects Richmond entirely from the matter.
CONTRIBUTIONS FOR THE ORPHANS.—The committee acknowledge the following contributions for the orphans from Portsmouth in their charge:
One box containing 170 children's garments from the ladies of the 2nd Baptist Church.
Three boxes containing children's clothes from the ladies of St. James' Church; and one with similar contents from the ladies of the United Presbyterian Church. The number of garments in these last not given; but very considerable.
Four dresses from the Armory; two do. from Mrs. Geo. Randolph; four do. from Mrs. D. H. London; package containing eight articles from Mrs. Dimmock; four articles from Mrs. Patteson; Boys' clothes from Mrs. Barnes; a lot of books and crackers from Mrs. Harding; one barrel of crackers from Tinsley & Co.; a large bundle of children's clothing from Mrs. Adeline Mailert; and supplies of bread, crackers, &c., for several days from the Misses Myers.
From Norfolk and Portsmouth.
Special Correspondence of the Dispatch.
Portsmouth, Sept. 18, '55.Dear Dispatch.—When the night comes with us now, we shudder to think of the suffering that must ensue, and when the morning returns we fear to learn what is the sad record. This morning tidings have reached us of the death of some whose prominence, whose excellence, whose value as citizens renders their death peculiarly deplorable.—One of these is Dr. Geo. L. Upshur, of Norfolk. His eulogy is already written in the hearts of admiring and devoted multitudes. I will not therefore attempt aught of the kind here.—Let me add, he had been most laboriously engaged in practice during the epidemic, and has, without a figure, fallen a martyr.
Another reported as dead is Wm. D. Delany (ex-Mayor) of Norfolk. He was one of nature's noblemen. For himself he had won a name among his fellow citizens which was more than a heritage of gold or silver. His sound sense, his amiable spirits, his eminently practical character, made him a man for the times, and one of great value to any community.
I have heard of another name, which has affected me much. Simon Ghio is no more. He died in Hampton. His two sisters had died, and his affectionate spirit was sorely grieved. Then came the death of his patron and friend, the great man—great, because he was good; himself the very soul of benevolence—the late Dr. Wm. Collins. This stroke came with overwhelming force upon this tender-hearted youth, and its sequel is his own death. He was a youth of great promise. Poor he was, as the world counts; but rich he was in mental and moral worth.
He had scarcely attained his 21st year, and we fondly hoped to see him attain the post of honor and eminence which his ambition might have been justified in seeking, as he had talents which would have enabled him to gain it. If this were the place, I would hold up to the poor but deserving youth of our country the example of young Ghio, as under circumstances of varied embarrassment, he improved his mind, adding constantly to his stock of knowledge, and in these and similar ways, eliciting the admiration and securing the affectionate regard of all who knew him.
I must be allowed to add that his filial spirit—his cherishing and caring for his widowed mother, as he always did—confirmed all that I have said concerning his good sense and his high moral worth. "Osi sic omnia."
I have already written more than I ought to claim in your valuable sheet and I will therefore abruptly close this.
Yours, &c. ENOW.
Hampton, Sept. 19.Saturday night a heavy rain beat through the tents at Camp Falls, and the consequence was that several cases of sickness occurred among the few who had taken refuge under them. Provision was immediately made for them at a neighboring house, and I learn that the tents have been entirely deserted.—The encampment was projected by the most benevolent and humane gentlemen in the hope of rescuing some, at least, of their brethren of Norfolk and Portsmouth from the very jaws of death; but it has proved, I heartily regret to say, a failure. The city of tents went up with the best wishes and brightest hopes; its failure sadly disappoints those who built it with such willing and eager hands.
In our town there is very little sickness.—I regret to say that Enoch Ghio is very ill.
Yours, &c. D.
AMONG THE CONTRIBUTIONS to the sufferers fund, is $100 from the Cadets of the Virginia Military institute, and $250 from the Bible Society of the Cadets; $160 from Moorfield Hardy; $928 from Fredericksburg.
The following is a list of deaths in Portsmouth; Wednesday: Thomas Cady, Mrs. Priscilla Hanes, Thomas Stewart, Wm. Taylor's child, Joseph Dudley, Anthony, (a slave to Dr. Ramsey.)
There were six deaths at the Naval Hospital.
A letter from Norfolk says: "A storm passed over the encampment at Hampton on Saturday night, penetrating many of the tents and drenching the inmates. On Sunday several cases of sickness were reported, whether of yellow fever or bilious fever I could not obtain information."
M. V. Robertson, who died on Monday in Norfolk was one of the most active members of the Howard Association, and his death will be severely felt.
Dr. Gordon, as we learn from private letter from Norfolk, was at the last dates much better.
The helmsman of the Coffee was reported to be sick of the fever. That vessel did not come out to meet the Augusta yesterday morning.
Enoch Ghio was still very ill at Hampton as we learn by the Augusta.
Petersburg, Sept. 20.—There were thirteen deaths in Portsmouth yesterday. Among them are Ed Morris, Mrs. Thomas Jordan, John Hughes, Mrs. Andrew Bryce, Thos. Cady, a daughter of Edwin Gray, and Alexander Etheridge; Nelson Etheridge and Henry Barrett are ill.
Drs. Walters and Hatton are sick. Drs. Asprill, of Philadelphia, and Hammlin are out.
Whit Ashton, the deputy postmaster, is out and at his post.
In Norfolk there were thirty deaths, among them Isaiah Wills, John Tunis, Capt. C. Thayer, Aristides Smith, jr., son of Rev. Mr. Smith, Horace Drewry, Mrs. Murden, John Webb, Benj. Washington, John Kean, William Lovette, John M. Watts, Mrs. Caleb Butts, Miss Burcher.
There was an increase in the number of new cases.
Ezra T. Summers and Mr. Quick, of the firm of O'Brien and Quick, undertakers, were sick.
Dr. Robert Gordon was improving.
There was a heavy North Easterly storm in Norfolk yesterday.
MORE AID FOR THE SUFFERERS.—A meeting was held at Portland, Me., Tuesday, and a committee appointed to raise subscription for the relief of the sufferers of Norfolk and Portsmouth.
Correspondence of the Dispatch.
Philadelphia, Sept. 19, 1855.Nearly two thousand dollars were sent in to the Norfolk and Portsmouth Relief Committee yesterday. At a meeting of the Committee held yesterday afternoon the Chairman read interesting letters from the Howard Associations of Norfolk and Portsmouth, and doctors and nurses—and stated that eighty-four doctors, nurses, and apothecaries, had been sent to those cities by this Committee, most of whom had proved themselves deserving of our highest praise. Of this number seven had died; some had returned home; several were ill; many convalescent, and seventeen were in good health, and now engaged in active service. Applications from nearly one hundred men had been declined, in consequence of a sufficient number having arrived from the South.
TESTIMONIAL OF THE VOLUNTEERS.—The Philadelphia Committee of Relief to the Virginia sufferers intend presenting to each of the physicians and nurses of that city, who volunteered in the noble cause, a suitable medal, made of gold or silver, with an appropriate inscription. It is also contemplated, during the ensuing winter, to bring to that city the bodies of such Philadelphians as have fallen victims to the fever, while on their mission of mercy, and to inter them in one of the cemeteries beneath an appropriate monument.
NORFOLK AND PORTSMOUTH.—The Petersburg Express adds the following to the list of dead already published: James Cherry, a well-known constable; Francis Gordon, son of Jno. D. Gordon; Martha Parr.
A correspondent of the Southside Democrat, writing from Norfolk, says that the cold weather which has set in seems to be favorable to the health of the city, and that the disease is abating.
The Norfolk correspondent of the Intelligencer mentions the following new deaths: Jas. Ward, Mr. Tierney and A. D. Victor, nurses from Richmond. The Intelligencer's correspondent confirms the death of Josiah Wills; and mentions no abatement in the fever.
Thursday's chapter of the Fever in Norfolk and Portsmouth, is gloomy enough. We refer the reader to our details, which are more complete this morning, our correspondents having once more sufficiently recovered to resume their pens.
Sister Mary Susannah Richards died yesterday morning, at the Catholic College, of yellow fever. She came up on Friday last, together with Sisters Ursula and Mary Lewis, in charge of the Portsmouth orphans and was taken sick on Saturday. Her attack was violent, and from the beginning foreboded a fatal termination. Drs. Haskins and Christian, the physicians of the College, were unremitting in their attendance and did all in their power to check the disease. She had also the constant attention of Sister Ursula and the Sisters of St. Joseph's Asylum. She bore her sufferings with extraordinary patience and resignation. She was from Philadelphia, had been fourteen years a Sister of Charity, and was in her 42nd year. Some six weeks since she went to Norfolk, and devoted herself heroically to the nursing of the sick. With four other Sisters she was stationed at the Julappi Hospital, where she had general superintendence, and was untiring in her exertions to alleviate the sufferings of the sick. When that Hospital was abandoned she went to Portsmouth where she remained a week actively engaged among the afflicted, and was prevailed on to accompany and take care of the children. She has fallen a martyr to her heroic devotion to the good of her fellow creatures. Her funeral was attended by the committee of the citizens and some of the ladies of the city.—Bishop Magill preached a brief but very impressive discourse on the occasion. Her remains were deposited in Shockoe Hill cemetery, whence at a future day it is designed to convey them to Philadelphia.
CONTRIBUTIONS.—We take pleasure in acknowledging the receipt of $47.97—being a contribution from Mount Olivet (Baptist) church, Hanover, for the relief of the Norfolk and Portsmouth sufferers.
Norfolk, Thursday Night, September 20, 1855Mr. Editor: The change in the weather seems to have had an unfavorable effect upon those suffering with the fever. For the last 24 hours the number of deaths is upwards of 40. The new cases have been considerable; some of our most valuable residents are down, and the insidious disease is preying upon them with merciless voracity.
I give you the following list of those who have died since my last was mailed:
Miss Ann E. Shuster, daughter of Jno. Shuster, leaving but two of a large family.
Louis [Lewis] Sorey, another son of W. B. Sorey.
Horace Drewrey, 1st clerk of Jno. D. Gordon, banker—his wife is also dead.
Miss Briggs, daughter of A. B., who is dead.
Geo. Howlet, Mrs. Come, Jno. Thomas, Miss Hurst; P. Tynes, colored; Abram, slave of T. West, Patsy Buskey, Margaret Downs, Edw. James, Mr. Hulet and wife, Newton Armistead, Miss M. B. Dudley, Mary Walter, Francis Gordon, Mrs. Murden, servant of W. J. Hardy, Mr. Parr, child of A. Bell, Mr. James, Catharine Taylor, Thos. Taylor, Patsy Buskey, Wm. Gibson, child of Sam'l Veal; Polly Washington, colored; Wm. Inge and others.
I am pained to state that Capt. Wm. B. Ferguson, the able and indefatigable President of the Howard Association, is dangerously ill.
Dr. Alex Galt, our efficient and esteemed Post Master is ill of the fever.
Several physicians from the South are down with the disease.
W. S. Camp's family are nearly all down.
Wm. Reid who has been very active among the sick and the dying, has the black vomit.
Mrs. Reid, lady of Mr. R., and George a son, are also ill.
Dr. Capry, of New York, has been attacked.
Jno. D. Gordon, broker, was attacked yesterday.
Mrs. Delany, lady of E. Delany has the fever.
A Capt. Armstrong is down.
Rev. Dr. Armstrong, of the Presbyterian church, is still sick. His daughter in Richmond is said to be dying. Cornelia another daughter was taken last night.
Mrs. Wm. H. Smith was attacked today.
W. B. Ferguson's lady is also down.
Many others are suffering with the disease, in the Northern and Northwestern part of the city.
I proceed now to give you some.
A large volume could be filled with incidents of a thrilling nature connected with the appalling scourge that has swept through our unfortunate city, and borne away like a deluge, so many of the people.
I will not attempt a description of some scenes of painful interest that I have witnessed. I may do this hereafter. The doings of death around me, the fearful malignity of the disease, and the deep gloom that has settled down upon nature, animate and inanimate, unfit the mind for the exercise of calm thought, and unnerve the hand that would picture out in appropriate language the scenes of woe, suffering and bereavement, so common in this intensely afflicted city. Let the following hasty sketch suffice for the present.
It was a sultry, humid night. The old church clock had slowly and loudly tolled off the solemn midnight hour; a dim light was burning in an infected room, where a man lay, burning with the dreaded fever, and tossing about in the bed. The fearful disease was at work upon the seat of thought, and he moaned and sung aloud.
Another sufferer, an esteemed young physician, languished in the last awful stage of the fatal malady, in another room of the same house. The black vomit had commenced—he was dying. His companion in misery sung on—now groaning aloud, and anon singing a part of some old tune he had learned, perhaps in his youthful days, all unconscious of the disturbance he was creating.—Suddenly he felt a gentle pressure upon his hot, dry brow! His incoherent jargon ceased, his red eyes looked upwards with a dull stare, and a fair stranger was seen standing at his bedside! Her delicate arm was extended, her small soft hand was on his scorching forehead.
For some moments not a word was spoken. The sick man was almost startled at first; his reason partially returned, and for a while he forgot his pain and misery, and hushed the cries of distress uttered in his delirium.
"Who is this?" muttered the sufferer.—The response was in low, soft and pleasant accents. He for the first time saw this messenger of mercy as she stood calmly and silently beside him, at the still mid-night hour. The gentle and almost magic touch of the fair, soft hand, the mild look, the few peaceful words of womanly kindness had perhaps reached his heart, and caused some fibre that had been untuned by the fever that scorched him, to vibrate gently to the sound of a strange but pleasant female voice.
There were no quick or harsh words uttered by the lady. These might perhaps have increased the violence of his fever. But as it was, he was subdued—at least for a while.
That lady was Miss Andrews, who has done so much to alleviate the worse cases of disease and suffering. She silently left the room, to witness in another the fearful vomitings and wreathings of the dying man, and to console him in his last moments. The other sufferer resumed his desultory cries and jargon songs. But soon reason and quiet returned again, and that sick man felt grateful as the circumstance came gradually to his mind of the delicate and appropriate manner in which the nurse from abroad—that fair, moral heroine, had been to soothe him when all his friends were absent, and when a word of kindness was like a balm.—In the silence of an infected death chamber, she conversed with the dying physician about his soul, and about his prospects and hope with regard to the unknown world in which he was about to entre, and the satisfactory reply will no doubt be cherished by his fond and pious wife, who was far away, as a treasure of inestimable value. Her husband has gone, like hundreds of others, from the doomed city to his account, and another widow with lovely, fatherless children will deplore their loss.
The individual who felt, as described, the power of a simple act of female kindness, is recovering from the attack of the dreadful disease that has crushed and killed so many of the strong and the weak, the good and the bad, the beautiful and the lovely, the old and the young, the grave and the gay, and he will remember the incident here related, and honor the character of the estimable woman alluded to until his heart shall cease to move with the pulsation of life. He, and a number of others, will hold in remembrance her who at such a time of awful calamity and intense human suffering and awe, uttered kind words, and performed acts of kindness in the rooms of the sick, which show that she is well fitted for her angel-like mission to the sons of anguish and affliction that are still witnessed here in this city of death and desolation. W. S. F.
Correspondence of the Dispatch.
Portsmouth, Sept. 20, 10 P. M.The death-like stillness of our once thrice happy community was somewhat disturbed today by the cry of "fire!" The bells rang a merry peal, and all those that could spare a moment from the sick bed of friends were out. The alarm was afterwards proven to be false, caused by the burning of a tar barrel at the corner of High and Middle sts., placed there by our efficient Town Sergeant to purify the "air" in that vicinity; it was the most spirited scene that has taken place in town in over a month or two.
The deaths up to this hour are 23, as far as could be ascertained. They are: L. Armstead; child of W. Hodges; William Etherage; child of Jas. Jarvis; child of Jos. Manning; child of R. Ross; Sarah Barckley, col'd; child of Mrs. Sweeney; Mr. Brittingham; Henry Barrett; Leroy L. Brown; Mrs. M. L. Alywin, wife of the purser's clerk of the ship Pennsylvania; child of John Silver; John Peed, col'd; Mrs. Thos. L. Johnson; a negro man, name unknown; and seven at Hospital. There were about 15 new cases.
I am happy to inform you that Mr. W. R. Singleton, beyond the expectation of his physician, is fast recovering. Mayor Fiske will soon be out. Two of the Southern nurses are sick at the Crawford House, [Miss Patterson of La., and Mr. Kelly of Ga.] Dr. Berry of Tenn., and Dr. Walters of Balt., are sick at the residence of W. H. Wilson. Dr. Berry is not expected to live. Richard Nash is very low, and will not recover.
The wind has been from the East during the day, and chilly. The thermometer at 12 o'clock today stood at 70.
Messrs. S. T. Hart, J. G. Holliday and Holt Wilson, men worthy the name, are still up, and have thus far escaped the scourge, and are laboring steadily and earnestly in the cause of suffering humanity. God only knows what we would have done without them.
Yours, V.
September 21, 5 A. M.—The deaths of last night are: Robert Graves, Richard Nash, Peter Galilee, Peter Kelly, and Miss Annie Boswick. V.
Portsmouth, Sept. 20, 1855.
I send you the following list of deaths for the 24 hours ending this evening. Of course there are some I have not heard of.
John L. D. Hodges' child, Nelson Etheredge, Sarah Manan, negro man of Mr. Brittingham, Henry Barrett, Henry Brown's son, Mrs. Alwin; Robert Rodman, Sailmaker USN; John Reed, Peter Kelly, 7 at the Hospital.
Amos Edwards is not dead.
Hampton, Sept. 20.
The fever, it is said, it on the decline in the two towns of Norfolk and Portsmouth; but the noble spirits who have been engaged in ministering to thousands, are now falling themselves, and going down to the grave.—Many an eye will be wet with tears, when the sad sentence passes from lip to lip, "Dr. George L. Upshur is no more!" The writer knew him well—intimately well, and was always a welcome guest at his board and fire-side. He was one of the warmest, and at the same time one of the blandest gentlemen to be found. Standing high in his professions, a correspondent of foreign medical journals, enjoying a large and lucrative practice, (much of which was given gratuitously to the poor); though young in years, he had already attained an enviable position in his noble profession. Night and day, from the commencement of the fever, did he toil and toil in his arduous duties; happy if he could relieve, and sad when he saw the stern skeleton king strike down victim after victim. He was very successful, and many prayers were offered to Heaven that this noble benefactor might be spared; but the horrid disease he had so long baffled in other cases, seized upon him, and death has claimed a noble specimen of a man in George L. Upshur.
With characteristic courtesy he sent a message to his brother physicians, that if it would be convenient he would like them to attend his funeral at two o'clock, but if not to suit their own convenience and appoint their own hour. Dr. Upshur was the Master of Atlantic Lodge, (Masonic) in Norfolk, and I am informed by Augustus Cook, Esq., who has been a noble co-worker with the Board of Health, that poor Upshur desired his Masonic brethren to be at his grave, if they could, with the sprig of acacia, that type of the immortality of heavenly bliss. He was a Christian gentleman, and was for some time the Lay leader at St. Paul's Church, Norfolk.
Green be the turf above thee,
Friend of my early days!
None knew thee but to love thee,
None named thee but to praise.When hearts, whose truth was proven,
Like thine, are laid in earth,
There should a wreath be woven,
To tell the world their worth."And who that knew the Rev. James Chisholm, of Portsmouth, by sight, would have dreamed that that frail body of his held such a lofty spirit! Weak and delicate, with a degree of modesty that almost amounted to bashfulness, as shrinking and retiring as a young girl, thousands would have passed him in the crowd, unconscious that they were in the presence of a ripe scholar and an able divine. His look was a personification of meekness, and to the superficial thinker he would seem to have been one of those who would quietly have retreated to his solitude far away from the noise and bustle of an excited community. But the disease came.—Chisholm's flock nearly all left,—and he too was preparing to spend a portion of his summer in the mountains,—but the disease came and stern duty said "stop." And then it was that this pale, delicate, frail, retiring man came forth to the struggle, and the great and noble soul, which was, after all, the statue of the man, rose in its God-given strength, and he was here at the bedside of suffering, and there by the fresh-made grave; here pointing the sinner to the cross of Christ, and there carrying food and drink to the suffering; now in the pulpit, seizing upon the circumstances of the visitation to warn men to prepare for death, and then in the hospital, whispering peace to the penitent and departing soul. Death came to him, and he met him as one who
___ "Sustained and soothed
By an unfaltering trust, approached the grave,
Like one who wraps the drapery of his couch
About him, and lies down to pleasant dreams."Among the deaths in Hampton was young Simon Ghio, of Portsmouth. He was, for one so young, highly gifted, (he was only 19 years old,) and had accumulated a handsome and choice library. He held a clerkship at the Portsmouth Railroad office, his object being to make money enough to finish his education at the University of Virginia. He came here with a younger brother on Tuesday week, was taken sick on the same night, and died on Sunday. He was shrouded by two brave and noble youths—Edward Banks, son of the proprietor of "Chesapeake Hall," and Julien Whiting—both as incapable of fear as they are of meanness. The younger Ghio is convalescent, and will doubtless recover.
Mr. Timothy Green, of Norfolk, who came here four weeks since, and who went about until Monday evening last, died of the fever on Tuesday. This is a singular fact, and presents some new material for medical investigation.
There have been four cases of the fever at "Camp Falls"—two are recovering, and the other two, as I am informed by the two medical gentlemen in attendance, are so far rather unfavorable. Drs. Semple and Hope are in attendance at the "Camps" every day, and if the fever can be conquered, these are the men to do it.
Speaking of the Camp—on Friday night last we had a severe blow of wind and a heavy fall of rain. Some of the tents, which were not properly fastened, gave way, and some six or seven were blown down. The occupants of the other tents have been removed to Mr. Mussy's bowling saloon, and others to Mr. Segar's commodious and comfortable barn. The refugees number about thirty, and are mostly destitute. They have been well cared for, and I have no doubt have comforts at Camp Falls they have not had for a long time at their respective homes.
Your own Mayor very promptly and kindly responded to our call, and sent us $200; and the Mayor of Baltimore did the same. The Baltimore people have sent us provisions, mattresses, and indeed every thing they thought we needed for the poor refugees. Among the incidents of the storm the other night, was that the flag staff planted at "Camp Falls" became loosened, and to save the flag, it was taken down; but the Chairman of the Relief Committee says, as soon as the sun comes out that flag SHALL again fly, as hopefully, and as joyfully, as it did on the day that the gallant Baltimoreans planted its staff on the soil of Old Virginia, and on the domains of one of Virginia's gifted sons, (Joseph Segar) and gave its stars and stripes to the breeze. No case of fever among the citizens of Hampton yet. God grant it may continue so.
Very truly, yours, OATS.
Wm. A. Graves and Robert Rodman, US Navy, and Miss M. Alvin, (whose sister has died,) are among the sick in Portsmouth; Mrs. Joseph Addington, of Norfolk, has entirely recovered from a severe attack of the fever.
Mrs. Samuel R. Borum, of Norfolk, is recovering.
Among the deaths is that of Dr. Fredericks, of New York.
A correspondent of the Baltimore American estimates the total deaths since the commencement of the fever at 2000, which is one out of every three persons in the city. The great Plague in London only killed one in every ten of the population.
Dr. Hamil of Philadelphia, writes that the fever has invaded the encampments around Portsmouth, and is very fatal there.
The correspondent of the Baltimore Sun says: A few evenings since an accident occurred in the sick chamber of one of the sufferers, that was near proving serious. The daughter of Mr. J. Doland was ill of fever at Mr. Holmes', on Dulce street, and while she lay suffering in bed, the nurse brought in a can with fluid to fill the lamp. Forgetting to extinguish the light, she unscrewed the top and commenced pouring in the liquid, when an explosion took place, and the bed and other articles in the room were set on fire.
The mosquito netting was in a blaze, and the patient was in great danger of being burned to death, and it was a time of great alarm and excitement. Her father being present, however, seized his daughter, run down the stairs with her, and placed her on another bed. After which the fire was extinguished, but not without considerable difficulty, and badly damaging the bedding and other articles in the room. No person was seriously injured.
Salem, Mass, has raised $2500 for the sufferers.
Boston has extended its quarantine to 20th October.
From Norfolk and Portsmouth.The letter of our regular correspondent, due Saturday night, failed to reach us; but one came to hand, dated the 19th, which should have been received on the 20th. Yesterday being Sunday, no mail was received here from Norfolk. The mail on Sundays comes as far as Petersburg, and our correspondent there has telegraphed us some particulars of Saturday's news from the infected cities.
We acknowledge out indebtedness to Mr. Hill, of the Augusta, for information given us.
Correspondence of the Dispatch.
Portsmouth, Sept. 22-8/1-2 A. M.Again I take my seat to chronicle the events which have transpired in our town since my last. Every thing has again resumed that tranquility, so much disturbed by the cry of "fire" on the 20th. The alarm was to us quite an event.
The keeper and clerks of the charity store are as busy as ever dealing out to the needy the provisions so kindly sent by our sister cities of both North and South.
Our ex-Mayor, H. Stoakes, was taken sick last evening, but more of fatigue than anything else. Since the first breaking out of the disease, he has been at his post, supplying the city with coffins and burying the dead. He has used, as I understand from one of his assistants, since the 6th of July, 19,000 feet of boards for coffins, besides the large supplies received from Suffolk, Richmond, and other places, and 400 coffins from the Navy Yard.
Mayor Fiske was out yesterday, looking very badly indeed.
Dr. Hatton, of Portsmouth, has been very ill, but is now doing quite well. Doctors Riser [Rizer] and Walters are also improving. Dr. Berry, of Memphis, Tenn., died yesterday morning at 3 o'clock, at the residence of Mr. Wilson. He died among friends, who, though new made, were kind and attentive; men from strange cities, who had met for the noble object of alleviating the sufferings of others. I give yesterday's list: Dr. Barry [Berry], Mrs. Jordan Ceulin, Mrs. Parnell, child of George Barbor, Henry Jones, John Webster (father of N. B. Webster, President V. C. Institute,) Sam'l Richardson, Joseph Thomas, Alexander Etheridge, Peter Hiten, Thomas Pennington, Mrs. Mary Stephens, Mrs. W. R. Guy, F. Norsworth, and 7 at Hospital. The deaths of last night—Wm. Lingo, Mrs. Jas. Otten, Miss M. F. Todderdale, and Cardeen (negro man). V.
Howard Hospital, Sept. 20, 1855.
Since our last, of the 18th inst., we are sorry to say there has been no change for the better. It appears that the epidemic is determined to show its baneful effect even at the twelfth hour. The mortality is reported for yesterday upwards of forty, but principally among the poorer class of the people. We regret to announce the deaths of Dr. Upshur and J. Wills. Dr. Capry, the Hungarian doctor, from Charleston, is down, at the Hospital. We have to report the following deaths since our last. Mrs. M. Hudgins, A. D. Victor, from Richmond, Mrs. Chary, from Augusta, (the two last were nurses who had volunteered their services.) This morning we have to record the death of Wm. Inges, father of two children who are at this moment in the Hospital, and one child Lucretia Jane Hill. The admittances are Dr. Capry, Mrs. Seaman, a nurse, Mary Ann Howard, a child from Orphan Asylum, and one slave girl, Emma.
The weather has been for the last twelve hours quite cold. We have been obliged to light fires in all the rooms. We hope the change may be of service, although it appears to act prejudicial on those who are down with the fever.
A thorough investigation has been made into the records of the Howard Hospital, and a true and authentic report has been made by Mr. Robinson, one of those gentlemen who have the superintendence of the Hospital, with your correspondent.—This report has been laid before the worthy secretary pro tem. of the Howard Association for his approbation. We will forward you a copy of the same, if possible, with our letter. We have the painful duty of announcing the fall of W. B. Ferguson, Esq., the President of the Association, he fought it out till he could no longer stand; fatigue and care have brought him to his bed, but we trust that with medical aid and the force of his constitution he will get over it soon. Since writing we have learned that Mr. Ferguson is somewhat better. Dr. Blow, of Suffolk, is dead. We have lost two more nurses: Male, O'Brien, and female, Mrs. Seaman. The nurses admitted this day, 31st, Mrs. Saunders, John Higth, and two children from the cotton factory. We have a great number of parties to discharge, but only want the weather to set in fine. The number of patients in the Hospital up to date, 32 whites and 20 colored. Dr. Gordon is better, so is Dr. Capry. Total number of deaths during the last twenty-four hours in Norfolk, 28; in Portsmouth, 23. We have had unfavorable weather for the patients for the last three days.— Mr. Wm. Read is better. H. M.
THE FOLLOWING IS AN EXTRACT from the letter of our regular correspondent, "F." dated 19th, which should have come to hand on Thursday, but failed.
The plan of burying in pits still continues. Eight coffins are put down side by side, then dirt is thrown in and leveled off; after which another tier is placed at right angles with the first, and so on. There have been as many as four tiers.
Mistakes in burying are common, and persons sometimes find it impossible to learn anything definite with regard to the place where their dead relatives have been deposited. Mr. Hawkins, the attentive superintendent, finds it very difficult to prevent incorrect and improper interments, and when the fierce and furious destroyer shall cease it destruction of human life, and our people return to their homes, and to health and business, the authorities will no doubt attend to the important matter—directing that more dirt, where necessary, be thrown upon the graves and pits, and thus prevent a result which might be attended with the most serious consequences hereafter. Unless the putrid bodies are placed sufficiently deep in the ground and properly covered, a poisonous and offensive gas may escape, and produce another fearful pestilence.
Rev. Mr. Armstrong, the devoted, and very active pastor of the Presbyterian church, is reported sick today. His excellent and faithful ministrations among the sick, call forth the warmest expressions of commendation. May his valuable life be spared to his flock and to this afflicted community.
Wm. D. Seymour, of the H. A., is reported as doing well, and is perhaps out of danger.
Drs. Granier, and Friedeman, and Nash, of our city have recovered, and are out among the sick again. They have done their part faithfully—going day and night.
Dr. Todd (not a regular graduate) also has recovered from an attack—is busy with his patients—he is said to be very successful.
The weather is still cool, with wind northeast, and considerable rain during the day. It is believed this will have the effect to arrest in a manner, the progress of the scourge.
From the report of Purser Hill, of the steamer Augusta, we learn that Col. Wm. B. Ferguson, President of the Howard Association, was dying, as was George Reid, Jr., bookkeeper at the City Hospital.
Dr. Blow, of Southampton, and Wm. Reid, the American candidate at the late election for Mayor, are dead.
The deaths are reported at 28 in Norfolk, Friday, and 25 in Portsmouth.
From a private letter from Dr. John Schoolfield, to a gentleman in this city, we learn that there were 22 deaths in Portsmouth, Friday, and that the fever was only decreasing from want of subjects. The cases were as violent as ever.
A private letter from one of the Richmond nurses represent that Leyferselle, of Richmond, who went to Norfolk as a nurse, to be in a dying condition. It also speaks very high of Dr. Hargrove's success in practice.
From the correspondent of the Baltimore paper, we learn that Dr. Tunstall, on Friday, was extremely ill, also John D. Gordon, broker, the organist at the Roman Catholic Church, and Capt. Hicks, acting warden of the jail. Thomas White, constable, is convalescent.
Several physicians and nurses from the North had been sent back by the authorities of Norfolk and Portsmouth, as their remaining was considered a useless and certain sacrifice of death.
The following is a list of the volunteers in Norfolk:
New Orleans, La.,—(From the Virginia residents in N. O.)—Dr. Campbell, D. J. Ricardo, Esq., Capt. Ives, F. H. Clack, (mayor [police chief] of Norfolk, pro tem,) [Wm. N.] Ghiselin, Esq., Howard Association of New Orleans, [Jas. A.] Dillerd [Dillard], Esq. The total number of nurses brought on by these two delegations is nearly fifty. Volunteers from N. O. —Dr. McFarlane, Wm. Naull, E. C. Bolton, Esqs., from Mobile, Alabama —Can't Get Away Club, Dr. Miller, Dr. Walthall, [Wm.] Ballantyne, Esq., [A. H.] Jenette, Esq., Miller, Esq., with ten nurses. —From Augusta, Geo—Judge Olin, Dr. Bignon, [John W.] Taliaferro, Esq. From Savannah, Georgia—Prof. J. B. Read, M. D., Dr. R. J. Nunn, J. E. Godfrey, T. J. Charlton, J. J. McFarlan, K. W. Skinner, W. S. Donaldson, second course students, doing duty as physicians, with twelve nurses. From Charleston, South Carolina—Dr. Skrine, Dr. Ravanel, Dr. Hugar, Dr. Holmes, Dr. Steele, Dr. Williman, Prof. Miles, [A. R.] Tabar, Esq., ___ Lorrves [perhaps Lowry], Esq., Mr. Jackson, (apothecary to hospital). This delegation have about forty-six nurses at their command. From Richmond, Va.,—Dr. Hargrove, H. Myers, Esq. From Baltimore, Md.—Dr. Jackson. From Philadelphia, Pa.—Dr. Freeman, Dr. Marsh. From New York—Dr. West. From Havana—Dr. Wilson, Dr. De Castro.
The following are the names and fates of the Richmond delegation who went to Norfolk:
Physicians: Dr. P. C. Gooch, dead; Dr. Hargrove, still up.Nurses: Walter Scott, dead; Jas. McCormick, dead; A. D. Victor, dead; David Pike, dead; Messrs. English, returned; Thos Watson, returned; Henry Myers, still up; Mrs. Saysferselle, dying; Mrs. E. T. Webb, recovering from attack of fever; Mr. Doran, returned; Jas. May, returned.
In Portsmouth:
Physicians: Dr. Thos. P. Howle, dead; Dr. Crow, had the fever and now on duty; Dr. McDowell, has not had the fever and is still on duty; Dr. Gelbardt, dead. No nurses with this delegation.
Among the contributions to the Norfolk and Portsmouth fund are, Pittsylvania $400; Baptist Church, Culpepper C. H. $400; Greenville $600; Methodist Church, Salem, Fauquier $100. Several school girls of Philadelphia have made up 118 garments for the orphans of the two cities.
The Chairman of the Hampton Relief Committee hereby acknowledges the receipt of the following sums which have been placed in the bank to the credit of the committee:
From the President of the United States, $325.00.
From Mrs. Letitia Tyler Semple (daughter of Ex-President Tyler, $25.00
From Peter P. Mayo, Esq., of Norfolk, $5.00.
From Rev. James D. McCabe, Rector St. John's Church, Wheeling, $20.00.
From W. H. Brune, Esq., Treasurer Baltimore Relief Association, $200.00.
From Jos. Mayo, Esq., Mayor of the city of Richmond, $200.00.
Total, $775.00The Committee also acknowledge the receipt of provisions and mattresses from Baltimore, and with other things not necessary to enumerate now, have it in their power to make those who are at "Camp Falls", comfortable, and all who come satisfied.
JOHN C. McCABE, Chairman Relief Committee.
Petersburg, Sept. 23, 1855.
Intelligence here from Portsmouth up to Saturday, 6 A. M., note the death of Merritt Parsons, Mrs. Jno. M. Outlen and Mary Totterdel.
Mrs. Butner and Jeremiah Whitmore are down with the fever.
J. G. Holliday was taken down with the fever this morning.
Dates are from Norfolk to Friday night, 10 P. M. Miss Lovett, sister of Jno. Lovett, who has had the black vomit, is slowly recovering. Dr. Galt, postmaster, is recovering and considered out of danger.
Dr. Henry Selden has been attacked with the fever.
Second Dispatch.
B. Quick, of the late firm of O'Brien & Quick, is dead.
Dr. John Gordon, who had black vomit, is recovering.
George Loyall, navy agent, is exceedingly ill.
Charles Hardy, son of Thos. A. Hardy, is down with the fever.
For the 48 hours, ending Saturday morning, in Norfolk there were seventy deaths.—In Portsmouth there were twenty-six for the same length of time.
PROGRESS OF THE FEVER.—From the Petersburg Express we have the following new deaths in Norfolk: Wm. B. Ferguson, President of the Howard Association; Colley Saunders, son of John C. Saunders, Mary J. Murray, Mrs. Seaman, a nurse from Philadelphia; child of Wm. Titmouse, Chas. Wiseman, a nurse from Philadelphia; Thomas Downes, Mr. Bellman, professor of music, Mrs. C. Woodworth, Michael Kelly, Miss Delacy, Mrs. Wentworth, formerly of Hudson, N. Y.; a child of J. R. Pollard, land broker.
Among those now ill are Dr. Richard Tunstall, Arthur Jakeman, Dulton Wheeler, Capt. Elias Guy, (had a relapse), C. Bonsal, of the firm of Bonsal and Brother; Mrs. James R. Pollard, Mrs. Hawkins, wife of keeper of Alms House; Mrs. D. Wright, wife of Capt. D. Wright; Mrs. Odenhal, wife of Professor Odenhal, of the Military Academy. Rev. A. Smith is sick but has not the fever.
The correspondent of the Petersburg Intelligencer makes still other additions to the list of sick.—They are Joseph Murden, of the Exchange Bank, Mrs. Wm. H. Smith, Mrs. Wm. F. Tyler, Mrs. Robert Preston, Miss Caroline Rogers.
Dr. Huger, of Charleston, S. C., has been appointed physician to the Alm's House.
The Intelligencer's correspondent says:
"The fever now is confined principally to the upper part of the town. I understand there is very little sickness in the lower part of the city—it seems to be steadily traveling north."
Mr. Leonidas Smith is not dead—the report originated from the death of Aristides Smith, jr, son of Rev. A. Smith.
A letter from Norfolk says: Hardened as I thought was by two weeks' residence among the dying and the dead I could not resist a thrill of horror that overwhelmed on one occasion, when attending a dying man, who was a raving maniac, and threatened my life because I would not let him get up; and to raise an alarm would every now and then cry fire with a most unearthly yell. And to add to all this just as he was breathing his last a tremendous thunder cloud came up accompanied by the loudest clap of thunder I ever heard. I assure you my feelings were anything but pleasant at that time, during which his poor mother, 85 years of age, was wringing her hands and walking the floor in the greatest agony. It would have required a man with a heart of stone to have resisted shedding a few tears of sympathy with this poor woman whose heart seemed to be breaking.
I can see a great many walking the streets just up from the fever, looking as if the weight of a feather would knock them over—but at the table in the way of eating, they would swoop every thing before them.
The news from Norfolk and Portsmouth is still of an appalling character. With a few days have fallen some of the very best men of Norfolk. Josiah Wills, President of the Bank of Virginia, and one of the most sagacious and enterprising merchants of the place, was struck down a very few days since. Now we have to put among the dead Dr. Galt, Postmaster of Norfolk, a prominent and most estimable gentleman, and father of the distinguished your sculptor; Wm. B. Ferguson, President of the Howard Association; Wm. Reed, a prominent merchant and candidate for Mayor at the last election; Charles Beale, formerly editor of the News; and Caleb Bonsall, Bookseller. Our interesting correspondence from Hampton pays just tributes to Dr. Galt and Wm. B. Ferguson.
The mortality among the Doctors on Saturday was surprising. Five physicians died on that day in Norfolk and Portsmouth, viz: Dr. Capry of New York; Dr. Dilliard of Montgomery, Ala.; and Dr. Burns, in Norfolk; and Dr. Rizer of Philadelphia, and Dr. Walters of Baltimore, in Portsmouth. Dr. Rizer had left Portsmouth and returned home once; but went back again, and fell a victim to the plague. This is the largest mortality in one day among the physicians, except on the 5th September, when seven died.
There was very little abatement from Thursday to Sunday. On Saturday, in Norfolk, the deaths were 33; in Portsmouth only 17. On Sunday, in Norfolk 31; in Portsmouth, only 3. All who have seen a yellow fever patient can clearly understand how its ravages must spread misery and suffering amongst the people of Norfolk and Portsmouth. The number of the sick must be immense, and the well must be almost worn out and broken down with waiting and watching, and providing for them and for the multitude, who, having no occupations now, are dependent upon public charity. We trust the communities will continue to succor the afflicted people. They want assistance daily.
MORE AID.—The following sums have been remitted through friends in this city to the committee appointed to procure and forward supplies to Norfolk and Portsmouth:
$15.50, raised by the children at Huguenot Springs, and by them forwarded for the benefit of the orphans.
$115 from the ladies of Rev. J. S. Grasty's congregation, [Presbyterian] Yanceyville, N. C.
Mr. C. C. Herrington, of Norfolk, who has been sick of the fever at the Hospital, near the poor-house, is convalescent.
Mr. Thos. J. Bagby, of this city, has been appointed Superintendent of the Asylum for the Orphans from Portsmouth.
LIBERAL CONTRIBUTION.—The officers and crew of the steamship Jamestown have liberally contributed the sum of $150 to the relief of the Norfolk sufferers, as we learn by a note from the Treasurer of the Howard Association.
Norfolk, Sept. 22—9 P. M.Mr. Editor:—I find you do not receive my letters. I cannot account for this. Excepting Wednesday last, I have regularly, during the past week, handed a letter to the mail agent in the morning, to be mailed at Norfolk. By this arrangement, you see, I am enabled to close up with the news to a late hour on the preceding night. I regret the delay or the failure to receive the information sent, after the trouble to get it, and which, on account of the announcement of the deaths of prominent individuals—citizens greatly esteemed in our community, and perhaps in yours—must have been of interest to many of your readers.
Our remaining citizens are constantly shocked to hear of the sudden departure from our midst of our most useful and highly respected residents. We feel that the chastening hand of a just God is upon us.— Alas, how many of those who were here but a few days ago, actively engaged in their duties, and in visiting and comforting the sick and suffering are gone to their account! We fancy we still hear the familiar sound of their voices in social converse. Verily, we are in the midst of death. The fever is increasingly fearful and rapid in its course, doing it deadly work upon the strongest men in from two to five or six days, and baffling the superior skill and long experience of professional men, and the most vigilant and careful nursing. But God's will must be done. His decree has gone forth, and the dreadful commission must be executed by the mighty angel of death, though hearts break, and the most powerful men and most amiable and lovely women be struck down by the terrible and calamitous visitation.
A thrill of pungent sorrow has been felt today by hundreds of hearts from the intelligence of the death of the worthy and indefatigable President of the Howard Association. William B. Ferguson is no more!— He, too has fallen a victim. Mysterious indeed are the ways of Providence. Mr. F. had endeared himself to this afflicted people by ties that even relentless death cannot sever. His name will be remembered by old and young, rich and poor. The little ones, bereaved by the monster, will talk of his deeds of generosity and love and mercy for long years to come. Time will not obliterate the recollection of his efforts, of his energy and perseverance during the reign of the conqueror, in the full rage of the destroyer—at night and in the day. Alas! he sleeps quietly now, from his labors and toils among the sick, the dying, the suffering, and the dead. Honor to his memory!
Dr. Alexander Galt, too, our excellent, gentlemanly and attentive Postmaster, has fallen. Only four or five days ago, he was faithfully engaged in the discharge of his official duties. Now, his well-known and active form is shrouded, coffined, entombed—cold, still and wakeless in death, and silent in the grave.
Wm. Reid, and enterprising merchant, recently candidate for the Mayoralty and an active officer of the Howard Association, has gone at the same time. He was, physically, a strong and exceedingly healthy man, but this is no shield from the malady. He leaves a large and interesting family.
Benjamin Quick, of the firm of O'Bryan & Quick, extensive and enterprising furniture dealers, is also dead. His wife, a daughter of S. Butt, an estimable citizen, was buried last Sunday.
Mrs. Delk, the lady of E. H. D., of the firm of Hardy & D., extensive merchants, died last night, quickly following her infant through the shadow of death.
Miss McInder, whose sister died a few days ago, lies in the grave—two estimable ladies.
Miss C. A. Crosbie, whose mother and sister recently died, was buried today. They formed a happy and very pleasant little family; and the devoted trio, united on earth, have followed each other in quick succession; and thus does the unsparing conqueror triumph—bearing off whole families." "Insatiate archer!"
Samuel Lightfoot, son of the late Dr. Lightfoot, aged 16, clerk in the post office; an estimable, intelligent, gentle youth, comely in person and amiable in character, the prop of his affectionate mother, widowed but a few weeks ago. She and his fond sisters, whose pride and joy he was, gathered around his youthful form, as it lay still and pale in the cold arms of death, and a scene of the most intensely painful and heart-rending interest was witnessed; and this is but one of many of the kind. How hearts are bleeding and tears are flowing, and cries are ringing out here, and breaking upon the stillness of the evening hour! The fairest, the best, the most endeared and loved one, torn away from the hearts that loved them, perhaps too well. The cold earth falls heavily and daily upon them; the snows of winter time will come down lightly and quietly, and rest upon their graves; the wintry winds will moan there; the spring flowers will bloom there; affection's tears will fall there; the breezes will bend the tall green grass that will grow there, and the gay birds will sing over them, and home hearts will cherish them, and there will be days, and months, and years of fond remembrance. I must proceed now with the death roll, having given you, in my last, the list up to the late hour of yesterday:
A Winslow's child, Capt. J. Hicks, servant of Miss Thorogood, child of Dr. Rose, do. of Mrs. Curtis, Mr. ___ Harvey, son of Mrs. Matthews, Miss Carter, Miss Moriarty, M. J. Cuthrell, Mrs. Dilworth, Thos. Gilbert, Jos. Anderson's child, colored man of J. Wills, Mrs. Cuthrell, Margaret Spratt, Chas. Tompkins, colored woman of J. Staylor, Vonclave of Philadelphia, and others.
Dulton Wheeler, who had been ill, went out at night, and is now very sick again.
Chas. H. Beale, general inspector of lumber, and formerly of the Daily News, has also had a relapse, and is very ill.
John G. Wilkinson, teller of the Exchange Bank, is also quite ill. His son, of the firm of Ferguson & Wilkinson, auctioneers, &c., is very ill; also another son, William.
The lady of Wm. B. Ferguson, of the H. A. is dangerously ill.
Capt. J. Ryan has been taken down with the fever.
J. Marsden Smith and family are recovering; Mr. S. out today and nearly well.
John Holmes, merchant, has nearly recovered from his attack, showing evidences of a fierce conflict.
Jno. H. Sale, architect and the superintendent of the new custom house and post office is out again; his powerful constitution and ample frame having been used roughly by the fatal malady.
Dr. Robt. B. Tunstall is improving, but all his family are down, numbering about a dozen.
George Reid, Jr., eldest son of Wm. Reid, dec'd, is ill at the Woodis Hospital—kept ignorant of the father's death. He is reported better today.
Hundreds more are ill, but I must close this long letter.
Yours, in haste, F.
WE MAKE THE FOLLOWING extract from a letter received from the editor of one of the suspended Norfolk papers:
Norfolk, Sept. 22.
George Reid, a son of Wm. Reid, dec'd, is very ill at the Hospital; Dr. R. H. Gordon, Health Officer, is convalescent, walks about; Dr. Ro. B. Tunstall is doing well; his brother, Dr. Richard B. Tunstall, of the Dispensary, is very sick, but was thought better this morning; Wm. B. Ferguson's widow is supposed to be dangerously ill, a sad case.A Southern physician stated yesterday, that of the new cases which he had visited this week, he had seen but one (a son of Geo. W. Camp, Esq.), where the patient did not manifest fatal symptoms. The thermometer on Tuesday stood at 88 degrees; on Wednesday it had fallen fully 20, owing to equinoctial—a fatal change for the later patients.—Cases fewer, (nearly run through the population,) but the new cases much more malignant than at any previous time.
Hope to resume publication early in October. Now I cannot get type set. Death has swept his scythe ruthlessly into my establishment. I stood at the wheel till I had but one white co-operator (B. Charles) left; and after we suspended, I spent the last day alone at the office, with an aching head and heart, too, making up a very heavy mail, as nearly all my readers were abroad.
I hope I may never see such a calamity again. I feel five years older than I did two months ago. I am here the only white inhabitant of a range of five houses, [having sent my family away seven weeks ago,] and the next inhabited house [Mrs. Baylor's] has had five deaths out of a white family of eight. My negroes, [six in number,] as well as myself, have every one been sick. Five of them at one time. The disease, I may say, has been universal—and all days have been alike.
Our population is reduced to about 3000. People continue to emigrate; and of our present population, about one-ninth only are white.
Correspondence of the Dispatch.
Howard Infirmary, Norfolk, September 23, 1855.Sir.—Since our last the ravages of the yellow fever has been most terrific amongst our principal citizens. Herewith we enclose a list of mortality since our last. Among the dead you will find the name of our beloved President, W. B. Ferguson. The blow was terrible and sudden. After three days' sickness he breathed his last. When it became known that he was no more, the town was in a perfect stupor—each asking the other if it was true that he was no more, so great was the astonishment. He departed this life at half-past six o'clock, A. M. He was attended by his physician during the whole night, who never left his bedside till he expired.
Mr. Read, the father of our worthy assistant, who is now himself sick was among those who was carried away last night by the fever. The blow will probably cause the death of one of his daughters, who has but just recovered from the fever and was doing well. Dr. Capry is also dead, and several others of note, which our list will show.
The fever seems to have disappeared altogether from the colored people. We have no patients in the colored ward. We dismissed twenty during the twenty-four hours prior to this date. The Physicians expect to be finished with Norfolk in fifteen days from this time.
The day has been very cold, and we were obliged to light the fires. Nothing more of importance. Yours, truly, H. M.
Deaths on the 22d.
Catharine A. Crosby D. Quick, [B. Quick] Mr. Harvey Miss Porter, sister of Mrs. Armstrong Mrs. Mathews' son Joseph Anderson['s child] Dr. Galt, Postmaster Mrs. Cuthrell Miss Carter Mrs. Ann Whitehurst Negro Man Frederick Taylor Miss Moriarthy [Moriarty] John H. Wilkinson Capt. William B. Ferguson, Pres't H'd Ass. Dr. Burns Miss [Mr. & Mrs.] E. H. Delk Mary Sterling Mary Jane Cutheral [Cuthrell] Charles Tompkins Mrs. Dilworth Mr. T. Near Spratts Thomas Gilbert Margarett Spratt Mr. Parsons, Portsmouth Stuglass, negro woman Wm. H. Varney Mary Gray Francis Lozier Samuel L. Lightfoot James Huves Dr. Caprey, N. Y. [Capri] Capt. Hicks Lucretia Jane Hill W. Reid Deaths on the 23d.
Mr. Layman, W. H. Hodges' son, Mrs. Whitehurst, Young Mr. Dowel, Dr. Jas. A. Dillard, Montgomery, Ala., 2 female children of Capt. Dow.
Norfolk, Friday Night, 9 o'clock.
This was a day of pleasantness and brightness.—The sun went down in cloudless glory, and now the moon shines forth clearly and mildly. It is a night of beauty—one of the great guns of that leviathan of the waters, the Pennsylvania, has just roared out loudly, and its echoes have died away down the distant recesses of the forest, but rolling on, till heard distinctly even on the Atlantic shore; and the loud tones of the ponderous city bell have just been flung out upon the still, ambient and pestilential air. The sound was so like the slow and measured tolling of a funeral knell, that it aroused the mind up to a full sense of the doing of death in this ill-fated city. Thousands of houses—many of which are furnished in costly and elegant style, are closed, tenantless and dark, and as silent as a mausoleum. But, alas, in how many others is the fatal malady exerting it power on the occupants, a number of whom will be still in the deep sleep of death before the rising of tomorrow's sun! But you want a list of the deaths for the last twenty-four hours, and I proceed to the melancholy task:
Wm. F. Minter, Mrs. H. Harvey, child of D. H. Selden, Wm. Wood, Mr. Graves, child of Mr. McDonald, R. Nash, Rachael, wife of R. Parker, (colored preacher) Samuel Smith, Wm. Bagley, Wm. Taylor, servant of W. W. Hall, M. J. Murray, Martin Kelley, Mrs. Seaman [nurse], Mary Murphy, Thos. Downes, Mr. Godfrey, Charles Wiseman, [nurse] of Philadelphia, (at Mr. G. A. Barrum's,) daughter of E. Delaney, Miss Delacy. In addition to the above I also hear of the following deaths:
Prof. Bellman, musician and organist of St. Patrick's Church.
Colly Saunders, another son of Mr. S., of the Farmer's Bank—a deeply afflicted and bereaved family. The fairest and loveliest of the household are gone.
Mrs. Wentworth, wife of Mr. W., stove dealer, but recently of Hudson, N. Y.
Dr. Blow, of Southampton county, brother of Col. George Blow, of this city.
A child of J. B. Pollard, land broker, and a few others.
Caleb Bonsal, of the firm of Bonsal & Bro., of the Flour Mills, has the fever.
George Loyall, Navy Agent, is reported sick.
Mrs. J. B. Pollard is down; also Mrs. Captain D. Wright.
Mrs. Odendthal, wife of Prof. O., of the Military Academy.
Dr. H. Selden.
Wife of Wm. Hawkins, Keeper of the City Alms House, and several children.
Mr. E. A Barnes, and nine members of his family have been ill, but are recovering.
Geo. Clarke and family convalescent.
Chas. Hardy, son of T. A. Hardy, has the fever.
Mr. Shaok, an estimable gentleman, recently from Hudson, New York; Jos. T. Barrum, and Miss Cath. Murphy, are dead, and among those I have not seen reported.
There are a large number of new cases on the suburbs, and in the Northern section of the city.
The fever this week has been exceedingly malignant. The physicians say it is worse than anything they ever witnessed in the South. Many die in two or three days, baffling all skill and treatment.
We hope, however, for returning health and rest from the melancholy labors requisite in the midst of so appalling a visitation, and surely two or three more weeks will terminate the course of the death-dealing agent. But the thick, dark cloud of sorrow that has hung over this city so long may measurably pass away. The atmosphere may resume its wonted salubrity, and the citizens may go forth with the fear of inhaling the dreadful poison of the life-blood, but long years will not suffice to obliterate from the mind the heart-rending scenes that have been witnessed here since the commencement of this awful scourge. F.
P. S.—Dr. Gordon, who has had the black vomit, is recovering rapidly.
Miss Lovett, who also had the vomit, is said to be improving rapidly.
Dr. Galt is better tonight.
Dr. R. B. Tunstall recovering.
Dr. Rich'd Tunstall very ill.
E. T. Summers improving.
Mr. Walke of the Navy, and lady, are getting well.
Special Correspondence of the Dispatch.
Hampton, September 23, 1855.The news indirectly received from Norfolk and Portsmouth today, I regret to say, is gloomy in the extreme. If true, and we have no reason to doubt its correctness, two more valuable lives have been sacrificed to a high sense of duty, and two more benefactors have gone down to the grave!—Dr. Alexander Galt, the indefatigable Postmaster at Norfolk, and Wm. B. Ferguson, the President of the Howard Association, are no more! One after the other has the noble band of brave spirits who struggled through the horrors of the disease in the last sixty days of its progress, fallen in contact with unequal odds and an irresistible foe; until now, with thinned ranks and over-wearied hearts, the remainder must, we fear, make up their minds to await their summons, and lie down and die!
Dr. Galt was a gentleman of the old school—a Christian gentleman, and a valued and highly respected citizen of the place where he has made his grave. He was the father of the young sculptor who bears his honored baptismal name, and will long be remembered as the kind neighbor, the faithful friend, the obliging official.
Ferguson had in his make the elements of true greatness; and if to storm a fortress, to lead a forlorn hope, with firm footstep and unfaltering nerve, are marks of the brave, and the external evidences of moral greatness, what niche should hold the bust? what mausoleum cover the statue, which should be chiseled and reared to commemorate the deeds of Wm. B. Ferguson? Placed in high trust by the voice of his peers, and feeling that upon him had been laid an awful responsibility, he dispensed with a judicious, but unsparing hand, to thousands the bounties which from every quarter of the country, were poured into the treasury of the doomed city of his adoption; and night and day did he work, work, work to relieve the disease, smitten, in furnishing food, clothing, delicacies and necessaries to the hungry, the naked, the sick and the suffering.
All eyes were turned to him, a thousand prayers were made in his behalf, and now that he has gone—now that his manly heart has ceased to beat, and his once warm hand to guide the pen, and his energetic mind to control the operations of the noble Howard Association, who shall take his place, and who can fully succeed him? I trust in God, however, there are "a few more left of the same sort," and that noble men, (and there are such in Norfolk) will still be found to take the places of those who won the martyr's wreath, and who should have the martyr's apotheosis.
It is reported here today, upon the most reliable authority, that J. G. Holliday, Esq., the acting Mayor of Portsmouth, (and one of nature's noblemen) has been carried to the hospital with the fever; and a rumor is in circulation, which it is most earnestly hoped may prove untrue, that Lieutenant Poore, U. S. Navy, and connected with the Gosport Yard, has also been attacked.
The weather we now have, (cool, and blowing a north-easter) will prove, it is feared, unfavorable to those who are convalescing, and will probably increase the number of deaths.
There was one death last night at "Camp Falls," a little boy about seven years of age, son of Mr. Edward G. March, one of the refugees. The little fellow was buried this morning at early dawn.—The other three cases at the "Camp" are convalescing, their names are George, John and Alice Walton, children of Mr. Wm. Walton, another refugee.
Young Mr. Ghio, whose brother died last week, at Chesapeake Hall, is convalescing, and will, I hope, be out in a few days.
There are two cases of fever at the "Afton House"—Miss Sarah Heath and Miss Josephine Briggs, of Norfolk; the former a sister-in-law of the late Archibald Briggs and aunt of the late Dr. Junius Briggs; and the latter the daughter of A. Briggs, and sister of Dr. Briggs. Dr. Geor. Wm. Sample is in attendance upon them, and the writer, who visited them today, indulges the hope that their sickness may not be "unto death." They arrived on yesterday, and were taken in a few hours after reaching their destination. They were accompanied by two faithful servants and a kind and benevolent lady. The doings of death around me, the fearful malignity of the disease, and the deep gloom that has settled down upon nature, animate and inanimate, unfit the mind for the exercise of calm thought, and unnerve the hand that would picture out in appropriate language the scenes of woe, suffering and bereavement, so common in this intensely afflicted city, one of the angels of mercy, a volunteer nurse from one of the Southern cities, who cam to recruit for a few days, little supposing that in changing the scene of her labors, her kind offices would soon again be brought into requisition. There is also another lady sojourning at Chesapeake Hall—Mrs. Barnett—who has been performing kind offices in nursing the sick for several weeks, past week in Portsmouth;—and speaking of "Chesapeake Hall," I am informed by the proprietor, that his design is to keep it open during the fall season, so that persons retiring from more distant regions may sojourn a while at this intermediate spot, before going immediately into the atmosphere of Norfolk. The idea is a good one, and will doubtless be acted upon by the parties interested.
I omitted to state above, that a child of Mr. Jas. G. Pollard, of Norfolk, is lying ill of the fever at the residence of Capt. Geo. Massenburg, of this place, and the wife of Mr. Pollard is down with the same disease in Norfolk.
There is a gentleman sojourning here from Portsmouth, who is, I believe, the last of a family of fifteen, who have died with the fell disease in less than sixty days.
Death is represented in the old pictures with a scythe. It is a fearful symbol—but how terrible does it adumbrate the progress of the pestilence in Norfolk and Portsmouth? The writer of these few lines, but a few weeks since, could number among the populations of those cities, "troops of friends," and now, in the touching language of Scripture, they "are not." The charm of a thousand firesides is broken, the spells of old friendships are dissolved, and sadness reigns in the heart where memory would recall their pleasant smiles! Thank God, that among them all, there is no indirect thought connected with a remembrance of their names, which, "like the Music of Caryll," it "is mournful," yet like that same subdued melody, it is "pleasant to the soul."
Many a chamber have become a Rama, and of many a habitation may it be said, there is a "Voice heard, lamentation, and weeping, and great mourning;—Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, because they are not." And in after-time when many a parent and husband who have survived the wreck of their household idols, shall stand amidst the graves of the cemeteries of Norfolk and Portsmouth, may they point to the graves of a household, and say with old Jacob, "There they buried Abraham, and Sarah, his wife; there they buried Isaac, and Rebecca, his wife, and there I buried Leah." But I am growing too sad, and must stop.
Very truly yours, OATS.
Saturday was a black day with the physicians in both cities. As will be seen from our Norfolk list, Drs. Capry of New York, Dillard of Montgomery, Ala, and Burns, died there. In Portsmouth on the same day, Drs. Rizer, of Philadelphia, and Walters, of Baltimore expired—five in all. The largest day's mortality among physicians was on the 5th instant, when seven were swept off.
Miss Patterson, of Philadelphia, at the Crawford House in Portsmouth, who has been reported dead, is recovering.
We find the names of the following persons in Norfolk, who, on Sunday, were on the
Rev. Mr. Armstrong, of the Presbyterian church, very low; Mrs. Chamberlain, mother of Mr. C., of the Farmers' Bank; Mr. Ezra T. Summers, wife and daughter; Mr. Charles H. Beale, editor of Norfolk News; Dr. Tunstall improving; Thomas White, policeman; Miss Fentress; John D. Gordon improving; Mrs. Lee and mother; Mrs. Frank; R. Causee and daughter; Caleb Bonsul ill.
Mr. A. Bilisolly, of Portsmouth, is dead.
James Gordon, druggist, from Philadelphia, is dead.
Dr. R. Gordon is convalescent, and came up to Richmond in the Curtis Peck yesterday afternoon.
The funeral of Wm. B. Ferguson, President of the Howard Association, was well attended, considering the exigencies of the times. Rev. Wm. M. Jackson officiated on the sad occasion.
A postscript of one of our correspondents mentions the illness of Mr. D. Wheeler.
The additional contributions to the Norfolk and Portsmouth fund, are: Charleston, S. C., $112.36; Thilodaux, La., $25; Albany, $1,747, besides $800 by the Board of Trade and $200 by the coal dealers there.
The Masonic Fraternity of Charleston, S. C., $500.
The correspondence of the Baltimore papers furnish the following deaths in Norfolk: Dr. Alex Galt, Postmaster; Mrs. Pow; Edward James; Mrs. McKeen; Child of L. B. Gibson; Mrs. Delshal; Son of Mr. Soweys; Capt. John Hicks, of the city jail; Child of Dr. Rose; Miss Thoroughgood; Miss C. A. Crosbie; Miss Lawrence; Mrs. Delk, wife of E. H. Delk; Child of Mr. Curtis; Miss Carter; Wm. J. Cuthrell; Mrs. Dilworth; Thomas Gilbert; Joseph Anderson's child; Margaret Shralt; Charles Tomkins.
Among those ill are Dr. Richard Tunstall; J. G. Wilkinson, of the Virginia Bank; Mr. Wilkinson, auctioneer.
Miss Willis, nurse from New York, is doing well. Caleb Bonsal ill, as is also a daughter of Lieut. Henderson. Mr. Steele, of the Navy Hospital, taken down with the fever. Wm. T. Nimmo, of the Howard Association, and Dr. R. H. Gordon are out again. Rev. Louis Walk improving. Sister Christine, of Baltimore, was sick.
There are 45 children in the convalescents' asylum, lecture room of Christ Church, Freemason street; 21 in the Episcopal asylum, Holt street; and 20 in the Roman Catholic asylum.
In Portsmouth, among the dead are Ex-Mayor Stoaks, the undertaker; Richard Jones, Ed. Monning, Mrs. Wm. R. Guy, and a child of John Guy, Miss Maria Wedd, J. Whitman, J. Anderton, Henry Jones and M. Rigsay.
Dr. Rizer, of Philadelphia, is very ill; also Doctor Walters, of Baltimore.
Mrs. Powell, Matron of the Naval Hospital, is ill. Merritt Parsons dying.
Robert W. Bowden is now acting President of the Board of Health in Norfolk.
It is estimated that there are now 2,200 persons in Portsmouth—2,000 of whom are either convalescent or are now sick.
The correspondent of the Sun says:
It is said that scarcely a case taken since Monday has recovered. Thirty orders for coffins were in waiting this morning at 10 o'clock, and although the supply is large, not enough can be obtained.—One hearse passed by containing three bodies sewed up in canvas. Last Sabbath not a church was open in the place, and for a long time all houses of business have been closed. Not a person is to be seen upon the streets, save here and there a servant of the physicians hurrying to and fro.
Later from Portsmouth.
Petersburg, September 24—9 P. M.—A freight train from Portsmouth has just arrived at Weldon, N. C. There were only three deaths in Portsmouth yesterday (Sunday.) There is nothing from Norfolk. Dr. Crow is reported dead.
[This is, in all probability, a mistake, as Dr. C., if it is the physician from Richmond, has not been reported unwell since his return to Portsmouth.]
Petersburg, September 24.—No mail came through from Portsmouth today.—There were 17 deaths there yesterday.
In Norfolk, there were 31 deaths yesterday and 40 interments on Saturday.
* * * * * *
Table of Contents.
Index: A - R
Index: S - Z & specialized indexes.