Photos by Donna Bluemink
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INDEX: Armstong - Gray * Hambury - Rose * Rosson - Zwissler
James T. Hambury (1823-1855)
49-5th Alley Elmwood, 2nd from South Line West Center
James T. Hambury
Died August 25, 1855, Aged 22
Lot Owner: J. T. Hambury* * * * * *
Thomas Hare
23 West Avenue Elmwood
Sacred to the memory of
Thomas Hare
Who died of yellow fever
Sep. 5, 1855
Aged 55 years.
Lot Owner: Mrs. Mears & A. A. Gwaltney* * * * * *
William & J. Seymour Hawkins
17-4th Alley West Elmwood, 3rd from South Line, Center Row
William Hawkins (1831-1855)
Died Sep. 9, 1855
Aged 24 years.
J. Seymour Hawkins
Died Sep. 27, 1855
Aged 24 years.Lot Owner: Rachael Hawkins
* * * * * *
Anna Maria Henderson
4-1st Alley West Elmwood, 2nd from South Line West Row
Anna Maria Truxtun
Only daughter of
Sally B. & James Henderson
U. S. Navy
Born July 9, 1840
Died Nov. 28, 1855
God moves in a mysterious way, but God is love.Lot Owner: James Henderson
* * * * * *
William Page Hess
26 West Avenue Elmwood, North Grave, West Center Row
William Page Hess
Born Feb. 12, 1815
Died Aug. 8, 1855
Dearest Husband, though hath left me,
Here thy loss is deeply felt,
But tis God who hath born us,
He can all your sorrow hear.
My dear wife, do not weep,
I am not dead but hereth sleep,
And here my body must remain
Till Christ shall it call for all again.Lot Owners: Elizabeth Hess & Job. Thos. Arthur Jakeman
* * * * * *
Hiram Hutchinson
3-5 Alley West Elmwood, 2nd from South Line, West Center Row
Hiram Hutchinson
Died Sept. 2, 1855
Aged 53 yearsLot Owner: Hiram Hutchinson
* * * * * *
Rev. William M. Jackson
30-5th Alley West Elmwood, 3rd from South Line, West Row
In memory of Rev. William M. Jackson
Born in Baltimore, Md., October 10, 1809
Died in Norfolk, Va., October 5, 1855
Falling amidst the horrors of an unprecedented pestilence, he was indefatigable
in ministering to the sick, comforting the distressed and encouraging the dying
and burying the dead. He was faithful in all the relations of life and
died a martyr to his zeal in his Master's cause. True religion undefiled
before God and the Father in this to visit the fatherless and
widowed in their affliction and to keep himself unspotted from the
world. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth; yea,
saith the Spirit that they may rest from their labours and their
works do follow them.
Erected to the memory of their beloved pastor by the congregation of
St. Paul's Church, Norfolk, Va.
Lot Owner: Dr. Jackson
St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Norfolk, Va.
St. John on Isle of Patmos
In memory of Rev. Jackson
* * * * * *
George T. Jacob
25 West Avenue Elmwood, 2nd from South Line, West Row
To my beloved husband
Geo. T. Jacob
Born April 22, 1827
Died Aug. 24, 1855
I know that my husband liveth.
Weep not, fond wife, weep not for me,
Bid your children we are not dead by asleep.
We'll soon meet again where no parting tear is shed, or
Farewell sigh is given.
Children of Jacob.Lot Owner: Wm. Rosson & Eliz. S. Jacob
* * * * * *
Thomas Jakeman
26 West Avenue Elmwood, 2nd from South Line, West Row
In memory of
Born November 1831
Died Sep. 13, 1855
Walter Jakeman
Son of Thomas & Sarah F. Jakeman
Died August 29, 1855
Aged 11 months, 21 days
Thomas Hardy Jakeman
Born Sep. 3, 1855
Died 1856Lot Owners: Elizabeth Hess & Job Thomas Arthur Jakeman
* * * * * *
Edmund A. James
32-3rd Alley West Elmwood, 2nd from South Line, West Row
Born March 22, 1831
Died August 22, 1855.Lot Owner: Rev. George D. Armstrong
* * * * * *
Thomas T. Jennings
17 West Avenue Elmwood, 3rd from South Line West Center Row
The beloved of the household
Thomas T. Jennings
At Rest
The silver cord was loosed,
The golden bond was broken
on the 20th of August 1855
and his pure spirit returned to God who gave it.Lot Owner: Quick & O'Brien
* * * * * *
James R. Johnson
Elmwood 10AE-L107-S23
Erected to the memory of
James R. Johnson
who whilst endeavoring to
alleviate the suffering of his
afflicted fellow citizens, fell
victim to the then prevailing epidemic.
Died September 12, 1855, age 47* * * * * *
William L. Karcher
21-4th Alley West Elmwood, 3rd from North Line, West 1/2 of Center Row
(Name misspelled on gravestone)
William L. Karcher
Born Jan. 18, 1854
Died Sept. 13, 1855Lot Owner: Rosina Karcher
* * * * * *
Rapheale Keeling
7-1st Alley West Elmwood, 3rd from North Line, East Row
Daughter of D. F. & S. A. Keeling
Born July 26, 1818
Died Aug. 18, 1855
Lot Owner: David F. Keeling
* * * * * *
K. Lee
81 Wall Alley Elmwood, 2nd from North Line, West Row
(second entry on gravestone)
George K. Lee
Born Sep. 12, 1804
Died Aug. 22, 1855
They are not dead but sleeping.
Boast not thyself of tomorrow
for thou knowest not what a day many bring forth.
Lot Owner: C. B. Llewellyn
* * * * * *
S. Lee
13-4th Alley West Elmwood, South Grave, East Row
Not confirmed yellow fever death
In memory of
Jane S. Lee
Born 1st of August 1797
Died 15th day of October 1855
Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, for henceforth,
yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors.
And their works do follow them.
Forgive, blest, . . . the tributary tear,
That mourns thy exit from a world like this;
Forgive the wish that would have kept thee here,
And stayed thy entrance to the Courts of bliss.
Lot Owner: S. S. Stubbs
* * * * * *
S. Matthews
13-5th Alley West Elmwood, North Grave, West Row
Sacred to the memory of Cornelius S.
Son of Samuel N. & Henrietta Matthews
Born February 23, 1830
Died Sep. 20, 1855
My flesh and my heart fail but God is the strength of my heart
and my portion forever. Psalm 73:26
Whither, O whither should I fly but to my loving Savior's breast;
Sacred within thine arms to lie
And safely beneath thy wings to rest.
Lot Owner: William Dawley
* * * * * *
A. Matthias
14 West Avenue Elmwood, 2nd from South Line, West
Center Row
To the memory of Margaret A.
Consort of David Matthias
Died Sep. 12, 1855, age 35.
I will fear no evil for thou are with me;
thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Lot Owner: Quick & O'Brien
* * * * * *
Catharine Matthias
14 West Avenue Elmwood, 2nd from South Line, West
Center Row
Margt Catharine
Daughter of David and Margt Matthias
Died Sept. 3, 1855
Aged 3 years, 4 months
Lot Owner: Quick & O'Brien
* * * * * *
W. and Sarah V. Maynard
2-3rd Alley West Elmwood, 3rd from North Line, West
Sarah V. Maynard
Died Nov. 8, 1855
Aged 22 yrs, 8 mos
Salley W. Maynard
Died Oct. 10, 1855
Aged 2 yrs, 6 mos.
Lot Owner: Joseph Maynard
* * * * * *
Frances McCoy
19-2nd Alley West Elmwood, North Grave East Row
In memory of
Mary Frances
Wife of Cha. McCoy
Who departed this life
Sept. 6th, 1855
Aged 24 years.
Lot Owner: Virginia Kayton
* * * * * *
Mears (1795-1855)
23 West Avenue Elmwood, 2nd from South Line, Center
To my mother, Mary Mears
Who died Sep. 5, 1855, aged 60.
Dear Mother, We hope to meet thee in heaven.
Lot Owners: Mrs. Mears & A. A. Gwaltney
* * * * * *
Thomas Nash
38-4th Alley East Elmwood, 3rd from North Line, West
Dr. Thomas Nash
Son of Thomas Nash of Gosport
and Grandson of Thomas Nash
of St. Brides Parish Norfolk Co.
Born May 12, 1805, Died Aug. 16, 1855.
In person graceful and handsome; in manners, bland and courteous;
in character without reproach; in disposition guileless and without
resentment. But in his matured opinions, firm and inflexible; and withal
fearless as to opposition. A Christian from early manhood his
altruistic life convinced all men of the sincerity of his faith.
Lot Owner: H. M. Nash
* * * * * *
A. Perier
49 West Avenue Elmwood, 3rd from North Line, East
In memory of
Wife of Francis A. Perier
Born April 5th, 1799
Died September 15th, 1855
Lot Owner: Mrs. F. Tyler & F. A. Perier
* * * * * *
Belden Porter
32-3rd Alley West Elmwood, 2nd from South Line, East
In memory of Harriet Belden
Daughter of Edwin and Mary Porter
Born Oct. 4th, 1833
Died Sep. 23rd, 1855
This is not your rest. Micah 2:10
Lot Owner: Rev. G. Armstrong
* * * * * *
F. Pumphrey
17 Blk 7 Elmwood, 2nd from South Line, East Row
Nathaniel Fox Pumphrey
Mary Eliza Burgess
Lot Owner: Martha Ann Pumphrey
* * * * * *
Richardson (1830-1855)
14 West Avenue Elmwood, 2nd from North Line, East
Sacred to the memory of
Sister of Grace & P. Dilworth
Died Sept. 18, 1855
Aged 25 years.
Lot Owner: Quick & O'Brien
* * * * * *
C. Roberts (1818-1855)
31-4th Alley West Elmwood, 3rd from North Line, West
Center Row
William D. Roberts (1812-1855)
31-4th Alley West Elmwood, 2nd from South Line, West
Center Row
Frederick C. Roberts
who died Aug. 24, 1855
Aged 38 years.
Friend nor . . . would not save
My mortal body from the grave
Nor can they . . .
When Christ my judge bids me . . .
Sacred to the memory of
William D. Roberts
Who departed this life on the 7th day of Sep. 1855, aged 43 years.
In the midst of this his usefulness was he cut down by the terrible
epidemic that was then raging here. He fell martyr to . . . cause of humanity
enduring all the sufferings of his fellow citizens. In his death society has
lost a citizen, the poor and the needy a devoted friend, all mourn the
loss of such a man.
He filled many offices of trust conferred on him by
the people of the city
and was at the time of death delegate elect to the Legislature of the state.
In short he was the noblest work of God, an honest man. May he rest in peace.
This monument was erected to him by his friend Daniel S. Cherry
who will ever bear him in remembrance.
Lot Owner: Wm. D. Roberts
* * * * * *
G. Robinson
36 West Avenue Elmwood, South Grave, East Row
Sacred to the memory of
Marcellus Robinson
Son of William A. & Mary A. Robinson
Who died of the prevailing epidemic.
Sep. 3, 1855, in the 11th year of his age.
Lot Owner: Estate of Wm. Robertson
* * * * * *
V. Robinson (1816-1855)
36 West Alley, Elmwood, 2nd from South Line, East
Sacred to the memory of
William Robinson
Who died of the prevailing pestilence
September 18, 1855
Aged 39 years
Lot Owner: Estate of Wm. Robertson
* * * * * *
M. Rose (1830-1855)
1 West Avenue Elmwood, 3rd from North Line East Row
In memory of
Charles M. Rose
Died Sep. 1, 1855
Aged 25 years.
Lot Owner: Lewis Salusbury
* * * * * *
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