Warren County |
 Mountains, Linden |
Front Royal |
 Naylor Tourist Home, Front Royal (Our Mr. Hugh E. Naylor is the "father" of Skyline Drive and the Shenandoah National Park) |
 Horseshoe Cave, Front Royal |
 Main St., Front Royal (taken from Strickler's Hotel) |
 Skyline Hotel, 25 S. Royal Ave., Front Royal |
 Ladies Hall, Eastern College, Front Royal [1907] |
 Blue Ridge Mountains, Eastern College in foreground, Front Royal [1907] |
 Virginia Gentleman Restaurant, Front Royal |
 Simonpietri's Gift and Handicraft Shop - Service Station, Front Royal |
 H. J. Seibel, Jr.'s Iron Mines, Front Royal [1906, sender has crossed out Front Royal and overwritten Happy Creek] |