We want all of your Virginia Tombstone photographs. It doesn't
matter if you took them because they were kin or if the stone simply caught
your eye. We do ask that the engraving on the stone be readable
in the donated print or image file.
1. E-Mail - Attach the compressed image files to an email message to Rhonda Smith along with a note providing the required information. If you chose this method be sure to read the email tips/limits section of this page!2. US Postal Service - Copy your image files to a floppy or CD and mail it to Rhonda Smith. along with a note providing the required information and a listing of individual tombstone names vs image file name. Note: Many film developers now provide an image CD at nominal cost when your print or slide film is processed. Your CD will be returned to you after you approve the upload.
3. Internet - Upload your images to a temporary "public access" Internet directory you have upload permission for. After the files are uploaded, send an email to Rhonda Smith providing URL of the directory, the required cemetery information, and a listing of the individual tombstone names vs file names. After I download and process the image files, you can remove the images from the temporary directory.
1. Send only compressed images as email attachments. Your scanner's native BMP or TIFF file is not compressed! Your digital camera image file may or may not be compressed depending on the camera and the options you choose. In either case, JPEG photo image compression is usually provided with the basic photo processing software package provided with your camera or scanner.2. Limit your email message attachments to a single photo or a group of photo images totaling less than 1 MB per message!
If you have a large number of photographs to send via email, please contact me (Rhonda Smith) before sending them.
File Size and Compression: When I process an image file,
my target compressed file size is 50kb. Again that is only a rule
of thumb. Some tombstone images are quite readable cropped and compressed
to 15 kb. Other tombstone images with larger formats and more detail produce
files as large as 150 kb after compression. We must also remember that
the JPEG compression standard actually throws away photo information in
the compression process. Applying too much compression results in an image
with fuzzy text and blurred tombstone details. My personal rule of thumb
for "normal" JPEG compression is about 15:1 and I change it as necessary.
Small Stones: If the headstone image size is only a small part of the overall print size, scan only the immediate area around the headstone in the print and increase the resolution setting to provide the additional pixels needed for the display. If the headstone is only 2x1 inches in the original photograph, we can set the scanner resolution at 300 dpi, scan only the area with the headstone and produce a clear close-up headstone image that will almost fill the standard 640x480 computer display.
Bottom Line: The more detail in the original scan (consistent with a reasonable compressed file size) the better. We can always throw out pixels that aren't needed in the final image. We can't add pixels without producing a fuzzy image.
You retain the copyright and publishing rights for your donated photographs
except those noted here. By donating, you grant the Virginia Tombstone
Photo Project non-exclusive permanent publishing rights to your photographic
work. The USGenWeb notice at the end of this page will be posted on the
index page linked to your photographs.
This page is maintained by Rhonda Smith your Project Manager.
Return to: Virginia Tombstone Photo Project Page
Contributed for use by the Virginia USGenWeb Tombstone Photo Project (http://www.usgenweb.org) and by the VAGenWeb Archives Project
USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic photographs may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access.