Virginia USGenWeb Archives
Fairfax Memorial Park Cemetery,
Garden of Prayer, Fairfax County, VA
Tombstone Photographs |
Surname P
Photos in this section were submitted by: Roger
Goodman (rg)
PACE, Thomas A. 1901 - 1969.(rg)
PADALINO, Martin James 1951 -
PAGE, David F. 1919 - 1988, Anna
E. 1922 - 1996.(rg)
PAIK, Yong Sam 21 APR 1917 -
29 JAN 1977, and Kim, Bo Bae 19 FEB 1917 - 14
MAR 1977.(rg)
PAK, Yong Ho 1909 - 1992, and
Chun Cha 1917 - 2000.(rg)
PALAZZO, Leonard A. 28 MAY 1928
- 20 APR 1989.(rg)
PALAZZO, Pasquale 28 MAY 1928
- 7 APR 1993.(rg)
PALES, Virginia Callaghan 11
FEB 1926 - 30 OCT 1982.(rg)
PALIOKAS, Alice D. 22 AUG 1922
- 26 JUN 1987.(rg)
PALMER, James Edward 15 APR 1925
- 9 NOV 1981, and Regina DRISCOLL 20 MAR 1926? - 17 JUN
1987. MARRIED 30 MAR 1957.(rg)
PALMER, Sadie Mae 6 MAY 1899
- 4 FEB 1990.(rg)
PALMER, Virginia Fowler 16 JAN
1905 - 29 JUL 1980.(rg)
PANE, Philip R. 1911 - 1999,
and Josephine L. 1913 - .(rg)
PANOFF, Kathleen D. 14 JUN 1929
- 20 MAY 1989.(rg)
PANOFF, Robert 16 AUG 1921 -
30 JUN 1985.(rg)
PAPUGA, Frank E. 16 AUG 1914
- 21 NOV 1992.(rg)
PARADIS, Albert C. 8 MAY 1907
- 1 JUL 2000, and Margaret M. 15 JUL 1915 -
5 DEC 1981.(rg)
PAREDES, Andres Enrique 17 MAR
1982 - 11 APR 1994.(rg)
PARK, Chae Suk 14 DEC 1913 -
19 JUL 1999.(rg)
PARK, Chi Sun 16 MAY 1922 - 28
NOV 1986, and Sook Sun 18 OCT 1928 - .(rg)
PARK, Choong Shin 21 NOV 1924
- 29 MAR 2000, and Woo Soon 20 JUL 1949 -
PARK, Chung Soon 25 DEC 1927
- .(rg)
PARK, Hyung Churl 15 FEB 1934
- 8 NOV 1988.(rg)
PARK, Jin Ho 8 FEB 1915 - 19
JUL 1996, and Chung Soon 25 DEC 1927 -
PARK, Jin Ho 8 FEB 1915 - 19
JUL 1996.(rg)
PARK, Jhang Soo 17 OCT 1913 -
5 DEC 1994, and In Deuk 28 DEC 1915 - 16 JUL
PARK, Young B. 16 FEB 1949 -
6 NOV 1997.(rg)
PARKER, George B. 28 AUG 1927
- 15 MAR 1990 US NAVY.(rg)
PARKER, George Leroy 11 AUG 1915
- 25 JUN 1983 US ARMY.(rg)
PARKER, Ida ROWE 8 OCT 1920 -
22 DEC 1998.(rg)
PARKER, Johnet Claudia 25 DEC
1933 - 24 SEP 2001.(rg)
PARROTT, Harriet 1920 - 1980.(rg)
PARSAD, Anatole S. 16 MAY 1958
- 3 MAR 1994.(rg)
PARSAD, Marie-Ange 17 DEC 1953
- 25 FEB 1995.(rg)
APR 1926 - 15 JAN 1997 Mother of Marie-Ange and Anatole
PARSONS, Frances L. 28 OCT 1920
- 18 NOV 1998.(rg)
PASSELA, George A. 1913 - 1991,
and Renee G. 1915 - 1992.(rg)
PATRICK, Ann Deehy 29 FEB 1932
- 16 AUG 1991.(rg)
PATTERSON, Louise 8 SEP 1908
- 9 NOV 2000, and Brad McFARLAND 18 JUL 1939
- .(rg)
PAUL, Casey 18 JAN 1993 child
of Fred & Ann.(rg)
PAUL, Frederick Joseph 28 MAR
1912 - 22 DEC 1986, and Mary Rita 1 AUG 1916
- 12 FEB 1980. MARRIED
20 OCT 1945.(rg)
PAYNTER, Evelyn 1894 - 1971.(rg)
PAYNTER, Kennedy T. 1927 - 1997.(rg)
PAYNTER, Orville Eugene 5 MAR
1923 - 19 JUN 1992. PAYNTER, Orville
MARRIED 9 AUG 1945.(rg)
PEARSON, Rosemary K. 7 AUG 1917
- 12 AUG 1994.(rg)
PEDRESCHI, Oscar R. 9 FEB 1932
- 6 APR 1997.(rg)
PEGUES, Alexandrea Jean 7 MAY
1979 - 6 AUG 1983.(rg)
PELLEGRINI, Bruna 25 MAY 1902
- 19 OCT 1987 wife of Fulvio PELLEGRINI
1 MAR 1891 - 2 JUN 1967.(rg)
PELLEGRINI, Fulvio 1 MAR 1891
- 2 JUN 1967.(rg)
PENDLETON, Francine 3 JUN 1926
- 10 DEC 1991.(rg)
PENNELL, George H. Jr. 2_ OCT
1906 - 25 JUN 1996, and Anne W. 2 DEC 1908 -
9 NOV 1992.(rg)
PEOPLES, Michael C. 20 JUN 1954
- 27 OCT 1981.(rg)
PERPER, Martin H. 6 AUG 1939
- 21 NOV 1999.(rg)
PERRILL, Donald Hugh 15 SEP 1937
- 9 JAN 1989.(rg)
PERRY, Marcus Eugene 10 MAY 1933
- 19 AUG 1998.(rg)
PERRY, W. Earl 1935 - ,
and E. Jane 1934 - 1997.(rg)
PERTUSI, Francesco 1896 - 1974,
and Madalena 1897 - 1982.(rg)
PERUNKO, Jacob J. 1906 - 1997,
and Emma T. 1907 - 1972.(rg)
PESCHEK, Steven C. 1 FEB 1966
- 24 MAR 1966.(rg)
PESCHEK, Charles A. Jr. 1 OCT
1944 - 9 DEC 1968.(rg)
PETERS, Lee M. 1943 - 1999.(rg)
PETERSEN, Mary E. 1873 - 1963.(rg)
PETERSEN, Roy F. 1912 - 1987.(rg)
PETTIT, Joseph C. 7 AUG 1895
PETTIT, Marguerite B. 13 FEB
1902 - 30 OCT 1985.(rg)
PEZZELLE, Michele E. 1955 - 1997.(rg)
- 1981.(rg)
PFISTER, Daniel T. 1 APR 1970
- 16 NOV 1990.(rg)
PFISTER, Joseph 5 JUN 1923 -
24 MAR 1995 US NAVY.(rg)
PHAM, Dao Thi 21 MAR 1955 - 17
MAR 1994.(rg)
PHAN, Hoang Cao 27 DEC 1930 -
7 JUN 2000.(rg)
PHILLIPS, Grace E. 11 JAN 1925
- 1 OCT 1991.(rg)
PHILLIPS, Robert G. 22 NOV 1920
- 10 FEB 1988 US MARINE CORPS.(rg)
PICCOLA, Anthony John 5 NOV 1970
- 20 MAY 1989.(rg)
PICHURSKI, William John 3 JUL
1959 - 16 SEP 1989.(rg)
PIDA, George 1912 - 1995, Josephine
D. 1918 - 1996.(rg)
PIDA, Kosco 1886 - 1965.(rg)
NOV 1934 - 3 JUN 1990.(rg)
PIETZYK, James Paul 28 SEP 1932
- 28 JUL 1984 US ARMY KOREA.(rg)
PIKUL, Michael F. 1884 - 1963,
and Victoria O. 1884 - 1986.(rg)
PIOTROWSKI, James 1903 - 1980,
and Nellie 1908 - 1996.(rg)
PIPER, Thomas Laurence 24 OCT
1904 - 8 MAY 1977, and Edna MILEWSKA 28
DEC 1914 - .(rg)
PIZZINI, William Bernard 20 MAR
1914 - 12 FEB 1981 US NAVY WORLD WAR II.(rg)
POH, Lawrence C. J. III 25 NOV
1968 - 3 NOV 1987.(rg)
POLIZZI, Sebastian 1882 - 1972,
and Mary S. 1896 - 1982.(rg)
POLK, Ernest W. 1917 - 1993,
and Eula B. 1921 - 1998.(rg)
JAN 1916 - 20 MAR 1981.(rg)
POLLARD, Robert Van Buren 18
MAR 1905 - 13 JAN 1993.(rg)
POMPONIO, Mary Beth 2 DEC 1964
- 24 MAR 1966.(rg)
PONICK, Aislinn J. 22 JUL 1969
- 16 OCT 1990.(rg)
POOLER, Katrina Lee 1968 - 1991.(rg)
POPE, Jeffrey E. 9 APR 1953 -
2 MAY 1996.(rg)
PORRAS, M. Richard 1945 -
, Dollie M. 1941 - 1995.(rg)
PORTEOUS, Walter A. 13 NOV 1923
- , and Ida A GIBSON 21 SEP 1915
- 3 DEC 1990.(rg)
POTOTSCHNIK, Otto C. 1913 - 1994,
Aliene D. 1920 - 1972.(rg)
POWERS, Eugene W. 18 OCT 1925
- 13 APR 1995.POWERS, Eugene MARRIED
14 SEP 1946.(rg)
POWERS, Eugene W. II 21 MAY 1959
- 31 MAR 1995. POWERS, Eugene II MARRIED
20 APR 1985.(rg)
POZEGA, Barbara H. 1885 - 1964.(rg)
PRADEL, Anna M. 1899 - 1961.(rg)
- 1996.(rg)
PRESLEY, Paul R. 10 FEB 1916
- 22 DEC 1981, and Annette R. 1 MAY 1917 -
PRESTERA, James J. 11891 - 1965,
Frances A. 1896 - 1985.(rg)
PRESTERA, James R. 1925 - 1983
PRESTERA, Matthew J. 26 JAN 1927
- 24 SEP 1988.(rg)
PRESTERA, Matthew & _________
MARRIED 30 JAN 1954.(rg)
PRESTERA, Victor M. 1921 - ,
Angeline Y. 1922 - 1985, and Victor M. Jr.
1946 - 1997.(rg)
PRICE, Betty J. 22 DEC 1942 -
26 AUG 1998.(rg)
PRICE, Charles R. 1 NOV 1941
PRICE, Marilyn J. 24 JAN 1948
- 20 FEB 2002.(rg)
1 JAN 1937 - 11 NOV 1983.(rg)
PRICE, William E. 1914 - 1995,
and Agnes S. 1918 - .(rg)
1934 - 4 NOV 1974.(rg)
PRIMAVERA, Ted A. 1917 - 2000,
Virginia M. 1917 - 2001.(rg)
PRIMROSE Andrew V. 1902 - 1976.(rg)
PRINCE, Dennis W. 16 MAY 1960
- 23 MAR 1993.(rg)
PRINCE, Wilma Fay 5 OCT 1918
- 8 AUG 2000.(rg)
PRINCIOTT, Theodore P. 1919 -
1990, and Dorothy M. 1921 -(rg)
PROCTOR, Darlene M. 1926 - 1988.(rg)
PROCTOR, William C. Jr. 11 AUG
1929 - 6 AUG 1992 US MARINE CORPS.(rg)
PROENNEKE, Robert E. 1910 - 1998,
Dorothy W. 1910 - . MARRIED
10 MAY 1947.(rg)
PROULX, Gaston 1930 - ,
Patricia J. 1930 - 1998.(rg)
PROVENZANO, Joseph A. 1922 1974.(rg)
PRUITT, Basil W. 27 SEP 1915
- 17 AUG 2000, and Bernice G. 26 JUL 1917 -
. MARRIED 19 APR 1939.(rg)
1922 - 11 MAY 1995.(rg)
PUGLISE, Frances Marie 13 APR
1939 - 12 DEC 1964.(rg)
PUGLISE, Samuel F. 28 OCT 1909
- 10 OCT 1992, and Michela 8 MAY 1915 - 25 AUG
PUGLISI, Vittorio 1922 - 1993.(rg)
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