Virginia USGenWeb Archives
Fairfax Memorial Park Cemetery,
Garden of Prayer, Fairfax County, VA
Tombstone Photographs |
Surname D
Photos in this section were submitted by: Roger
Goodman (rg)
DADAMIO, Hazel M. 5 MAY 1921
- 8 DEC 2001.(rg)
DAGWELL, Marion M. 8 APR 1920
WAR II.(rg)
DALBY, John Wesley 16 OCT 1932
- 14 MAY 1987 ADAN US NAVY KOREA.(rg)
D'ALESSANDRO, Joseph 29 MAR 1912
World War II.(rg)
1900 - 30 DEC 1975.(rg)
DALEY, Timothy F. 1 JUL 1898
- 19 AUG 1977 US ARMY.(rg)
DALLMANN, Myrtle B. 7 JAN 1916
- .(rg)
DALTON, William Ray 6 DEC 1926
- 25 JUN 1987, and Rita Merritt 19 MAR 1928
- 6 JUN 1980.(rg)
DALTON, William and Rita married
5 NOV 1949.(rg)
DALY, Eugene 1891 - 1967, and
Honora E. 1886 - 1978.(rg)
DALY, Eugene J. 7 FEB 1918 -
16 FEB 1981.(rg)
DALY, John T. 17 FEB 1914 - 24
DEC 1977, and Mildred F. 16 JUL 1917 -
11 JUL 1979.(rg)
DANG, - , and TRAN,
2 APR 1947.(rg)
DANG, Thi Dieu-Hong 27 JUL 1916
- 7 APR 1995.(rg)
DANG, Dao Thi Thuc-Tien 19 JAN
1887 - 14 JUN 1976.(rg)
DANIELS, Charlotte, 3 FEB 1910
- 28 JUL 1992.(rg)
DANIELS, Elrice D. 1927 -
, and Carthina H. 1932 - 1993.(rg)
DARBY, Oliver Henry 1902 - 1965,
Isabel MaGEE 1905 - 1991.(rg)
DARMODY, W. Patrick 1934 -
, Louise J. 1937 - 1992.(rg)
DARNER, Catherine STEVENS 1904
- 1968(rg)
de SORG, Carmen Seminario 19
MAY 1978.(rg)
DAVENPORT, Monroe M. 1895 - 1976,
and Rosemary S. 1897 - 1985.(rg)
DAVENPORT, Milton M. 3 NOV 1922
- 27 JUN 1989.(rg)
DAVIES, William Randell 1914
- 2000, and Mary Catherine 1917 - 1995.(rg)
DAVIES William R. and Mary C.
MARRIED 20 MAR 1943.(rg)
DAVIS, A. Chew 1929 - 1991, Frances
C. 1928 - .(rg)
DAVIS, Frances M. 1 SEP 1907
- 13 DEC 1997.(rg)
DAVIS, Theresa Marie 20 APR 1931
- 15 MAR 1987.(rg)
DAVOLI, Paul Richard Anthony
14 AUG 1965 - 12 JUN 1988.(rg)
De ABOITIZ, Federico Santiago
28 OCT 1933 - 27 APR 1982.(rg)
DEAN, Charles P. 1891 - 1980,
and Mary 1900 - 1997.(rg)
DEAN, Courtney 21 JAN 1914 -
30 MAY 1985.(rg)
DEAVER, Joyce BOLAND 21 NOV 1919
- 15 APR 1986.(rg)
DeAVIES, Henrietta S. 1914 -
DE BLOIS, F. Clare 18 MAY 1924
- 8 JUL 2001, and Gilbert E. 9 MAY 1922
- .(rg)
DeBLOIS, Patricia H. 4 JUL 1941
- 8 NOV 1985.(rg)
DeCARLO, Joseph A. 1907 - 2001,
and Josephine 1917 - 1999.(rg)
DECK, Julian Nelson 30 MAY 1909
WAR II.(rg)
DeCORRAL, Caridad 1910 - 1991.(rg)
DE ELIAS, Jesus Lau 27 AUG 1914
- 28 OCT 1994.(rg)
DeFILIPPIS, John 1897 - 1962,
and Blanche 1899 - 1988.(rg)
DeFILIPPIS, Charles 1908 - 1963.(rg)
DeGARCIA, Yrene V. 20 OCT 1944
- 10 NOV 1991.(rg)
DEGRANDI, Rosa A. 18 NOV 1901
- 8 MAR 1990.(rg)
DE GUZMAN, Gil N. 25 SEP 1916
- 9 FEB 1991, and Rosa V. 23 MAR 1919 - 27 JAN
DeLEON, Dorothy M. 19 AUG 1910
- 27 JUN 2000, and Joseph DeLEON 1907 - 1995.(rg)
DELMORE, Mark James 28 NOV 1955
- 29 JUN 1990.(rg)
de HERNANDEZ, Maria del Carmen PASTOR
16 JUL 1900 - 18 FEB 1995 and BEGUERIE, Ricardo
L. HERNANDEZ 10 AUG 1903 - 9 MAR 1993.(rg)
De MARIA, G. William 9 JUL 1907
- 26 MAR 1983.(rg)
De MARIA, Teresa Veronica DIED
11 SEP 1980.(rg)
DENEGRI, R. Elizabeth 27 JUN
1955 - 23 OCT 1996.(rg)
DENTON, Billie Sue 1929 - 1984.(rg)
DENTON, David D. 1959 -
DePALMA, George P. 1920 - 1976.(rg)
deRIOS, Helen MOYER 25 OCT 1963.(rg)
DeROY, Myra K. 20 SEP 1910 -
6 OCT 1988.(rg)
DeROY, Ross Frederick 1906 -
DE SIO, Joseph E. 1916 -
, and Barbara R. 1925 - 1987(rg).
DESMOND, Dorothy M. 23 APR 1909
- 18 FEB 2002.(rg)
DeSOMMA, Daniel Paul 3 MAY 1950
- 9 AUG 1989.(rg)
DeSOMMA, Edward A. 7 JUL 1956
- 17 JUN 1978.(rg)
DeSOMMA, Ilona Maria 11 AUG 1920
- 25 MAR 1992.(rg)
DeSOMMA, Louise R. 29 NOV 1911
- 14 AUG 1976.(rg)
DEUTSCH, Julian L. 1912 - 1992,
and Patty H. 1914 - 1997.(rg)
DEVER, Edward J. 1886 - 1963,
and Mary E. 1890 - 1970.(rg)
DEWEY, Harold A. 7 APR 1914 -
15 NOV 1987 US NAVY.(rg)
DEWHURST, Henry Stephen 1917
- , and Jeanne Audrey 1917 - 1989.(rg)
DE YOUNG, Glenn R. 18 JUL 1922
- , and Marjorie A. 4 NOV 1919 - 14 MAR
DIBBS, Alfred M.D.
9 JAN 1912 - 27 JUL 1981.(rg)
1952 - 17 DEC 1994, and Virginia P. 31 MAR 1927
- 25 DEC 1986.(rg)
DiFILIPPO, Angelo E. 7 MAR 1937
- .(rg)
1942 - 9 SEP 1991.(rg)
Di GENNARO, Mary Ann 1957 - 1997.(rg)
DILLON, William H. 1928 -
, Jane E. 1933 - 1980. MARRIED
15 JUN 1957.(rg)
DINSMORE, Gwendola G. 1912 -
DINSMORE, Kenneth O. 1912 - 1984.(rg)
DIONNE, Alphonse L. 20 DEC 1919
- 9 FEB 1995.(rg)
DIONNE, Clementine G. 9 OCT 1921
- 5 JAN 2000.(rg)
DiSILVESTRE, Anthony V. 1932
- 1991.(rg)
DI SALVO, Robert M. 1921 - 1990,
Jane C. 1923 - 1986.(rg)
DiTANNA Pasquale L. 3 OCT 1931
- , and Janet E. 1 OCT 1934 -
DITTGEN, Clarence J. 1907 - 1965,
Lucille C. 1908 - 1989.(rg)
DITTWALD, Alwin G. 1907 - 1987,
and HERTA E. 1906 - 1986.(rg)
DITZ, Edward L. Sr. 14 OCT 1891
- 21 FEB 1974, and Margaret E. 24 SEP
1902 - 16 OCT 1996.(rg)
DiVALENTIN, Anthony E. Jr. 1913
- 1977, and Ida M. 1920 - .(rg)
Di VALENTIN, Louis 21 NOV 1907
DiVALENTIN, Louis 21 NOV 1907
- 27 AUG 1982, and Maria Messuri 29 OCT 1911
- 11 DEC 1985.(rg)
DIXON, Richard K. 1928 -
, Mary S. 1925 - .(rg)
DOAN, Thao 1959 - 2000.(rg)
DOBBERFUHL, Jeffrey Allan 25
APR 1984 - 3 FEB 1990.(rg)
DOCTOR, Kenneth C. 1960 - 1999.(rg)
DODD, Russell C. 1919 -
, and Beatrice J. 1924 - 1969.(rg)
DODGE, Kent L. 1918 - 1985, and
Patricia F. 1919 - 1984.(rg)
DODGE, Paul H. 1956 - 1977, and
Jeanne B. 1958 - .(rg)
DOERING, Michael Lee 14 JUN 1952
- 17 JUN 1992.(rg)
DOHERTY, John Joseph 14 FEB 1913
- 12 MAY 1975, and Marjorie WARREN 15 JAN 1920
- 29 JAN 1998.(rg)
DOHERTY, Dennis M. 8 APR 1946
- 28 SEP 1991.(rg)
DOLL, Lawrence Kirk 22 JUL 1949
- , Lauren ARICO 12 MAR 1954 -
, Gabriel Lawrence 7 MAR 1981 - 7 MAR 1981.
DOLL, Gabriel Lawrence 7 MAR
1981 - 7 MAR 1981.(rg)
DONALDSON, Kenneth E. 12 AUG
1925 - 11 JUN 1990 US MARINE CORPS
DONEGAN, Hannah R. 1 SEP 1927
- 7 JUL 1977.(rg)
DONEGAN, Joseph L. Sr. 1902 -
1961, Antonia B. 1905 - 1985.(rg)
DONNELLY, Cathleen Ann 24 FEB
1965 - 14 APR 1965.(rg)
DONNELLY, Robert F. 8 JUL 1920
- 16 SEP 1996.(rg)
DONNELLY, Thomas Francis
6 DEC 1961 - 25 NOV 1979.(rg)
DONNELLY, William Jr. 1923 -
1996, Patricia H. 1923 - 1993.(rg)
DONNACHIE, Henry "Scottie"
4 OCT 1923 - 28 OCT 1997, Marguerite D.
4 MAR 1925 - 15 SEP 1988. MARRIED
28 DEC 1949.(rg)
DONOGHUE, John X. 1918 - 1984,
and Marguerite B. 1915 - 1985.(rg)
DONOHUE, Michael P. 28 JUN 1954
- 18 JUL 1975(rg)
DONOVAN, Betty 1914 - 1992.(rg)
DONOVAN, C. Richard 1904 - 1964.(rg)
DONOVAN, James K. 12 MAY 1954
- 7 NOV 1975.(rg)
DONOVAN, Harry H. 1926 -
, and Betty M. 1937 - .(rg)
DONOVAN, Mrs. William H. 1881
- 1974.(rg)
DORAN, Mary D. 1895 - 1986.(rg)
DORCHEUS, E. W. (BILL) 1929 -
, and Kyong Won 1938 - .(rg)
DORSEY, James F., Sr. 1898 -
1978, Elizabeth R. 1903 - 1999.(rg)
DORTON, Rachael Nichole 2 APR
DOSS, Shirley Mae 4 MAY 1938
- 1 APR 1994.(rg)
DOTO, Anthony J. 1922 - 1975.
SK1 US Navy WWII.(rg)
DOUCET, Donald J. 10 MAR 1944
- 3 NOV 1965.(rg)
DOUGHERTY, Charles O. 1895 -
1974 PFC US ARMY.(rg)
DOUGHERTY, Ray E. 1895 - 1970.(rg)
DOUGHERTY, Rosamond M. 1902 -
DOUGHERTY, Wayne J. 1918 - 1980.(rg)
DOVE, Manville A. 16 JAN 1915
- 25 DEC 1986, and Elizabeth L. 14 MAR 1915
- 10 MAR 1996. MARRIED 9 MAR 1935.(rg)
DOVE, Thomas A. 13 DEC 1941 -
DOWNS, Aubrey L. 1923 - 2002,
Anna Z. 1921 - 1993.(rg)
DOYLE, Thomas A. Jr. 1 JUN 1913
- 25 SEP 1982 US ARMY.(rg)
DOZIER, Brian Robert 4 JUN 1992
- 5 JUN 1992.(rg)
DRANEY, Sara E. 1924 - 1994,
and PHILLIPS, Lucy T. 1901 - 1998.(rg)
DRAUDT, Harold A. 1914 - 1984.(rg)
DRAUDT, Kathryn T. 1915 - 1963.(rg)
DREW, Anna Marie 26 MAY 1888
- 29 MAR 1964.(rg)
DROMM, Florence R. 8 JAN 1902
- 18 JUN 1990.(rg)
DRONFIELD, Lawrence E. 1928 -
, Frances S. 1920 - 1999.(rg)
1935 - .(rg)
DRUMMEY, John Joseph 11 MAR 1933
- 17 SEP 1985 US ARMY.(rg)
DUGGAN, John F. 23 APR 1923 -
, Lorraine B. 30 JAN 1920 - 16 NOV 1999.
MARRIED 16 MAR 1944.(rg)
DUGGAN, Robert E. 8 JAN 1950
DULLEA, Charles J. 1919 - 1996,
and Alma J. 1928 - .(rg)
DUNCAN, Joseph J. 13 SEP 1902
- 15 NOV 1974.(rg)
DUNCAN, Lucille M. 24 JAN 1903
- 9 AUG 1994.(rg)
DUNN, Frank P. 1916 - 1972, and
Rosemary S. 1918 - 1974.(rg)
DUNN, Joseph L. 1892 - 1963,
and Bertha W. 1905 - 1969.(rg)
DUNN, Lester C. 1917 - 1992,
Alvera E. 1920 - .(rg)
DUNNIGAN, Eleanor F. 23 SEP 1907
- 1 JAN 1994.(rg)
DUNNIGAN, John Kevin 24 SEP 1970
- 25 SEP 1970.(rg)
DUPUY, Marthe 1889 - 1963.(rg)
DURAND, Roy A. 1906 - 1968, Florence
E. 1912 - 1991.(rg)
DURKAN, Michael J. 1882 - 1972.(rg)
DURKAN, Patrick J. 1913 - 1997.(rg)
DURUM, Diann Judith 3 SEP 1951
- 2 APR 1978.(rg)
DURUM, Walton Henry 19 APR 1917
- 7 JAN 1996.(rg)
DUTCHER, Susan A. 1 JAN 1897
- 22 OCT 1985.(rg)
DUTEMPLE, William Kirke 11 FEB
1954 - 28 DEC 1972, and DUTEMPLE, Clifford Gardner
II 11 FEB 1954 -
28 DEC 1972. BROTHERS.(rg)
DYE, William C. 1899 - 1975,
and Annette A. 1893 - 1964.(rg)
DYER, Charles E. 30 JUL 1908
- 15 AUG 2000, and Mary S. 8 MAY 1912
- 16 MAR 1998.(rg)
1922 - 13 JUL 1974 2D LT ARMY AIR FORCES.(rg)
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