USGenWeb Archives Search
USGenWeb Search
Database Name: index
Total Records: 1803
General Instructions
This site searches the Archives of the state you chose.
Put the text you want to search for in the "Query:" box, then click on the "Submit Query" button.
Here are some examples
smith -- any name you are looking for
vermont -- any place name you are searching for. Be sure to also try the abbreviation(s) for the state names!
Probably not too helpful if this is the Vermont Archives, but definitely try it in the South
Dakota Archives, as many Vermonters migrated to SD after the Civil War.
Advanced searches
Use a plus sign to find instances of any string of more than one word in a file:
john+smith -- finds files where the words "John Smith" appear exactly as shown - does *NOT* find files that contain "Smith,
John" nor files where there is more than one space between "John" and "Smith"
Use the words "and", "or" and "not" to
limit your search:
smith and jones -- finds files that contain both words.
smith or jones -- finds files that contain either word - or both words.
Use parentheses to group choices:
smith and (union+co or lincoln+co) -- finds files that contain "smith" and either county name. You may also have to search
smith and (union+county or lincoln+county) depending on whether the word county is abbreviated or not
The search engine is not case sensitive -- for example, it does not matter
whether you type Smith, smith, SMITH, or SmITh in the Query: box.
The use of "*" at the end of query words is supported. Example:
smith* -- finds files containing the words Smith and words beginning with
Smith such as Smithy, Smithson, etc.
Queries that begin with "*" are not supported. Example:
*smith will not find files that contain words such as silversmith or blacksmith.