The Marriage Bonds
within this site are presented as found.
If mistakes in the indexing are noticed, please alert us so they may be
Always look for spelling variants. Remember to use phonetics as they
were in common useage. Many people were illiterate and could not
spell their own names. Other times spelling of a surname may be found
several different ways in a document. When more than one spelling
was found, the signature was generally used for indexing purposes.
There are shadows on many of the images. This is because the papers
were folded in the past and the shadows picked up when the images were
The bonds within are from the original extant bonds and consents.
They are not inclusive of all marriages which may have taken place.
They do however include all the extant marriage bonds and consents found
for the years 1778-1801. There are 1,353 images within this series.
Brackets [ ] are often used in the index. These indicate
our interpretation of the word or letters within those brackets.
When there are several entries in the index for a couple, open all sites
as each site will have a separate part of the Marriage Bond and/or consent.
Assuming you have read and accepted the License
Agreement, you may now proceed to the full index
of bride and grooms. Newly revised. This is a complete
index by groom of all persons on the bonds and consents, including bondsmen
and witnesses.
An index
by letter of alphabet is available as well. This is a complete
index of bride and groom only. Note: This is the only index
with links to the actual scanned images. The index above is a
full name index to all individuals on the bonds excluding the Clerk of
Court and Governors.