U. S. Navy Yard, Washington

Topics arranged by date:

Andrew Sprowle
1710-1776: "Lord of Gosport"

Early Loyalty and Citizenship Requirements for Federal Employees at Gosport and other Naval Shipyards, July 16, 1794

HMS Hermione, Muster 7 April 1797 to 7 July 1797

Recruiting in the early U.S. Navy, Captain Thomas Tingey, USN, 5 November 1798
instructions regarding recruitment for the sloop of war,  USS Ganges

Rules & Regulations of the Navy-Yard at Gosport

Washington Navy Yard Position Descriptions by Josiah Fox, 1804

Americans on HMS Victory during the Battle of Trafalgar 21 Oct 1805

Early Apprentices at Gosport Navy Yard, August 11, 1807

The “Tar and Feathers Company” Memorial (Petition) to Secretary of Navy, Robert Smith,
from 72 Washington Navy Yard tradesmen, 10 November 1808

Washington Navy Yard Purser, Samuel Hanson USN, brings charges against Captain Thomas Tingey and Master Commandant John Cassin 10 Dec 1808

HM Dartmoor Prison and the War of 1812

The Deck Log of the Frigate USS Constitution 1803 - 1815 Part I & Part II

Commodore Joshua Barney and the Naval Flotilla at the Battle of Bladensburg 24 August 1814

An Epic Log of the Frigate USS Constitution vs HMS Guerriere

Regulations re Musters of Civilian Employees Naval Shipyard Gosport, 1821

Commodore John Cassin Justifies His Twenty-Four Black Laborers

Commodore John Cassin (1760-1822): Biographical Sketches & Letters

American Seamen’s Protection Certificates & Impressment 1796-1822

Yellow Fever Aboard the USS Macedonian & USS Peacock, 1822,
& brief bio of Dr. Samuel Trevett Jr Surgeon USN

Dr. Elnathan Judson’s 1823 report to the Secretary of the Navy on the successful vaccination of naval seamen in the Boston area for small pox with related demographic and ethnic data

Letters from and to the Gosport Navy Yard 1826-1828 Part I & Part II

Employment of Enslaved Workers in the Construction of the Stone Dock, October 12, 1831

Dr. Isaac Hulse, Naval Surgeon, USN, 1832

Dry Dock No 1, a Work Stoppage & the USS Delaware in Letters & Documents 1833.
Also includes Quarterly Report of Persons Confined & Punished aboard the U.S. Delaware

The Washington Navy Yard Strike and Snow Riot” of 1835

Letters from and to the Philadelphia Navy Yard 1826-1840

The Philadelphia Navy Yard in 1835 & the birth of the 10-hour day

Miscellaneous Documents and Letters from the files of the Philadelphia Navy Yard
1827 to 1841

Letters and Documents related to the history of the U.S. Navy Home Squadron
and the loss of USS Albany 1853-1856

Correspondence from U.S. Frigate Columbia re Smallpox off St. Thomas Feby 8th 1854 

The USS Columbia and the "Scourge of the West Indies Yellow Fever"

Gosport Naval Hospital:

     Dr. William Paul Crillon Barton, Surgeon USN & Gosport Naval Hospital    

     Cholera at Gosport Navy Yard, 1832.

     Gosport Naval Hospital Staff, 1834

     African American Women as Nurses, Cooks, and Washers at Gosport (Norfolk) Naval Hospital      1810-1842

     Dr. Thomas Williamson and the treatment of mental illness at Gosport (Norfolk) Naval Hospital      1827-1844

     1855 Yellow Fever Epidemic

     The Great Influenza Pandemic of 1918/1919

     Influenza Addendum: Lillian M Murphy RN USNR (1887-1918) Navy Cross Recipient

A Norfolk Navy Yard Slaveholders Petition to the Secretary of the Navy, June 21, 1839

The Gosport Navy Yard Apprentice Boys School and the question of foreign birth, June 7, 1839

The Recruitment of African Americans in the U.S. Navy, 1825-1839

Enslaved Laborers at the Gosport Navy Yard, 1845

List of Persons Employed at Boston Navy Yard in 1846

List of Philadelphia Navy Yard Employees, Military and Civilian, 1846

Josiah Fox, Naval Architect, 1763-1847

Gosport Navy Yard Employees, Occupation & Per Diem Pay Rates, May 12, 1819 & July 1848

List of Gosport Navy Yard Employees Military and Civilian, 1846

Flogging at Sea, Discipline and Punishment in the Old Navy, 1846/47

Alcohol, Discipline and Punishment in the Early Naval Officer Corps

Station Log for Gosport Navy Yard, 1850

Documenting the Loss of USS Albany, September 1854

Edward Fitzgerald Sr., (1785-1857) Purser USN

Women in the Early Navy Yard - Seamstresses & Horse Cart Drivers, 1862-1867

Resignations and Dismissals at Norfolk Navy Yard from the U.S. Navy April 1861

1862 Deck Log of the USS Monitor

Naval Enlistments Boston 1863

Brooklyn Navy Yard history

      Brooklyn Navy Yard 1841 Naval Court of Inquiry re Commodore James Renshaw and
      Charges of Job Patronage and Favoritism

Pensacola Navy Yard: Letters & Documents to the Secretary of the Navy & Board of Navy Commissioners

      Part I & Part II: Letter & Documents 1826-1850,

      Part III: Letters & Documents: 1840-60

      Part IV: Letters & Documents: 1860s

      Part V: A Murder in Baltimore and a Sailor on the Run

      Addendums: Yellow Fever & Piracy

Confederate Pensacola Navy Yard Payroll January 1862 with list of Enslaved Laborers

Washington Navy Yard (Sharp, John G.M., History of the Washington Navy Yard Civilian Workforce, 1799-1962, Naval History and Heritage Command)

     African Americans, Enslaved & Free, at Washington Navy Yard Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5

     Daniel and Mary Bell and the Struggle for Freedom

Confederate Slave Roll Payrolls 1861-1865

Women in Federal Employment 1795-1945

     1 A Tragic Explosion and Fire at the Washington Arsenal 

     2 Women Government Employees 

     3 Washington Navy Yard Women's Payroll May 1862 

* * * * * *

John "Jack" G. M. Sharp resides in Concord, California. He worked for the United States Navy for thirty years as a civilian personnel officer. Among his many assignments were positions in Berlin, Germany, where in 1989 he was in East Berlin the day the infamous wall was opened. He later served as Human Resources Officer in South West Asia (Bahrain). He returned to the United States in 2001 and was on duty at the Naval District of Washington on 9/11. He has a lifelong interest in history and has written extensively on the Washington, Norfolk and Pensacola Navy Yards, labor history and the history of African Americans. His previous books include African Americans in Slavery and Freedom on the Washington Navy Yard 1799 -1865, Morgan Hannah Press 2011 and History of the Washington Navy Yard Civilian Workforce 1799-1962, 2004.
and the first complete transcription of the Diary of Michael Shiner Relating to the History of the Washington Navy Yard, 1813-1869, 2007/2015 online:
His most recent work includes Register of Patients at Naval Hospital Washington DC 1814 With The Names of American Wounded From The Battle of Bladensburg 2018,
The Great Influenza Pandemic of 1918 at the Norfolk Naval Shipyard, Naval Training Station Hampton Roads and the Norfolk Naval Hospital (202) https://www.history.navy.mil/research/library/online-reading-room/title-list-alphabetically/g/the-great-influenza-pandemic-of-1918-at-the-norfolk-naval-shipyard-naval-training-station-hampton-roads-ad-the-norfolk-naval-hosptial.html
The last four works were all published by the Naval History and Heritage Command.
He recently served as consulting historian, for Animating History, on the film version, Diary of Michael Shiner (2024), https://animatinghistory.com/films/michaelshiner/
John served on active duty in the United States Navy, including Vietnam service. He received his BA and MA in History from San Francisco State University with honors. He can be reached at sharpjg@yahoo.com

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