NORFOLK NAVY YARDNote: The materials used in this site are the personal property of Marcus W. Robbins, unless otherwise noted. In keeping with USGenWeb Archives policy of providing free information on the Internet, these documents may be used by anyone for their personal research. They may be used by non-commercial entities, when written permission is obtained from the contributor, so long as all notices and submitter information are included.These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit. Any other use, including copying files to other sites, requires permission from the contributors PRIOR to uploading to the other sites. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. If the reader has similar material they would like to share on this site, please contact Marcus W. Robbins.
Virginia Sinking the Cumberland, March 8th, 1862
Postcard, Courtesy of Kirn Library, Sargeant RoomBOOKS & PUBLICATIONS:
The First Iron-Clad Naval Engagement in the World: History of Facts of the Great Naval Battle Between The Merrimac, C. S. N. and The Ericsson Monitor, U. S. N., Hampton Roads, March 8 and 9, 1862, by E. V. White, Portsmouth, Virginia. New York: J. S. Ogilive Publishing Company, 1906.
History of Norfolk Co., Virginia, and Representative Citizens, by Col. William N. Stewart, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, IL, 1902. Chapter XXVI, "The Confederate States Navy Yard," pp 443-453.
House Document (United States. Congress. Senate); 40th Congress, 2d Session [December 2, 1867 - November 10, 1868]. Ex. Doc. No. 86. Letter of the Secretary of the Navy, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 24th instant, information in relation to the construction of the iron-clad Monitor.
A True Description of the Fight Between the "Merrimac" and "Monitor" in Hampton Roads, Va., Sunday, March the 9th, 1862, as witnessed by Capt. Tom Smith, an Old Blockade Runner.
The Memoris of Eugenius Alexander Jack, 1840-1911, Steam Engineer, CSS Virginia
Letter of H. W. Poole, CO H, 3rd Regt, Fort Monroe, to Cyrus Thompson, Esq., Boston, April 28, 1861.
Letter of Samuel Wolcott to his father, October 23, 1861.
Letter of PVT John Snyder, Cape Hatress, NC, to a friend, February 4, 1862.
Letter of John M. Amshire, Norfolk, VA, to his wife, May 15, 1862.
Letter of John M. Amshire, Gosport Navy Yard, to his wife, May 22, 1862.
Discharge Certificate for Volunteer, May 23, 1862.Letter of Dr. Solomon Sharp to Commodore Livingston, Norfolk Navy Yard, Norfolk, January 24, 1863
Letter of Isaiah Hanscom to Joseph Frost, November 18, 1864.
Letter to Edward Cavently from Treasury Department, April 28, 1870.
Letter of Admiral David Dixon Porter to Lawton Coggeshall, Esq., October 7, 1889NEWSPAPERS:
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, March 30, 1861. Vessels of War of the United States Navy.
THE NEW YORK TIMES, Friday, May 24, 1861. Probable Movements Against Gosport.
NEW YORK HERALD, March 10, 1862. The Conflict off Newport's News.
NEW YORK HERALD, March 11, 1862. The Monitor Succeeds.
CHARLESTON DAILY COURIER, March 14, 1862. The Latest News from Norfolk.
NEW YORK HERALD, March 14, 1862. The Battle of the Iron-Clad Steamers.
THE DETROIT FREE PRESS, March 15 & 16, 1862. Monitor vs Merrimac.
FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED NEWSPAPER (New York), March 22, 1862. "The Naval Battle in Hampton Roads."
THE NEW YORK TIMES, Saturday, May 10, 1862. War news.
THE NEW YORK TIMES, Monday, May 12 and 13, 1862. Destruction of the Merrimac & Capture of Norfolk.
THE NEW YORK HERALD, May 12, 1862: Norfolk is Ours. May 13, 1862: The Capture of Norfolk.
THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, Monday, May 12, 1862, and Tuesday, May 13, 1862.
SACRAMENTO DAILY UNION, June 26, 1862. "A Trip to Norfolk."
Dedication Brochure of the US Monitor Memorial Monument - December 29, 2012
THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT, December 30, 2012. Ironclad's Doom Called 'A Panorama of Horror'
THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT, December 30, 2012. Mariners' Museum Honors Fallen Monitor Sailors
US Monitor Sailors Serve as Examples for Today's Sailors - Speech by Rear Admiral David M. Thomas at Dedication of US Monitor Memorial Monument
STEPPING THROUGH HISTORY By Kristi Britt, Code 1160, Public Affairs Specialist, January 2012BATTLE OF IRONCLADS, by Marcus W. Robbins, NNSY Service to the Fleet, March 2012, pp 8, 9 & 13 (extract).
Blog #24, December 29, 2012. The Sinking and Loss of the USS Monitor ~ 150 Years Ago on December 31, 1862.
Ships of the Norfolk Naval Shipyard
Burning of the Merrimac and Shipyard, Courtesy of Kirn Library, Sargeant Room.
C S Ironclad, Virginia , Courtesy of Kirn Library, Sargeant Room.
Civil War Map of Hampton Roads, New York Times, May 10, 1862.
Craney Island batteries, (Civil War) Harper's Weekly, Nov. 2, 1861.
Destruction of the Navy Yard, Illustrated Times, June 15, 1861, Courtesy of Kirn Library, Sargeant Room.
Ironclads, Courtesy of Kirn Library, Sargeant Room.
Merrimac, Courtesy of Kirn Library, Sargeant Room.
"Virginia" (Merrimac) passing Fort Norfolk, March 8, 1862, original from painting by B. A. Richardson.
Merrimac in Dry Dock, Being Converted into the Iron Battery "Virginia," original from painting by B. A. Richardson, (postcard, courtesy of Kirn Library, Sargeant Room)
Monitor vs. Merrimac, The Illustrated London News, April 5, 1862.
Monitor vs. Merrimac (night scene), Courtesy of Kirn Library, Sargeant Room.
Occupation of Norfolk, Virginia—View of the City—Union Vessels at Anchor, Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, June 7, 1862.
Occupation of Norfolk, Virginia—Bird's Eye View of the Ruins of the Navy Yard at Gosport—Evacuated by Commander M'Cauley, U. S. N., Commanding April 21, 1861, Abandoned and Burnt by the Rebels on May 11, 1862, Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, June 7, 1862.
Richmond and its Defenses, New York Times, May 13, 1862.
Virginia Sinking the Cumberland, March 8th, 1862, Courtesy of Kirn Library, Sargeant Room.
Norfolk Navy Yard Table of Contents
Battle of the Hampton Roads Ironclads
The Norfolk Navy Yard into the 20th Century