3000 Church St., Norfolk, VA

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Baby Section 4 Plat with Tombstone Names & Locations
BS=Baby Section: BS1, BS2, BS3, BS4 (see map)

SB=Stillbirth, b=born, d=died, c/o=child of

Adams, Infant Thomas Frances, 10-18-1964, premature, c/o Charles & Christianna Adams. HDO
Affourtit, Infant (m), 12-8-1962, age 11 hours, c/o Daniel & Alice Affourtit. HDO. BS4
Agnew, Infant 3-16-2018 B4

Allen, Edward Joseph, 2-13-1910, age 19 days, c/o Patrick & Catherine Allen. HDO
Allen, Joanna Barbara, 3-8-1966, age 8 days, respiratory infection, c/o Bobby & Catherine S. Allen. HDO. BS4
Aloisio, Carl Edward, d 7-13-1914, age 5 mons., cholera, c/o Charles & Catherine Aloisio. HDO
Andrews, Joel David, 4-4-1970, SB, c/o Jerald & Krean Andrews. HDO
Annarino, Mary
, 2-24-1918, age 3 days, c/o Joseph & Grace Annarino. HDO. Obit
Arlington, John F., 11-16-1907 to 4-25-1908, gastroenteritis, c/o John & Frances Arlington. HDO
Arnold, Infant, 1-24-1961. BS4
Arguello Infant, 3-27-1961. BS4
Ashten, Infant (m), 9-10-1944, premature, c/o James & Laura Ashten. HDO
Atwater, Sherri L., 3-15-1952

Bailey, Mary A., d 7-7-1913, age 6 mons., malnutrition, c/o W. F. & Mary Bailey. PR (Margaret) & HDO
Baker, Anthony E., 5-18-1961. BS4
Baker, Elizabeth Marie, 5-22-1960, premature, c/o George & Lea Baker. HDO. BS4
Bakula, Michelle M., 10-21-1960. BS4

Ball, Katherine Mary, 9-16-1968, premature, c/o Dennis & Cynthia Ball. HDO. BS4
Barbagallo, Infant Twins (male & female), 5-6-1955, SB, c/o John & Nellie Barbagallo. HDO
Barber, Patricia Ann, 5-18-1954, age 7 hours, c/o James F. & Catherine V. Flowers Barber. HDO
Barberis (Barbarise), Infant (f), d 1-4-1923, c/o Raffael C. & Angelina Barberis (Barbarise). HDO
Barker, Infant, 2-9-1966. BS4
Barnaby, Infant, 6-8-1963. BS4
Barrett, Maria, d 11-6-1915, age 4 mons., chronic malnutrition, c/o Edward & Catharine Barrett. HDO
Barry, Infant Boy, 7-13-1963, c/o Timothy & Mary M. Barry. HDO
Barry, James Edward (Jr.), 11-16-1909 to 7-26-1910, meningitis, James E. & Cecie Barry. HDO
Barry, JoAnn, 12-31-1967, c/o Warrant Officer Timothy & Mary Barry (disinterred)
Barry, Robert, d 2-3-1962, c/o Timothy & Mary Barry. HDO
Bartell, Infant
, 2-2-1966, SB, c/o Richard & Roberta W. Bartell. HDO. BS4
Bashara, Marcia, 11-28-1902 to 4-22-1909, accidental burns, c/o H. & Mary Bashara. HDO
Bass, Infant, 5-21-1967, SB, c/o William & Ann Bass. HDO. BS4
Batchelor, Infant (m), d 3-14-1936, age 11 hours, premature, c/o James & Virginia Batchelor. COX
Bauer, Bruce C., 7-27-1954, c/o Lt. Bruce & Ann M. Bauer. HDO
Bayer, James G., d 2-10-1914, age 3 mons., c/o M. & Frances Bayer. PR & HDO
Baylis, Robin Mary, 7-15-1962 to 12-31-1965, c/o Leonard & Ann M Baylis. BS4. DCS
Beard, Vernon V., d 4-13-1918, age 1, bronchopneumonia, c/o Robert & Martha Beard. HDO
Beasley, Herbert, d 8-24-1924, age 5 hours. PR
Beauvais, Lawrence J., 12-9-1957, premature, c/o Paul & Olga Beauvais. HDO. BS4
Bebe, Infant, 10-18-1912, SB, c/o Dominico Bebe. HDO
Beidel, Debbra Sue, 9-27-1958. PR. BS4
Bell, Leo, 11-5-1916, age 15 days, c/o Joseph & Rosine Bell. HDO. Obit
Bellmore, Josephine, 12-4-1907 to 4-14-1908, pneumonia, c/o Joseph & Marie Bellmore. HDO
Benevento, Infant, 3-27-1953, c/o James & Doris Benevento. HDO
Benjamin, William, 10-21-1888, age 5 days. PR
Benson, Infant Girl
, 4-7-1969, SB, c/o Robert & Annette Benson. HDO
Berning, Infant, 5-28-1969
Bertagni, Pietro, d 1-16-1903, age 2 mons., pneumonia, c/o Domenia Bertagni. PR
Bieberback, Infant, 12-13-1962. BS4
Bisese, Pasquale, d 7-6-1912, age 16 mons., c/o Antonio & Mary Bisese. HDO
Bittle, Patricia Allen, d 11-29-1950, age 22 days, pneumonia, c/o Opie & Margaret Bittle. HDO
Black, Infant (f), 8-22-1964, SB, c/o Richard & Elizabeth Black. HDO. BS4
Blackwell, Paul Scott., 4-6-1967, premature age 2 days, c/o Geo Wm Blackwell & Ann Marie Marks, DC
Bland, Dorothy E., 6-10-1943
Blash, Infant, 8-29-1958. BS4
Blevins, Infant (m), 4-15-1954, SB, c/o Junior & Mary Blevins. HDO
Bonade, Marie, d 1-30-1901, age 7 mons., cholera, c/o D. & Angeleana Bonade. PR
Bonadia, Prospero, d 8-26-1896, premature, c/o B. & A. Bonadia. HDO
Borden, Winifred, d 7-8-1908, age 9 mons., c/o Harry & Cecelia Borden. HDO
Botteron, Infant, 6-3-1968, age 16 days, c/o Richard & Jean Botteron. BS4
Bowen, John Edward Eugene 9-9-1924, age 6 mons., meningitis, c/o Edward & Catherine Bowen. HDO
Boyce, Patrick Joseph, 12-6-1929, age 1 year, c/o Patrick & Constance V. Boyce. HDO
Boyd, Lawrence Doherty, d 1-11-1910, age 1, pneumonia, c/o Thomas & Agnes Boyd. HDO
Boyko, Frank (Jr.), d 11-26-1916, age 2 days, premature, c/o Frank & Annie Boyko. HDO
Brady, Infant, 11-5-1942, SB, c/o Anthony & Cora Brady. HDO
Bray, Infant (f), 7-17-1960, c/o Eugene & Patricia Bray. HDO. BS4
Bray, Sarah Irma, 1-16-1910 to 1-11-1919, influenza & bronchopneumonia, c/o E. G. & Mattie Bray. HDO
Brenning, John Gregory, 3-26-1959, age 2 mons., c/o Leo E. & Mary McEvoy Brenning. HDO. BS4
Brichter, Infant (m), 6-17-1949, preclampsia, c/o Francis & Clara Brichter. HDO
Brimmer, Christine Loretta, 2-1-1933, age 1 mon., c/o Clarence & Margaret Brimmer. HDO
Brisbois, Morris, 2-5-1896, age 5 mons., c/o Charles & Anna Brisbois. HDO
Brown, Mary (AA) d 11-23-1905, age 5 mons., c/o ? & Martha, Starr St. DC (maybe buried at SM Goff Cem) Unrecorded
Buchanan, Ellen Henrietta, 6-28-1902, age 1, bronchopneumonia, c/o Walter S. & Mary E. Buchanan. HDO
Buchanan, Infant, 9-13-1899, SB, c/o Walter S. & Mary E. Buchanan. HDO
Buchanan, Mary Margaret, 11-16-1908, age 6, diphtheria, child of Walter & Mary Buchanan. HDO
Burdick, Mary Ellen
, 3-4-1963, age 1 mon., c/o Raymond & Elizabeth Burdick. HDO. BS4
Burk, Walter & Constance, d 7-21-1910, c/o Walter & Maie Burk. HDO
Burke, Infant, 2-26-1960. BS4
Burke, Infant, 1-19-1961. BS4.
Burke, Mary, 8-31-1906 to 6-2-1907, c/o James & Annie Burke. PR & HDO & DC
Burkett, Sharlee Marie, 11-29-1952, age 1 mon., peritonitis, c/o Eva Burkett. HDO
Burne, Infant, 6-16-1920, SB, c/o John & Nannie A. Burne. HDO
Burns, Charles James, d 7-25-1902, age 1, c/o Michael & Florence Burns. HDO
Burrell, Herbert Francis, d 4-7-1919, age 9 mons., pneumonia, c/o Joseph & Clara Burrell. HDO
Butt, Infant, d 8-9-1910, premature, c/o Hugh & Nellie Butt. HDO
Byrd, Vincent, d 4-13-1918, age 2 years, pneumonia. PR
Byrne, Virginia, 7-30-1957, c/o Comdr. Kevin & Virginia Byrne. HDO. BS4

Cacace, Anna Rose, 2-15-1913 to 2-25-1913, hyperplasia, c/o Vincent & Mary Cacace. HDO
Cafferatta, Edileio, d 10-20-1908, age 3 mons., c/o D. & Mary Cafferatta. HDO
Cahill, Infant (m), 8-28-1955, premature, c/o Martin & Mary Cahill. HDO
Cahoon, Infant (m), 9-7-1937, SM c/o H. J. & Mary Cahoon. HDO
Caldwell, Jackie Lee (Jr.), 9-4-1965, c/o Jackie & Cheryl Caldwell. HDO. BS 4
Callan, Dorothy, 11-24-1900 to 5-16-1902, indigestion, c/o Martin W. Callan (?) HDO
Camedge, Infant, 11-24-1922, SB, c/o Joseph & Mary Camedge. HDO
Campochiaro, Tina Marie, 9-30-1964, c/o Lewis & Carolyn Campochiaro. HDO
Cando, Infant, 5-17-1927, SB, c/o Sam & Esther Cando. HDO
Cannon, Charles J. (Jr.), d 3-8-1900, age 3, c/o Charles & Annie Cannon. HDO
Cannon, Infant (f), 4-24-1938, spina bifida, c/o Michael & Marie Cannon. HDO
Caprio, Francisco, d 5-28-1916, age 7 days, c/o Anthony & Anna Caprio. HDO
Caprio, Frank, 1-21-1934, age 7, c/o Joseph Caprio. HDO
Carbo, Judith Louise, 10-10-1942, age 4 mons., c/o Herman & Katherine Carbo. HDO
Cardenas Infant
, 2-20-1974, c/o Dr. Raul & Josephine Cardenas. HDO
Carey, Infant, 9-7-1960, c/o James & Jo Evelyn Carey. HDO. BS4
Carmini, Infant, 11-3-1898, c/o Frank & Alice Carmini. HDO
Carr, Isabelle Lucille, d 9-28-1896, age 2, croup, c/o William & Ros_ Carr. HDO
Carriere, Robert James
, 8-10-1949, c/o Edward & Moreen Carriere. HDO
Carter, Infant, 11-28-1924, SB, c/o John L. & Mary M. Carter. HDO
Cassell, Infant, 4-29-1930, SB, c/o James F. & Rosa Cecelia Cassell. HDO
Cassidy, Twin Infants, 5-21-1964. BS4o
Caulfield, Dorothy Clarine, d 1/31/1910, age 6 m 3w, c/o Robert F & Ellender J. Obit
Cavanaugh, Patrick, 3-29-1897, c/o Patrick & Margaret Cavanaugh. HDO
Cayton, Evelyn Virginia, 3-3-1909 to 5-14-1909, c/o Manuel & Emily Cayton. Cox FH
Champaco. Bertha HDO. BS4
Cheatham, William Herbert, d 3-13-1903, age 1 year, c/o William H. & Mary Cheatham. HDO
Chick, Geneva Louise, d 7-29-1916, age 8 mons. Lloyd & Laura Chick. PR
Chick, Madeline Marian, 4-17-1921, age 22 days, c/o Lloyd & Laura Chick. HDO
Chinsio, Infant, 10-2-1965, c/o Cipriano & Cloretta Chinsio. HDO. BS4
Chris, Infant, 7-9 1963. BS4
Cicero, Infant, 5-10-1923, premature, c/o Salvatore & Victoria Cicero. HDO
Cicero, Infant, 4-14-1926, premature, c/o Salvatore & Victoria Cicero. HDO
Clark, Clarence L., 7-25-1912, SB, c/o Clarence & Ellen Clark. HDO
Clark, Dorothy M., 1-13-1901 to 1-18-1902, heart disease, c/o Joseph M. & Mary Clark. DC
Clinton, Linda Ann, 3-10-1953, age 1 day, premature, c/o Robert & Mia or Una (?) Helen Clinton. HDO
Clugh, Infant (f), 9-4-1959, premature, c/o Donald & Patricia Clugh. HDO. BS4
Clunet, Margaret Mary, d 11-10-1899, age 4 mons., gastroenteritis, c/o P. A. & Margaret Clunet. HDO
Cole, William E., 5-15-1914, age 17 days, premature, c/o William & Annie Cole. HDO
Colletto, Paul Sam (Jr.), 3-16-1948,
Collie, Infant (m), 12-12-1946, premature, c/o Delia Collie. HDO
Collins, Infant, d 4-21-1920, spina bifida, c/o John J. & Margaret Collins. HDO
Comeau, Darcie Lynn, 11-19-1966, c/o James & Pamela Comeau. HDO. BS4
Campochiaro, Tina M., 10-1-1964. BS4
Constentino, Infant, 10-29-1962. BS4

Conti, Infant, 6-13-1899, age 3 mons., c/o Modesta & Vincenza Conti. HDO
Coogan, Infant, 4-30-1907 to 5-5-1907, pneumonia, c/o James & Ella Coogan. HDO
Cooke, Lorraine Pearl, d 3-18-1942, age 3 mons., c/o Freedland & Lorraine Cooke. HDO
Corleto, Maria, d 7-9-1902, age 1 mon., c/o Lee & M. D. Corleto. Undertaker: J. L. Morris. DC & PR
Corleto, Michete (m) 1-8-1905 to 7-1-1905, c/o Louis & Raffaela Coleto. Undertaker: O L Gregory. DC
Cousins, Horace Everett, d 5-18-1921, age 6 mons., c/o William & Lottie Cousins. HDO
Cravaritis or Cvacolatris, Joseph, d 6-10-1921, age 1 year. PR
Creedon, William Cornelius (Jr.) 2-12-1944 to 8-25-1944, meningitis, c/o William & Elizabeth Creedon. HDO
Creekmore, Infant (f), 7-11-1943, c/o Charles & Elizabeth Creekmore. HDO
Crevier, Infant (f), 8-23-1965, SB, c/o Albert & Mary Creview. HDO
Crowling, Catherine, d 1-5-1911, age 3, c/o J. Samuel & Katie Crowling. HDO
Crowling, Infant (f), 5-3-1938, SB, c/o Joseph & Sarah Crowling. HDO
Crowling, Infant (f), 2-8-1959, SB, Joseph & Beverly Crowling. HDO. BS4
Cruse, Jacqueline Francine, 12-19-1946, age 3 days, c/o Jack & Alice Cruse. HDO
Crutsinger, Infant, 1-7-1964. BS4
Culberson, William Anthony, 9-4-1919 to 10-27-1926, diphtheria, c/o William & Ethel Williams. HDO
Cullivan, Michael, 9-9-1923, SB, c/o Michael & Mildred Cullivan. HDO
Cunningham, Effie, 1-21-1906, age 4 months. African American, c/o George & Dillia Cunningham, 30 Chapel Lane.. DC
Curry, Julia E., d 3-25-1911, age 27 days, c/o Harry B & Julia Curry. HDO
Curry, Minton, d 1-31-1899, age 3y 21d, typhoid fever, c/o Robert & Kate Curry. HDO
Curtin, Mary Catherine, 9-15-1967, age 5, heart failure, c/o Comdr T. A. & Grace Curtain. HDO
Curtis, James P., 4-8-1897, age 5, pneumonia, c/o Rick & Rosa Curtis. HDO

D'Lotuaco Infant, 5-15-1963
D'Lotuaco, Lili B., 9-8-1962. BS4
Dailey, Joseph, d 3-13-1942, c/o Wayne & Sarah Dailey. HDO
Daley, Infant (f)
, 6-23-1960, c/o August & Rose Daley. HDO. BS4
Daly, Infants (f), 9-12-1964, premature, c/o Edward & Donna Daly. HDO. BS4
Danback, James Edward, 8-16-1948
Daniels, Sharon Louise, May 27, 1944, age 3 days, Allen & Anna Daniels. HDO
Danish, Mary, 10-1-1915 to 3-11-1919, tubercular meningitis, c/o John & Alfoca Danish. HDO
Daughtrey, Infant (f), 10-24-1929, SB, c/o Algie & Alice Daughtrey. HDO
Davis, Arthur Collins (Jr.), 8-5-1935, SB, c/o Arthur & Irene Davis. HDO
Day, Kenneth, d 1-3-1942, c/o Harold & Jane Day. Cox FH
Decker, Angie Sam (m), d 7-28-1916, age 3, c/o Sam & Mary Decker. HDO
Decker, George J., d 3-27-1926, age 27 days, c/o Joseph & Mary Decker. HDO.
Decker, John E. d 11-24-1931, age 6 mons., c/o Elias & Celiney Decker. HDO
Decker, Minnie Joe, d 7-30-1917, age 7 mons., c/o Joseph & Mary Decker. HDO
Decker, Nora, d 8-9-1917, age 7 mons., c/o Joseph & Mary Decker. HDO
Decker, Sadie, d 10-16-1922, age 3 days, c/o Samuel & Mary Decker. HDO
Decker, Thomas, 12-23-1940, SB, c/o Thomas & Margaret Decker. HDO
Deckert, Michele Christine
, 4-2-1970, age 3 days, c/o Gail A. Deckert. HDO
DeFloria, Nicholas, d 11-26-1919, age 24 days. PR
DeGennaro, Infant (m), 9-11-1949, &Marie De Gennaro. HDO
DeLaura, Infant (m), 4-10-1950, c/o Dr. Samuel & Margaret De Laura. HDO
Denning, Felix, d 7-27-1921, age 1 day, heart problems. PR
Denny, Infant, d 7-28-1921, age 1, inanition, c/o Felix & Effie Denny. HDO
Denny, Raymond Leo, 11-28-1915 to 4-19-1916, age 4 mons., colitis, c/o Israel & Sadie Denny. HDO
Devlin, Infant, 7-18-1967. BS4
DeWaters, Camilla Lucille, d 4-2-1923, age 2 mons., pneumonia, c/o E. A. & Lucille DeWaters. PR & HDO
DiGirolamo, Infant, 11-2-1922, SB, c/o Louis & Cira Di Girolamo. HDO
Digmann, Infant (f), 9-29-1961, c/o Alvin & Lena Digmann. HDO. BS4
Dixon, Infant, 8-7-1965. BS4
Dobias, Infant (m), 11-18-1955, SB, c/o Nicholas & Maryetta Dobias. HDO
Dombkowski, Infant, 2-9-1961. BS4
Donahoe, Ella, 8-30-1898, age 11 mons., c/o M. T. & Nellie Donahoe. HDO
Donahue, Annie, 11-24-1911, age 7 mons., c/o F. L. & Margaret Donahue. HDO
Donahue, Candice, 12-6-1949, age 29 days, c/o Les & Grace Donahue
Donovan, Agnes Hope, d 9-25-1910, age 10 mons., c/o William F. & Mary Agnes Donovan. HDO
Donovan, Infant (f), 10-11-1962, SB, c/o John & Edna Sue Donovan. HDO
Donovan, Joseph, 1-17-1889, age 23 days. PR
Doran, Infant (f), 8-6-1965, premature, c/o Raymond & Sonja Doran. HDO

Dorr, Infant (m), 1-16-1920, SB, c/o George W. & Katherine Dorr. HDO
Dorsey, Susanna, 8-17-1818, age 1
Doumar, David Mundy, 4-14-1965, c/o Robert & Dorothy Doumar. HDO
Downey, John, d 10-2-1898, age 4 days, c/o John T. & Nellie Downey. HDO
Downing, Cornelia, 3-15-1911, age 2 mons., c/o Cornelius & Frances Downing. HDO
Driscoll, Patricia Jean, 4-28-1957, age 9 mons., hydrocephalus, c/o Robert & Mary Ann Driscoll. HDO. BS4
Dugan, Infant (f), 6-9-1923, SB, c/o Earl & Catherine Dugan. HDO
Duncan, John William, 6-23-1956, age 6 days, premature, c/o W. M. & Sonya Duncan. HDO. BS4
Duncan, Kay (Lisa Kay Dearwester), d 1-16-1971, age 1. Birthplace: Washington, DC. HDO
Duncan, Odessa Deane, 10-13-1943, congenital atelectasis, c/o Owen & Emma Duncan. HDO
Dunn, Pauline, d 9-21-1923, age 2 days, c/o Stephen & Hazel Dunn. HDO
Durnon, Infant d 5-31-1902, SB, c/o Margaaret Durnon. HDO
Dyer, Virginia, d 11-9-1926, age 2 years, c/o John & Jennete Dyer. HDO. Obit

Eagan, Charles, d 6-24-1900, age 4, meningitis, c/o Patrick Eagan. HDO
Enos, John T.
, 1-6-1958. BS4
Enyart, Infant (m), 11-3-1945, premature, c/o Bruce L. Enyart. HDO
Erie, Infant, 12-12-1958, c/o Robert & Eileen Erie. HDO. BS4
Evans, Keith, 3-2-1970. Riddick FH
Evich, Clementina, d 11-7-1909, age 7 days, atelectasis, c/o Phillip & Mary Evich. HDO

Fantone, Felicia (Falecha), 11-4-1911 to 7-29-1913, age 13 mons., c/o Claude & Stella Fantone. HDO
Farrell, Catherine V, 10-20-1905 to 8-10-1907, c/o James C & Anna M. DC & HDO.
Faulk, Lawrence Edward (Jr.), 12-4-1956, c/o Lawrence & Elois Faulk. HDO
Fenanty, Marie Anne, 8-18-1944.
Fentress, Infant, 6-17-1944, SB, c/o J. Russel & Sarah Fentress. HDO
Fentress, Infant (m), 2-9-1946, SB, c/o J. Russell & Sarah G. Fentress. HDO
Fernandes, Julia Marrianne d 7-16-1906, age 3 days, c/o Bernard & Nellie Fernandez. DC. Sp also Fernandez
Fernandez, Bernard, d 3-21-1918, age 2 years, bronchopneumonia, c/o Bernard & Nellie Fernandez. HDO. Obit
Ferro, Louis, 6-15-1900, age 7 mons., c/o H. & P. Ferro. HDO
Filipowski, Agnes, 11-16-1957, premature, c/o Adam & Regina Filipowski. HDO. BS4
Filipowski, Infant (f), 12-20-1956, SB, c/o Adam & Regina Filipowski. HDO. BS4
Finegan, Isabelle Corlette, 7-9-1920, age 3, c/o John & Isabelle E. Finegan.
Finn, Rosine Mary
, 11-8-1933, age 1m 30d, c/o Walter M. & Rosine A. Finn. HDO
Fiorini, Carmela, 11-2-1927, age 4, burns/nephritis, c/o Angelo & Mary Fiorini. HDO
Fisher, Douglas J., 5-14-1955
Fisher, Infant, 6-2-1958. BS4
Fitzgibbon, Catherine Louise, 10-20-1902 to 6-30-1903, colitis, c/o Thomas & Mary S. Fitzgibbon. HDO.
Fitzinger, Edward Gerald, 2-24-1945, age 9.
Flaherty, Charles Edward, 6-26-1908, age 3 mons., c/o C. E. & Mary Flaherty. HDO
Flores, Frank, 8-4-1970
Floyd, Infant, 11-9-1962. BS4
Fogarty, Infant, 2-4-1900, premature, c/o James J. Fogarty. HDO
Ford, Andrew, d 10-22-1898, age 8 days, c/o Thomas & Lucy Ford. HDO
Ford, Patrick J., d 6-9-1898, age 1, c/o Thomas & Lucy Ford. HDO
Foulks Infant,
12-5-1956. BS4
Fox, Walter Carroll, d 6-23-1915, age 15 days, pneumonia, c/o Walter & Minnie Fox. HDO
Francis, Linda Mary, 4-2-1954, premature, c/o Martin & Nancy Francis. HDO
Frango, Infant, 1-16-1920 to 1-18-1920, premature, c/o P. & Lizzie Frango. HDO
Fredricks, Infant, 4-1-1967, premature, Lt. Cmdr. Robert & Helen Fredricks. HDO. BS4
Freeney, Robert A. , d 2-13-1902, age 1, c/o Robert M. & Margaret Freeney. HDO
Freitas, Margaret, 9-16-1889, age 9 mons. PR
Frost Twins, Male & Female, 3-23-1963, age 2 days, premature, c/o Cecil & D. M. Frost. HDO
Furlong, Infant, 9-16-1889, age 3 days

Gallagher, James, 6-10-1904, age 2 mons., c/o William & Mary G. Gallagher (twin of Terresa). HDO
Gallagher, Joseph Lawrence, d 1-6-1899, age 9 mons. meningitis, c/o William & Mary G. Gallagher. HDO
Gallagher, Marguerite, 3-20-1901 to 7-22-1901, c/o W. A. & Mary G. Gallagher. HDO
Gallagher, Teresa, 4-31-1904 to 6-6-1904, c/o William & Mary G. Gallagher. HDO
Gallina, Constance A., Frank C., Robert, Jr., & William A., 3-24-1958. BS4
Galvin, James Aloysious (Jr.), 1-15-1928, age 1 day, congenital heart disease, c/o James & Catherine Galvin. HDO
Garcia, Infant (m), 9-20-1928, c/o Manuel & Rose D. Garcia. HDO
Gardner, Infant (f), 3-27-1928, c/o H. M. & Catherine Gardner. HDO
Garrett, William A., d 8-27-1919, age 4 mons., cholera. PR
Garrison, Michael Henry, 11-3-1942 to 11-17-1942, pneumonia, c/o Dr. Henry & Dorothy Garrison. HDO
Gautraclui, Grace, 6-20-1913, age 2 mons, c/o Santo & Augustine Guatraclui. PR, HDO
Gaylord, Infant
, 8-7-1889, age 2. PR
Geermann, Martha Adele, d 12-16-1904, age 1, c/o Bernard & Carrie Geermann. HDO
Geermann, Infant, 6-13-1964, SB, c/o Frederick & Glenda (?) Geermann. HDO. BS4
Gelsomini, Diane Marie, 12-7-1948, SB, c/o Ferman & Alma Gelsomini. HDO
Gerber, Infant (m), 6-5-1943, SB, c/o James & Mary Gerber. HDO
Gerloff, Mary Louise, d 1-2-1932, age 2 days, c/o Charles & Mary Louise Gerloff. HDO
Geyman, Infant, 4-7-1967. BS4
Gibson, Infant (m), 12-9-1962, premature, c/o Leo & Elizabeth Gibson. HDO. BS4
Giles, William Lee, d 11-13-1941, immature, c/o Paul & Marian Giles. HDO
Gilger, Infant (m), 9-30-1937, SB, c/o Wm Joseph & Anna Gilger. HDO
Gilligan, Infant (f), 11-3-1949, c/o Francis J. Gilligan. HDO
Glanton, Infant (f), 11-6-1951, c/o Donald & Joan Glanton. HDO
Gleichman, Polly Elizabeth, d 8-7-1904, age 14 days, c/o E. & Polly Gleichman. HDO
Glowalsky, Theresa, 11-12-1926, premature, c/o Dennis & Rosa Glowalsky. HDO
Goeden, Infant (f), 2-25-1962, premature, c/o Gerald & Glenda Goeden. HDO. BS4
Goodwin, Elizabeth, d 11-28-1917, age 1, pneumonia, c/o James & Marie Goodwin. HDO
Goushian, Infant (m)
, 8-12-1966, premature. John & Mary Goushian. HDO. BS4
Graeff, Infant (f), 1-14-1966, c/o Sandra Graeff. HDO. BS4
Grant, Infant, 2-18-1961. BS4
Gray, Infant, 7-23-1917, c/o E. F. & Mamie Gray. HDO
Green, Infant (m), d 11-7-1899, SB, c/o William & Elizabeth Green. HDO
Greenhouse, Infant (f), buried 8-20-1952, age 6 days, c/o Morris & Joan Greenhouse. HDO
Gregory, Anna Mazzei, 1-1-1901 to 1-24-1901, lung congestion, c/o Darries & Agnes Gregory. HDO
Gregory, Annie Marie, 12-2-1905 to 7-27-1906, c/o Darries & A. Gregory. HDO, DC
Greico, Carmelia Cathleen, d 10-8-1925, age 8 mons., intestinal toxemia, c/o Antonio & Lillie Greico. HDO
Griffin, Infant (m), 11-18-1946, premature, c/o Marion & Anne Griffin. HDO
Grillo, Mary Ann, 7-1-1943, age 13 days, c/o Bennie & Esther Grillo. HDO
Grillo, Rocco, d 1-26-1922, age 3 years, diphtheria, c/o Eugene & Josephine Grillo. HDO & PR
Grimm, William Lloyd, 1-20-1962, age 1, c/o Marie Calabrio. HDO. BS4
Gross, Infant, 1-2-1960
Gross, Thomas Bruce, 4-26-1962, age 2 mons., c/o Cleveland K & Edith M Gross. HDO
Guatraclui, Grace, 6-20-1913, age 2 mons., c/o Santo & Augustine Guatraclui. PR & HDO
Guerrieri, Carlo, 9-19-1909 to 9-20-1909, atelectasis, c/o Antonio & Teresa Guerrieri. HDO
Gutberlet, Infant (m),

Haggard, Diane Marie, 7-8-1961, age 4 mons., pneumonia, c/o James & Joan Haggard. HDO, BS4
Haggart, Infant, 9-17-1963. BS4
Hall, Frances Montague, d 7-6-1914, age 2, c/o Charles & Mary Hall. HDO
Halste, Infant
, 7-23-1960
Halste, Infant, 11-15-1961
Hammond, Hannah Vance, d 10-9-1918, age 3, influenza, c/o S. W. & Elizabeth Hammond. HDO
Hancock, Robert William, 1-4-1954, age 3 mons., acute myocarditis, c/o Robert & Julia Hancock. HDO
Hanley, Michael Joseph, 5-11-1956, age 3 days, c/o James & Helen Hanley. HDO. BS4
Hannan, John S, 6-2-1882, c/o William M & Annie T Hannan
Harden, Mary Elizabeth, d 6-4-1919, c/o Percy & Lelia Harden. HDO
Harfoush, John, 11-27-1904 to 5-12-1905, meningitis, c/o Said & Naiura Harfoush. HDO & DC
Harrell, John, 2-24-1928, age 6 mons., TB/meningitis, c/o Dorothy Harrell. HDO
Harris, Child, 3-19-1986, about 4 years
Harrison, George W., 9-15-1910 to 12-14-1912, pneumonia, c/o Charles A. & Margaret A. Harrison. HDO
Harrison, William C., 2-19-1905 to 3-19-1905, c/o John & Cora Harrison. HDO & DC
Hart, Infant, 6-7-1964, premature, c/o James B. & Vara G. Hart. HDO. BS4
Harvey, Jeffrey Allen, 4-24-1955, age 8 days, bronchopneumonia, c/o Richard & Elizabeth Harvey. HDO
Hatem, Saeed 3-3-1906 to 4-12-1906, acute nephritis, c/o S & Adelle Hatem. HDO, DC
Hatton, Annie, d 1-29-1905 to 5-29-1905, age 4 months. c/o John & Mary Hatton, 72 Smith St. DC & HDO Unrecorded
Hatton, Frances, 6-17-1898, age 7 mons., cholera, c/o John & Mary Hatton. HDO
Hatton, Frederick, d 7-12-1900, age 1, whooping cough, c/o John & Mary Hatton. HDO
Hatton, Infant, 4-3-1906 to 4-8-1906, c/o Zachariah & Elizabeth Hatton. HDO (City Directory: Spelling of name)
Hatton, Infant, 11-18-1919, SB, c/o T. B. & Helen Hatton. HDO
Hatton, Josephine & Annie, d 5-29 & 30, 1905, c/o John & Mary Hatton. HDO & DC
Hatton, Mary Ellen, d 12-4-1896, age 1, pneumonia, c/o John & Mary Hatton. HDO
Hatton, Michael J., d 6-11-1898, age 7 mons., cholera, c/o John & Mary Hatton. HDO
Hayden, Helen M., 4-14-1903 to 3-25-1908. Birthplace: Washington, DC. Parents: John & Mamie Hayden. HDO
Headrick, William Ralph, 10-20-1964, premature, c/o Willie & Gene Headrick. HDO. BS4
Heck, Lily Marie, d 6-20-1917, age 7 mons., gastroenteritis, c/o Edward & Thelma Heck. HDO
Heiberg, Alison Christine, 11-2-1953, age 2. Birthplace: Bethesda, MD
Henderson, Mary Elizabeth, d 5-8-1913, age 17 mons., pneumonia, c/o William & Margaret Henderson. PR & HDO
Henderson, Robert E., 1-22-1954, SB, c/o Robert E. & Ada M. Henderson. HDO
Hendrick, Norma Ann, 9-9-1958, age 11 days, c/o Peter & Emma Hendrick. HDO. BS4
Hennelly, William Joseph, 5-17-1902 to 5-4-1903, enterocolitis, c/o William T. & Mary Alexina Hennelly. HDO
Herrington, Charlene Ann, 4-28-1956, age 3 mons., bronchopneumonia, c/o Hollis & Barbara Herrington. HDO. BS4
Hickey, David, 1-4-1889, age 8 mons. PR
Hickman, Earl Cornelius 12-16-1938, age 1 mon., c/o Eugene C & Bridget Hickman. HDO
Hill, John, 9-17-1902 to 3-18-1905, meningitis, c/o Charles H. & Katharine V. Hill. HDO & DC
Hill, Katherine Elizabeth, 12-29-1932 to 4-15-1937, c/o Forest & Georgia Hill. HDO
Hillman, Infant (m), 6-10-1964, SB, c/o Daniel & Mary Smalley Hillman. Cox FH. BS4
Hoffler, Mary, d 1-8-1923, age 2 days, premature, c/o Samuel & Annie Hoffler. HDO
Hofstede, Infant (m), 7-3-1935, c/o Peter & Agnes Hofstede. HDO
Holmes, Horace Bernard, d 4-28-1902, age 3m 2d, dysentery, Wm M & Pauline C Holmes. HDO
Holstz, Infant (m), 6-22-1960, SB, c/o William & Patricia Holstz. HDO. BS4
Holstz, Infant (m), 11-13-1961, SB, c/o William & Patricia Holstz. HDO. BS4
Hommed, Pauline d 11-27-1913, age 2 days, hemorrhage, c/o Shibley & Cecelia Hommed. PR & HDO
Hooten, Dorothy Mae, 8-12-1929 to 8-30-1930, age 1, c/o Rudolph & Catherine Hooten. HDO
Hopkins, Infant (m), 7-19-1834, c/o Jesse & Ellen Hopkins. HDO
Horn, Infant, 12-9-1923, SB, c/o Stanley & Sophie Horn. HDO
Hos, Donna Elise, d 1-3-1942, c/o Donald & Louise Hos. HDO
Houston, Infant (m), 3-10-1962, premature, c/o Andrew & Mary Frances Houston. HDO. BS4
Howard, Harold A. 1-29-1896 to 4-5-1903, c/o A. A. & Helen F. Howard. Birthplace: Montana. HDO
Hoy, Charles Cherry, d 7-16-1925, age 2d, c/o John & Medola C Hoy. Obit
Hozier, Infant, 6-10-1908, SB, c/o J. C. & Margaret Hozier. HDO
Hunt, Brian Albert, 11-6-1957, premature, c/o Robert & Frances Hunt. HDO. BS4
Hunter, Carey (Jr.), d 3-2-1929, age 6 years, tubercular meningitis, c/o Carey T. Hunter. HDO
Huarte, Joseph David, d 7-12-1933, age 5 mons., c/o Joseph & Dorothy Huarte. HDO
Huck, Catherine Boykin, 5-19-1934, SB, c/o Howard & Ellen Huck. HDO
Hunt, Brian Albert, 11-6-1957, premature, c/o Robert & Frances Hunt. HDO
Hunt, Infant (f), 2-8-1935, premature, c/o John & Helen Hunt. HDO
Hunter, Carey (Jr.), 3-2-1929, c/o Carey Hunter. HDO
Hurst, William, d 7-13-1896, age 6, diphtheria, c/o George Hurst. HDO
Hutchinson, Harry, d 5-22-1902, age 11 mons. (c/o Harry & Mary Hutchinson) HDO
Hutchinson, Nora, d 6-1-1902, age 7 days, c/o Harry & Mary Hutchinson. HDO
Hyler, Infant (f), 6-6-1957, c/o William & Ruth Hyler. HDO
Hyman, Infant, 1-19-1929, SB, c/o Samuel & Helen R. Hyman. HDO

Infant, 5-15-1981, St. Mary's Infant Home Lot 96.
Ingram, Annie Elizabeth, d 7-28-1924, age 6 mons., bronchopneumonia, c/o Thomas & Nellie Ingram. HDO
Iron-Elk, Charles, 5-26-1907, age 1. Birthplace: South Dakota. c/o Phillip & Cora Iron-Elk. HDO

Jacobs, Infant (m), 11-30-1911, c/o George & Teresa Jacobs. HDO
Jakuzzewicz, Infant, 8-21-1951

Jamate, Infant, d 10-5-1912, SB, c/o Toufic & Nazera Jamate, HDO
Jamate, Infant, 3-30-1916, SB, c/o Toufic & Nazera Jamate. HDO
Jamate, Joseph, d 5-25-1921, age 11 mons., c/o Toufic & Nazera Jamate. HDO
James, Infant, 3-19-1929, SB, c/o R. Harvey & Erma C. James. HDO
Jarrett, Twin Infants (f)
, 10-28-1958, c/o Jean & Kathleen Jarrett. HDO
Jarvis, Infant, 10-21-1927, premature, c/o Charles & Birdie Jarvis. HDO
Jaskowak, Infant, 1-10-1929, SB, c/o Allen & Cecelia Jaskowak. HDO
Jaykins, Derrell Lee, 5-29-1960, c/o Dick & Patricia Jaykins. HDO. BS4
Johnson, Carol Ann, 11-6-1945, age 16 days, premature, c/o D. K. & Fay Johnson. HDO
Johnson, Infant (f), 9-17-1954, c/o Lieut. Francis & Sarah Johnson. HDO
Johnson, Infant (f), 7-9-1954, c/o Robert & Jane Johnson, Jr. HDO
Johnson, Infant, 10-5-1952, SB, c/o F. C. Johnson. HDO
Johnson, Jane Elizabeth, d 9-12-1918, accidental drowning, age 3 years, c/o Lieut. N. A. & Mary Johnson. HDO
Johnson, Jean Evelyn, d 7-18-1923, age 1, tubercular meningitis, c/o Eugene & Mattie Johnson. HDO
Johnson, Kathlene, 10-15-1962. BS4

Johnson, Male Triplets, d 6-12-1917, premature, c/o William & Bessie Johnson. HDO
Jones, Earl (Jr.), d 2-16-1930, age 7 days, c/o Earl & Catherine Jones. HDO
Jones, Maria F., d 6-28-1900, age 6, meningitis, c/o E. T. & M. J. Jones. HDO
Joyes, Richard V.
, 12-30-1941
Joynt, John J., d 10-16-1898, age 2, whooping cough, c/o John & Mary Joynt. HDO
Judson, Ralph, d 9-8-1905, age 1, cholera, c/o Leo & Grace Judson. HDO & DC
Judson, Sheldon H. J., 10-28-1901, age 14 days, gastritis, c/o Leo & Grace Judson. HDO

Kadash, Alice, d 5-9-1900, age 7 days, c/o Frederick & Agnes Kadash, HDO
Kahwaty, Robert, 11-12-1944, age 2 days, premature, c/o Charles & Patricia Kahwaty. HDO
Kallal, Mark Victor, 12-31-1961, premature, c/o John & Barbara Kallal. HDO. BS4
Kapek, Infant, 3-21-1956
Kaufmann, Marie Antoinette, 6-20-1924, c/o Joseph & Julia Kaufman. HDO
Kazwar, Tamera Kimberly, 10-16-1963, age 6 days, c/o Stephen & Marlene Kazwar. HDO. BS4
Keil, Infant (f), 11-25-1961, SB, c/o Thomas E & Peggy Ann Keil. HDO
Keil, Infant, 3-28-1967
Kelela, Infant (m), d 8-24-1906, a 2 mons., cholera, c/o Francis & Julia Kelela. HDO
Kellerman, Infant, 7-9-1963. BS4
Kelly, Katie, d 8-2-1898, age 2 mons., cholera, c/o James J. & Katie Kelly. HDO
Kelly, Lewis F., 7-20-1902, age 5 mons., c/o Lawrence & Annie Kelly. HDO
Kelly, Infant (m), 3-2-1950, anencephaly, c/o Stephen & Edna Kelly. HDO
Kelly, Marie Trehy, 6-6-1903 to 7-8-1903, c/o Samuel & Mary G. Kelly. HDO
Kelly, Regina, 6-25-1904, age 4 mons., c/o Lawrence & Annie Kelly. HDO
Kelly, William Bonaparte, d 11-17-1905, age 6, c/o Samuel H & Mary G Kelly. HDO
Kelwicki, Virginia Marie, d 1-4-1931, c/o John B. & Helen Kelwicki. HDO
Kemman, Infant (f)
, 8-24-1958, age 2 days, premature, c/o John & Dorothy Kemman. HDO. BS4
Kennedy, Karen Michelle, 11-15-1957, age 17 days, c/o Paul & Elinor Kennedy. HDO
Kennedy, Peter Joseph, 8-11-1964, age 2 days, premature, c/o Philip & Patricia Kennedy. HDO
Kern, Nancy Lucille, 2-19-1942, SB, c/o William & Lucille Kern. HDO
Kern, Peter, d 7-9-1981. BS4
Kessler, Virginia Catherine, d 9-27-1922, age 1 day, c/o Frank & Katherine Kessler. HDO
Kidd, Gertrude Margaret, d 9-18-1925, premature, c/o Charles & Maude Kidd. HDO
Kidd, June Elizabeth, 12-14-1946
Kiefer, Tanya Kristin, 8-30-1973, c/o Frank & Valera Kiefer
Kiefner, Infant (m), 12-11-1956, SB, c/o Richard & Mary Kiefner. HDO. BS4
Killman, Eleanor, 12-23-1952
Kimball, Rose Mary, 5-12-1949, age 2 mons., PR
King, John Joseph, 4-4-1900, age 10 mons., pneumonia, c/o Thomas & Bridget King. HDO
Kinser, 12-10-1956 BS4

Klucz, Mary, 7-28-1900, c/o M. Klucz. HDO
Knight, Infant (f), 6-14-1955, SB, c/o Kenneth & Jane Knight. HDO
Knight, John Edward, d 10-24-1936, age 1 mon., c/o John & Mary Knight. HDO
Knight, Laura, d 2-14-1910, age 28 days, c/o Samuel & Belle Knight. HDO
Kosse, Infant (m), 8-20-1945, age 5 hours, c/o Peter & Marcella Kosse. HDO
Kravitz, Katherine Louis, 8-9-1919, premature, c/o Alexander & Elizabeth Kratitz. HDO
Kresovitch, Infant (m), 4-23-1946, anencephaly, c/o Ralph & Mary Kresovitch. HDO
Kristof, Infant, 4-3-1945, age 30 days, c/o John & Hilda Kristof. HDO
Kuechtel, Eugene Anthony, 1-21-1966, premature, c/o Robert & Barbara Kuechtel. HDO
Kurth, Infant, 4-24-1982. BS4

Labastora, Infant, 3-26-1949
Lacara, Rosalina, 6-9-1911, premature, c/o Rocco & Maria Lacara. HDO
Lago, Maria A., 1-26-1970

Langenbach, Herminie, d 3-6-1908 to 11-13-1909, bronchopneumonia, c/o R. W. & Catherine Langenbach. HDO
Lanigan, James V. T. (Jr.), d 2-13-1925, age 9 mons., whooping cough, c/o James V T & Mary Elizabeth Galvin Lanigan. HDO
Larrimer, Michael William
, 10-23-1964, premature, c/o Dr. Nye & Sarah Lammimer. HDO
Lascara, Joseph (Jr.), 4-14-1924 to 5-7-1926, tubucular meningitis, c/o Joseph & Mary Lascara. HDO
Lascara, Mary Antonia "Mamie", 6-14-1906, age 1 mon., c/o Mike & Marie Rose Lawler. PR & HDO
Lathrop, James Marion, d 6-10-1927, age 8 days, c/o Ralph & Robanna Lathrop. HDO
Lathrop, Robanna Mae, 8-13-1925, age 3 mons., Ralph & Robanna Lathrop. HDO
Lawler, Adeline 4-6-1901 to 7-29-1901, cholera, c/o Frank J. & Adeline Lawler. HDO
Lawler, Francis Barry, 11-22-1888, c/o J. F. & N. T. Lawler. PR & ROD
Lawler, Jacqueline Frances, d 2-26-1913, age 3 days, cerebral hemorrhage, c/o John & Mabel Lawler. HDO
Lawler, Mary Susan, 9-2-1888, age 11 mons., c/o J. F. & N. T. Lawler. PR
Lawrence, Helen Ann, d 11-11-1926, age 2, c/o David & Annie Lawrence. HDO
Lawrence, Infant (m), d 1-9-1948, premature, c/o David & Mary B. Lawrence. HDO
Lawson, Infant (f), 7-8-1962, anencephaly, c/o J. L. & Patricia Anne Lawson. HDO. BS4
Lawson, John Alexander, 1-25-1917, age 4 mons., hydrocephalus, c/o Frank & Madeline Lawson. PR & HDO
Lee, George Peter, 10-5-1922 to 12-13-1927, diphtheria, R. J. & Delores Lee. HDO
Lessard, Joseph, d 2-9-1918, age 1, tubercular meningitis, c/o Joseph & Alice Lessard. HDO
Lester, Maude, d 7-4-1904, age 2 mons., c/o Isaac & Mary Lester. HDO
Letiro, Charles Vincent
, 11-22-1888, age 9 or 10 mons., c/o D. & S. Letiro. PR
Lockner, Twins, 11-5-1921, SB, c/o Frank & Margaret Lockner. HDO
Loebsack, Donald Johm, d 8-29-1922, age 3 days, c/o Rudolph & Rebecca Loebsack. HDO
Lonick, Infant (f), 12-7-1958, age 1 day, premature, c/o Raymond & Barbara Lonick. HDO. BS4
Lonick, Mary Theresa, 1-13-1958, premature, c/o Raymond & Barbara Lonick. HDO. BS4
Loungo, John Antonio, d 1-10-1911, age 2 mons., c/o Auguste & Angelina Loungo. HDO
Loving, Sarah S.
, 9-17-1962. BS4
Lowry, Infant (m), 2-9-1936, SB, c/o Gilbert & Mabel Lowry. HDO
Lucas, Infant (f), 2-25-1956. BS4

Ludden, Agnes Lee, 6-28-1954, age 9 mons., gastroenteritis, c/o Cyrus & Agnes Ludden. HDO
Lyons, Margaret Susan, 10-12-1954, age 2 days, c/o Jean & Ruth Lyons. HDO

Maczko, Infant (Ronald), 11-6-1943, age 1 day, premature, c/o Stephen & Irene Maczko. HDO
Madison, Grace Elaine, 5-9-1936, SB, c/o Vernon & Amelia Madison. HDO
Maher, Infant, 11-2-1901, SB, c/o John & Katharyn Maher. HDO
Mahone, Mary M., d 11-5-1912, age 11 mons., c/o J. P. & Alice Mahone. HDO
Mahoney, Jerome, 7-18-1963, age 2 days, c/o Dr. John & Suzanne Mahoney. HDO. BS4
Malloy, Michael John, d 9-13-1944, age 3 days, c/o Patrick & Elsie Malloy. HDO
Marie, Margaret, d 1912
Mario, Marie Roslyn, d 3-14-1945, age 15 days, diarrhea, c/o Mary Mario. HDO
Marsh, Infant (f), 3-27-1952, SB, c/o Lt. Comdr. Louis & Mary Agnes Marsh. HDO
Martin, Infant (m), d 5-23-1907, SB, c/o H. H. & Catherine Martin. HDO
Martin, Infant (m) 8-3-1938, premature, c/o Raymond & Marian Martin. HDO
Mastracco, Infant (m), 7-6-1933, SB, c/o Vincent J. & Cecilia M. Mastracco. HDO
Mathias, John Stewart (Jr.), 11-16-1943 to 4-10-1944, c/o John & Veronica Mathias. HDO
Mattei, Josephine, d 1-14-1920, age 2, accident, c/o Stephano & Dominica Mattei. HDO
Matthews, Edward Staylor, d 12-19-1918, age 21 days, c/o E. P. & Anita Matthews. HDO
Matthews, Joseph Anton, d 12-19-1958, c/o Stanley & Grace Matthews. HDO
Matthews, William Harold, 6-14-1923 to 10-1-1925, diphtheria, c/o William & Ruth Matthews. HDO
Mayer, Jamesage 8 mons.
Mayer, Johnage 7
McAdams, Philip Francis, 5-8-1897 to 9-7-1902, c/0 Philip & Lizzie McAdams. HDO
McArdle, Infant (m), 2-5-1958, anencephaly, c/o Brian & Jean McArdle. HDO. BS4
McCabe, Male Twins, 2-16-1962, SB, c/o Joseph & Janis McCabe. HDO. BS4
McCarrick, Gertrude, d 10-15-1910, age 1 mon., c/o James A. & Mary M. McCarrick. HDO
McCarrick, Joseph D., d 4-14-1904, age 3 mons., c/o Joseph D. & Sue M. McCarrick. HDO
McCarrick, Partick Joseph, d 8-27-1900, c/o James A. & Mary A. McCarrick. HDO
McCarty, Charlotte, d 10-14-1918, age 5 years, influenza, c/o Thomas H McCarty. HDO
McCarthy, Infant (f) b & d 6-24-1905, c/o John J & Mary J McCarthy, 73 High St. HDO & DC
McCarthy, Infant (m) 9-22-1936, premature, c/o M. & E. F. McCarthy. HDO
McCarthy, Richard Edward 12-29-1935, premature, c/o Morton & Elizabeth McCarthy. HDO
McCarty, Charlotte O'Neill d 10-14-1918, age 5, influenza, c/o Thomas McCarty. HDO
McCarty, James 7-18-1906, age 2, malaria fever, c/o Jno J. & Mary McCarty. HDO & PR
McCaughey, Infant (m), 5-18-1927, c/o Thomas B. & Virginia C. McCaughey. HDO
McCauley, Catherine, 9-20-1890, age 4 days. PR
McCauley, Mary, d 10-4-1896, age 2, diphtheria, c/o Rhody & Mary McCauley. HDO
McCloy, John Joseph, 7-18-1909 to 2-15-1910, pneumonia, c/o John & Sarah McCloy. Cox FH
McCoy, Edward Thomas, 10-2-1961, age 2 days, c/o Edward & Sue McCoy. HDO. BS4
McCracken, Eleanor, 6-28-1911 to 2-22-1917 diabetes, c/o John & Alice McCracken. Birthplace: Maryland. HDO. Obit
McDermott, Albert Francis, 8-1-1904, age 3 days, c/o Dennis J. & Marie McDermott. HDO
McDermott, Infant
, 12-2-1959
McDermott, Joseph A., 5-24, 1900, age 5 mons., cholera, c/o Dennis J. & Marie McDermott. HDO
McDermott, Infant (m), 6-3-1926, c/o Robert E. & Mary Leola McDermott. HDO
McDermott, Paul DeC., d 1-19-1908, age 6 mons., c/o Dennis J. & Marie McDermott. HDO
McDermott, Phillipa Ann, d 7-8-1915, age 5, c/o Dennis J. & Marie McDermott. HDO
McGown, Christine
, 9-2-1952
McGrath, Infant (m), 12-31-1940, SB, c/o Joseph James & Renee McGrath. HDO
McJankin, James A., 5-21-1962, premature, c/o J. W. & Joan McJankin. HDO. BS4
McKearney, Roberta Frances, d 5-11-1945, age 3 days, premature, c/o Robert & Marilyn McKearney. HDO
McKown, Infant (m), 7-14-1956, premature, c/o Joseph & Rose Marie McKown. HDO. BS4
McLagan, Michael Joseph, 11-25-1954, age 3 days, premature, c/o Robert & Mary McLagan. HDO
McManus, Infant (m), 7-18-1910, SB, c/o Thomas & Maggie McManus. HDO
McNierney, Bernard, d 8-10-1896, age 9 mons., c/o James & Dora McNierney. HDO
McSweeney, Harry, 10-16-1925, age 19 days, erysipelas, c/o Frank & Elizabeth McSweeney. HDO
McVeigh, Walter, d 11-23-1900, age 9 mons., c/o Charles & Sarah McVeigh. HDO
Meehan, Infant (m), 3-19-1944, prolapsed cord, c/o Lieut. William J. & Ave Maria Meehan. HDO
Meehan, Infant (m), 10-24-1956, premature, c/o Lieut. William J. & Ave Maria Meehan. HDO. BS4
Meguel, Sabena, 8-26-1914 to 11-5-1918, age 4, burns, c/o Eli & Ann Meguel. HDO
Meixel, Virginia Frances, 1-18-1926 to 9-27-1927, whooping cough, c/o Herman & Annie May Meixel. HDO
Meloni, Louis, d 5-29-1927, c/o Augusta & Grace Meloni. HDO
Mersing, Marjorie Ellen, d 6-11-1944, c/o Lawrence & Margaret Mersing. HDO
Messina, Katherine Ann, 1-14-1947, age 1 mon., bronchopneumonia, c/o John J. & Katherine C. Messina. HDO
Mike, Normay, 9-10-1908 to 4-20-1912, tubercular meningitis, /o Joseph & Mary Mike. Obit. HDO
Milliard, John Henry, 8-22-1948 to 1-22-1957. Birthplace: Ft. Fairfield, ME. c/o Leonard & Alice Milliard. HDO
Milligan, Infant (f), 6-20-1961, SB, c/o James & Fay Milligan. HDO. BS4
Milligan, Infant (m), 6-4-1960, SB, c/o James L. & Joy L. Milligan. HDO. BS4
Mills, Lisa Gail, 11-6-1963, age 2 mons., congenital heart disease, c/o Winfred & Juanita Mills. HDO. BS4
Minihan, Margaret Anna, d 8-11-1920, age 3, auto accident, c/o Michael & Anna Minihan. HDO
Minutolo, Infant (m), d 8-17-1915, weak heart, c/o Arthur & Nettie Minutolo. HDO
Miscavage, Infant (f), 5-17-1943, SB, c/o William & Susan Miscavage. HDO
Mitchell, Infant, d 5-22-1914, age 11 mons., c/o Mag. Mitchell. PR
Mitchell, Kenneth Raymond, 7--25-1961, c/o Charles & Mary Louise Mitchell. HDO
Monaghan, Infant (m), 8-23-1924, age 6 hours, c/o Bessie Monaghan. HDO
Montagna, Carmalina, 7-29-1889. Born in Italy. PR
Montagna, Infant (m), 7-22-1949, age 10 hours, c/o Joseph & Regina Montagna. HDO
Moore, Charles, d 6-15-1912, age 13 mons., brain fever. PR
Moore, Infant, 2-4-1980
Moore, James Farren, 1-17-1903 to 12-23-1904, c/o Thomas E. Moore. HDO
Moore, Infant (m), 8-10-1901, SB, c/o Harry & Alice Moore. HDO
Moore, Infant (m), d 2-7-1942, age 12 hours, c/o W. G. & M. Q. Moore. HDO
Moore, Tommie, d 12-9-1959, age 9, c/o Robert & Beatrice Moore. HDO
Morello, Infant (f), 7-15-1945, premature, c/o Vincent & Angelina Morello. HDO
Morrill, Stanley Allen, d 10-15-1940, aged 29 days, c/o Harry & Helen Morrill. Undertaker: Graham FH
Morrison, Infant, 8-15-1969
Morton, Eula Pope, d 9-11-1905, age 3, thyphoid fever, c/o Joseph & Nellie Morton. HDO & DC
Morton, Nicholas (Jr.), d 1-20-1935, age 1 mon., c/o Nicholas & Edna Morton. HDO
Mosca, Alfons B., Jr., 3-6-1923, age 2 days, premature, c/o Alfons & Madeline Mosca. HDO
Mousley, Infant (m), d 7-11-1923, SB, c/o Franklin & Elizabeth Mousely. HDO
Moyer, Caroline Rebecca, d 8-2-1945, age 2 mons., c/o Joseph & Helen Moyer. HDO
Mudio, Infant, d 2-20-1925, c/o S. V. & I. M. Mudio. HDO
Mulcahy, Lisa, 10-5-1963. BS4
Mullins, Catherine May, d 5-25-1918, age 6, c/o Michael & Lizzie Mullins. HDO
Mullins, Infant (f), 11-4-1936, SB, c/o V. G. & L. M. Mullins. HDO
Mulvihill, Female, 7-19-1940, SB, c/o Joseph & Marguerite Mulvihill. HDO
Mulvihill, Mary Kathleen, d 12-21-1932, age 5 & 1/2 mons., c/o Joseph & Marguerite L Mulvihill. HDO
Murphy, Bernard, d 9-8-1897, age 4 mons., c/o W. P. & Phoebe Murphy. HDO
Murphy, Infant (m), 3-5-1954, premature, c/o Cyril & Elsie Murphy. HDO
Murphy, Margaret, d 3-26-1914, age 1 mon., whooping cough, c/o J. F. & Marian Murphy. HDO
Murphy, Phoebe A., d 9-8-1902, age 1 year, enterocolitis, c/o William P. & Phoebe A. Murphy. DC
Murphy, Willie H., d 8-28-1910, age 7 days, c/o William H. & Annie Q. Murphy. HDO
Murray, Francis Brightwell, d 1-2-1921, age 23 days, c/o Vincent & Annie L. Murray. HDO
Myers, Scott Franklin
, 2-27-1967, age 3 mons., c/o R. F. Welsh & M. E. Myers. HDO. BS4

Neeb, Joseph G., d 8-27-1896, age 1, diphtheria, c/o B. H. Neeb. HDO
Norge, Infant (f)
, 9-20-1979, c/o Edward & Ceri Norge. HDO
Norgy, Joseph, d 8-17-1922, age 5 mons.
Norquist, Dorothy H., d 1-17-1921, age 10 mons. PR
Nunn, Francis Lee, d 8-11-1904, age 6, c/o Levi & Kate Nunn. HDO
Nunn, Levi L., Jr., d 3-17-1902, age 1, c/o Levi & Kate Nunn. HDO
Nuzzo, Vincenzo, d 8-27-1923, age 2 years, c/o Michael & Consiglia Nuzzo. HDO. Obit

O'Bierne, Infant (m), d 10-7-1912, SB, c/o Francis & Isadora O'Bierne. HDO
O'Connor, David, 3-21-1962, age 3 mons., c/o Joseph & Agnes O'Connor. HDO
O'Connor, Julia, d 1-18-1896, age 1, c/o Thomas & (Mary L.) Mamie O'Connor. HDO
O'Connor, Margaret Lillian, d 10-1-1897, age 11 mons., c/o Thomas & (Mary L.) Mamie O'Connor. HDO
O'Connor, Stephen Patrick, d 5-3-1901, age 6 mons., c/o Thomas J. & Mary L. O'Connor. HDO
O'Dea, Phillip, d 2-26-1914, age 9 mons., c/o Thomas & Catherine O'Dea. HDO
O'hal, John, 9-21-1953, age 17 days, pneumonia, c/o Eleanor O'hal. HDO
O'Keefe, Jacquelin I., 6-8-1927, age 1 year, nephritis, c/o Walter E & Vivian M O'Keefe. DC & HDO
O'Keefe, Samuel McPherson, d 6-5-1902, age 4 mons., c/o John J. & Catherine O'Keefe. HDO
O'Mara, Infant (m), 7-21-1945, premature, c/o Michael & Dorothy O'Mara. HDO
O'Neill, Rita Virginia, d 1-17-1920, age 3 mons., c/o Edward & Amy O'Neill. HDO
O'Sullivan, Joseph, 11-6-1919, c/o William & Minnie G. O'Sullivan. HDO
Oakes, Elizabeth
, d 5-2-1889, aged 7 days. PR
Olzinski, Infant (f)
, 10-6-1967, SB, c/o Stephen & Barbara Olzinski. HDO. BS4
Olzinski, Stephanie Ann,
4-16-1966, age 13 days, premature, c/o Stephen & Barbara Olzinski. HDO. BS4
Otto, Infant (f), 1-31-1919 to 2-5-1919, c/o Elias & Hadley Otto. HDO
Overholzer, Infant (m), 6-20-1943, age 4 hours, cardiac failure, c/o John & Iris Overholzer. HDO
Oxenham, Infant, 5-8-1961. BS4
Owen, Infant (m), d 1-6-1956. (Record signed by John K. Owen) HDO
Owen, David Wayne, 12-13-1965, age 4, c/o John K. & Nancy F. Owen. BS4
Owens, Katherine Ruth, 8-29-1943, c/o Corp. Harry H. & Mary L. C. Owens. HDO
Owens, Infant (m), d 11-13-1935, age 2 days, c/o M. D. & F. H. Owens. HDO

Pacini, Arthur Michael, d 3-12-1927, age 3 days, c/o Joseph & Katherine Pacini. HDO
Page, Lisa Marie, 11-8-1966, premature, c/o Ronnie & Barbara Page. HDO. BS4
Page, Raymarie
, 6-2-1971, c/o Barbara Ann Page. HDO
Papa, Infant (f), 7-3-1911, SB, c/o Frank & Jenny Papa. HDO
Papa, Louis, d 3-24-1912, age 2, pneumonia, c/o Frank & Jennie Papa. Obit
Papa, Louisa, d 4-3-1914, age 5 mons., pneumonia, c/o Frank & Jennie Papa. Obit
Parent, Gerald Joseph, 1-14-1956, age 1 mon., Lieut. Gerald & Betty Ann Parker. HDO. BS4
Parish, Joan Marie, 10-31-1955

Parker, Infant (f), 4-3-1948, prolapsed cord, c/o Walter & Bessie Parker. HDO
Parker, Infant (f), 12-21-1955, SB, c/o John & Barbara Parker. HDO
Parker, John P., 6-9-1961, premature, c/o Horace & Mildred Parker. HDO. BS4
Parker, Mary
, 11-29-1959, premature twin birth, c/o Horace & Mildred Parker. HDO. BS4
Parker, Infant (m), 10-31-1977, c/o Kiely & Charlene Parker, HDO
Parr, Ethel May, d 9-28-1921, age 1 mon., c/o George & Ethel Parr. HDO
Parr, Mary Virginia, 8-15-1915, premature, c/o G. W. & Julia Parr. HDO
Pavlock, John Vincent, 11-23-1934, premature, c/o John & Virginia Pavlock. HDO
Pawlowetz, Infant (m), d 6-7-1922, c/o Steve & Nellie Pawlowetz. HDO
Payne, Anne, 2-27-1926 to 3-18-1928, bronchopneumonia, c/o C. Kimball & Helen Payne. HDO
Peake, Johnnie Eugene, d 1-7-1957, age 6, c/o  Harry & Beverly Peake. HDO
Peck, Infant (f), 9-9-1921, premature, died same time as mother, c/o of Vincent & Rose Peck. HDO
Penella, J., d 9-9-1899, age 7 mons., convulsions, c/o Frank & Catherine Penella. HDO
Penello, Julian S., d 6-8-1917, c/o Frank & Minnie Lippin Penello. HDO
Pennello, Assundi, 7-13-1904 to 9-12-1904, c/o J & C Pennello. HDO
Perez, Francis, 7-13-1962. BS 4
Perez, Richie, 10-4-1982. Ashes BS 4, NGS
Pilger, Infant (f), 9-15-1957, premature, c/o M. F. & Mary Pilger. HDO. BS4
Pizarro, Infant, 1-1-1963. BS4
Platte, Dorothy Marie, d 2-15-1929, age 1, c/o Raymond & Marie Theresa Platte. HDO
Pokorski, Infant (f), 3-25-1960, c/o Paul & Catherine Pokorski. HDO. BS4
Pokorski, Infant, 6-19-1963. BS4
Pokorski, Infant (m), 1-5-1958, c/o Paul & Anna Pokorski. HDO. BS4
Pollock, George Dewey, d 7-4-1900, age 10 mons., c/o George & Julia Pollock. HDO
Pollock, Raymond A., 7-15-1944, pulmonary atelectasis, c/o Raymond & Mary Pollock. HDO
Poole, Infant (m), 3-3-1956, premature, c/o J. W. & M. M. Poole. HDO. BS4
Poole, Mary Louise, 1-17-1962, age 1 day, premature, c/o Joseph & Marzie S. Poole. HDO. BS4
Portafe, Infant, 10-2-1928, SM, c/o E. & M. I. Portafe. HDO
Portafe, Mary, d 12-15-1958, age 9 hours, c/o Maury & Bettye Portage. HDO
Power, Infant (f), 4-3-1964, SB, c/o Edward & Elinor Power. HDO. BS4
Powers, Rosemary, d 4-14-1918, age 2 days, c/o Charles E. Powers. HDO
Prentiss, Nancy, 9-24-1957. BS4
Price, Karen May, 11-6-1965, age 2 days, premature, c/o Norman & Sharon Price. HDO. BS4

Prince, Infant (f), 10-24-1953, premature, c/o James & Margaret Prince. HDO
Prince, K. A., d 11-18-1898, age 5 days, hemorrhage, c/o Joseph & Lenora Prince. HDO
Prozeralik, Deborah Pearl, 7-11-1955, premature, c/o Fred & Elizabeth Prozeralik. HDO
Pugh, Frederick, d 8-16-1909, age 1 mon., c/o Frederick & May Pugh. HDO
Pulliam, George Andrew, d 7-9-1928, age 9 mons., c/o James &Mary C. Pulliam. HDO. Obit
Pulliam, Inez Thelma, born 9-21-1917, died 4-28-1919, age 1, c/o James &Mary C. Pulliam. Undertaker: Cox FH. Obit
Purpura, Grace C. A., 7-5-1901 to 7-24-1901, c/o A. Purpura. HDO

Quernheim, Infant (m), 8-17-1929, SB, c/o August & Beatrice Quernheim. HDO
Quevedo, Infant (m), 4-3-1964, SB, c/o Pena & Cora Quevedo. HDO. BS4
Quinn, Charles F., 1-17-1899, c/o Charles & Mamie Quinn. HDO
Quinn, Infants, 2-4-1962. BS4

Ramey, Abbla K., 4-20-1918 to 8-14-1919, age 1, tubercular meningitis, c/o Karter & Saltanie Ramey. HDO
Ramey, Matilda, d 1-10-1921, age 7 weeks, whooping cough. PR
Ramey, Michael, 10-5-1954
Ramey, Samuel, d 10-5-1918, age 5 years, pneumonia, c/o Antonio & Bedelia Ramey. HDO
Raussos, Eugenia, 3-21-1949, age 2 mons., pneumonia, c/o Chris & Sylvia Raussos. HDO
Ravelli, Infant (m), 6-26-1943, SB, c/o Louis & Helen Ravelli. HDO
Raymond, Walter, 1909-1910
Regan, Infant, 1-12-1922, c/o Daniel & Ella Regan. HDO
Reid, Frank F., d. 9-30-1906, age 7 days., c/o Frank & Mary Reid. HDO
Reid, Mary, d 9-27-1905, age 4 days, c/o Frank & Mary Reid. HDO
Reilley, Margaret Mary, d 6-22-1897, age 2 mons., c/o Patrick Reilley. HDO
Reynolds, Infant, d 4-16-1930, spina bifida, c/o J. M. & Mary R. Reynolds. HDO
Reynolds, George R. (Jr. 7-30-1948, premature, c/o & Leona Reynolds
Reynolds, Joseph, d 3-24-1904, age 3 hours, premature, c/o M. D. & Margaret Reynolds. DC
Rhodes, Infant (m), 10-25-1934, premature, c/o Clem & Mary Rhodes. HDO
Riccio, Infant (m), 10-16-1962, SB, c/o Angelo & Nancy Riccio. HDO. BS4
Richardson, Lucy, d 8-8-1908, age 9 mons., malarial fever, c/o Charles & Lucy Richardson. HDO. Obit
Rickelman, Karen
, 2-25-1968, premature, c/o Lieut. J. H. & Donna Rickelman. Born in Portsmouth. HDO. BS4
Ridle, Mary Claire, 4-26-1952, c/o Robert & Mary Ridle. HDO
Ristan, Infant (m), 5-31-1943, age 1 hour, premature, c/o Helmuth & Theresa Ristan. HDO
Roberts, Infant, 1-2-1970
Rochleau, Infant (m), 8-30, 1949, preclampsia toxemia, c/o Lt. Ernest & Kathryn Rochleau. HDO
Rogers, William Preston, d 6-16-1918, age 15 mons., c/o J. B. & Rosa Rogers. HSO
Romanczyk, Joseph John , d 8-2-1920, age 7 days, congenital heart disease, c/o Joseph & Anna Romanczyk. HDO
Roper, Infant (f), 8-23-1962, SB, c/o Lieut. Vincent & Roberta Roper. HDO
Ropero, Alphonso, d 7-15-1922, age 2 years, skull fracture (accidental), c/o Pasqual & Grace Ropero. HDO
Rosales, Infant, 7-20-1964. BS4
Ross, Dolores Ann, 2-8-1947
Rowe, Infant (f), 9-10-1944, SB, c/o Floyd & Mary Rowe. HDO
Ruffini, Richard Jackson, 2-1-1965, c/o Lt. James & Nancy Ruffini. HDO. BS4
Rumfelt, Infant (f), 8-20-1920, SB, c/o E. A. & Ethel Rumfelt. HDO
Runager, Brian, 8-28-1965, age 1 mon., c/o Richard & Roberta Runager. HDO. BS4
Rusnach, Annie, 9-30-1899, age 1, gastroenteritis, c/o Andrew & Mary Rusnach. HDO

Ryan, Eugene Mathew, d 11-28-1900, age 1 mon., c/o Daniel J. & Annie V. Ryan. HDO
Ryan, Francis Joseph, d 11-7-1899, age 18 days, c/o Daniel J. & Annie V. Ryan. HDO
Ryan, James, d 8-3-1898, age 8, c/o Keran & I. Ryan. HDO
Ryan, William I., d 3-2-1890, age 3 mons.

Salas, Michael R., 12-16-1964. BS4
Sansone, Giuseppe
, 4-11-1896, age 8 mons., pneumonia, c/o Antonio & Hannah Sansone. HDO
Sansone, Infant (m), 2-25-1914, SB, c/o B. & B. Sansone. HDO
Sansone, Mary, d 5-17-1915, premature, c/o E. Sansone. HDO
Sansone, Vincent, d 3-10-1914, c/o E. & Annie J. Saansone. HDO
Santos, Frank
, 9-31-1888, age 1 mon., c/o Frank & Rosa Santos. PR
Santos, Gina Theresa delos, 4-22-1959, age 1 day, c/o Arturo delos & Florence Santos. HDO. BS4
Santos, Roxie Michael, d 3-1-1899, c/o Frank & Rosa Santos. HDO
Savedge, Infant, 5-5-1926, SB, c/o G. D. & Madeline Savedge. HDO
Sawyer, Michael, 7-3-1954, age 7 mons., c/o Norman & Mary Sawyer. HDO
Sawyer, Paul E. , 7-9-1949
Schmidt, Mary Louise, 10-16-1957, age 1 year, c/o John & Florence Schmidt. HDO. BS4
Schmidt, Thomas, 2-4-1961
Schmutzler, Mark Allen, 7-27-1958, age 5 days, premature, c/o Clifford & Marian Schmutzler. HDO. BS4
Schoonwagen, Edward P., d 3-15-1911, c/o Cornelius & Annie Schoonwagen. HDO
Schoonwagen, Peter, d 6-7-1917, age 5 mons., pneumonia, c/o C. P. & A. M. Schoonwagen. HDO. Obit
Schuchardt, Ruth, 1-10-1943, age 2 mons., pneumonia, c/o Theodore & Veronica Schuchardt. HDO.
Schweitzer, Earl Leroy, d 5-16-1921, age 2 years. Stomach. PR
Scott, Infant, 3-3-1965. BS4
Scott, Infant (m), 12-12-1943, SB, c/o Charles & Ruth Scott. HDO
Scullion, Charles Vincent, d 11-1-1890, age 2. PR
Scullion, Danny, d 10-24-1890, age 4. PR
Scullion, Infant (f), 4-27-1897, premature, c/o Patrick Scullion. HDO
Scullion, Frances Elizabeth, 2-16-1951, age 5 days, bronchopneumonia, c/o William & Winifred Scullion. HDO
Scullion, James Michael, d 3-14-1911, age 17 mons., c/o James J. & Agnes B. Scullion. HDO
Scullion, Joseph
, d 8-12-1890, age 13 mons. PR
Scurlock, Infant (m), 5-22-1964, c/o Lawrence & Mary Scurlock. HDO. BS4
Seay, Infant (f), 8-20-1942, SB, William & Minnie Seay. HDO
Seelinger, Edward Pitman, d 10-16-1910, age 2 mons., c/o Joseph P. & Josephine Seelinger. HDO
Segerson, Nancy Anne, d 2-1-1944, age 1 mon., c/o Lt. Robert D. & Mary Elizabeth H. Segerson. HDO
Senerchia, Ercolina, d 8-29-1906 to 11-28-1909, pneumonia, c/o John & Angelina Senerchia. HDO
Senkes, Helen, 7-6-1909 to 8-8-1915, whooping cough, c/o John & Annie Senkes. HDO
Serre, Infant (f), 10-24-1958, age 10 hours, respiratory failure, c/o Henry & Rita Serre. HDO. BS4
Shara, Dennis Richard Joseph, 10-24-1964, premature, c/o Dennis & Patricia. HDO. BS4
Sheehy, John Clifford, d 8-1-1918, age 3 day, c/o Harry & Florence Sheehy. HDO
Shelly, Infant, d 11-15-1917, premature, c/o W. C. & Mamie E. Shelly. HDO
Shepherd, Charles, d 3-24-1890, age 18 mons. PR
Sherman, Infant (f), 11-4-1952, premature, c/o Jerry & Frances Sherman. HDO
Shoen, Maura P. & Ashley D., d 2-16-1921, premature, c/o Zina & Noreen Shoen. HDO
Shumsky, Loraine & Julie, 12-5-1943, c/o Michael & Camille Shumsky. HDO
Siegel, Clara Ellen, d 12-24-1910, age 4 years, scarlet fever. PR (reinterred in Riverside Cem 3-23-1925
Skiziniski, Willie, d 4-15-1896, age 2, c/o William & Alexandra Trummel. HDO
Smith, Abbott B., 11-6-1954
Smith, Catherine Eugenia, d 12-14-1922, age 2 mons., bronchopneumonia, c/o Wayne & Elizabeth Smith. HDO
Smith, Cathy D.
, 3-30-1956. BS4
Smith, Christopher, 12-7-1957, premature, c/o Ralph & Eleanor Smith. HDO. BS4
Smith, Clyde Elizabeth (f), d 1-1-1914, age 3 mons., c/o Clyde & Marie Smith. HDO
Smith, Infant, 11-3-1965. BS4
Smith, Infant, 12-6-1966. BS4
Smith, Joseph Lee, 11-27-1964. c/o John N. & Janice A. Smith. Cox FH. BS4
Smith, Mary, d 9-13-1926, age 2 days, c/o B. Paul & Mary Evelyn Smith. HDO
Smith, Paul Francis, 2-15-1952, premature, c/o Ralph & Eleanor Smith. HDO
Smith, Ralph Thomas (Jr.), 5-13-1951, age 2 days, pulmonary atelectasis, c/o Ralph & Eleanora Smith. HDO
Smith, William Ernest, d 11-17-1921, age 1, c/o Bernard & Sarah Smith. HDO
Smyth, Catharine, 7-7-1903 to 11-16-1903, c/o John & Beatrice Smyth. HDO
Smyth, John J. (Jr.), 8-2-1899, chronic indigestion, c/o John & Beatrice Smyth. HDO
Sneed, Carl, d 1-15-1897, age 2, c/o S. S. & Garnett Sneed. HDO
Snow, Infant
, 9-14-1962. BS4
Soares, Mary (Infant) 6-10-1985
Sochor, Infant (f), 5-25-1959, SB, c/o Francis & Elizabeth Sochor. HDO.
Socher, Infant (f), 7-12-1970, SB, c/o Thomas & Charlotte Socher. HDO. BS4
Socher, Infant (f), 7-29-1971, c/o Thomas & Charlotte Socher. HDO
Soper, Virginia Ann, d 4-19-1924, age 3. Birthplace: Cradock. St. Paul's PR
Sousouge, Elise Anite, 8-22-1900 to 5-27-1901, cholera, c/o James and Elise Sousouge. HDO
Speights, Annie Ellen, d 1-16-1898, age 1, diphtheria, c/o James & Ella Speights. HDO
Spinella, Len, d 5-10-1947, SB, c/o John & Helen Spinella. HDO
Springer, Infant, 9-10-1984

Sprosek, William, 2-13-1947
Spruill, Dorothy Marie, d 11-8-1905, age 6 days, c/o James C & Clara Spruil. HDO & DC (Unrecorded)

Spruill, Infant, d 10-16-1912, age 2 days, premature, c/o James C & Clara Spruill. HDO
Staffer, Michael Lee, 12-26-1957, age 2. Born in Elkhart, IN. Died at Portsmouth Naval Hospital. HDO
Stanchi, Louis Meloni, d 5-30-1946, c/o Michael & Della Stanchi. HDO
Standing, Infant (m), 4-23-1949, SB, James & Mary Standing. HDO
Stawicki, Infant (m), d 12-27-1905, SB, c/o Kostek & Annie Stawicki. HDO (HDO sp Stawicht)
Staylor, June Elizabeth, d 8-13-1841, age 17 days, c/o Jack & Ruth Staylor. HDO
Stephens, Michael Douglas
, 5-9-1964, c/o Douglas & Patricia Stephens. HDO. BS4
Stonesifer, Infant (f), 6-19-1965, c/o Bell & Barbara Stonesifer. HDO. BS4
Sullivan, Infant, d 11-4-1918, SB, c/o John Joseph & Mamie Sullivan. HDO
Sullivan, Infant, 1-19-1922, SB, c/o John Joseph & Mamie Sullivan. HDO
Sullivan, Michael Joseph, d 7-27-1806, age 10 mons., c/o John J. & Nora Sullivan. HDO
Sullivan, Patrick Richard, d 2-33-1946, age 2 mons., c/o Mary Josephine Sullivan. HDO
Swink, Infant
, 5-29-1965. BS4
Sykes, Infant, d 2-2-1920, c/o Arthur & Agnes Sykes. HDO
Sykes, Infant, 3-25-1927, SB, c/o Arthur & Agnes Sykes. HDO
Szikney, Mary Helen, 3-30-1958, premature, c/o Alphonse & Helen Szikney. HDO. BS4

Tabit, Infant (f), 9-8-1912, premature, c/o E. Tabit. HDO
Tappan, Infant, d 6-22-1942, c/o Harry & Alice Tappan. HDO
Tavaglione, Owen Michael, d 8-3-1918, 9 mons., gastroenteritis, c/o Louis & Marguerite Tavaglione. HDO
Taylor, Mary Louisa, 7-26-1899, age 4, convulsions, c/o Thomas & Rosa Taylor. Birthplace: Washington, DC. HDO
Tenanty, Marie Anne, 8-18-1944, c/o Lieut. Joseph & Helen Tenanty. HDO
Thebarge, Helen G., d 7-29-1946, age 1 day, c/o Alfred & Heln Thebarge. HDO
Thomas, Infant, 10-26-1928, age 1 day, premature, c/o Frank & Annie Thomas. HDO
Thomson, Infant, 10-4-1899, , c/o Alexander Thomson. HDO
Thumm, Henry Kemp, d 8-24-1911, age 9 mons, c/o J Henry Thumm
Thumm, Infant (f), 11-24-1910, premature, c/o J. Henry & Willie Thumm. HDO
Thurber, Infant (m), 3-29-1953, age 7 hours, premature, c/o Edward & Elizabeth Thurber. HDO
Tice, Edward Kenny, d 6-28-1936, c/o Edward & Catherine Tice. HDO
Tice, Joseph, d 7-31-1936, age 3 days, premature. PR
Tobin, George Thomas, d 8-4-1900, age 1 year, pneumonia, c/o Thomas F. & Agnes Tobin
Tobin, Infant, 5-19-1966, premature, c/o Carl & Gloria Tobin. HDO. BS4
Toohey, Infant, 5-23-1964. BS4
Toohey, Maura, 9-29-1965, c/o Lt. E. L. & Jean Toohey. HDO. BS4
Torres, Infant (f), 7-15-1965, hydrocephalus, c/o Ramon & Virginia Torres. HDO
Torres, Infant (m), 8-5-1967, premature, c/o Jorge & Modesta Torres. HDO. BS4
Toscano, Mary, d 8-31-1911, age 5 mons., c/o B. & Catherine Toscano. HDO
Trgovich, Paula, 11-9-1966, c/o Pete & Marcia Trgovich. HDO
Turpin, Arthur Richard, 5-17-1928, ,c/o Arthur & Ellen Mary Turpin. HDO
Twiford, Margaret Diggs, d 8-25-1900, age 7 mons., malarial fever, c/o Thomas & Pauline Twiford. HDO

Umstead, Infant, 12-30-1910, c/o W. E. & Elizabeth Unstead. HDO
Useldinger, James Robert, d 11964, age 22 mons., c/o Edward & Gloria Useldinger. Cox FH

Vaccarella, Charlotte Vivian, d 1-23-1923, age 2, meningitis, c/o Benjamin & Jennie Vaccarella. HDO
Van Norton, Infant, 1-15-1981
Van Vleck, Sherolyn Ann, d 11-28-1944, premature, c/o Billy & Marie Van Vleck. HDO
Vanderploeg, Infant (m), 5-19-1957, c/o John W. & Mary Frances Vanderploeg. OFHH. BS4
Vanderploeg Twins, 5-24 & 5-27, 1951, premature, c/o Webe & Mary Vanderploeg. HDO
Vaughn, Infant (m), 2-19-1945, premature, c/o Clarence & Fannie Vaughn. HDO
Venuto, Lena, d 8-27-1922, debility, age 6 weeks. PR
Verdigi, Nelle, 12-2-1902 to 6-7-1903, enteritis, c/o Louis & Paola Verdigi (Luigi Verdizi). HDO
Versace, Infant, 7-19-1916 to 7-21-1916, premature, c/o Vincent & Catherine Versace. HDO
Versace, Virgilio, d 7-20-1914, age 1, whooping cough, c/o Vincent & Catherine Versace. HDO
Verstynen, Peter, d 5-26-1930, age 6 mons., c/o Marius & Cora Verstynen. HDO
Vos, William J., 1-27-1956, premature, c/o William Vos. HDO
Vseldinger, James, 9-14-1964. BS4

Wade, Teresa Ann, 1-26-1958, age 2 mons., hydrocephalus, c/o Hubert & Dorothy Wade. HDO. BS4
Wagner, Infant (f), 3-8-1974, c/o Cynthia Ann Wagner. HDO
Walsh, Constance Lee, 6-25-1924, SB, c/o Mathew & Nancy Walsh. HDO
Walsh, James
, 9-10-1890, age 9 mons. PR
Walsh, John, 5-18-1896, age 2, c/o John Walsh. HDO
Walsh, Margaret, d 4-1-1922, age 1 mon., c/o John & Loreto Walsh. HDO
Wasko, Jean Marie, 9-24-1951, age 2 days, c/o Andrew & Jane Wasko. HDO

Waters, Infant, 1-29-1911, SB, c/o W. T. & Carmilla Waters. HDO
Weber, Infant (f), 2-4-1964, c/o John & Joan Weber. HDO. BS4
Wellbrock, Helen Madeline, 4-29-1946, 14 days, c/o Herman & Helen Wellbrock. HDO
Wells, Mary Jane, d 9-13-1928, age 6 mons. Birthplace: Emporia, VA. Parents: Not Given. HDO
Wetzel, Alfred Taylor, d 9-3-1910, age 5 mons., c/o E. C. & Katie Wetzel. HDO
Wetzel, Richard A., 7-14-1951

Whiley, Infant, 8-25-1942, SB, c/o Lloyd & Genevieve Whiley. HDO (Surname: Whiley or Whitley) HDO
White, Infant (f), 8-21-1956, anencephaly, c/o Carl & Doris White. HDO. BS4
White, Infant (f), 9-14-1961, c/o William & Mary White. HDO. BS4
White, Infant (f), 7-21-1963, SB, c/o Louis & June White. HDO. BS4
White, Ivan Joseph, d 4-17-1897, age 1 mon., c/o M. J. & Lelia White. HDO
White, Mary, d 2-1-1905, age 7 days, c/o Henry J. & Magnolia B. White. HDO & DC
Whitley, Infant, d 11-27-1923, SB c/o Lloyd & Genevieve Whitley (Surname: Whiley or Whitley) HDO
Whitlock, Thomas Richard Lewis, d6-21-1946, age 8 months, c/o Carl L & Josephine Wagoner Whitlock. Hollomon-Brown FH. DC.
Whitsett, Infant (m), 5-31-1950, age 1 hour, premature, c/o Rufus & Corde Whitsett. HDO
Wilder, Donald Whaley, 11-11-1964, c/o Jessie & Joann Wilder. HDO. BS4
Williams, Clifford Arnold, 12-4-1935, premature, c/o Archibald & Rita Williams. HDO
Williams, Infant, died 6-2-1902, age 3 mons, c/o George & Bertha Williams, Undertaker J. L. Morris & Co.
Williams, John, d 10-27-1930, age 19 mons., nephritis, c/o Madeline Williams. HDO
Williams, Twin Infants (m), 4-15-1962, SB, c/o Cecil & Barbara Williams. HDO. BS4
Wills, Christopher A., 5-23-1962, premature, c/o John & Marie Wills. HDO. BS4
Wilson, James Howard, 5-12-1914 to 7-18-1921, encephalitis, c/o Ernest & Anna Wilson. HDO
Wilson, Joan Cecelia, d 3-16-1948, age 9 days, c/o Frank & Betty Wilson. HDO
Winkler, Infant (m), 1-29-1943, miscarriage, c/o Walter & Ruth Winkler. HDO
Winston, Infant (f), d 7-24-1909, age 2 days, c/o James & Laura Winston. HDO
Winter, Alfred James, d 5-22-1907, age 9 mons., cholera, c/o Adam J & Blanche Winter, 141 Charles St. HDO & DC
Winter, Mary Elizabeth, 12-12-1954, premature, c/o John & Elizabeth Winter. HDO
Winter, Reginald Fantone, 10-29-1902 to 6-16-1903, cholera, c/o A. J. & Blanche Winter. HDO
Wolf, Infant, 6-10-1965. BS4
Wolf, Marguerite Barbara, 7-19-1898, age 5, c/o J. George Wolf.
Wood, Marguerite, 6-6-1956, age 1 year, c/o Charles & Peggy Wood. HDO. BS4
Wood, Valerie Irene, 9-3-1944, age 2 mons., bronchopneumonia, c/o George & Irene Wood. HDO
Wood, William Donovan, d 4-1o-1919, age 10 mons., c/o Amos P. & Margaret Wood. HDO
Woodard, Glen Howard, d 3-9-1947, age 2 days, c/o Arthur & Margaret Woodard. HDO
Woodsend, Elizabeth, 1-3-1928, age 3 days, c/o Charles & Elizabeth Woodson. Cox FH
Wright, James, 11-28-1945, age 14 days, acute enteritis, c/o Mary Wright. HDO
Wulzer, Annie H, 13 Jun 1914 to 7-19-1916, c/o John & Fortunata Wulzer. HDO. Obit

Yanez, Infant (m), 6-8-1948, SB, Joseph & Mary Yanez. HDO
Yapo, Infant, 10-6-1935, premature, c/o Leoncio & Agnes Yapo. HDO
Yerby, Infant (m), 5-9-1951, premature, c/o Charles & Mabel Yerby. HDO
Youmans, Carol M., d 2-9-1920, age 2 mons., c/o E. B. & Annie Youmans. HDO

Ziegelbein, Infant (f), 11-26-1957, c/o Douglas & Shirley Ziegelbein. HDO
Zimba, Helen Marie, 10-17-1957, age 22 days, c/o Donald & Lillie Zimba. HDO. BS4


Dimbrosio, Claudio, 11-8-1910 to 9-15-1911, c/o John & Biel Dimbrosio. NOT HDO
Foguth, Bertha, d 7-21-1910, age 10 mons., c/o John Foguth NOT HDO
Johns, Nicholas Lanier, d 10-13-1930, age 1 year
Martin, Doris Delmar, d 4-2-1923, age 7 weeks
McCloy, John Joseph, 6-18-1909 to 2-15-1910, c/o John & Sarah Higgins McCloy NOT HDO
Morrill, Stanley Allen, d 10-15-1940, a 29 days, c/o Harry & Helen Morrill

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Sources: St. Mary's Cemetery records, Parish Records, Death Certificates, H D Oliver records, Register of Death records & obituaries.
Submit all questions, additions or corrections to Donna Bluemink

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