USGenWeb Archives Virginia


8100 Granby Street, Norfolk, Virginia.

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Mil - Morp

Milam, Mamie G I57621 Northeast Center II, Block I, Space 65, 11/10/1988
Milam, William G I56823 Northeast Center II, Block I, Space 66, 10/16/1953
Milanese, John I56825 Northeast Center II, Block H, Space 101, 10/30/1956
Milanese, Teresa M I56826 Northeast Center II, Block H, Space 102, 04/13/1958
Milbourne, Carolyn Elizabeth, Center Park North Extd, Block B, Lot 354, 01/22/2022
Miles, Ann J I56830 Northeast Center II, Block C, Space 48, 09/13/1992
Miles, Anna I56827 Fir Lawn, Block 20, Space 65, 03/26/2000
Miles, Annie F I57622 South, Lot 239, Space 3, 03/18/1939
Miles, Annie M I56828 Fir Lawn, Block 22, Space 23, 03/29/1992
Miles, Annie R I56829 G, Block 15, Lot 16, Space NW, 08/27/1984
Miles, April R I56831 Child D Extd, Block D, Row 7, Space 4, 02/25/1988
Miles, Carole R I56834 L, Block 9, Lot 18, Space WCtr, 07/14/1988
Miles, Carolyn I56835 East Center Lawn, Lot 8n, Space SCtr, 01/10/2002
Miles, Cecelia M I56832 Live Oak, Block A, Lot 8, Space 3, 10/23/2000
Miles, Charlie R I57623 Fir Lawn, Block 22, Space 24, 06/03/1983
Miles, Clarence T I56833 Southwest Center, Lot 175, Space 2, 07/03/1948
Miles, Dorothy Patricia, Fir Lawn, Block 1, Space 14, 07/07/2023
Miles, Edna V I56836 Southwest Center, Lot 240, Space 3, 04/09/1938
Miles, Ethel I56837 East Center B, Lot 15, 01/16/1983
Miles, Evelyn S I57624 E, Block 7, Lot 3, Space NE, 01/07/1965
Miles, Frank (Sr) I56840 East Center Lawn, Lot 8n, Space Ctr, 08/13/1990
Miles, Frank J I56838 Linden Lawn, Block M, Space 5, 08/24/1969
Miles, Frank M (Jr) I56839 East Center Lawn, Lot 10s, Space WCtr, 05/08/1985
Miles, George I56841 Live Oak, Block P, Lot 25, 03/05/2001
Miles, Gina A I56842 Old Child, Block M, Row 2, Space 35, 02/20/1963
Miles, Hamilton W I57682 Northeast Center II, Block C, Space 49, 07/28/1969
Miles, Hardy K I56843 Southwest Center, Lot 302, Space 1, 01/02/1960
Miles, Helene P I56844 Locust Lawn, Block 4, Space 79, 10/30/1970
Miles, Ida W I56845 Maple Lawn, Block G, Space 10, 05/23/1975
Miles, Infant I56846 Old Child, Block D, Row 4, Space 28, 08/03/1938
Miles, Infant (f) I56847 Old Child, Block G, Row 1, Space 3, 09/27/1948
Miles, Irene S I57683 South, Lot 239, Space 6, 04/14/1963
Miles, John B I56848 Rest House Lawn, Lot 12s, Space 3, 11/08/1932
Miles, John W I56849 South, Lot 239, Space 5, 10/28/1959
Miles, Julia L I56850 East Center Lawn, Lot 10s, Space SCtr, 10/01/1962
Miles, Lillian M I56851 Linden Lawn, Block M, Space 6, 08/28/1980
Miles, Linda S I56852 Live Oak, Block P, Lot 25, Space NE, 04/15/1984
Miles, Margaret L I57684 Maple Lawn, Block E, Space 3, 05/27/1961
Miles, Margaret T, Live Oak, Block P, Lot 25, 04/27/2020
Miles, Marian Carpenter I56853 Rest House Lawn, Lot 12s, Space 4, 11/21/1938
Miles, Mattie T I56854 West Center, Lot 434, Space 2, 09/16/1983
Miles, Mildred B 4178 Live Oak, Block P, Lot 25, Space SW, 88, 08/27/2007
Miles, Nancy Marie, East Center Lawn, Block D, Space 16, 12/03/2018
Miles, Nathan R I56855 E, Block 7, Lot 3, Space SE, 04/29/1957
Miles, Olla L I56856 Southwest Center, Lot 175, Space 6, 04/21/1971
Miles, Richard F I56857 South, Lot 239, Space 1, 03/21/1917
Miles, Robert L I57685 G, Block 15, Lot 16, Space SW, 04/19/1953
Miles, Rufus L I56858 East Center Lawn, Lot 8n, Space NCtr, 06/24/1950
Miles, Ruth H I56859 West Center, Lot 426, Space 5, 07/18/1973
Miles, Scott Andrew, Tree of Life IV, Block C, Lot 348, 07/26/2023
Miles, Thomas G I56860 Southwest Center, Lot 87, Space 5, 09/10/1952
Miles, Vernon E (III) I57686 Southwest Center, Lot 302, Space 2, 11/14/1967
Miles, Vernon E I56861 Southwest Center, Lot 302, Space 3, 06/05/1976
Miles, Vernon E (Jr) I56862 Live Oak, Block Q, Lot 4, Space SE, 09/09/1992
Miles, William I55129 East Center B, Lot 15, 06/04/1951
Miles, William G (Jr) I55131 West Center, Lot 434, Space 1, 01/24/1931
Miles, William G (Sr) I55130 South, Lot 239, Space 4, 07/10/1941
Miles, William H (Jr) I55132 Live Oak, Block A, Lot 8, Space 4, 08/01/1989
Milford, Ronnie L I55133 Old Child, Block J, Row 6, Space 7, 06/16/1958
Milhiser, Jerome I57687 Tree of Life IV, Block B, Lot 172, Space C, 02/26/1997
Milhiser, Julia 5326 Tree of Life IV, Block B, Lot 172, Space N, 85, 07/03/2009
Milhiser, Norma Marlene, Tree of Life IV, Block B, Lot 172, 12/25/2022
Milholland, Lawrence E I55134 South Center Lawn, Lot 143s, 10/13/1983
Milholland, Margaret I55135 South Center Lawn, Lot 143s, 12/18/1992
Miliander, Barbara W I55139 Fir Lawn, Block 9, Space 48, 08/27/1982
Millan, Mary Jane Mcvay 5929 Fir II, Lot 698, Space N, 87, 02/04/2010
Millard, Bertha M I55136 G, Block 4, Lot 7, Space NW, 02/27/1997
Millard, Clifford I I55137 South, Lot 140, Space 3, 04/07/1940
Millard, Nellie D I55138 South, Lot 140, Space 4, 03/23/1942
Millard, Reuben O I57688 G, Block 4, Lot 7, Space SW, 01/20/1980
Millena, Julian A I55140 Fir Lawn, Block 24, Space 40, 01/17/1977
Miller, Abraham I55142 Jewish A, Lot 22, Space WCtr, 83, 10/12/1953
Miller, Abraham I55141 Jewish A, Lot 17, Space SE, 70, 09/15/1959
Miller, Addie L I55143 Northeast Center II, Block C, Space 96, 08/01/1970
Miller, Albert I55144 Pear Lawn, Block L, Space 32, 07/06/1984
Miller, Albert I57689 Jewish A, Lot 51, Space 1, 09/14/1986
Miller, Albert E I55145 Locust Lawn, Block 21, Space 10, 05/14/1973
Miller, Albert P I55146 Tree of Life I, Block E, Lot O, Space S, 06/08/1973
Miller, Alexander Gordon I55147 Jewish A, Lot 22, Space SE, 89, 05/03/1994
Miller, Alfred B I57690 Tree of Life I, Block C, Lot 44, Space SW, 06/06/1986
Miller, Alice Joyce, J, Block 5, Lot 7, 10/11/2016
Miller, Alice L I55148 Northeast Center II, Block U, Space 57, 04/23/1975
Miller, Alice S I55149 Southwest Center, Lot 10, Space 3, 12/27/1975
Miller, Alice V I55150 East Center A, Block 1, Lot 23, Space SE, 09/06/1959
Miller, Allen I55151 Indigent Adult C, Block C, Row 1, Space 18, 04/27/1937
Miller, Alma O 5679 West Lawn, Block IV, Lot 266, Space N, 72, 02/06/2010
Miller, Almeda D I55152 Northeast Center II, Block C, Space 97, 11/26/1976
Miller, Amber L I55162 Old Child, Block P, Row 3, Space 5, 06/01/1979
Miller, Amelia J I55163 Old Single, Block B, Row 6, Space 6, 08/23/1927
Miller, Anna B I55153 Pear Lawn, Block N, Space 1, 04/20/1984
Miller, Anna S I57691 Locust Lawn, Block 15, Space 34, 10/16/1971
Miller, Anne C I55154 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 7, Lot 39, Space NW, 11/24/1972
Miller, Anne R 2297 Jewish A, Lot 51, Space 991 92 04/15/2003
Miller, Annie I55155 Indigent Adult C, Block C, Row 3, Space 43, 12/30/1942
Miller, Annie C I55157 East Center Lawn, Lot 99s, Space 2, 02/19/1933
Miller, Annie E I55158 South Center Lawn, Lot 171s, 10/29/1914
Miller, Annie L I55159 G, Block 18, Lot 23, Space NE, 03/25/1982
Miller, Annie L I55160 Northeast Center I, Block 27, Space 11, 01/17/1949
Miller, Annie L I57692 Tree of Life I, Block B, Lot 4, Space NW, 09/17/1976
Miller, Annie L 6259 Red Oak Lawn, Block A, Lot 30, Space N, 11/30/2010
Miller, Annie S I55161 West Center, Lot 372, Space 4, 02/24/1992
Miller, Arnold Burton, Jewish A, Block I, Lot C, 07/19/2020
Miller, Arthur I57693 Fir Lawn, Block 4, Space 47, 12/20/2001
Miller, Augustus I55164 Old Single, Block A, Row 7, Space 30, 05/31/1920
Miller, Augustus C, Pine Gardens III, Lot 436, 12/24/2020
Miller, Barbara 835 Red Oak Lawn, Block E, Lot 1, Space N, 78, 04/19/2005
Miller, Barbara Joan, J, Block 8, Lot 1, 02/10/2023
Miller, Beatrice V I56864 E, Block 7, Lot 15, Space NE, 10/13/1983
Miller, Benjamin I56865 Maple Lawn, Block K, Space 40, 12/04/1965
Miller, Benjamin F I57694 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 1, Lot 15, Space SW, 06/15/1963
Miller, Bernard F (III) 2298 Center Park North, Lot 516, Space E, 51, 12/20/2002
Miller, Bernard H, Garden of Prayer, Space 32, 08/25/2016
Miller, Bernard L I56866 Maple Lawn, Block J, Space 159, 05/04/1963
Miller, Bernard M I56867 Maple Lawn, Block J, Space 158, 12/04/1998
Miller, Bertha, Tree of Life IV, Block B, Lot 239, 07/02/2018
Miller, Betty I56868 Tree of Life III, Block 14, Space 39, 11/03/1990
Miller, Betty W I56869 Spruce Lawn, Block 7, Space 84, 06/21/1993
Miller, Blanch P I56870 East Center Lawn, Lot 132n, Space 1, 06/30/1937
Miller, Bobbie W I57695 South, Lot 224, Space 5, 07/28/1964
Miller, Burline K I56871 Linden Lawn, Block C, Space 48, 01/01/1986
Miller, Byron W I56872 Holly Lawn, Lot 84, Space S, 01/21/1962
Miller, Caleb F I58481 Mausoleum, Corridor B, Tier A, Crypt 35, 03/15/1951
Miller, Callie (Sr) I56873 Locust Lawn, Block 16, Space 26, 07/29/1985
Miller, Carl D I56874 South, Lot 172, Space 3, 07/17/1960
Miller, Carmelitta B 2921 Mausoleum, Corridor A, Tier C, Crypt 6, 90, 02/12/2007
Miller, Carolyn 220 Locust Lawn, Block 21, Space 68, 57, 07/17/2004
Miller, Carolyn Copeland, Spruce Lawn, Block 9, Space 37, 03/16/2021
Miller, Carra M I57696 J, Block 5, Lot 7, Space NE, 04/24/1977
Miller, Catherine E I56875 Old Single, Block A, Row 10, Space 44, 10/31/1922
Miller, Catherine R 2704 Fir Lawn, Block 9, Space 50, 89, 11/28/2006
Miller, Celestia I56876 West Center, Lot 39, Space 5, 04/17/1958
Miller, Charles I56877 South, Lot 11, Space 2, 02/07/1912
Miller, Charles A I56878 West Center, Lot 264, Space 1, 12/13/1925
Miller, Charles C I56879 Southwest Center, Lot 363, Space 1, 06/28/1921
Miller, Charles D I57697 Old City Poor, City Poor Adult-Child, Row 2, Space 6, 07/13/1918
Miller, Charles G I56880 West Center, Lot 372, Space 3, 01/09/1966
Miller, Charles I I56881 Jewish A, Block L, Lot Q, Space 3, 09/24/1993
Miller, Charles L (Sr) I56882 J, Block 5, Lot 7, Space SE, 11/13/1970
Miller, Charles M I56883 Old City Poor, City Poor Adult-Child, Row 3, Space 20, 12/02/1930
Miller, Charles W (Sr) I56884 Center Park North, Lot 428, Space S, 06/13/1997
Miller, Chester C I57698 Old Child, Block P, Row 3, Space 12, 02/06/1980
Miller, Christopher Clyde I57699 West Center, Lot 39, Space 3, 01/28/1981
Miller, Clara V I56885 Northeast Center I, Block 17, Space 60, 06/23/1958
Miller, Clarece R I56886 Single Adult, Block C, Row 4, Space 30, 09/06/1930
Miller, Claude Raymond, Beth Abraham, Space 66, 04/16/2018
Miller, Clifton B I56888 Single Adult, Block H, Row 1, Space 3, 03/27/1944
Miller, Clifton L I56887 G, Block 15, Lot 44, Space SW, 08/07/1951
Miller, Cread E I56889 Northeast Center II, Block R, Space 23, 04/25/1960
Miller, Cynthia A I56890 Old Child, Block K, Row 2, Space 35, 10/20/1969
    also Halme, Cynthia, c/o Rommie C and Regina Halme Miller)
Miller, Daniel Parrish (Sr) 6103 East Lawn, Lot 149e, Space NCtr, 74, 07/22/2010
Miller, Danny I56891 Grecian Gardens, Lot 63, Space 12, 10/22/2001
Miller, Dave I56892 Tree of Life I, Block B, Lot 4, Space SW, 08/29/1966
Miller, David M I56894 Jewish A, Lot 48s, Space Ectr, 07/09/1977
Miller, Deanne, Pine Gardens III, Lot 436, 09/23/2019
Miller, Delma E I57700 Center Park North, Lot 428, Space N, 11/27/1988
Miller, Dexter S I56893 K, Block 7, Lot 26, Space S, 10/01/1965
Miller, Dianna F I56895 Spruce Lawn, Block 7, Space 6, 06/28/1975
Miller, Dora H I56896 Linden Lawn, Block G, Space 89, 07/05/1967
Miller, Dorothy I56897 Southwest Center, Lot 116, Space 5, 02/24/1959
Miller, Douglas S I56898 Linden Lawn, Block O, Space 67, 04/15/1969
Miller, Dwight L I56899 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 4, Lot 27, Space SW, 12/02/1961
Miller, Earlye Lee, Elm Lawn, Block 7, Lot 12, 01/15/2015
Miller, Edgar D I57701 South, Lot 224, Space 3, 11/03/1961
Miller, Edgar F I56901 B, Block 5, Lot 14, Space 1, 10/18/1942
Miller, Edgar M I56902 Linden Lawn, Block C, Space 47, 10/15/1966
Miller, Edith G I56900 Linden Lawn, Block K, Space 12, 03/10/1969
Miller, Edna McLawhorn, Pear Lawn, Block F, Lot 4, Space 1, 04/09/2022
Miller, Edwin C I56903 Old Single, Block A, Row 3, Space 21, 06/30/1959
Miller, Effie J I56904 Ash, Block 13, Lot 9, Space N, 01/24/1980
Miller, Eleanor 760 K, Block 9, Lot 22, Space NW, 99, 03/26/2005
Miller, Elizabeth I57702 C, Block 9, Lot 4, Space 4, 10/03/1971
Miller, Elizabeth A I56905 Locust Lawn, Block 21, Space 40, 02/13/1971
Miller, Elizabeth B 4788 Cedar, Block 9, Lot 24, Space NW, 93, 07/28/2008
Miller, Elizabeth C I56906 Northeast Center II, Block S, Space 21, 09/16/1992
Miller, Elizabeth H I56907 A, Block 2, Lot 12, Space 2, 04/27/1941
Miller, Ella F I56908 South Center Lawn, Lot 127n, 07/19/1932
Miller, Ella M I56909 West Center, Lot 86, Space 3, 08/14/1934
Miller, Ellen S I57703 South, Lot 409, Space 2, 05/01/1917
Miller, Elma K I56910 Southwest Center, Lot 72, Space 3, 09/21/1960
Miller, Elmer T (Sr) I56911 Linden Lawn, Block D, Space 96, 08/27/1966
Miller, Elvin O (Sr) I56912 Live Oak, Block C, Lot 103, Space S, 09/20/1983
Miller, Emily W I56913 G, Block 7, Lot 1, Space NE, 02/22/1958
Miller, Emma 6713 Northeast Center I, Block 8, Space 61, 94, 03/25/2011
Miller, Emma W I56914 J, Block 2, Lot 32, Space NE, 03/24/1976
Miller, Encanita R I57704 Locust Lawn, Block 7, Space 71, 04/25/1973
Miller, Estelle A I56915 South, Lot 172, Space 4, 11/18/1975
Miller, Esther H I56916 Jewish A, Block L, Lot Q, Space 2, 07/25/1974
Miller, Eugene L I56917 Ash, Block 13, Lot 9, Space S, 06/20/1972
Miller, Evelyn K I56918 Fir Lawn, Block 19, Space 43, 02/08/1980
Miller, Evelyn M I56919 G, Block 8, Lot 13, Space SW, 03/21/1978
Miller, Evelyn Stanley, Fir Lawn, Block 13, Space 68, 03/07/2016
Miller, Fannie A I57705 Ash, Block 10, Lot 4, Space NE, 05/11/1989
Miller, Faye R I56920 Davids Garden I, Block 14, Space 3, 03/28/1997
Miller, Fern E, Garden of Prayer, Space 32, 01/04/1997
Miller, Frances I56921 Live Oak, Block C, Lot 30, Space N, 07/16/1996
Miller, Frances Hough 7633 South Center Lawn, Lot 157, Space 10, 91, 01/24/2012
Miller, Francis J I56922 South, Lot 409, Space 3, 12/22/1919
Miller, Francis R I56923 Northeast Center I, Block 8, Space 63, 03/25/1986
Miller, Francis R I56924 Old Single Child, Block B, Row 10, Space 20, 11/16/1926
Miller, Frank J I57706 South, Lot 409, Space 4, 03/02/1945
Miller, Fred B I56925 Linden Lawn, Block F, Space 39, 02/23/1970
Miller, Frederick G (Jr) I56926 Live Oak, Block C, Lot 30, Space S, 02/13/1984
Miller, Frieda K I56927 Pear Lawn, Block O, Space 42, 08/03/1985
Miller, Gaston W I56928 Maple Lawn, Block B, Space 83, 04/13/1992
Miller, George J I57707 Linden Lawn, Block G, Space 90, 12/31/1973
Miller, George L I56929 C, Block 9, Lot 4, Space 2, 04/21/1959
Miller, George P I56930 H, Block 7, Lot 19, Space SW, 12/28/1978
Miller, George W (Sr) I56931 Southwest Center, Lot 323, Space 2, 04/22/1939
Miller, George W I58482 Mausoleum, Corridor B, Tier D, Crypt 46, 08/16/1939
Miller, Gilbert A I56932 East Lawn, Lot 88n, Space 1, 10/23/1980
Miller, Gladys D I56933 Cedar, Block 6, Lot 3, Space NE, 03/09/1999
Miller, Grady F I57708 F, Block 2, Lot 28, Space SE, 08/06/1971
Miller, Grayson B I56934 Ash, Block 4, Lot 6, Space S, 05/21/1975
Miller, Harold R I57117 Old Child, Block F, Row 7, Space 26, 06/29/1948
Miller, Harry L I57120 South, Lot 367, Space 4, 05/01/1972
Miller, Hattie H I57118 B, Block 5, Lot 14, Space 4, 08/26/1963
Miller, Hazel B I57709 Maple Lawn, Block J, Space 90, 07/24/1963
Miller, Helen F I57710 Fir Lawn, Block 20, Space 27, 03/17/1986
Miller, Helen H I57121 East Center Lawn, Lot 99s, Space 9, 03/18/1980
Miller, Helen H I57122 Single Adult, Block C, Row 4, Space 30, 09/06/1930
Miller, Helen K I57123 Southwest Center, Lot 402, Space 4, 08/13/1965
Miller, Helen P I57124 Linden Lawn, Block O, Space 66, 02/14/1988
Miller, Helena I57125 South, Lot 11, Space 3, 12/06/1916
Miller, Henry I57126 Old Single, Block A, Row 1, Space 51, 05/11/1914
Miller, Henry A I57128 East Center Lawn, Lot 99s, Space 10, 08/13/1990
Miller, Henry C I57129 South, Lot 299, Space 3, 10/11/1927
Miller, Henry M I57130 Single Adult, Block D, Row 10, Space 2, 02/11/1933
Miller, Herbert Carlyle I57119 South, Lot 367, Space 5, 05/03/1972
Miller, Herbert R I57132 South, Lot 367, Space 2, 07/18/1950
Miller, Herma W I57131 East Center Lawn, Lot 241, Space 12, 09/27/1977
Miller, Herman A I57711 Ash, Block 2, Lot 14, Space SW, 05/12/1977
Miller, Hilah H I57133 South, Lot 269, Space 1, 04/27/1920
Miller, Holt F I57134 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 1, Lot 14, Space SW, 02/29/2000
Miller, Howard Henry I57127 J, Block 2, Lot 32, Space SE, 04/02/1955
Miller, Hyman I57135 Tree of Life III, Block 16, Space 4, 07/09/1988
Miller, Infant I57138 South Center Lawn, Lot 127n, 03/02/1921
Miller, Infant I57712 Old Single Child, Block A, Row 12, Space 8, 07/09/1922
Miller, Infant 7121 Old Single Child, Block B, Row 7, Space 41, 02/02/1930
Miller, Infant 7120 Old Single Child, Block B, Row 7, Space 47, 03/26/1930
Miller, Infant 7119 Old Single Child, Block B, Row 6, Space 33, 11/09/1930
Miller, Infant I57139 Old Single Child, Block B, Row 3, Space 48, 09/19/1934
Miller, Infant I57137 Old Child, Block E, Row 5, Space 2, 01/19/1942
Miller, Infant (f) I56863 B, Block 6, Lot 2, 08/20/1950
Miller, Infant (m) I55165 Old Child, Block H, Row 5, Space 26, 03/08/1955
Miller, Infant (m) 7123 B, Block 9, Lot 1, Space 1, 08/19/1969
Miller, Infant (m) 7122 Old Child, Block N, Row 6, Space 9, 10/15/1970
Miller, Irma L 7124 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 7, Lot 36, Space NW, 82, 07/11/1987
Miller, Irving Emmerson 7125 A, Block 3, Lot 10, Space 2, 53, 04/28/1935
Miller, J H 7762 Old Single, Block A, Row 6, Space 37, 30, 07/10/1919
Miller, J Judson 7126 Southwest Center, Lot 314, Space 1, 49, 02/22/1922
Miller, Jack Alfred 3312 South Center Lawn, Lot 157, Space 82, 04/02/2007
Miller, James 7127 C, Block 7, Lot 26, Space 2, 35, 06/19/1950
Miller, James 4710 Tree of Life IV, Block C, Lot 341, Space S, 72, 05/14/2008
Miller, James A 7128 Old Child, Block J, Row 5, Space 33, 04/30/1958
Miller, James Albert 7130 B, Block 5, Lot 14, Space 3, 71, 04/16/1950
Miller, James F 7129 West Center, Lot 312, Space 5, 67, 07/03/1973
Miller, James G 7131 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 7, Lot 39, Space SW, 86, 10/04/1970
Miller, James Joseph (Sr) 1345 West Lawn, Block IV, Lot 643, Space S, 62, 12/28/2005
Miller, James Robert 7132 Pear Lawn, Block V, Space 57, 71, 03/09/2000
Miller, Jeffery Shaw 7353 Center Park North, Lot 516, Space E, 50, 10/07/2011
Miller, Jennie Goss 7133 West Center, Lot 312, Space 1, 51, 12/24/1926
Miller, Jennifer Tracy I58526 Center Park North, Lot 68, Space N, 27, 04/12/2004
Miller, Jerome, Northwest Lawn, Block E, Space 9, 03/04/2021
Miller, Joan S, Jewish A, Lot 51, 08/14/2012
Miller, Joe 7179 Northeast Center II, Block G, Space 75, 66, 05/07/1953
Miller, John 7180 Single Adult, Block G, Row 1, Space 8, 81, 07/30/1945
Miller, John 7008 East Center Lawn, Lot 52, Space 10, 61, 01/08/2002
Miller, John, Grecian Gardens, Lot 63, Space 1, 11/18/2021
Miller, John A 7160 Northeast Center II, Block J, Space 13, 72, 04/28/1964
Miller, John Clayton 7162 G, Block 18, Lot 23, Space SW, 18, 03/11/1951
Miller, John Clayton (Sr) 7161 G, Block 18, Lot 23, Space SE, 58, 06/24/1967
Miller, John E 1578 South Center Lawn, Lot 119s, Space NCtr, Ashes, 81, 05/01/2006
Miller, John J 7163 Live Oak, Block R, Lot 48, Space SE, 84, 11/29/1977
Miller, John L 7164 Linden Lawn, Block O, Space 9, 67, 02/12/1970
Miller, John M 7165 Locust Lawn, Block 22, Space 78, 65, 12/10/1970
Miller, John O 7166 Northeast Center II, Block S, Space 22, 06/16/1959
Miller, John R 7167 Northeast Center II, Block C, Space 78, 77, 07/13/1952
Miller, John Robert, Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 1, Lot 14, 09/01/2014
Miller, John S (Jr) 7168 East Center Lawn, Lot 241, Space 13, 78, 10/03/1985
Miller, John William 7170 A, Block 4, Lot 41, Space 5, 76, 05/12/1995
Miller, Joseph 7172 East Center Lawn, Lot 17n, Space 1, 28, 11/14/1944
Miller, Joseph 7171 East Center A, Block 2, Lot 21, Space SE, 93, 11/17/1996
Miller, Joseph 7169 Jewish A, Block L, Lot Q, Space 1, 75, 08/27/1958
Miller, Josephine B 7173 D, Block 9, Lot 4, Space NE, 64, 02/07/1974
Miller, Josiah F 7174 A, Block 4, Lot 26, Space 2, 88, 02/04/1962
Miller, Joyce, Pear Lawn, Block L, Space 31, 01/12/1997
Miller, Juliet Jordan E, Block 10, Lot 21, 10/13/1964
Miller, Julius 7175 Jewish A, Block I, Lot C, Space SW, 71, 03/22/1961
Miller, Julius S 7176 Jewish A, Lot 22, Space SW, 59, 08/07/1969
Miller, Kamryn Amiah, Child D Extd, Row 7, Space 39, 10/02/2022
Miller, Katharine, South Center Lawn, Lot 119s, 04/26/2013
Miller, Katherine F 7177 Mausoleum, Corridor C, Tier F, Crypt 72, 11/02/1923
Miller, Katherine M I57140 Maple Lawn, Block A, Space 140, 08/13/1987
Miller, Kathryn D I57713 Live Oak, Block C, Lot 103, 07/07/1986
Miller, Kenneth T I57141 Pear Lawn, Block F, Lot 4, Space S, 08/19/1986
Miller, Laetitia T I57142 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 3, Lot 97, Space NW, 05/04/1993
Miller, Laura A I57143 South, Lot 131, Space 2, 11/10/1913
Miller, Laura B I57144 South, Lot 367, Space 1, 04/26/1918
Miller, Lavinia W I57145 South Center Lawn, Lot 119s, Space 73, 01/17/1966
Miller, Leon C I57714 D, Block 4, Lot 3, Space NE, 12/25/1985
Miller, Lewis E I57146 Single Adult, Block F, Row 6, Space 19, 08/03/1939
Miller, Lillian T I57147 A, Block 3, Lot 10, Space 3, 08/29/1969
Miller, Lina M I57148 G, Block 4, Lot 12, Space SE, 04/07/1993
Miller, Lindsay E I57149 West Center, Lot 86, Space 2b, 11/04/1931
Miller, Lindsay E (Jr) I57150 Locust Lawn, Block 13, Space 57, 05/21/1977
Miller, Linwood R (Sr) I57715 West Center, Lot 274, Space 4, 11/07/1981
Miller, Lloyd G I57151 Fir Lawn, Block 13, Space 69, 10/04/1977
Miller, Lola W I57152 Northeast Center II, Block C, Space 77, 03/23/1973
Miller, Louis, Tree of Life III, Block 6, Lot 16, 04/27/2024
Miller, Louis E I56935 Fir Lawn, Block 12, Space 75, 11/10/1994
Miller, Louise E I57153 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 4, Lot 69, Space NW, 68, 01/11/1997
Miller, Louise F 2304 Maple Lawn, Block K, Space 39. 100. 01/16/2003
Miller, Louise H I56936 G, Block 1, Lot 41, Space NE, 04/17/1951
Miller, Louise T I57716 South, Lot 367, Space 6, 08/04/1980
Miller, Lovella Campbell, Fir II, Lot 450, 04/03/2017
Miller, Lucy L I56938 West Center, Lot 306, Space 4, 12/04/1940
Miller, Lula I56939 Single Adult, Block D, Row 1, Space 25, 03/23/1936
Miller, Lula G I56940 Single Adult, Block D, Row 10, Space 1, 05/27/1935
Miller, Lula V I56941 West Center, Lot 306, Space 3, 08/17/1938
Miller, Luther C I56937 D, Block 9, Lot 4, Space ECtr, 03/02/1947
Miller, Luther H I57717 Single Adult, Block D, Row 5, Space 30, 12/08/1934
Miller, Mabel 6957 West Lawn, Block IV, Lot 712, Space N, 94, 06/15/2011
Miller, Mabel M I56943 A, Block 4, Lot 26, Space 1, 12/24/1934
Miller, Madeline H I56944 South Center Lawn, Lot 171s, 03/01/1957
Miller, Marcellus S I56945 F, Block 4, Lot 45, Space NW, 04/17/1989
Miller, Margaret M I57625 South, Lot 367, Space 3, 10/11/1952
Miller, Margaret S I56948 H, Block 7, Lot 19, Space NW, 04/23/1998
Miller, Margaret S I56949 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 1, Lot 15, Space NW, 06/18/1973
Miller, Margaret U I56950 Locust Lawn, Block 22, Space 77, 04/05/1994
Miller, Marie Lauretta Alton 3874 Fir Lawn, Block 4, Space 48, 86, 07/12/2007
Miller, Marilee J I56947 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 1, Lot 14, Space NW, 10/12/1990
Miller, Marilyn M I56956 Tree of Life III, Block 6, Lot 16, Space N, 12/04/2001
Miller, Marion E I57626 South Center Lawn, Lot 127n, 04/05/1920
Miller, Mark L I56951 East Center Lawn, Lot 188n, Space 7, 02/19/1998
Miller, Marshall I56952 Tree of Life IV, Block B, Lot 239, Space S, 05/17/1997
Miller, Marvin L (Jr) I56953 Spruce Lawn, Block 7, Space 83, 04/15/1975
Miller, Mary I56954 F, Block 4, Lot 44, Space SW, 11/2/1988
Miller, Mary A I56955 South Center Lawn, Lot 127n, 05/29/1944
Miller, Mary B I57627 West Center, Lot 57, Space 1, 12/11/1934
Miller, Mary D I56957 Live Oak, Block R, Lot 48, Space NE, 08/08/1997
Miller, Mary G I56958 Maple Lawn, Block K, Space 122, 11/26/1963
Miller, Mary R I56959 South Center Lawn, Lot 119s, 12/15/1917
Miller, Mary V I56960 Maple Lawn, Block B, Space 82, 05/29/1962
Miller, Matilda R I56961 Single Adult, Block G, Row 1, Space 7, 12/01/1941
Miller, Mattie 2305 Ash, Block 2, Lot 14, Space NW, 93, 05/30/2003
Miller, Maude H I57628 Locust Lawn, Block 13, Space 56, 05/08/1983
Miller, Maurice Jesse I56942 Jewish A, Lot 50, Space 2, 05/29/1963
Miller, Maurice M 7235 Tree of Life I, Block B, Lot 4, Space SE, 75, 06/17/2002
Miller, Mckenna B I56962 J, Block 1, Lot 34, Space SW, 10/23/1987
Miller, Michael I56965 Tree of Life I, Block B, Lot 22, Space NE, 09/06/1991
Miller, Michael I56963 Single Adult, Block C, Row 1, Space 48, 11/05/1932
Miller, Michael A I56964 Tree of Life III, Block 6, Lot 15, Space S, 12/23/1990
Miller, Mildred Pittman 4656 A, Block 4, Lot 41, Space SW, 97, 03/16/2008
Miller, Milton C I56966 Fir Lawn, Block 9, Space 51, 04/12/1980
Miller, Milton R I57136 South, Lot 135, Space 5, 05/20/1939
Miller, Minnie E I57629 South, Lot 172, Space 1, 12/11/1918
Miller, Minnie E I56967 Jewish A, Lot 48s, Space SE, 06/05/1954
Miller, Mittie B I56968 Indigent Adult C, Block C, Row 3, Space 46, 02/12/1943
Miller, Morris I56969 Jewish A, Lot 22, Space ECtr, 47, 01/31/1949
Miller, Morris R I56970 Davids Garden I, Block 14, Space 4, 01/29/1977
Miller, Muriel B I56971 Tree of Life I, Block C, Lot 44, Space NW, 07/23/2000
Miller, Nancy Ann Lipford, A, Block 2, Lot 34, 01/02/2019
Miller, Nora V I57630 Maple Lawn, Block D, Space 140, 04/17/1969
Miller, Norma L I57154 Fir Lawn, Block 3, Space 20, 01/18/1983
Miller, Ollie M I57155 Maple Lawn, Block D, Space 141, 10/07/1960
Miller, Orpha L I57156 East Center Lawn, Lot 215s, Space WCtr, 03/17/1991
Miller, Oscar E I57157 Old Single, Block A, Row 11, Space 2, 11/20/1927
Miller, Patrick H I57158 New Greek, Lot 11n, Space 8, 05/11/1969
Miller, Paul A I57631 Fir Lawn, Block 4, Space 50, 06/25/1981
Miller, Paul T I57159 E, Block 7, Lot 15, Space ECtr, 08/10/1982
Miller, Paul W I57160 E, Block 7, Lot 15, Space SE, 31, 11/06/1971
Miller, Pearl E I57161 Single Adult, Block E, Row 9, Space 40, 04/23/1938
Miller, Pearl S I57162 A, Block 2, Lot 12, Space 3, 05/05/1965
Miller, Peggy I57163 G, Block 18, Lot 23, Space NW, 04/21/2001
Miller, Percival C I57632 Northeast Center II, Block U, Space 56, 04/26/1959
Miller, Phila P I57164 Single Adult, Block E, Row 8, Space 29, 10/30/1938
Miller, Richard 2825 Fir II, Lot 713, 58, 10/25/2005
Miller, Richard, Jewish A, Lot 51, 06/24/2018
Miller, Richard French, Fir Lawn, Block 13, Space 53, 09/27/2017
Miller, Richard L I57165 South, Lot 66, Space 1, 01/20/1912
Miller, Robbie D I57166 Old Child, Block H, Row 3, Space 4, 12/14/1953
Miller, Robert B I57167 West Center, Lot 312, Space 3, 07/07/1955
Miller, Robert C 2830 Red Oak Lawn, Block A, Lot 30, Space S, 74, 01/15/2007
Miller, Robert L I57168 Rest House Lawn, Lot 3w, Space 9, 10/10/1920
Miller, Robert M I57633 West Center, Lot 312, Space 2, 12/10/1937
Miller, Robert Mark (Jr) 2645 A, Block 2, Lot 34, Space 5, 39, 10/30/2006
Miller, Robert Mark, A, Block 2, Lot 34, 09/18/2021
Miller, Robert S I57169 Cedar, Block 6, Lot 3, Space SE, 07/10/1997
Miller, Robert W I57170 East Center Lawn, Lot 17n, Space 3, 08/03/1955
Miller, Robin R I57171 Fir Lawn, Block 13, Space 54, 07/16/1978
Miller, Roman E I57172 Northeast Center I, Block 27, Space 13, 07/21/1948
Miller, Rose 2306 Tree of Life I, Block E, Lot O, Space N, 88, 01/22/2004
Miller, Rose 3863 Jewish A, Block L, Lot Q, Space 992, 94, 07/05/2007
Miller, Rose S I57173 Jewish A, Lot 22, Space NW, 80, 09/22/1959
Miller, Ross I57174 East Center Lawn, Lot 215s, Space SW, 10/22/1987
Miller, Rudolph E I57634 J, Block 6, Lot 24, Space SW, 06/06/1957
Miller, Ruth S I57175 G, Block 1, Lot 19, Space SW, 03/29/1986
Miller, Ruth T I57176 East Center A, Block 2, Lot 21, Space ECtr, 12/20/1998
Miller, Ruth Thomas I56981 South Center Lawn, Lot 119s, 03/18/1987
Miller, Ruth V I57177 South, Lot 299, Space 1, 2, 11/02/1910
Miller, Saada Fizouatty, Tree of Life IV, Block C, Lot 341, 07/18/2023
Miller, Sadie E I57179 Jewish A, Lot 17, Space NE, 68, 11/27/1956
Miller, Sadie W I57635 Jewish A, Block I, Lot C, Space NW, 04/11/1962
Miller, Sallie I I57180 G, Block 7, Lot 3, Space SE, 06/23/2000
Miller, Sallie V I58486 Mausoleum, Corridor B, Tier B, Crypt 53, 08/30/1959
Miller, Sam I57181 Spruce Lawn, Block 5, Space 33, 09/25/1976
Miller, Samuel C I57182 Old Single, Block A, Row 3, Space 19, 12/29/1918
Miller, Samuel J (Jr) 5955 Fir II, Lot 450, Space S, 86, 07/16/2010
Miller, Samuel W I57184 South, Lot 135, Space 7, 03/24/1944
Miller, Samuel W (Sr) I57636 G, Block 7, Lot 1, Space SE, 12/26/1951
Miller, Samuel W (Jr) I57183 G, Block 7, Lot 3, Space NE, 10/02/1998
Miller, Sarah S 4464 Ash, Block 4, Lot 6, Space N, 91, 02/12/2008
Miller, Sarah V I57185 East Lawn, Lot 132s, Space 7, 04/17/1950
Miller, Shannon L I57186 Old Child, Block P, Row 1, Space 18, 05/13/1976
Miller, Shirley H I57187 West Center, Lot 274, Space 5, 11/01/1982
Miller, Shirley Lee, Pear Lawn, Block V, Space 58, 02/12/2020
Miller, Sidney R I57637 Single Adult, Block C, Row 9, Space 15, 12/30/1932
Miller, Stacey L I57188 Old Child, Block P, Row 2, Space 17, 01/24/1978
Miller, Stanley R I57189 South Center Lawn, Lot 119s, 07/13/1953
Miller, Stonewall Jackson I57178 West Center, Lot 39, Space 1, 01/07/1932
Miller, Susan I57190 Pine Gardens III, Lot 436, Space 6, 08/06/2000
Miller, Susie F I56972 Old Single, Block A, Row 3, Space 20, 10/26/1920
Miller, Sydney B I56973 K, Block 9, Lot 22, Space SW, 07/24/1998
Miller, Sylvia I57638 Jewish A, Lot 51, Space 9915, 01/21/1978
Miller, Syncere Amir, Child D Extd, Row 7, Space 39, 10/02/2022
Miller, Ted (Jr) 7459 West Lawn, Block IV, Lot 712, Space S, 88, 11/30/2011
Miller, Ted I56974 G, Block 1, Lot 21, Space NW, 09/03/1953
Miller, Thelma F I56975 Single Adult, Block E, Row 3, Space 47, 10/24/1938
Miller, Thelma W I56976 Linden Lawn, Block D, Space 95, 07/17/1989
Miller, Theodore E I56977 G, Block 4, Lot 14, Space NE, 11/19/1990
Miller, Theodore G I56978 New Greek, Lot 8n, Space SCtr, 07/25/1944
Miller, Theresa E I57639 Southwest Center, Lot 314, Space 2, 10/16/1927
Miller, Thomas O I56979 Elm Lawn, Block 7, Lot 12, Space NE, 09/14/1988
Miller, Ulysses Sam 2307 Jewish A, Lot 51, Space 992, 94, 09/28/2003
Miller, Vena B I56980 Locust Lawn, Block 21, Space 9, 04/28/1986
Miller, Vernon C I56982 East Lawn, Lot 132s, Space 10, 09/26/1911
Miller, Virginia I57640 Linden Lawn, Block O, Space 10, 09/29/1994
Miller, Virginia I56983 Linden Lawn, Block F, Space 40, 09/26/2000
Miller, Virginia D I56984 Old Single, Block A, Row 2, Space 48, 06/04/1917
Miller, Virginia E I56985 Single Adult, Block G, Row 9, Space 40, 10/25/1942
Miller, Virginia J I58483 Mausoleum, Corridor B, Tier C, Crypt 35, 01/16/1938
Miller, Virginia L I56986 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 4, Lot 27, Space NW, 03/24/2002
Miller, Virginia L I56987 Old Child, Block E, Row 5, Space 27, 05/21/1942
Miller, Virginia M I57641 Elm Lawn, Block 2, Lot 24, Space SE, 02/14/1986
Miller, Walter E I56989 South Center Lawn, Lot 171s, 02/15/1962
Miller, Walter H I56990 Old Single, Block A, Row 9, Space 5, 11/25/1923
Miller, Walter M I56991 South Center Lawn, Lot 171s, 02/04/1924
Miller, Warren M I56992 East Center Lawn, Lot 47s, Space 2, 08/30/1953
Miller, Wendell J I57642 Red Oak Lawn, Block E, Lot 1, Space S, 07/26/1977
Miller, William I56993 Single Adult, Block G, Row 9, Space 32, 04/04/1943
Miller, William A I56995 West Center, Lot 57, Space 2, 11/10/1938
Miller, William A I56994 Old Child, Block K, Row 1, Space 21, 11/24/1959
Miller, William D I56996 Single Adult, Block H, Row 2, Space 23, 02/05/1944
Miller, William E I56998 Northeast Center I, Block 4, Space 25, 08/10/1945
Miller, William E I57643 South, Lot 172, Space 2, 11/10/1956
Miller, William E (Jr) I56997 Spruce Lawn, Block 9, Space 35, 01/10/1997
Miller, William Elliott (III) Northeast Center I, Block 4, Space 23, 07/03/2013
Miller, William G I56999 East Lawn, Lot 132s, Space 6, 02/05/1932
Miller, William J I57000 Northeast Center I, Block 29, Space 3, 04/19/1949
Miller, William M I57001 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 7, Lot 36, Space SW, 82, 12/07/1980
Miller, William M I57002 West Center, Lot 312, Space 4, 11/17/1968
Miller, William Moorman I56988 South Center Lawn, Lot 127n, 10/01/1912
Miller, William N I54295 Northeast Center I, Block 1, Space 19, 05/25/1945
Miller, William R I57004 South Center Lawn, Lot 119s, 04/18/1962
Miller, William R (Jr) I57003 South Center Lawn, Lot 119s, 07/24/1981
Miller, William T (Sr) I58484 Mausoleum, Corridor A, Tier C, Crypt 6, 12/12/1970
Miller, William T I57005 Northeast Center II, Block R, Space 24, 1/13/1990
Miller, William T, J, Block 8, Lot 1, 05/21/2012
Miller, Willie F I57006 Northeast Center I, Block 17, Space 62, 10/23/1946
Miller, Willie J (Sr) I1552 Maple Lawn, Block K, Space 123, 10/15/1977
Miller, Yvonne Bond, Live Oak, Block N, Lot 41, 07/03/2012
Miller, Zelda J I1553 F, Block 2, Lot 28, Space ECtr, 09/12/1998
Millering, Annie V I1554 Spruce Lawn, Block 7, Space 43, 10/05/1976
Millering, Elmer J I1555 Spruce Lawn, Block 7, Space 43, 10/01/1979
Millering, William C I1556 Spruce Lawn, Block 3, Space 102, 05/30/1974
Millette, Evelyn H I1557 East Lawn, Lot 54n, Space 2, 03/04/1954
Millette, Thomas Matthew I1558 East Lawn, Lot 54n, Space 1, 03/31/1923
Millhollin, Marion R I1559 Linden Lawn, Block R, Space 51, 01/22/1968
Milliard, Helen, Center Park North Extd, Block B, Lot 361, 06/28/2016
Millican, Roberta J I1560 B, Block 7, Lot 6, Space 5, 02/04/1970
Milligan, Charles S I1561 East Lawn, Lot 125, Space 13, 59, 12/29/1925
Milligan, David 5174 Child D Extd, Block D, Row 10, Space 49, 04/10/2009
Milligan, Douglas M (Sr) I1562 Spruce Lawn, Block 3, Space 51, 05/08/1975
Milligan, Mary T I1563 Single Adult, Block G, Row 10, Space 11, 09/05/1941
Milligan, Sallie M I1564 East Lawn, Lot 125, Space 14, 09/12/1932
Milligan, Waldine S 1579 Spruce Lawn, Block 3, Space 50, 88, 05/02/2006
Millikan, Elizabeth I1566 Cedar, Block 7, Lot 5, Space NE, 03/11/1974
Millikan, Marvin L I1567 Cedar, Block 7, Lot 5, Space SE, 12/24/1969
Millikan, Maryann I1568 F, Block 5, Lot 18, Space NW, 12/30/2001
Milliken, David J I1565 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 3, Lot 51, Space NE, 4, 03/15/1961
Million, Bassel M I1569 Old Single Child, Block A, Row 6, Space 13, 04/05/1919
Millios, Argyro I1570 Grecian Gardens, Block L, Space 21, 04/07/1980
Millison, David Israel, Tree of Life IV, Block C, Lot 282, 03/22/2014
Millner, Francis L I1571 East Center Lawn, Lot 131n, Space 3, 08/29/1963
Millner, Frank A I1572 East Center Lawn, Lot 131n, Space 1, 07/07/1930
Millner, Mary L I1573 East Center Lawn, Lot 131n, Space 2, 06/15/1940
Mills, Alvester S I1574 Live Oak, Block H, Lot 33, Space 3, 08/14/1995
Mills, Aimee Jo, Locust Lawn, Block 3, Space 1, 07/11/2017
Mills, Ann L I1576 Pine Gardens III, Lot 143, Space N, 12/10/1995
Mills, Anna F I1575 Spruce Lawn, Block 5, Space 21, 08/21/2001
Mills, Anne N I1577 E, Block 7, Lot 7, Space NW, 07/29/1942
Mills, Blanche M I1578 East Lawn, Lot 149w, Space NW, 03/20/1956
Mills, Corinne F I1579 East Lawn, Lot 149w, Space NE, 02/21/1964
Mills, Ella W I1580 Maple Lawn, Block C, Space 19, 04/25/1994
Mills, Emma J I1581 Elm Lawn, Block 3, Lot 5, Space NE, 01/06/1986
Mills, Fannie M I1582 G, Block 8, Lot 39, Space NE, 01/05/1990
Mills, George E I1583 Northeast Center I, Block 13, Space 39, 04/15/1951
Mills, George F I1584 South Center Lawn, Lot 193s, 09/18/1922
Mills, Goldie R I1585 Pear Lawn, Block W, Space 36, 02/04/1984
Mills, Harold 1299 Pine Gardens III, Lot 143, Space S, 80, 11/28/2005
Mills, Hazel M I1586 East Lawn, Lot 149w, Space SCtr, 05/03/1934
Mills, Helen, Center Park North, Lot 108, 09/15/2016
Mills, Helen L I1587 West Center, Lot 142, Space 1, 03/24/1929
Mills, Henry J I1588 Spruce Lawn, Block 5, Space 22, 08/03/1976
Mills, Infant I1590 East Lawn, Lot 149w, Space SE, 08/29/1928
Mills, Infant (m) I1591 Indigent Child, Block C, Row 4, Space 10, 05/28/1951
Mills, Iva D I1592 E, Block 7, Lot 7, Space WCtr, 05/24/1958
Mills, James H I1594 Fir Lawn, Block 18, Space 75, 12/22/1993
Mills, James H (Jr) I1593 Center Park North, Lot 108, Space S, 58, 03/23/1998
Mills, James L I1595 E, Block 7, Lot 7, Space SW, 07/29/1980
Mills, Jerry O (Sr) I1596 Holly Lawn, Lot 200, Space S, 04/19/1961
Mills, John T I1597 West Center, Lot 142, Space 2, 10/31/1966
Mills, John W I1598 G, Block 8, Lot 39, Space SE, 02/14/1952
Mills, Junious O 2303 Center Park North, Lot 74, Space S, 65, 05/20/2003
Mills, Kenneth W I1599 Northeast Center I, Block 28, Space 22, 08/13/1997
Mills, Leroy A I1600 East Lawn, Lot 149w, Space Ctr, 03/22/1923
Mills, Leroy H (Sr) 6541 Center Park North, Lot 108, Space N, 72, 02/22/2011
Mills, Lillian E I1601 Pear Lawn, Block W, Space 22, 12/24/1992
Mills, Lillie B I1603 D, Block 10, Lot 4, Space SW, 09/08/1975
Mills, Lottie G I1602 West Center, Lot 142, Space 3, 03/19/1978
Mills, Margaret M I1604 Fir Lawn, Block 18, Space 74, 08/20/1977
Mills, Marian M I1606 D, Block 12, Lot 18, 01/07/1947
Mills, Mary D I1607 East Lawn, Lot 149w, Space ECtr, 05/11/1957
Mills, Mary E I1608 Holly Lawn, Lot 200, Space N, 05/17/1974
Mills, Miriam J I1605 South Center Lawn, Lot 89n, 10/09/1971
Mills, Nellie D I1609 Indigent Adult D, Block D, Row 7, Space 3, 02/25/1977
Mills, Othello I1610 East Center Lawn, Lot 55n, Space 3, 10/22/1968
Mills, Ramon C I1611 G, Block 4, Lot 48, Space SE, 02/15/1987
Mills, Robert F I1612 D, Block 12, Lot 18, Space SW, 12/12/1957
Mills, Scott L I1613 Fir Lawn, Block 22, Space 60, 10/14/1981
Mills, Shirley P I1614 East Center Lawn, Lot 55n, Space 5, 08/22/1979
Mills, Steven D 6054 Southwest Center, Lot 213, Space 6, 41, 08/31/2010
Mills, Union R (Sr) I1615 Northeast Center I, Block 28, Space 26, 05/25/1948
Mills, Vernon E I1616 Northeast Center I, Block 28, Space 28, 08/20/1977
Mills, Vernon R I1617 Pear Lawn, Block W, Space 23, 05/23/2000
Mills, Viola W I1618 G, Block 4, Lot 48, Space NE, 12/05/1975
Milme, James I1619 Old City Poor, Block B1, Space 10, 02/15/1933
Milne, Carol I1620 Pear Lawn, Block O, Space 56, 02/14/1986
Milne, John I1621 Fir Lawn, Block 18, Space 70, 08/23/1978
Milne, Robert I1622 Pear Lawn, Block W, Space 33, 05/19/1986
Milnes, Jessie M I1623 South, Lot 218, Space 5, 27, 10/06/1918
Milonas, Mersine Tsoulfa 7648 Grecian Gardens, Block H, Space 46, 88, 02/18/2012
Milonas, Peter A I1624 Grecian Gardens, Block H, Space 45, 04/29/1985
Milstead, Annie E I1625 East Lawn, Lot 74n, Space 1, 01/09/1919
Milstead, Sue H I1626 D, Block 11, Lot 5, Space NE, 09/27/1971
Milteer, Anna Hudson 3161 South Center Lawn, Lot 82, Space 18, 104, 03/19/2007
Milteer, Elizabeth, East Center Lawn, Lot 207, 06/13/2011
Milteer, Charles E (Sr) I1627 South Center Lawn, Lot 82, Space 10, 07/21/1986
Milton, Ann H I1628 G, Block 11, Lot 27, Space NE, 09/06/1953
Milton, Arthur S I1629 G, Block 11, Lot 27, Space SE, 11/21/1954
Milton, Liv W I1630 Northeast Center I, Block 8, Space 62, 02/06/1975
Mims, Carl C I1631 Linden Lawn, Block F, Space 36, 02/09/1970
Mims, Edward W I1632 Locust Lawn, Block 23, Space 71, 11/27/1974
Mims, Geneva S I1634 G, Block 8, Lot 29, Space NE, 02/23/1953
Mims, John W I1633 G, Block 8, Lot 29, Space SE, 11/11/1955
Mims, Lessie M I1635 Linden Lawn, Block F, Space 37, 07/18/1990
Mims, William R (Jr) I1636 Locust Lawn, Block 23, Space 70, 08/25/1971
Minach, Rosalie F I1637 Single Adult, Block D, Row 3, Space 31, 08/18/1935
Minadakis, Christine I1638 Grecian Gardens, Block M, Space 14, 04/30/1995
Minadakis, Jasson D I1639 Grecian Gardens, Block M, Space 13, 03/31/1975
Minard, Infants (f) I1640 Old Child, Block N, Row 5, Space 24, 06/08/1970
Minbella, Pedro I1641 East Lawn, Lot 34, Row 1, Space 8, 05/18/1921
Minder, Rose I1642 A, Block 4, Lot 8, Space 2, 05/18/1938
Minehan, Henry Walter 815 Fir II, Lot 318, Space S, 84, 04/21/2005
Minehan, Rosina M I1643 Fir II, Lot 318, Space N, 03/01/1995
Miner, Arthur N I1644 Indigent Adult D, Block D, Row 10, Space 12, 11/16/1980
Miner, Edward P I1645 South Center Lawn, Lot 197s, 05/18/1941
Miner, Madge L I1646 South Center Lawn, Lot 197s, 09/29/1918
Minerd, Infant (f) I1647 Old Child, Block G, Row 8, Space 17, 02/11/1953
Minetree, Edward 6017 Spruce Lawn, Block 5, Space 104, 85, 08/20/2010
Minetree, Ruby P 5893 Spruce Lawn, Block 5, Space 104, 82, 06/24/2010
Ming, Law I1648 Northeast Center I, Block 3, Space 32, 02/17/1952
Mingulas, Dimitrios I1649 Grecian Gardens, Lot 33s, Space SW, 07/16/1920
Minier, Mary Lou 5068 Pine Gardens III, Lot 145, Space N, 81, 02/12/2009
Minihan, Infant I1650 Old Single Child, Block A, Row 8, Space 13, 05/23/1920
Minihan, Margaret I1651 Southwest Center, Lot 468, Space 1, 08/11/1920
Minish, Margaret B I1652 South, Lot 396, Space 1, 12/22/1915
Minium, Harry B (Sr) I1656 Fir Lawn, Block 1, Space 29, 10/14/1980
Minium, Mary V I1653 Fir Lawn, Block 1, Space 70, 06/04/2000
Minium, Sadie W I1654 Fir Lawn, Block 1, Space 28, 04/07/2001
Mink, Jeanette Goldberg, Tree of Life III, Block 1, Lot 4, 11/09/2013
Minkin, Charles 5131 Tree of Life IV, Block C, Lot 277, Space S, 83, 04/06/2009
Minkin, Frances, Tree of Life IV, Block C, Lot 277, 06/02/2017
Minnich, Annie L I1655 West Center, Lot 318, Space 1, 04/02/1926
Minnich, Wade H I1657 West Center, Lot 318, Space 2, 10/09/1932
Minnix, John D (Sr) I1658 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 3, Lot 5, Space SE, 12/07/1965
Minnix, Nannie Booth 4739 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 3, Lot 5, Space NE, 92, 06/12/2008
Minnix, Reginald Louis 5337 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 3, Lot 5, Space SE, 66, 08/06/2009
Minor, Alma P I1659 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 7, Lot 60, Space NE, 10/28/1981
Minor, Doris B I1660 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 7, Lot 61, Space NE, 01/14/1980
Minor, Frank J I1661 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 8, Lot 14, Space S, 04/26/1972
Minor, Herbert (Sr) I1666 Old Single, Block A, Row 7, Space 39, 08/14/1920
Minor, Herbert I1665 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 7, Lot 60, Space SE, 06/10/1976
Minor, Hope F I1662 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 7, Lot 61, Space NW, 05/27/2002
Minor, John I1663 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 7, Lot 61, Space SE, 03/22/1984
Minor, John P (Jr) I1664 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 7, Lot 60, Space SW, 01/13/2001
Minor, John Parker 664 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 7, Lot 61, Space SW, 86, 02/04/2005
Minor, Marian H I1667 West Center, Lot 262, Space 1, 12/29/1925
Minor, Ocie Louise, West Lawn, Block III, Lot 158, 08/19/2024
Minor, Ritha C I1668 05/01/1933. Disinterred to Gloucester Point, VA, 12/21/1971
Minson, Bertie E I1669 West Center, Lot 66, Space 4, 10/13/1954
Minson, Dona R I1670 West Center, Lot 66, Space 6, 10/03/1995
Minson, Earl R (Sr) I1671 Southwest Center, Lot 436, Space 3, 02/14/1974
Minson, Hazel M I1672 Southwest Center, Lot 188, Space 2, 10/03/1929
Minson, Joseph C I1673 West Center, Lot 66, Space 3, 01/14/1950
Minson, Joseph C (Jr) I1674 West Center, Lot 66, Space 5, 06/03/1979
Minson, Ruby B I1675 Southwest Center, Lot 436, Space 4, 06/24/1969
Minson, Russell F I1676 West Center, Lot 66, Space 2, 03/28/1948
Minson, William J I1677 Northeast Center II, Block B, Space 19, 07/11/1959
Minson, William J I1678 Northeast Center I, Block 6, Space 26, 09/06/1949
Minter, Beatrice W I1679 J, Block 3, Lot 24, Space NW, 04/12/1987
Minter, Doris 3709 Spruce Lawn, Block 7, Space 36, 76, 05/10/2007
Minter, Fredrick 6603 Spruce Lawn, Block 7, Space 37, 85, 03/11/2011
Minter, Grace P I1680 B, Block 1, Lot 22, Space NE, 07/22/1967
Minter, John T I1681 J, Block 3, Lot 24, Space SW, 12/14/1955
Minter, Pendleton G I1682 B, Block 1, Lot 22, Space ECtr, 10/25/1940
Minton, Andrew I1683 Elm Lawn, Block 1, Lot 29, Space NE, 07/26/1984
Minton, Knaus I1684 Fir Lawn, Block 23, Space 3, 07/09/1981
Minton, Lydia I I1685 Old Single, Block A, Row 6, Space 40, 07/31/1919
Minton, Marjorie A 5837 Fir Lawn, Block 23, Space 2, 91, 05/24/2010
Minton, William A (Sr) I1686 Linden Lawn, Block D, Space 86, 10/19/1967
Minton, William L I1687 Single Adult, Block H, Row 8, Space 35, 09/30/1944
Mintz, Elizabeth S 6770 Fir Lawn, Block 11, Space 76, 96, 04/11/2011
Mintz, William F I1689 Fir Lawn, Block 11, Space 76, 65, 05/03/1978
Minutolo, Arthur D I1688 South Center Lawn, Lot 179n, 06/16/1983 Moved to St. Mary's Cemetery
Minutolo, Nellie M I1690 South Center Lawn, Lot 179n, 06/29/1960
Minyard, Dwight M I1692 Locust Lawn, Block 6, Space 79, 04/24/1971
Minyard, Emory G I1693 Old Single Child, Block B, Row 4, Space 19, 01/25/1932
Minyard, Emory G I1691 Fir Lawn, Block 24, Space 39, 09/08/1977
Minyard, Grace I1694 Locust Lawn, Block 13, Space 42, 09/21/1999
Minyard, Gustava I1695 Spruce Lawn, Block 10, Space 86, 11/11/1973
Minyard, James R I1696 Maple Lawn, Block D, Space 58, 12/17/1960
Minyard, Marjorie G I1697 Locust Lawn, Block 6, Space 78, 09/20/2001
Minyard, Mary A 2296 Pine Gardens III, Lot 167, Space N, 78, 08/06/2003
Minyard, Queen E I1698 Fir Lawn, Block 24, Space 38, 10/12/2001
Minyard, Wallace B I1699 Pine Gardens III, Lot 167, Space S, 07/08/1995
Minyard, Willis T I1700 Locust Lawn, Block 13, Space 41, 03/29/1970
Minyard, Wydie F I1701 Maple Lawn, Block D, Space 57, 03/24/1963
Mirabella, Beatrice M I1702 Pear Lawn, Block Y, Space 70, 11/14/1985
Mirabella, Vincent J I1703 Pear Lawn, Block Y, Space 69, 07/30/1979
Mirabile, Anthony J (Sr) I1704 Grecian Gardens, Block D, Lot 11a, Space S, 05/11/1992
Mirabile, Anthony James, Live Oak, Block Q, Lot 37, 08/25/2016
Mirabile, Peggy Ann, Grecian Gardens, Block D, Lot 11a, 03/07/2016
Miranda, Rudicindo I1705 East Lawn, Lot 30, Row 2, Space 6, 10/09/1918
Mirando, Louis I I1706 East Lawn, Lot 34, Row 1, Space 5, 04/18/1921
Mirick, Marjorie I1708 Locust Lawn, Block 16, Space 12, 05/04/1973
Mirman, Alan S I1707 Jewish A, Block E, Lot O, Space 1, 07/12/2000
Mirman, Benita, Jewish A, Block E, Lot O, 04/05/2021
Mirman, Dora K I1709 Jewish A, Block E, Lot O, Space 991, 01/04/1991
Mirman, Lillian C I1710 Jewish A, Block E, Lot P, Space 3, 03/13/1990
Mirman, Louis I1711 Jewish A, Block E, Lot P, Space 4, 04/14/2002
Mirman, Morris I1712 Jewish A, Block E, Lot O, Space 991, 12/20/1965
Mirman, Shirley A I1713 Jewish A, Block E, Lot P, Space 2, 11/21/1981
Mirman, Stanley J I1714 Jewish A, Block E, Lot O, Space 2, 06/15/1999
Mirman, Susan F, Jewish A, Block E, Lot O, 01/11/2018
Mirman, Taft I1715 Jewish A, Block E, Lot P, Space 1, 09/07/1976
Mirman, Virginia 6337 Jewish A, Block E, Lot O, Space 4, 83, 12/28/2010
Mirvis, Abe I1716 Tree of Life IV, Block B, Lot 259, Space S, 04/01/1999
Mirvis, Sayde I1717 Tree of Life IV, Block B, Lot 259, Space N, 06/23/2001
Misiak, Carl J I1718 Fir II, Lot 357, Space S, 03/04/1995
Misiano, Dorothy Fern, West Lawn, Block III, Lot 316, 10/24/2024
Mislan, Augustine Thomas, Child D Extd, Block D, Row 4, Space 28, 08/25/2018
Mislan, Brenda I1719 Center Park North, Lot 241, Space S, 01/27/1989
Mislan, Maximilian Kolbe, Child D Extd, Block D, Row 4, Space 29, 10/11/2017
Mislan, Raymond Michael, Child D Extd, Block D, Row 4, Space 27, 02/05/2019
Missos, Christi I1721 New Greek, Lot 45s, Space 2, 04/01/1956
Mister, Margaret Roof 5369 G, Block 17, Lot 19, Space SW, 08/28/2009
Mister, Norine H I1722 G, Block 17, Lot 19, Space NE, 09/27/1951
Mister, William G I1723 G, Block 17, Lot 19, Space SE, 03/10/1955
Mitchell, Agnes P I57736 Mausoleum, Corridor C, Tier C, Crypt 88, 05/18/1953
Mitchell, Alberta C I1725 East Lawn, Lot 127, Space 10, 04/23/1960
Mitchell, Alma J I1727 D, Block 12, Lot 8, Space NE, 10/22/1988
Mitchell, Anita Newman, Center Park North, Lot 44, 05/04/2020
Mitchell, Annie M I1726 Single Adult, Block F, Row 10, Space 11, 01/17/1941
Mitchell, Arthur E I1728 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 6, Lot 31, Space SW, 08/18/1965
Mitchell, Arthur R I1917 J, Block 6, Lot 38, Space SE, 01/16/1958
Mitchell, Carrie R I57742 Mausoleum, Corridor C, Tier D, Crypt 80, 08/15/1974
Mitchell, Catherine I1921 K, Block 10, Lot 7, Space NE, 02/25/1990
Mitchell, Charles B (Jr) I1922 F, Block 4, Lot 27, Space ECtr, 09/12/1968
Mitchell, Edna I57743 Mausoleum, Corridor C, Tier F, Crypt 81, 05/31/1943
Mitchell, Elbridge F I1923 South, Lot 141, Space 3, 01/13/1927
Mitchell, Elizabeth H I1924 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 5, Lot 13, 05/11/1998
Mitchell, Emily Clara, E, Block 10, Lot 6, 08/01/2021
Mitchell, Emma J I1926 East Lawn, Lot 127, Space 5, 10/29/1938
Mitchell, Emma J I1925 East Lawn, Lot 127, Space 4, 03/17/1938
Mitchell, Esther G I1927 West Center, Lot 124, Space 2, 01/18/1934
Mitchell, Eugenia I1928 Grecian Gardens, Lot 32s, Space NCtr, 12/19/1924
Mitchell, Fitzhugh L I1929 B, Block 7, Lot 20, Space 1, 02/09/1941
Mitchell, Frank S (Jr) I1930 Northeast Center II, Block Q, Space 36, 03/24/1981
Mitchell, Frederick "Fred" H I1931 Old Single, Block A, Row 11, Space 49, 08/04/1924
Mitchell, George F (Jr) I1933 Elm Lawn, Block 6, Lot 22, Space SE, 06/11/1996
Mitchell, George L I1932 G, Block 3, Lot 23, Space SW, 12/28/1968
Mitchell, George R I1936 B, Block 7, Lot 35, Space 1, 06/09/1940
Mitchell, George T (Sr) I1935 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 3, Lot 22, Space SW, 11/25/1962
Mitchell, George T I1934 K, Block 10, Lot 7, Space NW, 12/14/1994
Mitchell, Gordon B I1937 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 5, Lot 13, Space SW, 03/08/1989
Mitchell, Gwendolyn E I1938 F, Block 4, Lot 27, Space ECtr, 07/22/1990
Mitchell, Hazel Robinson 7533 Live Oak, Block Q, Lot 27, Space NE, 86, 01/14/2012
Mitchell, Hector C I1939 J, Block 6, Lot 38, Space SW, 07/17/1957
Mitchell, Ida E I1940 B, Block 7, Lot 35, Space 4, 02/10/1976
Mitchell, Inez L I57744 Mausoleum, Corridor C, Tier B, Crypt 88, 12/15/1961
Mitchell, Infant I1918 Old Single Child, Block A, Row 10, Space 42, 09/04/1921
Mitchell, Infant I1942 Old Single Child, Block B, Row 7, Space 45, 03/10/1930
Mitchell, Infant I1724 Old Single Child, Block B, Row 3, Space 9, 11/05/1932
Mitchell, Infant (m) I1919 Old Child, Block E, Row 2, Space 7, 09/09/1943
Mitchell, Infant I1941 Old Child, Block G, Row 8, Space 4, 11/25/1952
Mitchell, Infant (f) I1920 Old Child, Block H, Row 3, Space 26, 03/16/1954
Mitchell, Iona H 2299 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 7, Lot 2, Space NE, 78, 09/11/2002
Mitchell, Isabelle R I1943 J, Block 6, Lot 38, Space NW, 05/02/1967
Mitchell, Jack A I1944 A, Block 7, Lot 5, Space 3, 09/10/1985
Mitchell, Jack T 4830 A, Block 7, Lot 5, Space 5, 82, 07/27/2008
Mitchell, James I1945 Indigent Adult C, Block C, Row 4, Space 9, 10/08/1943
Mitchell, James C I1946 Old Child, Block H, Row 3, Space 25, 03/28/1954
Mitchell, James Russell, B, Block 7, Lot 35, 09/30/1941 
Mitchell, James S 2302 K, Block 10, Lot 7, Space SE, 78, 05/30/2003
Mitchell, James S I1948 D, Block 12, Lot 8, 12/15/1946
Mitchell, Jody A I1949 Cedar, Block 5, Lot 29, Space SW, 03/23/1969
Mitchell, John F I1950 G, Block 17, Lot 9, Space SE, 11/24/1951
Mitchell, John H I1951 East Lawn, Lot 127, Space 9, 04/27/1959
Mitchell, John H I1953 Single Adult, Block H, Row 9, Space 22, 09/28/1945
Mitchell, John Harry (Jr) I1952 Old Single Child, Block A, Row 13, Space 46, 03/24/1923
Mitchell, John S I1954 Old Child, Block F, Row 1, Space 21, 12/15/1944
Mitchell, Joshria B I57745 Mausoleum, Corridor A, Tier B, Crypt 10, 09/22/1973
Mitchell, Juanita I1955 Fir Lawn, Block 4, Space 31, 03/07/1983
Mitchell, Junius Amelia Parrish I1957 B, Block 7, Lot 35, Space 3, 09/10/1955
Mitchell, Junius H I1956 Southwest Center, Lot 46, Space 1, 03/26/1922
Mitchell, Junius Russell I1947 B, Block 7, Lot 35, Space 2, 09/30/1941
Mitchell, Katheryn B I1959 A, Block 7, Lot 5, Space 6, 81, 11/15/2001
Mitchell, Laura A I1960 Northeast Center II, Block Q, Space 35, 05/12/1960
Mitchell, Laura O I57746 Mausoleum, Corridor C, Tier F, Crypt 88, 04/01/1928
Mitchell, Leonard W I1961 E, Block 10, Lot 6, Space NE, 63, 04/27/1988
Mitchell, Leone K I1962 Northeast Center I, Block 5, Space 60, 10/14/1988
Mitchell, Lois W I1963 F, Block 5, Lot 29, Space NE, 01/05/1980
Mitchell, Maggie I1964 Old Single, Block B, Row 5, Space 33, 07/07/1927
Mitchell, Major Edward I1965 Fir Lawn, Block 6, Space 60, 02/28/1984
Mitchell, Marjorie E I1973 Live Oak, Block L, Lot 17, Space 2, 10/08/1998
Mitchell, Martha I1966 Pear Lawn, Block N, Space 66, 04/21/1984
Mitchell, Martha W I1967 B, Block 7, Lot 20, Space 2, 02/27/1973
Mitchell, Mary I1969 Grecian Gardens, Lot 32n, Space SCtr, 08/05/1922
Mitchell, Mary I1970 New Greek, Lot 35s, Space 9, 04/22/1928
Mitchell, Mary R I1972 Linden Lawn, Block P, Space 66, 01/01/1983
Mitchell, Mary R I1968 Single Adult, Block C, Row 5, Space 30, 07/30/1930
Mitchell, Mattie E I1974 Pear Lawn, Block U, Space 32, 10/26/1986
Mitchell, Maxine R I1975 Fir Lawn, Block 11, Space 46, 10/28/1979
Mitchell, Meredith B I1976 Elm Lawn, Block 2, Lot 31, Space NW, 04/25/1997
Mitchell, Michael D I1981 New Greek, Lot 33n, Space 1, 01/25/1941
Mitchell, Miles L I1977 Linden Lawn, Block P, Space 67, 04/20/1968
Mitchell, Monte Ramon I1978 Center Park North, Lot 329, Space N, 02/23/1992
Mitchell, Muriel E I1979 G, Block 8, Lot 41, Space NW, 08/10/1950
Mitchell, Nancy Elizabeth, Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 6, Lot 31, 07/31/2013
Mitchell, Nancy F I1980 East Lawn, Lot 127, Space SW, 08/22/1912
Mitchell, Nannie M I1982 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 6, Lot 41, Space NE, 07/11/1964
Mitchell, Nicholas I1983 Holly Lawn, Lot 59, Space S, 08/16/1960
Mitchell, Nina L I57747 Mausoleum, Corridor D, Tier B, Crypt 107, 02/28/1969
Mitchell, Nora O I1984 Holly Lawn, Lot 59, Space N, 03/06/1987
Mitchell, Norma Jean 2772 Elm Lawn, Block 6, Lot 22, Space NE, 77, 12/29/2006
Mitchell, Norma R DDS (m) I57748 Mausoleum, Corridor D, Tier B, Crypt 109, 05/19/1955
Mitchell, Opal G I1985 K, Block 10, Lot 7, Space SW, 11/30/2001
Mitchell, Othelda M I1986 B, Block 7, Lot 35, Space 5, 04/29/1985
Mitchell, Pannill M I1987 Fir Lawn, Block 26, Space 9, 10/08/1977
Mitchell, Paul M 508 Live Oak, Block Q, Lot 27, Space SE, 82, 11/08/2004
Mitchell, Randolph I1991 Indigent Adult C, Block C, Row 4, Space 25, 09/11/1944
Mitchell, Richard A I1988 A, Block 7, Lot 5, Space 4, 07/07/1985
Mitchell, Robert A I1989 Elm Lawn, Block 2, Lot 31, Space SW, 11/16/1987
Mitchell, Robert Anderson, Elm Lawn, Block 2, Lot 31, 04/24/2020
Mitchell, Robert D I1990 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 3, Lot 22, Space NW, 01/09/1988
Mitchell, Ryan Matthew, East Center Lawn, Block E, Space 7, 08/19/2018
Mitchell, Sabrah, West Lawn, Block III, Lot 164, 02/09/2021
Mitchell, Sarah V I1992 South, Lot 141, Space 4, 03/12/1940
Mitchell, Sharon L, Pine Gardens III, Lot 12, 05/13/2016
Mitchell, Thomas F I1993 West Center, Lot 16, Space 4, 09/10/1951
Mitchell, William C I1994 F, Block 5, Lot 29, Space SE, 10/28/1963
Mitchell, William O I1995 Single Adult, Block C, Row 5, Space 31, 07/17/1950
Mitchell-Porter, Latoya, West Lawn, Block III, Lot 56, 09/07/2023
Mitchick, Wilber F I1996 Indigent Adult D, Block D, Row 1, Space 13, 08/05/1954
Mitnick, Edith I1997 Tree of Life IV, Block B, Lot 300, Space N, 12/20/1993
Mitnick, Jack 3746 Tree of Life IV, Block B, Lot 300, Space S, 82, 05/29/2007
Mitropoulos, Nick P I1998 New Greek, Lot 34s, Space 1, 12/01/1941
Mittelmaier, William E I1999 Live Oak, Block U, Lot 62, Space SW, 05/14/1975
Mittleman, Jacob Irving I2000 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 5, Lot 26, Space SE, 03/15/1962
Mitz, Ekaterina A I2001 H, Block 2, Lot 10, Space NW, 10/26/1984
Mitz, Feodor V I2002 H, Block 2, Lot 10, Space SW, 09/29/1958
Mixon, Margaret E I2003 Single Adult, Block C, Row 2, Space 43, 04/16/1932
Mixon, Palmer A I2004 Maple Lawn, Block J, Space 92, 04/12/1964
Mixon, Virgie L I2005 Maple Lawn, Block J, Space 91, 09/27/1983
Mize, Infant (f) I2006 Old Child, Block H, Row 5, Space 1, 11/10/1954
Mize, Norman Kent 6744 Spruce Lawn, Block 4, Space 5, 38, 05/15/2007
Mizelle, Jesse W I2007 Fir Lawn, Block 1, Space 9, 03/28/1981
Mizelle, Maude H I2020 Holly Lawn, Lot 100, 10/04/1966
Mizroch, Aaron I1720 Jewish A, Lot 243, Space NW, 01/13/1988
Mizroch, Alexander B I2008 Tree of Life IV, Block C, Lot 385, Space S, 08/18/1995
Mizroch, Jay I2009 Tree of Life II, Block Q, Lot 3, Space S, 11/13/1968
Mizroch, Moses H I2010 Jewish A, Lot 243, Space ECtr, 10/15/1949
Mizroch, Muriel G 6198 Jewish A, Lot 243, Space SE, 92, 11/10/2010
Mizroch, Naomi I2012 Tree of Life II, Block Q, Lot 3, Space N, 08/17/1999
Mizroch, Sarah B I2013 Jewish A, Lot 243, Space NE, 08/19/1952
Mizroch, Solomon I2011 Jewish A, Lot 243, Space SE, 04/14/1995
Mizzell, Abbie A I2014 Old Single, Block B, Row 14, Space 28, 02/22/1930
Mizzell, Annie M I2015 Ash, Block 7, Lot 17, Space N, 09/03/1996
Mizzell, George W I2018 Ash, Block 7, Lot 17, Space S, 09/26/1993
Mizzell, John I2016 Southwest Center, Lot 303, Space 5, 03/25/1993
Mizzell, John C I2017 Old Single, Block B, Row 14, Space 27, 01/02/1946
Mizzell, Olive C I2019 Southwest Center, Lot 303, Space 4, 11/08/1987
Moad, Brandon D I2021 Child D Extd, Block D, Row 9, Space 12, 06/20/1994
Moats, Infant (f) I2022 Old Child, Block E, Row 5, Space 7, 01/26/1942
Mobley, Ernest H I2023 Red Oak Lawn, Block C, Lot 53, Space S, 04/21/1979
Mobley, Infant (f) I2788 Old Child, Block G, Row 8, Space 9, 12/20/1952
Mobley, Marion Mills 6963 East Center Lawn, Block I, Space 18, 73, 06/17/2011
Mock, Ada S I2789 L, Block 3, Lot 2, Space WCtr, 06/15/1974
Mock, Bartlett L I2790 Live Oak, Block L, Lot 9, Space 1, 12/09/1992
Mock, Dewey H I2791 Fir Lawn, Block 16, Space 28, 02/07/1981
Mock, Frances I2792 E, Block 12, Lot 21, Space ECtr, 02/06/1995
Mock, James W I2793 L, Block 3, Lot 2, Space SW, 12/19/1982
Mock, Minnie M I2794 Locust Lawn, Block 4, Space 61, 06/22/1998
Mock, Orion S I2795 E, Block 12, Lot 21, Space SE, 02/13/1970
Mock, Ralph E I2796 Locust Lawn, Block 4, Space 62, 12/13/1999
Mode, Giovina I2797 Elm Lawn, Block 3, Lot 20, Space SW, 06/17/1983
Model, Gena I2798 Locust Lawn, Block 4, Space 23, 01/22/1985
Model, Walter F (Sr) I2799 Locust Lawn, Block 4, Space 24, 03/03/1988
Modin, Karl H I2800 Northeast Center I, Block 8, Space 2, 09/28/1946
Modlin, Carey P I2801 Northeast Center I, Block 26, Space 29, 02/15/1965
Modlin, Clarence A I2802 H, Block 3, Lot 21, Space SW, 10/23/1961
Modlin, Eliza R I2803 Maple Lawn, Block K, Space 95, 08/26/1999
Modlin, Ennis E I2804 H, Block 2, Lot 11, Space SE, 11/18/1990
Modlin, Ernest W I2805 Maple Lawn, Block K, Space 96, 11/12/1976
Modlin, Ethel H I2806 South, Lot 248, Space 4, 02/04/1944
Modlin, Hattie I2807 Single Adult, Block G, Row 6, Space 34, 08/12/1942
Modlin, Herman F I2808 G, Block 8, Lot 39, Space SW, 06/29/1957
Modlin, Iva D I2809 H, Block 3, Lot 21, Space NW, 10/21/1970
Modlin, John W I2810 E, Block 9, Lot 22, Space ECtr, 04/15/1962
Modlin, Joseph R (Jr) I2812 Spruce Lawn, Block 2, Space 29, 08/25/1974
Modlin, Joseph Raymond I2811 South, Lot 248, Space 3, 08/10/1936
Modlin, Laura O I2813 G, Block 8, Lot 39, Space NW, 04/13/1968
Modlin, Margaret S I2814 Single Adult, Block F, Row 3, Space 13, 04/30/1950
Modlin, Mary "Mamie" E I2815 Northeast Center I, Block 26, Space 25, 08/18/1980
Modlin, Nannie E I2816 E, Block 9, Lot 22, Space NE, 11/21/1959
Modlin, Norman A I2817 Single Adult, Block F, Row 3, Space 14, 06/27/1941
Modlin, Rose Virginia, Maple Lawn, Block K, Space 93, 02/26/2015
Modlin, Rylma, Live Oak, Block S, Lot 6, 06/04/2014
Modlin, Samuel C I2818 Eagle Circle, Lot 8, Space 10, 10/27/1909
Modlin, Sarah E I2819 South, Lot 248, Space 1, 02/21/1919
Modlin, Virginius E I2820 Maple Lawn, Block K, Space 94, 10/29/1963
Modlin, Wilmer I2821 Northeast Center I, Block 26, Space 27, 02/05/1948
Modlinger, Celia 6219 Tree of Life IV, Block B, Lot 397, Space S, 99, 11/16/2010
Modlinger, Hugo 6391 Tree of Life IV, Block B, Lot 398, Space S, 91, 06/16/2002
Modlinger, Ronald 5599 Tree of Life IV, Block B, Lot 397, Space N, 60, 12/21/2009
Moelling, Edith I57760 Mausoleum, Corridor D, Tier C, Crypt 109, 02/19/1952
Moerschell, Constance, Live Oak, Block D, Lot 79, 08/16/2023
Moerschell, Paul (Jr) I2822 Live Oak, Block D, Lot 79, Space S, 12/26/1996
Moffett, Beverley Anne I2824 Old Child, Block G, Row 3, Space 14, 03/15/1952
Moffett, Dorothy Faye I2823 Old Child, Block E, Row 3, Space 23, 05/13/1943
Moffett, Michael Charles I2825 Old Child, Block G, Row 7, Space 10, 04/30/1952
Moffett, Robert H I2826 Live Oak, Block G, Lot 33, Space 3, 09/12/1992
Mogul, Abraham I2827 Tree of Life III, Block 2, Lot 37, Space NW, 09/29/1991
Mogul, Goldie G I2828 Tree of Life III, Block 2, Lot 37, Space NE, 11/03/1994
Mohn, David F I2829 Northeast Center I, Block 29, Space 11, 10/04/1948
Mohr, Alan W I2831 G, Block 3, Lot 20, Space SW, 05/11/1972
Mohr, Emily L I2832 G, Block 3, Lot 20, Space SW, 01/30/1978
Mohr, Mary M I2833 G, Block 3, Lot 20, Space NW, 06/14/1953
Mohr, Nettie B I2834 G, Block 3, Lot 20, Space NE, 09/16/1990
Mohre, Lois J I2830 Old Child, Block P, Row 2, Space 3, 09/08/1977
Moir, Clifford Roy I2835 Old Child, Block G, Row 6, Space 40, 01/01/1952
Mojonette, Georgette I57309 Old Child, Block E, Row 4, Space 1, 08/25/1942
Molina, Jason A I2838 Child D Extd, Block D, Row 7, Space 13, 07/02/1989
Moling, Allie B I2837 South Center Lawn, Lot 189s, 03/01/1937
Moling, Frank V I2839 South Center Lawn, Lot 189s, 02/10/1919
Moling, Robert S I2840 South Center Lawn, Lot 189s, 12/25/1923
Moller, Steven J I2841 Old Child, Block M, Row 4, Space 5, 05/10/1964
Mollett, James A I2843 Spruce Lawn, Block 12, Space 30, 01/07/1976
Mollett, Janie P I2842 Linden Lawn, Block L, Space 41, 02/15/1969
Molloy, Geraldine F, East Center Lawn, Lot 70n, 01/29/2022
Molloy, Harriet C I54853 D, Block 9, Lot 15, Space NW, 09/15/1975
Molloy, Mildred E I2844 Center Park North, Lot 278, Space N, 09/20/1989
Molloy, Roderick P I2845 D, Block 9, Lot 15, Space WCtr, 12/06/1946
Molloy, Roy N I2846 D, Block 9, Lot 15, Space SW, 10/26/1963
Mollura, Frank, Live Oak, Block M, Lot 38, 01/03/2014
Molofsky, Harold Sheldon 3923 Tree of Life III, Block 3, Lot 4, Space SW, 81, 07/19/2007
Molsby, Clifford R I2847 Northeast Center II, Block R, Space 14, 08/09/1960
Molzahn, Jeanine Marie, West Lawn, Block IV, Lot 48, 06/30/2014
Mon, Chin L I2848 Single Adult, Block H, Row 2, Space 5, 12/28/1943
Mon, Luck Y I2849 Old Single, Block A, Row 10, Space 47, 11/27/1922
Monas, Ann C I2850 Tree of Life III, Block 10, Lot 11, Space N, 01/04/1979
Monas, Irving I2851 Tree of Life III, Block 10, Lot 11, Space S, 02/19/1983
Monceanox, Raymond I2852 Indigent Child, Block C, Row 1, Space 35, 07/27/1936
Moncovich, Geraldine F I2853 Ash, Block 9, Lot 20, Space N, 06/17/1992
Moncovich, John B I2854 Ash, Block 9, Lot 20, Space S, 02/12/1973
Moncrief, Ola Mae S, Pear Lawn, Block L, Space 33, 02/03/2014
Mondy, Allen G I2855 Spruce Lawn, Block 12, Space 25, 01/10/1990
Mondy, Infant Girl I2856 Old Child, Block J, Row 6, Space 23, 07/22/1958
Monell, Bert E I2857 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 8, Lot 21, Space S, 11/06/1964
Monell, Lillian D I2858 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 8, Lot 21, Space N, 08/22/1971
Monette, Charles (Jr) Fir II, Lot 454, 03/03/2021
Monette, Charles L I2859 Fir II, Lot 454, Space S, 12/12/1998
Monette, Charles L, Fir II, Lot 454, 03/03/2021
Monfalcon, Emanuel I2860 East Center Lawn, Lot 187n, Space 2, 06/07/1952
Monfalcon, Lorena C I2861 East Center Lawn, Lot 187n, Space 3, 07/04/1966
Monk, Julia, West Lawn, Block IV, Lot 311, 06/26/2019
Monk, Shirlyn Marie, West Lawn, Block III, Lot 317, 01/29/2025
Monola, Garland D (Jr) I1837 Holly Circle, Block A, Tier 1, Niche 8, 07/07/1997
Monola, Garland Davis (Sr) 6658 Northwest Lawn, Block D, Lot 71, Space 1, 86, 03/17/2011
Monola, Nancy T I2862 Fir II, Lot 607, Space N, 11/16/1998
Monopoli, Lucrezia S I1838 F, Block 3, Lot 54, Space SW, 06/29/1961
Monroe, Charles H I1839 South, Lot 109, Space 1, 10/11/1914
Monroe, Harry I1840 Old Single, Block A, Row 5, Space 4, 10/15/1918
Monroe, Helen H I57737 Mausoleum, Corridor A, Tier B, Crypt 21, 03/02/1982
Monroe, James A I1841 D, Block 5, Lot 13, Space SE, 80, 01/21/1978
Monroe, John W I1842 Old City Poor, Block B3, Space 10, 05/28/1935
Monroe, Marie M I1843 D, Block 5, Lot 13, 01/10/1996
Monroe, Mary Gertrude I57739 Mausoleum, Corridor B, Tier C, Crypt 36, 06/02/1977
Monroe, Mary H I1844 Maple Lawn, Block O, Space 114, 05/11/1986
Monroe, Mary J I1845 South, Lot 323, Space 2, 01/01/1916
Monroe, Robert J I57740 Mausoleum, Corridor B, Tier C, Crypt 38, 09/27/1968
Monroe, Roberta B I1847 South, Lot 109, Space 5, 09/08/1965
Monroe, Sadie M I1846 Spruce Lawn, Block 2, Space 164, 02/24/1995
Monroe, William H (Jr) I1848 Spruce Lawn, Block 2, Space 163, 03/01/1992
Monroe, William J (Sr) I1849 Maple Lawn, Block O, Space 115, 11/28/1971
Monroe, William T (Jr) I57741 Mausoleum, Corridor A, Tier B, Crypt 19, 12/05/1974
Monson, Charles K (Jr) I1850 Red Oak Lawn, Block F, Lot 2, Space S, 11/10/1978
Monson, Phoebe Greta, Red Oak Lawn, Block F, Lot 2, 02/01/2022
Montagna, Anthony L I1851 L, Block 10, Lot 20, Space NW, 05/05/1999
Montagna, Anthony (Jr) L, Block 10, Lot 20, 10/17/2012
Montagna, Estelle S I1852 L, Block 10, Lot 20, Space WCtr, 04/14/1989
Montagna, Julius V I1853 Ash, Block 15, Lot 6, Space S, 04/01/1984
Montagna, Mary G I1854 Ash, Block 15, Lot 6, Space N, 10/29/1993
Montague, Anna K I1855 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 3, Lot 28, Space NE, 12/16/1961
Montague, Betty O I1859 Live Oak, Block A, Lot 9, Space 9, 10/29/1991
Montague, Bonnie F I1856 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 4, Lot 81, Space NE, 07/12/1993
Montague, Clarence O I1858 East Center Lawn, Lot 133s, Space 5, 11/03/1945
Montague, Emilie W I1860 Ash, Block 6, Lot 4, Space N, 01/31/1978
Montague, Eugene I1857 Elm Lawn, Block 7, Lot 21, Space NW, 10/26/1997
Montague, Gus I1861 Pear Lawn, Block Z, Space 2, 09/07/1984
Montague, Helen D I1862 East Center Lawn, Lot 133s, Space 7, 12/13/1950
Montague, Josephine C I1863 East Center Lawn, Lot 194s, Space 3, 10/05/1958
Montague, Martin J I1864 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 3, Lot 28, Space SE, 03/20/1994
Montague, Minnie B I1865 Pear Lawn, Block Z, Space 1, 06/15/1985
Montague, Walton G I1866 Ash, Block 6, Lot 4, Space S, 05/29/1978
Montague, William B I1868 East Center Lawn, Lot 133s, Space 6, 12/28/1945
Montague, William L I1867 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 4, Lot 81, Space SE, 03/19/1967
Montana, A I2863 Old Single, Block A, Row 4, Space 40, 12/04/1918
Monteith, Percy C I56324 Northeast Center I, Block 18, Space 32, 02/06/1947
Montes, Jose I2864 East Lawn, Lot 35, Row 1, Space 1, 03/02/1927
Montes, Louis Orlando I2865 Indigent Child, Block C, Row 4, Space 5, 04/18/1950
Montey, Edward I2866 East Lawn, Lot 25, Row 2, Space 3, 08/09/1915
Montgomery, Alma N I2867 Northeast Center I, Block 18, Space 62, 12/29/1946
Montgomery, Carl L I2868 J, Block 6, Lot 6, Space SE, 12/15/1990
Montgomery, Charles R, Live Oak, Block A, Lot 11, 05/26/2014
Montgomery, Christine T, Live Oak, Block A, Lot 11, 09/18/2011
Montgomery, Daisy D I2869 Southwest Center, Lot 210, Space 4, 02/25/1973
Montgomery, Doris, Elm Lawn, Block 2, Lot 28, 01/06/2015
Montgomery, Dorothy C, Live Oak, Block A, Lot 11, 11/03/2015
Montgomery, Floyd F I2870 Northeast Center I, Block 18, Space 64, 11/26/1953
Montgomery, Harry L, Elm Lawn, Block 2, Lot 28, 05/06/2016
Montgomery, Infant I2871 Old Single Child, Block A, Row 8, Space 18, 05/25/1920
Montgomery, John H I2872 Southwest Center, Lot 210, Space 3, 05/14/1970
Montgomery, John T I2873 G, Block 16, Lot 13, Space SE, 39, 09/21/1952
Montgomery, Julia S I2874 Single Adult, Block C, Row 10, Space 2, 02/03/1936
Montgomery, Louise I2875 J, Block 6, Lot 6, Space NE, 04/11/2001
Montgomery, Mildred M I2876 G, Block 16, Lot 13, Space NE, 12/03/1995
Montgomery, Nancy E I2877 South, Lot 411, Space 7, 02/08/1972
Montgomery, Pauline V I2878 Old Single, Block B, Row 5, Space 46, 02/11/1953
Montgomery, Susan E I2879 Old Child, Block E, Row 1, Space 1, 03/24/1944
Montgomery, William A I2880 Southwest Center, Lot 74, Space 1, 11/02/1924
Montgrain, Nelson F (Jr) I2881 J, Block 8, Lot 36, Space NE, 03/21/1958
Montgrain, Sara A I2884 Ash, Block 12, Lot 21, Space N, 08/07/1973
Monton, Elizabeth M I2882 Fir Lawn, Block 7, Space 16, 07/30/1983 (Disinterred to Colonial Grove 01/05/2001)  
Montoya, Angelita, Northwest Lawn, Block D, Lot 213, 11/05/2020
Montoya, Ricardo E I2883 Northwest Lawn, Block D, Lot 213, 09/22/1983
Montrose, Alfred F (Sr) I2885 Maple Lawn, Block F, Space 102, 10/09/1965
Montrose, James R I2886 Old Child, Block G, Row 3, Space 30, 09/22/1952
Montrose, Maude I2887 Indigent Child, Block C, Row 4, Space 45, 09/04/1963
Montrose, Maude H I2888 Maple Lawn, Block F, Space 101, 04/03/1968
Monzon, Anna M 5810 Spruce Lawn, Block 5, Space 36, 86, 05/12/2010
Monzon, Francis J I2889 Spruce Lawn, Block 5, Space 35, 08/19/1991
Moodispaw, Artie P I2890 Single Adult, Block G, Row 10, Space 39, 05/09/1943
Moodispaw, Emmett Newton I2891 Single Adult, Block G, Row 10, Space 40, 06/20/1968
Moodispaw, James L I2892 J, Block 7, Lot 42, Space SW, 05/13/1956
Moodispaw, Louise M I2893 J, Block 7, Lot 42, Space NW, 11/15/1959
Moody, Alton E I2894 B, Block 4, Lot 3, Space 1, 07/05/1940
Moody, Carrie R I2896 B, Block 4, Lot 3, Space 3, 01/12/1948
Moody, Charles Edmond 4692 West Lawn, Block IV, Lot 260, Space S, 89, 04/29/2008
Moody, Infant I2895 Indigent Child, Block C, Row 1, Space 30, 05/15/1936
Moody, Infant (f) I2897 Old Child, Block L, Row 6, Space 8, 04/18/1961
Moody, Jake L I2898 East Center Lawn, Lot 35n, Space SCtr, 01/03/1988
Moody, Jeffrey I2899 Fir Lawn, Block 1, Space 5, 02/13/1983
Moody, Joseph L 1833 East Center Lawn, Lot 35n, Space NE, 65, 07/31/2006
Moody, Louise C I2900 Fir Lawn, Block 4, Space 72, 10/22/1996
Moody, Lydia Mae, Pine Gardens III, Lot 115, 11/17/2012
Moody, Marvin J I1869 Fir Lawn, Block 4, Space 73, 04/22/1983
Moody, Norma S I1870 Center Park North, Lot 190, Space N, 10/01/1998
Moody, Oath H I1871 South Center Lawn, Lot 195s, 09/25/1951
Moody, Raymond O, Center Park North, Lot 190, 07/08/2013
Moody, Rosa A I1872 South, Lot 316, Space 3, 07/25/1964
Moody, Thomas E I1873 East Center Lawn, Lot 189s, Space 4, 05/08/1988
Moody, Walter C I1874 Pine Gardens III, Lot 115, Space S, 10/29/1995
Moody, William J (Sr) I1875 South Center Lawn, Lot 195s, 09/29/1972
Mooers, Kimball C I1876 Northeast Center II, Block O, Space 58, 12/25/1958
Mooers, Madeline K I1877 Spruce Lawn, Block 4, Space 80, 12/09/1974
Moon, Bernice Bessie I1878 Northeast Center I, Block 9, Space 5, 08/21/1946
Moon, Helen Carol, Live Oak, Block R, Lot 3, 06/30/2016
Moon, Shanay Niashia 6006 Pine Gardens III, Lot 236, Space S, 24, 03/18/2008
Moone, Caroline M I1879 Locust Lawn, Block 12, Space 17, 11/23/1972
Mooney, Paul 625 Northeast Center II, Block O, Space 60, 49, 01/16/2005
Mooney, William I1880 Old Single, Block B, Row 5, Space 16, 04/22/1927
Mooneyham, Robert L I1881 Old Child, Block M, Row 5, Space 35, 08/29/1965
Moor, Alexander I1882 East Lawn, Lot 27, Row 2, Space 1, 02/03/1918
Moore, Ada P I1884 E, Block 8, Lot 20, Space NE, 09/05/1982
Moore, Aileen, F, Block 7, Lot 33a, 01/05/2013
Moore, Albert S I1883 K, Block 5, Lot 25, Space S, 06/11/1968
Moore, Alfred Joseph (Sr) Pine Gardens I, Lot 24, 12/31/2015
Moore, Alvin R (Sr) I1885 Northeast Center I, Block 10, Space 4, 08/15/1962
Moore, Ann B I1886 Single Adult, Block C, Row 8, Space 30, 05/26/1945
Moore, Anne Matthews 1880 L, Block 12, Lot 11, Space NW, 102, 02/25/2006
Moore, Annette D, Tree of Life IV, Block B, Lot 231, 03/12/2024
Moore, Annie G I1887 Pear Lawn, Block T, Space 59, 12/10/1994
Moore, Arthur V I1888 Southwest Center, Lot 116, Space 2, 02/07/1940
Moore, Augustus B I1889 E, Block 11, Lot 21, Space SE, 09/17/1971
Moore, Ben H I1891 H, Block 8, Lot 15, Space NE, 05/20/1972
Moore, Benjamin B (Jr) I1896 Linden Lawn, Block J, Space 43, 01/15/1969
Moore, Bertha H I1892 Elm Lawn, Block 6, Lot 17, Space NW, 07/16/1991
Moore, Bertie A I1897 Northeast Center I, Block 25, Space 29, 09/27/1955
Moore, Betsy J I1895 Pear Lawn, Block S, Space 32, 06/04/1985
Moore, Beverly, Single Adult, Block H, Row 9, Space 38, 01/24/2025
Moore, Blanche H I1893 D, Block 10, Lot 13, Space SW, 01/22/1971
Moore, Blanche V I1894 Linden Lawn, Block E, Space 8, 12/30/1967
Moore, Byrdie C I1898 Single Adult, Block C, Row 1, Space 40, 04/19/1977
Moore, Carita W I1899 Pine Gardens I, Lot 1, Space 2nd from W Side N Row, 04/16/1989
Moore, Carolyn Buchanan Owens, Northwest Lawn, Block D, Lot 56, 06/12/2024
Moore, Celessie Ray, West Lawn, Block III, Lot 482, 09/19/2023
Moore, Charles B I1900 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 4, Lot 81, Space SW, 10/12/1991
Moore, Charles Dickson, Center Park North, Lot 288, 12/06/2016
Moore, Charles F I1901 Northeast Center II, Block N, Space 103, 05/20/1958
Moore, Charles Mccarthy 7240 A, Block 7, Lot 8, Space NE, 87, 07/29/2002
Moore, Charles W I1902 Southwest Center, Lot 116, Space 4, 08/21/1936
Moore, Christina C I1903 South, Lot 202, Space 2, 11/16/1964
Moore, Christina E I1904 D, Block 12, Lot 19, Space WCtr, 11/14/1961
Moore, Cleopatra H I1905 East Lawn, Lot 84s, Space 9, 09/05/1956
Moore, Clyde W I2025 B, Block 1, Lot 35, Space SW, 09/05/1942
Moore, Corrine A I2026 Linden Lawn, Block J, Space 91, 11/11/1967
Moore, Curley L I2027 West Lawn, Block IV, Lot 347, Space S, 09/05/2001
Moore, Daniel E (Jr) I2030 A, Block 2, Lot 20, Space 1, 03/02/1936
Moore, Daniel E (Sr) I2029 A, Block 2, Lot 20, Space 3, 12/10/1958
Moore, Daran L I2031 Pear Lawn, Block T, Space 67, 02/13/1993
Moore, David I2032 Single Adult, Block G, Row 3, Space 4, 08/27/1942
Moore, David R I2035 Old Child, Block J, Row 2, Space 3, 04/03/1956
Moore, Dena K I2028 Old Child, Block H, Row 4, Space 34, 09/20/1954
Moore, Donald A I2033 Pear Lawn, Block V, Space 13, 06/03/1993
Moore, Donna M, Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 4, Lot 81, 08/21/2022
Moore, Doris, West Lawn, Block III, Lot 612, 10/05/2021
Moore, Doris C I2034 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 8, Lot 10, Space N, 09/04/1972
Moore, Dorothy G 1368 Pine Gardens I, Lot 6, Space 3rd from E Side S Row 92, 01/10/2006
Moore, Doswell L I2036 West Center, Lot 469, Space 1, 03/10/1929
Moore, Eary D I2037 West Lawn, Block IV, Lot 704, Space S, 10/21/1995
Moore, Edna M I2038 Holly Lawn, Lot 306, Space N, 09/04/1962
Moore, Edna V I2039 Fir Lawn, Block 25, Space 66, 05/25/1977
Moore, Edward A 1137 South Center Lawn, Lot 192n, Space 89, 09/24/2005
Moore, Edward T I2040 Center Park North, Lot 456, Space S, 10/04/2001
Moore, Eleanor F 6319 K, Block 12, Lot 12, Space N, 93, 11/24/2010
Moore, Eleanor H I2041 K, Block 5, Lot 20, Space N, 04/07/2001
Moore, Elijah I2042 Linden Lawn, Block L, Space 42, 12/30/1968
Moore, Elizabeth A I2045 D, Block 12, Lot 5, Space SE, 03/21/1947
Moore, Elizabeth A I2044 Old Single, Block A, Row 10, Space 24, 03/19/1956
Moore, Elizabeth A I2043 East Center A, Block 1, Lot 9, Space NW, 02/24/1946
Moore, Elizabeth Ann, West Center, Lot 408, 07/27/2019
Moore, Elizabeth B I2046 Center Park North, Lot 456, Space N, 59, 08/29/1989
Moore, Ellen B I2048 G, Block 16, Lot 10, Space NE, 07/06/1967
Moore, Emmett Milton I2049 J, Block 8, Lot 11, Space SE, 10/19/1960
Moore, Ernest L I2050 South, Lot 244, Space 1, 02/10/1919
Moore, Ernest L (Sr) 2646 South, Lot 122, Space 5, 96, 10/19/2006
Moore, Estelle R I2051 F, Block 7, Lot 33a, Space NW, 08/03/1948
Moore, Esther F I2052 Linden Lawn, Block L, Space 56, 11/20/1967
Moore, Eugene I2053 E, Block 8, Lot 20, Space ECtr, 10/19/1964
Moore, Eugene R I2054 Old Single Child, Block B, Row 1, Space 15, 12/16/1935
Moore, Eva I57749 Mausoleum, Corridor C, Tier E, Crypt 95, 05/20/1931
Moore, Evalyn G I2055 J, Block 8, Lot 11, Space NE, 12/28/1956
Moore, Everett W I2056 H, Block 8, Lot 14, Space SE, 06/16/1964
Moore, Fannie P I2057 Jewish A, Block A, Lot G, Space NE, 06/10/1958
Moore, Ferrell I2058 East Center Lawn, Lot 92n, Space 5, 11/10/1966
Moore, Fletcher J I2059 East Lawn, Lot 140w, Space Ctr, 11/03/1935
Moore, Florence F I2060 East Lawn, Lot 122s, Space 1, 01/07/1928
Moore, Florence P 5200 West Center, Lot 253, Space 6, 05/22/2009
Moore, Florence T I2901 South, Lot 244, Space 4, 10/05/1939 (Removed to Rosewood Memorial Park 11/02/1968)
Moore, Florrie W I2903 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 3, Lot 78, Space NW, 08/06/1999
Moore, Floyd J I2902 South, Lot 243, Space 2, 07/13/1957
Moore, Frances L I2904 Northeast Center II, Block H, Space 69, 09/04/1965
Moore, Frank G I2906 South, Lot 122, Space 2, 05/21/1917
Moore, Frank L I2907 East Lawn, Lot 81s, Space 1, 02/04/1913
Moore, Frank R I2905 West Center, Lot 109b, Space S, 01/25/1928
Moore, Frank W I2908 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 8, Lot 10, Space S, 02/22/1995
Moore, Franklin D I2909 K, Block 5, Lot 20, Space S, 06/14/1988
Moore, Franklin D I2910 Old Child, Block D, Row 3, Space 48, 04/21/1941
Moore, Franklin R I2911 Southwest Center, Lot 278, Space 2, 03/25/1920
Moore, Fred W I2912 South Center Lawn, Lot 194n, 08/09/1976
Moore, Gary A I2913 Fir Lawn, Block 2, Space 8, 07/30/1981
Moore, George (leg of) I2915 South Center Lawn, Lot 146n, 08/14/1953
Moore, George H I2916 Pear Lawn, Block T, Space 58, 01/13/1990
Moore, George Irby I2914 Pine Gardens I, Lot 1, Space NW, 05/11/1998
Moore, George L I2917 South, Lot 122, Space 1, 12/27/1916
Moore, George P I2918 South Center Lawn, Lot 146n, 03/09/1957
Moore, George P I2919 Indigent Child, Block C, Row 4, Space 24, 04/22/1955
Moore, Grace E I2920 Holly Lawn, Lot 152, Space N, 04/17/1981
Moore, Grace J I2921 Spruce Lawn, Block 8, Space 14, 07/31/1989
Moore, Greer F I2922 West Center, Lot 253, Space 4, 12/17/1977
Moore, Gregg S I2923 Cedar, Block 9, Lot 19, Space SW, 04/11/1997
Moore, Gussie P I2924 Fir Lawn, Block 17, Space 52, 09/17/1979
Moore, Harold D I2926 Linden Lawn, Block J, Space 56, 05/24/1967
Moore, Harriette R I2925 G, Block 11, Lot 39, Space NW, 06/11/1977
Moore, Harry W I2927 Cedar, Block 7, Lot 42, Space SE, 09/19/1970
Moore, Hazel, Pine Gardens I, Lot 24, 01/26/2023
Moore, Helen I2928 K, Block 11, Lot 4, Space NW, 09/08/1983
Moore, Helen G I2929 Fir Lawn, Block 1, Space 21, 02/13/1990
Moore, Helen S I2930 Holly Lawn, Lot 264, Space N, 07/11/1961
Moore, Henley G I2931 A, Block 3, Lot 38, Space 3, 10/08/1979
Moore, Henry, West Lawn, Block III, Lot 99, 02/17/2022
Moore, Henry E I2932 D, Block 12, Lot 19, Space SE, 06/04/1964
Moore, Henry J I2933 L, Block 5, Lot 20, Space WCtr, 09/25/1976
Moore, Hockaday P I2934 Southwest Center, Lot 276, Space 1, 01/08/1930
Moore, Hoyt K I2935 Pear Lawn, Block O, Space 17, 07/06/1986
Moore, Hubert A I2936 East Center A, Block 1, Lot 9, 07/30/1976
Moore, Hubert C I2937 Northeast Center II, Block M, Space 59, 05/29/1955
Moore, Hubert C I2061 Holly Lawn, Lot 264, Space S, 08/05/1965
Moore, Ida E I2062 West Center, Lot 418, Space 4, 09/03/1970
Moore, Ida F I2063 Northeast Center I, Block 16, Space 19, 01/17/1962
Moore, Ida M I2064 Southwest Center, Lot 276, Space 6, 03/11/1979
Moore, Ida T I2065 E, Block 8, Lot 19, Space NW, 02/28/1970
Moore, Infant I2068 South, Lot 378, Space NW, 11/01/1917
Moore, Infant I2069 Old Single Child, Block B, Row 6, Space 8, 06/21/1930
Moore, Infant I2071 Old Single Child, Block B, Row 3, Space 8, 11/05/1932
Moore, Infant (f) I2067 Pine Gardens I, Lot 1, Space 2nd from W Side S Row, 02/24/1935
Moore, Infant Twins (f) I2024 Old Child, Block D, Row 5, Space 3, 04/04 and 05/1936
Moore, Infant I2066 Old Child, Block D, Row 5, Space 49, 04/17/1937
Moore, Infant (m) I1890 Old Child, Block G, Row 7, Space 21, 06/16/1952
Moore, Infant (m) I2070 Old Child, Block M, Row 4, Space 4, 05/05/1964
Moore, Irma L I2319 West Lawn, Block IV, Lot 628, Space N, 07/14/1998
Moore, Irma M I2072 East Center Lawn, Lot 87n, Space 1, 04/14/1955
Moore, Irvin J I2073 Locust Lawn, Block 4, Space 30, 02/11/1973
Moore, Ivan C I2074 Northeast Center II, Block C, Space 60, 09/29/1952
Moore, Jack D I2075 Linden Lawn, Block L, Space 57, 11/30/1981
Moore, James I2079 Live Oak, Block M, Lot 22, Space 3, 03/21/2001
Moore, James A I2077 E, Block 8, Lot 19, Space WCtr, 05/05/1957
Moore, James A I2076 East Center Lawn, Lot 87n, Space 3, 09/16/1972
Moore, James A (Jr) I2078 E, Block 8, Lot 19, Space ECtr, 12/22/1982
Moore, James J I2080 West Center, Lot 418, Space 1, 08/25/1930
Moore, James J (Jr) I2081 West Center, Lot 418, Space 5, 09/01/1974
Moore, James M (IV) I2082 Old Child, Block L, Row 3, Space 23, 05/18/1960
Moore, James P I2083 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 3, Lot 78, Space SW, 11/20/1990
Moore, James T I2084 Spruce Lawn, Block 3, Space 69, 06/28/1974
Moore, Jane G I2085 A, Block 3, Lot 38, Space 1, 11/09/1933
Moore, Jean R I2086 South, Lot 378, Space SE, 10/14/1945
Moore, Jesse G I2088 West Center, Lot 341, Space 3, 01/26/1944
Moore, Jesse M I2087 Locust Lawn, Block 7, Space 44, 09/05/1970
Moore, Jessie L I2100 K, Block 3, Lot 4, Space NW, 02/08/1976
Moore, Joan 6850 L, Block 5, Lot 20, Space NW, 79, 05/25/2011
Moore, Joanna I2089 Cedar, Block 7, Lot 42, Space SW, 12/12/2000
Moore, John, Live Oak, Block G, Lot 13, 02/11/2015
Moore, John A (Sr) I2090 East Lawn, Lot 84s, Space 4, 09/24/1942
Moore, John B (Sr) I2091 J, Block 3, Lot 47, Space SW, 08/24/1993
Moore, John Benson (Jr) Northwest Lawn, Block C, Lot 125, 01/12/2020
Moore, John D (III) I2092 Fir II, Lot 668, Space S, 06/07/1999
Moore, John Daniel (Jr) I2093 Fir Lawn, Block 25, Space 67, 07/14/1977
Moore, John G I2094 K, Block 3, Lot 4, Space SW, 03/14/1983
Moore, John L I2095 Elm Lawn, Block 6, Lot 17, Space SW, 05/05/1978
Moore, John S I2096 South Center Lawn, Lot 146n, 06/17/1943
Moore, John W I2097 West Center, Lot 253, Space 1, 05/19/1926
Moore, John W (Jr) I2099 West Center, Lot 253, Space 3, 07/28/1968
Moore, John W I2098 Linden Lawn, Block L, Space 6, 09/02/1968
Moore, Joseph A I2101 West Center, Lot 382, Space 4, 11/14/1957
Moore, Joseph F (Jr) I2102 Old Single Child, Block B, Row 5, Space 32, 08/19/1931
Moore, Joseph J I2103 Locust Lawn, Block 13, Space 48, 04/12/1973
Moore, Josephine H I2104 Locust Lawn, Block 4, Space 29, 10/29/1997
Moore, Joshua D I2105 D, Block 12, Lot 5, Space SW, 02/07/1972
Moore, Joshua L I2106 Holly Lawn, Lot 152, Space S, 04/28/1966
Moore, Josie B I2107 E, Block 11, Lot 21, Space ECtr, 02/26/1965
Moore, Juanita M I2108 Red Oak Lawn, Block C, Lot 38, Space N, 01/18/2001
Moore, Julia M I2109 Live Oak, Block G, Lot 13, Space 5, 02/28/1991
Moore, Katherine B 2715 H, Block 2, Lot 20, Space NW, 96, 12/05/2006
Moore, Katherine N I2110 Southwest Center, Lot 116, Space 3, 07/04/1957
Moore, Kathern West 2119 Northeast Center II, Block A, Space 102, 91, 03/15/2005
Moore, Keith, Live Oak, Block G, Lot 13, 02/05/2023
Moore, Kenneth Carroll (Jr) Northwest Lawn, Block D, Lot 56, 10/02/2019
Moore, Lanas M I2112 Old Single, Block A, Row 10, Space 25, 04/28/1922
Moore, Larry G I2111 Old Child, Block F, Row 6, Space 39, 03/14/1948
Moore, Laura R, Fir II, Lot 567, 04/16/2014
Moore, Lena B 5531 L, Block 9, Lot 15, Space WCtr, 100, 04/13/2009
Moore, Lenore I58542 Southwest Center, Block D, Space 12, 76, 04/15/2004
Moore, Leona A I2113 Old Child, Block G, Row 3, Space 11, 12/28/1951
Moore, Leone G I2114 West Center, Lot 109b, Space Ctr, 09/22/1925
Moore, Lillian M I2115 Cedar, Block 8, Lot 7, Space NW, 05/31/1970
Moore, Lina P I2116 East Center Lawn, Lot 92n, Space 6, 05/17/1968
Moore, Linda B, Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 6, Lot 56, 08/02/2020
Moore, Lloyd E I2117 Holly Lawn, Lot 306, Space S, 12/14/1964
Moore, Lois, West Lawn, Block III, Lot 27, 11/06/2020
Moore, Louise I2118 D, Block 12, Lot 5, 07/10/1954
Moore, Lucy V I2119 Northeast Center I, Block 10, Space 2, 03/26/1950
Moore, Lucy W I2120 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 3, Lot 42, Space NE, 12/11/1959
Moore, Lula C I2121 Northeast Center I, Block 10, Space 56, 04/15/1979
Moore, Luther L I2122 Northeast Center II, Block G, Space 40, 09/22/1956
Moore, Lyle R I2123 Spruce Lawn, Block 11, Space 138, 07/21/1973
Moore, Mabel T I2124 East Center Lawn, Lot 102n, Space 4, 04/06/1942
Moore, Mamie T I2125 B, Block 8, Lot 11, Space 3, 03/29/1955
Moore, Margaret E I2126 Maple Lawn, Block L, Space 59, 05/06/1993
Moore, Margaret S I2127 East Lawn, Lot 141w, Space NCtr, 09/01/1916
Moore, Marion H I2128 Southwest Center, Lot 278, Space 3, 04/30/1927
Moore, Marion K I2129 Spruce Lawn, Block 2, Space 84, 12/19/1986
Moore, Marion L I2130 Southwest Center, Lot 278, Space 4, 09/21/1969
Moore, Marjorie K I2131 South Center Lawn, Lot 194n, 01/31/1971
Moore, Marjorie S I2132 Fir Lawn, Block 17, Space 43, 04/28/1999
Moore, Marjorie V I2133 A, Block 3, Lot 38, Space 2, 10/14/1978
Moore, Martha P I2134 East Center Lawn, Lot 242, Space 1, 11/20/1931
Moore, Marvin M (Sr) I2135 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 3, Lot 42, Space SE, 12/24/1962
Moore, Mary C I2136 Southwest Center, Lot 181, Space 3, 11/08/1986
Moore, Mary E I2138 Northeast Center II, Block K, Space 73, 07/08/1954
Moore, Mary F I2140 Old Single Child, Block B, Row 5, Space 36, 06/15/1931
Moore, Mary F I2139 A, Block 2, Lot 20, Space 2, 09/13/1931
Moore, Mary F I2137 Live Oak, Block A, Lot 16, Space 5, 08/06/1991
Moore, Mary J I2142 Fir Lawn, Block 24, Space 13, 12/12/1995
Moore, Mary J I2141 South, Lot 243, Space 3, 06/02/1960
Moore, Mary M I2143 South Center Lawn, Lot 146n, 03/08/1971
Moore, Mary M I2144 Single Adult, Block D, Row 4, Space 27, 09/23/1934
Moore, Mary S I2145 South Center Lawn, Lot 146n, 05/15/1936
Moore, Mary V I2146 South, Lot 378, Space WCtr, 12/16/1987
Moore, Mata L I2147 Northeast Center II, Block N, Space 104, 12/26/1987
Moore, Mathew D I2149 A, Block 6, Lot 17, Space 1, 03/29/1934
Moore, Matthew D (Jr) I2148 A, Block 6, Lot 17, Space 2, 02/02/1985
Moore, Melrose R I2150 J, Block 3, Lot 47, Space NW, 04/17/1972
Moore, Michael E, West Lawn, Block III, Lot 613, 10/19/2023
Moore, Milton M (Jr) I2151 Red Oak Lawn, Block C, Lot 38, Space S, 12/01/1977
Moore, Minnie L I2152 East Lawn, Lot 140w, Space WCtr, 04/30/1971
Moore, Modine I2153 Fir II, Lot 516, Space N, 02/04/2001
Moore, Mollie L I2154 West Center, Lot 382, Space 3, 05/16/1946
Moore, Muriel W I2155 D, Block 10, Lot 13, 02/14/1987
Moore, Norman E I2156 Fir II, Lot 516, Space S, 03/11/2001
Moore, Ocie W I2157 B, Block 1, Lot 35, Space WCtr, 03/12/1956
Moore, Oscar M (Sr) I2165 F, Block 7, Lot 33a, Space SW, 04/08/1965
Moore, Oscar Mason (Jr) 4344 F, Block 7, Lot 33a, Space NE, 73, 12/06/2007
Moore, Otho Clark I2158 Pine Gardens I, Lot 1, Space 3rd from W Side S Row, 06/22/1969
Moore, Otis T I2160 K, Block 12, Lot 12, Space S, 05/27/1973
Moore, Owen J I2161 09/09/1977. Disinterred to Eastern Shore Chapel Cemetery
Moore, Pearl T 1655 A, Block 7, Lot 8, Space NW, 85, 10/24/2005
Moore, Perry T I2162 Spruce Lawn, Block 8, Space 13, 02/22/1976
Moore, Phyllis J I2163 Locust Lawn, Block 4, Space 28, 12/21/1971
Moore, Rachel W I2166 West Center, Lot 253, 12/19/1985
Moore, Randolph C I2167 South, Lot 244, Space 4, 12/06/1935
Moore, Richard (Sr) I2171 South Center Lawn, Lot 146n, 09/29/1951
Moore, Richard G I2169 Old Single Child, Block B, Row 2, Space 21, 07/30/1935
Moore, Richard L I2170 Southwest Center, Lot 276, Space 5, 01/26/1964
Moore, Richard P 374 Southwest Center, Lot 278, Space 6, 79, 03/15/2004
Moore, Richard R (III) I2938 South Center Lawn, Lot 146n, 11/07/1942
Moore, Robert C I2168 Northeast Center I, Block 10, Space 58, 06/29/1950
Moore, Robert E I2939 L, Block 12, Lot 11, Space W Ctr, 11/21/1992
Moore, Robert E I2940 Old Child, Block E, Row 2, Space 48, 03/16/1944
Moore, Robert G (Sr) I2941 Spruce Lawn, Block 2, Space 83, 08/15/1985
Moore, Robert L I2942 Spruce Lawn, Block 9, Space 131, 12/14/1973
Moore, Robert Lee, L, Block 12, Lot 11, 09/09/2019
Moore, Roberts Cosby I2164 Pine Gardens I, Lot 6, 08/02/1969
Moore, Rosa I2943 Single Adult, Block D, Row 4, Space 20, 04/05/1934
Moore, Ruth I2944 East Lawn, Lot 81s, Space 2, 01/12/1925
Moore, Ruth J I22386 South Center Lawn, Lot 192n, 06/19/2002
Moore, Sallie G I2945 Pine Gardens I, Lot 1, Space 3rd from W Side N Row, 02/23/1978
Moore, Sara I2946 D, Block 10, Lot 13, Space NW, 09/16/2000
Moore, Sara E I2947 Northeast Center II, Block I, Space 72, 04/30/1982
Moore, Sarah C I2948 South, Lot 122, Space 3, 11/03/1954
Moore, Sarah P I2949 West Center, Lot 382, Space 5, 03/15/1960
Moore, Sentara, West Lawn, Block III, Lot 21, 04/10/2021
Moore, Susan A I2951 West Center, Lot 341, Space 4, 02/24/1962
Moore, Susan A I2950 East Lawn, Lot 132s, Space 3, 03/22/1920
Moore, Susan Bland, Northwest Lawn, Block C, Lot 125, 09/20/2021
Moore, Susie W I2952 Linden Lawn, Block L, Space 43, 11/07/1986
Moore, Suzanne Alisa, Linden Lawn, Block L, Space 43, 11/01/2013
Moore, Terri F I2954 Cedar, Block 9, Lot 19, Space NW, 06/23/2001
Moore, Thomas E I2955 Northeast Center I, Block 25, Space 31, 12/06/1947
Moore, Thomas G I2953 B, Block 8, Lot 11, Space 1, 04/08/1939
Moore, Thomas L I2956 Single Adult, Block C, Row 8, Space 31, 07/09/1932
Moore, Thomas M 302 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 6, Lot 56, Space SW, 62, 08/21/2004
Moore, Tiffany Lashawn, West Lawn, Block III, Lot 368, 01/12/2024
Moore, Tom H I2957 East Lawn, Lot 11, Row 1, Space 1, 07/02/1919
Moore, Trevon Courtney, West Lawn, Block III, Lot 83, 01/09/2022
Moore, Trudy S I2958 Locust Lawn, Block 13, Space 47, 07/21/1971
Moore, Victor, West Lawn, Block III, Lot 291, 05/25/2021
Moore, Victoria L I2959 East Lawn, Lot 122s, Space 7, 04/23/1989
Moore, Virginia I2960 K, Block 5, Lot 25, Space N, 01/07/1991
Moore, Virginia, E, Block 8, Lot 19, 11/09/2016
Moore, Virginia G 5122 West Lawn, Block IV, Lot 704, Space N, 87, 03/27/2009
Moore, Vivian, Center Park North, Lot 288, 11/06/2013
Moore, W T I2961 Northeast Center I, Block 1, Space 58, 07/27/1945
Moore, Walter I2962 South, Lot 244, Space 6, 04/06/1947
Moore, Walter G I2963 G, Block 11, Lot 39, Space SW, 07/20/1991
Moore, Walter M (Jr) I2965 H, Block 2, Lot 20, Space SW, 02/05/1960
Moore, Walter M I2964 South Center Lawn, Lot 146n, 11/03/1961
Moore, Walter M (III) I2966 H, Block 2, Lot 20, Space SE, 02/05/1978
Moore, Walter R I2967 South Center Lawn, Lot 146n, 04/22/1917
Moore, Wayland L I2968 East Center Lawn, Lot 102n, Space 1, 12/24/1931
Moore, Whitfield Sledge, Southwest Center, Block D, Space 12, 05/02/2015
Moore, Wilber A I2969 E, Block 11, Lot 21, Space NE, 05/20/1986
Moore, William C I2970 West Center, Lot 382, Space 2, 12/02/1944
Moore, William E, L, Block 12, Lot 12, 08/30/2019
Moore, William F I2971 East Lawn, Lot 132s, Space 2, 02/24/1913
Moore, William F (Sr) I2972 East Lawn, Lot 122s, Space 4, 12/13/1962
Moore, William F (Jr) 4200 Fir II, Lot 567, Space S, 85, 09/25/2007
Moore, William Franklin 2647 West Lawn, Block IV, Lot 628, Space S, 71, 10/02/2006
Moore, William H I2973 Fir Lawn, Block 24, Space 14, 01/28/1983
Moore, William H I2974 East Lawn, Lot 122s, Space 3, 09/15/1942
Moore, William Powell I8468 Southwest Center, Lot 278, Space 2, 08/23/1924
Moore, William R I1907 South, Lot 378, Space SW, 11/21/1980
Moore, William R I1906 Jewish A, Block A, Lot G, Space SE, 02/20/1953
Moore, William R I1908 East Lawn, Lot 5, 10/11/1915
Moore, William W (Jr) I1909 Fir Lawn, Block 1, Space 22, 08/06/1979
Moore, Willis H (Sr) I1911 Linden Lawn, Block J, Space 56, 05/24/1967
Mooree, Evelyn A I1910 East Lawn, Lot 81s, Space 4, 03/17/1962
Mooree, Mamie I1912 East Lawn, Lot 81s, Space 3, 11/24/1952
Mooree, Milton V I1913 East Lawn, Lot 81s, Space 6, 09/01/1974
Mooree, William C I1914 East Lawn, Lot 81s, Space 9, 08/25/1972
Moorehead, Clarence A I1915 E, Block 2, Lot 17, Space NE, 02/11/1969
Moorehead, Jessie W I2978 E, Block 2, Lot 17, 09/02/1950
Moorehead, Nina Elizabeth I1916 E, Block 2, Lot 17, Space ECtr, 07/13/2000
Mooring, Savannah Lee, West Lawn, Block III, Lot 67, 03/14/2022
Moorman, Alexander J (Sr) I2979 Linden Lawn, Block E, Space 92, 04/29/1967
Moorman, Nettie L I2980 Linden Lawn, Block E, Space 91, 08/24/1997
Moorman, Rebecca D I2981 Old Child, Block G, Row 6, Space 6, 04/06/1951
Moorman, Seldon S I2982 Locust Lawn, Block 5, Space 26, 08/28/1972
Moos, Carl A I2983 Jewish A, Block G, Lot B, Space 1, 01/05/1959
Moos, Charllotte W I2984 Jewish A, Block G, Lot B, Space 4, 11/17/2000
Moos, Henry 5034 Jewish A, Block G, Lot B, Space 992, 96, 01/28/2009
Moos, Hilda H I2985 Jewish A, Block G, Lot B, Space 2, 02/15/1973
Mooskin, Agnes I2986 H, Block 3, Lot 26, Space NE, 06/27/1980
Mooskin, Mike A I2987 H, Block 3, Lot 26, Space SE, 02/27/1965
Moots, Emily E I2988 Live Oak, Block H, Lot 29, Space 2, 02/10/1996
Moots, Erma T I2989 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 7, Lot 50, Space NE, 07/20/1990
Moots, Gerald D I2990 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 7, Lot 50, Space SW, 04/11/1978
Moots, Oliver D I2991 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 7, Lot 50, Space SE, 06/16/1979
Moots, Oliver Dwight, Live Oak, Block H, Lot 29, 10/07/2013
Moots, Peggy A, Center Park North Extd, Block B, Lot 381, 09/24/2016
Moots, Shirley G I2992 Old Child, Block J, Row 4, Space 13, 09/07/1957
Morais, Manuel P I2993 Live Oak, Block T, Lot 42, Space SW, 12/17/1996
Morais, Sophie K I2994 Live Oak, Block T, Lot 42, Space NW, 01/05/1972
Moran, Betty C, West Lawn, Block IV, Lot 182, 02/26/2013
Moran, Carolyn C I2995 Pear Lawn, Block T, Space 41, 09/01/1990
Moran, Flossie E I2997 South Center Lawn, Lot 26s, 12/14/1973
Moran, Francis (Jr) 6863 West Lawn, Block IV, Lot 182, Space S, 81, 05/18/2011
Moran, Francis C I2996 Fir Lawn, Block 22, Space 80, 04/25/1977
Moran, Harriett Driscoll 5529 Locust Lawn, Block 24, Space 10, 89, 01/02/2009
Moran, Ida R I2998 Maple Lawn, Block D, Space 119, 05/03/1963
Moran, Ira H I2999 Locust Lawn, Block 24, Space 11, 03/23/1973
Moran, Issac J I3000 Pear Lawn, Block T, Space 40, 10/12/1983
Moran, John I3001 South Center Lawn, Lot 26s, 09/22/1950
Moran, Rose C I3002 Fir Lawn, Block 22, Space 79, 09/13/1981
Moras, Infant I2977 Old Single Child, Block A, Row 11, Space 43, 05/30/1922
Morata, Felix I1729 Locust Lawn, Block 10, Space 6, 12/17/1971
Mordica, Bernard A I3003 G, Block 3, Lot 26, Space SW, 02/07/1954
Mordica, Clara R I2975 G, Block 3, Lot 26, Space NW, 09/13/1969
Mordica, Lloyd T I2976 Maple Lawn, Block F, Space 70, 11/07/1960
More, David M (Jr) I1730 Pine Gardens III, Lot 129, Space S, 11/20/1997
More, David M (III) 1089 Pine Gardens III, Lot 129, Space N, 72, 08/29/2005
More, Gertrude R I1731 Pine Gardens III, Lot 129, Space N, 04/05/1993
Morecock, Clarence H I1732 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 8, Lot 52, Space SE, 11/16/1965
Morecock, Etta O I1733 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 8, Lot 52, Space NE, 10/05/1962
Morecock, George T (Sr) I1734 Fir Lawn, Block 17, Space 51, 09/22/1982
Morecock, John L I1735 South Center Lawn, Lot 59s, Space 47, 03/13/1933
Morecock, Mary Polansky, D, Block 10, Lot 14, 08/13/2201
Morecock, Milton H I1736 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 8, Lot 52, Space SW, 07/15/1991
Morecock, Rose D I1737 South Center Lawn, Lot 59s, 01/21/1967
Morecock, Viola S I1738 Fir Lawn, Block 17, Space 50, 09/14/1987
Morecock, Virginia H I1739 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 8, Lot 52, Space NW, 06/05/1975
Morefield, Gertrude H I1740 Locust Lawn, Block 6, Space 47, 03/08/1971
Morefield, William I I1741 Locust Lawn, Block 6, Space 48, 11/11/1981
Morehead, Antoinette I1742 Live Oak, Block M, Lot 46, Space 1, 04/12/1992
Moreira, Miguel I2541 East Lawn, Lot 33, Row 3, Space 6, 02/09/1925
Moreland, Barbara C, Center Park North Extd, Block B, Lot 390, 09/13/2014
Moreland, Brian James I1743 Child D Extd, Block D, Row 7, Space 8, 08/17/1988
Moreland, Carolyn D I1744 Rest House Lawn, Lot 20, Space 6, 02/24/1980
Moreland, Thomas M I1745 Child D Extd, Block D, Row 8, Space 10, 04/20/1993
Morelen, Alice M I1746 J, Block 1, Lot 20, Space NW, 04/04/1998
Morelen, Beverly L I1747 10/31/1960. Disinterred to Rosewood Memorial Park 01/12/1989
Morelen, Burnice S I1749 South Center Lawn, Lot 178s, Space NW, 10/21/1999
Morelen, Burrell M I1748 A, Block 3, Lot 16, Space 2, 07/11/1941
Morelen, Emma J I1750 Old Single, Block A, Row 2, Space 35, 08/08/1916
Morelen, Ethel R I1751 Spruce Lawn, Block 2, Space 86, 06/17/1995
Morelen, Florence W I1752 South Center Lawn, Lot 178s, Space WCtr, 05/11/1990
Morelen, James C (Sr) I1753 J, Block 1, Lot 20, Space SW, 09/03/1986
Morelis, Drakos I1754 Grecian Gardens, Block J, Space 21, 12/29/1965
Morelli, Edward F I1755 East Lawn, Lot 72s, Space 6, 10/20/1960
Morelli, Edward M I1756 Northeast Center I, Block 21, Space 34, 08/25/1962
Morello, Angelina I1757 Pear Lawn, Block O, Space 46, 03/19/1997
Morello, Vincent R (Sr) I1758 Pear Lawn, Block O, Space 45, 01/23/1986
Morewitz, Hannah I I1759 Tree of Life III, Block 13, Space 18, 11/10/1992
Morey, Ralph E (Jr) I1760 Red Oak Lawn, Block B, Lot 41, Space S, 06/18/1977
Morgan, Adolphus J I2172 Southwest Center, Lot 371, Space 2, 08/29/1964
Morgan, Adolphus J (Jr) I1761 Southwest Center, Lot 371, Space 5, 08/09/1982
Morgan, Agnes M 4750 Live Oak, Block R, Lot 23, Space NE, 86, 06/24/2008
Morgan, Allie D I2173 Live Oak, Block U, Lot 35, Space SE, 02/02/1964
Morgan, Anna M I2174 Center Park North, Lot 82, Space N, 11/08/1998
Morgan, Annye L I2175 Live Oak, Block U, Lot 35, Space NE, 11/20/1977
Morgan, Archie V I2176 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 3, Lot 67, Space SE, 05/21/1967
Morgan, Benjamin C I2178 Northeast Center I, Block 27, Space 9, 11/23/1948
Morgan, Bessie F I2179 Northeast Center I, Block 8, Space 27, 12/04/1973
Morgan, Blanche K I2180 Southwest Center, Lot 371, Space 3, 02/16/1966
Morgan, Brian C I2181 F, Block 2, Lot 21, 09/12/1975
Morgan, Carol W I2182 Old Child, Block M, Row 3, Space 2, 04/26/1963
Morgan, Christine S I2183 Old Child, Block M, Row 5, Space 2, 02/22/1965
Morgan, Dana Lynn I2205 Old Child, Block P, Row 1, Space 2, 11/19/1975
Morgan, Dora A I2184 B, Block 6, Lot 42, Space 1, 11/13/1939
Morgan, Edwin A I2185 Spruce Lawn, Block 11, Space 131, 07/19/1973
Morgan, Ellie C I2186 Holly Lawn, Lot 7, Space N, 10/23/1982
Morgan, Ernest R I2187 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 3, Lot 67, Space SW, 07/29/1982
Morgan, Eva P I2188 Old Single, Block B, Row 2, Space 26, 10/21/1925
Morgan, Forrest K I2190 J, Block 6, Lot 6, Space SW, 09/13/1975
Morgan, Frances B I2189 J, Block 6, Lot 6, Space NW, 07/08/1991
Morgan, Freda G I2191 Fir Lawn, Block 11, Space 21, 10/25/1982
Morgan, George I2192 East Lawn, Lot 29, Row 3, Space 1, 02/14/1919
Morgan, George R I2193 Maple Lawn, Block H, Space 44, 04/07/1964
Morgan, Georgie W I2194 Live Oak, Block B, Lot 71, Space N, 04/05/1985
Morgan, Gertrude I2195 Pear Lawn, Block T, Space 53, 09/14/1996
Morgan, Goldie C I2196 Northeast Center I, Block 27, Space 7, 08/10/1971
Morgan, Guy H I2197 Pear Lawn, Block T, Space 52, 06/19/1986
Morgan, Gwendolyn F I2198 Old Child, Block M, Row 4, Space 31, 02/16/1965
Morgan, Harry W (Jr) Live Oak, Block R, Lot 23, 04/22/2015
Morgan, Helen T I2199 G, Block 11, Lot 20, Space NE, 10/07/1994
Morgan, Henry C I2200 South Center Lawn, Lot 156s, 06/02/1966
Morgan, Herbert I2201 Old Single Child, Block A, Row 4, Space 21, 02/19/1918
Morgan, Howard W I2202 K, Block 12, Lot 16, Space S, 04/03/1982
Morgan, Infant I2203 Old Single Child, Block B, Row 5, Space 8, 03/20/1931
Morgan, Infant I2204 Old Single Child, Block B, Row 4, Space 44, 07/27/1933
Morgan, Infant (m) I2177 Old Child, Block H, Row 6, Space 10, 05/01/1955
Morgan, Ivor P I2206 Indigent Adult C, Block C, Row 5, Space 28, 02/16/1950
Morgan, Jack I2208 Live Oak, Block N, Lot 14, Space SE, 09/29/1970
Morgan, James M I2209 D, Block 8, Lot 24, 01/17/1972
Morgan, Jean I2207 Child D Extd, Block D, Row 3, Space 1, 10/17/1982
Morgan, Joella C I2210 West Center, Lot 107, Space 2, 08/08/1969
Morgan, John B I2211 South Center Lawn, Lot 156s, 04/09/2001
Morgan, John B I2212 Old Child, Block H, Row 3, Space 12, 01/14/1954
Morgan, John F (Sr) I2213 Pear Lawn, Block O, Space 33, 11/14/1986
Morgan, John K (Sr) I2215 Holly Lawn, Lot 7, Space S, 05/15/1960
Morgan, John K (Jr) I2214 Red Oak Lawn, Block B, Lot 34, Space S, 12/17/1978
Morgan, Kathryn B I2216 Linden Lawn, Block O, Space 12, 02/17/1985
Morgan, Keith M I2217 Spruce Lawn, Block 6, Space 52, 01/26/1976
Morgan, Lillian R I2218 Live Oak, Block I, Lot 15, Space 3, 02/25/1998
Morgan, Linda B I2219 F, Block 2, Lot 21, Space SW, 03/01/1999
Morgan, Lois B I2220 Ash, Block 16, Lot 16, Space N, 10/16/1997
Morgan, Lucca A I2221 Spruce Lawn, Block 11, Space 132, 08/23/1986
Morgan, Margaret H I2222 Spruce Lawn, Block 7, Space 17, 12/22/1975
Morgan, Mary A I2223 South, Lot 24, Space 6, 77, 02/02/1931
Morgan, Mary T I57750 Mausoleum, Columbarium I, Niche 71, 05/04/1990
Morgan, Mazie G I2224 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 3, Lot 67, Space NE, 07/25/1979
Morgan, Mazie Gullion, Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 3, Lot 67, 05/20/2021
Morgan, Mildred B 295 South Center Lawn, Lot 156s, Space 97, 08/19/2004
Morgan, Milton M I2225 Spruce Lawn, Block 7, Space 2, 04/29/1975
Morgan, Myrtle T I2226 Live Oak, Block N, Lot 14, Space NE, 01/03/1986
Morgan, Norma E I2227 West Center, Lot 107, Space 1, 05/23/1925
Morgan, Norman W I2228 Southwest Center, Lot 371, Space 1, 01/21/1922
Morgan, Osborne F I2229 G, Block 11, Lot 20, Space SE, 02/26/1986
Morgan, Otway A I2230 West Center, Lot 72, Space 2, 11/27/1942
Morgan, Pearl H I2231 Live Oak, Block D, Lot 50, Space N, 05/16/1990
Morgan, Queen I2232 West Center, Lot 175, Space 3, 08/23/1936
Morgan, Rachael S I2233 Red Oak Lawn, Block B, Lot 34, Space N, 07/28/1988
Morgan, Rachel I2234 Pear Lawn, Block O, Space 32, 01/23/1992
Morgan, Redmond A I2235 Single Adult, Block G, Row 7, Space 27, 03/12/1943
Morgan, Richard M I2236 Ash, Block 16, Lot 16, 10/13/1994
Morgan, Richard R I2237 West Center, Lot 149, Space 3, 04/16/1954
Morgan, Robert L (Jr) I2240 Old Single Child, Block B, Row 4, Space 24, 04/06/1932
Morgan, Robert L I2239 Linden Lawn, Block O, Space 11, 01/01/1970
Morgan, Roberta D I2238 Old Child, Block N, Row 3, Space 5, 12/13/1968
Morgan, Roland A 7541 Fir II, Lot 236, Space S, 59, 01/21/2012
Morgan, Rosalie A I2241 Southwest Center, Lot 371, Space 6, 09/24/1997
Morgan, Rose H I2242 K, Block 12, Lot 16, Space N, 08/30/1993
Morgan, Sarah G I2243 D, Block 8, Lot 24, 02/27/1974
Morgan, Secret L I2244 Child D Extd, Block D, Row 5, Space 4, 09/30/1985
Morgan, Seth I57751 Mausoleum, Corridor A, Tier F, Crypt 31, 12/10/1927
Morgan, Tangela S I2245 Child D Extd, Block D, Row 9, Space 20, 09/13/1994
Morgan, Val W I2246 East Center Lawn, Lot 118n, Space 1, 03/05/1944
Morgan, Walter L I2247 West Center, Lot 107, Space 3, 07/15/1973
Morgan, Walter Lee (Jr) West Center, Lot 107, Space 1, 06/25/1919  (Memorial?)
Morgan, Wilford D I2248 Live Oak, Block D, Lot 50, Space S, 05/19/1988
Morgan, William D I2249 Spruce Lawn, Block 7, Space 18, 11/06/1990
Morgan, Zales I2250 Live Oak, Block B, Lot 71, Space S, 09/15/1983
Morganstern, Elsie S I2251 Jewish A, Lot 9, Space 992, 08/22/1924
Morganti, Carmel, Center Park North Extd, Block B, Lot 321, 02/10/2023
Moring, Bernard C (Sr) I2253 D, Block 4, Lot 22, 11/29/1965
Moring, Mary I2252 D, Block 4, Lot 22, Space NE, 01/14/1973
Moritz, Michael A 5217 L, Block 12, Lot 9, Space SE, 56, 06/12/2009
Morley, Infant (f) I2254 Old Child, Block L, Row 1, Space 11, 11/17/1958
Moron, D I2255 Old Single, Block A, Row 5, Space 42, 01/04/1918
Morovec, Mary C I2258 West Center, Lot 358, Space 5, 08/02/1949
Morpurgo, Carrie P I2256 Single Adult, Block H, Row 7, Space 43, 09/24/1968
Morpurgo, Rudolph S I56543 Old Single Child, Block B, Row 7, Space 40, 01/30/1930
Morpurgo, Rudolph S I2257 Single Adult, Block H, Row 7, Space 42, 05/26/1944

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