USGenWeb Archives Virginia


8100 Granby Street, Norfolk, Virginia.

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Aa - Ap

Aaron, Sidney E I272 East Lawn, Lot 12, Row 1, Space 4, 07/24/1939
Abad, Hipolito I273 H, Block 9, Lot 6, Space SW, 03/14/1987
Abad, Margarita P I274 Pear Lawn, Block K, Space 15, 05/15/1987
Abad, Raye I275 H, Block 9, Lot 6, Space NW, 10/12/1988
Abadi, Esther I276 Jewish A, Lot 250, Space NW, 12/08/1982
Abadi, Joseph I277 Jewish A, Lot 250, Space SE, 01/20/2001
Abadi, Louis E I278 Jewish A, Lot 250, Space ECtr, 06/22/1987
Abadi, Norma I279 Jewish A, Lot 250, Space ECtr, 07/31/2001
Abadi, Raymond 4940 Jewish A, Lot 250, Space SW, 60, 11/12/2008
Abadi, Sam I280 Jewish A, Lot 250, Space WCtr, 05/01/1950
Abballe, Mary L I353 Fir Lawn, Block 23, Space 27, 06/01/1979
Abbitt, Atwood G I58494 East Center Lawn, Lot 31n, Space 9, 95, 11/17/2003
Abbitt, Cornelia F I1069 East Center Lawn, Lot 31n, Space 6, 01/25/1991
Abbitt, Cornie W I885 East Center Lawn, Lot 31n, Space 2, 04/11/1958
Abbitt, David J I957 South, Lot 97, Space 1, 01/22/1912
Abbitt, Elizabeth H I1177 East Center Lawn, Lot 31n, Space 7, 12/15/1994
Abbitt, James P I1370 South, Lot 97, Space 2, 06/11/1929
Abbitt, Jeffrey 690 East Center Lawn, Lot 31n, Space 8, 45, 02/14/2005
Abbitt, John L I1380 East Center Lawn, Lot 31n, Space 1, 09/22/1940
Abbitt, John M I1391 East Center Lawn, Lot 31n, Space 5, 07/18/1987
Abbitt, Matt W (Jr) I1236 East Center Lawn, Lot 31n, Space 4, 01/20/1977
Abbitt, Matt W I1225 East Center Lawn, Lot 31n, Space 3, 11/10/1974
Abbitt, Virginia P I1215 South, Lot 97, Space 4, 01/03/1945
Abbott, Ann B, Northwest Lawn, Block B, Lot 344, 01/04/1934 to 10/01/2015
Abbott, Bernice S I1247 West Center, Lot 274, Space 3, 11/13/1974
Abbott, Cecil H I1407 Single Adult, Block F, Row 9, Space 12, 12/28/1940
Abbott, Delphine T I58495 G, Block 12, Lot 39, Space SW, 88, 02/11/2003
Abbott, Ella L I1418 F, Block 6, Lot 68a, Space NW, 12/10/1948
Abbott, George R I1429 G, Block 10, Lot 1, Space SE, 06/03/1965
Abbott, James S I1440 South Center Lawn, Lot 43n, Space SCtr, 03/06/1965
Abbott, John C I126206/19/1992 (Disinterment)
Abbott, Joseph E I1273 West Center, Lot 274, Space 2, 05/17/1957
Abbott, Joseph E (Jr) Northwest Lawn, Block B, Lot 344, 11/20/2024
Abbott, Leona B I1284 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 3, Lot 14, Space SE, 03/16/1960
Abbott, Louise S I120 G, Block 10, Lot 1, Space NE, 05/04/1962
Abbott, Mae B I131 B, Block 4, Lot 15, Space 1, 01/05/1951
Abbott, Minnie J I142 South Center Lawn, Lot 43n, Space NCtr, 01/01/1971
Abbott, Norma 7325 Live Oak, Block L, Lot 34, Space 3, 74, 09/16/2011 (Ashes)
Abbott, Rufus K I1291 F, Block 6, Lot 68a, Space SW, 05/31/1952
Abbott, Wellington J I1302 Holly Lawn, Lot 57, Space S, 12/17/1959
Abbott, William E I1313 B, Block 4, Lot 15, Space 2, 02/16/1953
Abbott, William R I1324 Live Oak, Block L, Lot 34, Space 3, 11/21/1995
Abbott, William Rogers (Jr), Live Oak, Block L, Lot 34, 11/14/1965 to 08/03/2015
Abdell, Horace Osgood I160 Indigent Adult C, Block C, Row 2, Space 55, 76, 07/01/1941
Abdell, James C I2 West Center, Lot 202, Space 2, 01/05/1940
Abdullah, Rokaya, Northwest Lawn, Block E, Space 127, 03/29/2019
Abecasis, Nettye I13 Tree of Life II, Block L, Lot 19, Space N, 01/09/1972
Abecasis, William M I224 Tree of Life II, Block L, Lot 19, Space S,05/20/1978
Abel, Claude G I213 F, Block 3, Lot 58, Space NE, 03/11/1969
Abel, Edwin F (Jr) I204 A, Block 6, Lot 1, Space 2, 10/18/1948
Abel, Grace R I193 F, Block 3, Lot 57, Space SE, 11/21/1972
Abel, Louisa B I182 A, Block 6, Lot 1, Space 4, 12/06/1958
Abercrombie, Carl G I24 Spruce Lawn, Block 4, Space 14, 03/26/1976
Abercrombie, Infant (f) I171 Indigent Child, Block C, Row 2, Space 4, 09/24/1937
Abercrombie, Lettie P I35 Spruce Lawn, Block 4, Space 13, 01/10/1991
Abernathy, Carlton S I45 J, Block 2, Lot 23, Space NW, 10/22/1981
Abernathy, Clarence J I55 Northeast Center I, Block 11, Space 29, 10/08/1950
Abernathy, Elizabeth B I66 J, Block 2, Lot 21, Space NW, 10/29/1973
Abernathy, Harold Davis 23 L, Block 8, Lot 4, Space S Ctr 74, 02/06/2003
Abernathy, Infant I1347 Old Single Child, Block B, Row 7, Space 8, 06/28/1929
Abernathy, Infant I1336 Old Single Child, Block B, Row 3, Space 5, 10/12/1932
Abernathy, Milton M I72 Northeast Center I, Block 7, Space 37, 12/06/1949
Abernathy, Miriam I1358 Northeast Center I, Block 11, Space 27, 08/07/1970
Abernathy, Ruth, J, Block 2, Lot 23, 03/17/2021
Abernathy, Saint D (Sr) I83 J, Block 2, Lot 21, Space SW, 09/29/1969
Abernathy, St Dennis (Jr) I58500 J, Block 2, Lot 23, Space SE, 80, 06/09/2003
Abernethy, Ada J I94 C, Block 6, Lot 28, Space 1, 09/16/1946
Abernethy, Franklin P I105 C, Block 6, Lot 28, Space 2, 02/18/1968
Abernethy, Infant (F) I116 Old Child, Block N, Row 4, Space 19, 03/07/1970
Abineri, Ethel L I57723 Mausoleum, Columbarium I, Niche 23, 01/24/1979
Ableman, Ann F I447 Maple Lawn, Block L, Space 65, 02/14/1966
Aboramopoulas, Julia B I1448 Old Single Child, Block A, Row 3, Space 24, 03/12/1917
Abourjilie, Denise Nicole, Linden Lawn, Block O, Space 41, 05/29/2023
Abourjilie, Edward Nicholas, Linden Lawn, Block O, Space 41, 02/11/2022
Abourjilie, Elias G I1459 Northeast Center II, Block D, Space 149, 12/14/1955
Abourjilie, Frankie B I1470 Linden Lawn, Block O, Space 42, 05/10/1993
Abourjilie, George I453 Old Single Child, Block B, Row 12, Space41, 04/14/1927
Abourjilie, Judith, Northwest Lawn, Block B, Lot 269, 03/01/2021
Abourjilie, Lois O I464 Northeast Center II, Block D, Space 150, 07/19/1986
Abourjilie, Susan B I475 Old Child, Block M, Row 4, Space 40, 05/12/1964
Abraham, David I486 Tree of Life I, Block D, Lot 43, Space S, 11/28/1979
Abraham, Fred I497 Tree of Life II, Block Q, Lot 18, Space S, 10/8/1997
Abraham, James W I508 Old Child, Block F, Row 1, Space 30, 01/07/1945
Abraham, Lena I519 Tree of Life I, Block D, Lot 43, Space N, 12/28/1995
Abraham, Minnie G I1483 Old Single, Block A, Row 9, Space 24, 07/10/1924
Abraham, Sallie Smith, Live Oak, Block A, Lot 13, 11/03/2022
Abraham, Sarah I1494 Tree of Life II, Block Q, Lot 18, Space N, 12/30/1972
Abrahamian, Richard Bradley, Pine Gardens II, Lot 47, 08/16/2019
Abrahamian, Snowe I1505 Pine Gardens II, Lot 47, Space S, 03/09/1997
Abrahamian, Socrat M I636 Pine Gardens II, Lot 47, Space SE, 05/18/1975
Abram, Fannie F I658 Jewish A, Lot 231e, Space SCtr, 10/15/1941
Abram, Infant (m) I647 Old Child, Block J, Row 3, Space 5, 11/22/1956
Abram, Myer O I669 Jewish A, Lot 231e, Space SE, 01/24/1942
Abramova, Doyra 6081 Tree of Life IV, Block B, Lot 180, Space N, 85, 10/06/2010
Abrams, Douglas A I532 J, Block 4, Lot 3, Space SW, 10/08/1971
Abrams, Margaret P I543 South, Lot 134, Space 6, 03/07/1983
Abramson, Abraham I554 Jewish A, Block C, Lot B, Space 3, 03/04/1968
Abramson, Ada I565 Jewish A, Block C, Lot B, Space 1, 07/11/1956
Abramson, Anna B I576 Jewish A, Block C, Lot B, Space 4, 09/29/1990
Abramson, Calvine I586 East Lawn, Lot 26, Row 2, Space 6, 74, 07/21/1913
Abramson, Freddie I597 Tree of Life III, Block 2, Lot 18, Space NW, 05/16/1996
Abramson, Jennie I608 Jewish A, Block C, Lot B, Space 5, 03/26/1992
Abramson, Leah T I619 Jewish A, Block C, Lot B, Space 6, 05/27/1997
Abramson, Minnie R I630 Jewish A, Block C, Lot B, Space 2, 07/13/1960
Abramson, Selma C I679 Tree of Life III, Block 2, Lot 18, Space NE, 04/27/1984
Abrons, John I690 Tree of Life II, Block K, Lot 4, Space S, 09/27/1967
Abrons, Rae Goldberg 5884 Tree of Life II, Block K, Lot 4, Space N, 102, 04/16/2010
Absalom, Sharon A I701 G, Block 17, Lot 50, Space NE, 03/11/1951
Absalom, Shirley B 1949 G, Block 17, Lot 50, Space SE, 82, 08/12/2006
Absolum, Fannie L I712 G, Block 12, Lot 6, Space NW, 02/22/1943
Absolum, John W I722 G, Block 12, Lot 6, Space NE, 06/16/1936
Absolum, Paul J I733 G, Block 12, Lot 6, Space SW, 12/22/1952
Abt, Willard I744 Live Oak, Block E, Lot 6, Space SE, 02/24/1990
Acey, Anne H I1525 Locust Lawn, Block 15, Space 43, 08/16/2000
Acey, Annie E I1536 Southwest Center, Lot 216, Space 3, 03/17/1960
Acey, Basil B I1546 G, Block 1, Lot 17, Space SE, 47, 05/09/1951
Acey, Edward F I751 Old Single Child, Block A, Row 1, Space 17, 07/16/1912
Acey, Elmer M (Sr) I771 Locust Lawn, Block 15, Space 44, 03/03/1985
Acey, Elmer M (Jr) I761 B, Block 8, Lot 31, Space 5, 09/26/1985
Acey, Hosea I291 Old Single, Block A, Row 11, Space 44, 69, 07/11/1927
Acey, Henry O I302 Pear Lawn, Block Z, Space 34, 08/01/1997
Acey, Ida D I313 Old Single, Block A, Row 11, Space 43, 59, 04/29/1924
Acey, Infant (M) I324 Old Child, Block M, Row 5, Space 25, 07/16/1965
Acey, Marie F I335 Pear Lawn, Block Z, Space 33, 05/18/1984
Acey, Nathlee B I346 B, Block 8, Lot 31, Space 1, 01/24/1941

Acey, Patricia B, Block8, Lot 31, 12/18/2016
Acey, Randolph (Sr) 7 Southwest Center, Lot 216, Space 6, 86, 12/17/2002
Acey, Raymond E I242 Cedar, Block 1, Lot 23, Space SE, 12/31/1967
Acey, Samuel R I253 South Center Lawn, Lot 3s, Space 1, 10/03/1925
Acey, Susan I264 Southwest Center, Lot 216, Space 6, 12/25/1990
Acey, Virginia I352 G, Block 1, Lot 17, Space SE, Ashes, 94, 04/21/2002
Acey, Virginia R I364 Cedar, Block 1, Lot 23, Space NE, 08/12/1991
Acey, W E I375 Old Single Child, Block A, Row 1, Space 16, 07/08/1912
Acey, Wellington E I792 Single Adult, Block C, Row 4, Space 10, 09/06/1930
Acey, William T I781 Southwest Center, Lot 216, Space 2, 06/26/1948
Acey, Wilmer F I386 Southwest Center, Lot 216, Space 1, 06/04/1922
Ache, Florence R I803 Southwest Center, Lot 228, Space 5, 11/24/1956
Ache, John M I814 Southwest Center, Lot 228, Space 1, 02/22/1922
Achor, Walter I825 Pear Lawn, Block P, Space 54, 01/03/1985
Acken, Thomas S I836 Old Single, Block B, Row 4, Space 17, 12/16/1926
Acker, Harry J I1068 Southwest Center, Lot 279, Space 2, 10/05/1935
Ackerly, Annie Maria I1080 South Center Lawn, Lot 149s, 05/08/1921
Ackerly, Ella J I907 G, Block 12, Lot 25, Space NE, 11/12/1952
Ackerly, John P I918 South Center Lawn, Lot 149s, 08/27/1934
Ackerman, Theodora (m) I183 Old City Poor, Block City Poor Adult-Child, Row 3, Space 39 , 01/29/1931
Ackerson, Barry T I1124 Old Child, Block H, Row 6, Space 6, 04/11/1955
Ackerson, Patsy A 1000 Linden Lawn, Block J, Space 32, 74, 04/26/2005
Ackerson, Thomas J I1135 Linden Lawn, Block J, Space 31, 10/21/1985
Ackiss, Alphonso B I935 G, Block 10, Lot 13, Space SE, 02/15/1965
Ackiss, Cecil D I945 B, Block 3, Lot 44, Space 3, 07/27/1958
Ackiss, Eulah or Lulah I1091 South Center Lawn, Lot 116, 09/20/1877, brought to FL 08/13/1925
Ackiss, Fannie E I1102 East Center A, Block 2, Lot 51, Space NW, 11/05/1983
Ackiss, Granville P I924 Old Single, Block B, Row 5, Space 26, 05/14/1927
Ackiss, Hattie L I855 Southwest Center, Lot 155, Space 3, 03/10/1976
Ackiss, Infant I866 Jewish A, Lot 114, Space NE, 05/22/1914
Ackiss, Ivory H I877 B, Block 3, Lot 44, Space 4, 02/22/1968
Ackiss, James N I392 D, Block 7, Lot 11, Space SE, 12/27/1947
Ackiss, John B I403 Southwest Center, Lot 364, Space 3, 03/10/1965
Ackiss, John H I413 Southwest Center, Lot 155, Space 2, 10/06/1944
Ackiss, Johnson W (Sr) I884 K, Block 16, Lot 19, Space S, 09/29/1966
Ackiss, Kevin L, Fir II, Lot 448, 07/10/2016
Ackiss, Laura S I896 D, Block 7, Lot 11, Space NE, 11/26/1965
Ackiss, Maggie M I956 G, Block 10, Lot 13, Space NE, 03/13/1968
Ackiss, Mary A I968 South Center Lawn, Lot 116, 03/20/1931
Ackiss, Mary Eloise Canoles, K, Block 16, Lot 19, Space N, 99, 06/16/2003
Ackiss, Nannie R I979 Southwest Center, Lot 364, Space 4, 11/25/1983
Ackiss, Oswald L I990 East Center A, Block 2, Lot 51, Space WCtr, 09/18/1951
Ackiss, Rebecca I1001 Jewish A, Lot 116n, Space NW, 72, 09/18/1951
Ackiss, Thomas J I1012 Jewish A, Lot 116n, Space SW, 54, 06/10/1932
Ackiss, William H (Sr) I1022 South Center Lawn, Lot 116, 10/07/1917 (brought from Virginia Beach 08/13/1925)
Ackiss, William H (Jr) I1145 South Center Lawn, Lot 116,10/07/1945
Ackiss, William "Willie" Frank I1156 Old Single, Block B, Row 13, Space 37, 03/02/1929
Acklam, Raymond L I1165 Old Child, Block M, Row 3, Space 36, 01/19/1964
Ackley, William I1040 Single Adult, Block C, Row 6, Space 41, 08/19/1931
Acklin, Fannie E I1051 Indigent Adult C, Block C, Row 2, Space 44, 12/27/1940
Acklin, Joseph I1176 Indigent Adult C, Block C, Row 5, Space 12, 10/27/1947
Acklin, Richard I1062 East Lawn, Lot 5, Space 26, 10/28/1938
Ackman, Dorothy L I1184 Jewish A, Block J, Lot E, Space 2, 11/25/1967
Ackman, Edette L I1195 Jewish A, Block J, Lot E, Space 1, 09/13/1960
Ackman, Nathaniel 285 Jewish A, Block J, Lot E, Space 992, 72, 07/06/2004
Ackman, Vivienne F 3844 Jewish A, Block J, Lot E, Space 991, 75, 06/29/2007
Acosta, Anne M I1206 Fir Lawn, Block 25, Space 44, 01/12/1978
Acra, Ada J I1366 Single Adult, Block D, Row 9, Space 39, 01/22/1935
Acra, Elizabeth H 4998 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 5, Lot 43, Space SE, 75, 12/27/2008
Acra, Elizabeth S I1367 Fir Lawn, Block 26, Space 43, 01/13/1997
Acra, James Monroe I1368 Single Adult, Block D, Row 9, Space 40, 01/19/1936
Acra , Robert S (Sr) 6542 Holly Lawn, Lot 129, Space S, 81, 02/27/2011
Acra, Thomas H (Sr) I1369 Fir Lawn, Block 26, Space 43, 11/24/1980
Acra, Thomas H (Jr) 5663 J, Block 4, Lot 23, Space SE, 74, 01/27/2010
Acree, Dale L I1371 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 8, Lot 41, Space S, 03/31/1974
Acree, Goldie W I1372 Locust Lawn, Block 13, Space 32, 05/17/1970
Acree, Hilda M I1373 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 8, Lot 41, Space N, 05/19/1958
Acree, Infant I1386 Old City Poor, Block Child 1-A, Space 30, 07/23/1934
Acree, Walter L I1387 Locust Lawn, Block 13, Space 33, 08/09/1985
Acton, Edward S I1388 G, Block 3, Lot 51, Space SE, 08/31/1950
Acton, Effie W I1389 G, Block 3, Lot 51, Space NE, 07/01/1987
Acton, Josephine L I1390 G, Block 3, Lot 51, Space NW, 04/17/1981
Adair, Annie E I1392 Single Adult, Block C, Row 4, Space 4, 12/03/1932
Adair, Doris 4696 South, Lot 158, Space 3, 88, 05/03/2008
Adair, Doris E I1393 South, Lot 158, Space 3, 05/10/1939
Adair, George C I1394 Locust Lawn, Block 10, Space 60, 11/08/1972
Adair, John S I1395 Single Adult, Block C, Row 4, Space 5, 08/13/1930
Adair, Mary K I1396 Locust Lawn, Block 10, Space 59, 08/12/1970
Adair, Nicole I1397 Old Child, Block K, Row 3, Space 26, 02/22/1974
Adair, William L I1398 Northeast Center II, Block D, Space 124, 06/04/1956
Adams, Ann C I1374 B, Block 2, Lot 12, Space NW, 04/21/1997
Adams, Augustus C I57734 Mausoleum, Corridor D, Tier C, Crypt 110, 11/30/1952
Adams, Ava Lee W I1375 South Center Lawn, Lot 93s, 06/17/1958
Adams, Belle Ann 6762 Elm Lawn, Block 3, Lot 16, Space NW, 87, 04/07/2011
Adams, Benjamin T I1376 E, Block 9, Lot 12, Space SW, 08/13/1961
Adams, Betty L I1377 Locust Lawn, Block 2, Space 1, 03/26/1970
Adams, Blane C I1378 Pear Lawn, Block K, Space 39, 07/15/1988
Adams, Bruce A I1379 Spruce Lawn, Block 8, Space 100, 09/16/1974
Adams, Carrie V I1382 D, Block 8, Lot 7, Space NE, 05/22/1980
Adams, Cary Young, F, Block 5, Lot 24, 11/15/2024
Adams, Catherine S I1381 Ash, Block 3, Lot 10, Space N, 10/22/1978
Adams, Cecil C I1383 Center Park North, Lot 407, Space S, 11/23/1988
Adams, Charles I1384 Old Single, Block B, Row 1, Space 3, 01/21/1925
Adams, Charles L I1385 South, Lot 262, Space 5, 11/02/1964
Adams, Charles M I1400 Old Child, Block L, Row 1, Space 24, 01/10/1959
Adams, Christobell Y I1401 Holly Lawn, Lot 1, Space N, 09/10/1975
Adams, Clyde E (Jr) I1216 Old Child, Block J, Row 5, Space 21, 02/12/1958
Adams, De Ette I1217 Locust Lawn, Block 19, Space 15, 11/17/1972
Adams, Donald Carlton 6366 F, Block 5, Lot 24, Space SW, 84, 12/25/2010
Adams, Donald, West Lawn, Block IV, Lot 512, 04/22/2021
Adams, Donald E I1218 South, Lot 262, Space 1, 02/19/1917
Adams, Edwin I1219 Live Oak, Block D, Lot 70, Space S, 08/07/1987
Adams, Elizabeth Ann, Live Oak, Block D, Lot 70, Space N, 08/31/2015
Adams, Elizabeth Anne, Live Oak, Block D, Lot 70, Space S, 09/23/2019
Adams, Ella Elizabeth Whiteman I1220 E, Block 9, Lot 12, Space WCtr, 02/11/1958
Adams, Ella E I57732 Mausoleum, Corridor D, Tier C, Crypt 108, 10/14/1944
Adams, Ellen B I1221 Linden Lawn, Block J, Space 47, 07/13/1999
Adams, Emil H I1222 Northeast Center I, Block 11, Space 6, 07/16/1960
Adams, Ethel B I1224 F, Block 7, Lot 38a, Space SW, 02/16/1962
Adams, Eugene 927 West Lawn, Block IV, Lot 122, Space S, 71, 06/30/2005
Adams, Everett S I1226 Spruce Lawn, Block 3, Space 10, 07/18/1975
Adams, Frank E I1228 Fir Lawn, Block 3, Space 38, 10/27/1985
Adams, Frank E I1227 Single Adult, Block H, Row 9, Space 4, 08/10/1930
Adams, Frank H I1229 Indigent Adult D, Block D, Row 7, Space 16, 06/07/1978
Adams, George M I1230 Old Single, Block B, Row 2, Space 50, 07/19/1925
Adams, Gloria Diane 9 Center Park North, Lot 561, Space 54, 09/12/2003
Adams, Grace B I1231 Fir Lawn, Block 3, Space 37, 09/01/1977
Adams, Grace H I1232 J, Block 5, Lot 39, Space NE, 02/18/1979
Adams, Harold B I1233 J, Block 4, Lot 24, Space SW, 03/06/1961
Adams, Harry F 7034 Pear Lawn, Block I, Space 40, 87, 06/25/2011
Adams, Hazel R I1234 A, Block 1, Lot 21, Space 6, 08/08/1993
Adams, Helen, South Center Lawn, Lot 110, Space 10, 02/03/1920 to 06/19/2014
Adams, Helen H I1235 Center Park North, Lot 407, Space N, 06/21/1996
Adams, Helen J I1237 South, Lot 262, Space 3, 11/04/1940
Adams, Henry B (Sr) I1238 Linden Lawn, Block J, Space 46, 08/11/1993
Adams, Hester S I1239 J, Block 4, Lot 24, Space NW, 08/30/1982
Adams, Ida F I1240 G, Block 18, Lot 4, Space NE, 08/28/1957
Adams, Infant I1241 South, Lot 262, Space 2, 04/20/1918
Adams, Infant (f) I1242 Old Child, Block M, Row 5, Space 14, 05/01/1965
Adams, Irvin H I1223 Single Adult, Block H, Row 2, Space 18, 05/25/1944
Adams, Jack I1243 Indigent Adult D, Block D, Row 1, Space 18, 12/12/1955
Adams, James E I1244 Fir Lawn, Block 24, Space 54, 03/19/1979
Adams, James E (Jr) Fir Lawn, Block 24, Space 57, 08/20/2018
Adams, James F I1245 D, Block 12, Lot 17, Space SE, 07/09/1955
Adams, James M I1246 Fir Lawn, Block 24, Space 58, 10/29/1978
Adams, James W I1248 Maple Lawn, Block N, Space 85, 10/16/1983
Adams, Jennifer L I1249 Old Child, Block N, Row 4, Space 18, 02/15/1970
Adams, Jesse J I1250 Holly Lawn, Lot 1, Space S, 10/19/1959
Adams, John (Jr) I1251 J, Block 5, Lot 39, Space SE, 09/30/1958
Adams, John M I1252 Old Child, Block M, Row 5, Space 3, 02/26/1965
Adams, Jonathan Quentin, West Lawn, Block III, Lot 305, 12/08/2019
Adams, John P I1402 A, Block 1, Lot 50, Space 1, 01/18/1939
Adams, Joseph A I1403 G, Block 18, Lot 4, Space SE, 11/15/1925
Adams, Joseph F I1404 Elm Lawn, Block 3, Lot 16, Space SW, 11/21/1988
Adams, June M I1405 Old Single Child, Block B, Row 6, Space 11, 07/02/1930
Adams, Kimberly & Kathy I1406 Old Child, Block M, Row 6, Space 8, 01/02/1966
Adams, Lawrence V I1408 Fir Lawn, Block 13, Space 59, 03/18/1980
Adams, Louise C 5755 West Lawn, Block IV, Lot 512, Space N, 84, 04/01/2010
Adams, Louise Ivey I1409 Single Adult, Block E, Row 2, Space 42, 06/12/1937
Adams, Madge J I1410 Maple Lawn, Block N, Space 84, 08/05/1963
Adams, Margaret F I1411 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 7, Lot 81, Space NE, 11/20/1965

Adams, Marion Crawford, South Center Lawn Lot 129 07/04/1971  Memorial
Adams, Mary I1412 F, Block 5, Lot 25, Space NE, 10/28/1987
Adams, Mary S I1413 Southwest Center, Lot 280, Space 5, 08/02/1967
Adams, Mary Seay 786 Live Oak, Block U, Lot 21, Space SE, 92, 04/09/2005
Adams, Meredith L I1427 Old Child, Block N, Row 6, Space 21, 04/03/1971
Adams, Nevin L I1414 Single Adult, Block E, Row 5, Space 39, 11/20/1936
Adams, Nina R I1415 Old Single, Block B, Row 4, Space 36, 06/16/1944
Adams, Paralee R I1416 Northeast Center I, Block 11, Space 2, 07/24/1950
Adams, Pattie Stafford, Fir II, Lot 279, 08/29/2018
Adams, Pauline M I1417 Live Oak, Block U, Lot 21, Space NW, 05/02/1968
Adams, Phyllis E. 4651 Pear Lawn, Block I, Space 41, 79, 03/29/2008
Adams, Rennie L I1419 Northeast Center II, Block S, Space 57, 06/19/1959
Adams, Richard M I1420 Child D Extd, Block D, Row 5, Space 2, 06/22/1985
Adams, Roger P I1421 South Center Lawn, Lot 93s, Space 5, 05/08/1931
Adams, Rose T, Red Oak Lawn, Block E, Lot 25, Space 1, 04/28/1933 to 02/28/2012
Adams, Royal J (Sr) I1422 Southwest Center, Lot 280, Space 2, 09/09/1946
Adams, Sarah E I1423 Old Single, Block A, Row 2, Space 11, 12/28/1914
Adams, Stella H I1424 Fir Lawn, Block 13, Space 58, 12/28/1990
Adams, Susan C I1425 A, Block 5, Lot 10, Space 2, 10/22/1946
Adams, Thomas A I1426 New Greek, Lot 26n, Space 10, 04/05/1963
Adams, William D 8449 Red Oak Lawn, Block E, Lot 25 Space 1, 84 05/31/2011
Adams, William J (Sr) I1428 L, Block 5, Lot 13, Space SE, 66, 11/24/1987
Adams, William M I1430 Ash, Block 3, Lot 10, Space S, 02/12/1976
Adams, William P (Sr) 1480 Live Oak, Block U, Lot 21, Space NE, 86, 03/05/2006
Adamson, Jessie I1431 Fir II, Lot 42, Space N, 07/21/1996
Adamson, Pauline A I1432 Maple Lawn, Block N, Space 157, 12/18/1964
Adamson, Presley M (Jr) I1433 Fir II, Lot 42, Space S, 01/20/2002
Adaszkiewicz, Margaret I I1434 Pear Lawn, Block J, Space 37, 04/17/1987
Adaszkiewicz, Stanley J 10 Pear Lawn, Block J, Space 36, 77, 10/10/2002
Adcock, Daniel I1435 K, Block 4, Lot 19, Space N, 08/12/1981
Adcock, Edna M I1436 West Center, Lot 180, Space 4, 10/03/1963
Adcock, Ernest G I1437 West Center, Lot 180, Space 3, 05/20/1955
Adcock, Fred W 3503 Northwest Lawn, Block D, Lot 91, Space 1, 76, 04/06/2007
Adcock, Gerry L I1438 Old Child, Block O, Row 4, Space 5, 07/31/1973
Adcock, Henry B I1439 K, Block 4, Lot 19, Space S, 03/23/1970
Adcock, Rufus T I57733 Mausoleum, Corridor D, Tier A, Crypt 105, 02/04/1960
Adcock, Virginia Gayle, Northwest Lawn, Block D, Lot 91, 07/13/2018
Adcock, Willard L I1253 Northeast Center II, Block R, Space 83, 02/06/1960
Adcock, William H (Jr) I1254 Northeast Center II, Block M, Space 11, 01/22/1956
Adcox, Raymond R I1255 Indigent Adult C, Block C, Row 1, Space 33, 11/29/1937
Addison, Beatrice R I1256 Fir Lawn, Block 14, Space 37, 07/17/1991
Addison, Bessie N I1257 East Lawn, Lot 87n, Space 4, 12/26/1944
Addison, Blanche T I1258 B, Block 5, Lot 39, Space 4, 11/29/1989
Addison, Ella H I1265 East Lawn, Lot 87n, Space 2, 09/14/1928
Addison, Frederick J I1259 West Center, Lot 292, Space 1, 11/06/1926
Addison, Garrison S I1260 West Center, Lot 292, Space 3, 04/22/1965
Addison, Grace F I1261 Single Adult, Block G, Row 8, Space 49, 11/08/1954
Addison, Guy (Jr) I1264 Old Single Child, Block A, Row 5, Space 41, 10/29/1918
Addison, Guy T I1263 Single Adult, Block G, Row 8, Space 50, 03/23/1966
Addison, Harry Lee (Jr) I1266 B, Block 5, Lot 40, Space 3, 11/25/1966
Addison, Hazel P I1267 Red Oak Lawn, Block E, Lot 20, Space N, 02/26/1995
Addison, James,  Northwest Lawn, Block D, Lot 105, 12/14/2016
Addison, James A I1268 Fir Lawn, Block 14, Space 38, 01/22/1977
Addison, James R I1269 Southwest Center, Lot 209, Space 1, 07/20/1923
Addison, James S (Sr) I1270 Red Oak Lawn, Block E, Lot 20, Space S, 10/22/1981
Addison, Jennie I1271 East Center Lawn, Lot 48s, Space East, 11/06/1963
Addison, John I I1272 Pear Lawn, Block R, Space 9, 82, 02/10/2001
Addison, Josephine, Northwest Lawn, Block D, Lot 105, Space 1, 03/24/1924 to 04/09/2014
Addison, Joyce T I1274 Linden Lawn, Block J, Space 67, 11/07/1967
Addison, Mamie R 4843 Pear Lawn, Block R, Space 8, 90, 08/30/2008
Addison, Martha E I1275 Southwest Center, Lot 209, Space 3, 07/20/1933
Addison, Mary B I1276 G, Block 18, Lot 29, Space NW, 12/11/1959
Addison, Mary C I1277 West Center, Lot 176, Space 2, 12/05/1969
Addison, Mary L I1278 Southwest Center, Lot 209, Space 4, 06/23/1964
Addison, Mercille V 11 West Center, Lot 176, Space 6, 88, 02/10/2003
Addison, Robert I1279 Southwest Center, Lot 209, Space 2, 04/26/1927
Addison, Robert C I1280 West Center, Lot 176, Space 3, 12/12/1976
Addison, Samuel L I1281 East Lawn, Lot 87n, Space 1, 06/14/1912
Addison, Samuel R I1282 East Lawn, Lot 87n, Space 3, 04/25/1934
Addison, William T I1283 West Center, Lot 176, Space 1, 10/17/1928
Adeaeh, Hazel A I1285 Old Child, Block D, Row 1, Space 20, 08/14/1940
Adegoroye, Ronke, Garden of Prayer, Space 40, 03/09/2019
Adell, Inez M I1286 South, Lot 354, Space 6, 07/18/1944
Adelston, Bessie 12 Tree of Life III, Block 4, Lot 16, Space N, 94, 10/03/2003
Adkerson, Mary D I1287 Northeast Center I, Block 14, Space 2, 10/07/1946
Adkins, Alethea S I1288 Single Adult, Block G, Row 5, Space 49, 09/30/1966
Adkins, Alex, Pear Lawn, Block Y, Space 27, 11/03/2020
Adkins, Carole M 3000 Spruce Lawn, Block 6, Space 112, 86, 02/22/2007
Adkins, David P I424 Pear Lawn, Block W, Space 1, 10/19/1984
Adkins, Edith W I425 Elm Lawn, Block 3, Lot 21, Space NE, 12/07/1991
Adkins, Fannie A I426 A, Block 4, Lot 39, Space 2, 10/14/1938
Adkins, Floyd Linwood I122 B, Block 1, Lot 11, Space SW, 05/22/1948
Adkins, Foye K Johnson 6323 Pine Gardens II, Space Right Ctr, 84, 08/28/2010
Adkins, Infant I427 Old Single Child, Block A, Row 4, Space 26, 03/02/1918
Adkins, James L I428 Single Adult, Block G, Row 5, Space 50, 12/17/1941
Adkins, Jeffery L, West Lawn, Block IV, Lot 435, 01/16/2021
Adkins, Joseph C I119 A, Block 4, Lot 39, Space 1, 03/12/1934
Adkins, Lillie B I121 A, Block 4, Lot 39, Space 4, 10/11/1953
Adkins, Mary E I123 B, Block 1, Lot 11, Space WCtr, 11/08/1980
Adkins, Mary J I124 Old Single, Block B, Row 14, Space 13, 02/05/1954
Adkins, Ralph H I125 Spruce Lawn, Block 6, Space 111, 02/24/1976
Adkins, Robert M, West Lawn, Block IV, Lot 435, 08/22/1944 to 07/10/2013
Adkins, Vernon L I126 Elm Lawn, Block 3, Lot 21, Space SE, 05/28/1981
Adkins, William G I127 Live Oak, Block J, Lot 14, Space 3, 02/07/1991
Adkins, William J I128 Maple Lawn, Block L, Space 32, 04/08/1967
Adkisson, Alethea Smith West Center, Lot 20, 11/05/1993 Memorial
Adkisson, George C I129 C, Block 6, Lot 2, Space 5, 09/10/1946
Adkisson, George F I130 C, Block 6, Lot 2, Space 2 11/28/1961
Adkisson, George R I132 West Center, Lot 20, Space 1, 06/20/1953
Adkisson, Horace C I133 C, Block 6, Lot 2, Space 6, 05/30/1999
Adkisson, Jesse C I134 Southwest Center, Lot 488, Space 4, 03/13/1921
Adkisson, John R I135 West Center, Lot 20, Space 6, 01/17/1930
Adkisson, Laura I58560 C, Block 6, Lot 2, Space 1, 87, 04/23/2004
Adkisson, Lucy R I1198 West Center, Lot 20, Space 2, 02/15/1943
Adkisson, Mary B I136 Southwest Center, Lot 488, Space 3, 12/08/1919
Adkisson, Mary B I139 C, Block 6, Lot 2, Space 4, 07/31/1969
Adkisson, Reed S I137 West Center, Lot 20, Space 3, 08/08/1960
Adkisson, Ruth C, Block 6, Lot 2, Space 3,12/04/1918 to 11/09/2015
Adkisson, Sophronia L I138 Southwest Center, Lot 488, Space 1, 02/06/1920
Adler, Annie I140 Tree of Life I, Block F, Lot 13, Space SE, 11/17/1954
Adler, Etta I143 Jewish A, Block F, Lot J, Space 2, 02/13/1976
Adler, Evelyn, Tree of Life I, Block F, Lot 18, 06/30/2022
Adler, Harry I144 Tree of Life III, Block 9, Lot 25, Space S, 01/26/1992
Adler, Herman B I145 Tree of Life I, Block F, Lot 13, Space SW, 05/23/1988
Adler, Irwin M I146 Tree of Life I, Block F, Lot 18, Space SW, 09/28/1969
Adler, Isaac I147 Jewish A, Lot 231e, Space NE, 11/23/1925
Adler, Jennie I148 Jewish A, Lot 231e, Space NW, 03/15/1926
Adler, Jerome 5249 Tree of Life I, Block F, Lot 17, Space SW, 85, 10/19/2008
Adler, Joanna L I149 Tree of Life I, Block F, Lot 17, Space NW, 47, 02/20/1977
Adler, Lazarus David I141 Jewish A, Block F, Lot J, Space 1, 12/05/1951
Adler, Marvin 3715 Tree of Life I, Block F, Lot 18, Space SE, 87,05/13/2007
Adler, Mary M I150 Davids Garden I, Block 10, Lot 2, Space N, 12/27/1989
Adler, Minnie S I1289 Tree of Life I, Block F, Space 18, 06/24/1980
Adler, Rebecca I1290 Tree of Life III, Block 9, Lot 25, Space N, 06/01/1987
Adler, Samuel I1292 Davids Garden I, Block 10, Lot 2, Space S, 02/09/1982
Adler, Theodore, Tree of Life I, Block F, Lot 17, 01/11/2021
Adlman, Charlotte S 13 Beth Abraham, Lot 42, Space 4, 72, 03/05/2003
Adsit, Anna M I1293 West Center, Lot 234, Space 4, 08/17/1969
Adsit, Marion P I1294 East Lawn, Lot 61s, Space 4, 09/25/1946
Adsit, Samuel Denison (Sr) I1296 West Center, Lot 234, Space 1, 01/01/1930
Adsit, Samuel Denison (Jr) 7462 East Center Lawn, Lot 87n, Space 8, 03/11/1994
Adsit, Spencer M I1297 West Center, Lot 234, Space 3, 04/26/1959
Aerickson, Axel I1298 East Lawn, Lot 32, Row 1, Space 1, 08/24/1919
Aerne, Martha C I1299 Live Oak, Block U, Lot 48, Space NW, 09/21/1982
Aerne, Otto I1300 Live Oak, Block U, Lot 48, Space SW, 03/12/1967
Aframe, Dora I1301 Beth Abraham, Space 121, 10/01/1989
Aframe, Robert I1303 Beth Abraham, Space 122, 03/04/1970
Africa, James Hubbard, West Lawn, Block IV, Lot 104, 01/12/1933 to 11/18/2015
Africa, Jeannette A 5229 West Lawn, Block IV, Lot 104, Space N, 72, 06/18/2009
Aftel, Bessie F I1304 Tree of Life II, Block Q, Lot 24, Space N, 08/28/1990
Aftel, Harvey Lee, Treeof Life IV, Block B, Lot 108, 07/14/2017
Aftel, Irving I1305 Tree of Life II, Block Q, Lot 24, Space S, 11/22/1991
Aftel, Jerry I1306 Tree of Life III, Block 10, Lot 1, Space S, 01/7/1993
Aftel, Ruth 14 Tree of Life III, Block 10, Lot 1, Space N, 89, 01/30/2004
Agee, Carl H I1307 Northeast Center II, Block G, Space 56, 07/15/1953
Agee, Lewis F I1308 Locust Lawn, Block 3, Space 63, 06/12/1972
Agee, Mamie E I1309 Northeast Center II, Block G, Space 55, 10/16/1976
Agers, Charles G I1310 Single Adult, Block E, Row 10, Space 8, 06/03/1936
Agey, Carrie M I1311 East Lawn, Lot 137s, Space 5, 02/08/1937
Agey, Davis M I1314 East Lawn, Lot 137s, Space 9, 03/16/1977
Agey, Davis M I1312 East Lawn, Lot 137s, Space 3, 01/27/1926
Agey, Hanson M I1315 East Lawn, Lot 137s, Space 4, 04/14/1928
Agey, Hoite McKee I1316 East Lawn, Lot 137s, Space 1, 07/01/1911
Agey, Pearl E I1317 East Lawn, Lot 137s, Space 7, 02/18/1962
Agey, Thelma 174 East Lawn, Lot 137s, Space 12, 93, 06/27/2004
Agey, Thomas G I1319 East Lawn, Lot 137s, Space 6, 05/26/1941
Agey, Thomas G I1318 East Lawn, Lot 137s, Space 2, 12/26/1922
Agnew, David W I1321 South Center Lawn, Lot 62s, 04/19/1994
Agnew, Jane I1322 South Center Lawn, Lot 62s, 02/10/2001
Agreanatis, Peter I1320 New Greek, Lot 31, Space 13, 02/03/1943
Aguiar, Arthur R I1323 Pine Gardens III, Lot 98, Space S, 05/03/1995
Ahart, Robert O I1325 Pear Lawn, Block X, Space 60, 69, 01/30/1987
Ahearn, Donna P I151 Northeast Center I, Block 29, Space 8, 07/18/1983
Ahearn, Grace M 5385 Fir II, Lot 429, Space N, 89, 08/26/2009
Ahearn, Joseph D I152 Fir II, Lot 429, Space S, 03/04/1998
Ahl, Indie Miller 1067 East Center Lawn, Lot 241, Space 24, 71, 08/26/2005
Ahokas, John I153 East Lawn, Lot 29, Row 1, Space 4, 10/21/1918
Ahsert, Elizabeth W I154 East Center B, Lot 9, Space NE, 12/06/1933
Ahsert, Gustane K I155 East Center B, Lot 9, Space ECtr, 01/16/1945
Ahsert, Julia R I156 East Center B, Lot 9, Space SE, 05/09/1963
Aiken, Iona, K, Block 6, Lot 19, 01/19/2019
Aiken, James O I157 K, Block 6, Lot 19, Space S, 09/01/1969
Aiken, Ralph N I158 Linden Lawn, Block E, Space 5, 04/05/1979
Aikman, Duane, Tree of Life IV, Block B, Lot 75, 04/24/1942 to 05/21/2015
Aikman, Dudley I159 Single Adult, Block C, Row 2, Space 19, 11/26/1931
Aikman, Herman S I161 Single Adult, Block C, Row 8, Space 47, 10/12/1932
Aikman, Joseph N 5269 Pine Gardens I, Lot 15, Space 3rd from E Side S Row, 96, 06/24/2009
Aikman, Sarah A I162 Single Adult, Block C, Row 8, Space 46, 04/30/1962
Aikman, Thelma I163 Pine Gardens I, Lot 15, Space 2nd from E Side S Row, 06/09/2001
Ailiff, Connie L I164 Fir Lawn, Block 12, Space 65, 06/29/1977
Ailiff, Frances, Fir Lawn, Block 12, Space 64, 09/25/1925 to 08/01/2013
Aincito, J I165 East Lawn, Lot 27, Row 1, Space 1, 11/20/1917
Ainsley, Howard W I166 Single Adult, Block H, Row 4, Space 12, 10/24/1943
Ainslie, Janice B I167 B, Block 6, Lot 30, Space 5, 04/18/1995
Ainsworth, Janet Rosemary I168 Old Child, Block H, Row 6, Space 20, 06/13/1955
Ainsworth, Marie R I170 West Center, Lot 324, Space 4, 12/04/1987
Ainsworth, Mary I169 Maple Lawn, Block M, Space 23, 09/02/2000
Ainsworth, Thomas H I172 Maple Lawn, Block M, Space 24, 09/16/1981
Akehurst, Louis W I175 B, Block 6, Lot 44, Space 3, 06/08/1972
Akehurst, Louis W I174 East Lawn, Lot 119s, Space 2, 02/18/1907
Akehurst, Martha K I176 East Lawn, Lot 119s, Space 8, 07/05/1952
Aken, Edwin C I177 Pear Lawn, Block Z, Space 43, 09/22/1995
Aken, Hellene I178 Pear Lawn, Block Z, Space 43, 02/01/1984
Akerley, Clarence L I181 East Lawn, Lot 37, Row 2, Space 7, 06/28/1936
Akers, Andy J (Jr) I184 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 1, Lot 27, Space NE, 02/15/1962
Akers, Andy J (Sr) I185 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 1, Lot 27, Space SW, 12/06/1997
Akers, Ann W, West Lawn, Block IV, Lot 498, 10/14/2023
Akers, Arthur (Jr) I186 F, Block 2, Lot 19, Space SW, 07/27/1998
Akers, Blanche 7653 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 1, Lot 27, Space NW, 90, 11/15/1921 to 02/19/2012
Akers, Cynthia Wayne I187 Old Child, Block K, Row 1, Space 7, 07/28/1958
Akers, Doris L I180 Old Child, Block D, Row 3, Space 10, 05/10/1938
Akers, Eva I188 Locust Lawn, Block 24, Space 36, 04/08/1997
Akers, Harry B (Sr) I189 H, Block 12, Lot 24, Space SW, 01/07/1979
Akers, Harvie Lee, Live Oak, Block C, Lot 37, 07/19/1940 to 04/16/2013
Akers, Infant I190 Old City Poor, Block Child 1-A, Space 18, 02/17/1934
Akers, Jacqueline L I192 Old Child, Block G, Row 5, Space 16, 12/05/1967
Akers, Jeannie I194 Holly Circle, Block G, Lot 2, Space 25, 06/11/1994
Akers, John C I191 Locust Lawn, Block 24, Space 37, 10/11/1971
Akers, Margie 7359 F, Block 2, Lot 19, Space SE, 86, 09/30/2011
Akers, Nellie R I1113 Single Adult, Block F, Row 8, Space 15, 11/09/1940
Akers, Robert L, West Lawn, Block IV, Lot 498, 08/07/1935 to 02/25/2015
Akers, Ruth F I179 B, Block 1, Lot 35, Space ECtr, 03/12/1943
Akers, Steven D I195 Old Child, Block J, Row 6, Space 16, 07/01/1958
Akers, Susan N I196 H, Block 12, Lot 24, Space NW, 03/02/1979
Akers, William E I197 Fir Lawn, Block 4, Space 2, 08/28/1978
Akerson, Infant I198 Old Child, Block F, Row 3, Space 4, 11/10/1945
Akgun, Jacquelin E I199 Live Oak, Block M, Lot 47, Space 6, 09/03/1993
Akiss, Infant I200 Old Child, Block D, Row 1, Space 23, 10/30/1940
Akkor, Ayse, Northwest Lawn, Block E, Space 55, 02/27/2023
Akoury, Clementine M I201 West Lawn, Block IV, Lot 59, Space N, 10/06/1995
Aks, Frank Philip I202 Jewish A, Block L, Lot H, Space 1, 07/15/1991
Aks, Leah R I203 Jewish A, Block I, Lot A, Space 992, 06/22/1967
Aks, Marie M 21 Jewish A, Block L, Lot H, Space NCtr, 89, 01/29/2003
Aks, Sam I205 Jewish A, Block I, Lot A, Space 993, 11/11/1970
Alamares, Greta N I206 Spruce Lawn, Block 2, Space 128, 10/20/1974
Alanos, Henrietta, West Lawn, Block III, Lot 8, 11/21/2021
Albani, Alexandra P I207 Grecian Gardens, Block L, Space 52, 05/13/1972
Albano, Emma J I57720 Mausoleum, Corridor A, Tier F, Crypt 23, 12/13/1925
Albano, Josephine K I208 J, Block 7, Lot 24, Space NW, 05/09/1956
Albano, Linwood I209 B, Block 2, Lot 10, Space NE, 01/25/1945
Albano, Louis J I210 B, Block 2, Lot 10, Space SE, 01/22/1957
Albano, Michael I211 Cedar, Block 7, Lot 24, Space SW, 07/20/1966
Albano, Rocco L I212 B, Block 2, Lot 10, Space WCtr, 03/27/1942
Albee, Donald H 6057 Fir Lawn, Block 5, Space 43, 86, 09/20/2010
Albee, Edria M Fir Lawn, Block 5, Space 42, 03/15/2017
Albergotti, Dorothy C I214 West Center, Lot 251, Space 2, 05/24/1995
Albergotti, R P I215 West Center, Lot 251, Space 1, 01/06/1954
Albergotti, Robert Pascal (Jr) West Center, Lot 251, 07/24/2019
Albers, Elsie O I57721 Mausoleum, Corridor D, Tier A, Crypt 111, 01/25/1966
Albert, Charles L I216 Ash, Block 1, Lot 15, Space SW, 01/19/1981
Albert, Christine Morris 6820 Southwest Center, Lot 165, Space SW, 64, 07/31/1996
Albert, Infant 6822 Jewish A, Block E, Lot C, Space 2, 09/16/1956
Albert, Infant 6823 Jewish A, Block E, Lot C, Space 3, 12/31/1959
Albert, John Stewart (Jr) 6821 Southwest Center, Lot 165, Space SE, 42, 09/01/1995
Albert, Laronda Shanti, West Lawn, Block III, Lot 293, 01/01/2020
Albert, Roslyn F 3826 Tree of Life IV, Block B, Lot 283, Space N, 81, 06/22/2007
Albert, Stanley M 5180 Tree of Life IV, Block B, Lot 283, Space S, 86, 05/03/2009
Albertie, Lucretia 6824 West Center, Lot 55, Space 1 65 12/21/1931
Albertie, Vernon 6825 West Center, Lot 55, Space SW Ash, 08/15/1946
Albertson, Betty 6827 G, Block 16, Lot 52, Space NE, 69, 05/31/1996
Albertson, Betty Kent 6826 G, Block 16, Lot 52, Space SE, 3, 08/26/1954
Albertson, C Kent 6828 G, Block 16, Lot 52, Space SW, 02/21/1950
Albertson, Edward 6829 G, Block 16, Lot 52, Space SE Ashes, 69, 03/30/1995
Albertson, Evalina B 6830 G, Block 16, Lot 52, Space NW, 79, 12/31/1976
Albertson, Helen L 6831 Cedar, Block 8, Lot 29, Space NW, 83, 08/25/1987
Albertson, Leroy V 6833 Old City Poor, Block Child 1-A, Space 22, 03/30/1934
Albertson, Rachel E 6834 Pine Gardens III, Lot 139, Space N, 55, 07/06/1995
Albertson, Richard, 9179 G, Block 16, Lot 52, 07/19/1955 to 04/06/2015>
Albertson, Trannie 6835 East Lawn, Lot 37, Row 3, Space 7, 45, 11/12/1936
Albertson, William Edward, G, Block 16, Lot 52, 08/14/2023
Albertson, William J 6832 Cedar, Block 8, Lot 29, Space SW, 92, 07/28/1992
Albin, Theresa M 5093 Fir II, Lot 85, Space N, 52, 02/26/2009
Albis, Grace S 6836 Cedar, Block 8, Lot 39, Space NE, 01/22/1970
Albis, Joseph S (Jr) 6837 Cedar, Block 8, Lot 39, Space SW, 64, 04/28/1978
Albis, Marie Heath 5139 Cedar, Block 8, Lot 39, Space NW, 89, 04/11/2009
Albohn, Ellena 207 Ash, Block 15, Lot 12, Space N, 90, 07/14/2004
Albohn, Robert W 6838 Ash, Block 15, Lot 12, Space S, 63, 10/29/1987
Albright, Andrew 6839 Old Child, Block E, Row 1, Space 4, 04/03/1944
Albright, Charles Vance 6884 D, Block 8, Lot 12, Space ECtr, 69, 11/03/1946
Albright, Daisy Young 6885 D, Block 8, Lot 12, Space SE, 89, 12/07/1967
Albright, Edward F (Jr) 6887 South Center Lawn, Lot 20s, Space NCtr, 89, 02/12/1991
Albright, Edward F 6888 South Center Lawn, Lot 20s, Space SW, 62, 10/17/1926
Albright, Ethel Nichols 6890 South Center Lawn, Lot 20n, Space SCtr, 67, 04/02/1967
Albright, Maggie Orgian 6889 South Center Lawn, Lot 20s, Space NW, 71, 01/11/1946
Albright, Mildred Eliz 6891 South Center Lawn, Lot 20n, Space SW, 23, 08/03/1935
Albrink, Lucile G 3070 East Center Lawn, Lot 111, Space 10, 87, 03/05/2007
Alcala, Haley Mireya, East Center Lawn, Block E, Space 12, 12/05/1993 to 06/28/2012
Alcasid, Angel F 6894 Fir II, Lot 256, Space S, 74, 10/03/2001
Alcasid, Barbara M 6893 Fir II, Lot 256, Space N, 66, 04/14/2000
Alcasid, Leslie H 6892 Fir II, Lot 256, Space S, 46, 08/27/2001
Alcasid, Robert F, Fir II, Lot 256, Space 1, 02/22/1952 to 09/08/2014
Alcox, Herbert B 6124 Live Oak, Block U, Lot 12, Space SW, 91, 12/28/1994
Alcox, Herbert Baxter (Jr) Live Oak, Block B, Lot 30, 02/13/2023
Alcox, Mary Brown 15 Live Oak, Block U, Lot 12, Space NW, 86, 11/08/2003
Alcuri, Evelyn 6895 D, Block 4, Lot 6, Space NW, 96, 04/26/1989
Aldag, Mary 6896 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 6, Lot 9, Space NW, 77, 07/12/1973
Alderman, Annie C 6898 Northeast Center II, Block K, Space 93, 96, 03/15/1986
Alderman, Ava Parker 6901 Northeast Center I, Block 16, Space 9, 43, 06/12/1951
Alderman, Eric W 6902 J, Block 8, Lot 28, Space SW, 12/31/1978
Alderman, Harry B 6900 C, Block 8, Lot 2, Space 4, 65, 03/14/1946
Alderman, Jeannie 6636 J, Block 8, Lot 28, Space SW, 56, 03/14/2011
Alderman, June E 6899 C, Block 8, Lot 2, Space 3, 04/06/1964
Alderman, Muriel K 3764 Tree of Life II, Block P, Space 28, 83, 01/28/2001
Alderman, Robert, J, Block 8, Lot 28, 01/25/2021
Alderman, Robert L 6897 Northeast Center II, Block K, Space 92, 65, 09/04/1957
Alderson, Mary Virginia 1024 Live Oak, Block K, Lot 22, Space 2, 85, 08/08/2005
Alderson, Nancy Spangler, South Center Lawn, Lot 200n, 06/11/1935 to 01/03/2015
Aldorf, Audrey M 6904 Linden Lawn, Block K, Space 30, 76, 06/15/2002
Aldorf, Uszer E 6903 Linden Lawn, Block K, Space 29, 50, 04/01/1969
Aldred, Leroy L (Jr) 6929 Old Single Child, Block A, Row 8, Space 3, 04/09/1920
Aldrich, Erika Angelique, West Lawn, Block IV, Lot 535, 06/06/1994 to 09/14/2015
Aldridge, Daisy 6905 Fir Lawn, Block 14, Space 26, 89, 12/22/1997
Aldridge, Gena Marie, Old Child, Block P, Row 2, Space 8 11/27/1977
Aldridge, Infant (M) 6819 Old Child, Block L, Row 3, Space 8, 03/07/1960
Aldridge, Lovis C 6906 Spruce Lawn, Block 8, Space 109, 73, 08/28/1976
Aldridge, Michael Charles 6907 Old Child, Block L, Row 1, Space 32, 02/22/1959
Aldridge, Minnie Agnes 6908 West Center, Lot 29, Space 3, 82, 03/02/1983
Aldridge, Robert Lee 6910 West Center, Lot 29, Space 2, 69, 06/28/1961
Aldridge, Ruth S 6912 West Center, Lot 391, Space 4, 72, 06/11/1958
Aldridge, Thomas Whitney 6911 West Center, Lot 391, Space 3, 72, 03/09/1942
Aldridge, William Harrison 6909 West Center, Lot 29, Space 1, 7, 11/18/1931
Aleck, Earle Herman 6913 Tree of Life I, Block D, Lot 29, Space SE, 62, 04/23/1976
Aleck, Pearl 6914 Tree of Life I, Block D, Lot 29, Space NE, 87, 11/06/2000
Alemania, Narciso S 6915 Spruce Lawn, Block 7, Space 130, 20, 02/19/1977
Alexander, Addie M 6918 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 1, Lot 21, Space NE, 84, 07/31/1990
Alexander, Adelia Gandolfa 6916 Single Adult, Block D, Row 6, Space 10, 57, 09/15/1933
Alexander, Albert M 6919 Live Oak, Block N, Lot 29, Space SE, 67, 04/21/1968
Alexander, Alma C 1362 Live Oak, Block T, Lot 58, Space NW, 80, 01/08/2006
Alexander, Alma L 6920 E, Block 4, Lot 12, Space NW, 18, 08/14/1943
Alexander, Angelo George 5221 New Greek, Lot 55n, Space 9, 82, 06/08/2009
Alexander, Annie Bell 6921 South Center Lawn, Lot 91n, Space 4, 03/17/1947
Alexander, Annie Horton 6924 East Center Lawn, Lot 28s, Space 6, 78, 08/19/1951
Alexander, Annie Mae Cutchin 6973 South Center Lawn, Lot 104s, Space 61, 10/26/1946
Alexander, Annie S 7104 Single Adult, Block D, Row 8, Space 48, 88, 02/21/1962
Alexander, August 7058 West Center, Lot 23, Space NE, 04/19/1931
Alexander, Beverly L 6980 Ash, Block 2, Lot 10, Space SW, 31, 05/06/1994
Alexander, Bleeker Eleane 7021 Northeast Center I, Block 13, Space 25, 31, 03/22/1951
Alexander, Charlie Tabor 6982 Linden Lawn, Block B, Space 39, 83, 04/24/1981
Alexander, Christine D 6981 Ash, Block 2, Lot 10, Space NW, 08/04/1981
Alexander, Clara W 16 Southwest Center, Lot 129, Space 4, 76, 12/17/1993
Alexander, Clarence J 7097 Single Adult, Block C, Row 3, Space 20, 38, 02/10/1931
Alexander, Curtis A 6985 Ash, Block 17, Lot 13, Space S, 66, 06/03/1973
Alexander, Dabney Spencer 7098 Single Adult, Block D, Row 6, Space 11, 70, 06/13/1947
Alexander, Dona G 6983 Linden Lawn, Block B, Space 40, 68, 09/04/1968
Alexander, Doris King 6977 East Center Lawn, Lot 28s, Space 5, 37, 03/09/1949
Alexander, Douglas Earl 1095 West Lawn, Block IV, Lot 717, Space S, 71, 09/04/2005
Alexander, Edith H 6979 Pear Lawn, Block V, Space 22, 71, 03/26/1987
Alexander, Edward B 7003 Old Child, Block D, Row 2, Space 21, 07/30/1940
Alexander, Edward Frank 7109 Single Adult, Block F, Row 9, Space 38, 41, 06/23/1941
Alexander, Elbert R 6984 Fir Lawn, Block 1, Space 60, 78, 11/20/1996
Alexander, Elizabeth T 6997 F, Block 6, Lot 10a, Space NW, 89, 09/30/1997
Alexander, Ella F 7099 Old Single, Block A, Row 2, Space 33, 66, 04/16/1916
Alexander, Ellie 6988 New Greek, Lot 55n, Space 5, 69, 05/06/2002
Alexander, Emily E, West Lawn, Block III, Lot 128, 05/23/2021
Alexander, George H 6995 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 4, Lot 50, Space NE, 33, 11/20/1995
Alexander, George Horatio 6975 C, Block 9, Lot 38, Space 2, 89, 07/24/1956
Alexander, George James 6987 New Greek, Lot 55n, Space 3, 84, 12/30/1974
Alexander, Gregory J 6986 New Greek, Lot 55n, Space 2, 68, 10/14/1974
Alexander, Harry D 6994 Red Oak Lawn, Block A, Lot 15, Space S, 08/11/2000
Alexander, Henry 6974 South Center Lawn, Lot 104s, Space 70, 04/02/1951
Alexander, Hugh C (Sr) 17 Southwest Center, Lot 129, Space 5, 87, 01/12/2004
Alexander, Ida E 6993 Live Oak, Block N, Lot 29, Space NE, 81, 05/16/1980
Alexander, Infant 6992 South Center Lawn, Lot 91n, Space 3, 08/21/1942
Alexander, James A (Sr) 6989 Pine Gardens II, Lot 57, Space SE, 64, 02/21/1976
Alexander, James A (Jr) 1729 Pine Gardens II, Lot 57, Space SW, 73, 06/13/2006
Alexander, James A 01/23/2025
Alexander, James Daniel (Sr) 6991 E, Block 4, Lot 24, Space SW, 77, 01/10/1956
Alexander, James Morris 6976 East Center Lawn, Lot 28s, Space 4, 37, 11/18/1947
Alexander, Jean W 6047 Pine Gardens II, Lot 57, Space NW, 76, 09/13/2010
Alexander, John S 6996 East Center B, Lot 38, Space ECtr, 58, 06/14/1979
Alexander, John Shepherd (Sr) 6990 E, Block 4, Lot 12, Space SW, 62, 12/10/1960
Alexander, Joseph D 6978 Pear Lawn, Block V, Space 23, 76, 11/12/1992
Alexander, Julia 5049 Pine Gardens III, Lot 268, Space S, 94, 01/29/2009
Alexander, Julia P Clark 7024 Northeast Center I, Block 27, Space 59, 65, 08/29/1965
Alexander, Julian Lee 6376 Old Child, Block E, Row 3, Space 25, 04/03/1943
Alexander, Katherine J. 4156 Ash, Block 17, Lot 13, Space N, 92, 08/24/2007
Alexander, Knox Irving 7101 Old Single, Block A, Row 8, Space 21, 70, 04/27/1921
Alexander, Ladell I217 Ash, Block 15, Lot 11, Space N, 12/11/2001
Alexander, Lawrence B I218 F, Block 6, Lot 10a, Space SW, 06/11/1949
Alexander, Leola W I219 E, Block 4, Lot 12, Space WCtr, 57, 05/02/1959
Alexander, Lillian A I220 New Greek, Lot 55n, Space 4, 02/26/1982
Alexander, Lola L I221 South Center Lawn, Lot 91n, Space 1, 04/03/1920
Alexander, Lucille Allmond, West Lawn, Block IV, Lot 717, 12/04/2022
Alexander, Lucy B I222 South Center Lawn, Lot 91n, Space 7, 01/11/1983
Alexander, Margaret I223 East Lawn, Lot 5, Space 30, 10/24/1910
Alexander, Mary Elizabeth I225 Old Child, Block E, Row 5, Space 25, 04/05/1942
Alexander, Mary M I226 Maple Lawn, Block N, Space 131, 08/21/1991
Alexander, Mildred J I227 East Center Lawn, Lot 28s, Space 8, 10/02/1988
Alexander, Minnie B I229 C, Block 9, Lot 38, Space 1, 89, 07/14/1956
Alexander, Minnie L I228 E, Block 4, Lot 24, Space NW, 01/04/1965
Alexander, Minnie L I230 Southwest Center, Lot 129, Space 1, 07/24/1924
Alexander, Nancye, East Center B, Lot 38, Space 3, 03/03/1922 to 05/17/2014
Alexander, Nathan I231Old City Poor, Block City Poor Adult-Child, Row 1, Space 33,11/09/1917
Alexander, Odell B, Community Mausoleum, SW Side, Level J, Crypt 1, 05/16/2016
Alexander, Oliver C I232 Holly Lawn, Lot 398, Space S, 10/09/1960
Alexander, Raymond L I233 South Center Lawn, Lot 91n, Space 6, 06/11/1959
Alexander, Raymond Lewis (Jr) 18 South Center Lawn, Lot 91n, Space 7, 07/25/2003
Alexander, Raymond R I1 Live Oak, Block T, Lot 58, Space SW, 08/05/1994
Alexander, Robert L I3 South Center Lawn, Lot 91n, Space 5, 01/28/1939
Alexander, Robert M I4 Old Single, Block A, Row 1, Space 45, 10/26/1913
Alexander, Robert W (Sr) I5 South Center Lawn, Lot 91n, Space 6, 08/29/1984
Alexander, Shirley A I6 South Center Lawn, Lot 91n, Space 6, 12/31/1992
Alexander, Theron L 1547 Ash, Block 15, Lot 11, Space S, 97, 04/07/2006
Alexander, Verna D I7 South Center Lawn, Lot 91n, Space 9, 04/05/1973
Alexander, Virginia H I8 F, Block 6, Lot 10a, Space SE, 02/03/1949
Alexander, Walter Raleigh I10 East Center Lawn, Lot 28s, Space 1, 12/22/1932
Alexander, Walter Raleigh (Jr) I9 East Center Lawn, Lot 28s, Space 7, 06/23/1973
Alexander, William J I11 Maple Lawn, Block N, Space 132, 06/08/1964
Alexander-Parker, Louanne, Live Oak, Block K, Lot 24, 02/05/1947 to 11/04/2015
Alexanderson, staf E I12 Old Single, Block B, Row 13, Space 45, 04/20/1929
Alexandrow, Effrepi I14 Grecian Gardens, Lot 32s, Space ECtr, 11/09/1923
Alexie, Eric Richard (Sr) 4235 F, Block 1, Lot 43, Space NE, 91, 10/10/2007
Alexie, Vera Mae 4189 F, Block 1, Lot 43, Space NW, 88, 08/06/2007
Alexiou, Louis, New Greek, Lot 30n, 10/10/2018
Alexson, Gladys V I15 Locust Lawn, Block 11, Space 42, 09/29/1970
Alfano, Jane W I16 Fir Lawn, Block 25, Space 50, 04/22/1977
Alford, Infant I18 Old Single Child, Block A, Row 1, Space 29, 09/25/1912
Alfred, Infant I17 A, Block 5, Lot 9, Space 2, 12/14/1935
Alfriend, Elizabeth F I20 Cedar, Block 8, Lot 21, Space NW, 11/05/1998
Alfriend, Richard J (Jr) I19 Cedar, Block 8, Lot 21, Space SW, 10/26/1971
Alfriend, Richard J (III) I21 Cedar, Block 8, Lot 21, Space SE, 04/25/1997
Algahim, Sarah J I22 L, Block 5, Lot 5, Space NE, 03/20/1999
Alger, Grizzell C I23 Southwest Center, Lot 427, Space 2, 06/13/1944
Ali, Abdinur, Northwest Lawn, Block E, Space 97, 09/13/2022
Ali, Md, Northwest Lawn, Block E, Space 84, 12/12/2022 funeral date
Ali, Muhammad Aariz, Northwest Lawn, Block E, Space 5, 03/27/2024 (interment date)
Ali, Raheem, Northwest Lawn, Block E, Space 12, 11/12/2022 (burial). Possibly Raheem, Ali (Abdul Raheem)
Alidon, Maria T I58510 West Lawn, Block IV, Lot 343, Space N, 29, 04/06/2004
Aliff, Ann L I25 East Center Lawn, Lot 245, Space NW, 70, 01/10/1971
Alill, Mastafo I26 Old City Poor, Block City Poor Adult-Child, Row 3, Space 3, 03/24/1928
Alindogan, Rolando, Northwest Lawn B 341, 06/28/2013
Alisch, Infant I27 Old Single Child, Block A, Row 13, Space 5, 04/16/1923
Alisch, Joseph F I28 B, Block 2, Lot 37, Space SW, 07/22/1962
Alisch, Louise R I29 B, Block 2, Lot 37, Space WCtr, 06/09/1959
Alisch, Mabel H I30 B, Block 2, Lot 37, Space ECtr, 12/14/1992
Alisch, Russell T I31 B, Block 2, Lot 37, Space SE, 02/05/1992
Alisch, Sandra H I32 K, Block 10, Lot 4, Space NE, 12/17/1971
Allan, Charles I33 Pear Lawn, Block P, Space 58, 07/25/1986
Allan, Mary G I34 Pear Lawn, Block P, Space 58, 03/18/1986
Allard, Arthur J (Sr) I36 Spruce Lawn, Block 3, Space 16, 12/13/1985
Allard, Benjamin I37 H, Block 6, Lot 2, Space SE, 12/10/1969
Allard, Celestine L I39 G, Block 9, Lot 9, Space NE, 09/27/1950
Allard, Dorothy M I40 H, Block 6, Lot 2, Space NE, 08/26/1991
Allard, Eliza C I57718 Mausoleum, Corridor A, Tier F, Crypt 9, 09/18/1939
Allard, Ethel G I41 G, Block 9, Lot 9, Space SW, 08/20/1981
Allard, Eva M I42 Spruce Lawn, Block 1, Space 50, 02/23/1995
Allard, Evelyn B I43 Spruce Lawn, Block 3, Space 15, 02/28/1976
Allard, Garland W I44 H, Block 6, Lot 2, Space SW, 09/07/1967
Allard, Harriett Marie I46 H, Block 6, Lot 1, Space NE, 07/27/1981 (Tombstone: Marie H)
Allard, Infant (m) I38 Child D Extd, Block D, Row 1, Space 23, 02/24/1976
Allard, James O I47 West Center, Lot 41, Space 3, 04/09/1959
Allard, Margaret L I48 G, Block 5, Lot 11, Space NE, 05/01/1979
Allard, Mary S I49 West Center, Lot 41, Space 4, 03/26/1987
Allard, Roy J I50 Spruce Lawn, Block 1, Space 51, 09/28/1974
Allard, Rufus O I57719 Mausoleum, Corridor A, Tier F, Crypt 7, 06/03/1923
Allard, Virgil W I51 H, Block 6, Lot 1, Space SE, 08/23/1959
Allard, William M I52 G, Block 9, Lot 9, Space SE, 03/10/1971
Allbright, Mary Caroline "Carrie" I53 Single Adult, Block C, Row 8, Space 20, 06/29/1936
Allcox, Infant I54 Old Child, Block D, Row 2, Space 15, 04/16/1940
Alldritt, Robert B I56 East Lawn, Lot 39, Row 2, Space 1, 08/18/1937
Allegoode, Isaiah Felton I57 Indigent Adult C, Block C, Row 5, Space 38, 05/21/1952
Allen, Addie F I58 F, Block 7, Lot 46a, Space NE, 07/31/1975
Allen, Alma I59 Single Adult, Block C, Row 5, Space 27, 07/24/1930
Allen, Alvin I60 Fir Lawn, Block 12, Space 42, 03/16/1990
Allen, Amy F I61 F, Block 5, Lot 1, Space ECtr, 10/10/1942
Allen, Ann Beatrice, Fir II, Lot 353, 06/29/2018
Allen, Anna E I62 Single Adult, Block D, Row 6, Space 34, 03/23/1940
Allen, Annie I63 Pear Lawn, Block N, Space 72, 03/30/1992
Allen, Arthur M I64 South, Lot 292, Space NCtr, 04/03/1942
Allen, Ava L 1446 Child D Extd, Block D, Row 7, Space 33, 02/15/2006
Allen, Benjamin A I1326 Southwest Center, Lot 204, Space WCtr, 12/06/1925
Allen, Benjamin F (Jr) I1327 West Center, Lot 470, Space 3, 12/04/1942
Allen, Bessie P I1328 East Center B, Lot 23, Space NE, 75, 02/16/1949
Allen, Bettie S I1329 G, Block 13, Lot 7, Space NE, 03/29/1953
Allen, Birdie E I1330 Southwest Center, Lot 204, Space SW, 08/15/1985
Allen, Blanche H I1331 G, Block 2, Lot 46, Space NE, 06/18/1983
Allen, Bryant (Jr) I1332 Center Park North, Lot 302, Space S, 10/01/1993
Allen, Carl I1333 Maple Lawn, Block B, Space 108, 10/08/1961
Allen, Carrie L I1334 Northeast Center II, Block B, Space 87, 06/09/1952
Allen, Carrie S I1335 Old Single, Block B, Row 9, Space 13, 10/22/1928
Allen, Charles E I1337 Old Child, Block G, Row 3, Space 35, 01/06/1953
Allen, Clarence Garideau 7063 West Center, Lot 470, Space WCtr, 32, 01/17/1931
Allen, Dallas E I1338 F, Block 5, Lot 1, Space NW, 02/18/1973
Allen, David B I1339 Old Child, Block K, Row 3, Space 9, 03/03/1977
Allen, David C I1340 Fir Lawn, Block 12, Space 43, 05/02/1977
Allen, David T I1341 F, Block 7, Lot 46a, Space SE, 02/27/1961
Allen, David V I1342 F, Block 7, Lot 46a, Space SW, 12/27/1948
Allen, Donald C I1343 Single Adult, Block G, Row 4, Space 29, 01/06/1942
Allen, Dorothy, East Center Lawn, Lot 20s, Space 4, 07/11/2011
Allen, Dorsey C I1344 G, Block 10, Lot 20, Space SE, 86, 04/04/1978
Allen, Earl B I1345 Northeast Center I, Block 7, Space 65, 11/03/1949
Allen, Edward L I1346 F, Block 5, Lot 1, Space NE, 34, 07/15/1944
Allen, Edward M I1349 Southwest Center, Lot 467, Space WCtr, 07/27/1925
Allen, Edward W (Sr) I1350 East Center B, Lot 23, Space ECtr, 76, 03/29/1945
Allen, Edward W (Jr) I1348 East Center B, Lot 23, Space SW Ashes, 02/20/1998
Allen, Elise A I1351 Holly Lawn, Lot 301, Space N, 02/12/1970
Allen, Enoch F I1352 East Lawn, Lot 142e, Space 12, 12/26/1962
Allen, Eula M I1353 East Lawn, Lot 142e, Space 6, 12/14/1986
Allen, Eula S I1354 Spruce Lawn, Block 5, Space 160, 03/04/1982
Allen, Eva T I1355 Single Adult, Block H, Row 9, Space 37, 11/29/1944
Allen, Evett N I1356 Linden Lawn, Block I, Space 20, 08/08/1972
Allen, Fannie M I1357 Southwest Center, Lot 204, Space NE, 10/03/1972
Allen, Fannie V I1359 Southwest Center, Lot 204, Space NW, 03/18/1922
Allen, Florence H/Hilda W I1360 East Center A, Block 2, Lot 23, Space WCtr, 85, 09/10/1983
Allen, Frances Robertson 5970 Ash, Block 7, Lot 3, Space N, 97, 07/26/2010
Allen, Frances B I1361 F, Block 7, Lot 46a, Space NW, 02/02/1963
Allen, Frances W I1362 East Lawn, Lot 142e, Space 1, 07/30/1918
Allen, Frank L (Sr) I1363 G, Block 10, Lot 20, Space SW, 02/08/1950
Allen, Franklin H 12780 E, Block 12, Lot 13, 06/27/2016
Allen, Frederick H I67 Fir Lawn, Block 11, Space 27, 09/05/1983
Allen, Geneiva T, Live Oak, Block B, Lot 52, 07/16/1928 to 02/19/2015
Allen, Georgia Diana, Northwest Lawn, Block D, Lot 307, 01/31/2022
Allen, Gibson I68 East Center Lawn, Lot 20s, Space 3, 07/09/1995
Allen, Glossie R I69 Linden Lawn, Block R, Space 2, 07/14/1972
Allen, Grace M I70 Maple Lawn, Block B, Space 107, 07/13/1969
Allen, Gracie N I71 Fir Lawn, Block 4, Space 6, 10/23/1982
Allen, H Clarence I73 Single Adult, Block D, Row 6, Space 35, 03/28/1934
Allen, Harriet E I74 Linden Lawn, Block J, Space 69, 07/02/1985
Allen, Harry I75 West Center, Lot 236, Space SE, 10/19/1955
Allen, Harry F I76 Old Child, Block G, Row 5, Space 24, 11/15/1972
Allen, Helen R I77 Old Child, Block D, Row 2, Space 19, 07/19/1940
Allen, Henry A 7030 South, Lot 118, Space SCtr, 57, 06/20/1916
Allen, Henry Blount 7045 South, Lot 147, Space SCtr, 52, 08/31/1938
Allen, Henry Blount 7046 South, Lot 147, Space SE, 63, 12/20/1985
Allen, Herbert W 7009 East Center A, Block 2, Lot 23, Space SW, 76, 09/16/1971
Allen, Hilda L I53779 East Center B, Lot 23, Space SE, 05/31/2002
Allen, Hugh Edward 7006 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 5, Lot 60, Space SE, 64, 08/11/1967
Allen, Infant (f) 7048 South, Lot 292, Space NE, 03/29/1923
Allen, Infant 7110 Old Single Child, Block B, Row 12, Space 26, 03/13/1925
Allen, Infant I65 Old City Poor, Block Child 1-a, Space 27, 07/04/1934
Allen, Infant (m) 7093 Old Child, Block D, Row 4, Space 13, 08/16/1937
Allen, Infant 7089 Tree of Life I, Block F, Space 3, 10/20/1963
Allen, Infant (M) 7092 Old Child, Block O, Row 1, Space 8, 06/22/1971
Allen, Irvin J 7026 Northeast Center II, Block F, Space 101, 80, 07/07/1970
Allen, James Alfred 7025 Northeast Center II, Block C, Space 149, 44, 09/24/1955
Allen, James W (Sr) 7047 South, Lot 222, Space NE, 80, 02/11/1965
Allen, James W (Jr) South, Lot 222, 04/17/1918 to 08/08/2000. Burial 08/13/2013
Allen, Jane E 7005 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 5, Lot 60, Space SW, 60, 01/30/1990
Allen, Jean C, Block 6, Lot 23, 10/18/1926 to 11/22/2012
Allen, Jeanne 7012 Fir II, Lot 552, Space N, 45, 01/22/2000
Allen, Jeanne S, South, Lot 222, 11/10/1918 to 07/22/2013
Allen, Jesse V 7067 G, Block 13, Lot 7, Space SE, 92, 01/16/1963
Allen, Jessie Lee 7029 South, Lot 118, Space SE, 49, 07/31/1940
Allen, Jessie T (Jr) 7070 G, Block 2, Lot 46, Space SE, 75, 03/21/1971
Allen, John 7096 Single Adult, Block H, Row 3, Space 32, 72, 07/30/1946
Allen, John B 7054 South, Lot 383, Space WCtr, 40, 03/19/1916
Allen, John Beverly 7053 South, Lot 383, Space SW, 34, 06/04/1935
Allen, John Joseph 7095 Single Adult, Block D, Row 6, Space 4, 64, 01/17/1996
Allen, Joseph Hammett 7052 South, Lot 383, Space NE, 39, 10/10/1942
Allen, Joseph M 7102 Old Single, Block B, Row 3, Space 7, 72, 04/05/1955
Allen, Josephine B 7057 Southwest Center, Lot 467, Space NW, 53, 11/18/1921
Allen, Josephine G 7018 Maple Lawn, Block E, Space 95, 72, 04/10/1984
Allen, Josephine R 7016 Linden Lawn, Block I, Space 21, 76, 04/08/1991
Allen, June Sands, E, Block 12, Lot 13, 01/20/2022
Allen, Kathleen W 7062 West Center, Lot 470, Space SW, 92, 02/01/1985
Allen, Kenneth (Infant) 7091 Old Child, Block H, Row 4, Space 23, 08/27/1954
Allen, Kevin B 3787 Holly Circle, Block G, Tier 1, Niche 16, 44, 08/05/1999. 
Allen, Laura C 7017 Live Oak, Block M, Lot 33, Space 1, 94, 06/13/1995
Allen, Linwood, West Lawn, Block IV, Lot 280. 09/12/1951 to 01/08/2016
Allen, Lois Lillian 3809 South, Lot 291, Space NW, 23, 02/09/1917
Allen, Lucy R 7011 Fir Lawn, Block 11, Space 26, 102, 01/18/2000
Allen, Mabel R 7014 Holly Lawn, Lot 239, Space N, 09/01/1987
Allen, Malcolm H 7007 East Center Lawn, Lot 241, Space 8, 72, 02/16/1966
Allen, Margaret E 7013 Holly Lawn, Lot 210, Space N, 62, 08/18/1972
Allen, Margaret E 7051 South, Lot 383, Space NW, 75, 03/18/1955
Allen, Margaret Orneda 7028 South, Lot 118, Space SW, 82, 04/06/1948
Allen, Martha Edith 7094 Single Adult, Block C, Row 8, Space 4, 42, 05/11/1932
Allen, Mary 7061 West Center, Lot 470, Space ECtr, 79, 06/29/1935
Allen, Mary E Mcdonald 7020 Northeast Center I, Block 13, Space 7, 53, 09/15/1962
Allen, Mary Elizabeth 7049 South, Lot 292, Space NW, 77, 02/19/1961
Allen, Mawood Herbert 7056 Southwest Center, Lot 204, Space ECtr, 50, 04/11/1949
Allen, May A 7066 G, Block 10, Lot 20, Space NE, 86, 04/23/1977
Allen, Melvin Baker 7059 West Center, Lot 236, Space NE, 11, 08/10/1930
Allen, Millie Cline 7027 Northeast Center II, Block F, Space 102, 63, 03/24/1953
Allen, Montie George 7071 H, Block 9, Lot 12, Space SE, 66, 09/21/1965
Allen, Myrtle Louise C 7010 East Center B, Lot 23, Space SW, 88, 09/06/1995
Allen, Nettie Mae 7060 West Center, Lot 236, Space ECtr, 63, 10/09/1949
Allen, Ola C 7044 South, Lot 147, Space SW, 63, 10/25/1962
Allen, Rebecca Jane 7050 South, Lot 292, Space SW, 74, 01/07/1933
Allen, Richard C 7064 C, Block 6, Lot 23, Space 5, 20, 05/30/1973
Allen, Robert M 3810 South, Lot 291, Space NCtr, 25, 10/12/1913
Allen, Rosa E 7055 Southwest Center, Lot 17, Space NCtr, 32, 10/14/1923
Allen, Ruby V 7004 Center Park North, Lot 302, Space N, 65, 03/18/1991
Allen, Rufus H 7015 Holly Lawn, Lot 239, Space S, 68, 11/07/1961
Allen, Ruth Ella Virginia 7019 Northeast Center I, Block 4, Space 3, 20, 04/11/1945
Allen, Ruth J 5853 Center Park North, Lot 474, Space N, 77, 05/22/2010
Allen, Ruth L I78 Single Adult, Block H, Row 3, Space 31, 51, 07/14/1945
Allen, Samuel I79 Live Oak, Block J, Lot 20, Space 3, 02/25/1997
Allen, Shannon Smith 74 East Center Lawn, Block I, Space 6, 39, 06/05/2004
Allen, Sophie W I80 East Center Lawn, Lot 241, Space 6, 06/24/1959
Allen, Stephen E I81 Single Adult, Block D, Row 3, Space 29, 08/14/1935
Allen, Stephen F I82 Locust Lawn, Block 24, Space 43, 10/15/1970
Allen, Susie A I84 South, Lot 222, Space NW, 10/08/1916
Allen, Susie E I85 South, Lot 222, Space NCtr, 10/25/1939
Allen, Thomas D I86 Southwest Center, Lot 467, Space SE, 01/16/1920
Allen, Trevor L I87 Child D Extd, Block D, Row 9, Space 22, 04/17/1994
Allen, Vesta I88 H, Block 9, Lot 12, Space NE, 99, 08/07/2001
Allen, VirginiaCobb, Northeast Center II, Block C, Space 149, 08/13/2006 Memorial
Allen, Virginia H I89 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 5, Lot 60, Space NE, 02/16/1998
Allen, Virginia H I90 Northeast Center I, Block 7, Space 63, 11/03/1949
Allen, Walter W I91 Holly Lawn, Lot 301, Space S, 09/21/1960
Allen, William I92 Linden Lawn, Block J, Space 70, 05/31/1967
Allen, William C I93 Ash, Block 7, Lot 3, Space S, 10/07/1974
Allen, William E I95 West Center, Lot 470, Space 4, 03/24/1979
Allen, William R I96 Linden Lawn, Block R, Space 1, 07/17/1967
Allen, William R I97 Spruce Lawn, Block 3, Space 68, 05/25/1978
Allen, William T I98 F, Block 5, Lot 1, Space SE, 03/25/1955
Allen, William T (Jr) I99 Holly Lawn, Lot 210, Space S, 67, 01/31/1974
Allen, Willie Mae I100 Northeast Center I, Block 5, Space 48, 12/18/1980
Allen, Willis S I101 C, Block 6, Lot 23, Space 6, 63, 07/20/1989
Allen, Winifred T I102 Northeast Center II, Block B, Space 32, 06/03/1955
Alley, Alfred J I103 East Center Lawn, Lot 97s, Space 8, 03/12/1991
Alley, Alice Agnes I104 Single Adult, Block D, Row 8, Space 5, 03/03/1934
Alley, Annie I106 Fir Lawn, Block 19, Space 41, 03/08/1999
Alley, Charles E I107 Southwest Center, Lot 309, Space 1, 04/10/1959
Alley, Claud I108 East Center Lawn, Lot 97s, Space 1, 07/16/1931
Alley, Eleanor M I109 East Center Lawn, Lot 97s, Space 3, 01/26/1946
Alley, Elmer Lee (Jr), Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 5, Lot 58, Space 2, 10/30/1919 to 12/19/2014
Alley, Harry C I110 East Center Lawn, Lot 97s, Space 5, 04/25/1966
Alley, Harvey W (Jr) I112 Single Adult, Block F, Row 3, Space 5, 09/21/1940
Alley, Harvey W I111 Single Adult, Block H, Row 4, Space 33, 11/26/1943
Alley, Jesse O I113 E, Block 7, Lot 24, Space SW, 10/27/1980
Alley, Kelly, Northwest Lawn, Block B, Lot 348, 03/17/2023
Alley, Mary M I114 E, Block 7, Lot 24, Space NW, 12/03/1982
Alley, Minnie C I115 C, Block 3, Lot 12, Space 1, 07/16/1946
Alley, Neppie A I117 East Center Lawn, Lot 97s, Space 4, 01/13/1962
Alley, Norma Sadler 5867 East Center Lawn, Lot 97s, Space 6, 86, 05/09/2010
Alley, William E I118 C, Block 3, Lot 12, Space 3, 01/23/1959
Alley, Wilmer C I430 East Center Lawn, Lot 97s, Space 2, 08/22/1938
Alley, Wilmer O I429 Fir Lawn, Block 19, Space 42, 05/31/1979
Alleyne, Janet Sue, Tree of Life IV, Block C, Lot 16, 05/07/2024
Alleyne, Michael I431 Fir Lawn, Block 19, Space 18, 05/20/1985
Allgood, Annie D I434 G, Block 16, Lot 22, Space NW, 05/17/1962
Allgood, Arthur H (Jr) I433 G, Block 16, Lot 22, Space SE, 03/24/1974
Allgood, Arthur H I432 Fir Lawn, Block 8, Space 26, 10/09/1998
Allgood, Howard Donald 5005 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 3, Lot 18, Space NW, 86, 01/06/2009
Allgood, John L I436 Fir Lawn, Block 8, Space 27, 02/05/1981
Allgood, Norma W 2711 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 3, Lot 18, Space NW, 79, 12/01/2006
Allgood, Richard F I437 G, Block 16, Lot 22, Space SW, 06/22/1950
Allgood, Richard L (Sr) I438 Cedar, Block 2, Lot 17, Space SE, 03/15/1986
Allgood, Velma I I439 Fir Lawn, Block 8, Space 25, 04/10/1989
Allgood, Virginia R I440 Cedar, Block 2, Lot 17, Space NE, 08/18/1971
Alligood, Archie C I441 Linden Lawn, Block P, Space 14, 01/26/1972
Alligood, Barbara, H, Block 8, Lot 15, 05/03/2023
Alligood, Dessie E I435 Linden Lawn, Block P, Space 15, 04/24/1989
Alligood, Virginia I442 Holly Lawn, Lot 448,09/14/1993
Allinder, Frances Gaye 19 Fir II, Lot 64, Space N, 51, 12/19/2002
Allison, Eulah W I443 Southwest Center, Lot 168, Space 1, 07/13/1931
Allison, Frank R I444 East Center Lawn, Lot 209s, Space 5, 09/20/1956
Allison, George L I445 East Center Lawn, Lot 209s, Space 2, 09/12/1943
Allison, Henry A (Sr) I446 Maple Lawn, Block M, Space 162, 03/01/1965
Allison, James C I448 Live Oak, Block C, Lot 88, Space S, 05/24/1993
Allison, James T I449 Linden Lawn, Block P, Space 12, 02/11/1970
Allison, Jerry W 7435 West Lawn, Block IV, Lot 536, Space S, 67, 11/21/2011
Allison, Joseph H I450 Southwest Center, Lot 168, Space 2, 06/12/1949
Allison, Margaret K 715 Live Oak, Block C, Lot 88, Space N, 78, 02/24/2005
Allison, Mildred D I1441 East Center Lawn, Lot 209s, Space 6, 10/17/1983
Allison, Mildred D I1442 East Center Lawn, Lot 209s, Space 8, 04/15/1994
Allison, Minnie M I1443 East Center Lawn, Lot 209s, Space 3, 12/29/1945
Allison, Percy E I1444 East Center Lawn, Lot 209s, Space 1, 08/06/1943
Allison, Robert D I1445 East Center Lawn, Lot 209s, Space 4, 04/15/1938
Allison, Ruby L I1446 Maple Lawn, Block M, Space 161, 01/08/1985
Allison, TylerJames, Child D Extd, Block D, Row 8, Space 59, 07/02/2017
Allmon, Mary E I1449 Live Oak, Block J, Lot 2, Space 4, 01/21/1998
Allmond, J Vivian I1447 Fir Lawn, Block 20, Space 19, 12/24/1982
Allmond, Leonard M (Sr) I1450 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 7, Lot 38, Space SE, 11/27/1990
Allmond, Leonard M (Jr) 7423 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 7, Lot 38, Space NW, 82, 12/17/2010
Allmond, Pattie E I1451 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 7, Lot 38, Space NE, 09/05/1983
Allmond, Stephen L I1452 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 7, Lot 38, Space SW, 09/06/1966
Allmond, Watson V I1453 Fir Lawn, Block 20, Space 20, 02/20/1988
Alloe, Charles P I1454 Spruce Lawn, Block 8, Space 41, 08/30/1976
Allossi, Tomasso I1455 East Lawn, Lot 25, Row 3, Space 7, 04/26/1916
Allred, Elizabeth I1456 Elm Lawn, Block 5, Lot 27, Space NW, 10/16/1994
Allred, Elsie I1457 Elm Lawn, Block 5, Lot 27, Space SE, 06/20/1986
Allred, Jerry M I1458 Old Child, Block F, Row 4, Space 1, 12/18/1945
Allred, John M I1460 Elm Lawn, Block 5, Lot 27, Space SE, 10/06/1998
Allred, Margaret, West Lawn, Block III, Lot 1, 09/18/2024
Allred, Susan P I1461 Old Child, Block F, Row 6, Space 1, 07/13/1947
Allsbrook, Charles L I1462 H, Block 5, Lot 1, Space SW, 04/02/1964
Allsbrook, Eleanor Petway 1127 K, Block 7, Lot 2, Space N, 88, 09/15/2005
Allsbrook, Infant (M) I1463 Old Child, Block O, Row 4, Space 6, 07/14/1948
Allsbrook, Jewell T I1464 H, Block 5, Lot 1, Space NW, 12/09/1981
Allsbrook, Laurah J I1465 East Lawn, Lot 17n, Space NE, 01/10/1919
Allsbrook, Lillian H I1466 F, Block 1, Lot 47, Space WCtr, 03/04/1972
Allsbrook, Mabel L I1467 F, Block 1, Lot 47, Space NE, 11/08/1998
Allsbrook, Maude L I1468 F, Block 6, Lot 54a, Space 1, 09/08/1948
Allsbrook, Nina W I1469 F, Block 4, Lot 19, Space WCtr, 11/04/1984
Allsbrook, Raymond E I1471 K, Block 7, Lot 2, Space S, 06/18/1967
Allsbrook, Robert L (Sr) I1472 F, Block 1, Lot 47, Space SW, 03/04/1972
Allsbrook, Robert L (Jr) 246 F, Block 1, Lot 47, Space NW, 79, 07/25/2004
Allsbrook, Sheila A 5901 F, Block 6, Lot 54a, Space NE, 86, 06/28/2010
Allsbrook, William A I1473 F, Block 6, Lot 54a, Space 3, 02/12/1987
Almadhrahy, Einas, Northwest Lawn, Block E, Space 110, 12/04/2021
Almang, Rahma, Northwest Lawn, Block E, Space 45, 05/02/2024
Almeleh, Fannie M I1474 Spruce Lawn, Block 3, Space 134, 02/03/1977
Almeleh, Louis N I1475 Spruce Lawn, Block 3, Space 133, 06/16/1998
Almeter, John N I1476 Fir II, Lot 441, Space S, 07/19/1999
Almodoval, Josie Florencio (m) I454 Indigent Adult C, Block C, Row 6, Space 38, 01/24/1953
Almond, Anne Dora I1514 West Center, Lot 116, Space 2, 07/05/1943
Almond, Earl Lee, West Lawn, Block III, Lot 208, 07/11/2023
Almond, Eva M I1477 Northeast Center II, Block P, Space 94, 06/01/1992
Almond, Infant I1478 Old Single Child, Block A, Row 1, Space 7, 03/11/1912
Almond, Marie Ballance 20 West Center, Lot 116, Space 6 89 F 03/20/2004
Almond, Raymond C (Sr) I451 West Center, Lot 116, Space 5, 12/13/1981
Almond, Walker I452 Northeast Center II, Block P, Space 93, 02/09/1960
Alonzo, Lourdes R 819 West Lawn, Block IV, Lot 273, Space S, 88, 04/22/2005
Alper, Bernard, Tree of Life IV, Block B, Lot 152, 11/26/2018
Alper, Miriam Cohen 6794 Tree of Life IV, Block B, Lot 152, Space N, 87, 04/24/2011
Alperin, Ervin 5987 Tree of Life I, Block D, Lot 1, Space SW, 78, 08/06/2010
Alperin, Jennie I455 Tree of Life I, Block D, Lot 22, Space NE, 02/28/1999
Alperin, Kevin L I456 Tree of Life I, Block D, Lot 1, Space NE, 08/14/1971
Alperin, Nathan I457 Tree of Life I, Block D, Lot 22, Space SW, 10/27/1967
Alperin, Paula, Tree of Life I, Block D, Lot 1, 01/21/2021
Alperin, Richard N I458 Tree of Life I, Block D, Lot 1, Space SE, 02/14/1962
Alperin, Roberta, Tree of Life IV, Block B, Lot 309, 07/15/2024
Alperin, Sam I459 Tree of Life I, Block D, Lot 22, Space SE, 02/12/1981
Alperin, William, Tree of Life IV, Block B, Lot 309, 06/05/2024
Alphin, Johnnie V I460 F, Block 2, Lot 30, Space WCtr, 09/06/1973
Alphin, Robert V I461 F, Block 2, Lot 30, Space SW, 08/25/1948
Alphin, Syble L 6852 F, Block 2, Lot 30, Space NW, 91, 05/09/2011
Alphin, William R I462 Ash, Block 6, Lot 7, Space S, 09/17/1975
Alrich, Margaret E I463 Mausoleum, Corridor ? Tier F, Crypt 15, 12/07/1919
Alston, Barbara, West Lawn, Block III, Lot 462, 10/22/2024
Alston, Flossie I465 Pine Gardens III, Lot 168, Space N, 10/31/1995
Alston, Fred (Sr), Pine Gardens III, Lot 168, 06/02/1924 to 03/30/2016
Alston, Hazel S I466 Southwest Center, Lot 385, Space 4, 12/08/1952
Alt, Roy Virginia, G, Block 17, Lot 14, 08/21/2020
Altares, Felix (Jr) I467 Pear Lawn, Block W, Space 11, 06/27/1987
Altares, Juanita S, West Lawn, Block IV, Lot 538, Space 1, 08/20/2014
Altieri, Zulema E 30 Southwest Center, Block I, Space 11, 62, 10/11/2002
Altizer, Agnes I468 D, Block 1, Lot 3, Space NW, 01/18/1992
Altizer, Catherine Yeoman Toxey, Live Oak, Block Q, Lot 41, 11/19/2023
Altizer, Everett R I469 Ash, Block 9, Lot 16, Space S, 10/29/1981
Altizer, Everett Ray (Jr) 31 Live Oak, Block Q, Lot 41, Space SW, 74, 06/08/2003
Altizer, Henri L I470 Ash, Block 9, Lot 16, Space N, 04/29/1986
Alton, Frances W, Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 7, Lot 74, 05/28/1924 to 10/24/2015
Alton, Mary M I471 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 8, Lot 28, Space N, 12/10/1958
Alton, Teresa L I472 F, Block 6, Lot 58a, Space SW, 06/21/1956
Alton, Thomas R I473 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 8, Lot 28, Space S, 11/29/1977
Altoveros, Bonita J I474 West Lawn, Block IV, Lot 580, Space N, 02/07/2002
Altoveros, Erlinda I476 West Lawn, Block IV, Lot 581, Space N, 05/19/2001
Altoveros, Ricardo I477 West Lawn, Block IV, Lot 582, Space S, 03/18/2000
Altoveros, Rodolfo M 3097 West Lawn, Block IV, Lot 580, Space S, 64, 03/12/2007
Altrock, Frederic C I478 Northeast Center I, Block 11, Space 62, 02/23/1951
Altschul, Arthur I479 Tree of Life I, Block A, Lot 15, Space SE, 02/22/1969
Altschul, Ellen I480 Tree of Life I, Block A, Lot 16, Space SW, 11/16/1986
Altschul, Ethel K I481 Jewish A, Lot 224e, Space SE, 04/23/1994
Altschul, Jack I482 Tree of Life I, Block A, Lot 16, Space SW, 09/26/1989
Altschul, Lemuel I483 Tree of Life I, Block A, Lot 16, Space SE, 10/29/1985
Altschul, Sylva B, Tree of Life I, Block A, Lot 16,05/06/1918 to 02/27/2015
Altschul, Sylvan A I484 Jewish A, Lot 224e, Space SE, 05/04/1964
Altshuler, Jeanna Lynne I485 Old Child, Block L, Row 3, Space 4, 01/14/1960
Alvarez, Lisbeth Y, Center Park North Extd, Block C, Lot 17, 05/02/2024
Alvey, James D I487 Northeast Center II, Block T, Space 14, 08/11/1960
Alvey, Margaret S I488 B, Block 4, Lot 13, Space 3, 06/12/1957
Alvey, Minnie H I489 Northeast Center II, Block T, Space 13, 11/08/1983
Alyamani, Albert Ali, Northwest Lawn, Block E, Space 113, 12/18/2022
Amacoto, Eberto I491 Single Adult, Block F, Row 3, Space 50, 10/29/1941
Amato, Aagot S I492 Northeast Center II, Block O, Space 109, 06/10/1964
Amato, Elizabeth W I490 Ash, Block 16, Lot 7, Space N, 05/02/1991
Amato, Frank P I493 Northeast Center II, Block O, Space 108, 10/21/1958
Amato, Savory E I494 Ash, Block 16, Lot 7, Space S, 12/15/1975
Amaya, Rosa Adin, Center Park North, Lot 285, 08/15/2019
Ambash, Annie W I495 Jewish A, Lot 48s, Space Ctr, 04/15/1963
Ambash, Jacob I496 Jewish A, Lot 48s, Space SCtr, 01/01/1943
Ambazoglou, Antonia I498 Grecian Gardens, Block D, Lot 3, Space NW, 10/15/1985
Ambler, Emma B I499 Maple Lawn, Block G, Space 32, 10/15/1965
Ambler, Harold E I500 Pine Gardens II, Lot 52, Space SE, 08/12/1970
Ambler, Rachel Morison, Pine Gardens II, Lot 52, 10/10/2020
Ambrose, Charles B I501 Holly Lawn, Lot 245, Space S, 12/22/1965
Ambrose, Elaine J I502 K, Block 14, Lot 26, Space N, 01/28/2002
Ambrose, George N (Sr) I503 South Center Lawn, Lot 165, 11/01/1981
Ambrose, Gladys M I504 Single Adult, Block C, Row 3, Space 9, 12/30/1930
Ambrose, Haywood W I505 Southwest Center, Lot 309, Space 4, 02/08/1965
Ambrose, Helen A I506 Old Child, Block K, Row 3, Space 2, 10/26/1969
Ambrose, John D I507 K, Block 14, Lot 26, Space S, 01/06/1966
Ambrose, Lillian A I509 East Lawn, Lot 89n, Space 7, 01/27/1984
Ambrose, Lucille W I510 South Center Lawn, Lot 165, 05/21/1989
Ambrose, Mary E I511 Southwest Center, Lot 309, Space 5, 01/30/1984
Ambrose, Rennie B I512 Linden Lawn, Block N, Space 45, 01/04/1967
Ambrose, Webster C I513 East Lawn, Lot 89n, Space 4, 03/03/1973
Ambrosis, Carmine I514 Old Child, Block F, Row 5, Space 26, 03/28/1947
Amburn, Alice E I515 East Center Lawn, Lot 69s, Space 2, 10/30/1947
Amdursky, Alan I516 Tree of Life I, Block A, Lot 29, Space SE, 06/07/1971
Amdursky, Arnold B I517 Tree of Life I, Block C, Lot 7, Space SW,06/01/1990
Amdursky, Benjamin 559 Jewish A, Block D, Lot Q, Space SW, 99, 12/06/2004
Amdursky, George I518 Jewish A, Block I, Lot H, Space 3, 04/26/1998
Amdursky, Jeanette 3597 Jewish A, Block D, Lot Q, Space NW, 100, 04/18/2007
Amdursky, Joseph I520 Tree of Life I, Block E, Lot K, Space S, 01/06/1974
Amdursky, Mildred D I521 Tree of Life I, Block A, Lot 29, Space NE, 04/04/1971
Amdursky, Sophia M I53777 Jewish A, Block I, Lot H, Space 3, 06/03/2002
Amdursky, Thelma I522 Tree of Life I, Block E, Lot K, Space N, 02/11/1983
Amdusky, Barbara Jones, Tree of Life IV, Block B, Lot 222, 04/07/2023
Amdusky, Howard, Tree of Life IV Block B, Lot 222, Space 2, 10/14/1927 to 09/02/2014
Amelson, Anna Belle I524 Tree of Life II, Block Q, Lot 15, Space N, 08/04/1992
Amelson, Anne I525 Tree of Life I, Block D, Lot 13, Space NE, 12/21/1998
Amelson, Frieda B I1479 Tree of Life I, Block D, Lot 37, Space NE, 84, 06/02/1994
Amelson, Gussie I1480 Tree of Life I, Block D, Lot 13, Space SE, 05/17/1996
Amelson, Jack I I1481 Tree of Life II, Block Q, Lot 15, Space S, 08/04/1968
Amelson, Sara M I1482 Tree of Life I, Block D, Lot 13, Space NW, 06/10/1971
Amelson, Theodore J I1484 Tree of Life I, Block D, Lot 13, Space SW, 06/04/1980
Amendas, John I1485 Grecian Gardens, Lot 33n, Space Ctr, 04/11/1920
Amerson, Willard I1486 Northeast Center II, Block D, Space 22, 07/04/1957
Ames, David B I1487 East Center Lawn, Lot 203n, Space 1, 01/09/1956
Ames, David W I1488 D, Block 4, Lot 16, Space NW, 12/11/1947
Ames, Garland C I1489 D, Block 4, Lot 16, Space SW, 06/13/1993
Ames, Garland C (Jr) 32 D, Block 4, Lot 16, Space ECtr, 77, 11/21/2003
Ames, Grace H I1490 East Center Lawn, Lot 203n, Space 2, 01/12/1959
Ames, Hilary N I1491 Maple Lawn, Block E, Space 2, 03/03/1961
Ames, Leonard H I1492 East Lawn, Lot 70, Space SE3, 05/20/1966
Ames, Lulah M I1493 A, Block 2, Lot 43, Space 3, 11/30/1968
Ames, Mabel R I1495 F, Block 3, Lot 33, Space SW, 01/16/1971
Ames, Marcia H, F, Block 3, Lot 34, 06/01/1923 to 03/09/2015
Ames, Margaret E I1496 Northeast Center II, Block C, Space 129, 01/20/1957
Ames, Margaret M I1497 East Lawn, Lot 70, Space SE2, 05/15/1984
Ames, Martha N I1498 F, Block 3, Lot 33, Space NE, 05/25/1979
Ames, Mary M I1499 D, Block 4, Lot 1601/01/1992
Ames, Mildred 5462 F, Block 3, Lot 34, Space SW, 94, 04/30/2009
Ames, Milton B (Sr) I1501 F, Block 3, Lot 34, Space NW, 06/15/1951
Ames, Milton B (Jr) I1500 F, Block 3, Lot 33, Space ECtr, 02/21/1992
Ames, Peggy, D, Block 4, Lot 16, 11/09/2024
Ames, Samuel Roberts 2561 F, Block 3, Lot 34, Space WCtr, 86, 11/19/2006
Ames, Vera P I1502 Maple Lawn, Block E, Space 1, 01/12/1984
Ames, Virginia W I1503 E, Block 4, Lot 23, Space NW, 06/24/1982
Ames, William J 5460 F, Block 3, Lot 34, Space SW, 86, 04/29/2009
Amies, Ellinor M I1504 East Center A, Block 1, Lot 40, Space NW, 05/22/1953
Amis, Eugene T I1507 Holly Lawn, Lot 473, Space S, 10/25/1961
Amis, Flora B I1506 Northeast Center II, Block U, Space 48, 03/03/1965
Amis, Nannie P I1508 Holly Lawn, Lot 473, Space N, 07/22/1982
Ammelin, Carl R I523 Northeast Center II, Block A, Space 85, 05/23/1954
Ammons, Alma S I1509 Indigent Adult D, Block D, Row 11, Space 6, 10/04/1982
Ammons, Lucille Scott 1150 South, Lot 88, Space NW, 82, 12/07/2002
Ammons, Thomas A I1510 South, Lot 88, Space NE, 05/19/1986
Amoakoa, Vida Center Park North Extd., Block B, Lot 363, 04/16/2016
Amolsch, Georgia R I1511 Northeast Center II, Block N, Space 76, 06/27/1958
Amolsch, William I1512 Northeast Center II, Block N, Space 75, 10/29/1957
Amon, Infant (F) I1513 Old Child, Block N, Row 1, Space 25, 09/25/1967
Amoroso, Randolph A I1515 Old Child, Block O, Row 3, Space 20, 04/15/1973
Amory, Corinne A I637 B, Block 10, Lot 18, Space 2, 10/11/1984
Amory, Joseph W I638 Ash, Block 12, Lot 13, Space S, 09/04/1976
Amory, Leila S I639 Ash, Block 12, Lot 13, Space N, 01/12/1975
Amos, Arvilla L I640 Old Child, Block H, Row 1, Space 21, 09/22/1955
Amos, Bessie D I641 G, Block 13, Lot 10, Space SW, 12/28/1959
Amos, Edward J I642 Maple Lawn, Block J, Space 79, 06/29/1963
Amos, Floyd I643 Old City Poor, Block Child 1-A, Space 32, 07/31/1934
Amos, Julian M I644 Single Adult, Block E, Row 1, Space 49, 01/21/1945
Amos, Nellie A I645 Single Adult, Block E, Row 1, Space 48, 08/04/1936
Ampuero, Rojelio I646 Old Single, Block B, Row 8, Space 1, 27, 05/05/1928
Anargyros, Efstathios E I648 New Greek, Lot 31, Space 16, 11/24/1960
Anargyros, Helen 5 New Greek, Lot 31, Space 12, 02/26/1943
Anastassiades, Costas, Grecian Gardens, Block A, Lot 18, 10/12/2017
Anastassiades, Semeli, Grecian Gardens, Block A, Lot 18, 06/24/2020
Andal, Julius I649 G, Block 13, Lot 34, Space NW, 11/17/1986
Andal, Margaret V I650 G, Block 13, Lot 34, Space SW, 10/29/1988
Anders, Doris J I651 Live Oak, Block C, Lot 73, Space N, 03/12/1994
Anders, Elizabeth Ann Anders Hall I652 Spruce Lawn, Block 9, Space 28, 04/22/1976
Anders, Mae L I654 Holly Lawn, Lot 465, Space N, 02/18/1973
Anders, Melvin J I653 Live Oak, Block C, Lot 73, Space S, 04/30/1984
Anders, Raber R I655 Holly Lawn, Lot 465, Space S, 09/19/1963
Anders, William J I656 Old Single, Block A, Row 8, Space 18, 03/06/1921
Andersen, Edward I559 Old Single, Block A, Row 10, Space 46, 11/23/1922
Andersen, John A I614 Northeast Center I, Block 19, Space 48, 02/08/1952
Andersen, Joseph S 2881 Fir Lawn, Block 2, Space 57, 80, 02/01/2007
Andersen, Kimberly A I657 Old Child, Block O, Row 1, Space 23, 05/15/1971
Andersen, Linnie Amelia, West Lawn, Block IV, Lot 123, 10/08/1946 to 08/10/2012
Andersen, Louise O 2562 West Lawn, Block IV, Lot 123, Space N, 87, 10/28/2006
Andersen, Neils P (Jr) I659 Northeast Center II, Block C, Space 152, 12/30/1961
Andersen, Neils P I660 Maple Lawn, Block C, Space 83, 07/09/1962
Andersen, Richard Francis 3717 Northwest Lawn, Block D, Lot 49, Space 3, 27, 05/14/2007
Andersen, Saundra I661 Live Oak, Block D, Lot 25, Space N, 03/26/1988
Andersen, Torliev S I735 Northeast Center II, Block F, Space 54, 05/13/1953 
Andersen, Veline G I662 Maple Lawn, Block E, Space 128, 01/23/1962
Anderson, A Orville I699 West Center, Lot 52, Space 4, 09/19/1979
Anderson, Ada B I663 Southwest Center, Lot 187, Space 5, 06/14/1985
Anderson, Ada G I664 Old Single, Block A, Row 9, Space 3, 04/23/1944
Anderson, Adolf K (Sr) I665 Live Oak, Block P, Lot 43, Space SW, 05/07/1992
Anderson, Adolf K (Jr) I666 Live Oak, Block P, Lot 43, Space SW, 03/15/1998
Anderson, Adolph W (Sr) I667 Spruce Lawn, Block 11, Space 145, 03/17/1975
Anderson, Adolph W (Jr) I668 Red Oak Lawn, Block B, Lot 9, Space S, 08/08/1980
Anderson, Albert B I670 West Center, Lot 50, Space 1, 04/07/1931
Anderson, Alexander N I671 Grecian Gardens, Block E, Lot 26, Space SW, 05/24/1978
Anderson, Alfred F I672 West Center, Lot 72, Space 3, 05/08/1957
Anderson, Alma B I673 A, Block 2, Lot 18, Space 4, 08/27/1990
Anderson, Alyce, Live Oak, Block Q, Lot 30, 10/05/2023
Anderson, Amanda B I526 West Center, Lot 72, Space 1, 02/05/1932
Anderson, Anders G I527 Maple Lawn, Block K, Space 135, 03/30/1966
Anderson, Andrew N I528 Grecian Gardens, Block E, Lot 26, Space SE, 07/10/1972 (Andreas N Andrikakos)
Anderson, Angelica I294 Grecian Gardens, Block E, Lot 26, Space NE, 06/27/1936
Anderson, Anna 33 F, Block 6, Lot 75a, Space NW, 76, 01/28/2003
Anderson, Anna L I529 Pear Lawn, Block P, Space 26, 10/22/1992
Anderson, Anna S I530 E, Block 5, Lot 20, Space WCtr, 01/24/1958
Anderson, Annie E I533 A, Block 2, Lot 18, Space 1, 04/30/1954
Anderson, Annie E I531 Southwest Center, Lot 423, Space 3, 08/11/1931
Anderson, Annie S 35 H, Block 3, Lot 26, Space NW, 87, 10/31/2002
Anderson, Aubrey R I534 F, Block 5, Lot 10, Space ECtr, 12/05/1958
Anderson, Austin E (Jr) I535 Old Child, Block G, Row 7, Space 7, 03/20/1952
Anderson, Avery Adrian, West Lawn, Block III, Lot 333, 04/25/2023
Anderson, Avery T I536 Pear Lawn, Block J, Space 32, 01/29/1987
Anderson, Barbara Ann, West Lawn, Block IV, Lot 136, 08/22/2019
Anderson, Barbara F I537 South, Lot 135, Space 9, 02/06/1957
Anderson, Belle G I539 Jewish A, Block A, Lot H, Space NE, 02/10/1962
Anderson, Bessie I540 West Center, Lot 50, Space 2, 01/14/1954
Anderson, Callie F I538 Spruce Lawn, Block 11, Space 146, 05/16/2001
Anderson, Calvin L I541 J, Block 6, Lot 3, Space SW, 03/16/1963
Anderson, Carl E I544 South, Lot 182, Space 2, 02/14/1924
Anderson, Carl L I545 Northeast Center I, Block 26, Space 6, 08/30/1949
Anderson, Carl S I546 Southwest Center, Lot 187, Space 4, 09/28/1980
Anderson, Charles A I542 A, Block 2, Lot 18, Space 1, 11/18/1935
Anderson, Charles T I547 East Center B, Lot 34, Space SE, 91, 02/20/1947
Anderson, Charles W I548 Southwest Center, Lot 347, Space 1, 03/04/1922
Anderson, Charles W I549 South Center Lawn, Lot 152n, Space 18, 12/30/1947
Anderson, Charles W, 8369 A, Block 2, Lot 18, 12/27/2010. Burial 05/11/2013
Anderson, Clara M I550 Northeast Center II, Block B, Space 160, 07/17/1989
Anderson, Clifton R I551 South Center Lawn, Lot 4s, Space 4, 07/17/1964
Anderson, Clyde S I552 Northeast Center I, Block 4, Space 16, 09/24/1945
Anderson, Cora Lum I553 South Center Lawn, Lot 152C, 07/07/1961
Anderson, Daniel N 7202 F, Block 6, Lot 75a, Space SW, 87, 07/29/2011
Anderson, Darryl Emil(Jr) Center Park North Extd, Block B, Lot 301, 07/20/2017
Anderson, Delmer C I555 Linden Lawn, Block R, Space 27, 10/12/1979
Anderson, Doris F I556 Red Oak Lawn, Block C, Lot 81, Space N, 12/22/1978
Anderson, Dorothy G I557 Live Oak, Block M, Lot 24, Space ECtr, 02/14/1998
Anderson, Duston G I558 Linden Lawn, Block N, Space 31, 10/18/1969
Anderson, Edward I560 Single Adult, Block F, Row 5, Space 24, 03/06/1939
Anderson, Elizabeth I561 Old Single Child, Block A, Row 11, Space 6, 10/03/1921
Anderson, Ellis F I562 Single Adult, Block F, Row 9, Space 50, 01/03/1941
Anderson, Elmer S I563 Northeast Center II, Block C, Space 100, 12/25/1952
Anderson, Elnora I564 West Center, Lot 431, Space SW, 05/30/1972
Anderson, Elsie E I566 Red Oak Lawn, Block B, Lot 9, Space N, 08/22/1991
Anderson, Emily Jean 5967 L, Block 8, Lot 20, Space ECtr, 93, 07/19/2010
Anderson, Emma M 6279 Live Oak, Block M, Lot 49, Space WCtr, 99, 05/19/2008
Anderson, Emma R I567 South Center Lawn, Lot 18s, Space 5, 07/07/1956
Anderson, Enir I568 East Lawn, Lot 28, Row 2, Space 1, 08/23/1916
Anderson, Ethel M I570 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 5, Lot 28, Space NW, 09/20/1990
Anderson, Ethel M I569 C, Block 6, Lot 26, Space 1, 04/26/1946
Anderson, Everett L I571 Northeast Center I, Block 26, Space 4, 02/10/1965
Anderson, Everett M I572 J, Block 6, Lot 3, Space NW, 05/09/1989
Anderson, Floyd H I574 Single Adult, Block F, Row 2, Space 41, 08/15/1972
Anderson, Frances "Fannie" C I575 Southwest Center, Lot 423, Space 1, 09/07/1920
Anderson, Frank L I577 Northeast Center II, Block E, Space 23, 07/29/1957
Anderson, George A I578 Maple Lawn, Block L, Space 22, 04/26/1966
Anderson, George E I579 Mausoleum, Corridor C, Tier C, Crypt 69, 08/21/1969
Anderson, George R I580 South Center Lawn, Lot 18s, 07/05/1920
Anderson, Geraldine W I581 Pear Lawn, Block J, Space 33, 11/09/1997
Anderson, Gilbert R I582 Northeast Center II, Block T, Space 37, 07/07/1959
Anderson, Gladys C I583 K, Block 16, Lot 1, Space N, 08/28/1980
Anderson, H W I584 Old Single, Block A, Row 5, Space 8, 01/16/1918
Anderson, Hampton T (Sr) I57724 Mausoleum, Corridor A, Tier B, Crypt 26, 10/15/1969
Anderson, Harold G I585 H, Block 3, Lot 26, Space SW, 04/01/1999
Anderson, Helen M I587 Linden Lawn, Block R, Space 28, 08/17/1967
Anderson, Helen Wells 36 South Center Lawn, Lot 18s, Space 106, 06/16/2003
Anderson, Herbert A I588 Single Adult, Block C, Row 1, Space 35, 03/14/1933
Anderson, Herman K I589 South, Lot 23, Space 4, 73, 06/22/1932
Anderson, Hilton L (Sr) I590 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 5, Lot 28, Space SW, 12/22/1963
Anderson, Hilton L (Jr) I591 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 5, Lot 28, Space NE, 04/10/1992
Anderson, Hugh (Sr) Fir II, Lot 188, 03/05/2019
Anderson, Ida W I592 Linden Lawn, Block O, Space 53, 12/13/1970
Anderson, Infant I593 South, Lot 374, Space 3, 12/09/1921
Anderson, Infant I596 Old Single Child, Block B, Row 3, Space 31, 11/25/1933
Anderson, Infant I595 Old Child, Block E, Row 4, Space 36, 01/05/1943
Anderson, Infant (f) I598 Single Adult, Block D, Row 4, Space 42, 10/16/1950
Anderson, Infant I594 Old Child, Block G, Row 8, Space 24, 03/29/1953
Anderson, Infant (f) I599 Old Child, Block H, Row 6, Space 38, 09/15/1955
Anderson, Irene S 37 West Center, Lot 52, Space 6, 97, 12/25/2002
Anderson, Iris B 656 C, Block 9, Lot 15, Space NW, 84, 01/31/2005
Anderson, Isadora B I600 Red Oak Lawn, Block C, Lot 31, Space N, 01/21/1981
Anderson, Jacqueline Watson, Pear Lawn, Block P, Space 39, 07/20/2022
Anderson, James I602 Live Oak, Block I, Lot 21, Space 2, 02/21/1996
Anderson, James I601 East Lawn, Lot 39, Row 1, Space 7, 08/10/1937
Anderson, James A I603 Single Adult, Block F, Row 10, Space 35, 01/04/1941
Anderson, James C I604 Live Oak, Block H, Lot 25, Space 2, 10/07/1998
Anderson, James D I605 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 6, Lot 91, Space SW, 07/09/1999
Anderson, James M I610 Southwest Center, Lot 423, 07/01/1938
Anderson, James R I607 Fir Lawn, Block 1, Space 6, 05/09/1983
Anderson, James R I606 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 5, Lot 28, Space SE, 03/03/2000
Anderson, James T I609 Linden Lawn, Block K, Space 59, 04/19/1970
Anderson, James W I611 A, Block 2, Lot 18, Space 3, 03/06/1963
Anderson, Jessie S I612 J, Block 6, Lot 3, Space NE, 09/21/1982
Anderson, John A I613 Southwest Center, Lot 457, Space 2, 10/14/1921
Anderson, John B I615 Live Oak, Block M, Lot 24, Space SE, 06/15/1993
Anderson, John D I618 Jewish A, Block A, Lot H, Space ECtr, 01/26/1954
Anderson, John E I617 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 8, Lot 15, Space S, 12/27/1958
Anderson, John F I620 West Center, Lot 72, Space 6, 01/09/1973
Anderson, John M I621 F, Block 4, Lot 46, Space SE, 10/11/1976
Anderson, John N I295 Grecian Gardens, Block D, Lot 18, 05/28/1943 (Greek: Andrikakos)
Anderson, John Richard I616 East Center B, Lot 34, Space ECtr, 70, 10/20/1952
Anderson, John S (Sr) I622 Linden Lawn, Block O, Space 54, 07/04/1968
Anderson, John W I623 Maple Lawn, Block M, Space 83, 02/08/1964
Anderson, Joseph E I624 Ash, Block 10, Lot 2, Space SE, 11/21/1997
Anderson, Joseph T (Jr) I625 J, Block 6, Lot 3, Space SE, 08/14/1957
Anderson, Joseph V I626 Red Oak Lawn, Block F, Lot 54, Space S, 07/31/1978
Anderson, Julia A I627 Single Adult, Block H, Row 5, Space 29, 05/18/1943
Anderson, Justin A I628 Live Oak, Block K, Lot 18, Space 2, 03/13/1990
Anderson, Kate Willis 3973 Live Oak, Block H, Lot 25, Space 1, 88, 07/28/2007
Anderson, Katherin F I631 South Center Lawn, Lot 82, Space 7, 01/05/1939
Anderson, Katherine I629 South Center Lawn, Lot 82, Space 8, 11/11/1981
Anderson, Lela G I632 G, Block 11, Lot 17, Space NW, 08/05/1983
Anderson, Leone H I634 Live Oak, Block P, Lot 43, Space NW, 09/26/1986
Anderson, Lillian B I633 Southwest Center, Lot 44, Space 2, 12/23/1924
Anderson, Linda Laverne, Community Mausoleum, East Side, Level C, Crypt 4, 06/06/2023
Anderson, Lizzie I635 Old Single, Block B, Row 13, Space 34, 11/16/1932
Anderson, Lois B I674 East Lawn, Lot 18n, Space 3, 11/07/1941
Anderson, Loyal Dewey "Andy" I675 Indigent Adult C, Block C, Row 6, Space 42, 02/19/1953
Anderson, Lucille S I676 Northeast Center II, Block T, Space 36, 01/14/1980
Anderson, Lucy A I677 Northeast Center I, Block 4, Space 14, 05/18/1947
Anderson, Luther C I678 Northeast Center I, Block 21, Space 10, 12/08/1947
Anderson, Margaret I681 Grecian Gardens, Block D, Lot 9b, Space N, 05/07/1994
Anderson, Margaret B I711, South Center Lawn, Lot 18s, 12/14/1921
Anderson, Margaret E I682 West Center, Lot 50, Space 5, 12/13/1994
Anderson, Margaret M I683 Linden Lawn, Block K, Space 58, 03/11/1968
Anderson, Marion H I684 South, Lot 23, Space 3, 05/31/1922
Anderson, Mary C I685 Northeast Center II, Block R, Space 18, 09/12/1960
Anderson, Mary E 352 Ash, Block 10, Lot 2, Space NE, 85, 09/20/2004
Anderson, Mary Ella I680 Southwest Center, Lot 347, Space 3, 03/03/1941
Anderson, Mary J I686 Southwest Center, Lot 457, Space 1, 12/07/1919
Anderson, Mary M I687 West Center, Lot 72, Space 5, 09/28/1968
Anderson, Mary N I688 South Center Lawn, Lot 123n, 11/12/1961
Anderson, Matthew A (Sr) I689 Live Oak, Block M, Lot 49, Space SW, 82, 03/28/1988
Anderson, Melvie O I691 K, Block 16, Lot 1, Space S, 11/16/1965
Anderson, Minnie J I692 South Center Lawn, Lot 194n, 12/02/1957
Anderson, Missouri W I693 South Center Lawn, Lot 194n, Space 3, 08/05/1941
Anderson, Myra I694 Tree of Life I, Block C, Lot 7, Space NW, 08/06/2000
Anderson, Nels I695 South Center Lawn, Lot 123n, Space 3, 09/15/1929
Anderson, Nina S I696 South Center Lawn, Lot 4s, Space 5, 02/09/1970
Anderson, O J I697 Old Single, Block B, Row 13, Space 33, 02/07/1929
Anderson, Olaf P I698 Red Oak Lawn, Block C, Lot 31, Space S, 07/13/1994
Anderson, Otto I700 Single Adult, Block F, Row 3, Space 49, 09/16/1941
Anderson, Paraskevi V I702 Grecian Gardens, Block D, Lot 18, SpaceNE, 08/01/1995
Anderson, Patricia Ann Fir II, Lot 188, 07/28/2016
Anderson, Pauline F I703 Southwest Center, Lot 284, Space 5, 01/02/1985
Anderson, Perry E I704 A, Block 5, Lot 26, Space 1, 09/04/1932
Anderson, Phillip R I705 L, Block 8, Lot 20, Space SE, 68, 05/19/1977
Anderson, Plummer O I706 Live Oak, Block A, Lot 9, Space 2, 10/25/1989
Anderson, Preston N I707 Holly Lawn, Lot 319, Space S, 08/22/1962
Anderson, R L I708 South Center Lawn, Lot 123n, Space 1, 08/17/1916
Anderson, Raymond (Jr) 7773 Live Oak, Block Q, Lot 30, Space SE, 62, 05/07/2012
Anderson, Rena M I709 Old Child, Block M, Row 7, Space 4, 11/04/1966
Anderson, Richard, Center Park North Extd, Block B, Lot 209, 05/14/2023
Anderson, Richard Nelson (Sr) Northeast Center I, Block 26, Space 4, 01/12/2023
Anderson, Robert (Jr) Elm Lawn, Block 5, Lot 3, 02/20/2021
Anderson, Robert E I713 South Center Lawn, Lot 18s, Space 4, 01/27/1955
Anderson, Robert L (Sr) I710 G, Block 11, Lot 17, Space SW, 10/01/1968
Anderson, Robert L (Jr) I714 B, Block 7, Lot 38, Space 3, 08/15/1990
Anderson, Robert M I715 C, Block 9, Lot 15, Space 3, 06/24/1975
Anderson, Robert W I716 Locust Lawn, Block 4, Space 46, 04/25/1981
Anderson, Ronald J, Live Oak Block A, Lot 9, 08/28/1939 to 11/06/2015
Anderson, Rose A I717 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 8, Lot 15, Space N, 01/05/1962
Anderson, Rose M I718 Northeast Center II, Block C, Space 101, 10/27/1972
Anderson, Rowena T I719 Single Adult, Block F, Row 2, Space 40, 05/04/1941
Anderson, Roy C I57725 Mausoleum, Corridor D, Tier F, Crypt 112, 05/19/1928
Anderson, Ruby F I720 Single Adult, Block F, Row 2, Space 39, 07/03/1974
Anderson, Rudolph I721 Fir Lawn, Block 6, Space 12, 12/27/1981
Anderson, Ruth A I723 East Lawn, Lot 3, Space 1, 09/28/1941
Anderson, Ruth E I724 East Center B, Lot 34, Space NE, 92, 09/20/1973
Anderson, Ruth G I725 G, Block 14, Lot 14, Space NW, 11/09/1961
Anderson, Samuel W I726 Old Single, Block A, Row 9, Space 2, 03/29/1923
Anderson, Sandra Artrip, Pine Gardens III, Lot 144, 07/18/2022
Anderson, Sarah R I727 Locust Lawn, Block 4, Space 45, 12/13/1970
Anderson, Shirley, West Lawn, Block III, Lot 156, 02/09/2021
Anderson, Susan F I728 Single Adult, Block F, Row 4, Space 26, 12/24/1939
Anderson, Teresa B I730 F, Block 4, Lot 46, Space ECtr, 09/05/1982
Anderson, Theo B I731 C, Block 9, Lot 15, Space 1, 10/17/1945
Anderson, Thomas I732 Indigent Child, Block C, Row 1, Space 6, 04/17/1935
Anderson, Thomas, West Lawn, Block IV, Lot 279, Space 2, 05/23/1942 to 09/05/2014
Anderson, Thomas J I734 Southwest Center, Lot 423, Space 4, 11/06/1923
Anderson, Thonie Lee I729 D, Block 6, Lot 7, Space SE, 04/16/1958
Anderson, Timothy T I736 South Center Lawn, Lot 82, Space 6, 05/23/1934
Anderson, Tommy W I738 C, Block 9, Lot 15, Space Ctr west side, 10/30/1982
Anderson, Tommy W (Jr) I737 C, Block 9, Lot 15, Space 2, 03/01/1953
Anderson, Velma L I739 Locust Lawn, Block 11, Space 13, 06/05/1972
Anderson, Verne A I740 Maple Lawn, Block L, Space 7, 03/18/1966
Anderson, Violet Mae 5870 Live Oak, Block A, Lot 9, Space 1, 50, 05/21/2010
Anderson, Virginia B I741 B, Block 7, Lot 38, Space 4, 02/09/2001
Anderson, Virginia B, A, Block 2, Lot 18, 05/18/1917 to 02/02/2013
Anderson, Virginia R I742 South Center Lawn, Lot 18s, Space 3, 08/13/1922
Anderson, Vivian W I743 D, Block 6 Lot 7, 09/13/1978
Anderson, William I745 East Lawn, Lot 32, Row 2, Space 8, 02/09/1920
Anderson, William B I1516 South Center Lawn, Lot 194n, Space 7, 05/29/1960
Anderson, William C I1517 G, Block 14, Lot 14, Space SW, 11/27/1952
Anderson, William E I1518 Fir Lawn, Block 12, Space 67, 03/31/1978
Anderson, William N I1519 Grecian Gardens, Block D, Lot 9b, 07/01/1993
Anderson, William P I1520 South Center Lawn, Lot 18s, Space 6, 07/28/1956
Anderson, Willie R I1521 Locust Lawn, Block 19, Space 33, 04/07/1970
Anderson, Zelma P I1522 Fir Lawn, Block 12, Space 66, 12/23/1977
Andrade, Juanita T I1523 Northeast Center II, Block Q, Space 77, 04/22/1960
Andrasen, Joseph W I1524 Fir II, Lot 229, Space S, 07/26/1998
Andre, Jacqueline M I1527 Live Oak, Block K, Lot 31, Space 1, 12/11/1996
Andreadis, George I1526 New Greek, Lot 35s, Space 8, 08/22/1940
Andreopoulos, Ann, Tree of Life IV, Block C, Lot 5, 08/08/2021
Andres, Anthony G 34 Southwest Center, Block E, Space 5, 41, 07/12/2003
Andres, Bessie W I1528 Maple Lawn, Block B, Space 95, 10/29/1968
Andres, Pedro I1529 East Lawn, Lot 39, Row 2, Space 3, 08/26/1937
Andresos, Anastasios K I1530 Grecian Gardens, Block B, Lot 27, SpaceS, 07/18/1967
Andresos, Infant (f) I1531 Grecian Gardens, Lot 2, 01/28/1920
Andresos, Olga I1532 Grecian Gardens, Block B, Lot 27, Space N, 02/01/1963
Andrew, Ivan A I1533 E, Block 2, Lot 8, Space SW, 08/08/1959
Andrew, Narcissa B I1534 Northeast Center II, Block B, Space 1, 01/10/1955
Andrew, Robert E I1535 Northeast Center II, Block B, Space 2, 07/02/1967
Andrewlavage, Arvella 6127 Pear Lawn, Block T, Space 28, 83, 10/19/2010
Andrewlavage, J John I1537 Pear Lawn, Block T, Space 29, 12/30/1988
Andrews, Alvan I1538 K, Block 14, Lot 22, Space S, 04/06/1985
Andrews, Annie I1539 Indigent Adult C, Block C, Row 1, Space 2, 06/27/1936
Andrews, Annie L I1540 South Center Lawn, Lot 100n, 03/18/1953
Andrews, Benjamin E I57735 Mausoleum, Corridor B, Tier D, Crypt 64, 09/26/1931
Andrews, Betty I1541 Fir II, Lot 265, Space N, 04/06/2000
Andrews, Betty L I1542 Single Adult, Block D, Row 6, Space 28, 05/05/1936
Andrews, Blanche H I1543 Pear Lawn, Block G, Lot 14, Space S, 05/07/1984
Andrews, Burley L (Jr) I1545 Old Child, Block J, Row 5, Space 24, 04/10/1958
Andrews, Burley L I1544 Fir II, Lot 265, Space S, 01/28/1993
Andrews, Carroll V I1547 Live Oak, Block B, Lot 72, Space S, 06/11/1992
Andrews, David S I1548 Northeast Center II, Block I, Space 50, 12/09/1953
Andrews, Edward J I1549 Single Adult, Block D, Row 6, Space 33, 11/24/1951
Andrews, Elizabeth B I1550 South, Lot 370, Space 1, 07/14/1917
Andrews, Elizabeth P I1551 South, Lot 370, Space 3, 04/12/1966
Andrews, Ellen P I746 Northeast Center II, Block C, Space 138, 12/31/1975
Andrews, Fabian W I747 B, Block 9, Lot 7, Space 1, 05/21/1947
Andrews, Florence A I573 Single Adult, Block H, Row 9, Space 32, 01/11/1945
Andrews, Florence G I748 Single Adult, Block F, Row 3, Space 7, 03/28/1941
Andrews, Frank E I749 Single Adult, Block D, Row 1, Space 39, 02/20/1948
Andrews, Gertrude B I750 Fir Lawn, Block 15, Space 69, 11/12/1983
Andrews, Hattie M I752 Maple Lawn, Block K, Space 12, 08/19/1981
Andrews, Herbert S I753 Northeast Center II, Block C, Single Grave 137, 08/08/1956
Andrews, Infants I754 Old Child, Block D, Row 1, Space 24, 11/12/1940 (William & James Andrews 11/11/ 1940)
Andrews, Infant (m) I755 Indigent Child, Block C, Row 3, Space 48, 06/26/1948
Andrews, Irene I756 Pear Lawn, Block G, Lot 6, Space N, 04/25/1997
Andrews, Jewett Fred I757 South Center Lawn, Lot 116, Space 11, 11/03/1964
Andrews, John D I758 Northeast Center II, Block I, Space 115, 09/01/1957
Andrews, John F I759 Northeast Center I, Block 29, Space 7, 11/22/1948
Andrews, John S I760 Live Oak, Block A, Lot 14, Space 5, 08/31/1993
Andrews, Laquita Daniels 1045 West Lawn, Block IV, Lot 453, SpaceN, 51, 07/25/2005
Andrews, Lizzie I57726 Mausoleum, Corridor B, Tier D, Crypt 62, 06/17/1928
Andrews, Lois M I762 Single Adult, Block D, Row 6, Space 32, 12/20/1933
Andrews, Lucille B I763 K, Block 14, Lot 22, Space N, 10/07/1996
Andrews, Margaret 1538 West Lawn, Block IV, Lot 690, Space N, 82, 03/31/2006
Andrews, Mary E I765 Maple Lawn, Block L, Space 90, 02/15/1970
Andrews, Mary R I764 South, Lot 369, Space 1, 84, 11/19/1918
Andrews, Minnie H. I9975  B, Block 9, Lot 8, 01/18/1939
Andrews, Muriel C I766 Single Adult, Block D, Row 1, Space 38, 11/19/1935
Andrews, Myra A I767 South Center Lawn, Lot 116, Space 13, 07/31/1978
Andrews, Norman C I57727 Mausoleum, Corridor A, Tier E, Crypt 16,04/05/1931
Andrews, Paul S 1549 West Lawn, Block IV, Lot 690, Space S, 80, 04/08/2006
Andrews, Paul S I768 D, Block 8 Lot 2, 09/12/1947
Andrews, Ralph D (Sr) I769 Ash, Block 3, Lot 26, Space S, 02/13/1993
Andrews, Roy O I770 Indigent Adult D, Block D, Row 5, Space 10, 05/29/1974
Andrews, Royal C 2122 Pear Lawn, Block G, Lot 14, Space N, 85, 08/26/2006
Andrews, Sara N I281 Live Oak, Block A, Lot 13, Space 11, 01/31/1999
Andrews, Stacey C I282 Northeast Center I, Block 29, Space 5, 03/31/1962
Andrews, Tavie L I283 Maple Lawn, Block K, Space 13, 02/17/1983
Andrews, Theodore C I284 South, Lot 370, Space 2, 01/16/1925
Andrews, Thorburn O I285 Pear Lawn, Block G, Lot 6, Space S, 02/25/1999
Andrews, Ulysses I286 Single Adult, Block E, Row 1, Space 1, 05/04/1937
Andrews, Vilma R I287 Ash, Block 3, Lot 26, Space N, 08/01/1993
Andrews, Virginia P I288 Live Oak, Block B, Lot 72, Space N, 11/16/1979
Andrews, William D I289 Northeast Center I, Block 6, Space 32, 10/26/1949
Andrews, William H I290 Northeast Center II, Block G, Space 139, 07/05/1956
Andrews, William J I292 South Center Lawn, Lot 100n, Space 8, 02/10/1941
Andrianais, George I293 New Greek, Lot 38s, Space 8, 12/23/1930
Andrikakos, Andreas NI528 Grecian Gardens, Block E, Lot 26, Space SE, 07/10/1972 (Also: Anderson, Andrew N)
Andrikakos, Margarita N I296 Grecian Gardens, Block E, Lot 25, Space NE,08/30/1868 to 03/08/1943 (Tombstone: Andrison)
Andrikakos, Nicholas I297 Grecian Gardens, Block E, Lot 25, Space SE, 05/31/1964
Andrikakos, Angelica Philippa I294 Grecian Gardens, Block E, Lot 26, Space NE, 06/27/1936 (Also: Anderson, Angelica)
Anelli, Brenda P I298 Fir Lawn, Block 7, Space 5,10/08/1979
Anemouris, James E I299 GUS (See: Evangelos))
Ange, Dewey C I300 Single Adult, Block E, Row 4, Space 12, 02/21/1939
Ange, Ethel I301 K, Block 1, Lot 11, Space NW, 02/08/1990
Ange, Eunice 7373 F, Block 1, Lot 18, Space NW, 86, 10/17/2011
Ange, Gold 4275 F, Block 1, Lot 18, Space WCtr, 84, 07/27/2007
Ange, Lang I303 Live Oak, Block A, Lot 15, Space 3, 12/25/1991
Ange, Margaret L, Spruce Lawn, Block 1, Space 34, 04/25/2013
Ange, Martha B I304 Single Adult, Block E, Row 4, Space 13, 05/10/1954
Ange, Maurice 7317 Spruce Lawn, Block 1, Space 35, 09/13/2011
Ange, Patricia Conte, K, Block 1, Lot 10, 09/27/2020
Ange, William H I305 Single Adult, Block E, Row 4, Space 14, 10/14/1958
Ange, William W (III) I306 K, Block 1, Lot 10, Space SW, 02/11/1972
Ange, William W (Sr) I307 K, Block 1, Lot 11, Space SW, 12/20/1988
Angel, Jerome 7716 Tree of Life IV, Block B, Lot 264, Space N, 84, 04/04/2012
Angell, Bonnie L I308 Spruce Lawn, Block 1, Space 91, 04/25/1974
Angelos, John D I309 New Greek, Lot 37s, Space 1, 04/26/1936
Angelos, Maratos I310 Grecian Gardens, Lot 2, Space Ctr (unknown dates)
Angelos, Tom I311 Grecian Gardens, Block M, Space 1, 05/27/1972
Angelson, Frances 1701 Grecian Gardens, Block H, Space 99, 79, 04/22/2003
Angelson, Helen K I312 New Greek, Lot 26s, Space 2, 02/16/1980
Angelson, John P I314 New Greek, Lot 26s, Space 9, 04/19/1980
Angelson, Mary Frances, Grecian Gardens, Block H, Space 98, 12/10/1955 to 02/27/2016
Angelson, Paul G I315 New Greek, Lot 26s, Space 1, 02/22/1948
Angelson, William P I316 Grecian Gardens, Block B, Lot 19, Space S,12/28/1970
Angelus, Louis J I317 J, Block 5, Lot 17, Space SE, 07/01/1957
Anger, Marilyn F I318 Tree of Life III, Block 6, Lot 11, Space S,03/08/1995
Anghelatos, Franghi I319 New Greek, Lot 36n, Space 12, 05/04/1964
Anglen, Alice I I321 Fir Lawn, Block 22, Space 7, 10/01/1979
Anglen, Dennis Ray 38 Fir II, Lot 217, Space S, 48, 08/25/2003
Anglen, Harold L I320 Fir Lawn, Block 22, Space 8, 09/01/1996
Anglen, Terry Leroy, Maple Lawn, Block D, Space 99, 08/04/2018
Anglen, Thelma J I322 Red Oak Lawn, Block B, Lot 10, Space N, 10/09/1985
Anglin, Infant I323 Old Child, Block F, Row 2, Space 1, 05/29/1945
Angras, John (Jr) I326 Grecian Gardens, Block G, Lot 15b, Space S, 81, 08/11/2000
Angras, John K I325 New Greek, Lot 34s, Space 5, 03/01/1942
Angras, Katherine J I327 New Greek, Lot 34s, Space 8, 08/06/1978
Anjal, Donald E (Sr) I328 Red Oak Lawn, Block B, Lot 25, Space S, 02/10/1980
Anjal, Marjorie Sams 4397 Red Oak Lawn, Block B, Lot 25, Space N, 89, 01/05/2008
Ankelman, Ernest H I329 Old Single, Block B, Row 3, Space 5, 03/22/1926
Ankelman, Katherine I330 Old Single, Block B, Row 3, Space 6, 03/04/1933
Ankrum, Ruby J I331 G, Block 7, Lot 19, Space NE, 03/14/1982
Ann, Tyler J I235 East Center Lawn, Block F, Space 13, 9, 12/27/2001
Annanstadis, Vangle I347 New Greek, Space 22, 07/18/1959
Annarino, Anthony I332 D, Block 1, Lot 21, Space WCtr, 03/29/1971
Annarino, Betty T I334 K, Block 9, Lot 15, Space NW, 11/03/2000
Annarino, Bettye L I348 Pear Lawn, Block K, Space 41, 01/21/1997
Annarino, Curtis D I336 D, Block 1, Lot 21, Space NW, 05/07/1948
Annarino, Eolien O I333 K, Block 9, Lot 15, Space NE, 12/23/1977
Annarino, Josephine I337 Fir Lawn, Block 7, Space 3, 07/09/1981
Annarino, Louise I338 Pear Lawn, Block K, Space 42, 01/08/1986
Annarino, Vincent P (Sr) I339 K, Block 9, Lot 15, Space SE, 01/03/1989
Annin, Anna L I340 Ash, Block 8, Lot 1, Space S, 08/30/1971
Anninos, Andrew I341 Grecian Gardens, Block A, Lot 7, Space SW, 02/23/1981
Anninos, Augustine 963 Grecian Gardens, Block A, Lot 7, Space SE, 74, 04/25/2005
Anninos, Augustus I342 Grecian Gardens, Block G, Lot 3a, Space S, 05/10/1994
Anninos, Dennis A I343 Grecian Gardens, Block M, Space 16, 12/29/1971
Anninos, Helen I344 Grecian Gardens, Block M, Space 17, 12/20/1977
Anninos, Helen K I345 Grecian Gardens, Block A, Lot 7, Space NW, 05/22/1986
Anninos, Patricia 7238 Grecian Gardens, Block A, Lot 8, Space NE, 77, 08/24/2011
Anninos, Peggy D, GrecianGardens, Block G, Lot 3A, 03/06/2017
Anninos, Spiros I234 New Greek, Lot 34s, Space 7, 04/25/1942
Ansell, Alice D I236 Linden Lawn, Block A, Space 32, 03/07/1967
Ansell, Bessie J I237 South Center Lawn, Lot 152s, Space 9, 04/06/1957
Ansell, Burness F (Sr) I238 Locust Lawn, Block 23, Space 43, 05/25/1971
Ansell, Edna H I239 Crepe Myrtle Lawn, Block 7, Lot 3, Space NW, 07/03/1998
Ansell, Ervin T I240 Locust Lawn, Block 17, Space 9, 05/15/1972
Ansell, Infant I243 Old Single Child, Block A, Row 13, Space 16, 04/26/1923
Ansell, Infant I241 Old Single Child, Block B, Row 9, Space 24, 12/12/1927
Ansell, Jeanette L I244 Locust Lawn, Block 23, Space 42, 04/03/1970
Ansell, John W I245 G, Block 5, Lot 40, Space SW, 08/28/1954
Ansell, Julia G I246 G, Block 5, Lot 40, Space NW, 02/13/1983
Ansell, Laura B I247 South Center Lawn, Lot 152s, Space 7, 12/23/1955
Ansell, Leonard J I248 South Center Lawn, Lot 152s, Space 8, 05/05/1942
Ansell, Linwood G I249 South Center Lawn, Lot 152s, Space 1, 11/03/1917
Ansell, Melrose E I250 South Center Lawn, Lot 152s, Space 2, 10/12/1931
Ansell, Susan N I251 Indigent Adult D, Block D, Row 4, Space 13, 11/17/1971
Ansell, Walter F I252 Single Adult, Block H, Row 6, Space 9, 08/27/1943
Ansul, Infant I254 Old Single Child, Block B, Row 5, Space 20, 07/12/1931
Anthony, Beulah B I255 Locust Lawn, Block 19, Space 23, 12/15/1971
Anthony, Estelle H I256 Maple Lawn, Block N, Space 5, 08/11/1964
Anthony, Frances Ivey Jordan 39 South Center Lawn, Lot 210, Space 9, 65, 07/09/2003
Anthony, Leo, Tree of Life IV, Block A, Lot 31, 03/21/2019
Anthony, M David I257 Jewish A, Lot 4, Space 991, 10/08/1939
Anthony, Marie B I258 Jewish A, Lot 4, Space 5, 01/04/1960
Anthony, Mary P I259 Grecian Gardens, Block D, Lot 15b, Space N, 02/22/1997
Anthony, Peter H I260 Grecian Gardens, Block D, Lot 15b, Space S, 02/28/1993
Anthony, Theodore G, Pear Lawn, Block N, Space 29, 02/29/2016
Anthony, Velma Belle Midgette Maddox 7451 Pear Lawn, Block N, Space 28, 82, 11/22/2011
Anthoulides, Paraskevoula I262 New Greek, Lot 28s, Space 4, 10/11/1946
Anthoulides, Telemahos D I261 New Greek, Lot 28s, Space 9, 12/02/1967
Antido, Richard I263 Pear Lawn, Block I, Space 13, 03/11/1985
Antin, Charlie I265 East Lawn, Lot 25, Row 3, Space 2,01/30/1916
Anto, John I266 K, Block 3, Lot 3, Space SW, 11/20/1998
Anto, Paul S I267 K, Block 3, Lot 3, Space SE, 11/22/1978
Anto, Virginia A I268 K, Block 3, Lot 3, Space NW, 12/10/2000
Antonio, James I269 New Greek, Lot 24s, Space 6, 06/03/1950
Antonovick, Frank I270 Indigent Adult C, Block C, Row 6, Space 39, 05/01/1960
Antoviadas, Joanikivs I271 Old Single, Block A, Row 2, Space 36, 08/23/1916
Antrim, Ruby W I349 F, Block 3, Lot 19, Space ECtr, 01/26/1982
Apera, Claire C I350 Grecian Gardens, Block H, Space 146, 01/05/1990
Apera, Peter J I351 Grecian Gardens, Block H, Space 145, 03/28/1984
Apker, John Calvin 699 East Center Lawn, Block B, Space 18, 67, 02/18/2005
Apostilatoes, Infant I354 Old Single Child, Block B, Row 13, Space19, 05/10/1924
Apostoiu, Angelica, Tree of Life IV, Block A, Lot 59, 06/07/1935 to 04/18/2013
Apostolatos, Mary I355 Grecian Gardens, Block N, Space 15, 08/20/1987
Apostolatos, Theodore I356 Grecian Gardens, Block N, Space 16, 04/25/1975
Apostolis, Raymond I357 Pear Lawn, Block Y, Space 9, 10/31/1986
Apostulas, Arthur I358 New Greek, Lot 24s, Space 2, 06/25/1949
Appel, Albert G I359 Single Adult, Block F, Row 8, Space 45, 05/06/1941
Apperson, Elizabeth C I360 Maple Lawn, Block O, Space 88, 11/28/1986
Apperson, Inez M I363 Locust Lawn, Block 7, Space 14, 02/19/1973
Apperson, Infant (m) I361 Old Child, Block M, Row 5, Space 12, 04/22/1965
Apperson, John D I365 Maple Lawn, Block O, Space 89, 03/10/1967
Appleby, Infant I366 East Lawn, Lot 142e, Space 9, 08/09/1912
Applegate, Edna V I362 G, Block 1, Lot 25, Space SW, 04/17/2001
Appleton, William I367 Old City Poor, Block B1, Space 32,12/13/1933
Applewhite, Fanny G I368 Tree of Life III, Block 10, Lot 19, SpaceN, 10/12/1984
Applewhite, John C I369 Old Single Child, Block B, Row 6, Space 1, 07/14/1929
Applewhite, Robert J I370 F, Block 5, Lot 42, Space NE, 06/07/1982
Appling, Newburn I371 Grecian Gardens, Block H, Space 53, 12/31/1990
Appling, Rose I372 Grecian Gardens, Block J, Space 2, 10/15/2000
Aprile, Martha I373 Red Oak Lawn, Block E, Lot 32, Space N, 12/14/1987
Aprile, Salvatore I374 Red Oak Lawn, Block E, Lot 32, Space S, 04/27/1980
Apsland, Emiel I376 East Lawn, Lot 25, Row 3, Space 1, 01/20/1916

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