City of Richmond |
 Home of Chief Justice Marshall, (Ninth and Marshall Streets) |
 General View, James River and Canal from Hollywood |
 State Capitol Square, showing Capitol and City Hall |
 Virginia State Capitol |
 The Confederate Memorial Institute on the Boulevard between Kensington and Stuart Avenues |
 "White House of the Confederacy" (Twelfth and Clay Sts.) |
 Jefferson Davis Tomb, Hollywood Cemetery |
 Italian Garden, Maymont Park |
 Jefferson Hotel |
 Model Tobacco Factory, Petersburg Pike (sign on front of building says "United States Tobacco Co.") |
 Murphy's Hotel (Eighth and Broad Streets) |
 Richmond Belle, 5300 Brook Rd. |
 Main Street, from Post Office |
 City Hall [1909] |
 Home of Chief Justice Marshall, (9th & Marshall Streets) |
 Advertising Card, James McGraw, Inc., Supplies and Machinery, Contractors' Equipment |
 Richmond College |
 Richmond College |
 Y. M. C. A. |
 State Library |
 Old St. John's Church |
 St. John's Church |
 Old St. Paul's Church and New Parish House |
 Virginia House, Windsor Farms |
 Robert E. Lee Bridge |
 Bennett's Supper Club, Route 1 |
 Cast of Radio Show, "Old Dominion Barn Dance" |
 Masonic Home of Virginia |
 Soldier's Home |
 Richmond College [double-wide, fold for mailing] |
 Lobby in the Jefferson Hotel |
 Hotel Wm. Byrd |