Buchanan County, Virginia

William Riley & Mary Jane Lee's Family Bible Records

William Riley Lee and Mary Jane Wood
  Jan. 26, 1877(maybe 1876)
Bassell Owens to Cora Lee 25 May 1894
David Silcox to Louisa Lee Jan. 17, 1918
    Note: line under marraige listing states Dave Silcox died
    April 26,1967, 7PM on 64th Birthday.
Emma J. Lee and Henry Williamson Oct. 24, 1936, Sat. night at Ocy Fields' home.  By D.C. Church John Hill and Nannie Lee Married Dec. 11, 1924 at W. R. Lee's home.

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This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by:   Trish Fields       fieldsta@mindspring.com

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