[James William Compton. Mike Bonner Sat, Oct 26 at 7:54 PM - My grandmother told me that he was killed by his uncle/father-in-law Willis W. Compton.] Rockdale Messenger, Thur., 14 Nov. 1901 Suicide - Will Compton of Fairfield committed suicide by cutting his throat with a knife. No cause given. Cameron Herald, Thur., 28 May 1914 Posse - Exciting Man Hunt - Fairfield, Tex., May 26th - About 100 posse-men are on the hunt for Lloyd Thomas, negro, accused of murdering James Casey, a white man on Sunday. Casey had gone to collect a debt for a horse from Thomas, Five other negroes suspected of connection with the case are now in jail here. Among the five are Thomas' father and threats have been made if Lloyd is taken alive, the mob might exact vengeance on both. The elder Thomas has refused to comment on the shooting. Lloyd Thomas is armed. [lengthy article]