SHILOH CEMETERY, Omen, Smith County, Texas -- SE-21 This cemetery is located in the community of Omen, southeast of Tyler. From Tyler, take Hwy 64 east to CR230. Turn right (south) and proceed towards Omen. In Omen, turn right on CR285 and go west. About a quarter of a mile the road turns north and at that turn there is a driveway that goes straight into the cemetery. There is a sign but you have to look carefully for it. Drive into the driveway by the sign. After passing the sign, go straight, do not turn left into the driveway that goes to a house. The road is very rough to the cemetery. Latitude: N 32:13:03.9 Longitude: W 095:06:49.4 PICTURES: March 31, 2003 se21c001.jpg -- Cemetery entrance road by sign se21c002.jpg -- Cemetery Sign se21c003.jpg -- Cemetery entrance road by cemetery se21c004.jpg -- Cemetery entrance gate at cemetery se21c005.jpg -- Shiloh Cemetery - Omen - Historical Monument se21c006.jpg -- Cemetery view 1 (right) from gate area se21c007.jpg -- Cemetery view 2 (center) from gate area August 13, 2004 - Photo by Gayle Basaldu - se21c008.jpg -- Henry Floore - Oct. 6, 1826 - June 25, 1905 - Private ,15th Texas Infantry Regiment, Company H