Milam County

Book Design
Men and Women in World War II -from Milam County, Texas
Book published by the American Legion in Milam County, Texas ca. 1947 that includes short biographical sketches and photographs of men and women from Milam County who served in World War II.
A special "Thank You" to Dan Scott of Natalia, TX for scanning these photos.
Front Cover of Book Title Page In Memorian
Dedication Milam Co. Courthouse Texas American Legion
Milam Co. American Legion Tribute to Negro Troops Introduction
Men & Women in Armed Forces WW II

Adams, Ray
Aldridge, Claude
Alevander, Vernon T.
Alford, Clarence
Alford, Oliver
Alford, Roy
Allday, Edgar
Allison, Eddie
Anderle, Alvin
Anderson, Gilbert
Anderson, James
Anderson, Willie
Andrele, Walter
Angell, E. L.
Angell, L. C.
Anness, Carolton
Applin, Jesse
Armstrong, J. C.
Arnold, Cecil
Arnold, Jay
Arnold, Julian
Ashley, Marshel
Ashley, Raymond
Avrett, Alevander
Avrett, Willard
Babovec, Jerry
Backhaus, Gus
Backhaus, Willard
Badillo, Alfred
Badillo, Felimon
Baggett, Joe
Baggett, William
Bailey, Ben
Bailey, William
Baker, Henry
Baker, Rayburn
Bales, Darnell
Bales, John
Bales, Kim
Bales, Zane
Balhorn, Edward
Balhorn, Harold
Balhorn, William
Balusek, Daniel
Balusek, Johnnie
Balusek, Rudolph
Bankston, Jesse
Bankston, Wade
Barber, Albert
Barber, Bernard
Barker, Owen
Barker, Paul
Barker, Roy & Ray
Barrett, James
Bartlett, Rex
Baskin, John
Baskin, Julian
Batte, Clyde
Bauch, Carl
Bauch, Victor
Beacham, Charles
Beacham, Robert
Bean, Clifford
Beasley, Jack
Bennett, Robert
Bennett, Rosemary
Bennett, Willie
Black, Walter
Black, William
Blackmon, Robert
Bland, Homer
Bland, J. W.
Bland, Nolan
Bland, R. V.
Bland, Roy
Blankenship, Jack
Boedeker, Roland
Bowling, Maurice
Bowling, Preston
Bowling, Russell
Bradley, Freddie
Brady, Edwin
Brannon, Arthur
Brannon, R. J.
Brashear, Ray
Brashear, Thomas
Brashear, W. J.
Brashear, Warren
Braun, D. L.
Brewer, James
Brockenbush, F.
Brod, Otto
Brogdon, Carter
Brogdon, James
Brooks, Ruben
Brown, Elbert
Brown, Frank
Brown, William
Brown, Wilton
Brown, Winston
Bryan, Billy
Bryan, James
Buckhanna, Orentell
Buffington, W. E.
Bullock, Garland
Bullock, Joe
Burkeen, John
Burks, Jimmie
Burnett, Carlton
Burnett, Jack
Burnett, Julian
Burnett, Willie
Burns, Ellis
Burns, John
Burns, L. D.
Butterfield, Marvin
Caffey, Charles
Caffey, J. D.
Caldwell, Dan
Caldwell, Douglas
Caldwell, John
Caldwell, Wilma
Callaway, Jewel
Callaway, Ollie
Callaway, Willis
Cammer, Jeff
Campbell, Joe
Canady, Jerome
Cannady, Joel
Cannady, Lonnie
Caperton, Robert
Carver, Harvis
Caskey, Ernest
Caywood, Hubert
Chamberlain, Ollie
Chandler, Guy
Chandler, Thomas
Christian, Vesper
Clark, Billie
Clark, Curtis
Clark, George
Clark, Johnny
Clark Nathanial
Claxton, Frank
Clore, Hubert
Cobb, Arthur
Cobb, Sam
Coker, Grady
Coleman, James
Collins, Glen
Collins, John
Compton, Billie
Compton, Hubert
Compton, Hugh
Conn, Emory
Cook, William
Cooper, Billie
Cooper, Willard
Corley Seth
Cotest, France, Jr.
Cotton, Willie
Crawford, Willie
Crayton, Sherel
Crayton, Tommy, Jr.
Crittenden, Thelbert
Crow, Dan
Crowell, Albert
Crowell, Arthur
Crowell, Cecil
Crowell, Robert
Cruz, Theodore
Cryer, Clifton
Cryer, James
Cryer, Q. L.
Cryer, Raymon
Cryer, Walter
Culp, John
Culpepper, Wallace
Cummings, Clarence
Cummings, Frank
Cummings, Glynn
Cummings, Joseph
Cummings, Louis
Cummings, Willie
Cunningham, Kathlyn
Currey, Hal
Currey, Willard
Currey, Woodrow
Davenport, Claude
Davenport, Robert
Davenport, Vernon
Davis, Keith
Davis, Lucion
Davis, Neil
Davis, Perry
Debose, W. C.
Deer, George
Delcorsa, Norris
Denham, Joe
Denham, Preston
Denker, Arnold
Depew, Richard
Devers, Roland
Dismukes, Willis
Diver, Vernice
Dockal, Albert
Dockall, Guy
Dockray, Oliver
Dockray, Omar
Dodson, Edward
Dodson, Henry
Dodson, James
Dominquez, Gus
Dorner, Alvin
Doss, Arnold
Doss, Emmett
Doss, Nolan
Drake, Cecil
Dreher, Frank
Dreher, William
Drummond, William
Dubois, Allan
Dubois, Leon
Dubois, Samuel
Dubois, Wilburn, Jr.
Dueser, Herbert
Duncum, William
Dusek, Alfred
Dusek, Jerome
Dusek, Joe
Dusek, John
Dusek, Milton
Dusek, Rosalie
Dycus, Afton
Dycus, James
Dyer, Bruce
Dyer, David
Dyer, James
Dyer, Vernon
Eaken, Elmer
Easterwood, Bunyun
Edens, Robert
Edmonds, Albert
Edmonds, James
Edmonds, Jarrell
Ehler, Ernest
Eickenhorst, Jerome
Eickenhorst, Robert
Eiland, Charles
Eiland, Elbert
Eiland, Elmer
Elmore, Edgar
Ely, Jordan
Engelke, Wilfred
English, Calvin
English, William
English, Willis
Eplen, Thomas
Eppler, Charles
Ermis, Tony
Ermis, Vince
Ermis, Woodrow
Escalante, Ignasio
Evans, Gus, Jr.
Evans, John
Everage, Albert
Fair, Alphonso
Fair, George
Faulkner, James
Faulkner, Milton
Ferguson, Joey
Ferguson, William
Ferrari, M. Gene
Fikes, Carl
Fillmore, Henry
Floyd, Elmer
Fogle, Valon
Foster, Curtis
Foster, Floyd
Fowler, John
Frazier, Fred
Freeman, Billy
Freeman, C. J.
Freeman, Curtis
Freeman, Glen
Freeman, James
Freeman, John
Freeman, Ordell
Friemel, August
Fuchs, Hugo
Fulcher, J. B.
Fuller, John Jr.
Fuchs, Paul
Gaines, Lonnie
Gandy, James, Jr.
Gandy, Kenneth
Garner, Andrew
Garner, Clifford
Garrett, Robert
Garrett, Roy
Gary, James
Gary, Jeanne
Gohman, Roger
Gonten, Roylee
Goode, Robert
Graham, Ann
Graham, Carroll
Graham, Sam
Graves, George
Green, Carroll
Green, Charles
Green, Raymond
Green, William
Gregory, Birge
Gregory, Wayne
Gunn, James
Guthrie, L. Vernon
Guthrie, Verna
Guthrie, W. L.
Hamilton, Harry
Harber, C. B.
Hardman, Horace
Hardman, Houston
Hasek, Alexander
Heard, Paris
Hensley, Robert
Hernandez, Visente
Herrman, William
Herron, John
Herron, John W.
Hibner, Joseph, Jr.
Hickman, Joe
Hickman, Marion
Hickman, Marvin
Hickman, O. B.
Hickman, Thomas
Hickman, Von
Hilderbrandt, Raymond
Hill, Wilfred
Hine, Nathan
Hine, Theodore
Hine, Washington
Hinton, Harry
Hitt, Dee, Jr.
Hlavacek, Henry, Jr.
Hlavacek, William
Hogan, Weldon
Holder, Emory
Holland, Charlie
Holley, F. W.
Hollis, Ervin
Holloway, R. E.
Holmes, Thomas
Hoover, David
Hoover, Wesley (Hal)
Horstmann, Allen
Horstmann, Alvin
Horstmann, Neil
Horton, John, Jr.
Hosch, George
Hosch, Laura
Hosch, Lawrence
Hosea, Shedrick
Houston, Kenneth
Hoyle, Cleophas
Hromcik, Stanley
Hrozek, Frank, Jr.
Hrozek, Steve
Huffman, Floyd
Hughes, Gilbert
Hughes, William
Humbird, Earl
Humplik, Joe
Hurry, Boyd
Hurry, Cecil
Hurry, Leland
Hurry, Troy
Hutto, Carl
Hutto, James
Isbell, Howard
Jackson, Ervin
Jackson, Fred J.
Jackson, Fred L.
Jacoby, Dorothy
Jamison, Jabez
Jamison, William
Janes, Adolph
Janes, Alvin
Janes, Bennie
Janes, Frank
Janicek, Eugene
Janicek, Gordon
Jekel, Conrad, Jr.
Jekel, Frank
Jenkins, Paul
Jeter, Thomas
Jistel, Alfred
Jistel, George
Johnson, Columbus, Jr.
Johnson, Elwood
Johnson, Jesse
Johnson, Julius
Johnson, Lawrence
Johnson, Willie
Jones, Charles
Judkins, Loma
Kahler, Edward
Kapriva, Anton
Kelly, Hartford
Kennedy, Hubert
Kennedy, Monroe
Kennon, Van
Kestenbaum, Dana
Kidd, Thomas
Killen, Wilson
Kilpatrick, Frank, Jr
King, Clyde
King, Guy
King, Howard
King, Robert
King, Roy
King, Tom
Kirchenwitz, Edell
Kirchenwitz, Elton
Kirk, James
Kirk, Joe
Kirk, Kenneth
Kirk, Ray
Kirk, Silas
Kirk, Thomas
Kirk, Virgil
Kleypas, Bernard
Kleypas, Carroll
Kleypas, Earl
Kleypas, Joe
Kleypas, Vernon
Knight, Eugene
Knight, Harvey
Koepf, Ralph
Kohutek, Willie
Kornegay, Clarence
Kornegay, Eldon
Kornegay, Fred
Kornegay, Harold
Kostiha, Albert
Kraatz, Ben
Kretschmar, Adolph
Kubacak, Victor
Kubacak, Vince
Kubaceka, Leroy
Kubecka, Dennis
Kunz, August, Jr.
Kunz, Charles
Kuzel, Edwin
Laffere, George, Jr.
Laffere, Leroy
Laffere, Leslie
Lake, Virgil
Lamb, William
Landis, Cullen
Lanford, Walter
Lankford, Harold
Lassiter, Clayton
Lawrence, Royce
Lawrence, Wayne
Lawson, Rowland
Layne, Guthrie, Jr.
Layne, Thomas
Layne, Virginia
Leath, James
Ledwell, Eugene
Ledwell, W. F.
Leeper, Delbert
Lehmann, Alfred
Lehmann, Edwin
Lehmann, Robert
Lemley, Elton
Lenved, Richard, Jr.
Lester, Clifton
Lester, Walter
Lewis, John
Lewis, Tommie
Lindsey, Dennis
Lindsey, Lawrence
Lindsey, Roy
Lindsey, Virgal
Linke, Nelson
Litzman, Henry
Locklin, James
Loftin, C. C.
Loftin, Jack
Loftin, W. (Billy)
Looney, Ned
Lott, Elvis
Lowe, Glenn
Lowe, William
Lowe, Woodrow
Lucas, D.
Luce, I. W.
Luckey, James
Lucko, Charlie
Luetge, Perry
Lyon, Stafford
Macal, Edward
Mackie, George
Mackie, Woodrow
Maddox, Charles
Malone, Coy
Malone, George
Manley, Edward
Marak, Kenneth
Marek, Augustine
Marek, Felix
Martin, Coy
Martin, J. D.
Mason, Elton
Matocha, Alphonse
Matocha, Charles
Matocha, George
Matthews, Manuel
Matula, Edward
Matula, Felix, Jr.
Matula, Jaro
Matula, Ladis
Matula, Louis
Matula, Ted
Mayer, Joe
McCallum, Jack
McCallum, James
McCallum, Ross
McCallum, Tommie
McCallum, Wayne
McCasland, Huelon, Jr.
McClenny, Charles
McCoy, Doyle
McDade, James
McDade, William, Jr.
McDonald, Gilbert
McDowell, George
McElwrath, Carroll
McFarland, Earl
McGuyer, David
McGuyer, Duddley
McGuyer, Vernon
McIntyre, R. L.
McKay, Lilburn
McKay, Wilburn
McLean, Joe
McLean, Wm
McNamee, Howard
McOwen, Charles
McQuary, Elwood
McQueen, John
McQueen, Samuel
McVoy, Alfred, Jr.
McQueen, Samuel
Meek, Delma
Meenm Earnest
Melear, Joe
Melear, V. B., Jr.
Menn, Albert
Menn, Edwin
Menn, Marvin
Menzel, Erwin
Menzel, Gilbert
Menzel, Marvin
Mewhinney, James, Jr.
Mewhinney, Leonard
Meyer, Alvin
Michalka, Adolph
Michalka, Leo
Michalka, Pauline
Michalka, Robert
Michalka, Rosie
Michalka, Wm., Jr.
Middleton, Boyd
Middleton, Cecil, Jr.
Mikulec, Alfonse
Mikulec, Frank, Jr.
Mikulec, Theodore
Miller, August
Miller, Billy
Miller, George
Miller, James
Miller, Pat
Miller, Regnald
Mills, Royce
Mitcham, Don
Mode, Henry
Mode, Martin
Modesette, John
Modesette, Olin
Molovets, William
Mondrik, Frank
Monroe, Dana
Moody, Charles
Moody, Dwight
Moody, James
Moore, Andrew
Moore, Clyde
Moore, Curtis
Moore, W. V.
Moraw, August
Moreno, Pedro
Morgan, William
Mortimer, James
Morton, Johnny
Morton, Kennard
Mosely, Jones
Moses, C. E., Jr.
Moses, Melvin
Mosley, Eugene
Mueck, Lawrence
Mukord, Clarence
Munoz, Ernest
Munoz, I. A.
Munoz, Liborio
Murphy, Vandy
Muston, Irvin
Myers, Vollie
Nelson, Loy
Nelson, R. J.
Nelson, Thomas
Newton, James
Newton, Joe
Newton, Walter
Newton, William
Nickles, George, Jr.
Northcutt, Eugene
Novotny, Joe, Jr.
Novotny, Ladis
O'Bier, Willie
O'Neal, Jack
O'Neill, Joseph
Oberiller, Walter
Odom, Ercel
Offield, Boyd
Offield, Gilbert
Oldham, Buren
Owings, Douglas
Owings, John
Parker, Claude
Parker, John
Partee, George
Pavelek, Edward
Peck, Billie
Peck, Earl, Jr.
Peed, Lora
Peel, Homer
Penny, Harlan
Penny, Harold
Penny, Merrel
Phillips, Harry
Phillips, Rufus
Phipps, Clarence
Phipps, Curtis
Phipps, Glynn
Phipps, James
Phipps, John
Phipps, Ralph
Phipps, Richard
Plachy, Alvin
Plachy, Frank, Jr.
Plentl, Homer
Pool, George
Pool, Robert
Poper, Dewey
Posival, Alvin
Posival, John
Posival, Marvin
Pratt, Raymond, Jr.
Pressley, Naymon
Price, Alpin
Prokisch, Archie
Pruett, Elvin
Pugh, Dolton
Pugh, Kenneth
Pustejovsky, Albert
Pustejovsky, Frank
Rackley, Hobert
Randle, Forrest, Jr.
Raney, Clarence
Raney, James
Ray, Hubert
Ray, Preston
Raymond, John
Reed, John, Jr.
Reed, Lucian
Reichart, William
Reineke, Herman
Rettig, Preston
Rhea, Eldridge
Rice, Ernest
Richardson, Joe
Richter, Frank
Richter, Lawrence
Riddle, David
Riddle, Robert
Riddle, Wallace
Rinn, Louis
Ritchie, Andrew
Rivera, Jose
Rivera, Alejandro
Robinson, C. F.
Robinson, David
Robinson, Thomas
Rogers, Alfred
Rogers, George
Roschetzky, Johnnie
Roschetzky, Willie
Rose, Lena
Rose, Roy
Rummel, Clarence
Rummel, Harry
Russell, Lee
Russell, Winfred
Rutherford, Emmett, Jr.
Ryan, Arthur, Jr.
Rylander, Lewis
Rylander, Neill
Salach, Robert
Sanders, Bruce
Sapp, Pope
Schattle, Edmund
Schattle, Gerald
Schattle, Herbert
Schattle, Lee
Schiller, Edward
Schiller, Lawrence
Schlemmer, Wallace
Schrader, George
Schwarz, Norris
Schwarz, Waldemar
Seelke, Ruben
Self, Thomas
Self, W. E.
Shaffer, Lamar
Shelander, Charles
Shelander, Jesse
Short, Ronald
Shuemate, James
Shuffield, Archie
Sides, Jack
Sides, Melvin
Sides, Ralph
Siebman, Henry
Simank, Clarence
Simecek, Albyn
Simecek, Alfred
Simecek, Charles
Simmons, Lee, Jr.
Sims, Jesse
Skelton, Willard, Jr.
Skinner, Walter, Jr.
Slaughter, Jack
Slaughter, Wm.
Slopvacek, Marvin
Smith, Arthur, Jr.
Smith, Jack
Smith, Joe
Smith, Ray
Smith, Robert
Smyczynski, Stephen
Snively, Harold
Spence, Bert
Spence, J. Wallace
Springer, Floris
Springer, John
Sproull, Tom
Staley, Lloyd
Stallcup, Howard
Stanislaw, Edwin
Stanislaw, Hubert
Stanislaw, John, Jr.
Stark, Floyd
Stecher, Edwin
Stecher, Lane
Stecher, Lee
Stecher, Robert
Stecher, Verda
Steele, F. G.
Stein, Helen
Stein, Joe, Jr.
Steir, Edna
Stephens, Nelson
Stephens, Thomas, Jr.
Stephens, Walter
Stephens, Wilfred
Stidham, Jack
Stidham, Owen
Stidham, Robert, Jr.
Stiles, Francis
Stinnet, Alex
Stone, Robert
Story, Clayton
Story, Seeley
Story, T. F.
Story, William
Strickler, Clarence
Strzinek, William
Stubblefield, Clovis
Stutts, Alton
Summers, Willis
Sutter, Agnes
Sutter, C. J.
Sutter, Edward
Sutter, Wilbert
Svetlik, Albert
Swain, Robert
Swanzy, John
Swanzy, Robert
Sweet, Monroe
Sweet, William
Swift, Stanley
Talley, Blanch
Taplin, Steve, Jr.
Taplin, Willie
Taylor, Arthur
Tepera, Frank
Terry, Howard
Terry, James M.
Terry, James T.
Terry, Philip
Terry, R. L.
Terry, Stephen
Theis, Arthur
Thomason, James
Thomason, Ulric
Thweatt, Ernest
Thweatt, William
Tindall, Heber
Tindall, Luther
Tindall, Melvin
Tindall, Odous
Tindall, Priestley
Tindall, Ray
Todd, Daniel
Todd, Dennis
Todd, Thomas
Thomas, H. J.
Tomek, Alfons
Tomek, Charles
Tomek, Frank
Tomek, Joe
Trdy, Joe
Trotter, Charles
Tucker, Giles
Tucker, James
Tucker, Murrell
Tucker, Preston
Tucker, Ray
Turner, Charles
Turner, Weldon
Tyson, James
Underwood, Thomas
Vaughn, Clyde
Vaughn, Ralph
Vaughn, Roy
Vazquez, Quintin
Voynar, Paul
Vybiral, Bennie
Walker, Alvin
Walker, Henry
Walker, Herbert
Walker, Lee
Walker, Robert
Walker, Weldon
Wallace, Cliff
Wallace, John
Wallace, William
Walschak, Lionel
Walston, Ernest
Walzel, Joe
Ward, G. M.
Watson, Bennie
Watson, Homer
Watson, John
Weems, Carl
Weems, Coy
Weems, Martin
Weems, Melvin
Weems, Thomas
Weems, Thurmond
Weise, Emzy
West, Clyde
Westbrook, Durward
Westbrook, Elbert, Jr.
Westbrook, George
Westbrook, John
Westbrook, John D.
Westbrook, Richard
Wheelus, William
White, Harold
White, James
White, Joseph
White, Thomas
Whitehead, Ira
Whiteside, Albert
Whitley, Stella
Wied, Erwin
Wiese, B. F., Jr.
Wiese, Watts
Wiese, William
Williams, Alvin
Williams, Bennie
Williams, C. O.
Williams, Clyde
Williams, Elmer
Williams, Milton
Williams, Roy
Williams, Thomas
Willingham, John
Willis, Harvey
Wills, W. T.
Wilson, William
Wimmer, Herbert
Wise, William
Wise, William, Jr.
Wohleb, Roy
Wohler, Ernest
Wolle, Juanita
Wolle, Lawless
Woodard, William
Woods, Harry
Woods, John
Woods, Perry
Worcester, William
Worcester, William
Yager, Ben
Yager, Thomas
Yoakum, John
Young, Arthur
Young, Fred
Young, J. Z.
Young, Ray
Zajicej, Benjamin
Zajicek, Albert
Zajicek, Edwin
Zalesky, Emil
Zalesky, Rudolph
Zander, Arthur
Zander, Gilbert
Zander, Monroe
Zavodny, August Joe
Zelisko, Lorenz