Milam County Texas Archives
The committee preparing this section, Personalities, does not presume it to be complete in the selection of the names of those individuals worthy of recognition. If any names have been omitted it is with apology that we say our resource materials were somewhat limited as was time for the completed work. In many instances there were those for whom a biography was impossible to prepare due to our inability to validate sketchy materials or to obtain accurate dates.
It was an arduous task to gather this information, to separate fact from fiction, and to select those persons whose lives and work meant something of value to Rockdale's history. Thus we present our part of Rockdale's Centennial literature.
W. A. Allen was born in Jefferson, Texas, and reared by a white family that became his educational benefactors. He was to become the one and only Negro doctor in Rockdale's history. Practice began here in 1905 and his influence on the entire community was notable for many years.
Dr. Allen had in his office a human skeleton which was a constant source of interest. Many times he jovially remarked that he did not have to keep his skeletons in a closet.
His community services were not alone those of a medical man but also those of father- confessor and counselor to a host of persons. He was an individual whose very life and example made Rockdale a better place in which to live.
" Professor" B. Y. Aycock was principal of the Rockdale Negro Public School from 1903 until 1920. Failing health forced his retirement at that date. He served as a teacher for a period of thirteen years prior to his becoming principal of the school which carried his name.
His philosophy was in part: "If one desire to win in life's battles, take perserverance as your bosom friend, experience as your wise counsel, caustion, your elder brother, hope, your guardian angel and Jesus as your heart fixer and mind regulator-One must have courage which nerves one to start a worthwhile task and to face adversity; he n.ust have the quality of humility in the acceptance of success. One will do well if one means well."
In 1924, B. Y. Aycock died in San Antonio, the city he had chosen for his retirement years.
For half a century John S. Bonner was known over Texas and other states for his journalistic work, especially his nationally-circulated magazine called K-Lamity's Harpoon.
He began his writing career on the old Rockdale Messenger and later was identified with The Reporter before graduating to editorial spots in St. Louis and other American cities, as well as Old Mexico. He was a free-lance writer of national note. The Harpoon was noted for K-Lamity's barbed wit. He established the Harpoon in the early 1880's, publishing it in Tyler, Austin, and San Antonio over a period of 20 years.
K-Lamity's Harpoon was known as a "double salty" magazine. One of his famous sayings was "Minnows are safe; I'm after whales." He was noted for using foreign missions and government participation in foreign affairs as two of his main targets.
Bonner wrote: "When politicians fall out, people catch on. Political groups are called rings because a ring or circle represents the limit of crookedness-for it changes its direction at every point on the compass."
Such was the barbed wit of K-Lamity Bonner in his Harpoon.
Bonner died in Rockdale after returning here to live in retirement for 10 years prior to his death.
1881 - 1961
E. A. Camp was born in Georgia and came to Texas in 1887 at which time his parents, the A. M. Camps, chose the San Gabriel area as home. The circumstances of his childhood days explain his early contacts and attachments for the legal profession. His first public work was that of a teacher in the small community of Crush. Here he began his study of law, completing the work at the University of Texas. Too young to be a qualified voter, this young man was granted his bar license pending his twenty-first birthday. Again, he turned to teaching at Maysfield for one term and then became associatied with E. A. Wallace, a well-known lawyer of Cameron.
In 1903 the office, well known to residents from all over the state, was opened. It was by his work here that he became a legend even before his death. "The story of this great personality is the story of pioneering; of self-made men; of endless, unselfish contributions to mankind; of individualism; of a hard-working yet fun- loving American."
Doring his law career, "The Judge" won thousands of cases and was "generally known as one of the earliest and most complete masters of Texas Law." He was the oldest active member of the Milam County Bar Association and served as its president. He was also a member of the Texas and American Bar Associations. Mr. Camp served as a state representative for four years was legal advisor to the draft board, vice-president of the Rockdale Sandow and Southern Railroad, Chairman of the RSB board of directors, a fifty-year Mason and an elder of the Presbyterian Church for over forty years. His activities in the local organizations are just too numerous for elaboration. He truly earned the name "Mr. Rockdale" yet wore the title with modesty. One of his greatest attributes was that wealth, race nor creed made no difference in his friendship for others. His true character can be appreciated only by those persons fortunate enough to know him. No printed words could possibly pay tribute to so great a man.
Death came to this great Texan in January,1961. Mr. E. A. Camp will never be replaced. He was a human dynamo in any circumstance, gave character to any scene and dignity to those whose lives he touched. He will rest well through Eternity for, like Abou Ben Adhem, his name leads "all the rest."
1873 - 1940
John Esten Cooke was the editor of the Rockdale Reporter and Messenger from 1911 until 1936. Before coming to Rockdale he had begun his newspaper career with the Denton County News with which he was associated for a period of six years. He was with the San Angelo Standard for the years 1898 - 1899 and was co-owner of the Clarendon Banner ? Stockman from 1899 - 1900. In 1910 he established the Brady Standard which was sold to purchase the Rockdale Reporter and Messenger from R. W. H. Kennon in June, 1911.
Mr. Cooke brought Rockdale its first modern, prize-winning newspaper which tradition has been carried on by his son, W. H., and grandson, Bill Cooke. This outstanding early day editor was a member of the Texas Press Association, serving as president, 1920 - 1921, South Texas Press Association, and the National Editorial Association. It was his expertise that led the Texas Press Association in the adoption of a code of ethics for newspapers.
He was active in all civic organizations and a perpetual booster for his town, Rockdale. His sense of humor was unmatched and in a quiet way he stood firm in his convictions. His service as a school board member was marked by his sound judgment and his remarkable ability to put problems into proper perspectivq. He was a member of First Baptist Church and the Masonic Lodge.
Mr. Cooke's final service to Rockdale was his appointment as Postmaster in 1936. He served in this capacity until his death in May, 1940.
1839 - 1924
Reverend W. E. Copeland was born near Dumfries, Scotland. He came to Texas in the spring
of 1859 bringing a herd of Shetland ponies and settled in a part of the state now known as
Washington County.
After serving in Hood's Brigade of Civil War fame, Copeland resumed his ministerial studies in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. He organized the Rockdale Church in 1874 and held services under a brush arbor until a suitable building was erected in 1875. He served as pastor of this church until his retirement in 1921.
The Reverend Copeland held several positions of honor in Rockdale; he was a member of the first school board and also served a brief term as mayor. He served his flock faithfully and ministered to the spititual needs of many of the early as well as later day citizens. His was a personality whose image will continue to live.
1842 - 1924
From Rockdale Fair Booklet of 1911
"George Doss, Sr. is recognized as one of the leading farmers of Central Texas, which can best be attested by the fact that besides the many prizes awarded at the different Rockdale Fairs he carried off the following premiums on corn:
Waco, 1908. Second prize.
Sherman, 1909. First and second.
Dallas, 1910. First, second and third.
Corsicana, 1911. First, second and third."
He was a director of the Rockdale Fair Association for a number of years and helped to make the project a community success. He was instrumental in the establishing of the Farmers Union and continued his active support during his lifetime.
1876 - 1964
W. E. Gaither came from Salisbury, N. C. to Rockdale in 1892 to begin a life which encompassed jobs from clerk to the highest civic office, that of Mayor. His interest in Rockdale's welfare and future was surpassed by none. His various business enterprises led in many directions but h.e will perhaps be best remembered for his ownership of Gaither Motor Company and its allied agencies.
During his years as a business man and civic leader, Mr. Gaither served as a school trustee, city councilman and as mayor. It was due largely to his efforts that during his administration natural gas was brought to Rockdale. Other major accomplishments included the running of telephone and electric cables underground so that poles for the facilities could be cleared from the strees of the business district. The street paving program was started and expanded and many other projects were accomplished under his guidance. No task was too great nor time-consuming for Mr. Gaither to tackle if it meant progress for his adopted town. As eagerly as he had worked in the early days with the Boosters for good roads, he strove to attain a progressive program of modernization that helped to make Rockdale an outstanding town in Central Texas.
In addition Mr. Gaither was a member of St. John's Methodist Church, the Rockdale Volunteer Fire Department, Lions Club, Rotary Club, Rockdale and East Texas Chambers of Commerce, and virtually every other civic organization that existed during his years of business here.
His death occurred January 9, 1964; he was survived by his daughter, Mrs. W. P. Hogan.
1870- 1955
Lon Hudson came to Rockdale from Caldwell in 1883 and attended the first public schools after having been a pupil of Miss Maggie Hall's private class. He was an early day merchant having been associated with the firm of H. and L. Hudson.
He was an active member of the Lions Club,
Chamber of Commerce, and a charter member of the Randle Lake Fishing Club and Rockdale
Homecoming Association. He held membership in the W. O. W. and I. O. O. F. Iodges. Mr.
Hudson gave freely of his time for work on civic projects such as the Boosters and on
committees for the good roads projects. He served on the bond selling committee during
World War I and tried to make Rockdale a better town in any small way that he could.
His special avocational interests lay in hunting and fishing and in these he was privileged to be in association with some of Rockdale's finest early citizens. He was an ardent fan of the early day football at Rockdale High School and took a deep interest in the progress of the entire athletic program as it grew.
He died February 6, 1955.
1848- 1923
B. Loewenstein and his wife Carrie (nee Malsch) were among the first settlers in Rockdale. They moved here from Colorado County before the International and Great Northern Railroad came. Mr. Loewenstein was primarily a merchant; he opened his dry goods and grocery business December 24, 1873. He was a stockholder in the First Ntional and the Rockdale State Banks and also held stock in the Rockdale Cotton Oil Mills and the Rockdale Cotton Platform Company. He established the Rockdale Brick Works and erected seven brick buildings in the business district. He was instrumental in the founding of all the above named businesses.
Mr. Loewenstein was president of the first elected school board. He was public spirited and subscribed liberally for the promotion of local industries and legitimate enterprises.
Mr. Loewenstein died May 11, 1923; he was survived by his wife and two sons, Robert and Ben, all of whom are now deceased.
1903 - 1973
H. D. Maxwell became a member of the Rockdale Public Schools in 1933, in that year he founded the Vocational Agriculture and F. F. A. Departments. He served as agriculture teacher and F. F. A. advisor for twenty-one years. He was principal of the high school for four years; was for twelve years Milam County School Superintendent. He was a forty-eight year member of the Texas State Teachers' Association and was past president of the Texas County School Superintendents' Association. He also held in 1973 the offfice of president of the Retired Teachers' Association of Milam County.
He served as scoutmaster for eighteen years and received the Silver Beaver Award, the highest honor given to an adult scout leader.
Mr. Maxwell served as president of the Young Men's Business League, then later was president of the Chamber of Commerce in Rockdale. He helped found the South Milam County operation of the Taylor Soil Conservation District and organized a post-World War 11 Gl Vocational School in Rockdale.
He was twice president of the Lions club, was county chairman of the March of Dimes and was named president of the South Milam County unit of the American Cancer Society in 1972.
As a forty year member of the First Christian Church in Rockdale, Mr. Maxwell served as deacon, elder, Sunday school teacher and was past president of the Christian Men's Fellowship (CMF) and the state Christian Men's Fellowship (Disciples) of Texas. He was active in the Rockdale Christian Association (RCA), an organization of local lay leaders and clergymen. He was, at the time of his death, serving as president of that organization.
1861 - 1948
H. C. Meyer came to Rockdale in the late 1890's
as an associate of Henne and Meyer Hardware Company. He served the city as mayor
faithfully and well for over twenty years. It was during the holding of this office that
he justly earned the appellation of "Father of Good Roads" in this section of
the country.
Mr. Meyer was one of the co-founders of the Citizens State Bank in 1912 and was a stockholder in the lignite mines east of town. He moved to Austin to accept a position with the Texas Board of Control. Even though he lived in Austin, Mr. Meyer's interests lay primarily in Rockdale and the city will always be indebted to him for his tireless efforts in all civic endeavors. He was a man whose foresight led him to see the possibilities of the city's progress long before it could be realized. His death was in Austin, Texas' in 1948, with burial in the Rockdale I. O. O. F. Cemetery.
1910- 1956
Author of numerous novels and magazine short
stories, George Sessions Perry was known as Rockdale's No. 1 public relations man.
Nationally known as a writer, many of the short stories he wrote for the Saturday Evening
Post were about Rockdale and Rockdale people. He was the son of druggist A. P. Perry, Jr.,
and wife Laura.
He sold his first story to The Post in 1937 after years of continuous writing and receiving nothing but rejection slips. Then after a half dozen unpublished novels his work caught on and he authored almost a dozen novels. During World War 11 he turned to non-fiction and was a war correspondent for the Saturday Evening Post and the New Yorker.
After his death two of his novels were made into musicals. One novel, Hold Autumn in Your Hand, won the National Book Award and was later made into a movie titled The Southerner. He was co-script writer in Hollywood for a motion picture film Arkaneas Ih~veler which starred Bob Burns.
Perry wrote in longhand, scorning the typewriter. His wife, Claire, typed his manuscripts, sprinkling in punctuation marls and doing some editing.
1838- 1934
Thomas E. Riddle came to Texas from Tennessee as a young man and was engaged in farming and ranching while studying medicine. It was by long hard work that he prepared to take and successfully passed the medical examinations. Thus he proudly "hung out his shingle" and framed his certificate for his office. He was one of those rare individuals whose treatment included medicinal aids and prayer. Many of his medicines he prepared from plants, herbs and roots. These he carried with him in his saddle bag as he became a familiar figure moving mile after mile among the early day residents. Many long vigils were kept by this good man as he faithfully fulfilled the Hippocratic oath he had taken years before.
Dr. Riddle served in the Confederate Army with McCord's Texas Cavalry, Company F, was a life-long member of the Baptist Church, and was a Mason. It is probable that Dr. Riddle served Rockdale and its surrounding territory longer than any other doctor in the history of the town. His death occurred in 1934 and he is buried among many life-long friends of yesteryears in the family cemetery.
1893 1971
M. N. Stricker spent forty-nine years of his life in Rockdale engaged in business and many, many civic projects in which he took great pride. He and his wife, Martha, came from Bartlett. He owned and operated Stricker's Variety Store from 1923 until 1957 at which time it was sold to Winn's.
Mr. Stricker served as a member of the city council for thirty-five years and for a period as mayor pro-tem. His council service came in two periods, the last of which was during the years 1950 - 1966. He was active in the Boy Scouts at the local, district, and Heart O' Texas levels. He was given the Silver Beaver Award for his outstanding work with this organization. He received his forty year pin for active participation in the Lions Club. His work with the Salvation Army is well worthy of note. In addition to the activities he served on the Babe Ruth Baseball League for eight years. He was also one who gave freely of his time and money for the Homecoming Association.
He was affiliated with the Peace Lutheran Church toward which he lavished his love and attention, serving it many years by teaching both adult and teenage groups. He was a veteran of World War I and during World War 11 served as chairman of the Milam County Local Board Selective Service for five and one-half years.
Mr. Stricker was secretary of the Milam County Chapter National Foundation (March of Dimes) for twelve years.
These contributions are among those things made by Mr. Stricker whose business retirement seemed to have meant only that he was to have more time to serve his beloved Rockdale. His death occurred in Rockdale February 12 1971.
1851 -
Dr. A. C. Walker, born in Nacogdoches, located in Rockdale in 1874 after studying at the University of Virginia, and graduating at Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York.
While living in Rockdale he was public-spirited and enterprising and readily endorsed any project calculated to stimulate the prosperity of his town and county.
After practicing in Rockdale nineteen years, he moved to Fort Worth and became a nationally noted surgeon.
Alfred A. Burck Hugh L. Witcher, W. E. Copeland, Dr. W. R. Kennard, James H. Hill, Sr. J. S. Perry, B. A. (Arch) Coffield, J. E. Longmoor, N. H. (Nat) Tracy, H. F. Snively, C. H. Coffield, H. C. Meyer, W. E. Gaither, E. A. Camp, and J. B. Newton.
Honorable mention goes to the following for their special efforts in the project known as "Good Roads," the Rockdale Fair Association, and the later industrial growth of the town.
These are in addition to those names previously given in the biographical sketches.
George Banzhaf, Tom J. Beesley, Jule Coffield, Jr., Will A. Coffield, Fred H. Graves, Sr., R. L. Hale, Sr., John Hicks, R. H. Hicks, James H. Hill, Jr., S. G. Hodge, Conn R. Isaacs, Sr., Leonard Isaacs, Sr., Branch Lewis, Henry Lockwood, Sr., Ben Loewenstein, Jr., J. E. Longmoor, J. B. Newton, O. H. Palm, A. P. Perry, Jr., Preston Perry, Sr., Ira Perry, E. B. Phillips, O. K. Phillips Charles R. Ramsel, T. B. Ryan, E. M. Scarbrough, C. M. Sessions, Ed G. Simms, Jr., J. M. Weed, Sr., W. M. Wells, W. E. White, E. R. Wolf.
Attorneys-at-Law: James Breeding, Harry Tracy, Judge Fred Hill, Major Wm. M. McGregor, Long, Guy Hinman, Ben Bonart, John Absher, Kilpatrick & Kimbrough, A. G. Wilcox, J. S. Perry (State Senator), Dr. A. C. Isaacs (Representative), E. L. Antony (Congressman), N. H. (Nat) Tracy (Representative), W. A. Morrison, Eugene (E. A.) Wallace, W. K. Clement, J. W. Garner, E. A. Camp, Emory B. Camp, Ed Gunn.
Doctors of Medicine: Dr. Connoly, Dr. J. H. P. Wallis, Dr. A. C. Walker, Dr. David W. Brodnax, Dr. P. A. Horton, Dr. T. E. Riddle, Dr. L. J. Turner, Dr. W. A. Brooks, Dr. W. R. Kennard, Dr. Milton Anthony, Dr. J. E. Douthit, Dr. J. A. Phillips, Dr. George Prewitt, Dr. J. P. Sparks, Dr. A. C. Isaacs, Dr. Young Isaacs, Dr. E. H. Gray, Dr. R. S. Wallis, Dr. D. R. Wallis, Dr. R. C. Wallis, Dr. H. T. Coulter, Dr. R. W. Wallis, Sr., Dr. R. W. Wallis, Jr., Dr. 1. P. Sessions, Dr. T. S. Barkley, Dr. T. D. Roundtree, and Dr. B. E. Laurie.
Doctors of Denistry: Dr. E. W. Allen, Dr. T. J. Averitt, Dr. Hunter Alexander, Dr. J. Walker, Dr. S. C. Cawthon, Dr. G. B. Renfrow, Dr. C. E. Wisecup, Dr. Smart, Dr. P. E. Berndt, Dr. George B. Kincaid, Dr. E. A. Swafford.
Women, too, have played a vital role in the history of Rockdale. Not only have they helped their respective husbands in particular projects but there are many who have made valuable contributions to growth both socially and environmentally. It was they who for the most part participated in the church activities, social and civic clubs along with the groups interested in the school.
To name a few of those who in some way made notable contributions, we list the following:
Mrs. J. A. Albrecht, Mrs. A. Sid Allen, Mrs. W. A. Allen, Mrs. R. H. Ames, Mrs. T. S. Barkley, Mrs. E. A. Camp, Mrs. Pearl Rowland Cawthon, Mrs. Agnes Bushey (John E.) Cooke, Mrs. Will A. Coffield, Mrs. H. T. Coulter, Mrs. Annie Grace Drake, Miss Vaughnie Dudley, Mrs. A. M. Dunnington, Mrs. W. E. Gaither, Mrs. Juana Garcia, Mrs. John Hicks, Mrs. James Hill, Sr., Mrs. R. H. Hicks, Mrs. Lon Hudson, Mrs. Conn R. Isaacs, Mrs. Quintus (Louise) Joiner, Mrs. Leonard Isaacs, Miss Eva Ledbetter, Mrs. Ben Loewenstein, Jr., Mrs. J. E. Longmoor.
Also Mrs. H. C. Meyer, Miss Dorothy Matson, Mrs. C. W. Moehring, Mrs. Joe Mohair, Mrs. Lula H. Moseley, Mrs. Cora Isaacs Neihaus, Mrs. Anna Fails Page, Mrs. O. H. Palm, Mrs. Laura Van de Venter Perry, Mrs. Mary Coffield Perry, Mrs. Ira Perry, Mrs. E. B. Phillips, Mrs. O. K. Phillips, Mrs. D. H. Sanford, Mrs. C. M. Sessions, Mrs. 1. P. Sessions, Mrs. L. W. Sledge, Mrs. Minnie D. Smith, Mrs. Dot Palmer Swafford, Mrs. B. C. (Norris Wallis) Thorpe, Mrs. H. C. Vance, Mrs. W. M. Wells, Miss Nettie Turner, Mrs. Gladys Matson Wallis, and Mrs. E. R. Wolf.
The following names are of those citizens who have made noteworthy contributions to the socio-economic development of Rockdale during its first century of history, and were "Pioneers of Yesteryears."
Prof. Adams, E. H. Aldridge, E. M. Aldridge, N. J. Alford, Frank Allen, A. Sid Allen, Richard H. Ames, Ebb Arledge, Guy Arnold, Ed Arnwine, Foy Arrington, J. R. Arthur, B. Ashby, Claud Ashby, H. G. Ashby, Gus Backhaus, Sr., W. D. Bagley, W. L. Baird, Rev. Baldridge, Q. Baldridge, Jesse L. Bankston, R. D. Barnes, B. B. Baxter, L. A. Baxter, Jim Beal, A. J. Bell, C. C. Bethea, Frank Block, Hyman Block, Max Blum, Buck Bonds, John Bonds, Robert Lee Bounds, 1. Box, James Branch, W. P. Branch, Frank W. Brandon, Enoch Breeding, Henry Brodnax, Henry Brockenbush.
Also John G. Brown, Minor H. Brown, N. M. Bullock, John Buniva, A. A. Burck, B. T. Cantrell, W. A. Castleberry, Alvin Catchings, John Catchings, Wade Catchings, Ruben Caywood, Silas C. Christian, Sr., Lee Clark, Sr., Will Clark, B. A. Coffield, C. H. (Petie) Coffield, C. H. Coffield, Ernest Coffield, J. F. Coffield, Sr., John Cole, Arthur Collins, W. R. Cook, Guy Cook, 1. H. Corbitt, R. B. Daniel, Sr., J. L. Daniels, C. DeWall, Louis Diehl, Percy Diehl, E. L. Douglass, Nick Dyer, C. A. Duffy, A. M. Dunnington, Ernest Dunnington (E. L.), John Dunnington, Ewing P. Eads, Fred H. Eads, Guy R. Eads, Ray Eads, Cyrus Edwards, J. E. Edmundson.
Also R. Estell, W. A. Estes, Frank Evans, Sr., J. J. Faulkner, John Fears, W. M. Ferguson, E. Ferrari, Max Ferrari, R. H. (Bob) Floyd, Edgar Floyd, Eli Floyd, M. J. Floyd, "Pig" Floyd, Fred Foster, Sumner Foster, A. C. Franklyn, Joe Freeman, T. M. Freeman, Dick Fritz, Ben Garcia, J. B. Garcia, Bernard Gary, Cruz Garza, W. A. Gentry, Louis G. Gest, A. H. Gladdish, August Gohman, Andrew Goins, H. Goldsticker, Fred A. Graves, George Graves, E. A. Green, Noble Green, H. P. Hale, J. Perry Hale, Robert Lee Hale, Jr., John T. (Trim) Hale, Will Norris Hale, Kenton K. Hairston, J. J. Hairston, R. A. (Dick) Hairston, J. D. Hamilton, Hal Harris, Harry Harris, Leo Harris, Walter Harris, John N. Harriss, Preston "Boots" Harriss, Robert L. Harriss.
Also Joe Hawkins, T. F. Hewitt, Charles Heidenrich, D. P. Hewitt, Ed P. Henke, W. P. Henry, Clint Henry, Elbert Henry, Joe Henry, John C. (Sonny) Hirt, L. H. Hillyer, Bill Holley, J. E. Holtzclaw, Cobe Houghton, C. C. Howell, Frank Hubert, Harb Hudson, J. Sid Hudson, Tom Hudson, Frank Hyder, Tom Engrem, Isaacs Jalonick, Arthur Jenness, Martin Jiminez, Leon Jones, W. F. Jones, Solon Joynes, A. Kayser, Clark Kelley, E. T. Kemp, T. B. Kemp, Henry Kendle, J. P. Kevil, Frank King, F. C. Kinny, Henry D. Kone, C. H. Landis, Paul Larrieu, Dan Lasker, Hyman Lasker, D. G. Lattimore, J. W. Lee, Eugene Lengert, Otto Lengert, Jack Lewis, A. H. Lightfoot, J. P. Linn, J. L. Lockett, George B. Lumpkins, A. Longmire, W. W. Longmire, Berry Loper, E. S. Loper, Antonio Lopez, George Lopez, Gus Lorenz, A. L. Lucas.
Also Donald C. Luckey, P. E. Luckey, John Lyons,
J. F. McCalla, J. C. McCawley, Hugo McCawley, E. McClintock, Henry McFaddin, Henry
McGowan, James McGranahan, J. C. McGuyer, Dave McCoy, D. B. McMillan, Jesse Malone,
Maryland Malone, J. P. Marrs, Tom Marrs, W. C. Marrs, Emerson Marshall, Eugene V.
Marshall, Kennard Marshall, W. Hill Marshall, Rex Marshall, Charlie Mason, Jose Mendoza,
August Menn, B. T. Middleton, Bogus Miller, Joe Mohair, N. H. Moore, Henry Moseley, C. E.
Moses, Sr., Paul Moultrie, August Mrosko, H. G. Murphree, Byron Neal, E. M. Nelson, Tom
Neeley, J. O. Newton, A. Noack, E. H. Noack, R. L. Orr, Sr., Lee Orgeta, J. M. Ousley,
Fred Palmer, T. H. Paul, W. T. Pearson, Sr.
Also Ike Pepper, A. P. Perry, Sr., C. M. Perry, E. A. Perry, Harry Perry, J. W. Perry, Sam Perry, Jake Pettyjohn, J. Paschal Pogue, Zeke Polk, W. H. Poole, L. H. Porter, Thomas Prewitt, H. O. Quebe, J. R. Raines, Walter Ramsel, George B. Randle, John Randle, Manuel Randolf, Les Rasberry, Fayette Redding, John N. Redding, Charles Reed, Tom Reed, B. Regenbrecht, Wallace Richards, Sam Rice, Richard Robbins, C. K. Robinson, Enrique Rodriquez, Max Ross, W. C. Rothrock, J. R. Rowland, Edgar Rowlett, G. M. Ryan, P. T. Ryan, A. Earl Ryan, M. S. Rylander, D. H. Sanford, August Schaffer, W. T. Scurlock, Jr., Charles Scheihing, Will Scheihing, Theo. Schirmacher, William Schmidt, W. E. Schubert, Fritz Schukraft, Otto Schukraft, Will Schukraft, John Scott, Willie Seibert, C. B. Sessions.
Also C. H. Sherar, Jack Shields, Ed G. Simms, Sr., Joe Sitman, W. 1. Skinner, Sr., L. W. Sledge, Lem Smith, Morgan Smith, W. B. Smith, W. L. Smith, H. F. Snively, M. M. Sparkman, C. W. Sprott, J. A. Stein, Abe Steinberg, Porter Z. Stevens, Jack Stewart, Harley Stone, Leo Strelsky, C. K. Stribling, Cleve Stribling, Neuman P. Stribling, J. Talley, M. J. Talley, B. C. Thorpe, Robert Tindle, Ben Torres, Cleofas Tovar, Jerry Tuma, J. M. (Dick) Tuma, Harry Tracy, W. D. Turner, H. H. Turner, H. C. Vance, George Van de Venter, Joe Vasquez, W. A. Vesey, Gus Vogel, Will Vogel.
Also J. S. Walden, George Wallis, Lee Wallace,
Sr., Theodore Walters, Jerry Warren, Rexford Wells, W. D. Wells, James Wicks, J. Fred
Wills, R. P. Williams, T. M. Williams, Hal Wilson, John Wilson, Robert Wilson, Steve
Wilson, Wash Wilson, George P. Winder, Max Winterberg, Hugh L. Witcher, Col. W. B. Woody,
A. Wolf, Edmund Wolf, A. Wolfson, Dan Wootan, W. C. Wright, C. E. Wynne, Jim Rice Yeager,
Sam D. Yoakum, Sr., Grover C. York Sr., John York, Tap York, Toll York, and L. A. Zimmer.
"To each his own" and we are no exception. There have been those among us who have added gaiety and cheer to the local scene through the antics and special characteristics which individuals possess and thus are memorials unto themselves.
Among many who have come and gone with the years we salute the following for their parts in Rockdale's history, for without them the days would have been less pleasant:
"Abe Aba"; Harmless, happy and grateful for a smile or greeting from the passing crowd.
R. B. Daniels, Jr.; Clever, courteous and comical. His unforgetable "corner turning".
Willie Lee; "The Tamale Man", and weren't they good!
Walter Morgan; The genial smile, along with the best roasted peanuts in the world.
Caroline Nellie; The antics of her and her pet cow were a source of pleasure to those who knew her.
Scudder Wilson; The genial, courteous and unique Livery Stable attendant.
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