McLennan County
Fort Fisher Park
Waco, TexasT. Bradford Willis, D.D.S., M.S.D.

This document concerns the African-American section of the First Street Cemetery / Fort Fisher Park. This is the first document / map that I have seen showing the distinctive / definite boundaries of a separate African-American section in this historic cemetery. In 1968, the campground of Fort Fisher Park was built on top of this African-American section of the cemetery.
We know that a number of significant African-American individuals were buried in First Street Cemetery including Knights and Daughters of Tabor, a member of the Waco City Council, a member of the Texas House of Representatives, as well as slaves and former slaves.
Unfortunately, this area of the cemetery under Fort Fisher Park has been generally dismissed of having any historical significance. It has been referred to many times in recent newspapers as just an informal burial ground for paupers. It is also unfortunate that only a few Waco residents have spoken out about the destruction of this historic cemetery.
This map and a "formally designated colored cemetery" at First Street Cemetery don't show up in any of Waco's histories.