Lubbock County
The Schroeder Family

top row, left to right: Ed, Henry, Louie and Otto.
bottom row, left to right: Will, Bertha, C.H. Schroeder, Augusta, Mrs. Schroeder and Louisa
Photo taken 1904, San Angelo, Texas.

The Schroeder Home in Wolforth, Texas

Hattie Sumner Schroeder, wife of Ed Schroeder
(Hattie was the first teacher in Wolforth, Texas)

the first school in Wolforth, Texas
The land and much of the labor was donated by German immigrant, Henry Charles Schroeder and family. The Schroeders arrived in 1909 in Lubbock County and remained farming and ranching in the Wolforth area until their deaths. A descendant still farms the Schroeder land there. I am their great-granddaughter, through their daughter, Annie Augusta Wilhelina Schroeder Teal.
~ Reba Parks

The obituaries of Henry Charles and Mrs. C. H. Schroeder
All images submitted by Reba Parks
Oct 12, 2004