Dallas County |
 Close-Up View of the Heart of Dallas |
 Night View of Dallas's Skyline from Viaduct, Dallas |
 Sunken Garden, Fair Park, Dallas |
 Rose Garden at Lake Cliff Park, Dallas |
 The New Express Highway Through Dallas |
 Magnolia Building, Dallas |
 Restored Cabin of John Neely Bryan Located on Court House Lawn, Dallas |
 Baker Hotel, Dallas |
 The Aquarium, Texas Centennial Exposition, Dallas |
 Greater Adolphus Hotel and Annex, Dallas |
 Dallas Medical Center, Dallas |
 Fair Park Auditorium, Dallas |
 Heart of Dallas |
 Jefferson Hotel and Plaza, Dallas |
 New Post Office and Federal Building, Dallas |
 Night Scene, Oak Cliff Viaduct, Dallas |
 Hilton Hotel, Dallas |
 Kirby Building, Dallas |
 Medical Arts Building, Dallas |
 Republic National Bank and First National Bank, Dallas |
 Southwestern Bell Telephone Company's Building, Dallas |
 Bronze Group, Sydney Smith Memorial Fountain, Fair Park, Dallas - by ryell Taft |
 Santa Fe Building, Dallas |
 Dallas Athletic Club, Dallas |
 Titche-Goettinger Department Store, Dallas |
 Southern Methodist University, Dallas |
 Central Campus uadrangle, Southern Methodist University, Dallas |
 Scene near The Holy Trinity College, Dallas |
 S. H. Lynch & Co., Dallas |
 Plant of Sears, Roebuck & Co., Dallas |
 Varied Industries, Electrical and Communications Building at Texas Centennial Exposition, Dallas |
 Ursuline Convent, Dallas |
 A Glimpse of the Dallas Skyscrapers [1913] |
 Dallas Morning News, Dallas |
 Elm Street, Dallas |
 Baylor Hospital, Dallas |
 Praetorian Building, Dallas |
 Football Game, State Fair Grounds, Dallas [1915] Final Score: Texas A & M 28 - Haskell Indian School (Lawrence KS) 7 |
 Climb on Joe Herold's "Elite" Venetian Blind Wagon, Dallas |