Coryell County Cemeteries located in the Fort Hood Area:
You must have permission from Range Control to visit the
cemeteries inside of the Fort Hood area. There are five cemeteries that are in
the LIVE FIRE AREA; Bethel, Ruth, Friendship, Hubbard & Powell Cemeteries. These
cemeteries can only be visited once a year on the Sunday before Memorial Day.
Only then are family members permitted to clean the cemeteries,
replace markers damaged by gunfire, decorate the gravesites, meditate and visit
with friends and relatives.
The cemeteries located in the TRAINING AREAS are; Atum's Ranch, Brown,
Brown's Creek, Bruce, Elam, Graham's Ranch, Harmony, Liverett, Maple, New
Graham, Norman, Pleasant Grove, Polk, Potter, Salem, Springhill, Sugar Loaf &
Walker Cemeteries. They can be accessed at most times of the year, assuming no
military training is occurring in the immediate areas.
Contact AREA ACCESS (254) 287-8398 to make arrangements to get a pass to
visit. The Archaelogy Division is a Point of Contact for information
regarding the historic cemeteries (254) 288-0846.