The 1920 Smith County, Tennessee, Census contains 357 pages (census
The 1920 Smith County, Tennessee, Census images:
The donation of the 1920 Smith County, Tennessee, Census images for permanent,
free display in the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the
generosity of Charles Gregory, Patricia Hackett, Bill Kemp, Joy Mask, Gary Pace,
and the
permission of S-K Publications
images) in Enumeration Districts 104 through 116.
The following pages were not copied from the microfilm, as they are blank:
104-10B, 106-06B, 109-09B, 111-01B, 111-06B, 112-02B, 113-06B, and 115-08B.
The name of each image file is the Enumeration District number followed by
the page number.
The following is a breakdown showing which county subdivisions are enumerated
in each Enumeration District:
1st District: ED 104 (Carthage Town: 104-01A through 104-10A)
2nd District: ED 105-01A through 105-10B
23rd District: ED 105-11A through 105-14B
3rd District: ED 106-01A through 106-06A
6th District: ED 106-07A through 106-16A
21st District: ED 107-01A through 107-06B
4th District: ED 107-07A through 107-15B
5th District: ED 108
19th District: ED 109-01A through 109-09A
7th District: ED 109-10A through 109-14A
8th District: ED 110-01A through 110-09A
10th District: ED 110-09B through 110-14B
22nd District: ED 111-01A through 111-06A
9th District: ED 111-07A through 111-14B
11th District: ED 112-01A through 112-06B
16th District: ED 112-07A through 112-10B
20th District: ED 112-11A through 112-11B
13th District, Rock City Precinct: ED 113-01A through 113-06A
12th District, Rome Precinct: ED 113-07A through 113-13A
14th District: ED 114
15th District: ED 115
18th District: ED 116-01A through 116-06B
17th District, New Middleton: ED 116-07A through 116-18B
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