vti_encoding:SR|utf8-nl vti_timelastmodified:TR|16 Nov 2021 14:41:19 -0000 vti_extenderversion:SR| vti_author:SR|DESKTOP-LL25F31\\malon vti_modifiedby:SR|DESKTOP-LL25F31\\malon vti_timecreated:TR|25 Oct 2021 14:51:05 -0000 vti_title:SR|Men of Our Times pg 1 vti_backlinkinfo:VX|archive_html/history.htm vti_nexttolasttimemodified:TW|04 Nov 2021 18:02:02 -0000 vti_cacheddtm:TX|16 Nov 2021 14:41:19 -0000 vti_filesize:IR|406929 vti_cachedtitle:SR|Men of Our Times pg 1 vti_cachedbodystyle:SR| vti_cachedlinkinfo:VX|H|./MEN\\ OF\\ OUR\\ TIMES_files/filelist.xml H|./MEN\\ OF\\ OUR\\ TIMES_files/editdata.mso X|./MEN\\ OF\\ OUR\\ TIMES_files/image001.jpg S|buckingham.jpg X|./MEN\\ OF\\ OUR\\ TIMES_files/image003.jpg S|lincoln.jpg X|./MEN\\ OF\\ OUR\\ TIMES_files/image005.jpg S|grant.jpg H|menofourtimes2.htm vti_cachedsvcrellinks:VX|NHUS|archive_html/history/MEN\\ OF\\ OUR\\ TIMES_files/filelist.xml NHUS|archive_html/history/MEN\\ OF\\ OUR\\ TIMES_files/editdata.mso NXUS|archive_html/history/MEN\\ OF\\ OUR\\ TIMES_files/image001.jpg FSUS|archive_html/history/buckingham.jpg NXUS|archive_html/history/MEN\\ OF\\ OUR\\ TIMES_files/image003.jpg FSUS|archive_html/history/lincoln.jpg NXUS|archive_html/history/MEN\\ OF\\ OUR\\ TIMES_files/image005.jpg FSUS|archive_html/history/grant.jpg FHUS|archive_html/history/menofourtimes2.htm vti_cachedneedsrewrite:BR|false vti_cachedhasbots:BR|false vti_cachedhastheme:BR|false vti_cachedhasborder:BR|false vti_metatags:VR|HTTP-EQUIV=Content-Type text/html;\\ charset=windows-1252 description In\\ the\\ spring\\ of\\ 1996,\\ a\\ group\\ of\\ genealogists\\ led\\ by\\ Jeff\\ Murphy\\ organized\\ the\\ Kentucky\\ Comprehensive\\ Genealogy\\ Database\\ Project,\\ which\\ evolved\\ into\\ the\\ KyGenWeb\\ Project.\\ The\\ idea\\ was\\ to\\ provide\\ a\\ single\\ entry\\ point\\ for\\ genealogy\\ data\\ and\\ research\\ for\\ all\\ counties\\ in\\ Kentucky.\\ In\\ addition,\\ the\\ information\\ for\\ each\\ county\\ would\\ be\\ indexed\\ and\\ cross-linked\\ to\\ make\\ it\\ easier\\ for\\ researchers\\ to\\ find\\ a\\ name\\ or\\ data\\ that\\ they\\ sought.\\ \\ In\\ June\\ 1996,\\ as\\ the\\ KyGenWeb\\ Project\\ was\\ nearing\\ 100%\\ county\\ coverage,\\ interested\\ volunteers\\ decided\\ to\\ create\\ a\\ similar\\ set\\ of\\ pages\\ for\\ all\\ states,\\ establishing\\ The\\ USGenWeb\\ Project.\\ Bill\\ Couch\\ wanted\\ to\\ follow\\ in\\ the\\ footsteps\\ of\\ the\\ KY\\ Project\\ with\\ a\\ similar\\ site\\ for\\ Arkansas.\\ Jeff\\ Murphy\\ set\\ up\\ a\\ main\\ page\\ for\\ the\\ states\\ that\\ included\\ a\\ template\\ for\\ volunteers\\ to\\ use.\\ Announcements\\ were\\ made\\ to\\ genealogy\\ mailing\\ lists\\ and\\ newsgroups\\ and\\ news\\ of\\ this\\ Project\\ was\\ spread\\ by\\ email\\ and\\ word\\ of\\ mouth.\\ Volunteers\\ were\\ found\\ who\\ were\\ willing\\ to\\ coordinate\\ the\\ efforts\\ for\\ each\\ state,\\ and\\ additional\\ volunteers\\ were\\ sought\\ to\\ create\\ and\\ maintain\\ websites\\ for\\ every\\ county\\ in\\ the\\ United\\ States.\\ By\\ July\\ of\\ 1996\\ most\\ states\\ were\\ online\\ with\\ state\\ homepages\\ and\\ most\\ had\\ several\\ volunteers.\\ \\ There\\ was\\ a\\ core\\ group\\ of\\ people\\ who\\ got\\ involved\\ very\\ early\\ and\\ were\\ key\\ to\\ getting\\ this\\ new\\ Project\\ off\\ the\\ ground.\\ It\\ was\\ these\\ people\\ who\\ laid\\ the\\ groundwork\\ for\\ assuring\\ the\\ success\\ of\\ The\\ USGenWeb\\ Project.\\ These\\ people\\ included\\ Jeff\\ Murphy,\\ Dale\\ Schneider,\\ John\\ Rigdon,\\ Linda\\ Lewis,\\ Joy\\ Fisher,\\ Kim\\ Harris\\ Myers,\\ Billie\\ R.\\ McNamara,\\ Melissa\\ Calhoun,\\ Nancy\\ Trice,\\ Bill\\ Couch,\\ Betty\\ Sellers,\\ Jim\\ Rothgeb,\\ Deke\\ Smith,\\ Sharon\\ L.\\ Rowe,\\ Mary\\ Lynne\\ Ellis,\\ Edward\\ Hayden,\\ Richard\\ Holler,\\ Laura\\ Cook,\\ Gary\\ Steiner,\\ and\\ Diane\\ Miller.\\ \\ In\\ October\\ 1996,\\ "The\\ USGenWeb\\ Web\\ White\\ Paper"\\ was\\ distributed\\ world-wide\\ by\\ The\\ USGenWeb\\ Project.\\ The\\ purpose\\ was\\ to\\ summarize\\ the\\ progress\\ of\\ the\\ Project\\ and\\ to\\ encourage\\ additional\\ people\\ to\\ volunteer.\\ The\\ "White\\ Paper"\\ serves\\ as\\ a\\ very\\ good\\ historical\\ outline\\ of\\ the\\ Project's\\ early\\ days.\\ \\ Although\\ The\\ USGenWeb\\ Project\\ was\\ originally\\ designed\\ to\\ be\\ organized\\ by\\ state\\ and\\ county,\\ much\\ genealogy\\ data\\ cannot\\ be\\ limited\\ to\\ a\\ single\\ county,\\ or\\ even\\ a\\ single\\ state.\\ So,\\ USGenWeb\\ Special\\ Projects\\ have\\ evolved\\ to\\ collect\\ and\\ disseminate\\ data\\ that\\ goes\\ beyond\\ county\\ and\\ state\\ lines.\\ \\ The\\ USGenWeb\\ Project\\ continues\\ to\\ evolve\\ thanks\\ to\\ every\\ past,\\ present\\ and\\ future\\ volunteer. keywords Biographies,\\ Biography,\\ Men\\ of\\ Our\\ Times,\\ Obituary\\ Project,\\ obits,\\ Obits,\\ \\ Obituaries,\\ Obituary,\\ Funeral\\ Notices,\\ Death\\ Notices,\\ \\ Marriage\\ Records,\\ genealogy\\ newsletters,\\ historical\\ newsletters,\\ Historical\\ Maps,\\ Maps\\ of\\ the\\ USA,\\ USA\\ History\\ Maps,\\ digital\\ maps,\\ maps,\\ state\\ maps,\\ county\\ maps,\\ city\\ maps,\\ cemetery\\ maps,\\ Court\\ records,\\ Court\\ cases,\\ supreme\\ court,\\ \\ marriage\\ Records,\\ \\ marriage\\ records,\\ Genealogy\\ records,\\ Family\\ History\\ research,\\ \\ \\ vital\\ records,\\ USGenWeb,\\ USGenWeb\\ Archives,\\ archive\\ records,\\ ancestry.com,\\ findagrave.com,\\ \\ cemetery\\ transcriptions,\\ divorce\\ records,\\ birth\\ records,\\ death\\ records,\\ court\\ records,\\ wills,\\ probate\\ records,\\ land\\ records,\\ marriage\\ records,\\ \\ applications,\\ archives,\\ usgenweb,\\ bonds,\\ brides,\\ grooms,\\ \\ Wedding\\ announcements,\\ Wedding\\ invites\\ ProgId Word.Document Generator Microsoft\\ Word\\ 9 Originator Microsoft\\ Word\\ 9 vti_charset:SR|windows-1252 vti_originator:SR|Microsoft Word 9 vti_progid:SR|Word.Document vti_generator:SR|Microsoft Word 9