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George Cottle, Sr.'s "History of Forest Hill Community" - Summers Co. WV

                 (Summers County, West Virginia)

                           Prepared by
                        George Cottle, Sr.

                         Published by the
                 Agricultural Extension Division
                        Morgantown, W. Va.


                      by George Cottle, Sr.

                            Chapter 1


Forest Hill Community is situated on the waters of Bradshaw and Spruce Run.  Starting at
A. L. Campbell's on Greenbrier River three miles from Forest Hill and running to J. T.
Campbell's; on a line from there including P. M. Garrison's; thence southwest to and
including W. L. Redmond's; thence north to and including C. G. Ramsey's; and thence
northeast by J. S. Canterberry's and including him the to the starting point; it includes
twenty-five square miles.  It is inhabited by sixty-six families with a population of four

                        Points of Interest

One of the natural wonders of this community is situated on the farm of P. M. Foster, and
is known as the "Seven Wonders."  This is an immense rock in the shape of an inverted
pyramid.  It is about thirty feet tall, four by six feet at the base, and about twenty by thirty
feet at the top.  Tradition tells how it received its name.  It is said that a man upon viewing
this Wonder, wondered six times how it stood up and one time if it was supported by an oak
which grew by the side of the rock.  He said, "You are surely a 'Seven Wonders.'"  
This rock is covered with names and dates.  Some of them are more than a hundred years

Another natural wonder of Forest Hill Community is known as the "Devil's Den."  This is
situated on the line between J. H. Rogers' and J. T. Canterberry's, and consists of a huge
wash basin, writing desk, and a seat.  This wonder is of sandstone formation.

                        The Mound Builders

We are led to believe by the evidence before us in the form of mounds that the Mound
Builders were the first inhabitants of this community.
There is a well preserved mound on the farm of A. M. Hutchison, about one and a half
miles north of the post office.  It is twenty to thirty feet higher than the surrounding bottom. 
This mound, I believe, is a burial mound.  When a few years ago the writer in company with
the late Dr. F. Kyle Vass opened a similar mound situated on the farm of E. D. Ferrell, one
mile southeast of the post office of Forest Hill, we found a few stone implements of warfare,
such as spear points, arrow heads, a stone hatchet, a pistol, and a number of bones which
were so much decayed that we were unable to tell whether they were human bones or
bones of animals.
We don't believe that these mounds are the work of the Indians, as they are very much
larger than any Indian graves we ever had the privilege of examining.
On the bank of the Greenbrier River within the bounds of this community stands what
appears to have been a Sacrifice Altar of some prehistoric race of man.  This altar was built
of stone and was about eight feet high and about fifteen feet in diameter, circular in form. 
This was partly pulled down by Calvin and Omer Harvey in the year 1900, but the
dimensions can plainly be seen today.
This altar is located about two hundred yards from the bank of the river and undoubtedly
the stones were carried from the river, as it is situated on a bench by the mountain on J.
E. Milburn's farm just above the mouth of Little Wolf Creek.  There are no rocks on this
bench.  This is just opposite the Ferrell farm on the Greenbrier River.
The young men in pulling down this Sacrifice altar, which is on their father's farm, thought
they would find a buried treasure as they told the author, whom they took to view their work,
but their treasure consisted of charred wood and bone.  As to the antiquity or the origin of
the mound builds we leave that to the Archaeologist.  We know from the evidence that they
have left, that they were once inhabitants of our Community.

                  Indians and Indian Traditions

That the noble Red Man once made his home in this community will not be denied by any
one who has tilled the field and has seen the evidence in the arrow heads, spear points and
tomahawks that strew our valleys and hills.
On the banks of New River just above the mouth of Indian Creek there is a large rock
standing alone and not connected with the cliffs, known as Indian Rock.  On this rock are
marked characters supposed to have been made by aboriginal inhabitants.  No one knows
the meaning of these characters.  Near the end of this rock there is cut some kind of
hieroglyphics in the shape and form of a turkey's foot.  It is tradition in that region that the
Indians had buried something of value there, and explorations have been made with a view
to discovery, but nothing has ever been foudn to indicate what, if anything, was hidden at
or near this ancient natural curiosity.
The Indians are a remarkable race of people.  Their contrasts of character and the make
up of their mental characteristics are unfathomable, and sometimes very rare indeed.  You
can sometimes read of one of these savage people with human sympathy and instincts,but
in the great number of cases, they are cruel and heartless.  Their cruelty seems to have
been greatly intensified by coming in contact with the white people from Europe.
The Indian knew no mercy or pity.  They were unknown words to him.  He wished to see
how much pain his captive would bear before he would cry for mercy.  The cries of the
captive at the stake was the sweetest music to him.  We believe this was intensified by the
treatment of whites to Indians, by such men as Jim Wiley, who cut a razor strop from the
back of an Indian chief with as little qualm as out of the hide of an ox.
Courtships, like marrages were short.  If the squaw accepted the presents of the man, it
was understood she agreed, and without further ceremony she went and joined him in his
hut, not even notifying her people.  The principals which were to govern their future conduct
were well understood.  He was to do the fighting and hunting while she did all the work.
This community was a howling wilderness inhabited by the Indians before the coming of the
whites.  Our community was owned or controlled by the Six Nations, and as we cultivate
the soil, we find evidence of their former sojourn here.  We have no authentic history of
their existence, but we do have of their raids.
The Indian's religion was one of his peculiar characteristics.  He worshipped the evil spirit
to appease his wrath.  He believed in a hereafter or a "happy hunting ground" where the
brave warrior with many scalps of his enemies would forever be happy and contented. 
When he died they buried all his possessions with him.  If he owned a gun, dog, pipe, bow,
and arrow, they were buried with him.  He was placed with his head to the East, instead of
the West as the whites bury their dead.  The Indian thinks that the sun at setting possesses
the night in the happy hunting ground of the departed brave. Just on the edge of this
community is an Indian burial ground, it is among cliffs and rocks, but you can go under the
cliffs on D. C. Vass' place near Marie, W. Va., and can find all kinds of broken pottery,
which proves that Indian women have been buried there in large numbers, showing that
there has been a large Indian settlement near.
Near this Indian burial ground was a marked oak tree, having a picture of a turtle cut and
burnt in it.  The tree is gone now but the mark could plainly be seen just a few years ago. 
Three Shawnee Indians and two white men came here from Ohio in the year 1834 and dug
an immense trench between this tree and another for a distance of about thirty feet and
about eight or ten feet deep.  This trench can be plainly seen today.  These facts were told
the author by his grandmother, who was raised near there and had the story from her
parents who were witnesses of the event.
Up on the Greenbrier River, on J. W. Ferrell's land is the remains of a frontier fort on the
bottom between the J. W. Ferrell place and the river.  In 1913 J. W. Ferrell took the author
and showed him the outlines of the fort, and in proof that it was built by the whites, he told
me that his grandfather who settled that place and cleared the land told him that the
outlines of the fort were plainly marked out and from the pieces of dishes it looked to him
as if it had been burned.  He said you could find buttons and dishes there to this day.  He
said there were a number of graves up on the hill when his grandfather came there, but the
graves are marked with rough stones and they are laid with the head to the West, and
marked thus, so I am led to believe that we have a historical works available and am not
able to get any other evidence.  I am planning to make some further examination of this old
fort site.

                           Indian Raids

On October 19, 1763, we see a band of thirty Shawnees braves crossing New River at the
Mouth of Indian Creek.  They have discovered the foot-prints of a white man, who has been
on the river hunting, they take the trail and ascend Indian Creek to the mouth of Bradshaw
Run.  They have on their "war paint" and are armed with bows and arrows with the
exception of two who carry rifles.  One we notice is the famous Cornstalk.  After traveling
up the Creek for about a mile they come to a small clearing, with a log cabin in the center. 
They hide in the thick woods until they see their victim coming to the spring, which is
situated at the foot of the hill near where they are hidden, when the Frenchman recognizes
the man as one of his old pals, whom he is very anxious to see.  The man is warned by a
noise, so the Indian shoots him to keep him from getting away, but the wound is not
serious, though painful.  The wounded man started to run toward the cabin, and the Indians
after him.  But instead of entering the cabin, he dashes by with the Indian after him.  He was
soon overtaken and knocked down and bound with withes.  They traveled on up the little
run for about two miles where they stopped to camp.  Here they held a council and
condemned their captive to death by burning at the stake, which sentence they excuted the
next morning.  The man that they burned at the stake was Bradshaw, and the place of
execution was on W. N. Allen's place near Glendale school house, where he was buried
by scouts from Fort Young which was located within the present town of Covington, Va.
This man Bradshaw was supposed to have been a pirate and the have buried an immense
sum of gold at or near C. L. Lowe's place where he then lived.  Bradshaw was an
Englishman and settled on C. L. Lowe's place about the year 1758.  He took up the first
land title in this community.  He was a free booter, is the report of tradition, and that he
buried an immense amount of gold, but if he had gold buried it has never been found to the
best of our knowledge.  Bradshaw's title was a tomahawk right or corn right.  We have
failed to find any record of a title from The British Crown.  
We had another Indian raid through this community in the autumn of 1767.  This raid was
against Cook Fort which was outside of this community, but was the only refuge for the few
settlers in this and adjoining communities.  The following is a story of Indian cunning and
strategy that took place within Forest Hill community.  The settlers had been warned of the
approach of the Indians by the scout or hunter Pitman.  They had been housed up in the
fort for several days without seeing or hearing anything of the savages, so one morning
John Cook, a young man, wanted to go out to kill a wild turkey, as he said he had heard
gobbling for three or four days.  He was warned again by the scout, that it wasn't safe to
leave the fort for fear that the Indians were only waiting for such a chance to take scalps. 
He said, "Who's afraid of Indians?"  and prepared to leave the fort before daybreak the next
morning.  He went but never returned.  Still the turkey kept calling and the scout decided
to find, if he could, what had become of John Cook, so instead of waiting to leave the fort
in the morning as Cook had done he left the fort just after dark, and crossing the creek he
made a detour around the place where the turkey made a habit of calling, the place where
Cook had gone to kill the turkey.  Just at daylight the next morning he heard a noise as he
cautiously raised his head from under the log where he had spent the night, to see an
Indian making his way to a log just a little below him on the side of the hill.  As it wasn't light
enough for accurate shooting, the scout decided to watch and see what the cunning savage
was up to.  The savage crawled into a patch of thick weeds by the side of a log, put his rifle
over the log, and began to call like a turkey.  The scout was able to solve the mystery as
to the fate of John Cook.  Deciding the time for him to act was at hand, he cautiously
raised to his knees and took quick aim and shot the savage in the back of the head, killing
him instantly.  He then proceeded to look for the body of Cook, whose scalp he saw
hanging to the belt the Indian wore.  He soon found the body hidden in some leaves, and
then returned very cautiously to the fort, as he did not know how many savages were near
him in the woods.  It was later learned that the Indian killed by Pitman was a noted war
chief.  The savages retired from the fort brought in the body of Cook and buried it near the
fort.  This fort was on the farm of Squire James Keatley near the post office of Indian Mills,
or just above the Squire's on the creek.  
The last Indian raid in this community was in 1783.  This time the Indians came as usual up
New River, Indian Creek, and Bradshaw Run to the farm now owned by C. D. Bolton, then
the home of William Brown, who lived just across the road from the present site of C. D.
Bolton's cattle scales, where you can still see the mound of earth where the cabin stood. 
This cabin was burned by Indians who came to the house in the absence of the men folks
and set fire to the flax in the roof and burned the house.  The old lady Brown was a very
fleshy woman and when the Indians came to the house and found her alone and the men
gone then set fire to the house and carried her away.  The men came home and found the
house burning and followed the Indians to Paint Creek at an old Indian Camp.  They were
preparing to burn Mrs. Brown at the stake, as she was so fleshy they decided not to be
bothered with her any longer.  The Indians had everything ready for the bonfire.  When the
men fired on the Indians they rescued her.  These men were the Farley scouts from Fort
Culbertson.  Mrs. Brown was the grandmother of Allen F. Brown of Marie, W. Va.
There was one Indian battle on the edge of this community which I think should be given
here in connection with Indian raids.  Captain Paul immediately following the first raid
mentioned began a pursuit of the Indians with twenty men from Fort Young, passing out at
the head of Dunlap's Creek, descending Indian Creek and New River to Piney River,
without making any discovery of the enemy.  On Indian Creek they met Pitman who had
been running all the day and the night before to warn the garrison at Fort Young, Covington,
Va., of the approach of the Indians.  Pitman joined in the pursuit of the party which had
killed Carpenter; but the Indians apprehending that they would be followed had escaped
to Ohio by the way of Greenbrier and Kanawha rivers.  As Captain Paul and his men were
returning they accidently met with the other party of Indians, which had been to Catawba
and committed some depredations and murders there.  They were discovered about
midnight, encamped on the north bank of New River at the Mouth of Indian Creek opposite
the Island.  Excepting some few who were watching three prisoners, shom they had tanen
at Catawba and who were sitting in the midst of them, they were lying around a small fire
wrapped in skins and blankets.  Paul not knowing that there were captives among them
fired into their midst, killing three Indians and wounding several others, one of whom
drowned himself to preserve his scalp.  The rest of the party fled hastily down the river and
escaped.  In an instant after the firing, Paul and his men rushed forward to secure the
wounded and prevent further escapes.  One of the foremost of his party seeing, as he
supposed, a squaw sitting composed awaiting the results; raised his tomahawk and just as
it was descending Captain Paul threw himself between the assailant and his victim receiving
the blow on his arm, exclaimed, "It is a shame to hurt a woman, even a squaw." 
Recognizing the voice of Captain Paul, the woman named him.  she was a Mrs. Katherine
Gumm, an English woman who had come to the country come years before; and who
previous to her marriage, had lived in the family of Captain Paul's father-in-law, where she
had become acquainted whith him.  She had been taken captive by the Indians on the
Catawba a few days before, when her husband and two children were killed by them. 
When questioned why she had not cried out or otherwise made that she was a white
prisoner she replied, "I had as soon been killed as not.  My husband is murdered, my
children are slain, my parents are dead and I have not a relative in America.  Everything
dear to me here is gone, I have no wishes, no hopes, no fears, I would not have risen to my
feet to save my life."
When Captain Paul came on the enemy's camp he silently posted his men in an
advantageous situation for doing execution and made arrangements for a simultaneous fire. 
 To render this the more deadly and efficient, they dropped on one knee and were preparing
to take deliberate aim when one of them (John McCollan) called to his comrades, "Pull
steady and them all to hell."  This ill timed expression of anxious caution, gave the enemy
a moments warning of their danger and is the reason why greater execution was not done.
The Indians had left all their guns, blankets and plunder; these together with the three white
captives were taken by Captain Paul to Fort Dinwiddie (Staunton, Va.).  This raid and battle
took place in the fall of 1764 according to Captain Paul's letters and was the same party
discovered by Swope, Pack, and Pitman.  This seemed to be a favorite camping place for
Indians according to a letter written by Captain William Christian at Roanoke, Va., October
19, 1763 as follows:  "Being joined by Captain Hickenbottom with twenty-five of the Amherst
militia we marched on Tuesday last, to Vinston's Meadows where our scouts informed us
that they had discovered a party of Indians about three miles off.  Night coming on
prevented our meeting them, and next day, being rainy made it difficult to follow their tracks. 
As they were on their return, Captain Hickenbottom marched to join Captain Ingles down
New River. I with 19 men and my ensigns took a different route in quest of them.  We
marched next day on their tracks until two hours before sunset when we heard some guns
and soon afterwards discovered three large fires, which appeared to be on the bank of
Turkey Creek where it empties into New River.   Upon this we immediately advanced and
found they were on an island.  Being within  gun shot we fired on them and loading again
we fored the Creek.  The Indians after killing Joseph Kimberlain,  a prisoner they had with
them, made but a slight resistance and ran off.  We found one Indian killed on the spot, and
at a little distance, four blankets shot through and very bloody.  We took all their bundles,
four guns, eight tomahawks and two mares.  They had several other horses, which being
frightened by  the firing ran off and were lost.  The party consisted of upwards of twenty
Indians.  By the tracks of blood, we imagined several of them were wounded."  This affair
occured October 12, 1763.

                         Ratliffe Mystery

During the building of the Big Bend Tunnel in 1872 a peddler by the name of Ratliffe
disappeared and was never heard of after.  He had on his person $375.00 and left the
tunnel accompanied by Harry Gill, who lived in the mountains back of Bradshaw's Run in
Forest Hill District.  Mr. Henry Milburn saw the peddler and Gill cross the Greenbrier River
near his place and they went on the the direction of Gill's.   That night a Mr. Lowe who lived
in the neighborhood heard the cries of distress of some one appealing for help.  At first he
thought the cries came from his father's and he ran in that direction on Bradshaw's Run, but
discovered that the trouble was in the mountains.  The cries ceased and later in the night
a great fire, was seen in the direction of Gill's.  The next day it was learned that Gill's stable
had burned during the night, claimed to be accidental.  The peddler was never seen or
heard of afterwards, and no evidence could be found of him except a piece of his trousers
was found in a hollow hickory tree in the neighborhood of where the stable was burned, with
a hole near the waistband, indicating and appearing to have been made by a bullet.  No
arrests were made, as no evidence could be found for certain that Ratliffe was dead.
A few years ago this same Harry Gill died and during his last illness the neighbors came in
to attend him and administer to his wants, and during this last illness he seemed to be in
great despair, although perfectly sane in mind, and he would cry out, "There is Ratliffe! 
Take him away!"  Finally he secured a pair of scissors and demanded to know if Ratliffe
was gone.  He kept hold of this weapon until his death.  People were present at his death
who were not in the state at the time of the disappearance of the peddler, and had never
heard of him or of the circumstances.  Gill lived to be an old man, and was in later years
elected constable.  Whether Ratliffe was killed was never known.  The foregoing is taken
from Judge Miller's History of Summers County.

        Biography of the Families of Forest Hill Community

                      Isaac Tincher's Family

Isaac Tincher was one of the first settlers of this community.  He settled near Bradshaw's
Run on the C. D. Bolton farm, just below the Fleshman road, he settled here early in 1835. 
He married a Kincaid.  They had the following children:  Della, Flora, and E. Ann; the former
two died before they were grown.  E. Ann married Theodore R. Webb and to this union was
born the following children: O. L., E. L., Gertrude, Lilly, and Mattie.  O. L. Webb married a
Lowery and resides at Forest Hill.  He has been a very successful merchant in Beckley,
Hinton, and Princeton, but is now a farmer.  E. L. Webb married a sister to O. L. Webb's
wife and is an enterprising farmer of Buck, W. Va.  Lilly married S. T. Lowery and resides
at Rock Camp in Monroe County.  Gertrude married N. P. Stover, but she died a few years
ago leaving one son Lacy Stover residing with his aunt at Rock Camp, Monroe County, W.
Va.  Mattie married J. H. Rogers and resides on the old home place.  They have two
children Marcus and Eveline.  Theodore Webb died on March 19, 1921, but his widow is
still living at the old home place with her youngest daughter.

                         Saunders' family

Wattie Saunders came to this community from Bedford County, Virginia, about 1825 and
settled on the land now owned by G. E. Cottle and J. W. Lilly's heirs, on top of the mountain
at what is called the Zeddock Orchard.  He married a Martin and reared the following
children:  Fleming, Martha Rice, Robert W. , and Jackson P.  Flemming married Rhoda
Woodrum and reared one child, a daughter who married John Shumaker.  Fleming and
Rhoda are dead.  Shumaker was a blacksmith at this place, but moved away several years

                       Jackson P. Saunders

Jackson P. Saunders, son of Wattie Saunders, was born February 9, 1832, was married
to Elizabeth Garten in the fifties and died on February 28, 1910.  He was a member of
Colonel Edgar's Battalion until he was paralyzed in 1863 which made him a cripple for life. 
He was a Christian gentleman and he reared the following children:  Emily E., Mildred B.,
P. J., O. E., and Loue.  Emily E. married John J. Cottle in October, 1880 and reared the
following children:  G. E., Ada, and Rose.  Emily died April 2, 1923.  Mildred married L. A.
Ellison and reared the following children:  W. F., L. M., P. J., E. D., and Fred.  Penbrook
Saunders married Ermma Barnette and resides in Pittsburg, Pa.  O. E. Saunders resides
with his neice Rosa R. Lilly. Loue Saunders married J. O. Perdue in 1890 and now resides
on the place settled by Philip Vass.  She had the following children:  Jesse L., Homer,
Willie, Vennie, Jewel, and Norville.  Elizabeth M. Saunders, wife of Jackson Saunders died
November 21, 1921.  The majority of the descendants are still living in this community. 

                   "Captain Robert W. Saunders"

Captain Robert W. Saunders was born June 8, 1828 in Bedford county, Virginia, and was
of English descent.  He died on October 20, 1904.  Early in life he located in the territory
of Forest Hill District.  His first wife was Lina Miller, by whom he raised three children: 
Lewis, Rebecca, and Mable.  All are dead, dying from diptheria during the war.  The second
wife was Sarah E. Meadows, daughter of Robert Meadows who lived near the old church
on Greenbrier River.  Their children were Edward Lee, Josephine, who married A. A.
McDowell, A. H., and C. E. Saunders.  His third wife was Sallie A. Harvey, a daughter of
Allen L. Harvey.  Robert W. Saunders was a Captain during the Civil War in the
Confederate service.  His sons are prominent farmers of this community.  Captain Saunders
was a man of property, and one of the founders of the county.

                           Webb Family

Martha Rice married Warnie H. Webb to which union was born the following children: 
William, Elvira, Elverton, Theodore, Thomas, George, Malvelia, Eliza, and Giles.  William
was a confederate soldier belonging to Colonel Edgar's Battalion.  He was captured at the
battle of Cold Harbor near Richmond, Virginia, and was taken as a captive to Elmira, N. Y.,
where he died of typhoid fever.  Elvira married a Lively and left here a number of years ago. 
Elverton married a Smith and resides at Willow Bend, Monroe County, W. Va.  He died in
1923.  Theodore's history is given elsewhere in this History.  Thomas Webb married a
Carden, a sister of I. G. and J. M., to this union was reared one child, a daughter who
married A. L. compbell one of the most successful farmers of this community.  Thomas
Webb and wife have been dead a number of years and are buried at Greenbrier Springs. 
George Webb left here for the West just after the Civil War and when last heard of, about
fifty years ago, was in Noaks County, Missouri.  Eliza married a man by the name of Gore
of Bramwell, W. Va., who has been dead a number of years.  Malvelia Webb married a
Redmond and moved to Texas where he made his home.  He has been dead for several
years.  Giles Webb was never married but died of tuberculosis and is buried at the M. E.
Church at Forest Hill by the side of his father and mother.

                          Michael Family

Allen Michael married a Smith and became one of the early settlers of this community
settling on the head waters of Spruce Run on the land now owned by S. J. Michael.  Allen
Michael reared the following children:  Mary Anne, Steward, Lucinda, and Elija.  Mary Anne
is a very extimable maiden lady who is still living on the old home place with her nephew
S. J. Michael.  Steward Michael married an Allen and reared the following children:  John,
S. J., Henry, and Rebecca.  John, son of Steward, married a Snodgrass and resides in
Mercer County.  S. J. Michael married Janie Allen and reared the following children: 
Blanche who married C. Akers Shumate and lives near Bozoo, W. Va.  Hester who married
C. Akers and resides near Mt. Hope, W. Va.; F. M. who married a daughter of D. B. Light
and is a member of the merchantile firm of Michael Brothers of Forest Hill; W. E. who
married a daughter of J. W. Ferrel and is a member of the firm of Michael Brothers of
Forest Hill; Maude who married D. B. Lowe an enterprising farmer of the community;
Pansey who married a Harvey of Wykle, W. Va.; and Clarice who married Carl Martin a
member of the firm of Martin and Sons of Red Sulphur Springs, General Merchants.  Henry
Michael a son of  Allen's married a Lilly for his first wife and upon her death married for his
second wife a Stiller of Hinton.  He is an employee of the C & O R. R. and has been for a
number of years.

                          Woodrum Family

Lucinda, daughter of Allen Michael, married W. C. Woodrum, a son of one of the first
settlers of our community, and reared the following children:  Henry, Judson, Walter,
Lonnie, Linda, Jennie, Jamie, and William.  Henry and Walter reside with their widowed
mother on the old home place neither being married to date.  Judson, first married Zora
Seldomridge and upon her death he married again.  He is an employee at the C & O shops
at Hinton, W. Va.  Lonnie married David Iddings and resides near Marie, W. Va.  Linda
married Will Allen and resided near Clayton until her death a few years ago.  Jennie married
Oat Meadows and resided near Greenbrier Springs until her death a few years ago.  James
married his first wife, a Bowyer, who reared the following children:  Lomer, who has been
dead for several years; Annie, who married Geo. Shanks, a baggage man on the C & O,
and is located at Huntington, W. Va.; Edgar, who married Jessie Perdue, but after a short
married life secumbed to the great white plague; and Minnie, who married W. F. Ellison and
resides at Bellepoint where her husband has a position with the C & O R.R. Co.  James
Woodrum upon the death of his first wife married Collie Hoback and resided near New
Hope Church until his death a few years ago.  Will Woodrum married a Hudson but passed
to the great beyond some ten or fifteen years ago. 

                          Cottle Family

George Cottle was born in Highland Scotland about the year 1795 and came to Virginia in
1834 and started overland from Williamsburg to settle West of the Alleghany Mountains. 
He brought his household goods in an ox wagon, and his wife and two children rode horse
back.  Harvey, the son, rode behind his mother for the distance, although only six or seven
years old, but he was paralyzed at the end of the journey from the hips down and was never
able to walk after that.  His legs dwindled away until they were not much larger than an
infant's legs.  George Cottle settled on the C. D. Bolton place, just this side of the Ford
Hollow and just above the road.  There his first wife died who was also Scotch Irish.  She
died about the year 1838 and is buried in the Brown graveyard just across the road from
where they lived.  After the death of his first wife he married a Lowe, a sister of Aleck
Lowe's and resided in this community until '68 or '69 when he moved to Putnam County, W.
Va.  He reared the following children by his first wife:  Harvey and Susan.  Harvey Cottle
left this community with his father but settled at Raleigh Court House, Beckley, W. Va. 
Here he was married twice.  After the death of his first wife he married a Croftree.  He ran
a shoe shop here for years.  He had no children of his own but we have been informed that
he reared J. H. Peters, who is one of the leading educators of Southern W. Va.  Susan
Cottle married a Sarver and moved from this community to Giles County, Virginia.

George Cottle reared the following children by his second wife:  Madison, Wash, John, J.
S., James, Thomas, Giles, and Martha.  Madison Cottle married Cynthia Lewis and lived
for several years on the N. M. Lowry farm, just below the old Cottle school house.  He
moved away from here a number of years ago to Alderson, W. Va., where he was killed by
a C & O train.  He reared the following children:  Lewis, James, William, Becky, Ellen,
Martha, and Mary.  Lewis Cottle left here when he was first grown and settled in Texas but
returned to this county and died about twenty years ago and is buried at the Fairview
Baptist Church at this place.  James Cottle became a C. & O. conductor and was killed by
passenger train No. 4 at Thurmond in 1903.  He is also buried at Forest Hill by his mother
and brother.  He left a widow who was Jennie Hudson before their marriage.  William Cottle
married a Garten and is an old C. & O. engineer.  He resides in Hinton.  The family of
Madison have all left the community.  Wash Cottle, son of George Cottle, Sr., married a
Lowe and entered the confederate service in Colonel Edgar's Battalion.  He was killed at
the Dry Creek fight in 1862 and is buried on the battle field.  He had no children.  His widow
is buried in the Shanklin grave yard on the Vina Bolton farm.  John J. Cottle married a
Wood and reared one child, John J. Jr.  He also was a member of Colonel Edgar's Battalion
and was in the battle of Dry Creek, but just after the battle he took typhoid and diptheria
from the effects of which he died in the fall of 1862.  His son John J. Jr., was reared by
Robert Wood on top of New River mountain overlooking Crump's Bottom and Fort
Culbertson, as also was the author born on New River Hills on the Mercer County side on
June 24, 1881, but has resided in this community most all of the time since he was four
years old and in which community he has taught since the fall of 1901.  He served as
Justice of Peace for ten years. In 1902 he was united in marriage to Leona L. Lilly who died
on October 3, 1917.  He was married in the fall of 1921 to Faye Allen.  James Cottle, son
of George Cottle, Sr., left here with his parents and went to Putnam County but later went
to Paint Creek in Raleigh County where he married a Stover.  He reared a family and lived
on Maple Fork, where he died about eight years ago.  Giles Cottle, son of George Cottle,
Sr., went to Fayette County where he married and reared a family.  He is still living to the
best of our knowledge, but we understand he has lost his sight.  Martha, daughter of
George Cottle, Sr., married Mose Taylor and first settled the Lewis Simms place now the
Everett Simm's place.

                         Crawford Family

Thomas Crawford was a native of Monroe County, born near Lindside, but moved from that
country long ago and settled near the Greenbrier River in the Dog Trot community.  He was
a man of worth and a good citizen.  He left the following children, now residents and citizens
of Forest Hill District.  Henry Crawford, the oldest son, is one of the enterprising farmers of
Forest Hill.  He married Eliza McNeer, a daughter of Richard McNeer.  A. T. Crawford
another son, married Laura Boude, a daughter of Samuel K. Boude and sister of Walter H.
Boude, ex-clerk of the circuit court.  J. Walter, another son married a daughter of William
Redmond of near Indian Mills.  J. Walter Crawford was a prominent minister in the
Missionary Baptist Church.  He was an invalid for a number of years.  He was patient in his
suffering, which was closed by his death May 27, 1916.  Another son, John W. married
Lucy Bumgardener and resides at the old home place.  He also left one daughter, who
married Charles Lively of Monroe County.  There are no better citizens than these
Crawfords of Forest Hill.

                         Hutchison Family

The Hutchison family is a family of the oldest settlers of Forest Hill District, and consisted
of two brothers, who settled in that district many years ago, and were the sons of Jacob
Hutchison,  James A. and John Maston.  James A. was a Missionary Baptist, while John
M. was very prominent in the Methodist Episcopal Church, both brethern being active in
church affairs, and were consistent Christian pioneers.  James A. was known since the war
as Major Jim Hutchison, having been a major in the Virginia Militia before the war.  After the
war he was township treasurer of the school fund.  They were born in Forest Hill District in
what was then Monroe County, their father moving from Augusta County and settling in
Forest Hill many years before the war.  Major James A. Hutchison left surviving him Alonza
M., Wellington, Lewis, J. E., and T. M.  A. M. Hutchison was for eight years assistant
assessor of Summers County, filling one term as deputy for John Lilly; the others as deputy
for W. C. Dobbins.  He was also like his father, a consistent Christian of the Missionary
Baptist demonination, and has filled the position of moderator for the Greenbrier Association
for a number of years.  Wellington was a farmer near Forest Hill, but is now residing with
his son E. O. Hutchison of Hinton.  The late Lewis Hutchison was a farmer of near Indian
Mills.  J. E. is a prominent minister in the Missionary Baptist church.  The late T. M.
Hutchison was postmaster and merchant at Forest Hill until a short time before his death
which occured in Frbruary 1919.  James A. Hutchison also left four daughters:  Eliza A. and
Mildred J., who resided at the old home until their death.  Mary C., who married William
Gillispie, resided at Talcott until her death.  Louisa A. married William A. Goode of Forest
Hill district.  John M. the other brother, left two sons, James A. and Richard A., who both
emigrated to Jackson, Ohio where they resided until their death.  He also left four
daughters:  Josie, who married M. A. Wikel, Caroline who married James M. Allen, Sarah
who married Wilbur R. Ramsey, and Tillie, who married John Wykle.  Josie had the
following children:  John, James, and Thomas.  They are all non-residents of this
community.  The mother of the foregoing children died the fall of 1889.  Caroline left the
following children:  J. F., G. W., W. M., J. A., Jannie, Sallie, Mattie, Emma, and Mackie. 
Sarah left the following children:  B. M. Ramsey of Thurmond, W. Va., Eliza Watson of
Buck, W. Va.  Tillie has the following children:  Evert, Myrtle, Chester, Amy, John, and
Essie.  She resides near Buck, W. Va.

                       Uriah Garten Family

Uriah Garten, son of Griffith and Hannah Garten, was born on April 18, 1787 and married
Lydia Carper on November 21, 1816.  Lydia Carper was a daughter of Isaac and Susannah
Carper, who was born on March 31, 1798.  Uriah Garten settled in Spice Hollow in 1795 on
the place owned by E. P. Davidson heirs and built the old log house which is still standing
and which is undoubtedly the oldest buiding in the community.  The Davidson heirs have
in their possession a deed or land grant from Governor Brooks of Virginia written on
sheepskin dated 1795.  Uriah Garten died on October 18, 1866 while reading his Bible, and
I have the Bible now laying by my side while I write this.  The Bible bears date of 1486.  It
seems to have been in the family for several generations.  Uriah Garten is buried at
Greenville, W. Va.
He was an ardent Methodist and a devoted Christian, one of the founders of Methodism in
this community.  His home was a stopping place for ministers in that day of the traveling
circuit reders.  He was a great hunter and trapper in his day.  He used to go down in the
Glade country in Raleigh County to hunt.  He would go out and build a blind up, out of reach
of wolves and bait them.  He used asafoetida to rub on his shoes, so the wolves would
track him to his bait.  He spent many a night up in a tree killing wolves.
He reared the following children:  Elijah, Griffith, Caleb, Elizabeth M., Mary J., Nancy J.,
Agnes A., and Lydia D.
Griffith Garten left the community for California in 1848 and was never heard from by his
friends from that day to this.  They never knew whether he reached his destination or not.
Elijah Garten married Jane Evans and settled in Spice Hollow on part of the old home place
where he reared the following children:  J. W., Lewis, Elmer, Edna, Anne, and Bettie.  J. W.
and Lewis are enterprising farmers of Marie.  Elmer is a C. & O. engineer.  Anne married
Sam Garrison and resides at Hinton.  Bettie married William Cottle of Hinton.  Caleb
Garten, son of Uriah married a Roloson and reared one son, Uriah of Roles Chapel; who
married a Carper and reared the following children:  Willie, Walter, Rosa, Johnny, and
Frank.  The three last named died with typhoid fever.
J. W. Garten, son of Caleb married for his last wife E. P. Davidson's widow and resides at
the old Uriah Garten homestead.  Elijah Garten son of Caleb is a Baptist minister and
resides at Tempa, W. Va.  The other children of Caleb were Henry, Bud, and one girl.
Elizabeth M. Garten daughter of Uriah was born May 5, 1834 and died November 21, 1901. 
She married Jackson P. Saunders.
Mary J. Garten, daughter of Uriah was married to Stephen Davidson and reared one son,
E. P. Davidson, whose history will be found with Davidson Family history.
Lydia D. Garten,  daughter of Uriah, married Phillip Vass on September 5, 1855.  Her
history will be found under the title of Vass.
Agnes Garten, daughter of Uriah was never married and lived at the old home place with
her sister until death claimed her.
Nancy J. Garten, daughter of Uriah was never married and passed to the great beyond
many years ago.

                       Charles Garten, Sr.

charles Garten, Sr., was born on Wolf Creek near the present postoffice of Buck, then
Monroe County, on April 5, 1818.  He was a son of Charles Garten of near Greenville,
Monroe County, who removed to Wolf Creek about 1810.  The father of the subject of this
sketch died when the boy was but nine years old, and his mother died when he was
fourteen years old.  He worked for a number of years on the farm of Isaac Carden, which
is the farm owned by Judge Miller, at the low price of seven dollars per month.  In
December 1844, he married Miss Rhoda Woodrum, the daughter of John Woodrum, who
also lived on Wolf Creek, a mile above the present postoffice of Buck.  He settled on a farm
on the mountain a mile and a half from where he was born, and on which plantation he
resided until his death.  He was the father of seven children.  Mrs. D. S. Thompson, Mr.
Oliver Scott, Mrs. H. A. Bolton, Mrs. Vina Bolton, Charles Garten, Jack Garten, and John
Garten.  all are dead except Mrs. Vina Bolton, Charles W. Garten, and John R. Garten.
John R. Garten married Ella Steel and reared the following children:  Clyde, Grace, and
Nora.  Clyde married a Thompson girl of Oak Vale.  He now resides at Princeton.  Grace
married a Clyburn.  She resides at Washington, D. C.  Nora married Dr. D. M. Ryan, a very
prominent doctor who resides in Hinton.  John R. Garten is a very prominent farmer and
cattle raiser of Forest Hill.
Mr. Garten was a man of sterling character and has been a member of the Missionary
Baptist Church and one of its chief supports and officials for many years.  He was always
a Democrat in political faith and followed the leader of that great party through all its
vicissitudes.  By his good business sense and management he has accumulated a
comfortable fortune, which at this time he has largely distributed among his children, giving
to each a comfortable home.  Mr. Garten resides in the neighborhood of Pollard survey of
2,500 acres, of which he was the owner of a considerable portion.  Mr. Garten started a
very poor boy, carried oats on his back to Red Sulphur Springs and sold them to get a start
and to prevent the constable from levying on his horse, of which he had only one.  He
worked himself and paid off his early debts and decided not to make any more and lived up
to his resolution, having no educational advantages not being able to read or write, although
he was a successful business man.
Charles W. Garten emigrated a few years ago to Tennessee, where he now resides.

                         Davidson Family

Stephen Davidson was born on February 5, 1832 and died June 20. 1921.  He was born
and reared near Elmira, N. Y., came to Mobler's Mills, (Nitro, W. Va.) and went to work for
the Deemings and continued with them until the Civil War had begun, he then enlisted in
Company F 22nd Inf. and became color bearer which position he held until the surrender
of General Lee.  He was at Winchester on Cedar Creek, New Market, and the battles
around Richmond.  He was a brave soldier, a devout Christian and a fine citizen.  While
encamped on the E. D. Ferrell place just this side of the Uriah 
Garten home, he met and courted his wife, whom he married after a brief courtship of six
weeks, and reared one son, E. P. Davidson who was born November 22, 1869 and died
March 20, 1910.  He married Ella Hedrick and reared the following children:  Clarence, G.
E., James, Chessie, and William, who reside with their mother at the old home place.

                           Vass Family

Philip Vass was of Spanish descent.  He married Lydia Garten on September 5, 1855 and
to this union were born the following children:  Cary N., Jennie M., Louisa A., D.J., Willie
D., and Rosetta E.
Philip Vass died on June 30, 1890 at Hinton where he had moved from this community. He
was a carpenter by trade and a fine gentleman.
Cary N. Vass married Mosby Light and reared the following children:  F. Kyle, E.J., Lola,
Chessie, Vennice, and D. C.
Cary N. Vass served a number of years as Justice of Peace and is now a member of the
county court.  He is a successful farmer and for a number of years was a member of the
firm of W. A. Barger and Company, of Marie, W. Va.  Upon the death of his first wife which
occured in March 1905, he married May Belcher and has the following children:  Mosby and
Dr. F. Kyle Vass was born July 5, 1878 and died June 4, 1923.  He graduated at the
Maryland Medical College at Baltimore, Md., and he stood at the head of his class in
college, also at the top of his profession in actual service to his country.  He offered his
service to his country in the World War and was accepted and entered with rank of
Lieutenant of the Medical Corps.  He served at Camp Humphries, Virginia, and at Camp
Ponta Munson Brist, France.  He came back to Camp Dix, New York, there he was given
an honorable discharge in the fall of 1919.  He was a gentleman of the highest type, a true
friend, a loving father and husband.  He married a Miss Marie Frame of Gassaway, Braxton
County, W. Va., and has one daughter, Alline.  Dr. Vass was an authority on History of
Indians and their relics of which he had a fine collection.  He was of an artistic temperment
and had his office decorated with birds nests and Indian relics which were tastefully
arranged.  He brought with him many sourvenirs from the battle fields of France.  His death
was a calamity not only to his friends but to the general public.  He was located at
Greenville, Monroe County, at his death, but his remains were brought to Forest Hill on
June 7, 1923 and laid to rest in the family plot by the Masonic Lodges of Greenville and
Talcott, which was witnessed by a large crowd of people.  "He is gone but not forgotten." 
E. J. Vass, son of C. N. Vass was born June 1880.  He married a Maddy and has the
following daughters:  Opal and Noka.  E. J. Vass is the popular and enterprising merchant
of Marie, W. Va.
Lola Vass, daughter of C. N. Vass married O. E. Miller and resides in the city of Hinton, and
has one daughter, Christine.
Chessie Vass, daughter of C. N. Vass married Carl C. Goode who was killed in a R. R.
wreck in December 1910 on the N. & W. R. R. where he had a position as R. R. mail clerk. 
After his death she married Cardie Ferrell.  They have the following children:  Maxine, who
is dead, Helen, and one daughter, Bernice, by her first husband.
Vennice Vass, daughter of C. N. Vass married S. R. Dunn who died of typhoid fever.  They
have three sons, Cary Louis, Carryington, and Donald.
Jennie M. daughter of Philip Vass married I. G. Young and moved to Hinton, where Young
died.  She then moved to Cincinnati.
Louisa A., daughter of Philip Vass married Walter A. Barger, son of William Barger, and
moved to Hinton, W. Va.  They moved to Cincinnati fifteen years ago where Louisa died.
Rosetta E., daughter of Philip Vass married C. C. Cook and settlyed in Hinton where both
Dosy J., son of Philip Vass was never married and died in Hinton a number of years ago.
Willie D., daughter of Philip Vass married at Brandyburg and resides in Cincinnati.

                          Redmond Family

Robert Redmond cane from Virginia to West Virginia about sixty-six years ago and settled
on Crump's Bottom on New River, there he remained a few years, he then moved to the
farm now owned by C. L. Lowe.  He reared six girls and five sons and remained there till
the fall of 1877 and then moved to Texas.  All his children accompanied him, except W. L.
Redmond and two sisters.  Robert Redmond died in Texas about 1892 or 1893.
W. L. Redmond, was born in Virginia near where Bedford City now is.  He came to West
Virginia when he was about twelve years old and has lived here ever since in this
community.  He married Adaline Keatley in 1871 and bought twenty-two acres in the woods. 
He claimed a small plot of land and built a log cabin in which he went to housekeeping. 
This is in a few steps of where he still lives.  He reared ten children, five boys and five girls,
all of which are still living, the youngest being twenty-eight years old.  The children are as
follows:  W. B., R. W., Charles, John, J. V., Minnie, Della, Etta, Mattie, and Pearl.
W. L. Redmond was Confederate soldier, serving throughout the war with the 17th Va.
Cavalry.  He is one of the farmers who bought and paid for their land by the sale of tobacco. 
He started with twenty-two acres, but now owns about three hundred acres.  He is a citizen
of sterling character.
W. B. son of W. L. Redmond married J. W. Allen's daughter, and reared the following
children:  Willie, Katherine, and Allen.  He is the popular merchant of Indian Mills.  He is
also a teacher of fine ability.  He has served one term as office clerk for the county
assessor of Summers County.
R. W., son of W. L. Redmond married an Allen and resides with his father.  He has one
Charles, son of W. L. Redmond, is an employee of the C. & O. and resides in Hinton, W.
John, son of W. L. Redmond, is a graduate of Indiana Veterinarian College.  He now holds
a position with the United States Government and is located at Tuscaloosa, Ala.
J. V., son of W. L. Redmond married a Noble and resides in this community.
Minnie, daughter of W. L. Redmond, who married as her first husband the Rev. J. Walter
Crawford who died in 1916.  She married W. M. Scott in the summer of 1922.  She has
been one of our successful teachers of this community.
Della, daughter of W. L. Redmond, married Robert Lowe who was one of the successful
merchants of Indian Mills.  She lives now in Beckley where her only son holds a position as
electrical engineer.
Etta, daughter of W. L. Redmond, married Press Pauley and now resides at Yeager, W. Va.
Mattie, daughter of W. L. Redmond, is a graduate of the Roanoke Business College.  She
now holds a position with West Vriginia Board of Control.  She is unmarried.
Pearl, daughter of W. L. Redmond, is married a Basham and resides in Huntington.  She
is a graduate of the Concord Normal School.

                           Scott Family

William Mason Scott who first settled in America came here from Ireland.  He crossed the
Atlantic Ocean in a sailing vessel which took six months to cross.  He landed in Virginia in
1785 and came to Alleghany County, where the city of Covington now stands and
purchased the farm upon which Fort Young then stood.  There his son W. M. Scott, the
second was born as sell as W. M. Scott the third, who is now a merchant and post master
at Forest Hill, W. Va., and a grandson of William Mason Scott the first.  William M. Scott,
the third was born at Covington, Virginia in 1867, near to old Fort Young.  He is a direct
descendant of Sir Walter Scott of literary fame.  The family have been merchants in this
country.  William M. Scott the third married Josie Thomas in 1890.  To this union were born
four children, three of them died in infancy.  One son, W. A. Scott married Nellie Allen in
1917, and to this union were born two children, Robert and Leonard.

Mrs. W. M. Scott died May 15, 1914.

W. M. Scott, the third married Lottie Allen in April 1916.  To this union was born one son,
Mason.  Mrs. Scott died in December 1917.

W. M. Scott, the third married for his third wife, Mrs. Minnie Crawford, widow of the late J.
Walter Crawford, on July 31, 1922.

W. M. Scott moved from Sweet Springs to Forest Hill and purchased the store at that place
from Harvey Dransfield, and has been the postmaster at this place and the leading

                        The Bolton Family

Absolem Dempsey Bolton was the head of the only family of that name that we have any
information in this country.  This gentleman immigrated to this country from the county of
Giles in the State of Virginia, in the year of 1828, locating permanently on Bradshaw Run,
near Forest Hill.  He had been preaching in this country and was a pastor of the Baptist
Church for twenty-eight years before his permanent removal into the state.  He was a
minister of the Missionary Baptist Church, December 16, 1861, and we are able to append
a copy of his certificate executed by the benerable Matthew Ellison and others.  We have
a memorandum from his diary showing that from June 1873 to October 1899, he preached
three hundred sermons, and the texts and places these sermons were delivered as well as
the dates of each, from 1885 to 1898, inclusive.  Hi married ninety-five couples.  He was
born December 12, 1828, and on December 12, 1850 was married to Miss Clementine
Albert.  He delivered his last sermon at Indian Mills on November 5, 1899 from the text, II
Thess. 14-16.

Following is a copy of his certificate of ordination:  "This is to certify that our brother,
Absolem D. Bolton was publicly ordained and set apart for the full work of the gospel
ministry, with prayer and laying on of hands by the undernamed Presbytery, according to
the usage of the Baptist Church on December 16, 1861.  He was called to ordination by the
Big Stony Creek Church regularly connected with the Valley Baptist Association of which
church he is a member, and which after full and sufficient opportunity to judge of his gifts
were agreed in their opinion that he was called to the work of the ministry.  Our brother was
accordingly received with the full and entire approbation, of the Presbytery called by the
church, and also of the gospel ministry and is hereby authorized to administer all the
ordinances of the gospel, and to perform all the duties under a minister of Christ, and may
the Great Head of the church abundantly bless him in all of his labors and may he walk
worthy of the high vocation where to he has been called.  Given under our hands December
16, 1861.  M. Ellison, John B. Lee, W. R. Gitt."

He left two sons, Henry Albert and James D. both residents of Forest Hill and one daughter,
Ettie W.  H. A. Bolton is a prosperous farmer and a very intellighen and honorable
gentleman, respected by his neighbors and the community.  He married Miss Mattie Garten
and reared the following children:  Fannie, who married N. M. Lowry, Bessie, and C. D.,
who is the Cashier of the National Bank of Summers.

J. D. Bolton has been deputy sheriff of this county during two terms of four years each. 
First as deputy for James H. George and the second time under Harvey Ewart, filling that
postion to the eminent satisfaction of his principals and to the people.  He was elected
Sheriff of Summers County in 1916 and served four years.  He married Mrs. Leedy and
after her death he married Miss Warren.

The Bolton Family is of English descent, immigrating to this country from Bolton City,
England.  J. D. is the youngest son of Rev. A. D., and was born on November 21, 1855 at
Pearisburg, Va.  J. D. Bolton has one daughter, Blanch.

Miss Etta Bolton, the only daughter, married Charles Garten and now resides with her aged
mother on the old home place.  The widow of the Rev. A. D. Bolton is still living at this
writing, her age being 91 or 92 years.

The death of Rev. A. D. Bolton occurred at this home near Forest HIll on January 27, 1900,
and he was laid to rest in the Fairview Cemetery.

                         The Boude Family

The Boudes of this country consist of one family, that of Samuel K. Boude, who moved from
Shenandoah Valley in 1855 to Anthony Creek, Greenbrier County and thence to Forest Hill
district in Monroe County, now Summers, in 1859.  He purchased a farm from B. B.
Hutchison and married Miss Sarah J. Nickells of one of the oldest and most respected
families of that name in Monroe County and a sister of John Hinchman's wife.  Samule K.,
as are many of the Boude family, was a fine musician and a sweet singer.  Another
celebrated singer in that family was the Rev. Adam P. Boude, a brilliant minister of the M.
E. Church, now deceased, also his son Clinton, now deceased.  Samuel K. Boude was the
father of Walter H. Boude, our ex-circuit clerk, now deceased.

Walter H. Boude's son, Clinton Ford Boude is the only descendant of the name in the
country now living.

Samuel K. Boude was a brave soldier in the Confederate Army, being a volunteer in Lowry's
Battery of King's Battalion along with A. A. Carden, J. M. Carden, and others.  He was the
first justice of forest Hill district after the formation of the county, and was also appointed
constable in the construction of the country.  He held htis office four years, and was one of
the commissioners appointed by the circuit court to adjust the county line dispute between
Monroe, Summers, and Greenbrier in that noted controversy.  He died before the hearing
of the case, and another commissioner had to be appointed in his place.  He died on
February 15, 1896 at the age of sixty-five years, leaving one son Walter H. Boude and
seven daughters.  After the death of his first wife, he married the widow of James Scott, a
daughter of the late James Boyd of near the Big Bend Tunnel and a sister of Ben R. Boyd. 
Her first husband being a son of the late James K. Scott of Hungart's Creek.  She still
survives with one daughter Reta, by her last husband and Mona, deceased.

Walter H. Boude, son of Samuel K. Boude was born on September 23, 1860, and was
reared at Forest Hill on his father's farm, and followed in his footsteps, was an active
Democrat and believed in the religious doctrines of John Wesley.  On October 25, 1894,
he was united in marriage with Miss Alice Ford.  They reared the following children:  Daisy,
Mary, and Clinton.

The daughters of Samuel K. Boude are as follows:  Laura, who married A. T. Crawford, and
died in December 1923; Etta, who married J. W. Ferrell, and now resides on the Greenbrier
River; Jennie, who married Green Meadows, and is now living at Norfolk, Virginia; Pearl,
married and lives in Alabama; Clea, married a man named Hare.  She is dead now.

                          Ferrell Family

James Ferrell was one of the oldest settlers in this region of country.  He was born near
Forest Hill, Monroe County, in 1807.  The family lived there until he was about grown.  His
father's name was William Ferrell.  At the age of his majority he removed to Coal River, but
he returned and determined to seek his permanent residence near Lowell, and hired himself
to an old Dutch settler by the name of Conrad Keller, who had settled near the present
village of Lowell.  Conrad Keller was the ancestor of the present Keller generation of
Summers County.  James Ferrell after working for Keller for some time married one of his
daughters, Elizabeth in August, 1831.  Soon after their marriage they settled on what is
known as the old James Ferrell farm on Greenbrier River, back of the Big Bend Tunnel,
which is still owned by the great grandchildren.  Here, James Ferrell began life in the
woods, the farm being bought by Conrad Keller and given to his daughter, Elizabeth, the
purchase being from a man by the name of Sawyers.  

James Ferrell was the father of two sons, the oldest dying in infancy and the second D. K.
Ferrell lived to the age of twenty-seven.  He married Celia A. Meador, daughter of Hon.
William Meador of Bluestone, and to them were born three sons, the first being born dead
and the other two J. W. and E. D. Ferrell are the representatives of the Ferrell family.  J.
W. lived at the old ancestral home until his death which occurred in 1922.  He married a
daughter of S. K. Boude and reared the following children:  Kenna, Eda, Ora, Celia, Ruby,
Roy, Wessie, Paul, John, and Boude.  all are living except Eda and Ora.

E. D., the second son married a daughter of I. G. Carden, their childrens' names are given
elsewhere.  E. D. Ferrell is a prominent farmer and resides on what is known as the Ed
Woodson farm near Forest Hill.

James and Elizabeth Ferrell lived to a very old age, the latter lived to the age of eighty-five
and former to the age of seventy-six.  After the death of D. K. Ferrell, his widow married R.
H. Shumate, a son of Anderson Shumate of Giles County, Virginia and to their union were
born six children, none of them reside in this community.

Mrs. Celia A. Shumate, the widow of D. K. Ferrell died in February 1888 and her second
husband, R. H. Shumate in 1890.

                         The Allen Family

One of the oldest and most respected of the early settlers of Summers County was
Nathaniel Allen, who resided at the time of his death and for many years before on top of
the Big Bend Tunnel.  He was born in 1811, and died June 11, 1903.  He was married at
the age of twenty-one.  He reared eight children:  A. A. Allen, James M., W. S., John G.,
Elizabeth, Sallie, Susan, and Mary.  None of them are residents of this community except
J. M.,  who married Caroline Hutchison, and reared the following children:  J. F., G. W.,
Jannie, Mattie, Sallie, Marie, Emma, W. N., Mackie, and J. M.

J. F. Allen married Manerva Saunders, and now resides near Orchard, Monroe County, and
has reared eleven children, all if whom are living except the second daughter; G. W. Allen
married Martha Witt, a daughter of J. W. Witt of Giles County, Virginia, and reared the
following children:  Faye, who married G. E. Cottle, Nellie, who married W. A. Scott and
now resides at Beckley, W. Va., C. Lake who married Miss Mayme Miller, and resides near
Forest Hill post office, T. Russell who resides at Beckley, W. Va., and Grayson who is with
his parents.  G. W. is a prominent farmer of Forest Hill community.  Jannie who married S.
J. Nichols, whose history is given elsewhere.  Mattie married F. G. C. Grimmett, deputy
assessor, and reared the following children:  Guy, Red, and Oras.  Sallie married Henry
Green and reared two daughters, Maude and Marie who resides at Charleston, W. Va., also
J. Arch who married Connie Karns and reared the following children:  Hubert Swell, Ruth,
Margie, and Jimmie, who resides at Dunbar, W. Va.  Emma married O. C. Hutchison and
reared the following children:  Von, Neal, Robert, Jimmie, and O. C. Jr.  They reside at
Ronceverte, W. Va.   W. N. Allen married Mary Broyles of Monroe County and reared two
sons, Watha and Opie.  W. N. is a prominent farmer and cattle raiser of Forest Hill
community.  Mackie married P. M. Garrison and reared two sons, Edmond and Billie.  P.
M. is a prominent farmer of near Forest Hill community.  J. M. Allen was one of the leading
members of the M. E. Church south of this place.  He was a Confederate soldier and
belonged to Company F of Colonel Edgar's Battalion.

This family of Allens is of English descent and there are a number of the younger
generation scattered throughout this section, all of whom are good law-abiding citizens.

                         Fleshman Family

O. C. Fleshman married Miss Eliza Broyles, a sister of W. N. Allen's wife who settled with
the Reverend Lucas who was a Baptist Minister and lived where O. C. Fleshman now lives. 
O. C. Fleshman reared the following children:  Eliza, Samuel, Andrew, Mason, and Vernon. 
All are now living except Andrew.

                         McDaniel Family

J. A. McDaniel who married a Broyles, reared the following children:  Causie who is with his
parents, and Cleo who married May Crawford, a daughter of H. L. Crawford.  They have
one son, James Lewis, and reside with H. L. Crawford.  Also Isletta, who married Luther
Shumate.  J. A. McDaniel is one of our enterprising and successful farmers of Forest Hill

                         Campbell Family

J. T. Campbell married a Shumate and reared the following children:  Ora, Lacy, Jessie,
Pearl, Eunice, Housie, Oscar, Finley and Marie.

J. T. Campbell purchased the Joe Ellis place from O. S. Webb and settled here about eight
or ten years ago.  He is one of the enterprising and successful farmers of the community.

                       P. L. Minner Family

P. L. Minner is a descendant of the first settler in the Marie neighborhood.  He married a
Miss Brown of Orchard, W. Va.  He resides on the old home place.  He is a successful
business man and an enterprising farmer.

                      Miscellaneous Families

N. T. Mitchell is the son of an old settler.  He married a Michael and resides on a part of the
old Minner tract.

Isaac Roach married a Michael and resides on a part of the old Minner tract.

Almy Willy married a Huffman and settled on the Richard McNeer farm.  He died in the
summer of 1923.  He was a veteran of the Civil War.  He has only one daughter and one
son in this community.  Gussie who married a Mowery, and resides at the old home place,
and W. W. Willy who married a Harvey and reared the following children:  Glendon, Gladys,
Garnet, Genesee, Madeline, Howard, and Bernard.  W. W. Willy is Justice of the Peace of
his district.

J. L. Canterberry, son of Granvell Canterberry, married a Miss Lowe and reared the
following children:  Kate, Wilbur, Fred, Roy, Pat, Charles, and Faye.  J. T. resides on and
owns the Charles Garten farm.  He is one of the enterprising farmers of this community.

E. E. Rogers married a Foster and reared the following sons:  Guy and John.  E. E. Rogers
resides and owns a portion of the Charles Garten land.  He is a substantial farmer.

James W. Lilly, son of Tollison Lilly, married a Persinger and reared the following children: 
Lizzie, Albert, C. M., Ellen, L. L., J. W., H. R., L. D., E. E., and Rose.  L. L. married G. E.
Cottle and died on October 3, 1917.  H. R. Lilly married a Dillon and resides at the old home
place.  E. E. Lilly married Rose Cottle and resides at the Cottle home place.

James W. Lilly died October 1922.  His widow is still living.  The rest of the children are
living outside of the community.

P. M. Foster married a Townsley.  He resides on the old John Barger place.  He is one of
the successful farmers of this community.  He served for a number of years as a member
of the board of Education of Forest Hill district.

                      Land Titles and Grants

The oldest land title in this community was Bradshaw's Tomahawk or Corn Right, and this
included the following farms:  C. L. Louis, A. H. Via, H. A. Bolton, O. C. Fleshman, Virgil
Redmond, and W. L. Redmond.  We have been unable to find any record of Bradshaw ever
perfecting his title with the British Crown.

The next oldest land grant is that known as the Pollard Land Grant.  This was granted to
Pollard by Governor Edmund Randolph of Virginia and was dated April 22, 1788.  The
survey to this the 2500 acres Pollard grant was run or completed the eighth day of March
1786 to said Pollard, assignee of Henry Banks and started at an oak by the creek near Mrs.
Vina Bolton's home running North by East to a buckeye, which stands on the Glendale
School House lot, thence to E. E. Rogers' and thence West by South to a popular in the old
Barger Meadow, just below Cleveland School House, and thence South to the starting
point, and adjoining the Bradshaw tract.  This survey contained 2500 acres and was
granted by land on Treasury warrants number 21563 and 16055.  These were dated the
eighth day of May 1783.  This grant of land was sold from time to time for taxes until today
it is owned by the following farmers:  Everet Sims, N. M. Lowry (heirs), J. W. Lowe, H. L.
Crawford, H. T. Shields, O. L. Webb, W. N. Allen, John R. Garten, T. M. Hutchison(heirs),
G. W. Allen, W. E. Michael, E. E. Lilly, J. L. Canterberry, J. H. Rogers, G. E. Cottle, J. W.
Lilly, C. E. Saunders, A. H. Saunders, E. L. Saunders, P. M. Foster, W. G. Taylor, and B.
M. Ramsey.  There has been litigation over this with the Pollard heirs but the purchasers
have won every time.

The next land grant was the 1390 which was covered by land warrent number 16055 as
mentioned above.  This owned by J. D. Bolton, C. E. Sumner, W. N. Allen, Mrs. Upton, S.
J. Michael, W. C. Woodrum, heirs, J. M. Hutchison, A. M. Hutchison and W. L. Hutchison,
Almy Willy, heirs, Mrs. D. L. Michael and Mrs J. W. Crawford.

Over the line between the 2500 acres and the 1390 acres land grants came about the
Great Ejectment suit of Turner vs. Hutchison.  This was tried in the Circuit Court of
Summers was compromised and the land was divided.  Some of the land in this community
belonged to the Boardman grant of 9800 acres, which starts at Wykle's Peach orchard and
runs a straight line for four miles to the two poplars in the Barger Meadow with the Pollard

The H. A. Bolton land was settled first by William Brown.  The G. W. Allen place was first
settled by Peter Massey and is still known as the Massey place.  The J. W. Lowe place was
first settled by Alexandra Hutchison, who was one of the oldest settlers in the neighborhood
and the founder of the Hutchison family.  He is the father of Major James and J. Mastin
Hutchison.  Alexandra and his wife are buried on the J. W. Lowe place not far from where
his barn stands now.  B. Vass first settled the N. M. Lowry place but left here many years
ago.  The Uriah Garten place was settled about 1795 and is still in the family.  The E. D.
Ferrell place was first settled by the Rev. Edwin Woodson, who was an eminent Baptist
minister and reared the following children:  Cary, Ed., John, Jennie, Eliza, and William. 
Cary Woodson was one of the pioneer merchants of this community.  He moved from here
to Alderson several years ago.  Ed Woodson lived on the old Home place practically all of
his life, but he has passed to the great beyond some years ago.  William moved over in the
Ballard neighborhood and reared a family, some of his sons are noted as hustlers, as
farmers and as financiers.  Jennie married Stewart Mann.  She is dead now.  Eliza married
I. G. Carden and reared the following children:  Will, B. Z., John, M. E., Minta, Nora, and
Lottie.  Mrs. Carden has been dead for many years, but all her children are still living.  Minta
married E. D. Ferrell and is living at the old Woodson homestead in this community.  They
have reared the following children:  Charles, Cardy, Annie, Ashby, Harry, Glyn, James,
Gussie, Pauline, and Spurgeon.  All of the children are living.

Harry is a noted Baptist Divine and is a shining light in his profession.  all of the children are
out of the community and have good positions except James who is in school and
Spurgeon and Cardy who are farming at home.

E. D. Ferrell is a grandson of William Ferrell who first settled the farm where W. N. Allen
now lives.

This neighborhood was first called the Farms, and its name came from the saying of a man
by the name of Anderson who owned some corn rights in and around Forest Hill, and when
he would start down here and any one was to ask him where he was going he would say,
"Down to my farms."  But when the post office was established it was called Forest Hill.

The farm which J. T. Campbell now owns was settled by Kearns who owned all the land
from there to Forest Hill.  He deeded the land for the cemetery and I have been informed
that he reserved one quarter out of the North side, just outside the fence for a burying
ground for his family, but his wife and child are the only ones of his family to rest at Forest

One of the first settled places here is the Turner place now owned by Goldia Campbell and
was settled in the early part of the nineteenth century, or the latter part of the eighteenth
century.  It was purchased by Leonard Turner who resided there unti his death about fifty
years ago, and then by his widow and daughter till the latter part of the nineties.  It was then
purchased by O. C. Hutchison who sold it to John R. Garten about three or four years ago.

                          Federal Raids

This community was a scene of many raids during the Civil war by both the Confederate
and Union forces.  One in particular has left a vivid impression on the writer's mind as told
to him by his grandfather, whom some bush-whacker attempted to assassinate.  This took
place in th hollow above C. E. Saunders' place, which was his father's old home.  This was
in the fall of 1863.  J. P. Saunders was preparing to sow some wheat while at home on a
furlough, from Colonel Edgar's Battalion.  While he was plowing, a Yankee under the
leadership of the late Geo. W. Allen of Buck slipped up near him and opened fire on him. 
He started down the ridge by where C. E. Saunders now lives with the Yankee shooting at
him every few jumps.  As he was crossing the space between C. E. Saunders' house and
the road the Yankee took a rest on the fence and fired a volley at him which would have
ended his life if he hadn't stumbled and fallen to his knees but upon getting to this feet he
only had a few steps to go until he entered the safety of the woods.  The latter part of the
race was watched by Miss Liza Webb and Captain R. W. Saunders' wife.  This party came
to Captain Saunders' home and threatened to burn the gouse over their heads.  Then they
took all the horses they could find and came over to the home of afore mentioned, J. P.
Saunders', cutting the harness from the horse that J. P. was plowing with, when they fired
on him and which had run off and breaking loose from the plow had run home.  The Yankee
told his wife that he had killed the d___ rebel and left him lying in the field.  Then they took
the horse and left for Wattie Saunders.  After they left the wife of J. P. Saunders took
George Webb, a boy whom she was rearing, and started to the field to find the dead body
of her husband.  When she arrived at the field, they found the plow where the horse had
broken loose from it.  She followed the furrow to where her husband had been plowing,
there she found where he had started to run, she followed the tracts till she came to
Captain Robert W. Saunders, who was a brother of J. P. Saunders, there she was told that
he didn't seem to have been hit, but they went with her down the hollow in the woods a
piece, but they didn't find anything of him.  Shen then returned to her home and didn't hear
from him until sometime that night, when she had a message from her father, who was
Uriah Garten, the oldest settler of Spice Hollow.  Jackson P. Saunders has told the writer
many times about falling and hearing the bullets humming over hime.  He said he saw the
clover hopping up where the bullets were hitting it.  The Yankees then went to his fathers,
who was a very old man.  They took his horses and also carried the old man, a prisoner to
Raleigh Court House (Beckley).  Ther the old gentleman went on the first strike I ever heard
of, and absolutely refused to take a morsel of food.  He kept this up until Colonel R. B.
Hayes ordered his release.  He returned hom and used to tell how he "outened the
Yankees".  The afore mentioned Hayes was later President Hayes.

This small band of Yankees captured a man by the name of Meadows and was taking him
back with them to Packs Ferry where Major McKinley's command was camped.  While
passing along the Isaac Milburn place then owned by John Woodrum, they were telling him
that they thought they would give him a rope necktie when they got down to Buck.  They
had his hands tied behind him, but just as they got to the far end of the lane where the road
turns at a right angle, he decided it was now or never, so he made a break for liberty.  The
Yankees fired a number of times at thim but failed to stop him, and he got away without a
scratch.  Then the southern people called for Thurmond's Rangers and after this there was
comparative quiet in this neighborhood.

                     Death of William Woodrum

William Woodrum who was a brother of Major Richard Woodrum of Wolf Creek having
joined Thurmond's men enroute, got into a melee and in close quarters with Captain
Garten, at which time firing commenced, and Mr. Woodrum was killed in his tracks. 
Garten's men were scattered, but all made their escape.  William Woodrum married a sister
of Allen Ellison.  The killing of Woodrum occurred in the fall of 1864.

                       Confederate Soldiers

W. M. Foster, Co. A, 60th Va. Regiment
E. H. Michael, Co. F, Edgar's Battalion
James M. Allen, Co. F, Edgar's Battalion
T. R. Webb, Co. F, Edgar's Battalion
Thomas G. Lowe, Co. F, Edgar's Battalion
W. L. Redmond, 17th Va. Calvary
R. S. Rudd, Mosby's Command
Stephen Davidson, Co. F, 22nd Va. Regiment
W. C. Woodrum, Co. F, Edgar's Battalion
Richard McNeer, Lowery's Battery
E. C. Woodson, Lowery's Battery
Harry Smith, Lowery's Battery
A. M. Hutchison, Lowery's Battery
J. J. Cottle, Co. F, Edgar's Battalion
Wash Cottle, Co. F, Edgar's Battalion
Thomas Cottle, Co. F, Edgar's Battalion
J. P. Saunders, Co. F., Edgar's Battalion
Captain R. W. Saunders, Thurmond's Rangers
Mike Foster, Stonewall's Brigade
Allen Woodrum, Co. F, Edgar's Battalion

                         Federal Soldiers

Alma Willey, Co. F, 91st Ohio Infantry

                  Spanish American War Veterans

Dr. W. A. Wykle               Regular
Geo. Wilson                   1st W. Va. Regiment
Boude Wykle                   Regulars
Mancer Wykle                  Regulars

                    Soldiers in the World War

Cleo McDaniel
Causie McDaniel
W. A. Scott                   
Captain John Light            4th Division
Homer Perdue
Homer Roach died at Camp Meade, Md.
Lake McNeer                   3rd Army Division A. F.
Kelly Foster                  80th Division
Roy Saunders                  80th Division

Colonel George M. Edgar, the gallant commander of the famous Edgar's Battalion relates
that on the morning of June 2, 1864, at the second battle of Cold Harbor, that part of Lee's
line held by his Battalion was desperately charged by the Federal Arms.  The carnage was
dreadful.  The battle of the Wilderness had just begun, and those awful days were telling
upon the army of Northern Virginia.  The soldiers on both sides were as dauntless and
devoted as the armies which followed Napoleon at Austerlitz, Wagram, and Lodi.  The
Confederate lines had been thinned, and it was not possible for Edgar to concentrate upon
the charging Federals a fire sufficiently strong to repulse them before they reached the
breast works.  The Federals struck the intrenchments and the conflict became a hand to
hand affair.  The Federals swept over and seemed to engulf the few defenders, and a
number of Confederates were taken prisoners, among them Colonel Edgar himself who had
received a bayonet wound in the shoulder, but before this as related by him, he saw Allen
Woodrum fighting desperately with the Federals on the breast-works above him, thrusting
at them with the sharp lance point of the staff of his flag.  In a few moments just as the
Federal line surged over the Confederates defense, Woodrum was pierced by several
bullets, having thrust however, as he fell, the point of his flag staff clean through the body
of one of his assailants, thus giving him a mortal blow.  Woodrum, as he fell tore from his
staff his battle flag and attempted to thrust it beneath his clothes out of sight, then falling
in death he lay upon it, interposing his body between it and his enemies.  In a few moments
a counter charge of the Confederates repulsed the Federals driving them back with heavy
slaughter to their own lines, and recapturing most of the Confederates who had a few
monents before being taken prisoners, among those recaptured, being Colonel Edgar
himself.  Later Allen Woodrum was found lying in the intrenchment dead but even in death
still protecting his flag, which was hidden beneath him.  Faithful was he until his death, a
modest, big hearted country boy, who lived and died a hero.  General Gordon was deeply
moved by this incident.

The afore mentioned Allen Woodrum was a son of the first settler of the Turner place.

During the summer of 1863, a squad of cavalry from Mosby's command stopped at Wattie
Saunders for dinner.  This is the place where J. H. Rogers now lives, placing their pickets
about fifty yards from the gate that entered into E. E. Lillys.  The pickets were passing their
time away playing cards, while engaged in this pastime ther came up a severe thunder
storm.  The lightning struck close to the pickets and scared the horses upon which they
were seated.  A man by the name of J. Giles cursed his horse and his Maker and called
upon God to try him next time, in about ten minutes there came a streak of lightning which
killed Giles and both of the horses.  The other man was only stunned.  Giles was killed at
the cherry tree just around the turn from E. E. Lilly's gate.  He was buried behind J. H.
Rogers meadow which is behind the barn under two oaks.  The ditches have nearly cut the
grave out.


The first church built in this community was built about one mile north-west of Forest Hill
post office on the Major James Hutchison place, in what is known as Turner's Lane by the
road side.  It was log structure erected about 1812 or 1814 by the Methodist people and
was used until it was destroyed by fire in the early thirties.  Then they erected a log
structure just in front of and on the same lot occupied by the present Methodist church at
Forest Hill.  The deed for the land for the same bears date of 1835.  This log structure was
used as a church until June 1860, when a frame church was erected just behind the log
church, which was dedicated on June 17, 1860.  The dedication sermon was delivered by
Rev. Phelps, a famous Methodist presiding elder who lived at Lewisburg.   It was then in
Peterstown circuit and a part of the Baltimore conference.  The church building was one of
the very first frame churches ever built in the country and it was part of the property over
which there was strenous litigation after the war, it being claimed by the southern branch
of the church, but the title was in the mother church.  In 1867 the southern church was
organized at Forest Hill by Rev. Caddin Wiseman, who was the first preacher.  He was on
the circuit one year and was succeeded by Rev. Snapp, then by Rev. Troy, Rev. John
Canter, and Rev. Rufus M. Wheeler, who served five years, in the Peterstown curcuit four,
and Talcott circuit one, which latter circuit was constructed at the time and Forest Hill
included therein.  He was succeeded by the Reverends J. Kyle Gilbert, J. L. Henderson,
G. R. Mayes, Wilson, LaFew, S. R. Snead, Parrot. Lawson, Tyler, Bitner, Wolf, Fink,
Wilcher, Shires, and Morgan, who is the pastor at present.  This church was used for many
years by the justices of the peace to hold their courts and by public speeches for political
meetings and other public purposes.  Clelbrated orators, such as Senator Frank Hereford,
Captain R. F. Dennis, Henry Mason Matthews and other noted statesmen have addressed
the people therein.

The old church had the honor of housing two ex-presidents of the U. S.  Major William
McKinley and Colonel R. B. Hayes, who camped in the church a few days during 1863.

In the church lot is located one of the oldest grave yards in the country and many of the
pioneer settlers are buried ther.  This graveyard is about one hundred years old.  Rev.
Adam P. Boude, the eloquent minister preached his first sermon in this church.  As stated
above, the church property belonged to the Methodist Episcopal church before the Civil
War and before the split in that church by which the M. E. Church South was created.  The
old organization after the war took possession, locked the building against ministers and
prople of the new organization which was formed about 1867, but these radical members
moved off to Ohio, and those remaining were of a more liberal tolerant, and conservative
disposition.  The doors were later thrown open in a true Christian spirit and the church south
has for many years had full use of the building, controlling same, the legal title remaining
in the northern branch of the church, of which members are very few at this time, some
twelve in number.

The church south at that place has a membership of about one-hundred.  The afore
mentioned building was torn down in the summer of 1915, and a new one erected on the
old site by Cottle and Lilly.  This building was dedicated in 1916.  The dedicational sermon
was preached by Rev. Anderson.  The M. E. Church for the consideration of a new building
deeded one half interest of same to M. E. Church south.  The following trustees were
appointed for the M. E. Church, J. W. Allen, J. W. Foster, and C. E. Summers, and for the
M. E. south, J. P. McNeer, L. A. Colter and S. J. Michael.

There is also in the hands of the M. E. Church trustees at Forest Hill a deed dated October
19, 1835 from John H. Vawter and Clara S. his wife, and Allen T. Caperton and Harriett, his
wife, to George Hutchison, Alexandra Burnside, Peter Minner, Henry Margart, John
Thomas, Richard McNeer, William Arnett, David Pancoast, and Jacob Cook, trustees of the
M. E. Church south.

The Fairview Baptist Church at Forest Hill, Summers County, West Virginia, was organized
under the name of Little Wolf Creek Baptist Church on May 21, 1859.  Rev. W. G.
Margrave, Rev. M. Ellison, Rev. John Bragg, and Rufus Pack composed the Presbytery,
with Rufus Pack Chairman and G. W. Peters Secretary.  This church was organized with
twenty-five members with John Bragg as pastor and James A. Hutchison Church Clerk,
John Woodrum, James Ferrell and James K. Scott deacons.  The pastorate of Rev. John
Bragg continued from organization to January 1862.

The Civil War being in progress, the church had no pastor from January 1862 until May
1863 when Rev. Rufus Pack was elected pastor, preaching only on Sundays and only
occasionally on account of the war.  Beginning with August 3, 1866, the church held regular
services with Rev. Rufus Pack as pastor, who continued in this capacity till January 1873. 
At the February meeting in 1873 Rev. James Sweeny was chosen pastor and he served
the church faithfully till September 1875.

In December 1875 Rev. A. D. Bolton was elected pastor, serving the church regularly till
December 1882.  Rev. G. W. Wesley was the pastor from October 1883 till August 1885. 
Rev. W. F. Hank was called to the pastorate and served in this capacity from August 1885
till July 1893.  Rev. J. B. Chambers began his work as pastor June 1894 and was
succeeded in 1897 by Rev. J. W. Crawford, who continued as pastor till September 1903. 
The pastorate of Rev. H. McLaughlin began January 1904, and ended with the year.  The
church then called Rev. J. B. Chambers for the second time.  Rev. J. W. Grimmett was
pastor from December 15, 1906 till 1912.  Rev. Henry Dillon began his work as pastor
December 10, 1912 and was succeeded by Rev. Lake Bailey who served abut two years. 
Rev. L. D. Candler was called to the pastorate and served in this capacity from April 9,
1922 till December 1923.  A. M. Hutchison is the church clerk to whom I am indebted for
this information.


The first school in this community was organized about 1820 and a log building erected to
house the same.  This was situated near the first church building in the Turner Lane, which
was used for a number of years probably till near 1840, when the building was destroyed
by fire.  This place has been said to have been haunted, as tradition claims there was a
man murdered in the old school house.  Tradition failed to hand the name of the murdered
man down to us.

R. W. Saunders tells us of passing there one time and seeing what appeared to be a sheet
rise up from the ground in front of him, and ascend over his head and disappear.  Caroline
Woodrum, who was a sister of the late Allen Ellison saw something that appeared to be a
white mule which disappeared when she approached it.  But if there were haunts here in
the older days, they seem not to be working now, as the writer has passed at all times of
night and day without seeing or hearing anything.

We are unable to learn anything of either the teachers or pupils of the old school.

The next school house erected in this community was about 1843, on the site now occupied
by W. M. Scott's store and the post office of Forest Hill, W. Va.  Many of our oldest
inhabitants attended this school and studied their three R's.

The next school house which is still standing is made out of logs and is on the farm now
owned by John W. Lowe.  This was known as the Cottle school house.  The board of
education located a frame building near and left the old building standing.  The round log
building had greased paper to let in the light, while the hewed log building had three
windows.  The first building had split logs for benches, while the hewed log building had
long seats of boards.  The frame building had desks for two, but they, too, are out of date
and now must give way to the single seat and desk.

The next house located in this community was erected on W. C. Woodrum's farm and went
by the name of the Turner school.  It claims as its students men who have made their mark
in the world in most all the vocations of life.  Two of its pupils became noted Baptist
ministers, J. E. Hutchison and J. Walter crawford.  The old school was honored by these
mentioned, and by such men as Walter Boude, Circuit clerk for a number of years, also by
the following:  J. P. McNeer, O. L. Webb, E. L. Webb, T. M. Hutchison, A. M. Hutchison,
W. L. Hutchison, Allen Woodrum, hero of the New Market fight and others unknown to the

The next school building in this community was located at J. T. Canterberry's scales and
was known as the Maple Grove school.  It was established about 1890 and was moved to
the Buckeye Corner about 1904 and is known now as the Glendale school.  It calimed for
its instructors such well known teachers as W. L. Lowry of Green Sulphur Springs, Waler
H. Boude, N. N. Allen, and Manly Carden.

The Turner school was moved down on Spruce Run and is still disseminating knowledge.

The old school buildings have fulfilled their mission here and they have fallen before the
rapid advance of progress.  And the old teacher has fulfilled his appointed task and has left
his imprint of knowledge to bring forth yea a thousand fold.


The first settlers of this community had to live in the most primitive manner, they had to
make their own furniture, and the women folks carded the wool and spun it into cloth for the
clothing for their families.  They also raised flax, which they broke, skutched, spun, and
wove into linen for their table cloths, towels, and socks.

The stove was unknown and all the cooking was done in an old fashioned oven and pots
hung inside the wide fire place.  The bill-of-fare consisted of bread, meat, butter, and
sorghum.  For drinks they had milk and sassafras tea.  For light they had pine torches, the
open fire place, and candles which they manufactured themselves.

Their homes were log cabins covered with clapboards held on with weights.  They were
lighted by narrow slits between the logs which could be stopped with a block out to fit to
keep Indians from shooting through the windows.  The remainder of the cracks were
chinked with rock and covered with clay mortar.  They were without floors or ceiling, or if
they had floors they were simply split logs.  Instead of chairs they had three legged stools
made by splitting a block of wood and boring three large holes with an auger and driving
in three round sticks of wood of the proper dimensions.  The average home of the
community today would look like a mansion if compared with the homes of that day.

The spinning wheel and loom were prominent in the homes of the pioneers.

The father was his own shoemaker, carpenter, and blacksmith.  The shoes were usually
moccasins or brogans and the clothes of the man were made of deerskins.  They wore a
kind of hunting shirt with a belt, their pants only came to their knees,and upon their heads
they wore caps made of coon skin with the tails hanging down their backs.  Armed with a
long black barreled rifle, and with a tomahawk and a knife in his belt, the pioneer made a
formicable antagonist as well as a picturesque figure.  The women folks wore linsey dresses
and sunbonnets,and moccasins in place of shoes.

There were no automobiles or wagons.  The early settlers had sleds and pack saddles, and
the usual mode of travel was horse back or on foot, yet with these handicaps they would
attend church and Sunday school regularly.  They would go from here to Greenville to
attend church when we have only a mile or two to go, and nearly every family has a car. 
There are twenty-seven cars owned in this community.

The first wagon owned in this territory was probably owned by Smith, who lived on the farm
now owned by H. L. Crawford.

The farming machinery of that day consisted of the bull tongue plow, wooden tooth harrow,
scythe and sickle.  Then in a few years they acquired the grain cradle, but still used the
scythe until about 50 years ago.  Woodson probably purchased the first mower.  This was
an old rear cut.  Then Charles Garten, or his son John R., purchased a mower and about
this time Bolton and Webb purchased mowers and rakes.  The first reaper in this
community was purchsed by W. N. Allen and O. C. Fleshman.  There are now ten or eleven
owned and operated in this community.  There are gas tractors and one steam tractor, one
threshing machine, two corn harvesters, one gang plow and two gang harrows to operate
by tractors owned in the community.  The community also has a saw-mill, two grist mills,
and two stores.

The former way to thresh the wheat was to beat it out with the flail.  Later it was trodden out
with the horses and cleaned form the chaff by pouring it from some height on a windy day. 
Then came the fanning mill.  The next was the old chaff piler.  The first one owned in this
community was owned by Robert and Zed Canterberry.  This was about seventy years ago. 
Then came the separator driven by horse power.  The first one in this community was
probably owned by the Smith Brothers.  Then came the steam tractor.  The first one in this
community was owned by E. E. Lilly and C. E. Saunders.  This was about twelve years ago. 
The first gas rig owned in this community was owned by Cottle, Lilly, and Light.

The first saw mill owned in this community was owned by Captain R. W. Saunders.  This
was purchased about 1890.

There was a tobacco factory established at Forest Hill about seventy years ago.  It was
established by Hogleman, but the first manufacturers were Roberst and Hogleman, who
were probably the first firm.  They manufactured chewing and smoking tobacco.  It was a
flourishing business.  The latest firm being the late James Mann and J. Cary Woodson. 
This factory was torn down by C. P. Garten about thirty-five years ago and the machinery
junked, this stood on the land now owned by J. R. Garten as a garden spot.

The only distillery ever operated in this community was owned by Zedick Canterberry on
the farm now owned by the Wright and J. Lilly heirs.  This was before the Civil War and its
operation broke the  l\only venture of this kind in this community and was such a poor
paying proposition that it ended years ago.

We can't close this account without saying something about our doctors we have had in the
past.  The first one to locate in this community was Dr. J. D. Thrasher, who was reared near
Red Sulphur Springs.  He was educated at Richmond, Virginia, and settled on the farm
where H. L. Crawford now lives.  He was a fine doctor and remained here from about 1884
till about 1900, when he left here and located in Trout Valley in Greenbrier County wher he
practiced his profession until about 4 years ago when he died.

Then Dr. Nolen who was reared near Pence Springs settled here and practiced till 1904 or
1905 when he died.  He was a very successful physician.  His widow married Mr. Rodes of
Talcott, W. Va.

Next was Dr. S. T. Hartwell who located at Forest Hill and practiced his profession for about
a year or two.  He then moved to Zion Mt. where he now resides.  He is a son-in-law of
Eber Willey, the first and a brother-in-law of Alma Willey.

Then Dr. D. M. Ryan practiced in this community, but resided at Indian Mills.  He is a fine
doctor and is a son-in-law of R. J. Garten, having married Mr. Garten's youngest daughter. 
Dr. Ryan is a graduate of the Richmond Medical college and is a very successful

Dr. F. Kyle Vass practiced in this community next, but resided at Marie.  He was a graduate
of the Maryland Medical college and a boy who was reared in this community.  He was a
son of C. N. Vass.  He stood at the head of his class, and was one of the shining lights of
his chosen profession.

Dr. F. M. McNeer who was born in this community, was educated at the Maryland Medical
College and settled at Forest Hill and remained there till about 1916 when he moved to
Hinton.  He now resides in Roanoke, Va.

Dr. Matney settled here next.  He came from Monroe County but remained only about one
year and then moved to the coal fields.  He was a successful man in his profession.

Dr. W. A. Wykle settled at Forest Hill in 1918 and remained for about three years. He
practiced dentistry here before he studied medicine.  He is a fine surgeon and physician
and is very successful in his profession.  He came here from Hinton and returned to Hinton
in the fall of 1922.  He married the only child of Sira W. Willey who was postmaster of
Hinton for a number of years and an eminent Republican politician.

               Notes from 3rd Harvey Edition, 1976


This little history was first printed more than forty years ago.

I realize that some of the material was borrowed from publications such as Miller's History
of Summers County, etc.  Nevertheless, much of the material in this little book was
collected solely by Mr. Cottle, and to my knowledge is no where else recorded.

I have included some notes at the end of this work that I hope will help the present
generation in locating some of the places, etc. mentioned herein.

I have also included in the final pages of this work a short biographical sketch of Mr. Cottle
and his family.

Finally, I realize that this work is by no means perfect.  Like any human endeavor, it has
typographical, grammatical, etc. mistakes which we hope can be eliminated more and more
in any future editions.

I would especially like to thank the following persons:  Mr. Jimmy Hutchison, who loaned
me an original copy of the history; Mrs. Phyllis Crawford, who did a major portion of the
typing; Mrs. Marcelene Crook, who also did a portion of the typing; Mrs. Viola Buckland,
who helped assemble these books, and obtained information on Mr. Cottle and his family,
and all others who helped or encouraged me in any way.

Since Mr. Cottle was a teacher, I have dicided to use any immediate profits from this
endeavor for the benefit of the third and fourth grade room at Forest Hill School.


Page 1

     1.   A. L. Campbell's farm on Greenbrier River is the Andrew Campbell
farm at 4-H Camp.

     2.   J. T. Campbell's on Marie Road, now owned by Jim Campbell's

     3.   P. M. Garrison's farm is the Dewey Young place.

     4.   W. L. Redmond's known as Bob Redmond place or Oris Harvey place on the mountain above
Junior Lowe's.

     5.   C. G. Ramsey's - Hobart Ramsey place.
     6.   J. S. Canterberry and also J. T. Canterberry are one and the same
person (I believe).  It refers in both cases to J. L. (Jim) Canterberry place now
owned by McKinney's.

Paragraph 2

     7.   P. M. Foster's farm now owned by the late Charlie Foster's heirs.

Paragraph 4

     8.   J. H. Roger's and J. T. Canterberry's line now the line of Edgar
Lilly and McKinney's.

Paragraph 6

     9.   This mound on the A. M. Hutchison farm is now included in a tract
owned by James L. Miller.

     10.  E. D. Ferrell tract owned by the heirs of the late Spurgeon

Page 2    First 4 paragraphs

     11.  The farm referred to here as belonging to the Harvey's and J.
E. Milburn is the owned by George Milburn.   

Page 3    Paragraph 3

     12.  "Six Nations" refers specifically to the Confederation of North
American Indians formed in 1722 by the union of the Tuscaroras and the Five
Nations, viz; Mohawk, Oneidas, Onondagnas, Cayugas, and Seneca.  The "Six
Nations" also known as the "Iroquois", which name refers directly to the similarity in their 

Paragraph 6

     13.  J. W. Ferrell's land now owned by Eastern Gas & Fuel        Assoc.
and Roy and John Ferrell (Camp Lightfoot).

Page 4

     14.  Bradshaw settled where Charles Lowe, Jr. now lives.

Page 5

     15.  The Brown place has been known commonly and variously as the Bolton place, the Young 
place, and most recently as D. C. Kinser place.

     16.  Chief Cornstalk herein mentioned is no less than the Indian chieftain
who commanded the Indians in the Battle of Pt. Pleasant in 1774.  He was
murdered at Fort Randolph in the fall of 1777.

Page 7 Paragraph 2

     17.  The Ford Hollow wher Gill lived runs up from Bradshaw Run on the opposite side of the
road from the present residences of Charles Lowe, Jr. and D. C. Kinser.

Page 9    Paragraph 2

     18.  The Spice Hollow where Uriah Garten settled is located           near the
present day home of Woodrow Leftwich.

Pages 31 and 32

     19.  The only school remaining in what comprised old Forest           Hill
District is the Forest Hill School which serves        grades 1-8.  The high school that
once occupied the same        premises was discontinued in 1967, and grades 9-12
have           a choice of attending either Talcott or Hinton High         School.

                         About the Author

The author of this little history,viz.; George E. Cottle, was born June 24, 1881, and died
November, 1935.  He was by vocation a farmer and school teacher.  He began teaching in

He was first married to Leona L. Lilly, in 1902.  She was born March, 1879, and died
October, 1917.  To this union was born eleven children, viz; Cleon, born February 23, 1904,
and died September 13, 1963, O. Kenneth, May 21, 1905-1938; Elmer E., April 30, 1906;
Harold D., July 1, 1907-May 14, 1965; Evangeline (Sis), January 7, 1909-July 7, 1967;
Zella, October 15, 1910-March 22,1969; Orville Roy, born October 15, 1910-December,
1912; R. Carol, born November 9, 1922; Wanda May, born May 21, 1913; Richard D. Born
September 3, 1914-December 15, 1966; and Virginia L. Cottle born born February 23,
1915-October 21, 1973.

Subsequent to the death of Mr. Cottle's first wife in October, 1917, he was united in
marriage to Faye Allen, daughter of Wellington and Martha Allen.  She was born November
1, 1891, and died March 8, 1963.  This union produced four children, viz; Howard A., born
September 28, 1921; Charles S. born July 5, 1924; Elouise A., born March 1, 1927; and
James E., born July 29, 1929.

Mr. Cottle is buried in the Forest Hill Methodist Church Cemetery by the side of his first wife. 
His second wife is buried in the south side of the same cemetery.

Submitted by Rebecca Cottle <>
Great-granddaughter of the author


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