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Statewide-McDowell-Wayne County WV Archives History .....Guion Miller Eastern Cherokee Application Of Ribern Workman June 8, 1907
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Darcy Mitchem January 4, 2008, 5:37 pm

Guion Miller Eastern Cherokee Application of Ribern Workman 
Application Number 20240

Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Darcy Mitchem dmitchem@usa-
        Copyright.  All rights reserved.

                 Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washington D.C.
I hereby make application for such share as may be due me of the fund 
appropriated by the Act of Congress approved June 30, 1906, in accordance with 
the decrees of the Court of Claims of May 18, 1905, and May 28, 1906, in favor 
of the Eastern Cherokees.  The evidence of identity is herewith subjoined.  

1. State Full Name 
English Name: Ribern Workman
Indian name: have none 
2. Residence: Swofford, Lewis county, Washington
3. Town and post office: Swofford      
4. County: Lewis      
5. State: Washington
6. Date and place of birth: April 7, 1856, Wyoming County West Virginia 
7. By what right do you claim to share?  If you claim through more than one 
relative living in 1851, set forth each claim separately:
John Reed, Elizabeth Reed his daughter, who married Joe Workman who was my 
grandfather.  Also Rev. George Sizemore, his son Owen Sizemore and Mary Jane, 
who was my first wife, daughter of Owen Sizemore.
8. Are you married: Yes
9. Name and age of wife or husband: Emily Gross Workman, age 35 years.
10. Give names of your father and mother and your mother’s name before 
Father—English name: James Madison Workman  
       Indian name:  none
Mother—English name: Elizabeth Webb Workman 
       Indian Name: none  
       Maiden name: Elizabeth Webb
11. Where were they born?
Father: In Virginia, probably Logan county now W. Va. 
Mother: In Wyoming county W. Va.
12. Where did they reside in 1851, if living at that time?
Father: Wyoming Co. West Va.
Mother: Wyoming Co. West Va.
13. Date of death of your father and mother
Father:  1904     Mother: 1890
14. Were they ever enrolled for annuities, land, or other benefits?  If so, 
state when and where. Never were so far as I know
15.  Name all your brothers and sisters, giving ages, and if not living, the 
date of death.  
          NAME               BORN             DIED
       Reese                 1850     
       Maria                 1848     
       Andrew                1852    
       Mary                  1854    
       Oliver                1862          
       Angeline              1860             1898    
       Seward                1864             1899     
       Harriet               1858     
       Zachariah             1868
       Minerva               1846

16. State English and Indian names of your grandparents on both father’s and 
mother’s side, if possible.  
     FATHER’S SIDE                             MOTHER’S SIDE
Joe Workman his wife Elizabeth Reed      George Webb and his wife Susannah 
    No Indian names                           No Indian Names

17. Where were they born?  Am not positive, but I believe Joe Workman and wife 
were both born in Virginia, and George Webb and wife in either North Carolina 
or Georgia
18. Where did they reside in 1851, if living at that time?  All in West 
19. Give names of all their children, and residence, if living; if not living, 
give dates of death.  
     1) Charley Workman, deceased, 1896     
     2) James Madison Workman, died 1909     
     3) William A. Workman, died 1906     
     4) Shent Workman, died 1889     
     5) Floyd Workman, Wayne Co. W. Va.     
     6) Polly Workman Sizemore, McDowel Co W. Va.     
     7) Jane Workman Sizemore, McDowel Co. W. Va.     
     8) Zachariah Webb, Wayne Co. W. Va.
     9) Edward Webb, Bath Co. Va.
     10) Rhoda Webb Simpson, died about 1880
     11) Patsy Webb Smith, don’t know living or not     
     12) Surilda Webb Workman, Webster Co. W. Va.    
     13) Elizabeth Webb Workman, died in 1890
20. Have you ever been enrolled for annuities, land, or other benefits? If so, 
state when and where.  No

21. To expedite identification, claimants should give the full English and 
Indian names, if possible, of their paternal and maternal ancestors back to 
1835: Can’t go any further than I have
(Under this head the applicant may give any additional information that he 
believes will assist in proving his claims.)

I Solemnly swear that the foregoing statements made by me are true to the best 
of my knowledge and belief. (signature) Ribern Workman 
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of March 1907 
My Commission expires Jan 25 1909   B.W. Coiner Notary Public

(The following affidavit must be sworn to by two or more witnesses who are 
well acquainted with the applicant)
Personally appeared before me John C. Belcher and Greenberry Mitchem, who, 
being duly sworn, on oath depose and say that they are well acquainted with 
Ribern Workman who makes the foregoing application and statements, and have 
known him for 30 years and 25 years respectively, and know  him  to be the 
identical person he represents himself to be, and that the statements made by 
him are true, to the best of their knowledge and belief, and they have no 
interest whatever in his claim.

Witnesses to mark                               Signature of Witnesses
B. W. Coiner                                     John C. Belcher
Ida H. Coiner                                    Greenberry hisXmark Mitchem 

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of March 1909.
B. W. Coiner Notary Public
[Cover of application] No. 20240
Name: Ribern Workman
Remarks: Grouped herewith are nos. 28361, 27883, 27884 

Field Wash (crossed out)
Don’t believe this case amounts to enough to call for any further field 
investigations this party is a [?cousin] of #[illeg]

Awaiting replies to letters
Examine this claim through the Reed line No Sizemore blood in this claimant 
but is in his daughter #28361

                   Supplemental Application for Minor Children
 I hereby make application for such share as may be due my minor children of 
the fund appropriated by the Act of Congress approved June 30, 1906, in 
accordance with the decree of the Court of Claims of May 18, 1905, and May 28, 
1906 in favor of the Eastern Cherokee, and ask that this be made part of the 
original application No:  20240
1. State your full name: Ribern Workman
2. Residence and post office: Swafford, Wash
3. County: Lewis
4. State: Washington
5. Date and place of birth: Wyoming County W. Virginia 1856 7th of April
6. Are you married: Yes
7. Name and age of wife or husband: Emily Workman
8. To what tribe of Indians, if any, does he or she belong? None as I Know
9. Names of all your children who were living on May 28, 1906

        NAME                 AGE                  BORN
     1) Nancy Workman            17 years             1890
     2) Vina Workman             14                   1893
     3) Perley Workman           10                   1897
     4) Lice Workman              8                   1899
     5) Mary Workman              6                   1901
     6) Edward Workman            3                   1904
     7) Andrew Workman            baby                1907 <Too Late

10. Were they ever enrolled for money, annuities, land, or other benefits? Is 
so state when and where and with what tribe of Indians: None as I know

(Under this head the applicant may give any additional facts which will assist 
in proving his claim.) None as I know of

I solemnly swear that the foregoing statements made by me are true to the best 
of my knowledge and belief.  (Signature) Ribern Workman
Subscribe and sworn to before me this 8th day of June 1907.
C.A. Schmid Notary Public
My commission expires 2nd day of April 1911

(The following affidavit must be sworn to by two or more witnesses who are 
acquainted with the applicant)
Personally appeared before me Ribern Workman, and D. C. Blankenship, G. P. 
Blackly, who, being duly sworn, on oath depose and say that they are well 
acquainted with Ribern Workman who makes the foregoing application and 
statement, and have known him for 15 years and 12 years respectively, and know 
him to be the identical person he represents himself to be and that on May 28, 
1906 he had the children living as above set forth, and that the statements 
made by him are true, and they have no interest whatever in his claim.  

Witness to Mark                            Signature of Witnesses
                                             G. P. Blakley
                                             D. C. Blankenship

Subscribed and sworn to before me the 8th day of June 1907
C. A. Schmid Notary Public
March the 22 1907
Swofford Wash
Mr. Amiable Commissioner of Indian Affairs you will see that I have this day 
filled out the (Back/Blank) and claimed a share in the Sizemore name if 
feasible they share in any in those funds.  I filled out on what Rev. W. h.h. 
cook wrote to me back in W. Va. So if there is any (?accounts) made for the 
Sizemores my wife should share with them and ably yours truly
        Rev. R. Workman

App. No. 20240        May 6, 1908
Ribern Workman,
Swofford, Washington.

With reference to your claim #20240 for participation in the Eastern Cherokee 
Fund, will you kindly state where all of your ancestors through whom you claim 
Indian descent, resided, giving the state and county.  Did any of them ever 
reside with any Indian tribe or take any part in their tribal councils?  If 
so, state when and where and give the name of such tribe.  Kindly give the 
names of your direct lineal ancestors who were living in 1835 and 1851, and 
state where they were living at those dates.  An early reply will be 
Very respectfully,
Special Commissioner.

May the 13 1908
Swofford Wash no 20240
Special Commissioner of the Court of Claims your letter of the 6 is at hand.  
Special attention [?] to it in reply to your most amiable request on the first 
claim of the Reeds first came from North Carolina to Tassel [Tazwell] County 
Va and about 1835.  How long his stay was I am unable to say in that country.  
He lived in Murcy [Mercer] Co. W. Va.  This is Grandfather Reed his name was 
John Reed.  I have forgot his childrens name but too. Joe Reed was one Betty 
Reed was the other which was my grandmother.  She married Joseph Workman who 
was my Grandfather.  I do not know within myself only by Grandmother.  She has 
told me.  She seemed to be very familiar with the Cherokee tribe of Indian.  
It seems by hear talk they had some [communion?] with them but I can’t give 
you the [exact] date of it.  It is near 1830 or up to 1855.  Sorry about these 
There are Elye Reed, Burly Reed, Baley Reed, Jim Reed, Tom Reed and many 
others could be giving all from our ancestors.  So now the second claim of my 
wife by the Sizemores.  There is no doubt what they have the blood of the 
Cherokee tribe.  It has bin all ways bin said they was of them people.  Could 
get some [illeg] to state to that effect.
Yours truly
Ribern Workman
Appln. No. 20240     March 17, 1908
Ribern Workman
Swofford, W. Va.
Relative to your application for participation in the fund arising from the 
decree of the Court of Claims in favor of the Eastern Cherokees, please state 
why you, your parents and your grandparents, were never enrolled as Eastern 
Cherokees? Were any of your ancestors slaves? Give any other information 
obtainable tending to establish your right to share in this fund. An early 
reply will be appreciated.
Very respectfully.
Special Commissioner
Chief Clerk


Appl. No 20240
April the 3, 1908 
Swofford Wash. 
Most amiable Commission of the Court of Claims Eastern Cherokee your letter of 
the 30 is at hand.  In reply to your request of the Enrollment of my self I 
was not bornd in 1851 I was bornd in the year 1856. So as for father and 
grandfather I will have to say as far as I know it was through neglect as many 
of our ancestors was. 
     So my grate grandparents Reed it mite be he or sum of his children was 
enrolled in 1851.  So I will give you sum of my relations back in W. Va.  
Bluford Reed, Jim Reed, Samuel Reed, Eliye Reed, Joe Reed, Tom Reed, Baley 
So now I am unable to git full proof as the old ancestors (?) did continued on 
back [new page]
They was none of my ancestors slaves as I know of so about all my family lives 
back in W. Va and old Virginia.  You will note these Reeds back from the East. 
It will probably give you sum proof as they come in.  Truly yours
Ribern Workman

[Transcriber’s note:  Two other short notes asking about claim, and one note 
that is very hard to read but appears to be from son, and clarifies his legal 
name as Alexander Moses Workman]
No. 20240
Name: Ribern Workman
With no.
Remarks: Grouped herewith are nos 28361, 27883, 27884 [Charity (Workman) Rose, 
Elick (Alexander Moses) Workman, Oliver Workman]

Field Wash (crossed out)
Don’t believe this case amounts to enough to call for any further field 
investigation. This party is a C[cousin?] of #[illeg]
Awaiting reply to letters
Name: Ribern Workman    Residence: Swofford Washington    Action: Reject
Ancestors were not parties to treaties of 1835-a-46.  Parents and grand 
parents born several hundred miles from Cherokee country—never enrolled with 

Additional Comments:
Also important to Lewis County, Washington

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