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History of Ritchie County

The following is taken from the book "History of Ritchie County" written by
Minnie Kendall Lowther, and published in 1910.
Transcribers are Janet Waite, Earl Cowan, Erin Stewart and Bonnie Ryan.

Chapter XXXIV
Ritchie County Formed
Transcribed by Bonnie Ryan

Page 430

Ritchie County Formed

Ritchie county was formed in 1843, from portions of Wood, Lewis and Harrison 
counties, and was named in honor of Thomas Ritchie, a journalist, who for 
many years edited "The Richmond Enquirer," and later the "The Washington 

This county covers an area of four hundred fifty-seven square miles, and is 
bounded on the north by Pleasants and Tyler; on the east by Doddridge, on 
the south by Gilmer, Calhoun and Wirt; and on the west by Wirt and Wood.  It 
is divided into four districts, Grant, Union, Clay and Murphy.  The North 
and the South branches of Hughes river are its principal streams; and its 
highest*  elevation of land (1380 feet) is in the north-eastern corner of 
the county near Stranley, and King Knob two miles southwest of Pullman is 
the second highest point, it being 1367 feet.  Its population, according to 
the first census after its organization, was three thousand eight hundred 
fifty-six, it now numbers near twenty thousand.

The first court convened, on April 4, 1843, at the residence of John Harris, 
near the late residence of John P. Harris, and was composed of Daniel 
Haymond, Daniel Ayres, William R. Lowther, Alexander Lowther, senior, and 
James Malone, junior, justices of the peace, each holding a commission from 
the Governor.  The first three had, for many years been justices in Wood 
county, and the last two, in Harrison and Lewis counties.

The following named officers were chosen by this court:  William R. Lowther, 
clerk of the county court; Thomas

*King Knob, near Washburn, has always been regarded the highest point of 
land in the county, but this information comes from the late U. S. 
Geological report.

Page 431

Stinchcombe, clerk of the Circuit court; Hon. J. J. Jackson, of Parkersburg, 
Attorney for the Commonwealth (a position which he held until his death in 
1850, when he was succeeded by J. B. Blair, a Harrisville barrister) 
Archibald Wilson, County surveyor; Austin Berkeley, Sheriff, with his 
brother, Granville, deputy. . They (the Berkeleys) served one term, and from 
the expiration of this term until the adoption of the Constitution in 1851, 
this office was given to the oldest justice of the peace.

Then after Mr. Berkeley, came Benjamin Webb (as sheriff from 1845-48) with 
James McKinney as deputy for the first two years, and James and John P. 
Harris, for the last year.  John Harris was the next in line (1848-9) with 
James and John P. Harris deputies.  Noah Rexroad then filled the office 
until the new Constitution (1851) made all the offices elective by the 
people, and he was the first sheriff chosen under this new provision.  Then 
came William M. Patton, James Taylor, Benjamin Wells, Eli and John Heaton, 
B. F. Mitchell, John B. Hallam, D. F. Haymond, John B. Hallam (again) Job 
Musgrave, M. H. Tarleton, D. B. Patton, B. F. Hill, Okey E. Nutter, and John 
Hulderman, the present incumbent.

Henry Collins was the first clerk of the Circuit court chosen by the people, 
in 1851, and William M. Patton was his deputy.  This office has since been 
filled by Amos Culp, W. H. Douglass, Will A. Strickler, John H. Lininger, 
and H. E. McGinnis.

James McKinney was the first clerk of the County court under the new 
Constitution (1851-8), and William M. Patton was his successor (1858-62).  
He (Mr. Patton) was also made clerk of the records.  He was followed by 
Josiah M. Wood; and then came the late George W. Amos who filled this office 
from 1871 until 1896, when W. R. Meservie, the present clerk, took his 

Cyrus Hall was the first prosecuting attorney chosen by the popular vote 
(1851-61); and F. P. Peirpoint was his successor.  The office since that 
time, has been filled by E. G. Day, Robert Kercheval, John A. Hutchinson, C. 
F. Scott, R. S. Blair, senior, T. E. Davis, Henderson Peck, R. H. Freer,

Page 432

H. B. Wood, and S. M. Hoff.  The last four named gentlemen still survive. 
John Douglass was the first County surveyor elected by the people; and among 
others who have filled this office since that time are: Fred Douglass, 
Alexander Lowther, junior, H. N. Wilson, Wm. Bennett Hayden, A. A.. Clayton, 
and John W. Cain.

Benjamin Webb, Robert Tibbs, Richard Wanless, John Haris, Jacob Hatfield, 
Isaac Lambert, Peter Reed, and William R. Lowther were the first justices to 
be elected by the vote of the people, Mr. Wanless being the presiding 
officer.  The justices continued to form the Court until the Constitution of 
the "Little Mountain state" went into effect in 1863.  Then a Board of 
Supervisors became the law-making body of the county.

Henry B. Collins, Jacob Hatfield, and Christopher N. Nutter comprised the 
first Board of Supervisors.  Among others, who served in this capacity were: 
Benjamin Wells, Solomon Stull, Phillip Reitz, A. C. Garnard, Richard 
Wanless, senior, Andrew Law, James Moyer, John McGinnis, J. P.  Strickler, 
John Sommerville, J. H. Haddox, George Corbin, and H. N. Wilson.

In 1872, our State Constitution underwent a change and since that time, the 
members of this court have been called commissioners.  Among those who have 
served as commissioners are: P. S. Austin, M. A. Ayres, Dr. M. S. Hall, S. 
R. Dawson, A. C. Barnard, J. R. Brake, Alexander Prunty, Samuel Hatfield, W. 
G. Lowther, Benjamin McGinnis, S. J. Taylor, B. F. Marshall, E. N. Summers, 
L. D. Bartlett, W. A. Flesher, J. M. Brown, C. W. Nutter, I. M. Jackson, and 
Jacob T. Reeves.

Among those who have filled the office of assessor, we find the names of, J. 
B. Collins, Eli Riddel, Nathaniel Parks, James H. Harris, Alexander Lowther, 
junior, J. W.Troy, James W. Shroyer, Benjamin McGinnis, W. G. Lowther, M. A. 
Ayres, Alexander Prunty, Samuel Hatfield, George Crummett, John O. Lynch, H. 
Kibbee, Ellet Woofter, C. S. Jackson, G. M. Britton, H. C. Buzzard, and G. 
M. Britton, who

Page 433

is now the only one in the county, under a new provision of the law, there 
having been two heretofore.

The following named gentlemen represented this county in the Legislature at 
Richmond, when this state was a part of the "Old Dominion:"  James Malone, 
Jacob Prunty, William L. Jackson, Henry B., and John Collins.

Cyrus Hall was a member of the Richmond Convention that passed on the 
ordinance of secession, which finally resulted in Virginia becoming a part 
of the Southern Confederacy.

Archibald Wilson represented Ritchie county in the Convention that framed 
the first Constitution for the State of West Virginia, in December 1861; and 
J. P. Strickler was a member of the body that gave us our present State 
Constitution.  Other citizens of this county, who have occupied seats in our 
State Legislative halls are:  (Senators) Daniel Haymond, David McGregor, P. 
W. Morris, and Samuel Hatfield:  (House of Delegates) Eli Riddel, S. R. 
Dawson, A. S. Core, Noah Rexroad, Gen. T. M.Harris, James Taylor, E. J. 
Taylor, J. B. Crumrine, Felix Prunty, G. W. Miller, J. M. McKinney, T. E. 
Davis, J. C. Gluck, P. W. Morris, R. H. Freer, Benjamin McGinnis, C. L. 
Zinn, Job Musgrave, E. C. Goff, M. M Luzader, W. A. Flesher, M. K. Duty, and 
Sherman Robinson; and J. C. Lacy and Newton Law are the newly elected ones.

S. R. Dawson was a member of the Legislature when the first "Free School 
Law"  was enacted, and was prominently identified with its formation.

Only three citizens of the county, R. H. Freer, M. H. Willis, and H. B. 
Woods, have been honored with the Judgeship; and Mr. Freer is the only one 
that has occupied a seat in the Congressional Halls of the United States.

In 1863, an act, providing for the sub-division of the different counties of 
the state into townships, was passed: and the following named gentlemen were 
appointed to do this work in Ritchie county:  Province Murphy, John P. 
Harris, and Jacob Hatfield.  Archibald Wilson played the part of surveyor, 
and thus Grant, Clay, Union and Murphy were formed.  By the requirements of 
the second Constitution,

Page 434

(1872) these divisions were retained, but the name township was changed to 
that of magisterial district.

Union was named in honor of the "Union cause," which was at that time so 
dear to many hearts.  The name was suggested by Q. Manly Zinn, late father 
of C. L. Zinn, of Auburn.  The first settlement in this district was made at 
Harrisville in 1803.

Clay, the most northern district, was named by Archibald Wilson, in honor of 
Henry Clay.  Its first settlement was at Pennsboro in 1800.

Murphy took its name from the Murphy Brothers, early settlers in the 
Smithville vicinity, in 1801.  Its first settler was William Layfield, near 
Smithville in 1800.

Grant was first settled near Cairo at a date unknown, and in honor of 
General Grant, it was named.

Transcribed by Sylvia Cox

Page 435

Down to the year 1830 the country developed slowly. Some of the earlier 
pioneers, becoming discouraged with the toils and privations of this 
wilderness-live, had sought homes elsewhere, principally north of the Ohio 
river, and the country was still very sparsely settled.

One great aid to progress and immigration, was brought about in 1832, when 
the General Assembly, at Richmond, passed an act providing for the 
satisfactory adjustment of land titles, and for the sale of delinquent and 
forfeited lands.

Up to this time wood-lands had ranged in price from twenty-five to fifty 
cents and acre; but under this law large tracts were sold, as delinquent, 
for taxes, and were forfeited to the State at prices ranging from seven to 
fifteen cents an acre.

The construction of the North-western turn-pike from Winchester to 
Parkersburg, between the yeas 1830-40, was a most important factor in behalf 
of immigration; and this period was one of remarkable progress, the people 
now having commercial advantages and other intercourse with the out-side 

The construction of the Staunton and Parkersburg turn-pike between 1840 and 
'50, was another valuable aid to advancement in the Southern part of the 
country.  But the greatest incentive to immigration and development was the 
completion of the North-western Virginia railroad (now the Parkersburg 
branch of the B.& O.) in 1858.  This road gave rise to the towns of 
Tollgate, Pennsboro, Ellenboro, Cornwallis, Cairo, and Petroleum as railroad 

Road-making in pioneer days was an arduous and imperative

Page 436

task, as all able-bodied men, between the ages of sixteen and sixty years, 
were required to work upon the public high-way under the supervision of an 
over-seer; and this system was continued until 1872-3 when the Legislature 
formulated two systems, and, leaving a choice to the vote of the people, the 
present one was adopted by this county-to sell out the contract to the 
lowest and best bidder.  But they are now principally kept in order by a 
road-machine which is manipulated under the superintendence of a road-

The Legislature of 1909 provided for a road-engineer, and V.W. Kittle was 
the first to be appointed to this new office, he being selected by the 
County court at the June term in 1909.  But he resigned in March, 1910, and 
John Pew of Cairo became his successor.

The first road through what is now Murphy district, which was known as the 
old "State road", was made in 1832, by Abraham Springston (late father of 
Mrs. T.M.Goff, of Harrisville), who was at that time a single man, and a 
resident of Glenville.

The country was so thinly settled that he and his men were compelled to camp 
out during the construction of this road. Their first camp was at the head 
of Spruce creek where L.S. Goff now lives, and it was made of poles and 
bark; and another, was under a shelving-rock near the present hamlet of 

Mr. Springston's sister, Joanna, (later Mrs. George F.Bush) then a girl of 
twelve years, camped with him and did his cooking.

Bridges.--The bridge across the river at Smithville, and the one at the 
forks of Hughes river are said to be the pioneer bridges of the county.  
They were built, some time during the forties, by the company that 
constructed the Staunton turn-pike, and a man by the name of Foutty was the 
contractor; but the one at Smithville was swept away by the flood in 1852, 
being replaced by the old structure, which recently gave place to a new iron 
bridge.  There are now not fewer than thirty-five bridges in the county, and 
their average value is from four to five thousand dollars.

Page 437

The County Infirmary was instituted near the year 1858. The farm that is now 
the estate of the late Edward Lough was purchased for this purpose, and John 
Starr, senior, was the first superintendent. This farm was sold a number of 
years later, and for a time the contract, for caring for these unfortunates, 
was given to some responsible individual. Enoch B.Leggett was among the 
number that cared for them under this provision.  But near the year 1874, 
the James Drake estate on Indian creek (just the widow's thirds) was 
purchased for this purpose, and this has since been the home for the County 
infirm.  Perhaps, near the year 1904, the Asbury Zickafoose homestead (of 
some seventy acres) was purchased and added to the original farm, and since 
that time the Zickafoose residence, which has been enlarged and remodeled, 
has been the home of the County family, the old home being torn down.  This 
farm now contains two-hundred fifty acres, and is valued at ten thousand 
dollars,or near it.

Tobacco Industry.--Not far from the time of the close of the Civil war, and 
for a number of years after, the tobacco industry was a profitable one in 
the Northern part of the county, especially.  Large tobacco houses sprang up 
in different sections, and this was the principal staple of product: and not 
a few of the citizens date their financial success, in

Page 438

after life, to this beginning.  But an exorbitant tax was imposed upon this 
product, which put an end to its profit; as this tax did not permit its 
manufacture in any form, and did not even allow it to be twisted, but 
compelled it to be sold in "the hand."  However, this industry continued 
into the eighties to some extent, though the manufacture had been 

The Springstons.-This chapter would not be complete without a few lines, at 
least, in regard to the ancestry and identity of the pioneer road-builder of 
Murphy district "Abraham Springston."

The Springstons are of German origin, and of hardy pioneer stock.

Jacob Springston and his wife, Elizabeth Lambert Springston, came from the 
Fatherland in Colonial times, but the date and the place of their settlement 
is unknown; but they evidently lived in what is now Tucker county at some 
time, and here, possibly, they died.

Jacob Springston, junior, their son, however, was born on August 4, 1772, 
and in April, 1807, he was married to Miss Luda Goff, daughter of John T. 
and Monacah Cerrico Goff, who was born in April 1784.  The marriage took 
place in Tucker county, where they resided until near the year 1826, when 
they migrated to Gilmer county, and settled on the farm that is now 
designated as the "Dr. Egan farm" near Glenville.  Here Mrs. Springston died 
in 1835, and he in 1841.  Both rest in the Woodford burying-ground at the 
mouth of Leading creek.

Mr. Springston was the first member of the old Leading creek Baptist church 
class that was ordained as minister. He and his venerable wife were the 
parents of nine children, whose descendants are now a mighty host in this 
and different other counties of this state, as well as other states; viz, 
Lydia, Abraham, John, Rebecca, Joseph, James, Joanna, William, and George G. 

Lydia Springston (born on July 19, 1808) was the late Mrs. David Fisher of 
Lewis county.

Abraham Springston, who distinguished himself in pioneer road-maker in this 
county, was born in Tucker county on February 7, 1810, and with his parents 
removed to Gilmer

Page 439

county in his youth.  In January 1836, he was married to Miss Effie Goff, 
daughter of Hiram, and granddaughter of Salathiel, who was born on August 
18, 1811, and the first years of their married life were spent on the Dr. 
Eagen farm, near Glenville-at the old Springston homestead. From here, in 
1842, they removed to Roane county and settled on Little creek near four 
miles north of Spencer. Here on March 9, 1852, Mrs. Springston died, and 
some time afterwards, Mr. Springston married Miss Jane Wilson, of Lewis 
county; and near 1859, they removed to Richardsonville in Calhoun county, 
where death again deprived his of his companion, in June 1885.  After laying 
his second wife away (at Richardsonville), he went to Gilmer county and made 
his home with his sister, Mrs. Joanna Bush, until his death, on June 10, 
1893, and at the Union church on Sinking creek he lies at rest.  His first 
wife sleeps on the old homestead in Roane county.

He and his first wife were the parents of the following named children: 
J.H., of Wirt county; the late Chapman, of Gilmer, and the late James, of 
Texas; Calhoun has also passed on; and George D. lives at Middleport, Ohio; 
Luda is Mrs. Greathouse, and Margaret was the late Mrs. Andrew J. Showen, 
both of Roane county; Mary L. is Mrs. Washington Shaffer, of Calhoun county; 
Sarah, Mrs. T.M. Goff of Harrisville; and Byrd, the only daughter of the 
second marriage, is Mrs. Wright, of Calhoun county.

Joanna Springston, the little sister that played the part of cook during the 
first road-making in Murphy district, grew to womanhood and married George 
F. Bush of Gilmer county.  She was born on February 21, 1820, and died at 
her home on Sinking creek in 1904, leaving numerous descendants to "call her 

She was the mother of eight children which are as follows: the Rev. Asa 
Bush, of the Baptist church of Iowa; Thurmander, of Gilmer, are the sons; 
Mary the late wife of the Rev. L.S. Vannoy of Harrisville, was the eldest 
Daughter; Alice is the wife of M.B. Zinn, of Holbrook; Tensa

Page 440

is the wife of Dr. A.J. Woofter, of Weston; Rebecca is Mrs. Homer Woofter, 
of Sinking creek.

Ira B. Bush, who is making a name for himself among the young educators of 
the State, and who is now Superintendent of the Parkersburg schools, is a 
grandson of this venerable woman.

Rebecca Springston (sister of Joanna) married John Hall and spent her life 
on Horn creek, only a short distance from Auburn, and her family are well-
known in this county.

Jacob Hall, who met a tragic death in Monroe county; William, Henry, and 
Columbus, of Gilmer, were her sons; and Mary Jane, late wife of Charles 
Cooper, of Auburn (mother of Victor Cooper, and Mrs. Homer Adams, of 
Harrisville); Lydia Marcella, wife of Samuel Bush, of Wood county; Margaret 
Joanna, who is Mrs. Woodford of Colorado and Eriga, Mrs. Alfred Bush of 
Lynn.  Gilmer county (mother of O.G. Bush, of Smithville) are the daughters.

Joseph Springston (brother of Joanna and Abraham), who was born on November 
26,1817, married Miss Elizabeth Shoven, and settled in Jackson county, where 
he died in 1853. He was the father of six children; viz.,Virginia (Mrs. 
Ambrose Athens, Jackson county), Clarrissa (Mrs. Marshall Osbourn, 
Cleveland, Ohio), Joanna (Mrs. W.S. Goff, Glenville), Sarah (Mrs. A.J. 
Rymer, Connings) Lydia (Mrs. T.E. Gillispie, West Union), and Charles who 
died in infancy.

John Springston (another brother) remained in Gilmer county where he reared 
a family.

James Springston married a Miss Riddel and died in Roane county, leaving no 

William Springston also lived and died in Roane county, leaving a large 
family, as did his brother George G. Springston.

Transcribed by Sylvia Cox

PAGE 442


Dr. John Creel, of Parkersburg was the first practicing physician in the 
county.  In the year 1818, he, assisted by Dr. Jett, who was also of 
Parkersburg, performed the first surgical operation by amputating the arm of 
Sallie Stuart, daughter of William Stuart, senior, of the South fork, who 
had had her arm crushed by a falling branch of a tree during a storm, which 
had overtaken her while on her way to a neighboring house.

Dr. Morgan was the first resident physician.  He came from Connecticut in 
1836, and took up his residence at Harrisville, but finding little demand 
for his services in this healthful, thinly settled region, he only remained 
a few months.

General Thomas Maley Harris was the second physician in 1843.  General 
Harris needs no introduction to the people of Ritchie county, since there 
is, perhaps, scarcely a man, woman or child within its boundary that are not 
familiar with the name of this late distinguished citizen, whose long and 
useful career belongs not only to local history, but to State and National 
as well.

In the "rede log cabin days" when this section of the "Little Mountain 
State" was one vast wilderness, "dotted here and there with a hunter's cabin 
and a patch of corn," he was born-not far from the present site of the 
Lorama depot, at Harrisville-on June 13, 1813.

He came of the union of two prominent pioneer families of this county, being 
the eldest son of John and Agnes Maley Harris, and one of a family of seven 

At the time he stepped upon the stage, educational advantages were in their 
swaddling clothes, and his enviroments

Page 443

promised but little in the way of a career, but he improved his every 
opportunity, and at an early age joined the ranks of the teacher.  His first 
experience was in the schools of this wilderness, but he later taught in 
Clarke and Greene counties, Ohio, and while there became interested in the 
science of medicine.

In October 1842, while engaged as first assistant of the Parkersburg 
Seminary, he led the principal of the female department of this institution, 
in the person of Miss Sophia Hall, sister of Dr. M.S. Hall, to the altar as 
his bride, and during the following winter, attended medical lectures at 
Louisville, Kentucky; but returned home in the spring and began the practice 
of his profession in his native town.

In 1856, he removed to Glenville, where he was established when the bugle-
notes of the great Rebellion called men to action; he brought his family 
back to Harrisville, and recruited and organized the 10th West Virginia 
Regiment Volunteers, and entered the army as Lieutenant Colonel; and in May, 
1862, was commissioned Colonel. During the years of 1862 and '63, his 
service was in West Virginia, he being in command of the posts at Buckhannon 
and Beverly; and while stationed at Beverly, on July 2, 1863, his regiment 
of seven hundred fifty men was attacked by a Confederate force of two 
thousand two hundred strong under the command of Col. William L. Jackson.*  
And though this was the first time that Col. Harris' regiment (in a body) 
had met the enemy, they succeeded in holding them at bay for two days, 
notwithstanding their superiority in number, until re-enforcements arrived, 
and helped to put Col. Jackson and his host to flight.

In June, 1864, General Harris was transferred to the valley of Virginia and 
with his command became incorporated in the Army of West Virginia under 
General Crooks, and had part in the various engagements in the valley during 
the summer and autumn.  At Winchester he had command of five regiments, and 
at Cedar creek, on October 19th, when Col.

*Col. Jackson had been an old acquaintance of General Harris, he having 
resided at Harrisville in the ante-bellum days, where he figured prominently 
as a lawyer and filled the office of judge as early as 1848.  He (Col. 
Jackson) was the step-son of Thomas Stinchcomb, the first clerk of the 
Circuit court in this county.  He was a native of Lewis county, and a cousin 
of "Stonewall" Jackson, and in order to distinguish him from his eminent 
cousin, he was called "Mudwall."

Page 444

Joseph Thoburn fell mortally wounded, he came into command of the First 
Division of the Army of West Virginia on the field, the Division flag having 
fallen to him as the next ranking officer; and for gallantry on this 
occasion, he was brevetted Brigadier-General.  During this same year, at the 
close of the Shenandoah valley campaign, a new division was formed, and he 
was placed in command with orders to report to General Grant at City Point; 
and in March 1865, when this division was reviewed by Secretary Stanton, he 
(the Secretary) remarked that General Harris' promotion had been urged by 
Generals Grant and Ord, but that there was no vacancy.  However, turning to 
General Harris, he said, "You stay here with your command.  I will go home 
and make a vacancy.  I will muster out some fellow that we can spare."  a 
few days later while enroute to Petersburg, General Harris received the 
commission of Brigadier-General, and three days after, broke the Confederate 
lines around Petersburg, and with his brigade took Fort Whitworth, one of 
the outer-posts of the city. And for this act of bravery, he was brevetted 

At Appomattox, by a forced march, his division was thrown between General 
Lee's army and Lynchburg, and when it became evident that General Gordon was 
trying to slip out of the surrender with his command, it was General Harris' 
division that compelled him to abandon the idea; and when he had finally 
succeeded in silencing the guns of this command, hostilities in Virginia 
were at an end, as this was the last firing done in the "Old Dominion."

In recognition of his service on the field, Secretary Stanton proffered him 
the Lieutenant-Colonelcy of the Thirty-seventh Regulars, but owing to his 
advanced age he declined the honor. ,P>At the close of the Rebellion when an 
assassin's bullet had laid the form of our beloved President low, and had 
turned a Nation's rejoicing into one of mourning and of sorrow, General 
Harris was again called into service (in May '65) as a member of the 
Military Commission that tried the conspirators of this dark tragedy, and 
upon this ever interesting trial, he wrote a book entitled the "History of 
the Great Conspiracy,"

Page 445

which attracted wide attention and added new laurels to his brow in the 
eventide of his life (The date of this production was 1892).

He was the last survivor of this distinguished military body, among which 
were numbered the late Generals David Hunter, and Lew Wallace, whose "Ben 
Hur" has found a welcome among the lovers of literature in every civilized 

His military duties being at an end, he returned to his native town and 
resumed the practice of his medical profession, which was destined to be 
again interruped, in 1867, by his election to the House of Delegates, and by 
his appointment to the office of Adjutant-General of the State under 
Governor Stephenson, in 1869.  He also served as United States Pension Agent 
at Wheeling from 1871 to '75, (having been commissioned by President Grant) 
but this agency being abolished, he once again returned to Harrisville and 
continued the practice of his profession until 1885 when he retired to 
private life.  Here, in his old "mansion house," only a few hundred yards 
from the spot where he first "saw the light" the evening hours of his long 
life were spent.  The loving devotion of his second wife, who was his 
cousin, Miss Clara Maley, of Iowa, was the staff and comfort of his 
declining years. His old age was characterized by that peaceful serenity 
which comes from the consciousness of a well spent

Page 446

life, and the sunset scene was one of tranquillity and perfect peace.  It 
was the hour of noon, on Sunday, September 30, 1906, when the last ray 
vanished, when the announcement came from the silent chamber that the 
struggle was o'er; that Ritchie county's most distinguished son had passed.  
"He died rich in the love and esteem of all who knew him," and not a few 
demonsstrations of respect were in evidence at his funeral.  Beneath the 
shadow of the beautiful old town that gave him birth, beside the companion 
of his youth who was laid there in 1885, he lies at rest.

The one cherished hope of his last hours was that a County High school, 
bearing his name and perpetuating his memory, might be established at 
Harrisville.  He had given the grounds for this purpose, and the Legislature 
had passed favorably upon the measure, but this proved to be one of the 
unrealized hopes, as the movement was defeated at the November election, a 
little more than a month after his death.

He was the father of four children; viz., Agnes died in infancy.  Mary 
Virginia, in early womanhood; Martha was the late wife of the Rev. J.R. 
Johnson, of Washington, Pennsylvania; and John T. Harris, the well-known 
Court stenographer of Parkersburg, is the only son.

Dr. Moses S. Hall was another early physician here.  He was a native of the 
old Bay State, having been born near Hawley, on March 1, 1824, of Irish-
Protestant parentage. His

Page 447

ancestors came from Ireland shortly after, the American Revolution, and 
settled at Cape Cod.  Some of them took an active interest in Colonial or 
State affairs, they being ever loyal to the land of their adoption.  The 
true, undaunted, spirit of patriotism that characterized the life of the 
late Doctor Hall was a family heritage.

In 1845, at the age of twenty-one years, Dr. Hall came to Harrisville, and 
began the studey of medicine under his brother-in-law (Dr.) General Harris; 
and during the winter of 1848-9, he attended a series of medical lectures at 
Louisville, Kentucky; and not long after this, he claimed Miss Ellen 
Sampson, of Athens, Ohio, as his bride.  This fortunate attachment proved to 
be the crowning event of his life; for Mrs. Hall was a woman of unusual 
intellectual endowments and attainments, and she possessed a strong, 
Christian character, which was ever a power for good,  She was one of the 
truly noble types of womanhood.  It has been said that one of her strongest 
characteristics was her faithfulness to a promise.  No matter whether that 
promise was given to a child or to one of riper years, whether it involved 
something of vital importance or of utter insignificance, it was kept with 
the same degree of sacredness.  Perhaps, in this trait of character lay the 
secret power of her wonderful influence.  She was a school-teacher in the 
early days of her young womanhood, and while thus engaged at Athens, Ohio, 
she gave to the late Bishop (Chaplain) C.C. McCabe his first instruction in 
the rudiments of learning, taught him his "A,B,C's." He  was then a small, 
timid urchin, perhaps, scarcely of school years; his mother having brought 
him to school and entrusted him to her care.

After his marriage, Dr. Hall located at Sistersville, where he practiced his 
profession for several years before the "battle-cry" of his country called 
him into service.  When the fury of the gathering storm burst forth, he 
returned to this county, and organized a company, which was designated as 
Company K. of the Tenth West Virginia Regiment Volunteers, and with this 
company, he was mustered into service, on July 4, 1861; and during the 
following year, was promoted to the rank of Lieut. Colonel of the regiment.

Page 448

He saw service throughout the war, and was in a number of hot engagements, 
being wounded at the battles of Cedar creek and Leetown.

After "the battle had been fought and the victory won," he returned to 
Harrisville, and resumed the practice of medicine, and rose to distinction 
as a physician.  He was a man of unimpeachable character, and of strong 
convictions. He, at one time, represented this county in the State 
Legislature; and was for many years an ardent advocate of the temperance 
movement, he being a leader of the Prohibition party in this state, and a 
Presidential elector during the campaign of 18-.

His wife was borne to her final resting-place in the Harrisville cemetery 
near the year 1896; and his only son, Samuel, was laid by her side a few 
years later.

He spent the last two or three years of his life at Parkersburg, at the home 
of his daughter, Mrs. C.D. Merrick, who, with his youngest daughter, Miss A. 
Grace Hall, is prominently known among the W.C.T.U. workers of the State 
Here, on a calm evening in the early spring-time (April,9, 1905) his long, 
useful life came to a close.  And on the following Tuesday, he was borne to 
Harrisville, and laid at rest.

Other Early Physicians.- Drs. William Walker, J.M. Lathrope, Moses 
Blackburn, Howard, Isaiah Bee, William McCauley, and W.M. Rymer, were other 
earlly physicians, of Harrisville.

Of Dr. Walker, we have no history.

Dr. Lathrope was a cousin of Dr. Hall, and like him was a product of the old 
Bay State, he having come to this county some years after Doctor Hall.  He 
practiced his profession at West Union before coming to Harrisville, where 
death invaded his home and carried away his companion; and soon after this 
sad event, perhaps not long after the close of the war, he went to Dover, 
Ohio, near Cleveland, where his life came to an end, a few years since.

Dr. Blackburn came from Farmington, Marion county, in the early sixties, and 
went to Pittsburg, after a few years stay, where he died.  His two sons, 
Jackson and Dewese, still resided there the last account.

Page 449

Dr. Howard came from Tyler county, and figured during the war; and from here 
he passed to the other shore.  His family then returned to Tyler county.

Dr. Bee was a brother of Obadiah Bee, formerly of Spruce creek, but now of 
Belpre, Ohio, and of Azariah, of Berea.  He was located here before the 
Civil war, and at the opening of hostilities went to other parts; but has 
for many years been located at Mercer Court House, where he is still 
prominently identified in the medical profession.  He married Mrs. Mary 
Smith Lacy, of Harrisville, while practicing here, and has one son, Dr. 
Isaiah Bee, junior.

Dr. McCauley was here for perhaps a year about 1865 or '66.  He went to 
Clarksburg fut finally returned here, where he died at the home of his 
daughter, the late Mrs. John S. Peirpoint, near 1876.  He was the son of Dr. 
McCauley the first school-teacher in Clay district, who afterwards became 
Dr. John McCauley, and practiced medicine at West Union and other points.  
Earle Peirpoint, of Harrisville; Mrs. Hermione Helmick, of Fairmont; and 
Mrs. Helen Saterfield, of Middleton, are the grandchildren of Dr. William 

Dr. William M. Rymer was born in Westmorland county, Pennsylvania, on 
February 19, 1835; and in 1856, he came to the "Little Mountain State," and 
began the practice of medicine, at Jacksonville,  Lewis county; and in 1857, 
he came to Bone creek this county; and there, the following year, he was 
married to Miss Agnes Law, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Law, pioneer 
settlers of this section.

In 1865, he came to Harrisville where he remained a familiar and prominent 
figure until his sudden death on February 27, 1907.

He was the oldest physician in the county, and one among the oldest 
practioners in the State, at the time of his death, he having been 
identified in this profession for a half century.

When he came to this county he and Dr. Hall were the only physicians within 
its boundary.  He sleeps in the Harrisville cemetery; and his widow still 
occupies the old home at Harrisville.

Page 450

He was the father of three sons and three daughters.  Two of the sons, 
William A., and Hosea are identified in the medical profession, and the late 
Homer, was a dentist.  Mrs. Ella (B.F.) Ayres, Mrs. Mary (J.N.) Peirpoint, 
and Mrs. Anna (J.A.) Wells, all of Harrisville, are the daughters.

The Rymers trace their ancestry back to the Fatherland.  Dr. William Rymer, 
senior, the great-grandfather of Dr. W.M., was born at Hanover, Germany near 
the year 1730; and distinguished himself by his service to the Government as 
naval physician and surgeon.  He died on board his ship while in active 
service, and being held in such high esteem, he was not buried beneath the 
waves, as was the custom at that time, but his remains were taken to the 
home-land and laid away.

His son, Frederic Rymer, was born in the ancestral home at Hanover about 
1760.  He married Miss Susan McGregor, and came to America, and settled in 
the Pennsylvania colony in 1785; and there the greater part of his life was 
spent. He was an artist by profession, and he spent his last hours in 
Mahoning county, Ohio, where he and his wife passed on in 1835.

His son William (II) was born in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, in 1796, 
and there he was married to Miss Elizabeth Nailey; and they were the parents 
of the late Dr. William M. Rymer, of Harrisville, the subject of this 
sketch.  He died at Columbus, Ohio, in 1869.

Dr. W.E. Talbott has been a leading physician of Harrisville, for more than 
a quarter of a century.  He came here from Upshur county in 1881; and not 
long after his arrival, was married to Miss Alma McKinney, daughter of the 
late James McKinney, of Harrisville.

After her death, he claimed Miss Metta Lambert as his bride. He is a member 
of the County Board of Health, and of the Pension Examining Board.  He has 
no children.

Dr. A.C. Blair, a native of this town, who is now located in Randolph 
county, was identified in the profession here for several years.

There are now nearly twenty physicians in the county.