This is mnoGoSearch's cache of It is a snapshot of the page as it appeared during last crawling. The current page could have changed in the meantime.

Last modified: Thu, 10 Sep 2009, 19:11:32 EDT    Size: 13715

Submitted by: Gina Heffernan
        Date: 10 Sep 2009
Copyright.  All rights reserved.

These files should only be used as guides for ordering copies of the
originals from the Texas State Health Department. Transcription and
typographical errors are possible.

Name                               Date          Sex
Abercrombie, Ollie Martina         04/17/1979     F
Adrian, Robbie Louise              11/16/1979     F
Albright, Madeleine Smith          09/20/1979     F
Allen, Iva Mae                     11/23/1979     F
Allen, Mercer Hale                 02/13/1979     M
Andrues, Clifton Cleo              10/20/1979     M
Angrim, Caudis T                   04/25/1979     M
Atchley, Ammie Whitworth           02/13/1979     F
Attaway, Lenner May                12/19/1979     F
Attlesey, Hamilton                 05/21/1979     M
Baber, Birdie Beatrice             03/09/1979     F
Baber, Charlie                     04/14/1979     F
Baber, John Lester                 01/08/1979     M
Bailey, Robert Virgil              02/07/1979     M
Ballard, Myrtle M                  08/19/1979     F
Barker, Bennie Frank               09/15/1979     M
Beal, Grover Cleveland             01/31/1979     M
Bell, Robert Whitfield             06/06/1979     M
Bellomy, Cleo Cecil                04/17/1979     M
Bennett, Everett Elijah            03/14/1979     M
Bennett, Odis Artemas              05/11/1979     M
Biggs, Rosie Henrietta             03/12/1979     F
Blair, Darwin Odell                10/19/1979     M
Blalock, Nora Eliza                07/23/1979     F
Boatright, Luther W                08/08/1979     M
Bowden, Ralph Mckinney             01/21/1979     M
Bowles, Florence Lillian           01/09/1979     F
Boyd, Joe Kent                     03/29/1979     M
Bradshaw, Ormon Monroe             01/04/1979     M
Braly, Mildred Pauline             01/13/1979     F
Brandon, Callie Nevada             10/20/1979     F
Brewer, Myrtle Lee                 02/14/1979     F
Brewer, Susie Maye                 11/28/1979     F
Brinson, Jake Leon                 01/27/1979     M
Brown, Herbert Bess JR             05/31/1979     M
Buchanan, Willie Mae               08/03/1979     F
Burford, John William              01/21/1979     M
Burleson, Nancy Lenore             01/17/1979     F
Byram, Willie A                    01/15/1979     M
Caldwell, Artis Columbus           06/30/1979     M
Calvert, Percia Mae                05/28/1979     F
Carson, Lavena Bernice             05/04/1979     F
Catlett, Gordon Lee                06/05/1979     M
Cave, Jefferson Provine            12/20/1979     M
Chandler, James Carlton            08/09/1979     M
Christenberry, Raymond Floyd       06/10/1979     M
Clower, Mary Ann                   11/11/1979     F
Cofer, Fred William                06/09/1979     M
Coker, Bud                         05/22/1979     M
Comer, James Lucious               02/12/1979     M
Corbitt, Margie H                  08/29/1979     F
Corley, Addie Lee                  04/17/1979     F
Cosper, Eliza Luella               06/20/1979     F
Coston, George E                   01/30/1979     M
Coston, Rubye Mae                  12/07/1979     F
Cotner, Robert Loyd                01/12/1979     M
Courtney, Hilton Winnel            05/22/1979     M
Dale, Jeffie                       09/05/1979     M
Davis, Bettie Bell                 06/22/1979     F
Davis, Ruby Louise                 09/06/1979     F
Dean, James Baber                  06/07/1979     M
Dean, James Henry                  01/24/1979     M
Denton, Ethel Delaney              08/28/1979     F
Derr, Hugh Henry                   05/31/1979     M
Derr, Roscoe Frank                 10/02/1979     M
Deuson, Lee Ander                  08/20/1979     M
Dickey, Alma Elizabeth             09/20/1979     F
Dimsdle, William Hubert            05/13/1979     M
Dodson, Sue Veryne                 07/31/1979     F
Donaldson, Jerome L                09/05/1979     M
Dowell, Thurman Alvis              12/08/1979     M
Edmoundson, Goldie Ellen           05/08/1979     F
Estoll, Latha Jene                 06/23/1979     F
Eubanks, Mary Della                12/19/1979     F
Evans, Dovie                       02/07/1979     F
Felton, Annie B                    05/02/1979     F
Figueroa, Santiago                 03/07/1979     M
Fos, Olivia Hernandez              01/27/1979     F
Frangenberg, Edward Joseph         02/04/1979     M
Fry, Luther Jarvis                 12/24/1979     M
Galyon, Iolanda Margret            12/31/1979     F
Gargus, Harvey Eaugene             08/04/1979     M
Gassaway, Tressie S                11/13/1979     F
Gearner, Olan J                    11/30/1979     M
Gilbreath, Elzie Andrew            11/05/1979     M
Goodwin, Guy William               05/20/1979     M
Goolsby, Emory C                   10/18/1979     M
Gore, Gary Wayne                   07/26/1979     M
Griffin, Everett Anthony           09/08/1979     M
Grimes, Hubert Raymond             07/12/1979     M
Haltom, Aubrey Bennie              10/31/1979     M
Harbin, Tommy Ozable               10/09/1979     F
Hargrove, Tommie Curtis            06/27/1979     M
Harper, Ruth Faye                  04/30/1979     F
Harris, Buddy Ananias              01/18/1979     M
Harris, Lucille                    04/09/1979     F
Harris, Noble                      12/04/1979     M
Harry, Lucy Lillie Jackson         11/29/1979     F
Hart, Devona                       02/02/1979     F
Hawkins, Silla C                   09/08/1979     F
Hays, Cole  JR                     03/27/1979     M
Hays, Cole  SR                     06/09/1979     M
Hearn, James Sidney                10/20/1979     M
Hibbitt, Carolyn Lee               08/28/1979     F
Hobbs, Horace Lester JR            02/07/1979     M
Holt, Eugenia Monteen              08/20/1979     F
Huffman, Lula Manda                04/29/1979     F
Hunter, Phyllis Mae                04/28/1979     F
Ingram, Winnie Ione                01/10/1979     F
Jackson, Carmen Mozelle            12/28/1979     F
Johnagin, Ozella                   06/24/1979     F
Johnson, Saron                     01/11/1979     M
Junior, James C                    04/01/1979     M
Kelley, Hester                     04/19/1979     F
Kendall, Joseph Frank              11/04/1979     M
Kestler, Flossie Jane              04/23/1979     F
Kindrick, Lesley Frances           09/20/1979     F
Kinkade, Nathan Davis              11/01/1979     M
Knight, Curtis Hugh                05/07/1979     M
Knight, Ernest Alton               02/22/1979     M
Krasowski, Bettie                  03/31/1979     F
Lee, Arthur Andrew                 05/27/1979     M
Lee, Johnny Rufus                  12/26/1979     M
Lee, Joseph Arthur                 12/27/1979     M
Lewis, Arizona Wright              07/03/1979     F
Lewis, Henry Clifton               06/21/1979     M
Lindley, Beatrice                  01/13/1979     F
Liner, Mazy                        01/15/1979     F
Lloyd, Charlie Lou                 03/01/1979     F
Lloyd, Claudia M                   02/16/1979     F
Low, Lynn Horton                   10/08/1979     F
Lupplace, Clarance Alexander       04/14/1979     M
Lynch, Harrison Clifford           04/28/1979     M
Lynch, Henry                       07/24/1979     M
Lynch, Olive Elizabeth             01/09/1979     F
Malone, Lorenzar                   11/15/1979     M
Martin, Minnie Ada                 12/15/1979     F
Mcbride, Oliver Curtis             09/25/1979     M
Mccollum, Charlie Dewey            04/12/1979     M
Mccreary, Billy Bob                09/11/1979     M
Mcgahee, Jewel                     11/19/1979     F
Mcgee, Dewey Sophronia             02/05/1979     F
Mcintosh, Elcy Elvira              04/30/1979     F
Mcleod, Jewel John                 12/16/1979     M
Mcwhorter, Myrtie Altea            08/18/1979     F
Miles, Bertha Louise               10/23/1979     F
Moore, Austin Travis               11/04/1979     M
Moore, William Floyd               09/24/1979     M
Moriarty, Henry Thomas             12/16/1979     M
Morris, O C                        01/04/1979     M
Moseley, Clora Belzora             12/26/1979     F
Moses, Katie Lee                   02/13/1979     F
Mullins, Jesse Grady               05/02/1979     M
Murphy, Barney Lee                 03/12/1979     M
Newcomb, Sterling Edwin            01/28/1979     M
Newman, Ellen Jane                 09/21/1979     F
Newton, Jimmy Joe                  05/13/1979     M
Nichols, Annie Lee                 05/13/1979     F
Nichols, Gertrude                  12/09/1979     F
Niell, Quimzy Adam                 07/10/1979     M
Norris, Mack Muttrey               12/19/1979     M
O'leary, Johanna Magdelin          08/30/1979     F
Overstreet, Amos Elic              03/15/1979     M
Parker, Rena Mae                   10/02/1979     F
Paschall, Belker Davenport JR      12/27/1979     M
Patrick, Elmer Garnett             05/13/1979     M
Patrick, Robert Marcus             10/19/1979     M
Payne, Mamie Harrison              05/18/1979     F
Payne, Virgil William              08/17/1979     M
Pearman, Paul Wilson               06/21/1979     M
Peckham, George Washington         04/13/1979     M
Petty, Hubert                      07/31/1979     M
Phillips, Leonard Clint            05/17/1979     M
Poore, Myrtle Vienna               12/27/1979     F
Power, Gladys Macon                08/07/1979     F
Prather, Mary Angeline             10/24/1979     F
Prestidge, Nolan Rufus             07/08/1979     M
Pritchett, Arnold E                12/10/1979     M
Pritchett, Clebert Ell             12/31/1979     M
Purdon, Jake                       05/22/1979     M
Ragland, Allison Huey              03/12/1979     M
Randall, Pink                      06/26/1979     M
Redding, James Perry               10/24/1979     M
Rice, Cecil L                      06/23/1979     M
Rice, Millie Josephene             10/19/1979     F
Richardson, Anne Elizabeth         03/30/1979     F
Ring, Virgie                       08/15/1979     F
Roberts, Arphenia                  10/22/1979     F
Robinson, Artemus                  12/24/1979     M
Robinson, Idas Euel                09/10/1979     M
Rogers, Jack Stinson               06/12/1979     M
Rogers, James Oscar                03/26/1979     M
Ross, Lois Mildred                 11/18/1979     F
Russell, Euel                      09/29/1979     M
Rutherford, Walter Lee             08/13/1979     M
Sanders, Lonnie Thomas             09/01/1979     M
Sanders, Roy Dewey                 04/01/1979     M
Sandifer, Jessie Irene             09/17/1979     F
Scherer, Dorothy Margaret          04/11/1979     F
Scott, Archie                      12/06/1979     M
Scott, Jesse Devaughn              03/27/1979     M
Scott, Lydia Rebecca               05/28/1979     F
Session, Armor N                   02/18/1979     M
Sheel, Edith Anthony               03/23/1979     F
Shipes, Ernest Lee                 10/06/1979     M
Shuler, Robert Eugene              02/14/1979     M
Shultz, Maud Isabel                08/13/1979     F
Simmons, Malcolm Laverne           05/13/1979     M
Slater, Richard Clifton            07/27/1979     M
Snodgrass, Pearl Lee               10/16/1979     F
Sparkman, Myrtle Daisy             07/16/1979     F
Speights, Laura Virginia           02/02/1979     F
Spillman, Viola Catherine          10/30/1979     F
Spradley, Carl Edward              03/09/1979     M
Stevens, Arvel Edgar               07/06/1979     M
Stokley, Flora Mabel               02/09/1979     F
Summers, Boyd Duane                11/16/1979     M
Talbert, Ruth                      12/29/1979     F
Tate, Paul Edward                  09/27/1979     M
Taylor, Charles Davis              04/05/1979     M
Taylor, Lettie Morel               08/22/1979     F
Terry, Della May                   10/12/1979     F
Thacker, Mellie Huff               07/02/1979     F
Thompson, Albert Chamberlain       03/17/1979     M
Thornhill, Leroy                   07/12/1979     M
Thrash, Rufus T                    08/02/1979     M
Trammell, William Lamoyne          12/18/1979     M
Turnage, Evelyn Ann                11/08/1979     F
Turner, Eula Pearl                 02/13/1979     F
Turner, Ola Whitehead              06/23/1979     F
Turner, Ollie Marzee               03/15/1979     F
Turner, William Harrison           12/15/1979     M
Vail, Bertha M                     11/10/1979     F
Vaughn, Ada Lois                   12/24/1979     F
Walker, Eula May                   12/08/1979     F
Wallace, Claude A                  06/29/1979     M
Wallace, Leslie Moore              01/10/1979     M
Watkins, Minnie Idella             01/02/1979     F
Weems, Larry Joe                   02/13/1979     M
West, John Durwood                 05/10/1979     M
White, Edward Thornton             09/03/1979     M
Wigginton, Clifton Green           01/03/1979     M
Wilcox, Luria Jane                 03/19/1979     F
Williams, Minnie Ella              07/21/1979     F
Williams, Pete                     05/07/1979     M
Williford, Edna Miller             05/25/1979     F
Winkle, Hiram Ted                  02/09/1979     M
Wolfe, Hugh Don                    08/24/1979     M
Wood, Marion T                     11/09/1979     M
Worsham, Robert Chester            04/17/1979     M
Wright, Clarabel                   06/26/1979     F
Wright, Ella                       12/16/1979     F
Wright, James Waller               12/08/1979     M